BIBLIOGRAPHY NIÑO M. TIBANGAY, October 2006. The Integration of...
NIÑO M. TIBANGAY, October 2006. The Integration of AutoCAD in
Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary Schools in Baguio City, Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet
Adviser: Dominador S. Garin, Ph.D.

The literature says that the most prominent reasons to use computers in
education are currently to develop a more productive work force, to prepare
students to live in an information-oriented society, and to promote their learning
and motivation. With these goals in mind, schools have increasingly acquired
computers to benefit their students.

Along this line, the study determined the effects of integrating AutoCAD in
the teaching of drafting to fourth year students using two sets of test, namely, text
and blueprint reading; the factors that affect the achievements of students such
as academic achievement, gender, and ownership of computer units for home
use; and the degree of acceptability of the students on the integration of
AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting.
Results show that students who use AutoCAD in their drafting lessons and
those students who use the traditional lecture method do not significantly differ
in their mean achievement scores on the text component in their drafting subject.
The variations of achievement scores of both groups are almost equal. Those

using AutoCAD in their drafting lessons have significantly higher mean
achievement scores on visual aptitude test and have lower variability in scores
than those who did not avail of AutoCAD.
The mean achievement scores of the high, average and the low achievers
significantly differ. The high achievers have obtained a mean achievement score
of 89.47, which is significantly higher than the 84.71 of the average achievers
and 79.37 of low achievers. Moreover, as the academic achievement level
decreases, the variability of scores of students increases.
Among the students who use AutoCAD, those with computer units at
home have significantly higher mean achievement scores than those without
computer units. The students with computer units at home obtain a mean
achievement score of 86.20, and those without computer at home obtain 82.84
Based on gender, the students with AutoCAD integration do not
significantly differ in their mean scores. The boys obtain an average of
83.02, and the girls, 84.27 percent. The males have a slightly higher variability in
their scores compared to females.
Overall, the students accept the integration of AutoCAD in the teaching of




Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Background of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Objectives of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Importance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Scope and Delimitation of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Computer Assisted Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Visual Aptitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Students’ Academic Achievement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Ownership Family of a Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Gender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Conceptual Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Definition of terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Hypothesis of the study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Locale and Time of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

The Respondents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Research Method and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Analysis of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Text Component of Drafting Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Visual Aptitude Component
of the Drafting Test . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Achievement Score of Students
Using AutoCAD Integration in
Drafting Categorized According
to Students’ Achievement Levels
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Achievement Score of Students Using
AutoCAD Integration in Drafting
Categorized According to Whether or
not they have Computer at Home . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 52

Achievement Score of Students Using
AutoCAD Integration in Drafting
Categorized According to Gender . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 55

Degree of Acceptability of AutoCAD
in the Teaching of Drafting . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . 58


Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

A. Test Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

B. Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

C. Drawing plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115


Background of the Study
The advent of information and communication technology in
teaching and learning has witnessed a proliferation of research at all
levels of education and training. Although there are issues surrounding the
emergence of computer technology as a new medium in educational
approach, similar promises and concerns have accompanied each new
wave of media technology over the course of the past century such as the
films in the early 1900s, radio in the 1920s, and television in the 1940s.
Each of these earlier technologies gave rise to proponents who advertised
the educational benefits of the new technologies and to opponents who
voiced fears that technology often leads to superficial student work.
Opponents also believed that these computers will not make classes
interesting; instead, they increase the sense of isolation of the students.
In general, technology offers many tools that support teachers and
students in the classroom. Tools once considered uncommon, such as
calculators, are now as commonplace as pencils in the classroom. Most
educators believe that other technologies, including computer technology,
will be as common for all teachers and their students. According to Bagley
and Hunter (1992), students become empowered and spend more time in

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

active construction of knowledge when using technology. The technology
provides more resources for students to use in problem solving, thinking
and reflecting. Students spend more time collaborating with other students
and communicating with teachers when developing technology projects.
Computers can range from entertainment to educational ones. Computer
animation, for instance, has found its way into many fields such as
architecture, engineering, education, entertainment and scientific
visualization and other areas of knowledge in life. Obviously, computers
are the shiny new toys of the education world. If they are used properly,
computers are more efficient, they save time, and they allow people to do
things that they never could have imagined. Just as computers are
integrated throughout society, computers should also be integrated
throughout the curriculum. Technology is seen as a means of mechanizing
or automating the process of teaching with devices that transmit, amplify,
distribute, record and reproduce stimuli materials, and thus increase the
teacher's impact as well as widen the potential audience (Davies, 1978).
Many research studies have been conducted to confirm that using
computer for teaching purposes is better than using a book, a film or some
other traditional method. As cited by Pisapia, Schlesinger and Parks

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

(1993), studies that have been accumulated for over 30 years show
evidence that using computer-based technologies in instruction is effective
since it appears to have a consistent positive effect on students’
achievement. Pisapia and Perlman (1992) found in a meta analysis of
184 studies of learning technologies that, on the average, a student using
Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) and performing at the 50th percentile
will perform at the 62nd percentile on the standard normal curve.
In a summary of researches made by Cotton (1991), a well-
designed and implemented tutorial CAI used as a supplement to
traditional instruction produces an educationally significant improvement in
students’ final examination achievement. Findings of the previous
researches might have convinced most educators to believe that
integrating the use of the computer in teaching could entertain and
educate even the most bored students. Moreover, computer could
succeed where weak teachers and old textbooks fail. In the Philippines,
educational technologists are clearly describing what students and
teachers should know and be able to do with technology. Educators are
now advocating the integration of computer skills into the content areas.
Many Filipino educators are convinced that integrating the use of
computer in teaching is an essential piece of a new type of instructional
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

aid, which can drive a shift from a traditional instructional approach toward
a more diverse set of learning activities.
Recent years have seen similar ambitious computerization efforts in
schools elsewhere in the world. In the Philippine education, a total of
1,222 public schools out of 4,202 public schools nationwide were
recipients of computer units from school year 1998-1999 and 1999-2000.
The funding requirements for the implementation of the 1999 and 2000
Department of Education Computerization Program are provided for in the
1999 and 2000 General Appropriations Act. According to Department of
Education’s budget proposal for school year 2005-2006, the
computerization program, which will ensure the provision of computers to
all public schools, costs 260 million pesos. The availability of various
types of software in the market like Computer-Based Instruction (CBI), an
educational methodology, which uses multi-media to aid the user to learn,
understand, and implement what has been learned, makes learning fun.
Another is the Computer-Assisted Instruction, which is the most popular
term used to describe the use of computers for instruction that includes
drill and practice, tutorial, simulation, computer-managed instruction, and
problem solving. Educational programs often employ more than one of
these techniques.
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

In the Cordillera, despite the general excitement about the use of
computer as an instructional tool, there exists very little evidence of the
impact of computers on educational outcomes. Studies conducted in the
First World countries for both elementary and high school regarding the
use of ICT showed that the single best-supported finding is the use of CAI
as a supplement for traditional teacher-directed instruction which
produced achievement effects superior to those obtained with traditional
teacher- directed instruction alone. Capper and Copple (1985) found that
computer-assisted instruction users sometimes learn as much as 40
percent faster than those receiving traditional, teacher-directed instruction.
Computers are rapidly established in learning institutions. In the
secondary schools in the City of Baguio, the office of Congressman
Mauricio G. Domogan distributed 300 computer units for instruction.
These computers have been perceived as a solution to the major
difficulties that confront education. However, the development of good
learning material of any type undergoes several processes. The
improvement of a learning material demands competent people who know
what they are doing. Learning material must be carefully evaluated and
improved by educators to come up with an effective learning intervention.

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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

As found by Moursund (1995), as cited by Eisenberg and Johnson
(2002), teachers and students used computers only as the equivalent of
expensive flash cards, electronic worksheets, or as little more than a
typewriter. The productivity side of computer use in the general content
area curriculum is neglected or grossly underdeveloped. Teachers
teaching computer might not be able to use computer effectively. Brief
workshops are entirely inadequate for producing an adequate number of
teachers who understand the educational uses of computers.
In addition, Becker (2000) found that the most valuable software for
vocational education is AutoCAD, an industry standard software for
computer-aided drafting and design.

This research is considered an addition to other researches in the
field of teaching and learning. The foregoing information has given the
researcher ideas about promoting individual success and improving
students’ scholastic achievement and has given him an insight into the
integration of AutoCAD in teaching drafting in the secondary level. The
CAD program, which is a new experience for the students, allows them to
try new ways of using the new software and to prepare them in a way that
suits the society in which they live. It is for this reason that the researcher
conducted this study.
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Statement of the Problem

The study looked into the effects of integrating AutoCAD in the
teaching of drafting on the achievement of fourth year students at PCNHS-
Bonifacio Annex school year 2005-2006.
Specifically, the research aimed to answer the following questions:
1. What is the difference of the achievement scores of the
experimental group (using AutoCAD) and those of the control group?
2 What is the difference in the mean achievement scores of the
high, average and low achieving students in their achievement with the
3. What is the difference in the achievement scores of the students
using AutoCAD?
4. What is the students’ degree of acceptability of integrating
AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting?

Objectives of the Study

The study intended:

1. To compare the difference of the achievement scores of the
experimental group (using AutoCAD) and those of the control group in the
following test types:

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

a. Text
b. Visual aptitude along two and three dimensional objects
2. To determine the difference in the mean achievement scores of
the high; average; and low-achieving students in the use of AutoCAD.
3. To determine the difference in the achievement scores of
students using AutoCAD considering the following factors:

a. Ownership of family of a personal computer
b. Gender
4. To determine the students’ degree of acceptability of integrating
AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting.

Importance of the Study
The idea of using computers is particularly attractive in urban public
schools and in rural public schools where the number of qualified teachers
is limited and the quality of existing teachers is notoriously poor.
Computers have the potential to directly improve learning and indirectly
increase attendance by making schoolwork more attractive.

Researches in the field of computers in education tend to show a
positive relationship between computer use and learning. Cotton (1991)
conducted a research that covered a wide range of topics, from
computerized learning activities, which supplement conventional
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

instruction, to computer programming, to computerized record keeping, to
the development of databases, to writing using word processors, and
other applications. It was found in the above research that the single best-
supported finding in the research is that the use of CAI as a supplement to
traditional teacher-directed instruction produces superior achievement
effects than those obtained with traditional instructions alone. On the other
hand, since 1990 many researchers have found no significant difference
between CAI and traditional methods. Angrist and Lavy (2002) evaluated
a computer-assisted learning program in Israeli schools with disappointing
results. Among the fourth and eighth grade students evaluated with math
and Hebrew exams, the data show no benefits for computer assisted
instruction and provide some evidences that children who received such
instruction were actually at a disadvantage. Tjaden and Martin (1995)
found no significant difference between CAI and traditional methods
among college students. Besides, Linn (1997) found similar results among
seventh grade students.

There were inconclusive findings among researchers and there
were no evidence on the impact of computers on educational outcomes
and no reliable evidence for the developing countries. Hence, there is a
need to conduct this study to confirm the above findings. With this, the
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

study will add literature to the frontier of knowledge relative to utilization of
computer in enhancing learning.

Moreover, further study will also be needed to continue evaluating
the influences of computers as computers and software programs change
rapidly. The findings of the study can lead to finding out implications for
the field of education.

Findings in this research will offer school principals, school heads
and teachers the importance, contribution or the positive roles of
integrating computer as an aid in the teaching of drafting in the secondary
level. The research will also provide information to school principals, as
educational decision-makers, for policy implication vis-à-vis the fiscal
challenges of maintaining and expanding the computerization and
modernization of the schools.
The study is also important to the teachers. The findings can
provide them with information on instruction in general and special
education in the classroom; and on the benefits or advantages that can be
derived when integrating the use of computer in the teaching of drafting.
Besides, the findings can guide the teachers in utilizing the computer as
an aid in teaching. Shashaani (1993), Weil, Rosen and Wugalter (1990)
suggested that educators have an important role as models when
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

technology is involved. Negative attitude of teachers towards ICT and lack
of technical ICT competence could impact negatively on a child’s
perceptions of ICT and can be predictive of later technological discomfort
(Weil et al., 1990).
The study focuses much on the students’ welfare/concern. The
findings in the study can be a basis in improving the achievements of the
students. The study can provide design for a new method that seeks to
improve scholastic achievement and later to promote individual success
by focusing on fundamental elements that affect the development of
students’ spatial ability. Further, the integration of the AutoCAD into the
content/subject will help students learn to apply computer skills in
meaningful ways, which they will apply to further their careers as they face
the modern world.
Finally, this study on the acceptability of integrating the use of
AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting in the secondary level will give
information to teachers teaching drawing. Determining the strength of
using AutoCAD will lead to the enhancement and realization of the
objectives of drafting as one of the subjects in technology and livelihood

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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The study was focused on the effects of integrating AutoCAD in the
teaching of drafting on the achievement of fourth year students at PCNHS-
Bonifacio Annex school year 2005-2006.
The research sample was limited to two sections of the fourth year
high school. The students were grouped into classes in such a way that
the extraneous variables such as age, time, economic status, and ethnic
groups were minimized.
One class, the experimental group, was exposed to both traditional
and the AutoCAD, and the second group, only to the traditional or non-
AutoCAD. The experimental period started during the third grading
(second week of November) and it was concluded during the end of the
fourth grading period (second week of March).
Drafting I, which is intended for third year students, was offered to
the fourth year instead of drafting II since the class took up agriculture
education when they were in the third year. Based on the Philippine
Secondary School Learning Competencies (PSSLC), for drafting I, which
was implemented last school year 1999 to present, chapter II deals with
orthographic drawing, chapter III deals with pictorial drawing and chapter
IV deals with commercial arts. However, the industrial arts teachers of
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

PCHNS, with the consent of the department head and with the approval of
the division supervisor, revised the arrangement of the topics; thus,
chapter IV will be taught during the second grading period and chapter II
and III will be taught on the third and fourth grading period respectively.
These are the topics that are covered under this study. Specifically, the
topics are geometrical figures, and orthographic drawing (2 dimensional),
isometric, oblique and perspective drawing (3 dimensional).

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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Computer Assisted Instruction

Findings from studies indicated that using CAI is a better form of
teaching than relying alone on traditional teacher instruction. As found by
Stone III (1996), a significant difference was demonstrated in favor of the
students who used computer-assisted instruction. The results indicated
that the reading, vocabulary, spelling and math problem solving
achievement scores of this experimental group had better adjusted mean
scores in comparison to the traditional instruction students. Consistent
with these findings, Fletcher-Flinn and Gravatt (1995) conducted a meta-
analysis on the efficacy of CAI and found that during the posttest, the
experimental group students had a higher mean achievement score than
the comparison group. The researchers concluded that attitudes toward
computers will change over time as people become more familiar with
them and use them more frequently. Further, they concluded that
computers can be an asset to teachers since a computer has more
patience than a teacher will. The foregoing finding is confirmed by Linden,
Banerjee, and Duflo (2003), who established that the use of computer-
assisted learning can improve the achievement of students as shown by
the average scores on a 50-point math test, which rose from 14.9 to 29.0
in the treatment group but only from 15.5 to 25.0 in the control group.
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

They concluded that the increase in the students’ achievement was due to
the selection of competencies reinforced by the software. However,
language test scores showed no effect from the intervention since the
computer games that the children played focused exclusively on math

Similar to the above findings, Capper and Copple (1985), Kulik,
Kulik, and Bangert-Drowns (1985), Rodriguez and Rodriguez (1986) and
Roblyer et al. (1988), who compared the effectiveness of CAI in different
curricular areas, came up with the findings that CAI activities are most
effective in the areas of science and foreign languages, followed in
descending order of effectiveness by activities in mathematics, reading,
language arts, and English as a Second Language. CAI activities in ESL
were found to be largely ineffective. Likewise, Chao, Cannamo and
Bruanlich (1996) conducted a research on the effects of graphics in
computer-assisted instruction for teaching rules and found that the
students who used the animated CAI program retained and recalled
information better than the students who used the text-only program. The
researchers concluded that the animated graphics illustrated the ideas of
the text more clearly and efficiently. This study confirmed that the attitudes
of the students who used the CAI program with animation were more
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

favorable than the students who used the CAI text program. The authors
suggest that more studies utilizing CAI should be conducted with second
language learners. Fredenberg (1993) also found little statistically
significant change in student attitudes and anxiety, and no statistically
significant change in achievement. Students receiving supplemental
computer labs performed as well as students who received additional

In a study conducted by Spotts and Dwyer (1996) on the effect of
computer-generated animation on student achievement of different types
of educational objectives, the results were not significant enough to show
a difference between the computer animation group and the programmed
textbook. Thus, the authors concluded that effective learning is achieved
by certain objectives and each objective must be defined by the computer
programmer. They conceptualized that animation can be disadvantageous
to the learning process if too much visual stimulation is used.

On the other hand, Angrist and Lavy (2002) found that a computer-
assisted learning program in Israeli schools had disappointing results.
Among the fourth and eighth grade students evaluated with math and
Hebrew exams, the data show no benefits for computer-assisted
instruction and provide some evidence that children who received such
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

instruction are actually at a disadvantage. To obtain maximum
effectiveness of the use of CAI, Lee (1993) suggested the following
guidelines for designing guided-exploration learning such as the use of
AutoCAD, as follows: (a) familiarizing students with hardware and menu
structure, (b) introducing important system concepts and terminology, (c)
using demonstrations to present the changes of the process, (d) providing
explanations into key actions, (e) avoiding the use of vague words or
command names, (f) bridging the gap between prior learning and new
knowledge, (g) indirectly stimulating hands-on practice, (h) getting
students involved as decision makers, (i) transforming curiosity to
activities, and (j) providing three types of on-line help, procedural,
conceptual, and contextual help. AutoCAD experts also suggest that the
teachers’ lecturing and demonstrating the effects of commands and
students' engagement of hands-on practice exercises and real-world
applications facilitate learning.

Visual Aptitude

Integrating the use of computer in teaching enables researchers to
address the basic question of whether there is some advantage over
traditional method alone on the visual aptitude of the students. For
instance, McClurg (1992), as written by Osberg (1997) in a column entitled
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

“The Computer-Based Learning Environment”, found that the skill level of
all children who worked with the spatial processing software programs as
an enhancement to their spatial processing ability had been enhanced
beyond the levels achieved by children who did not work with the problem-
solving software. Likewise, Lord (1987), as cited by Hays (1996), found
that three-dimensional moving objects provide high understanding for
lower spatial ability people due to the visual assistance provided. Thus,
computer animation provides visualization, which assists in representing
concepts. Consistent with this finding, Hays (1996) conducted a research
on spatial abilities and the effects of computer animation on short-term
and long-term comprehension and came up with evidence that the visual
assistance of computer animation is an effective method of instruction.
Results showed that the high-spatial ability students were able to utilize
their visualization skills, which resulted in long-term memory. The author
concluded that animation is best used in instructional settings where
visualization is needed for the learner, and is effective for learners who
lack visualization skills. The author further concluded that it is also
possible that the animation could have enhanced the skills of the high-
spatial ability group, and thus have led to high scores. The author thus
posited that the use of computer technology is an excellent method of
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

tailored instruction depending on the level of the student. Finally, the
author concluded that the enhancement of animation and quality
resolution will continue to provide a resource for learning. Moreover,
Baenninger and Newcombe (1989), as cited by Robichaux (2000), found a
reliable relationship between spatial activity participation and spatial
ability. The more a subject had participated in spatial activities (playing
with blocks, participating in certain sports, drawing in three-dimensions,
and others) the higher is his/her spatial visualization test score. Besides,
Burnett and Lane (1980), Dixon (1997), Ferrini-Mundy (1987), Rhoades
(1981), who conducted similar studies, found that one’s spatial
visualization can be improved through appropriate classroom instruction
and teacher-monitored activities. Such instruction might occur in
mathematics courses that lend themselves to visual modes of instruction
as in geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. Consistent with the foregoing
findings, Okagaki and Frensch (1994) found that people who played visual
games improved their scores of visual spatial tests. Likewise, Nugent
(1982), and Mayer and Anderson (1991-92), as cited by Marsh II,
suggested that one of the promising applications of multimedia is the
effect of multisensory learning or multisource stimulation. Students who
get verbal and graphical/visual information achieve more than students
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

who receive only verbal presentation. The researchers believed that any
combination of multimedia (text and audio, text and picture) is superior to
any single channel presentation. Levie and Lentz (1982) came up with the
same findings: that even static materials, such as text with pictures, are
more effective than text without pictures, and unrelated graphics do not
provide a learning advantage.

On the other hand, Newcombe, Bandura and Taylor (1983)
theorized that boys are better in terms of spatial ability because, as
children, young girls are more likely to involve themselves in female sex-
type activity such as cooking and playing with dolls, while young boys are
more likely to engage in male sex-typed activities that provide three-
dimensional experience.

Students’ Academic Level
Hasselbring (1984); Bangert-Drowns (1985); Kulik and Kulik (1987);
Okey (1985); Stennet (1985); Bracey (1987); Ehman and Glen (1987);
Swan, Guerrero, and Mitrani (1989); and Becker (1990) came up with the
same findings that CAI is more effective with lower-achieving students
than with higher-achieving ones. Although both lower-achieving and
higher-achieving students benefited from CAI, comparatively greater
benefits were experienced by lower-achieving students. On the contrary,
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Pogrow (1987) believed that simply using software, word processors or
the computer as a general tool primarily benefits high-performing students
who have already internalized procedures for generalizing and linking
ideas. In the case of at-risk students, techniques need to be developed to
promote internalization of key basic thinking processes before they can
benefit measurably from sophisticated applications integrated into content.
On the other hand, Roblyer (1989) provided evidence that there is
no statistically significant evidence on the relationship between student
ability level and the effectiveness of computer-based applications.

Ownership of Family of a Micro-computer
Martin (1973), Edwards et al. (1975), Bangert-Drowns (1985), Kulik
and Kulik (1987), Okey (1985), Roblyer (1988), and Kinnaman (1990)
noted that computer-assisted instruction confers greater benefits on
economically disadvantaged students than those from more privileged
backgrounds. Besides, students who belong to the lower socioeconomic
status benefit greatly from opportunities to interact privately with CAI drill-
and-practice and tutorial programs. Consistent with the foregoing findings,
Pladio (2001) found that students whose families own computer have
higher computer proficiency. Subrahmanyam, Kraut, Greenfield, and
Gross (2000) also provided evidence that there is an effect of home
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

computer use on children’s physical, cognitive, and social development,
focusing primarily on studies related to use of video games and the
internet. The authors found that home computer use is linked to slightly
better academic performance and has no negative impact on children’s
friendships and family relationships.

Much research has documented the existence of a gap between
boys and girls in technology. Inkpen et al. (1994) observed girls and boys
playing computer games at an interactive science museum and found that
computer game played a major role in the boys’ lives but was merely a
passing interest for the girls. Related to those findings, Ward (1999)
reported that boys seem to be more attracted to computers and playing on
the computer than girls among the urban African American, and Hispanic
populations. According to Healy (1999), author of “Failure to Connect,”
gender gap exists, although it may be getting better because the author
believes that girls may have different interests than what fascinates boys
in video games. Further, the author believes that given the way computers
are used in schools and at home, coupled with whatever is not known
about the way computers affect kids’ minds, girls are maybe better.
Conversely, Brunner (1999) found that there is a technology gap in the
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

middle elementary school. The author reported that there is remarkably
consistent difference in the way boys and girls think about technology.
Three different aspects seen by the author in the early grades are: the
ways in which these young people feel about technology, what they
imagine about technology, and the kinds of objects they invent when they
think about technologies.
In terms of gender differences in spatial skills, Newcombe, Bandura
and Taylor (1983) theorized that boys are better in terms of spatial ability
because, as children, young girls are more likely to involve themselves in
female sex type activity such as cooking and playing with dolls. Young
boys are more likely to engage in male sex typed activities that provide
three-dimensional experience. A meta-analysis of 82 studies of computer-
based education conducted by Roblyer et al. (1988) provided evidence
that CAI effects differences slightly that favor boys over girls; however, the
differences are falling short of statistical significance. Furthermore, Bibl
and Lai (2001) found that the ability to transform two-dimensional (2D)
objects into three-dimensional (3D) objects and the ability to judge the
relations of objects in space, to judge shapes and sizes, to mentally
manipulate objects, to visualize the effects of putting objects together, and
to mentally turn objects over or around is considered male sex typed,
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

which causes women to receive less training and experience in these
areas. Similar to this finding, Subrahmanyam and Greenfield (1998) found
that girls exhibit generally poorer spatial skills that their male counterparts
when playing video games. The researchers provided evidence that
increased video game practice led to improvement of spatial skills,
especially for children who began the study with lower-than-average
spatial skills. In contrast, Levy (1976) provided evidence that spatial ability
may not be biologically gender specific, but may be more related to factors
such as hormonal levels or spatial experience. In addition to the above
findings, Linden, Banerjee, and Duflo (2003) found that boys and girls
seemed to benefit equally in the use of CAI as shown by 0.38 versus 0.37
standard deviations.

Conceptual Framework

The educational use of computer is growing due to the belief that
using it for teaching purposes is better than using a book, a film or some
other traditional method. This statement, which implies that using a
microcomputer as an aid in instruction can greatly affect/improve the
achievement of the students, is in line with the conclusion drawn by Dalton
and Hannafan (1988) in their study on the effect of using computer-
assisted instruction that while both traditional and computer-based
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

delivery systems have valuable roles in supporting instruction, they are of
greatest value when complementing one another. This conclusion is
further supported by the finding of a group of researchers such as Kulik,
Chen-Lin, and Kulik (1991), Roblyer et al. (1988), Swan, Guerrero, and
Mitrani (1989) that computer use can range from entertainment to practical
and educational ones. Computer animation, for instance, has found its
way into many fields including advertising, archeology, architect,
entertainment, simulations, education, to name a few. Computer animation
can be used to make very exciting lesson and develop fun videos
incorporated in education. It is more interesting to learn math, for example,
when the letters are nice and colorful and flying around the screen instead
of solving problems on plain black and white paper (Diab, Habbal, and
Damaj, 2001). Linden, Banerjee, and Dulfo (2003) likewise found that
reinforcing through computer-assisted learning very significantly affected
students’ achievement. The authors concluded that the substantial
improvement on the scores of the experimental group is due to the
integration of the software (learning material). In this study, it is presumed
that students who will be using the computer to manipulate the objects
using the computer will have an advantage over the controlled group
because the students who will use the computer can rotate the object in
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

different angle, thus they can view the different surfaces of the object. On
the other hand, the students who will not use the computer to study the
object will use a lot of their imagination or their spatial ability to configure
the object being illustrated to them. Hays (1996) found that the visual
assistance of computer animation is an effective method of instruction.
McClurg (1992) also found that the skill level of all children who worked
with spatial processing software programs as an enhancement to their
spatial processing had been enhanced beyond the levels achieved by
children who did not work with problem solving software. For instance,
Newcombe, Bandura and Taylor (1983) theorized that boys are better in
terms of spatial ability because, as children, young girls are more likely to
involve themselves in female sex-type activities such as cooking and
playing with dolls. Young boys are more likely to engage in male sex-type
activities that provide three-dimensional experience.
The study also deals with the factors that will affect the students’
achievement scores. It is assumed that the achievement test scores of the
students will differ because they belong to different academic statuses.
Some of them belong to a high, average or low-achieving status. This
theory is supported by the finding of Ehman and Glen (1987) that
computer-assisted instruction is more effective with lower-achieving
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

students than with higher-achieving students. Nevertheless, both lower-
and higher-achieving students benefited from computer-assisted
instruction. Another factor that was considered in the study was the
ownership of a personal computer of the family. The availability of
personal computer of students might have an effect on the students’
achievement. The students who have personal computer might show
better performance than those students who have no personal computer.
In contrast, Bangert-Drawns et al. (1985) and Becker (2000) noted that
computer-assisted instruction brings greater benefits to economically-
disadvantaged students than those from more privileged background.
Those students who belong to the lower economic status also benefited
greatly from opportunities to interact privately with computer-assisted
instruction drill and practice and tutorial programs. Besides, sex/gender of
students has been considered in this study. The gender of the students
was considered in the study because sex might affect the students’
achievement due to differences in the line of interest of the students. The
meta-analysis of Sutton (1991) revealed that there are gender differences
regarding attitudes, achievement, and computer access: boys tend to be
more positive than girls in their attitudes toward computers. However,
differences concerning achievement appeared smaller. The assumption is
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

supported by the finding of Roblyer et al. (1988) that the effect of
computer-based education slightly favors boys over girls. In addition,
Culley (1993) found that computer games have provided a significant
impetus for many boys to become more acquainted with computers and
with programming in particular. It follows that young people who play
computer games are more likely to study computer science and enter
computer-related careers.
Finally, the degree of acceptability on the integration of AutoCAD
was also considered in the study. It is assumed that there is a positive
response of the students to the inclusion of AutoCAD since the activity in
the study deals more on lines and objects construction; the program is
believed to be of great help to the students when doing their activities in
drawing. As found by Bialo and Sivin (1990), Braun (1990), Lawton and
Gerschner (1982), Mokros and Tinker (1987), Rupe (1986), and Wepner
(1990), students say they like working with computers because computers
build proficiency in computer use, which will be valuable later in life,
eliminate the drudgery of doing certain learning activities by hand like
drawing graphs, make it possible to experiment with different options and
give fun and entertainment.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

In summary, Figure 1 shows the interrelationship of the variables of
the study. The independent variables include the type of test, grouping of
students in terms of academic achievement, gender, ownership of
computer and the indicators of acceptability. The dependent variables
include the achievement of students, and the degree of acceptance of
students in using AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting. In general, teachers
use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice.
Further, they implement curriculum plans that include methods and
strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Educators
use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the
diverse needs of students. Besides, teachers apply technology to develop
in students' a higher order of skills and creativity.

Definition of Terms
To provide a common frame of reference for easy understanding,
the following are defined as they are used in the study:
Integration refers to the inclusion/inculcation of AutoCAD program
as an intervention in teaching of drafting.
AutoCAD is computer software which is used in generating

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Relationship of the Variables


Scores of Students
A. Type of Test

. High
. Text

. Average
. Visual Aptitude

. Low

B. Academic Achievement

Degree of
C. Gender
Acceptance of

D. Ownership of Computer

E. Indicators of Acceptability

Figure 1. Paradigm in the relationship of variables in the study

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Teaching refers to the method of transferring knowledge and skills
by a teacher to a learner.
Drafting refers to the art of generating pictures and design.
Achievement scores refer to the scores obtained by the students
after the experimental period. Grades ranging from 90 to 100 are
classified high, 80 to 89, average; and 79 and below, low.
Experimental group refers to the students who avail of the
AutoCAD integration in the teaching of drafting. On the other hand,
control group refers to the students who do not avail of the AutoCAD
integration in the teaching of drafting.
Level of academic achievement refers to the average grade
obtained by the student during the academic yea-. Average grades of 90-
100 indicate that the student is a high-achiever; 80-89, average-achiever;
and 79 and below, low-achiever.
Test types refer to the two kinds of test that were used to evaluate
the achievement scores of both experimental and control groups. The test
types that are referred to are the text and spatial comprehension. Text is
purely information in nature, while the spatial comprehension is a non-
verbal test which deals with mechanical imagination of the students.
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Factors refer to variables that can affect the achievement scores of
the students. They include gender and ownership of family of a computer
Acceptability refers to the degree of perception of the students of
whether the enumerated indicators of acceptability of the integration of
AutoCAD in teaching drawing is highly accepted, accepted, moderately
accepted, uncertain, or not accepted by the students. Highly accepted
means that the respondents absolutely agree with the statement;
accepted, that they agree 85 percent of the indicator; accepted, they
agree 75 percent of the statement; uncertain, they have no idea whether
to accept or reject the statement; and not accepted, they do not agree with
the indicator or statement.

Hypotheses of the Study

In line with the problem, the following hypotheses were put forward
for testing:
1. There is significant difference on the achievement scores of the
experimental group (using AutoCAD) compare with that of the control
group in the following test types:
a. Text
b. Visual aptitude (2 and 3 dimensional object)
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

2. There is significant difference in the achievement scores of the
high, average, and low achieving students in their achievement to the
3. The specific factors such as ownership or non-ownership of
computer units, and gender significantly affect the achievements of
4. There is a significant difference on the degree of acceptability of
the students in integrating the AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting by the
students to moderately accepted.

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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted at Pines City National High School,
Bonifacio Annex, which is located between Bokawkan road and Guisad
road, Baguio City. The said annex is the biggest annex in terms of
population among the six annexes of PCNHS. There are two computer
rooms, each of which contains 22 computer units. There is a total of 44
computer units. AutoCAD program was installed only to the 22 computer
units that were used by the experimental group. The experimental period
started during the third grading and ended during the fourth grading
period. The posttest was conducted on the third week of March 2006.

The Respondents
The four sections of the fourth year high school at PCNHS-
Bonifacio Annex has a total population of 213. The experimental group
consisted of 111 students. Twenty-four males and 31 females, or a total of
55 students, consisted the sample. This sample was representative of the
whole population with respect to sex, family background and academic
standing (Table 1). Sections IV-A and D, which represented the
experimental group, were exposed to both traditional and the AutoCAD,

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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006



Figure 2. Map of Baguio City

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Table 1. Population and samples of the study
IV - A
IV - D
Total 111
IV - B
IV - C
Total 102

and sections IV-B and C, which represented the control group, were
exposed only to the traditional or non-AutoCAD. The subjects were
randomly selected.

Research Method and Design

The causal-comparative method of research was utilized in this
study. The randomized-control group posttest design was adopted utilizing
two intact groups of students. The experimental integrated AutoCAD in its
lessons, and the control group used the traditional method (Figure 3). The
students were grouped by section. This method of grouping the class was
believed to be the most effective since each group was heterogeneous.
Sections IV-A and D composed the experimental group, and Sections IV-B
and C, the control group. An achievement test was administered to the
experimental and control groups at the end of the school year. This was
after the orthographic and pictorial drawing had been taught to both
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

experimental and control groups. Further, the questionnaire was given to
the students after the conduct of the written achievement test. The use of
AutoCAD was integrated in teaching of drafting to the experimental group.
On the other hand, only the traditional method or non-use of AutoCAD
was applied to the control group. In the teaching of drafting in the
experimental group, the AutoCAD was integrated during the computer
activity. Conversely, PowerPoint presentation was taught to the control
group during its computer activity. At the end of the school year, the
achievement test was administered to all fourth year students. The answer
sheets of the samples from the control and the experimental groups were
separated/selected for checking. In the same manner, the questionnaire
that was filled in by the samples from the experimental group was
separated after it was collected from the students. All examinations were
conducted in the morning. The questionnaire was given to the
experimental group the following day.

Er X T

where: E – experimental
r – random .


C – control group
T2 – posttest




Figure 3. Experimental design used in the study

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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Two different methods were used to answer the research
questions: the first instruments used was the test questions, and second,
the written questionnaires. The test question was the main instrument in
gathering the data on the achievement scores of the students. There were
two test forms. The first part of the test was a simple recall, which was
purely on text. The second part of the test was a blueprint reading, which
was composed of orthographic and pictorial drawings. The tasks on this
part of the test were figural, not verbal or mathematical. The only text
included in the test were the instructions for how the various types of items
can be solved or answered. The test under the orthographic drawing was
created or drawn by the researcher using the AutoCAD program. On the
other hand, the three-dimensional (3D) was based/patterned on the
sample of the computerized Spatial Test Battery (STB) items assessment
of visual-spatial ability, which was developed by researchers at the Johns
Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth. The instrument was pre-
tested at the Pines City National High School-Quezon Hill Annex. The
split-half method was used to determine the internal consistency or
reliability of the one-time testing design. Further, the test, which was
developed by the researcher along with selected collaborating teachers,
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

used a table of specifications to ensure that the instrument had content
validity. The number of minutes to answer the test was also observed
during the pre-testing of the test instruments. The academic standing
(general average grade) of the students was obtained from their
respective class advisers. Lastly, a questionnaire was administered to the
experimental group in order to determine their gender, and whether or not
a student has a computer at home. Moreover, to determine the degree of
acceptability of the use of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting, the six
questions (indicators) were rated by the students based on the Likert scale
model. The students responded on a 5-point answering format: highly
accepted, accepted, moderately accepted, uncertain, not accepted.

Data Analysis
The achievement scores and other needed data were recorded
after the achievement test in drafting and the questionnaire was
administered. The data were analyzed and were given statistical values.
The 5-percent level of significance was used as a critical point for the
acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses.
The descriptive statistics used in this study were the scores in the
percentages of the students, the mean scores for every specified group,
and the standard deviation for each group.
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For the inferential test, the T-test was used to test the difference of
the achievement scores of the students when they were classified into two
groups such as the experimental group versus control group, whether or
not the students have computer units at home, sex/gender, and the
degree of acceptability of integrating AutoCAD in teaching drafting. On the
other hand, the F-test using the one-way-analysis of variance was used to
test the difference on the achievement scores of the students when they
were grouped according to academic standing (general average grade).

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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


This part of the study presents the data in tabulated form in
accordance with the specific problems and objectives of the study. The
study on the integration of AutoCAD in teaching drafting in the secondary
level is composed of four specific problems. The achievement scores of
the students are presented in the different classifications demanded by the
specific research questions. The average achievement as well as the
standard deviations are computed and presented in the tables as
descriptive statistics measures. The T-test and the analysis of variance
are the inferential statistics used for purposes of testing for significant
differences as spelled out in the hypotheses of the study.

Achievement Scores Relative
to Type of Test

Text Component of Drafting Test

Table 2 presents the comparative scores of the experimental group
compared to those of the control group in drafting as far as the text
component is concerned.
In the control group, the highest score or grade obtained is 92.50
percent and the lowest score is 66.25 percent or a range of 26.25 percent.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

The overall mean score is 78.04 percent and the standard deviation is
In the experimental group, the highest score obtained is 93.75
percent and the lowest score is 68.75 percent or a range of 25 percent.
The overall mean for this group is 79.39 percent with a standard deviation
of 6.30.
The result of the T-test indicates that the achievement scores of the
experimental group do not significantly differ from those of the control
group as far as the text component of the test is concerned. The
insignificant difference is shown by the computed T-value of 1.534, which
is lower than the tabular value of 1.663 at 5 percent level of significance.
Thus the hypothesis, that there is a significant difference on the
achievement scores of the experimental group compared with that of the
control group in the use of AutoCAD in the text type of test, is rejected.
The finding would tend to strengthen the internal validity of the study.
Further, the finding implies that the students from the control group and
those from the experimental group have more or less the same ability
level and are therefore coming from a common population. Although the
students who have been taught drafting with the use of AutoCAD obtain
higher mean scores than those in the control group, such scores do not
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Table 2. Achievement scores of the students in the experimental and the
control group in the text component of drafting

RANGE Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
66.25 – 69.00

69.01 – 71.16

71.17 – 74.52

74.53 – 77.28

77.29 – 80.04

80.05 – 82.80

82.81 – 85.56

85.57 – 88.32

88.33 – 91.08

91.09 – 93.84



c = 1.534

t 0.05 =1.663
ns - not significant

warrant the acceptance of the hypothesis. One of the possible
explanations for the failure to accept the hypothesis is that AutoCAD is
more on line constructions, which may not contribute in the language skills
development of the students. Nevertheless, the finding is in congruence
with the finding of Roblyer (1989) that computer applications seemed to
have slightly greater effects on mathematics than on reading/language
skills. It can be inferred from the finding that computer applications is more
effective with certain types of contents/lessons. To obtain maximum
effectiveness on the integration of the AutoCAD in teaching drafting, it is
suggested that the work text should be improved. As suggested by Vrinten
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

(2000), the overall effect is more clearly organized and the layout is
effective if objectives are written in a shaded text box. Students will be
able to easily recognize the objectives for each drawing and relate them to
previous drawings. The text used for general information should be
distinguishable from the text used for procedure explanation. Further, the
procedures for each drawing should be printed on a separate sheet and
clearly titled as procedures.

Visual Aptitude Component
of the Drafting Test

The distribution of the achievement scores of the control group and
those of the experimental group in the visual component of the
achievement test is presented in Table 3.

In the control group, the highest score obtained is 97.50 percent
followed by the 96.67 percent, and the lowest score is 65.83 percent or a
range of 31.67 percent. The overall mean is 83.14 percent with standard
deviation of 8.462.

For the experimental group, or those using AutoCAD, the highest
score obtained on visual aptitude is 98.33 percent and the lowest score is
71.67 percent or a range of 26.66 percent. The overall mean rating for this
group is 86.62 percent with a standard deviation of 7.085.
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

A comparison of the performance of the two groups shows that the
mean scores of the experimental group are higher and it has a lower
standard deviation, which means that the scores of the group is not so
spread out as compared to those of the control group.
The result of the T-test indicates that the achievement scores
relative to visual aptitude of the experimental group significantly differ from
those of the control group. The computed T-value of 3.629 exceeds the
tabular T-value of 1.663 on the 0.05 level of significance, which leads to
the acceptance of the hypothesis, that there is significant difference in the
achievement scores of the experimental group compared with those of the
control group in the use of AutoCAD in the visual aptitude type of test. The
result implies that the integration of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting in
high school significantly enhances the learning of students on the said
subject. The reason for the finding can be that the students can
manipulate the 3-dimensional object by turning it with the use of the orbit
command in the AutoCAD; thus, they can see/view the different sides of
the object. By viewing the six sides of the 3D object, the students can see
the concrete surface and thus are given the correct concepts. This
observation is consistent with the finding of Lord (1987), as cited by Hays

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Table 3. Achievement scores of the students in the experimental and the
control group in the visual component of drafting

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
65.83 – 69.08

69.09 – 72.34

72.35 – 75.60

75.61 – 78.86

78.87 – 82.12

82.13 – 85.38

85.39 – 88.64

88.65 – 91.90

91.91 – 95.16

95.17 – 98.42



tc = 3.629*
t 0.05 =1.663
* - significant

(1996), that three-dimensional moving objects provide a high
understanding for lower spatial ability people due to the visual assistance
provided. The research finding is further supported by the theory of
Baenninger and Newcombe (1989), as cited by Robichaux (2000), that
spatial experience is gained through special activity participation and is
directly related to higher scores on spatial ability test. The more a subject
has participated in spatial activities such as playing with blocks,
participating in certain sports, drawing in three-dimensional, the higher is
his/her spatial visualization test score. Another possible explanation for
the acceptance of the hypothesis is that the students using the AutoCAD
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

can apply different colors on the surface of the object. As a result, the
learners can easily visualize the top, front, rear, bottom and the left or right
side of the 3D object. Further, applying different line colors and filling
colors on the surface will make the object more presentable and will boost
the interest of the students towards the subject matter. This idea is in line
with the theory of Diab, Habbal, and Damaj (2001) that it is much more
interesting to learn math, for example, when the letters are nice and
colorful and flying around the screen instead of solving problems on plain
black and white paper. The finding further confirms the previous
discussion that computer application software is more effective with a
certain type of content. It has been suggested in numerous studies that
learners tend to be either visual in their learning style or linear in their
learning style. It can be inferred from the finding that the use/integration of
AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting in the secondary level may therefore
be encouraged.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Achievement Scores of Students Using
AutoCAD Integration in Drafting
Categorized According to Students’
Achievement Levels

Table 4 presents the achievement scores of students when they
are categorized according to ability levels, namely, high-, average- or low-

Of the ten students who belonged to the high-achieving group, the
highest score is 96.50 percent and the lowest score is 81.50 percent or a
range of 15 percent. The overall mean score for this group is 89.45

In the average group, which consists of 26 students, the highest
score is 92.00 percent and the lowest score is 76.50 percent or a range of
15.50 percent. The overall mean for this group is 84.71 percent.
In the low-achieving group, which consists of 19 students, the
highest score obtained is 91.50 percent and the lowest score is 71.00
percent or a range of 20.50 percent. The overall mean for this group is
79.37 percent.

A comparison of the performances of these groups shows that the
result is consistent with their ability levels. That is to say, the higher the
achievement levels, the higher the score. The finding implies that the
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

students with higher achievement levels have benefited most from the
integration of AutoCAD in their learning of drafting as compared to the
other groups with lower achievement levels. Moreover, the degree of
variation of group scores decreases as the group’s achievement level

The scores of the three groups are compared using the analysis of
variance. That the computed F-value of 11.99 percent exceeds the tabular
value of 3.20 and 5.39 on the 0.05 and 0.01 level of significance
respectively, indicates that the performances of students grouped
according to ability level markedly differ. Therefore the hypothesis, that
there is significant difference on the achievement scores of the high-,

Table 4. Achievement scores of students using AutoCAD integration in
drafting categorized according to achievement levels of students

Frequency % Frequency % Frequency %
71.00 – 74.64
74.65 – 78.29
78.30 – 81.94
81.95 – 85.59
85.60 – 89.24
89.25 – 92.89
92.90 – 96.54

Fc = 11.99**
F.01 = 5.39
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Source of
df SS MS Fc
Variance 0.05


* - highly significant

average- and low-achieving students, is accepted. The finding implies
that the students belonging to the high-achieving group perform
significantly higher compared to the low-performing group with a high
degree of probability. The reason for the finding can be that those high
achievers can easily follow the procedures being presented to the class.
As a result, extra activities are given to the fast learners since they can
finish their activity earlier than the low-achieving students. The additional
activity given to the fast learners will be advantageous to them. This idea
is in congruence with the theory of learning and a general notion that the
more activity given to the learners, the better the results. Another
explanation to the finding is that fast learners can easily internalize the
procedures being given to them. This theory is in line with the finding of
Pogrow (1987) as cited by Pisapia (1993) that using software, word
processors or the computer as a general tool primarily benefits high-
performing students who have already internalized procedures for
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

generalizing and linking ideas. In contrast with the finding, Bangert-
Drowns et al. (1985) and Kinnaman (1990) provided evidence that greater
benefits were experienced by lower-achieving students as compared to
high achieving students. The difference in the finding can be attributed to
the differences in computer software that were used, instruction, and
classroom environment. In order that the low achievers will benefit as
much as do high achievers, the integration of AutoCAD in the teaching of
drafting, strategies and designs of lessons’ delivery should be considered.
As suggested by experts on AutoCAD, teachers’ lecturing and
demonstrating the effects of commands and students' engagement of
hands-on practice exercises and real-world applications facilitate learning.
Students prefer to learn in a guided-exploration environment in which they
may learn by instruction or explore independently. A number of guidelines
for designing guided-exploration learning are as follows: familiarizing
students with hardware and menu structure; introducing important system
concepts and terminology; using demonstrations to present the changes
of the process; providing explanations into key actions; avoiding the use of
vague words or command names; bridging the gap between prior learning
and new knowledge; indirectly stimulating hands-on practice; getting

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

students involved as decision makers; transforming curiosity to activities,
and providing three types of on-line help-procedural, conceptual, and
contextual help. Lastly, a variety of instructional technology strategies and
grouping strategies such as whole group, collaborative, individualized, and
learner-centered should be implemented. To be included is appropriate
embedded assessment for meeting the diverse needs of learners.

Achievement Scores of Students Using AutoCAD
Integration in Drafting Categorized
According to Whether or not They
Have Computers at Home

Table 5 presents the achievement scores of the students
categorized to whether or not they have computers at home. The highest
achievement score of the 15 students with computer at home is 93.50
percent and the lowest score is 78.00 percent or a range of 15.50 percent.
The overall mean for this group is 86.20 percent with a standard deviation
of 4.499.
In the case of the 40 students without computers at home, the
highest achievement score is 95.50 percent and the lowest score is 71.00
percent or a range of 25.50 percent. The overall mean achievement score
for this group is 82.40 percent with a standard deviation of 6.368.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

As shown in the table, those with computers at home have a higher
mean score and a smaller standard deviation than those without
computers at home. That the computed T-value of 1.87, which is higher
than the tabular T-value of 1.677 on the 0.05 level of significance, leads to
the acceptance of the hypothesis, that having a computer at home affects
the achievement scores of the students. In other words, the mean score of
the group with computers at home is significantly higher than that of those
without computer units at home. The finding in the study implies that
having a computer at home significantly enhances achievement when
AutoCAD is integrated in the learning of drafting. Consistent with the
above finding, Subrahmanyam, Kraut, Greenfield, and Gross (2000)
provided a summary of limited research available on the effects of home
computer use on children’s physical, cognitive, and social development,
focusing primarily on studies related to use of video games and the
internet. The general finding is that home computer use may be linked to
slightly better academic performance and has no negative impact on
children’s friendships and family relationships. The finding can be ascribed
to the belief that students with computers at home can review the drawing
activities given to them using their own computers; in doing so, they have
reinforced what they have learned in school. Another reason for the
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Table 5. Achievement scores of students using AutoCAD integration in
drafting categorized according to whether or not they have
computer at home

cy Percentage Frequency Percentage
71.00 – 74.64

74.65 – 78.29

78.30 – 81.94

81.95 – 85.59

85.60 – 89.24

89.25 – 92.89

92.90 – 96.54



tc = 1.87* t 0.05 =1.677
* - significant

finding is that those with computers at home have a higher level of
confidence in using computer than those without computers at home.
Their confidence stems from their knowing more of the rudiments of
manipulating the computer and so they can explore other means of
computer operation and experiment on them. The idea is in congruence
with the finding of Pladio (2001) that students whose families own
computer have higher computer proficiency. It can be inferred from the
findings that those students who have computers at home have a higher
level of confidence in using a computer. The theory is supported by the
finding of Inkpen et al. (1994) that computer confidence based on gaming
experience can also affect girls’ success in problem solving. As cited by
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Pladio (2001), Woong (2000) found that Korean parents who strongly
believe in education have unconditionally invested in PC’s for home use.
The finding shows that the acquisition of computer units for home use is
therefore encouraged particularly to families who can afford to buy and
maintain computer units. It is also recommended that when buying a
computer unit, the buyer is encouraged to request the seller of the
computer or the company/supplier to install the AutoCAD program in the

Achievement Scores of Students Using
AutoCAD Integration in Drafting
Categorized According to Gender

The achievement scores of students using AutoCAD are shown in
Table 6 when they are grouped according to gender. A total of 55
students, which consists of 24 males and 31 females, use AutoCAD in
learning drafting.
The highest achievement score of the males is 96.50 percent and
the lowest is 72.50 percent or a range of 24.00 percent. The overall mean
score is 83.02 percent and the standard deviation is 7.013.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

On the other hand, the highest score of the females is 92.00
percent and the lowest is 71.00 percent or a range of 21.00 percent. The
overall mean is 84.27 percent and the standard deviation is 5.245.
As a whole, the females have a slightly higher mean score and a
lower standard deviation compared to the males. Nevertheless, the means
of the two groups do not significantly differ, as shown by the computed
value of 0.947, which is lower than the tabular value of 1.677 on the 0.05
level of significance. Hence the hypothesis, that gender affects the
achievement scores of the students, is rejected. It may be inferred that
gender does not significantly affect the performance of students who
participate in AutoCAD-assisted learning the drafting and that integrating
the software program in the subject is beneficial for both genders.
Consistent with the foregoing finding is the observation of Linden,
Banerjee, and Duflo (2003) that boys and girls seemed to benefit equally
in the use of CAI. The reason for the finding is that the activities in drafting
where AutoCAD is integrated are not distinguished as those of males or
females. As a whole, based on the finding, it can be inferred that either
gender believes that using AutoCAD in making drawings will prepare them
to live in an information-oriented society and will promote their learning.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Table 6. Achievement scores of students using AutoCAD integration in
drafting categorized according to gender



Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
71.00 – 74.64

74.65 – 78.29

78.30 – 81.94

81.95 – 85.59

85.60 – 89.24

89.25 – 92.89

92.90 – 96.54



tc = 0.947
t 0.05 =1.663
ns - not significant

The idea is in line with the finding of Inkpen et al. (1994) that girls’ general
uneasiness in the computer environment causes them to doubt their
abilities in solving problems, and to transform their computer discomfort
into mathematics discomfort as well.
Another possible explanation of the rejection of the hypothesis is
that students have similar computer background or experience because
almost all of them were taught by one computer teacher when they were
in the third year. Conversely, the result indicates that the achievement
scores of both genders do not significantly differ. It can be inferred from
the finding that the computer confidence of both genders is the same. The
finding shows that using AutoCAD in teaching drafting is beneficial to both
male and female students. This is in contrast with the finding of Roblyer
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

et al. (1988) that CAI effect differences that slightly favor boys over girls;
however, the differences fall short of statistical significance. The difference
in the finding can be ascribed to the difference in the computer
program/software that has been utilized in the study. To obtain better
results on the academic benefits of computer program, Agosto (2004)
suggested that teacher-librarian should make computer use fun. Instead of
presenting computers exclusively as educational tools, they should be
presented as tools for entertainment as well. This will help girls want to
use computer. Teachers should never assume that a girl is not interested
in technical things.

Degree of Acceptability of AutoCAD
in the Teaching of Drafting

The degree of acceptability of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting
as evaluated by the student respondents is shown in Table 7. As
evaluated, three of the six indicators are highly accepted, as indicated by
means ranging from 4.51 to 4.71: learning more about AutoCAD is
interesting, using AutoCAD program in drafting is interesting, and
integrating AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting is encouraged.

On the other hand, three indicators are accepted, as indicated by
means ranging from 4.11 to 4.47: integrating AutoCAD in the teaching of
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

drafting will make the subject easier, AutoCAD is not only for students who
will take architecture and engineering courses, and AutoCAD is not only
good for drafting, it is also good for mathematics such as Geometry.
The students accept AutoCAD, as indicated by an overall mean of
4.43. That the computed T-value of .966 is less than the 2.015 tabular
value on the 0.05 level of significance leads to the rejection of the
hypothesis, that there is significant difference in the degree of acceptability
of the use of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting. The result means that
the students have the same level of acceptability of the integration of
AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting and that integrating the use of
AutoCAD in teaching drawing is positively acceptable to students taking
drafting in the secondary level. The reason for the finding is that students
can easily construct lines, orthographic, and pictorial drawings. Further,
students can also apply or render colors that will add beauty to their
drawing. The students find it easy to draw lines, orthographic, and pictorial
drawings. Besides, they can do other drawings that they cannot do without
the use of AutoCAD. Consistent to the finding is the observation of Bialo
and Sivin (1990), Braun (1990), Lawton and Gerschner (1982), Mokros
and Tinker (1987), Rupe (1986), and Wepner (1990) that students want
the integration of CAI because of the following reasons: (1) it allows them
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Table 7. Evaluation of students using AutoCAD integration on the degree
of acceptability of this technology in their drafting subject

1 2 3 4 5 Total Mean DE
1. Integrating AutoCAD in
the teaching of drafting is

1 25

2. Using AutoCAD program

in drafting is interesting.
24 30 249 4.53

3. Integrating the use of

AutoCAD in the teaching of

drafting will make the
24 29 246 4.47
subject easier.

4. AutoCAD is not only for

students who will take
25 19 235 4.27
architecture and
engineering courses.

5. AutoCAD is not only

good for drafting; it is also

good for mathematics such
23 21 226 4.11
as geometry.

6. It is interesting to learn

14 40 259 4.71
more about AutoCAD.

Overall Mean 4.43 A
tc = 0.947 ns
t 0.05 =1.67
ns – not significant
HA - Highly Accepted
MA - Moderately Accepted
A - Accepted

U - Uncertain
NA - Not Accepted

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

to work privately; (2) it gives fun and entertainment; (3) it provides
individualized learning; (4) it is self-paced; (5) it is possible to experiment
with different options; (6) it is excellent for drill and practice; (7) it builds
proficiency in computer use, which will be valuable later in life; and, (8) it
eliminates the drudgery of doing certain learning activities by hand like
drawing graphs. Another explanation why students have a positive attitude
towards the integration of AutoCAD in teaching drafting is that they are
familiar with the subject since they have finished Geometry when they
were in the third year. The interest that has been observed in this study
should be further developed. This recommendation is in line with the
finding of Becker (2000) that industrial arts teachers in Arizona identified
AutoCAD as the best computer programs that their students have used.
One way of developing the interest of students is by showing them the
practical applications of the computer software.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


This study, which attempted to investigate the effects of the
integration of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting in the secondary level
on the achievement of the students on the said subject, aimed to compare
the difference in the achievement scores of the experimental group and
those of the control group in terms of text, and visual aptitude along two
and three dimensional object type of test; determine the difference in the
mean achievement high achievers, average achievers, and low achievers
in the use of AutoCAD; determine the difference in the achievement
scores of students using AutoCAD based on ownership of a family’s
computer and gender; and determine the degree of students’ acceptability
of the integration of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting.
The causal-comparative method of research was utilized in this
study. The randomized-control group posttest design was adopted utilizing
two intact groups of students: The experimental group integrated
AutoCAD in their drafting lessons, and the control group used the lecture
or the traditional method.
The descriptive statistics used in this study were the scores in
percentages of the students, the mean scores for every specified groups,

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

and the standard deviations for each group. The inferential tests used
were the T-test for significant differences when respondents were
classified into two groups and the F-test using the one-way analysis of
variance when subjects were categorized into more than two groups. The
level of significance used in hypothesis testing was the 0.05 level of
The following are the salient findings of the study:
1. The achievement scores on the text component in the drafting
subject of the students under the experimental group do not significantly
differ from those of students under the control group. Moreover, the
variations of achievement scores of both groups were almost equal.
On the visual aptitude test, the experimental group has significantly
higher mean achievement scores compared with the control group. In
addition, the students who avail of the AutoCAD have lower variability in
scores compared to those who do not avail of the AutoCAD.
2. There is a highly significant difference in the mean achievement
scores of students who avail of AutoCAD integration when they are
grouped according to level of academic achievement in their classes or
achievement in all subjects. The higher achievers have significantly higher
mean scores compared to low achievers. In addition, as the academic
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

achievement level decreases, the variability of scores of students
3. For those students who use AutoCAD, the students who have
computer units at home have significantly higher mean achievement
scores compared to those who do not have computer units at home. Also,
the variability of achievement scores is lower in the case of those who
have computer units at home against those who have no computer units
at home. On the contrary, there is no significant difference in the
achievement scores of students using AutoCAD when they are compared
according to gender. In terms of achievement scores variability, the males
have slightly higher variability in scores compared to the females.
4. The integration of AutoCAD to the teaching of drafting in high
school is accepted.

In the light of the findings of this study, the following conclusions
are deduced:
1. The integration of AutoCAD into the teaching of drafting in high
school does not affect the achievement scores of students particularly in
the text aspect of their drafting subjects. Conversely, the integration of
AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting enhances students’ achievement or
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

performance particularly in the aspect of visual aptitude along two
dimensional and three dimensional figures.

2. The integration of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting enhances
the achievement scores of students in drafting.
3. The ownership of a computer unit at home enhances the
achievement of students who use AutoCAD in the learning of their drafting
lesson. On the other hand, gender is not a factor that affects the
performance or achievement of students who use AutoCAD in learning
their drafting lessons.

4. The level of acceptability of integrating AutoCAD in the teaching
of drafting in high school is relatively high.


In the light of the findings and conclusions of the study, the
following are hereby proposed:
1. Textual layout on the topic and problem in working drawings
should be improved. The text used for general information should be
distinguishable from the text used for procedure explanation. If possible,
the objectives are written in a shaded text box, and the procedures for
each drawing should be printed on a separate sheet clearly titled as
procedures; thus, the overall effect is a more clearly organized and
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

effective layout. In addition, further studies on the designs and strategies
to be adopted in the implementation of AutoCAD integration into teaching
of drafting should be conducted.

2. AutoCAD integration into teaching should be adopted by schools
offering drafting. In addition, further studies on the effect of AutoCAD on
visual aptitude in particular should be conducted to come up with more
evidential support for its appreciation.
3. The integration of AutoCAD should be considered for all students
regardless of achievement level. Moreover, strategies and designs of
lessons’ delivery should be studied to find out how to achieve maximum
effectiveness of the method particularly for low achievers. At the same
time, the learners should be provided with extensive and variable practice
drawings before proceeding to new set procedures or commands.

4. The acquisition of computer units for home use should be
encouraged particularly to those families who can afford to buy and
maintain them. Along this line, the Parents Teachers and Community
Association (PTCA) board should create a policy to extend loan to parents
for computer procurement for home use. Parents who buy computer units
should also request the seller/supplier to install AutoCAD program in the
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


5. Male and female students should be exposed to the use of
AutoCAD. Both genders should be equally given the opportunity to design
their own drawings to promote their own interest. The activities should be
modified in a way that activities appeal and apply to everyone else.

6. The activities given to the students should relate to their daily
school activities so that they will have a more positive attitude towards the
integration of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting.

7. Government authorities should look into the possibility of
extending financial assistance or sufficient budgetary allocation to schools
in order that schools can acquire even a minimum number of computers
for their use in the classrooms.
8. Further studies should be conducted on possible applications of
AutoCAD especially in school in order to find possible beneficial
application of the technology.

9. Teachers teaching drafting in the secondary level are
encouraged to undergo training on the use of the AutoCAD so that they
can integrate the AutoCAD program in teaching their lesson.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) has always been an imperative tool
in the industry. In an automobile industry, for instance, CAD could be used
to model a car. Furthermore, with the advent of computer animation, the
model could be changed into a full three-dimensional rendering. With the
advantage brought about by the software, automobile makers could
animate the moving parts and test them to make sure that the automobile
parts do not interfere with anything else.
In foreign countries, the most valuable software for vocational
education is AutoCAD. The software interface seems overwhelmingly
complicated. This is especially true for a student who has little or no
previous experience with the use of a computer. CAD software is
extremely powerful in all branches of engineering. Using the CAD system
can save 50 percent of the drafting time compared to using traditional
method. All CAD software also generates familiar geometric terminology
for creating drawings.

The skills learned on the board are related and complementary to
those needed by CAD user. Learning the performance skills needed for
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

creating drawings with CAD tools is time consuming and requires practice
and manual dexterity. Both methods of drafting use simple and familiar
geometric terminology for structuring the graphic production of technical
documents, and both have the same goal: to have drawings that meet
industry standards. The principles of drafting are common to traditional
drafting and computer-aided drafting.


The development plan on AutoCAD integration is designed to:

1. Prepare the learners’ readiness in using AutoCAD program.

2. Improve students’ learning particularly on visual aptitude through
the use of AutoCAD.

3. To encourage teachers teaching drawing to integrate the use of
AutoCAD in teaching their drafting lesson.

4. To inspire teachers and students to use AutoCAD in creating
drawing after reading this development plan.

5. To provide design, direction and strategies to teachers on the
integration of AutoCAD in teaching drafting.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


The results of the study show that integrating AutoCAD into the
teaching of drafting is beneficial to the students.

The minimum hour for the educational module designed to teach
the basic concept of Computer-Aided Drafting is 30 hours. The software
that will be used for this program is AutoCAD, an industry standard
software for Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD).

The module is designed within the guidelines of the Department of
Education Curriculum for third year Technology and Livelihood Education
drafting. The class size is dependent on the number of available computer
units. However, the ideal class size should be no more than 30 students.


The design in the integration of the AutoCAD is primarily a student-
directed learning experience. The instructional process follows through
major concept development. The researcher proposes the method that
was developed by Vrinten (2000) of the Walden University.

The teacher-directed instruction takes place through demonstration
and discussion of concepts or through the use of teacher-developed
student workbooks.
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

There are 25 basic drawing commands in AutoCAD. Many entities can be
drawn in several ways: with an icon or a tool bar, or by typing in
different commands on the command line. The introductory component of
the course includes an initial experimental playtime to allow students’
experimentation within the program rather than begin the course by
describing different commands and having the students use those
commands to draw a specific object. In order to familiarize themselves
with the program commands, the students will be allowed to use whatever
commands they like to make an artistic drawing. For reference, a large
printout of the various commands at every computer station or on the
board is posted. The only limitations imposed during this session will be
the size of the drawing area. This is necessary so that their completed
drawings may be printed and posted in the classroom. The inclusion of
this introduction exercise will improve student learning in two ways:
1. They develop a sense of familiarity with the program. They will
become aware of the drawing interface, the program's abilities, limitations,
and will begin to associate the visual icons with the commands that each
one represents. When a command is discussed in detail later in the
course, the students will have some prior knowledge to link new ideas and
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


2. They will be motivated. The exercise promotes and takes
educational advantage of student motivation by creating curiosity and
interest, and by promoting positive self-efficiency beliefs and vicarious

Another concern that is to be considered is the information that is to
be presented to the student in more manageable steps. The students may
be given a long procedure to practice. The literature suggests that student
success at skill mastery would be enhanced by additional practice.
Therefore, more practice drawings are included before proceeding to a
new set of procedures or commands.

Furthermore, the textual layout of the students’ activity has to be
given consideration. Objectives are to be included at the top of the page
for each new drawing. The objectives are written in a shaded text box. The
text used for general information is distinguishable from the text used for
procedure explanation. The procedures for each drawing are printed on a
separate sheet clearly titled as procedures. Moreover, the module must be
such that it can be completed by students without a great deal of
additional instruction or intervention by the teacher. The reason for this is
that this module is taught concurrently while students are completing the
drafting module in one area of the classroom. The teacher must spend his
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

time as necessary in each of these two areas during the class. If a student
is having difficulty progressing through the module he may not be able to
leave one of the areas. He must be given additional guidance when

In addition, chunking of the topic is also important. Cognitive
information processing theory and Gagne's Theory of instruction suggest
that it is important when learning intellectual skills that the learner not be
overloaded with instruction. Multiple steps to a new skill should be
presented in increments and at a pace that does not strain the limitations
of short-term memory (Driscoll, 2000). Chunking may be as simple as
breaking complex tasks into manageable steps.

Lastly, the learning environment has to be improved. Social
interaction among students should be taken advantage of by pairing more
knowledgeable students with those experiencing difficulty. The helping
behavior of students is an on-task behavior where students interact to
assist their peers. Encouraging this behavior benefits the weaker students
through timely assistance. Students working in close proximity to each
other can give instant feedback which may not be available otherwise
(Driscoll, 2000).

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

PLADIO, H. 2001. Computer Proficiency as Affected by the Academic
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SHERWOOD, R. and T. HASSELBRING, 1986. Children and Computer
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1994. An Evaluation of Computer Assisted Learning in Geography
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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


TJADEN, B. and C. MARTIN 1995. As cited JOHNSTON, C. 1999 The
Effects of Computers on Learning and Retention among High
School History Students. http://www.library
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Program. Final Paper, EDUC6100, Walden University. http://www.
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Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.

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as Affected by the Academic Achievements of the Students.
Unpublished Dissertation. Benguet State University. P. 59.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Appendix A

Technology and Livelihood Education - Drafting

Name: _____________________________ Yr. & Sec. ______________

TEST I. Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer and write the letter on
the space provided before each item.

__ 1. In orthographic drawing, orthos means
a. to draw
b. to write
c. to project d. to measure

__ 2. A type of surface that appears in the three planes of projection is
called a. normal b. incline c. oblique d. multiview

__ 3. Circular part/portion o f an object is being dimensioned through its
a. center
b. diameter c. length
d. width

__ 4. A system of placing dimensions wherein the figures are oriented to
be read from the position to the dimension line
a. horizontal system b unidirectional system
c. aligned system d. vertical system

__ 5. The plane where the side view is projected is known as
a. profile
b. horizontal c. frontal d. vertical

__ 6. The top view is directly above the front view, this implies that they
have the same a. depth b. height c. width d. length

__ 7. Graphos is a Greek term which means
a. to draw
b. to write c. to project d. to measure

__ 8. What type of surface that is being projected as true size and shape?
a. normal b. incline c. oblique d. multiview

__ 9. What are the dimensions that are to be laid out in the frontal plane?
a. width & depth b. depth & height
c. height & width d .depth & length

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


__ 10. It is considered as the darkest or heaviest among the alphabet of
lines. a. visible line b. border line c. section line d. object line

__ 11. Which of the following line represents the axis of a symmetrical
object? a. leader line b. hidden line
c. center line d. reference line

__ 12. A line that is used to label the parts of an object is called
a. hidden line
b. dimension line c. extension line
d. cutting plane line

__ 13. Which of the following surface design appears as a surface in the
three planes of projection?
a. normal surface

b. incline surface c. oblique surface d. square surface

__ 14. A surface that can be viewed only on the horizontal plane.
a. top view b. front view c. side view d. rear view

__ 15. The plane where the front view is projected is referred as,
a. profile b. horizontal c. frontal d. vertical

__ 16. A surface represented by a line in the plane of projection is
a. parallel to the plane
b. perpendicular to the plane

c. inclined to the plane
d. similar to the plane

__ 17. A surface which is foreshortened in two planes of projection
a. normal surface b. incline surface c. oblique surface
d. square surface

__ 18. A line that is parallel to the plane of projection will appear as a line
in its true a. length b. size c. shape d. form

__ 19. When is a surface projected as true size and shape (TSS)?
a. when it is a normal surface b. when it is incline to the plane
c. when it is perpendicular to the plane d. when it is parallel to the

__ 20. If a line is incline to the plane of projection, it will appear,
a. wider
b. longer c. shorter d. bigger

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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


__ 21. Which of the following is NOT a principal dimension of an object?
a. width
b. depth c. height d. length

__ 22. When is a surface projected as foreshortened surface (FS)?
a. when it is parallel to the plane b. when it is incline to the plane
c. when it is perpendicular to the plane d. when it is a normal

__ 23. A drawing that shows several faces of an object at once or in only
one view.
a. orthographic drawing b. isometric drawing
c. pictorial drawing
d. oblique drawing

__ 24. A type of perspective drawing that needs two vanishing points.
a. parallel b. angular c. oblique d. axonometric

__ 25. A type of perspective drawing where one of the principal surfaces
is parallel to the ground.
a. 1-point perspective b. 2-point perspective
c. 3-point perspective
d. oblique perspective

__ 26. It is a fixed position where the object is actually viewed.
a. ground line
b. section point

c. station point d. vanishing point

__ 27. It is an imaginary point that recedes from the observer’s eye.
a. projection line
b. section point c. station point
d. vanishing point

__ 28. A perspective drawn above eye level.
a. man’s eye b. bird’s eye c. worm’s eye d. bottom view

__ 29. An oblique drawing whose receding axis are drawn full size.
a. cabinet b. cavalier c. isometric d. dimetric

__ 30. A drawing that is represented as it actually appears to the
observer’s eye.
a. perspective drawing
b. axonometric drawing c. oblique drawing d. isometric drawing

__ 31. An oblique drawing whose receding axis are drawn half size.
a. cabinet b. cavalier
c. isometric d. dimetric
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


__ 32. An imaginary line where the picture is being conceived.
a. horizon line b. picture plane c. vanishing point
d. ground line

__ 33. It is where all receding lines meet in a perspective drawing.
a. station point b. ground line c. vanishing point
d. picture plane

__ 34. It is where the actual object is laid.
a. station point b. ground line c. vanishing point d. picture plane

__ 35. The location where the viewer is located is called
a. station point b. horizon line c. vanishing point d. picture plane

__ 36. If the observer’s eye is lower than the object, the drawing is
a. man’s eye

b. bird’s eye c. worm’s eye
d. bottom view

__ 37. If the observer’s eye is higher than the object, the drawing is
a. man’s eye b. bird’s eye c. worm’s eye d. bottom view

__ 38. The most convenient distance in locating the station point is to
a. double the width b. double the depth c. double the height
d. double the thickness

__ 39. The perspective drawing will be enlarged if the plan is located,
a. beyond the picture plane
b. before the picture plane
c. along the picture plane
d. besides the picture plane

__ 40. The perspective drawing will be reduced if the plan is located

a. beyond the picture plane
b. above the picture plane
c. along the picture plane
d. besides the picture plane

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

TEST II. (Blueprint Reading)
II.A. The questions below refer to the object drawn
Write your answers in the blanks

1-3. What is the measurement of the depth _____ width _____ and
height _____ of the object?
4-5. What is the length of line AB ______ line FG? ______
6. What line in the isometric refers to line CD, top view? _______
7. What point in the top view refers to line EH, front view? ______
8. What point in the front view refers to line BC, top view? ______
9. What surface in the isometric drawing refers to surface J? ______
10. What line in the top view refers to surface K? _______
11. What line in the top view refers to surface L? _______
12. Line FG, front view, is point _____ in the top view.
13. Line 2-7 in the isometric drawing is point _____ in the top view.
14. Line 3-4 in the isometric drawing is point _____ in the front view.
15. Line 3-4 in the isometric drawing is line _____ in the top view.


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Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


II.B. Match the corners of the object drawn in isometric below with their
corresponding corners (represented by capital letters) found in the three
views, by writing the letter in the blank opposite its corresponding number.
Isometric Drawing

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


II.C. Identify the surfaces in the drawing below by the letters being placed
in the different surface.

C.1. Identify the surfaces that are parallel to the frontal plane (6
C.2. What are the surfaces that are foreshortened in the horizontal
plane? (4)
C.3. What are the inclined surfaces that are perpendicular to the
frontal plane? (3)
C.4. Enumerate the surfaces that are foreshortened in the frontal
plane? (3)


The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


II.D. Which one of the five objects matches the test object exactly?
Put a check mark on the object that corresponds to your answer



The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


Test Object


Test Object

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
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The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
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E. What is the resultant view if the test object is viewed from the blue eye?
Put a check mark on the object that corresponds to your answer.




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Appendix B


The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Part I. Students’ Profile

Name: __________________________ Section: _____ Sex : __M __F

I. INSTRUCTION: Please answer the question/s below.

1. Do you have computer at home? ____ Yes _____ None.

If yes, what are the programs that were installed?
____ MS Word
____ MS Excel
____ PowerPoint ____ Print Artist
____ PhotoShop ____ AutoCAD

II. Degree of acceptability of AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting

Highly accepted - 5
Accepted - 4
Moderately accepted – 3

Uncertain - 2

Not Accepted – 1

01 02 03 04 05
1. Integrating AutoCAD in the teaching of drafting

is encouraged.
2. Using AutoCAD program in drafting is

3. Integrating the use of AutoCAD in the teaching

of drafting will make the subject easier.
4. AutoCAD is not only for students who will take

architecture and engineering courses.
5. AutoCAD is not only good for drafting; it is also

good for mathematics such as geometry.
6. It is interesting to learn more about AutoCAD.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education Culture and Sports
DECS Complex, Morato Avenue
Pasig City, Philippines

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

January 19, 2001
No. 39,
s. 2001


To: Undersecretaries

Bureau of Directors
Division/City Superintendents

Central to the goal of facilitating learning and enhancing learner
performance through the provision of modern instructional tools is the
implementation of the 1999 and 2000 DECS Computerization Program.

The funding requirements for the implementation of the Program
are provided for in the 1999 and 2000 General Appropriations Acts
(GAAs). Three hundred twenty Five (325) public secondary schools will be
recipients of computer packages and teacher training under the Program.
The recipient-schools are selected on the basis of the following criteria:

a) Must be a high performing school;
b) Must have a full-fledged school administrator;
c) Must be included in the GAA to ensure maintenance;
d) Must offer Business Technology (Computer Education) as a
specialization in Entrepreneurship under the Technology and
Home Economics (THE) program;
e) Must have electricity and an air-conditioned room for the
computers and printers; and
f) Must have never been a recipient of computers under the DECS
Computerization Program and/or DOST-ESEP Program.

In order to facilitate the supply and delivery of computer packages
to various public secondary schools under the 1999 and 2000 DECS

Computerization Program, an Ad-Hoc Contract Management and
Monitoring Group is hereby constituted as follows:

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006


: Undersecretary Victor Andres C. Manhit

: Undersecretary Ramon C. Bacani


: Asst. Secretary Fe A. Hidalgo

Dr. Carolina S. Guerrero

Respective Regional Directors

Respective Chiefs of the Regional
Secondary Education Division

Executive Officer
: Dr. Blanquita D. Bautista

Co- Executive Officer : Maria Victoria D. Abcede


Maria Victoria D. Abcede - Chair

Concepcion L. Delgado
- Co-Chair

Francisco M. Legarda
- Co-Chair

Francis Allen dela Cruz
- Group Leader for Cluster A

Virgilio Santos

- Group Leader for Cluster B

Reuben dela Cruz
- Group Leader for Cluster C

Technical Inspection and Assurance Team

Jesus Huenda

- Overall Team Leader

Dir. Orlando O. Oxales
- Consultant

Jesus dela Merced
- Team Leader-Cluster A

Luis Purisima, Jr.
- Team Leader-Cluster B

Geremiah Gumboc
- Team Leader-Cluster C

Wide dissemination of this memorandum to concerned is expected.


A true copy

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Niño Menzi Tibangay was born on January 5, 1972 at Tacadang,
Kibungan, Benguet. He is the eldest son of Astil and Olbina Tibangay.

He finished his elementary education at the Tacadang Elementary
School in 1986 and his secondary education at Governor Bado Dangwa
Agro-Industrial School (GBDAIS), where he took furniture and cabinet
making as his field of specialization in 1991. He continued his studies in
the same school but he transferred after two years at the Tublay School of
Home Industries, Tublay, Benguet in 1995 where he obtained his Bachelor
of Secondary Education (BSE) major in Technology and Home Economics
(THE), specializing in furniture and cabinet making. He finished his Master
of Arts (MA) major in Technology and Home Economics at Benguet State
University in 2001.

After graduation in college, he worked as a carpenter in private
constructions. In line with his major field, he is a third class holder in
furniture and cabinet making and in general drafting. In line with his
knowledge in drafting, he was accredited by the TESDA as trade testing
officer in drafting. He also passed the Civil Service Professional and the
Teachers Board Examination in 1995. He also passed the Pre-Qualifying
Test for Principal administered last May 2005, in compliance with the
basic policies of DepEd Order No. 85, s.2003.
The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

He has been employed as a classroom teacher at Pines City
National High School-Bonifacio Annex from June 1996 to the present. For
his co-curricular activities, He had been an adviser of the Technologists
and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines (STEP). Besides, he has been a
coach in parliamentary procedure, isometric, orthographic drawing, and
preparation of a house plan in division, regional, and national STEP
competitions. He has been also a coach of furniture and cabinet making in
the Regional Skills Olympic being conducted by TESDA. Moreover, he
has been invited as contest administrator and as chairman of the board of
judges in woodworking in provincial skills competitions administered by
TESDA. He also participates in athletics as coach in football during district
and city meets. He has been an officiating official in the archery and
boxing in CARAA meet. He is accredited by the Association of Amateur
Boxing of the Philippines as Regional Referee/Judge (R/J).

He is presently residing at number 23 Lower Pinget, Baguio City.

The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary
Schools in Baguio City / Niño M. Tibangay. 2006

Document Outline

  • The Integration of AutoCAD in Teaching Drafting in the Public Secondary Schools in Baguio City
      • Background of the Study
      • Statement of the Problem
      • Objectives of the Study
      • Importance of the Study
      • Scope and Delimitation of the Study
      • Computer Assisted Instruction
      • Visual Aptitude
      • Students� Academic Level
      • Ownership of Family of a Micro-computer
      • Conceptual Framework
      • Definition of Terms
      • Hypotheses of the Study
      • Locale and Time of the Study
      • The Respondents
      • Research Method and Design
      • Instrumentation
      • Data Analysis
      • Achievement Scores Relativeto Type of Test
      • Achievement Scores of Students UsingAutoCAD Integration in DraftingCategorized According to Students�Achievement Levels
      • Achievement Scores of Students Using AutoCADIntegration in Drafting CategorizedAccording to Whether or not TheyHave Computers at Home
      • Achievement Scores of Students UsingAutoCAD Integration in DraftingCategorized According to Gender
      • Degree of Acceptability of AutoCADin the Teaching of Drafting
      • Summary
      • Conclusions
      • Recommendations