BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013. Empowering Children and Youth
through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts using Media Program of the
Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La Trinidad, Benguet. Benguet
State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Filmore Y. Awas, MDevCom


The study was conducted to document the Performing Arts using Media Program
of the Children and Family Services Philippines Inc. (CFSPI). Specific objectives were to
identify the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, identify the processes involved
in the creation of the program, identify the objectives and child problems being addressed
by the program, determine the communication processes involved in the program’s
implementation, enumerate the communication methods used in the program, find out how
CFSPI monitor and evaluate the output of the participants, enumerate the values, lessons
and skills the participants gained from the program, enumerate the challenges encountered
by the CFSPI, the youth participants and the trainers in the program’s implementation, and
identify the recommendations of the youth participants and trainers involved in the
The study was conducted in La Trinidad, Benguet from December to February 2013
using personal interview, survey questionnaires, focus-group discussions, and
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

mail interview with the 17 respondents, 3 key informants and 2 trainers. The processes
involved in the creation of the program were the planning, implementation and evaluation
The program was created to empower the children and youth of La Trinidad through
the use of media. The child problems addressed by the program included child labor,
computer game addiction, child abuse, absenteeism, bullying, broken family, delinquent
students and out-of-school youth.
The communication processes used by the CFSPI in the program followed the
basics of communication process. The communication methods used in the program were
meetings, personal approach participatory group discussions, non-interpersonal
communication, staged performance, workshop-performance, short story making, and
interaction with the out-ofschool youths (OSY’s).
CFSPI monitored and evaluated the outputs of the participants through conducting
participatory discussions with the youth and through the implemented projects proposed
by the child representatives.
The challenges encountered by CFSPI in implementing the program were the
schedules of the meetings and rehearsals were in conflict with the free time of the child
representatives, the different age groups of the child representatives, farness of the training
center, weather conditions, there were un-implemented plans and activities, there was a
difficulty in gathering the participants and the program was time consuming.
On the other hand, the child representatives encountered challenges during the
implementation which are they did not attended some of the trainings, they were committed
to other organizations, they were hard up in managing their time, they have insufficient
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

knowledge of the topic, they have many other responsibilities, they have the difficulty in
organizing themselves and they were nervous during the presentation of their puppet show.
For the trainers, the challenges they encountered were the different age groups among the
child representatives and some of the participants lack knowledge regarding the subject
Moreover, the recommendations of the youth participants and the trainers involved
in the program were the improvement of the program, expansion of audiences, additional
of child representatives, cooperation and participation among all the child representatives,
nearer venue, the institutionalization of the program, the involvement of the different
sectors in the society such as the religious sector, the continuous follow-up regarding the
impact of the program to the child representatives and CFSPI partnering with other local
community radio stations.
The values gained by the child representatives in the program they are involved
were unity and cooperation, patience, leadership, responsibility, friendship, confidence,
discipline and time management. Also, they were able to hone their skills in writing
articles. They also learned how to make radio scripts, write short stories and do acting.
The study then concluded that media can be an effective tool in empowering the
youth; that CFSPI and the partner agencies followed the basic processes in conducting a
program which includes the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation; that the
Performing arts using Media Program met its objectives in empowering the youth and
children through the use of media; that the use of several methods in implementing the
program helped in the attainment of the goals of the program.; that the application of
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

appropriate methods ensures the success of a certain program; and that the degree of
participation of the barangay officials is of importance for the success of the program.
With these conclusions, the study recommends that CFSPI may still continue the
Performing Arts using media Program; that CFSPI may consider the separation of the age
groups of the youth participant in the program; that CFSPI may consider continuous
monitoring and evaluation of the program that the venue of the training would be nearer;
that CFSPI may consider institutionalizing the program; that the involvement of the
different sectors of the society may also be considered; that CFSPI may also consider
partnering with other community or local radio stations; that CFSPI and the partner
agencies may consider the expansion of their audience and the additional of child
representatives; that the involvement of the barangay officials in the program should be
taken into consideration and further study on the impact of the program may be conducted.

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

The Philippines today is tormented with immense problems—poverty, violence,
corruption and indifferences. Just as Jose Rizal and other like him exclaimed, the task of
cultivating the motherland is burdened upon the youth.

The youth, by legal definition, comprises those who are 15 to 30 years old, almost
occupying one third of the country’s population. Given their large share in the Filipino
population, they increasingly play a large role in the development of the Philippine society.
Their attitudes, values, mind-set, and priorities will determine the development of their
country in the future. With the crucial role the society has placed upon them, it is imperative
to instill a positive outlook upon today’s youth that will orient them towards development
(Voice master, 2003).
In the Philippines, the state recognizes the vital role of the youth in nationbuilding.
However, for them to be effective agents of change toward national development, the need
for them to be empowered is of great importance. For empowerment to be possible, the
Global Partnership for Youth Development, a global organization that promotes, and
invests in good examples of tri-sector partnerships in youth development around the world,
suggests that the youth must be given opportunities to participate in community life and
capacity building (Voice master, 2003).
The chance of having the youth be given the opportunity to participate in
community life and capacity building is what the Child and Family Service Philippines.
Incorporated (CFSPI) is trying to contribute through their several programs. CFSPI is a
non-profit non-stock social service agency dedicated to the rights of children in need of
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

protection and the empowerment of women and families. They are geared towards the
prevention of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation. They provide disadvantaged youth and
women with skills training, technical and financial support for livelihood opportunities,
and microfinance ventures.
One of their programs to empower the youth is through their Performing Arts
Using Media Program. This program aims to help the youth exercise their verbal
communication and enhance their skills in writing and performing arts. The program
started to be conceptualized in April and will hopefully be continuous. The program
comprises the planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation stages.
According to Walter Ladyong, program coordinator, with the increasing number
of youth involved in crimes and children being neglected caused by factors such as
broken family, child abuse, and the likes, the CFSPI considered the link between media
and the children to voice out their grievances and needs through producing radio spots,
radio plugs and radio drama, writing articles, puppet show, writing short stories and other
forms of media. He added that the voice of the youth needed to be heard by the
community, them being the hope of the nation.
In a survey conducted by Global Filipino Foundation in 2001, media and
technology are the other big things in the lives of the youth. With this, the youth could
express what they wanted to advocate with the medium they prefer.
Using the media for development, which the CFSPI is advocating, is what
Development Communication is all about. With this, the need to document this kind of
program is of importance as it may provide insight to development communication
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

practitioners and students including those institutions with related program strategies.
Looking how media is effectively used in empowering the youth is also a concern that
needs to be documented. Other development workers may also apply the communication
processes involved in the implementation of the project whose advocacy is related to that
Statement of the Problem
This study intended to answer the following questions:
1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents?
2. What are the processes involved in the creation of the program?
3. What are the objectives and child problems being addressed by the program?
4. What is the communication processes involved in the implementation of the
5. What are the communication methods used in the program?
6. How does CFSPI monitor and evaluate the output of the participants?
7. What are the values, lessons and skills the participants gained from the program?
8. What are the challenges encountered by the CFSPI, the youth participants and the
trainers in implementing the program?
9. What are the recommendations of the youth participants and trainers involved in
the program?

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Objectives of the Study
This study was able to do the following:
1. identified the socio-demographic profile of the respondents;
2. identified the processes involved in the creation of the program;
3. identified the objectives and child problems being addressed by the program;
4. determined the communication processes involved in the implementation of the
5. enumerated the communication methods used in the program;
6. found out how CFSPI monitor and evaluate the output of the participants;
7. enumerated the values, lessons and skills the participants gained from the program;
8. enumerated the challenges encountered by the CFSPI, the youth participants and
the trainers in implementing the program; and,
9. identified the recommendations of the youth participants and trainers involved in
the program.
Importance of the Study
Results of the study may serve as a reference for the CFSPI in evaluating and
strengthening their project. Insights from this study may also be used by their project
managers and other agencies in undertaking projects related to media and youth
Development Communication students may also use this study as a reference in
looking how media is used for youth empowerment. It may also serve as a reference and a
guide for researchers having similar scope in documenting communication practices and
processes and evaluating how media is used in empowering the youth.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study focused on documenting the processes involved in the creation of the
CFSPI’s Performing Arts Using Media Program, the objectives and child problems being
addressed by it, the communication processes involved in the program’s implementation,
the communication methods used in the program, how CFSPI evaluate the output of the
youth participants, the values, lessons and skills gained by the youth participants, the
challenges encountered during the implementation by the trainers, CFSPI and youth
participants, and the recommendation of the youth participants and trainers.
The study did not include the behavioral traits of the participants during the
learning process and the characters of the implementers.
The study was conducted in La Trinidad, Benguet.

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Profile of CFSPI
History. CFSPI was founded in 1987 as a nonprofit, non-stock social service
agency. It is a leading organization in the Cordillera region dedicated to the rights of
children in need of special protection and the empowerment of women and families. Our
most crucial goal is the prevention of child abuse, neglect, and exploitation (CFSPI, 2012).
Strategic Goals. Prevent and ameliorate abuse and exploitation of children and
women, with a special interest in those children who must acquiesce to sexual exploitation
in order to survive. Provide a sanctuary for children and women in need of special
protection, and ensure they have access to caring, healing and teaching services. Assist in
reducing juvenile delinquency and stimulate greater interest in good standards for the
training and guidance of children. Provide disadvantaged youth and women with skills
training, technical, and financial support for livelihood opportunities, and microfinance
ventures. Work directly or in cooperation with other persons or agencies, so that children,
women and families requiring the community’s interest may obtain services of the most
value them.
Performing Arts using Media Program
Rationale. With the increased number of children/youth being involved in crimes
and children being neglected which is caused by several factors; we consider the link
between the media and the children to voice out their grievances and needs. Through our
youth representatives, we wish to train them to express their feelings about different topics
concerning child advocacy that will benefit the community (Ladyong, 2012).
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

This would also give opportunity to the child representatives for exposure and
would benefit our children to have an edge in Journalism, Broadcasting, Arts and Drama.
Actual demonstration will be practiced which will help them express their rights in public
(Ladyong, 2012).
Program Description. Seminars on Radio Broadcasting, Journalism and Script
Writing would be conducted. This would help them exercise their verbal communication
through media and enhance their skills in writing and performing arts. Each of the trained
children will deliver a simple message advocating children’s right and other issues on child
advocacy. They will have an opportunity to interact with Radio Broadcasting staff and
professional performing artists. Methods of teaching during this training will be as follows:
Role play which depicts the life of today’s generation, song that have primarily lessons
about children, drama presentation which could be developed and be heard by public and
series of topics to be discussed on Radio Programs as per schedule (Ladyong, 2012).
Sustainability. A youth program is to be included in Radio Broadcasting. This
would be scheduled on weekends so that child representatives can alternately have their
time to utilize their Radio Programs and to advocate children’s rights and participation
using several methodologies that they’ve learned. Professional Radio Broadcasting Staff
and other trainers will assist the trained children (Ladyong, 2012). Goal. All participants
will be able to confidently express their thoughts in written and oral form after the
training (Ladyong, 2012).
Media are communication channels through which news, entertainment, education,
data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and
narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards,
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

direct mail, telephone fax, and internet. Media is the plural form of medium and can take
a plural or singular verb, depending on the sense intended. Data storage material divided
into three broad categories according to the recording method magnetic, such as diskettes,
disks, tapes, optical such as microfiche and magneto-optical such as
CDs and DVDs (Online Business Dictionary, 2012).
Empowerment is the process of enhancing the capacity of individuals or groups to
make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes. Central to
this process are actions which both build individual and collective assets, and improve the
efficiency and fairness of the organizational and institutional context which govern the use
of these assets (Povertynet, 2011).
According to Huebner (1998), empowerment also means teaching young people
specific "plays" within the game. People have to learn new ways of thinking and working.
It does not come automatically. Let's take the fashion review as an example. In setting up
a fashion review, teens need to know all the steps involved, that is the "plays" of the game.
These could include finding a location, how much can be spent on rent, negotiating and
signing a contract, charging admission, selling tickets, contracting for lighting, getting
stores to donate clothes, getting teens to model, selecting music, insurance/liability issues,
snacks, and so forth. Often teens do not follow through because they don't know what to
Empowerment is multi-dimensional, social, and a process. It is multi-dimensional
in that it occurs within sociological, psychological, economic, and other dimensions.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Empowerment also occurs at various levels, such as individual, group, and
Empowerment, by definition, is a social process, since it occurs in relationship to others.
Empowerment is a process that is similar to a path or journey, one that develops as we
work through it. Other aspects of empowerment may vary according to the specific context
and people involved, but these remain constant. In addition, one important implication of
this definition of empowerment is that the individual and community are fundamentally
connected (Czuba, 1999).
Youth Empowerment
Huebner (1998) defined "Empowering teens ―as a process through which adults
begin to share responsibility and power with young people. It is the same idea as teaching
young people the rules of the game. Youth development professionals are helping young
people develop non-academic competencies that will help them to participate in the game
of life. Because it is a process, empowerment is something that is achieved over time, not
Because youth empowerment and personal growth are so important for young
people to learn, the process should be encouraged and understood. During this difficult
period of transition, young adults often have many questions and issues, and parents and
families should try to respond in a sensitive way to the specific needs of the children
(Demand Media, 2011).
One of the most common and beneficial ways to encourage personal growth and
empowerment is to give young adults increased responsibilities in their own lives. An after-
school job, for example, can be a great way to teach a growing child about the important
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

of time management, while giving them a chance to earn some personal money. Just as
important as letting them take the job is letting them use the money they earn for the things
they like. Secondly, school organizations and clubs are also a place for growing teens to
become involved in their community and in a variety of tasks and hobbies. Anything from
the school newspaper to drama clubs to a music group can teach your child valuable skills
while helping them explore their own interests (Demand Media, 2011).
Finally, summer internships can also be a valuable way to give children and
students work experience and job skills at a young age. Internships can also get youth
thinking about possible career opportunities or directions for their own future, and are a
great opportunity for making them feel independent and on their own (Demand Media,

History of Youth Empowerment
The youth empowerment movement started in the 1960s, when students at
universities across the United States began to get involved in politics and protests on
campus. Even earlier than that, campuses and students had played a large role in the Civil
Rights movement and in other political and social movements, but for the first time youth
and students began to be seen as political and social actors. In response to the Vietnam
War, student protests and organizations sprung up, and students demanded the right to be
heard (Demand Media, 2011).
Since those rebellious days, youth empowerment has calmed down significantly,
but it continues to be an important part of childhood development and an essential phase
of the transition to adulthood. Typically taking place during High School and college years,
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

the transition is accompanied by increased involvement in student activities and a growing
independence in making life choices and choosing a personal direction. At the same time,
young teens making that transition to adulthood learn to make their own decisions and stick
by them, and hopefully to learn from their own mistakes. It is a time when young people
being to go out into the world on their own and to learn how to succeed on their own terms
(Demand Media, 2011).
Communication Processes within an Organization
Communication can best be summarized as the transmission of a message from a
sender to a receiver in an understandable manner. The importance of effective
communication is immeasurable in the world of business and in personal life. From a
business perspective, effective communication is an absolute must, because it commonly
accounts for the difference between success and failure or profit and loss. It has become
clear that effective business communication is critical to the successful operation of
modern enterprise. Every business person needs to understand the fundamentals of
effective communication (Sanchez, n.d.).
The communication process is the guide toward realizing effective communication.
It is through the communication process that the sharing of a common meaning between
the sender and the receiver takes place. Individuals that follow the communication process
will have the opportunity to become more productive in every aspect of their profession.
Effective communication leads to understanding (Sanchez, n.d.).
The communication process is made up of four key components. Those components
include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two
other factors in the process, and those two factors are present in the form of the sender and
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

the receiver. The communication process begins with the sender and ends with the receiver
(Sanchez, n.d.).
The communication process is the perfect guide toward achieving effective
communication. When followed properly, the process can usually assure that the sender's
message will be understood by the receiver. Although the communication process seems
simple, it in essence is not. Certain barriers present themselves throughout the process.
Those barriers are factors that have a negative impact on the communication process. Some
common barriers include the use of an inappropriate medium (channel), incorrect grammar,
inflammatory words, words that conflict with body language, and technical jargon. Noise
is also another common barrier. Noise can occur during any stage of the process. Noise
essentially is anything that distorts a message by interfering with the communication
process. Noise can take many forms, including a radio playing in the background, another
person trying to enter your conversation, and any other distractions that prevent the receiver
from paying attention (Sanchez, n.d.).
Successful and effective communication within an organization stems from the
implementation of the communication process. All members within an organization will
improve their communication skills if they follow the communication process, and stay
away from the different barriers. It has been proven that individuals that understand the
communication process will blossom into more effective communicators, and effective
communicators have a greater opportunity for becoming a success (Sanchez, n.d.).

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Possible Problems with Youth Empowerment
As children grow older and begin to set out on their own path and take charge of
their lives, it is common for problems to arise between them and their parents. Often, a
rebellious phase accompanies issues of youth empowerment, and a child may feel they
need additional space from their family to grown in their own direction and under their
own control (Demand Media, 2011).
The best thing to do in these cases is often for a parent or family to show that they
care about their child and to encourage them to explore on their own, with the support of
the family when they need it. Letting children take on their own challenges and treating
them with respect and dignity as they do so is likely to bring out a more responsible and
respectful attitude in the child themselves. And while giving advice is a common desire by
parents who want to spare their children the pain of making mistakes, often learning
through trial and error is an integral part of growing up and becoming self-empowered
(Demand Media, 2011).
As children grow up and begin to set out on their own, through youth empowerment
and increased self-direction, they should be encouraged and given positive feedback. Being
a child is hard enough, especially in the transition to adulthood, and understanding and
sensitive parents can be a major help in successfully making that transition (Demand
Media, 2011).

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Communication Strategies in Empowering Youth through Media
These are the communication strategies used by the Nokia, Plan International, and
local partners in initiating the Youth Empowerment through Arts and Media (YETAM)
project in 2008. It seeks to give youth the skills and tools to communicate at local, national,
and global level about issues impacting on their lives. Through arts, traditional media, and
new media tools, youth engage in the community development process and beyond. They
are trained on different forms of communication, which include verbal communication,
performance, visual arts, and social media, in order to help them effectively raise their
viewpoints and enter into dialogue with families, peers, community members, decision
makers, and the general public (Aventh, 2011).
Using mapping, participatory video, visual arts, and performing arts as a means of
investigation and expression, youth, aged 12-18, work in small teams to identify resources
and challenges in their communities, understand more about causes and effects of key
issues impacting on youth, and learn about different viewpoints held by community
members and community leaders around those issues. They then produce arts and media
about the issues and develop an action plan to raise awareness and community support to
begin resolving the issues. By developing youths’ communication and leadership skills,
coupled with technology education and practice with information and communication
technologies (ICTs), YETAM seeks to open new possibilities for youth so that they are
more able to engage using 21st century skills. The importance of ownership and
commitment to local development is emphasized, and the methodology is designed to form
capable and positive community leadership for the future (Aventh, 2011).
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

The arts and media are also used as a starting point to raise issues and youth
viewpoints with district and national leaders and the public, and to advocate for change.
At the same time, the youths’ materials are posted on the web so that the public can learn
more about issues and get involved. Rather than hearing about youths' viewpoints via
foreign and/or adult journalists, the YETAM project allows youth to claim their own place
and directly debate and discuss the issues they care about. Curricula based on the youth’s
key issues and video/arts materials are developed and used to engage additional groups in
the 6 African focus countries, and an on-line curriculum for the "Global North" allows
youth not living in Africa to better understand the issues and learn how to get involved.
The web allows cross-country and global interaction among youth; building confidence
and motivating them to continue moving forward (Aventh, 2011).
In each country, the YETAM program involves youth, teachers, local media, and
arts organizations in 1-week training of trainers, followed by a 2-week training program
with secondary school youth. A local follow-up plan is created by the youth, teachers, and
local partners for organization and continued advocacy by the youth, refresher training, and
additional arts and media work around the identified issues (Aventh, 2011).
Impact of Media use on Children and Youth
Television. Television has the potential to generate both positive and negative
effects, and many studies have looked at the impact of television on society, particularly
on children and adolescents. An individual child’s developmental level is a critical factor
in determining whether the medium will have positive or negative effects. Not all television
programs are bad, but data showing the negative effects of exposure to violence,
inappropriate sexuality and offensive language are convincing. Still, physicians need to
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

advocate continued research into the negative and positive effects of media on children and
adolescents (Pediatrics Child and Health, 2003).
Television viewing frequently limits children’s time for vital activities such as
playing, reading, learning to talk, spending time with peers and family, storytelling,
participating in regular exercise, and developing other necessary physical, mental and
social skills. In addition to the amount of time spent in front of the television, other factors
that influence the medium’s effect on children include the child’s developmental level,
individual susceptibility and whether children watch television alone or with their parents
(Pediatrics Child and Health, 2003).
Music videos. Music videos may have a significant behavioural impact by
desensitizing viewers to violence and making teenagers more likely to approve of
premarital sex. Up to 75% of videos contain sexually explicit material and more than half
contain violence that is often committed against women. Women are portrayed frequently
in a condescending manner that affects children’s attitudes about sex roles (Pediatrics Child
and Health, 2003).
Video games. Some video games may help the development of fine motor skills
and coordination, but many of the concerns about the negative effects of television (eg,
inactivity, a social behavior and violence) also apply to excessive exposure to video games.
Violent video games should be discouraged because they have harmful effects on
children’s mental development. Parents should be advised to familiarize themselves with
various rating systems for video games and use this knowledge to make their decisions
(Pediatrics Child and Health, 2003).
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Internet. The Internet has a significant potential for providing children and youth
with access to educational information, and can be compared with a huge home library.
However, the lack of editorial standards limits the Internet’s credibility as a source of
information. There are other concerns as well (Pediatrics Child and Health, 2003).
The Role of Youth and Children in the Philippines
The Constitution provides: ―The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in
nation-building.‖ In addition, the Constitution also provides: ―Subject to reasonable
conditions prescribed by law, the State adopts and implements a policy of full public
disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest.‖ Thus, it is no less than a
constitutional mandate, to give young people a vital role in nation building (Defensor,
Children’s right to participation. Article 12 of the Convention on the rights of the
child provides that: ―State parties should assure to the child who is capable of forming his
or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child,
the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age of the maturity if
the child (CHRP, 2008).
Children’s participation has many layers of values for the modern society. On the
other hand, when children participate in the formulation and implementation of policies,
society is ensured of future civic-oriented citizens keen on participating actively in any
democratic exercise. Children whose opinions are honored will indubitably grow up
confident and adjusted. When children can participate, they will understand their rights and
become more protective of its observance. More importantly, children who may be abused
or exploited would be empowered too after those who wronged him.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

An empowered children sector can hold the government accountable for the
fulfillment of their rights. In this way, children will contribute to the improvement of
governance (CHRP, 2008).
The right to participate ranges from the child being able to speak his or her mind,
to participating in decision-making exercises with adults as equal partner (CHRP, 2008).

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted in La Trinidad, Benguet (Figure 1) since their child
representatives are the project beneficiary.
The municipality of La Trinidad is the capital town of the province of Benguet. It
is located 256 kilometers north of Metro Manila, at geographical coordinates 16 degrees,
21 minute north latitude and 120 degrees and 25 minutes east longitude. It is bounded on
the north by the municipality of Tublay, on the south by the City of Baguio, on the west by
the municipalities of Sablan and Tuba.
Population is largest among the young age groups 0 to 14. This age bracket
aggregately account for 35 percent of the total population, with the males outnumbering
the females at 100 to 95. The combined population of persons ages 15 to 30, meanwhile,
is equal to 32 percent with a sex ratio of 100 females to 92 males. Those in 31 to 64 age
groups account for 31 percent, more males than females at a ratio of 100 to 95. Senior
citizens consist 3 percent of the total population, with a sex ratio of 1:1.
The study was conducted from December to February 2013.
Respondents of the Study
Children and Family Services in the Philippines Inc. (CFSPI) was chosen as the
organization-respondent because it is an organization advocating for children’s rights and
protection. It is the organization who initiated and proposed the Performing Arts using
Media Program in partnership with the Local Council for the Protection of Children
(LCPC), Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) and Transworld Radio
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

The respondents of the study were thirteen (17) child representatives from the 16
barangays of La Trinidad and representatives from chosen public and private schools. They
were chosen through purposive sampling with the following criteria: (a) must have joined
the complete training series on broadcasting; and (b) must have joined in making the script
for the radio drama, (c) must have wrote a short story advocating children’s rights (d) must
have at least completed three trainings, and (e) must have published an article regarding
child problems and advocacies. Two trainers were also interviewed regarding their views
and participation in the program.
Three key Informants were interviewed in the study. They were the La Trinidad
Council for the Protection of Children staff, the partner agency for the program, the
program coordinator and the implementers.
Data Collection
Personal interview with the youth participants was used to gather their
recommendations regarding the project. Interview with the key informants was also done
to gather the processes involved in the creation of the program, the objectives and child
problems addressed by it, the communication processes involved in the implementation of
the program, the communication methods used in the program, the ways on how they will
monitor and evaluate the program, and the challenges they encountered in the
implementation of the program.
Focus group discussion among the participants and the trainers was done to
evaluate if the youth participants were empowered. A survey questionnaire was also used
to gather the socio-demographic profile of the respondents.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Mail interview was also done with the key informants. This was done because of
the hectic schedule of the key informants.
The researcher was also present during the whole conduct of the program. She did
documentations of all the activities conducted.

Data Gathered
The data gathered were the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, the
processes involved in the creation of the CFSPI’s Performing Arts Using Media Program,
the objectives and child problems being addressed by it, the communication processes
involved in its implementation, the communication methods used in the program, how
CFSPI evaluate the output of the youth participants, the values, lessons and skills gained
by the youth participants, the challenges encountered during the implementation by the
trainers, CFSPI and youth participants, and the recommendation of the youth participants
and trainers regarding the program.

Data Analysis
Information gathered from the respondents was consolidated, tabulated and was analyzed
through descriptive statistics using frequency counts and percentages. The data was
processed and was presented in a narrative form.

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Figure 1 . Map of La Trinidad showing the locale of the study

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Socio-demographic Profile of the Respondents
Table 1 presents the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. They were
categorized according to name, age, sex and grade/year level.
They were chosen through purposive sampling with the following criteria: (a) must
have joined the complete training series on broadcasting, (b) must have joined in making
the script for the radio drama and radio plug, (c) must have wrote a short story advocating
children’s rights (d) must have at least completed three trainings, and (e) must have
published an article regarding child problems and advocacies.
They were the child representatives of the sixteen barangays of La Trinidad
representing the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC). Some of them
were also the child representatives of the Local Council for the Protection of Children
(LCPC). Others were also the representatives of the public and private schools within La
Trinidad. Nine of them completed the whole series of the trainings and seminars and eleven
of them did not.
The table shows that there were twelve female and six male respondents. They
belonged to the age bracket 11-17.
Furthermore, the table shows that the respondents belong to different grade or year
level. Four of them were grade six pupils, two were grade seven pupils, two were year high
school, one second year high school, two third year high school, one fourth year high
school, three first year college and two second year college students.

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of the child representatives
Abanse, Jornalon C.
4th year high school
Aroco, Kenneth M.
Grade 6
Balawis, Jenny D.
2nd year college
Bolayo, Aracelli K.
Grade 7
Camilo, Berlenda O.
3rd year high school
Cholinas, Judylyn A.
2nd year high school
Fanged, Nicholai A.
1st year college
Licang, Ken Ric
1st year college
Malting, Archel C.
Grade 6
Massagan, Jasmine C.
Grade 6
Mayos, Abilaine Mae
Grade 6
Mojica, Jason
1st year college
Nebres, Romarie P.
1st year high school
Pagadian, Alshane L.
3rd year high school
Sab-it, Camille A.
1st year high school
Simon, Fusia R.
Grade 7
Urbano, Jherlyn A.
2nd year college

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Table 2. Socio-demographic profile of the key informant
Co, Rose Noemi T.
Government employee
Ladyong, Walter N.
Program specialist
Santiago, Lorena A.
Government employee

Table 3. Sociodemographic profile of the Trainers
Awas, Filmore Y.
Maguiya, Jesse D
Anchor Reporter

Meanwhile, there were three key informants for the study which was presented in
Table 2, namely: Walter N. Ladyong, Lorena A. Santiago and Rose Noemi T. Co. They
were the project proponents and implementers of the program which qualified them to be
the reliable sources of information for this study.
There were also two trainers interviewed as presented in Table 3. They were
interviewed regarding their involvement in the said program. They were Filmore Awas and
Jesse Maguiya.

Processes Involved in the Creation of the Performing Arts using Media Program
As shown in Figure 2, the processes involved in the creation of the program include
the basic process in program management as follows: planning, implementation,
monitoring, and evaluation processes.
Planning. The processes involved under the planning stage include program
conceptualization, program beneficiary identification, program coordination with the
partner agencies (LCPC and BCPC), and program planning meetings.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Program conceptualization. According to Walter Ladyong, the program started to
be conceptualized on the month of April 2012. Since CFSPI is a Non-government Agency
(NGO) advocating for the protection of the children, CFSPI came up with a program which
could help lessen the number of Out-of-School Youths (OSY’s) and delinquent students
and which could address the prevailing problems encountered by the youths of today.
Ladyong added that taking into account media as an effective tool in advocating children’s
rights, the program used media as an instrument in empowering children and youth. The
organizers also added that since media is one of the big things in the life of the youth today,
they could use it as a medium in expressing their grievances and concerns. This was
supported by the survey conducted by Global Filipino Foundations in 2001 which found
out that media and technologies are the other big things in the lives of the youth.
Program beneficiary identification. The municipality of La Trinidad was one of the
program beneficiaries of CFSPI. According to Ladyong, the program was coordinated with
the Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC) and the Barangay Council for the
Protection of Children (BCPC) of every barangay. The youth participants who joined the
program were the child representatives of BCPC and LCPC. To have the involvement of
the school departments, Ladyong also invited public and private schools around the
municipality of La Trinidad to send their representatives, preferably their campus
Rose Noemi T. Co, the chairperson of the Local Council for the Protection of
Children (LCPC)- Participation Committee, also added that the creation of the program
was based on the results of the monitoring and evaluation done by the council which shows
that the BCPC and LCPC lacks child representatives. The different barangays then
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

recommended the child representatives who will be representing their barangay for the
Program coordination with the partner agencies (LCPC and BCPC). As stated by
the key informants, since the municipality of La Trinidad was the chosen program
beneficiary, the program was coordinated with the Local Council for the protection of
Children (LCPC) and the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC).
Program planning meetings. Based on the responses of the key informants during
the interview, program implementation was done through series of meetings conducted by
the CFSPI with BCPC and LCPC. It was conducted to create a detailed program plan.
After the acceptance of the CFSPI proposal, the dates and venue of the trainings were set.
The resources needed were discussed and committees were created such as the
documentation and steering committee.
The documentation committee was given to the LCPC which was handled by
Lorena A. Santiago, one of the program implementers. She was responsible in making the
minutes of meeting, consolidating the outputs of the youth participants, taking photos and
making the documentation of all the activities conducted.
Meanwhile the steering committee was assigned to the CFSPI. This was handled
by Walter Ladyong. He was responsible in inviting the trainers and the speakers and in
visiting the child representatives. He was also responsible in conducting direct supervisions
as a part of the evaluation process. During the whole training process, he was the one who
was responsible in informing the child representatives regarding the schedules of the
meetings, its venue and the time of the rehearsals. In general, he was the overseer of the
developments of the program.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Implementation. As stated by the organizers during the interviews, the
implementation phase includes the program initiation; invitation of participants and
trainees; and conduct of seminars, trainings and workshops, which include the capability
building activities and events where the child representatives showcased their outputs.
Program initiation. According to Ladyong, the program was initiated by the
CFSPI. Also, Lorena Santiago added that the program was part of the Local Development
Plan (LDP) for children of the LCPC.
Invitation of participants. Ladyong personally went to the different barangays of
La Trinidad to invite the participants. He also sent letters to the different school heads and
barangay captains informing them to send their child representatives who will be joining
the program. After which, he oriented the participants regarding their expectations and
what they will be doing in the program.
Inviting of trainees. The project coordinator also invited resource speakers who
could serve as the trainers. According the organizers, trainers were chosen based on their
expertise and their credibility and knowledge of the subject matter. They should possess
the necessary skills and capabilities needed in the training. For the other topics, the project
coordinators served as the speakers themselves. They also served as the trainees who taught
the child representatives the skills they needed like radio script writing, acting, article
writing, and public speaking.
Seminars, trainings and workshops. Table 4 presents the list of the trainings and
seminar-workshops conducted by CFSPI. These were based on the documentations done
by the researcher during the conduct of all the activities.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

The table also shows the outputs of the participants during the capability building activities
and events conducted which include a puppet show, short stories advocating children’s
rights, scripts for the radio drama and radio plug, and the articles published in the child
representatives’ school journal and in the Baguio Midland Courier.
Capability building activities. Table 4 also shows the capability building activities
the child representatives had undergone such as lectures and workshops on children’s rights
and responsibilities, freedom of expression in media, fundamentals of sound and sound
waves, fundamentals of scriptwriting, fundamentals of radio plug, radio drama, and writing
for broadcast media. Figure 3 shows Filmore Awas, one of the trainers having a lecture on
radio script during the capability building activities. Ladyong in his statement said that
these activities were conducted to equip the child representatives with the skills they
needed in order for them to effectively advocate their rights and grievances.
Table 4. List of activities conducted by CFSPI
Capability Building Activities Lectures and Workshops on:

Children’s rights and Responsibilities
Script for a radio
drama and radio plug
Freedom of Expression in Media
Articles published in
Courier and the child
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

school journals
Fundamentals of Sound and Sound waves

children’s rights

Fundamentals of Scriptwriting

Fundamentals of Radio plug, radio drama, and writing

for broadcast media

Children’s Summit: In celebration of the Children’s month

Interaction with the out-of-school youths (OSY’s)
Lecture on Drugs, drug abuse, drug usage, and drug

Lecture on bullying, child abuse, violence, public humiliation,
malicious imputations, corporal punishments, and sexual
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Puppet show
Children’s Month

Most Child Friendly Barangay Awarding Ceremony

The trainers also did lecture-discussions through PowerPoint presentation. They
also engaged the youth participants in the discussions and let them participate through
asking their opinions, letting them ask questions and giving them short exercises to do.
Maguiya, one of the trainers, let them make a story by looking and letting them do the
―Reporter’s Instinct Exercise‖. This exercise would test how the child representatives
would react as reporters if a certain event occurs. He gave an incident and asked them how
they would respond and report the said event. He also let the silent type participants be
involved in the discussions.
Awas, one of the trainers, also let the participants do short exercises such as role
playing, and short forum- where they could ask clarifications. He let them make a short
story advocating children’s rights and addressing a child problem which could either be
their personal experiences or their observations.
Events. This includes the activities and events conducted to showcase the
presentations of the child representatives. One of which is the children’s month celebration
wherein they presented their puppet show (Figure 4) with the help of the Transworld Radio
(TWR). The puppet show depicted the following child problems: abusive parents, alcoholic
father, maltreatment of children by their parents, bullying of children, human trafficking,
child abuse, and child labor. The themes were forgiveness, poverty, and children’s rights
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

and responsibilities. Also, a children’s summit for the child representatives and the OSY’s
was conducted in celebration of the children’s month.
Figure 4 . The child representatives presenting a puppet show during the celebration

of the children’s month at the municipal gym, La Trinidad, Benguet

Moreover, Ladyong added that the activity was conducted for the child
representatives to fully understand and know the problems confronting the youth today.
During these events, the child representatives were able to have an interaction with the Out
of Schools Youth (OSY’s). They were also lectured on drugs, drug abuse, drug usage, and
drug dependent, bullying, child abuse, violence, public humiliation, malicious imputations,
corporal punishments, and sexual exploitations.
Monitoring and evaluation. As stated by the organizers, the monitoring was done
through personal visits and direct supervision by the project proponent to the child
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

representatives. It was done weekly to check if they are doing their given tasks
Table 5 presents the activity done during the evaluation period which includes the
year –end evaluation and socialization (presented in figure 5) conducted on December
2012. The activity was conducted to list all the accomplishment of the child representatives
and for them to propose plans for 2013. The proposed plans and accomplishment report
was submitted to their barangays for further action if it could be implemented.

Table 5. Activities done during the monitoring and evaluation

Year-end evaluation and socialization Accomplishment Report and Plan for 2013
Lecture on Enhancing personal strengths Evaluation of the Performing Arts using and
Overcoming one’s weaknesses Media Program
Lorena Santiago noted that ―since planning is involved in the program, monitoring
and evaluation was also done by the steering committee. One tool is the annual search for
the most child friendly barangay in the municipality. The local government unit (LGU) of
the municipality of La Trinidad also joined the presidential award for most child friendly
cities and municipalities (of which our own municipality is a national finalist).

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Fig ure 5. The c hild r epres e n ta tives during the evaluation period at the Lednicky Hall,

Municipal Hall, Km 5, La Trinidad, Benguet on December 22, 2012

Objectives and Child Problems being Addressed by the Program
Child problems. Table 6 presents the child problems addressed by the program. It
presented the inhibiting factors for those problems and its initial solutions. These problems
were the child problems encountered and observed by the child representatives and the
organizers of the program. These were all based on the program proposal made by CFSPI.
Generally, the table presents the problems encountered by the child representatives and the
problems they observed the youth of today is facing. These includes jobless parents
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

bad vices of parents, too many siblings, broken family, computer game addiction,
neglection of parents, bullying, absenteeism, and other forms of abuses.
A child representative shared during the interview that she is being abused by her
uncle. In her statement, she expressed, ―I am abused by my uncle, tampatampakendak,
uray basit nga banag, agtampak ya, ibagbagana na nga tabetabedak kanu‖(my uncle hurt
me even if it is just for a simple matter, he says that I am dumb). She also shared that she
experienced being bullied in their school. Some of the child representatives also agreed on
being bullied in their school.
Objectives. To address those child problems discussed earlier, CFSPI
conceptualized a program which could lessen these problems. Considering the link
between the media and the children in voicing out their grievances and needs, CFSPI used
media as a tool in empowering the children and youth of La Trinidad. The main objective
of the program is to train the youth in broadcasting and public speaking in order Table 6.
Child problems addressed by the program and its initial solutions (by CFSPI) for them to
express their grievances and issues concerning them and the youth in their community.
According to Ladyong, one way of training the child representatives express their
thoughts and feeling is through conducting capability building activities as presented in the
previous discussions. He added that through this event, the child representatives will use
media in expressing their feelings about different topics concerning child advocacy that
will benefit their community. This would also give opportunity to the child representatives
for exposure and would benefit them to have an edge in broadcasting, arts and drama. He
also said that the program will help in lessening the number of OSY’s and delinquent
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Jobless Parents
Conference with parents

Seek help from LGU, DSWED, DOH

Bad vices of
counseling, seminar, conference

Too many siblings Seek help from LGU, DSWED, DOH

Broken Family
Conference, seminar, counseling
Computer games
Conference with parents with the

Counseling with the child
Dialogue with PNP for strict
implementation of laws and ordinance
Conference with parents

Home Visits
Seek help from LGU’s or charity
foundations if it’s too risky

Neglected by parents Counseling with the parents and the child

Conference with parents and the child
Close monitoring, house visits

Referral to DSWD, PNP and accredited
NGO’s catering children
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Lack of child/youth Encourage the Barangay to select
capable child representative and youth
leaders to organize kids club or youth

Seek help from GO’s and NGO’s

Seek the help of MSHO Barangay

Unruly students
Seminar on values formation

Conducts home visit

Need for teacher
Invite trainers
Send teachers for training and seminars

The above result implies that CFSPI empowered the youth and children through
providing them skills in the course of the capability building activities. This finding was
supported by the definition of empowerment given by the Povertynet (2011) which defines
empowerment as the process of enhancing the capacity of individuals or groups to make
choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes.
According to Ladyong, part of the program’s goals is to enable the youth practice
their right to participation. This objective was considered to have been achieved through
the plans made by the child representatives for 2013 during the evaluation period as
discussed in the previous discussions. This result implies that the youth participants were
able to have a chance to participate in the formulation and implementation of polices
governing the community they thrive in.
The above result corroborates the statement of the Commission on Human rights in
the Philippines or the CHRP (2008) which says that children whose opinions are honored
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

will indubitably grow up confident and adjusted. When children can participate, they will
understand their rights and become more protective in its observance.
CHRP (2008) added that children’s right to participation ranges from the child being able
to speak his or her mind to participating in decision-making exercises with adults as equal
Since the program was coordinated with the LCPC and BCPC both belonging to
the Local Government Units, the program served a purpose in giving the youth a vital role
in nation-building. This was supported by the Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights
of the Child which state that ―State parties should assure to the child who is capable of
forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting
the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age of the
maturity if the child (CHRP, 2008).
The finding implies that the child representatives were able to lessen the problems
they are encountering through the program. Malting shared during the puppet show that
she was able to express her grievances. ―Nalag-anan ti riknak (I felt relieved) because I
was able to express what I wanted to express,‖ she said.
The respondents also expressed through the activities conducted that they were able
to inform the society regarding the problems they were encountering like jobless parents,
bad vices of parents, too many siblings, broken family, computer game addiction,
neglection by parents, bullying, absenteeism, and other forms of abuses.

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Communication Processes Involved in the Implementation of the Program
Information Dissemination. Table 7 presents the communication process that took
place during the information dissemination stage of the program according to the key
informants during the interviews. The table summarizes that the communication process
which started from the sender or the source of the message, the project proponent. The
message delivered was ―CFSPI is inviting you to join the performing Arts using Media
Program‖ and ―Send your child representatives or your school representatives preferably
your campus journalists to join the Performing Arts using Media Program‖. The channels
or medium used were cellular phones, letters and oral communication through personal
approach by the organizer. The decoder of the message sent is the child representatives,
trainers, school heads, and the barangay officials.
According to Ladyong and Santiago, they informed the beneficiaries of the program
through sending letters to the private and public high schools. The school representatives
were preferably members of their school’s campus publication.
Furthermore, the respondents stated that the project was communicated to them
through their school heads. Also, since they were the child representatives of their own
barangays, they will automatically represent their barangay.

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

―CFSPI is inviting you to join the
Performing Arts using media program‖
phone and
Proponent and
―Send a represen tative from your
school preferably a me mber of the
publicatio n to join the
Personal Approach
performing rts using media Program‖

Channels Used



Communication St
The ate
rec gies in
eiver r volv
espo ed in
nded t
he Program
Ch ild representatives, school
right away
heads and Barangay C aptains
Furthermore, the respondents stated the project
and was
the com
train m
er u
s n icated to them

This result clearly indicates that the CFSPI followed the basic communication process.

Figure 6. Flow chart of the communication process done during the information

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Communication Methods Used In the Program
Planning. As stated by the key informants during the interviews, the
communication methods used under the planning stage were meetings and personal
Meetings. According to the key informants, the Local Council for the Protection of
Children (LCPC), the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) and the
Children and Family Services in the Philippines (CFSPI) conduct its quarterly meetings.
This was manifested during the planning stage of the program as discussed previously in
Personal approach. Aside from letters, organizers informed their participants and
the trainees regarding the program through personal approach. As stated by Filmore Awas,
one of the trainers, the program was coordinated to him through initial discussion done by
the program coordinator. Formal letter of invitation followed next.
According to the trainers, they responded to the request using cellular phones, through text
and phone call.
According to the key informants, personal approach was an effective strategy since
they (child representatives and trainers) can have the respond right away.
Implementation. The communication methods used during this stage were
participatory group discussions, non-interpersonal communication, staged performance,
workshop-performance, short story making, and interaction with the out-of-school youths

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Participatory group discussion. As explained by the key informants, series of
participatory group discussion was used for the decision-making. This was also the
communication strategy used during the lectures and discussions accompanied by
PowerPoint presentations and visual aids. This is to have the participation of the child
representatives during the lectures.
Non-interpersonal communication. Non-interpersonal communication is a form of
communication without the use of face-to-face interaction. This was observed through the
use of electronic communication such as cell phones, telephones and letters. These include
the sending of SMS to the youth participants and the trainers. The messages sent to them
were the schedules and venue of the seminars, trainings and workshops. Also, changes in
the schedules, dates of implementation were informed to the youth participants and trainers
through text messages.
Staged performance. Using participatory approach and stage performance in a form
of a puppet show as a means of expressing their thoughts, the child representatives were
able to identify the problems the youth faces today, its causes and effects and their plans,
and steps in lessening and addressing these problems.
The puppet show was presented during the children’s month with the help of the
Transworld Radio. With the puppet show, they were able to present common youth
problems and concerns as discussed previously in the study.
Ladyong noted, since the child representatives are mostly children, a puppet show
was used for them to present the child problems, they have listed. They can express their
grievances in ways they could also enjoy. Since Cris Guzman, one of the trainers who was
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

also a disk jockey of the Transworld Radio, he coordinated the puppet show with their
radio station.
The above strategy used coincides with the strategy used by the Nokia plan
International in initiating the Youth Empowerment through Arts and Media (YETAM).
They also used mapping, participatory video, visual arts, and performing arts as a means
of investigation and expression, youth, aged 12-18, work in small teams to identify
resources and challenges in their communities, understand more about causes and effects
of key issues impacting on youth, and learn about different viewpoints held by community
members and community leaders around those issues. They then produce arts and media
about the issues and develop an action plan to raise awareness and community support to
begin resolving the issues.
Workshop-performance. Another communication method used by the CFSPI is the
―workshop-performance‖ (Figure 7) wherein the child representatives were given series
of workshops on acting and scriptwriting. The rights of children were discussed to them
before practicing and making their scripts. This strategy coincides with the strategy used
by the Ebgan, Inc in advocating women’s rights which was proven by Jesica Legawen
(2008) in her study titled ―Theater as a tool used by Ebgan, Inc. in Advocating
Women’s Rights.
The child representatives were grouped into several groups. They meet mostly on
Saturdays to rehearse and make the script for the radio drama. They do focus group
discussions in enumerating the problems and youth concerns in their community. After
which, they were required to make a radio drama script. They were trained on the different
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

forms of communication, which includes verbal communication and performance in order
to help them effectively raise the issues confronting the youth in their community.

activities done
Short story making. Another communication method CFSPI used was the ―short
story making‖. The child representatives were required to make short stories advocating
children’s rights whereas they were able to inject their personal experiences. With this,
they could lessen the burden they are feeling inside. They can express their thoughts and
their observations regarding the child problems the youth are encountering today.
Interaction with the Out-of-School Youth (OSY’s). Lastly, CFSPI used the method
―interaction with the Out-of-School Youth (OSY’s)‖. They conducted a children’s
summit, part of the children’s month celebration, to let the child representatives have an
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

interaction with the OSY’s. This is for them to see how the OSY’s behave. They also came
up with stories regarding the OSY which they used for their articles and scripts for the
radio drama.
The above finding implies that CFSPI used several methods in raising their issues
and viewpoints of the child representatives. Through the puppet show, published articles
and short stories the youth were able to voice out their grievances and the change they
wanted to happen in their community.
Evaluation. The process of evaluation was done through participatory discussions
by the project proponents and the child representatives. This was done within December
2012. According to the respondent, they were directly involved in the evaluation of the
program since they were the beneficiaries. At the same time, the council also conducted an
annual year-end evaluation of its performance. During these meetings, the council and the
project proponent disseminates the information and updates of the program.
Monitoring and Evaluation Scheme of CFSPI
According to the key informants who were also the program coordinators, the
monitoring and evaluation was done through firm monitoring. According to Ladyong this,
is because the outputs need deep scrutiny in evaluation. The program organizer let the child
representatives make post activities to be presented the following meeting. They were also
required to present their accomplishments every meeting.
Also, the key informants added that they conducted participatory discussion with
the youth. After which they were grouped into several groups. They were required to make
an accomplishment report of all their activities and the things they did for their community.
Part of it was a future plan for their own barangays.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Lorena Santiago added that since their trainees were children, much assistance and
more training were given to them. They were geared towards becoming living advocates
of children’s rights, so their day to day living was anticipated to be an avenue of their
output. Monitoring was done in the form of looking at their reports.
According to Co, they also evaluated the output of the participants through the
implemented projects proposed by the child representatives.
The result only implies that CFSPI and the partner agencies are conducting firm
monitoring and evaluation methods in different ways. It shows that the goals of the program
are met based on the results of the evaluations made and conducted. In addition, this result
implies that CFSPI and the partner agencies are following the processes in implementing a
program which is the Performing arts using media program of the CFSPI.

Values, Lessons and Skills Gained by the Participants from the Program
Values. Discussed here are the values gained by the child representatives in the program
they were involved in. These were generated through several methods of gathering data as
specified in the methodology.
Unity and cooperation. Unity as used in this study refers to the situation where the group
worked together in order to meet a goal and achieve positive results for their outputs. This
was observed during the scriptwriting and workshop of the child representatives. They
helped each other in making their script for the puppet show and the radio drama.
Aracelli Bolayo, the child representative of Pugius, said during the interview that they were
able to practice unity and cooperation during the puppet show. This was shown though the
organized groupings and task management of the group which determined the success of
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

the puppet show. Berlenda Camilo, the school representative of Benguet State University-
Secondary Laboratory School also observed the same. According to her, when they did the
task they were required to do, they were already contributing to the success of the group’s
Patience. As observed by the researcher during the documentation, the value of
patience was manifested when the children waited calmly for their trainers, and calmly
waited for their turn during the presentation of their puppet show.
This was supported by the observations shared by Ladyong, one of the program proponents.
According to him, the child representatives learned to be patient in making the tasks given
to them.
Leadership. This was observed during the trainings and workshops of the child
representatives. Some of them had the initiative to lead their group in making the scripts
and in identifying the problems confronting them and the youth in their own communities
without the organizer informing or pushing them.
Kenneth Aroco, the school representative of La Trinidad Central School, shared
during the interview that he was able to practice the value of leadership through taking
initiatives in organizing and managing the group he belonged during the group activities
Based on the observations of the researcher during the activities conducted, some of the
child representatives were able to have the initiative to organize and lead their group. This
was observed during the group works the child representatives were making.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Responsibility. This was observed during the meetings and rehearsals being
conducted by CFSPI. The child representatives still attended the meetings although the
scheduled meeting is Saturdays.
Pagadian shared during the interview that her being responsible was shown through
doing the required tasks, obligations and assignments given to her.
The researcher also observed that the child representatives’ were cautious of the tasks and
assignments given to them.
Friendship. As observed by the researcher during the whole of the implementation
of the program, all the child representatives befriend each other. The trainings and seminars
they attended paved way for them to know each other more. Somehow, the interpersonal
communication that took place during the program implementation built friendship among
the child representatives and their trainers, as strongly observed based on how they treat
each other.
Malting shared during the interview that she was able to meet new friends during
the trainings. All of the respondents agreed to this statement.
Confidence. This value focused on the belief of one’s own abilities. This was
manifested by the child representatives during the puppet show presentation.
According to Romarie Nebres, the child representative of Bahong, she was able to speak
in front of many people. Some also said that they were able to overcome their nervousness
and have gained their self-confidence.
This was supported by the observation of Maguiya, one of the trainers. According
to him, he observed that the child representatives were becoming confident when they were
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

involved in the discussion. They were confident in freely expressing their thoughts and
Discipline. This was defined as being obedient and dutiful. This was shown by the
child representatives during the whole training series. According to Pagadian, one of the
respondents, she was able to practice and learn discipline in doing the requirements given
to her. Ladyong further explained that discipline is always instilled to the participants every
time they meet. Such statement was also hared from the other coordinators.
Time management. Time management here refers to the ability of the youth
participants to manage their time wisely. Malting shared during the interview she was able
to know and manage her time wisely when she joined the program. She also added, instead
of having fun with her friends, she was able to make her day productive through joining
the activities done in the program.
Lessons Gained. These were several lessons gained from the program as narrated
by the child representatives.
According to Camille Sab-it, the school representative of La Trinidad national High
School, she learned that every child is special, ―that we, child representatives must be
proud of ourselves because we are supported by our parents well and also the government.
Unlike those other children who experiences abuse that even their own parents cannot
protect them and provide their needs.‖ Some also said that they learned to be a good person
to others, help other people at all times, and not to be a bad person.
Ken Ric Licang, in his statement noted, ―the seminars made me realize that though
I am not one of such, a lot of children and teenagers can be considered oppressed in the
society. It also made me re-evaluate media more as a tool, such that it can be used to address
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

this oppression in the society as much as it is used for political and economic purposes by
some institutions. Also, mainly due to its large pool of audience, it is indeed a very
powerful instrument.
Nicholai Fanged, one of the respondents also said, he learned that children are really
vital for the future, there are many issues surrounding children, there are many children
that are really bright and talented and that children can be very insensitive and mean. He
also learned that the government has been implementing projects to address these issues.
Some child representatives also said they were able to know their rights and responsibilities
through the re-orientation done by the CFSPI.
Skills Gained by the Child Representatives. According to the respondents, they
were able to hone their skills in writing articles. The other child representatives also added
that they learned how to make radio scripts, write short stories and do acting.
As observed by the researcher during the puppet show, the child representatives also honed
their skills in interpretative dance since they also did an interpretative dance.
These skills were noted during their workshops and presentation of outputs.
The findings showed that CFSPI was able to empower the youth and children through the
activities conducted as manifested by the values, lessons and skills they have acquired
throughout their stay in the program.
The above statement is supported by the statement of Demand Media (2011) which
states that one of the most common and beneficial ways to encourage personal growth and
empowerment in youth is to give them increased responsibilities in their own lives. This
was exactly what CFSPI did in empowering the child representatives through the
Performing arts using media program where they are involved in. School organizations and
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

clubs such as the BCPS and LCPC are places for growing teens to become involved in their
community and in a variety of tasks and hobbies. Anything from the school newspaper to
drama clubs to a music group can teach child valuable skills while helping them explore
their own interests.

Challenges Encountered by the CFSPI, the Youth Participants and the Trainers in
Implementing the Program
CFSPI. Table 7 presents the challenges that CFSPI encountered during the
implementation of the program. It also included the challenges faced by the partner
agencies such as the LCPC. These were based on the information given by the key
informants during the interview.
Schedules of the meetings and rehearsals. According to the key informants, the
schedules of the meetings do not coincide with the scheduled meetings and rehearsals. It
was also hard to maintain the group since some of them were leaving during meetings due
to some activities they have to attend to and others do not attend meetings regularly.
Different age groups of the child representatives. It is also hard to manage the youth
and children since they belonged to different age brackets. Some of them easily finished
their tasks while some do not. This was supported by the trainers who also observed the
According to Ladyong, the mixed audience was unexpected. They did not expect
that the BCPC would send elementary students since the coordinated age range was high
school and early college students.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Farness of the training center. As stated by the program implementers, another
problem they encountered was the far distance of the training center. The training center is
located at Beckel. Most of the child representatives are from Pico, Tawang and some other
barangays of La Trinidad. Though there was a service car, they have to wake up early since
the car would leave early for the training to start on time. Also, they have to travel one hour
and thirty minutes from the front of the municipality of La Trinidad, which served as the
meeting place to the training center.
Table 7. Challenges encountered by CFSPI during the implementation of the program
N=3 (%)
Schedules of the meetings and
Different age groups of the child

Weather condition
Un-implemented plans and
Difficulty in gathering the 1
Time consuming

Weather condition. As shared by Ladyong during the interview, one of the
challenges they encountered is the typhoon. They were not able to meet one Saturday for
the supposed rehearsal because of the unfavorable weather.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Un-implemented plans and activities. According to Ladyong, some of the planned
activities were not implemented because of lack of time and some of the participants do
not attend the rehearsals. One of which was the supposed radio drama. The child
representatives were able to produce a radio script but they were not able to record it
because of time and scheduled constraints. Another was the script for the puppet show. The
child representatives were able to make a script but they were not able to showcase it since
the Transworld Radio (TWR) already made their own scripts. Nevertheless, they still
joined in the puppet show. Another output that was not presented was the plot or story line
for the radio plug and radio jingle. This was not presented because of the lack of time and
Difficulty in gathering the participants. According to Ladyong, most of the youth
participants were committed to many organizations in their barangay and school. CFSPI is
hard up in gathering them since they also have their responsibilities with the organizations
they were committed with. Also, the child representatives were coming from different
barangays, so it is hard for them to be gathered.
Time Consuming. One of the problems encountered by CFSPI in implementing the
program is it is time consuming since it needed time in monitoring the activities of the child
representatives. It needed too much time in checking and monitoring if they (child
representatives) are doing some of their plans. This finding corroborates with the study
conducted by Legawen (2008) which states that theater as a tool in advocating women’s
rights is time consuming.
Based from the findings, scheduling of the activities and trainings was one of the main
problems encountered by CSPI. The scheduled activities do not coincide with the
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

availability of the child representatives. This corresponds to the problems encountered by
the child representatives discussed below.
Child Representatives. Table 8 shows the problems encountered by the child
representatives during the implementation.
Did not attend some of the trainings. Nicholai Fanged, the child representative of
the LCPC, said he was not satisfied with his performance throughout the program since he
was not able to attend most of the program’s meetings due to time constraints, thus, what
he learned from the various lectures was not put to use.
Some of the child representatives also stated they cannot concentrate properly since they
did not complete the whole training series.
Committed to other organizations. According to the child representatives, they
were also committed to different organizations in their school. They were hard up
managing their time. The schedules of the meetings and seminars are in conflict with their
other schedules. This supports the statement of the key informants that some of the child
representatives do have other organizations or outside activities that divide their focus and
attention to the program.
Hard up in managing their time. The study found out that one of the challenges
encountered by the youth participants during the implementation of the program are they
are hard up in managing their time. Sab-it, one of the child representatives said she got a
hard time in consolidating the data needed in her article since she had to interview their
school principal. Also she was taking a hard time in putting together the information she
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Insufficient knowledge of the topic. Fusia Simon, the child representative of Shilan
said she cannot write scripts because she does not have enough experience in doing so.

Table 8. Challenges encountered by the child representatives during the implementation of
the program

N=17 (%)

Did not attended some of the 11
Committed to
Hard up in managing their time
Insufficient knowledge of the topic 6
Many other responsibilities
Nervousness 3

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Many other responsibilities. Judylyn Cholinas, the child representative of Balili
said she cannot concentrate and she cannot attend the scheduled meetings because of many
responsibilities in their school publication and in their home.
Difficulty in organizing themselves. Sab-it shared during the interview that the
child representatives were hard up in organizing themselves every time there is an activity
because they barely know each other. Some of them were shy, especially during the first
few weeks.
Nervousness. Jasmine Massagan, the child representative of Tawang also said that
she cannot perform well during the puppet show because she was nervous and she was
afraid to face the crowd. Aracelli Bolayo, child representative of Puguis also agreed with
this statement since she lost her confidence while on stage.
The above finding implies that most of the child representatives were having hard time
managing their time during the entire program since most of them were committed to
different organizations or other outside activities.
Challenges Encountered by the Trainers. There were noted challenges encountered
by the trainers during the implementation of the program as discussed below.
Different age groups of the participants. According to the trainers, one of the
challenges they encountered during the implementation of the program is the different age
groups among the child representatives. Some of them were young and with that, some
cannot understand the technicalities of broadcasting that much during the lecture. With
this, the trainers had to adjust their styles and methodology in giving the lecture.
Lack of knowledge regarding the subject matter. According to Maguiya, one of the
trainers, some of the participants lack knowledge regarding radio since most of them do
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

not monitor AM radio stations. Some of the participants also lack interest regarding the
topic. The trainers responded to these challenges through adjustments. For the
technicalities, they simplified the terminologies for the young participants to understand.
The result implies that the major problem encountered by the trainers is the merging of
different age groups of the youth participants. This finding coincides with the problems
encountered by the youth participants.

Recommendations of the Youth Participants and Trainers Involved in the Program
Recommendations by the Youth Participants involved in the Program. Almost all
of the youth participants recommended for the program to remain since it is improving
their knowledge and skills. They also recommended for the field of art to be included in
the program. Also, they recommended for the expansion of audiences and the additional of
child representatives per barangay. They also mentioned that there should be cooperation
and participation among all the child representatives for the program to be successful.
Some of them also commented on the accessibility of the venue of the trainings. The venue
is too far from their homes causing them not to attend the seminars at times.
Ken Ric Licang, a first year college and one of the participants said ―considering
that a lot of the audience are aged somewhere 9 to 17, I guess it would be more appropriate
for the speakers to present the topics in a simpler, yet in a relatively exciting manner. Also,
some kind of ―perverted‖ punch lines may appeal to those in higher age brackets, but then
with some of the audience being elementary pupils, that would not be a good idea.‖ Overall,
Licang commended the program for being very interactive and goal oriented.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Recommendations by the trainers involved in the program. Jesse Maguiya, one of
the trainers recommended for the institutionalization of the program, that it would be done
annually. He also recommended for the involvement of the different sectors in the society
such as the religious sector because everyone should have knowledge regarding the basic
operations inside a radio station, the skills and the activities inside.
Filmore Awas, one of the trainers, commended the program for doing a great job
in empowering of children. He also recommended for the expansion of its audience and
beneficiaries. Also, he recommended for the continuous follow-up of the participants
specially the impact of the program to the child representatives; this is to assess properly
the improvement of the participants.
Awas also suggested that CFSPI may want to consider partnering with other
community or local radio stations to give way to the radio component of the program and
for the outputs of the participants to be aired and appreciated by a larger audience.

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

The study was conducted in La Trinidad, Benguet. It aimed to document the
performing arts using media program of the Children and Family Services Philippines Inc
Specifically, it aimed to (1) identify the socio-demographic profile of the
respondents, (2) identify the processes involved in the creation of the program, (3) identify
the objectives and child problems being addressed by the program, (4) determine the
communication processes involved in the implementation of the program, (5) enumerated
the communication methods used in the program, (6) find out how CFSPI monitor and
evaluate the output of the participants, (7) enumerate the values, lessons and skills the
participants gained from the program, (8) enumerate the challenges encountered by the
CFSPI, the youth participants and the trainers in implementing the program, and (9)
identify the recommendations of the youth participants and trainers involved in the
The data were gathered through personal interview with the youth participants.
Mail and personal interview with the key informants and focus group discussion among
the participants and the trainers was also done. A survey questionnaire was also used to
gather the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. The researcher was also present
in all the activities conducted by the program.
Information gathered from the respondents was consolidated, tabulated and was
analyzed through descriptive statistics using frequency counts and percentage. The data
was processed and was presented in a narrative form.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Based on the result, the program was conceptualized some time on the month of
April and is still ongoing. The processes involved on the creation of the program were
divided into three categories, the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
stages. The planning stage consists of the following stages: program conceptualization,
program beneficiary identification, program coordination with the partner agencies and
program planning meetings. The implementation stage includes the program initiation
inviting of participants and trainees, the seminars, trainings and workshops, capability
building activities conducted and events where the child representatives showcased their
Furthermore, the evaluation process includes the year-end evaluation and
socialization activities. The program was created to empower the children and youth of la
Trinidad through the use of media which includes writing articles and short stories,
producing radio drama with scripts, puppet show and other forms of media. This is to
enable them to advocate their rights being the hope of the nation. The child problems
addressed by the program include child labor, computer game addiction, child abuse,
Absenteeism, bullying, broken family, delinquent students and out-of-school youth.
The communication methods used in the program are divided into three categories
which include the planning, implementation and evaluation stages. For the planning stage,
the communication methods used were meetings and personal approach.
Meanwhile for the implementation stage, the communication methods used were
participatory group discussions, non-interpersonal communication, staged performance,
workshop-performance, short story making, and interaction with the out-of-school youths
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

The communication processes used by the CFSPI in the program followed the
basics of communication process. CFSPI monitor and evaluate the outputs of the
participants through conducting participatory discussions with the youth and through the
implemented projects proposed by the child representatives.
The challenges encountered by CFSPI in implementing the program were the
schedules of the meetings and rehearsals are in conflict with the free time of the child
representatives, the different age groups of the child representatives, farness of the training
center, weather conditions, there were un-implemented plans and activities, there was a
difficulty in gathering the participants and the program was time consuming.
On the other hand, the child representatives encountered challenges during the
implementation which are they did not attended some of the trainings, they are committed
to other organizations, they are hard up in managing their time, they have insufficient
knowledge of the topic, they have many other responsibilities, they have the difficulty in
organizing themselves and they were nervous during the presentation of their puppet show.
For the trainers, the challenges they encountered are the different age groups among the
child representatives and some of the participants lack knowledge regarding the subject
Moreover, the recommendations of the youth participants in the program are the
improvement of the program, expansion of audiences and the additional of child
representatives per barangay. They also mentioned that there should be cooperation and
participation among all the child representatives for the program to be successful. Some of
them recommended for a nearer venue of the trainings and the separation of the elementary
from the higher levels.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

For the trainers, they recommended institutionalization of the program, the
involvement of the different sectors in the society such as the religious sector, the
expansion of its audience and beneficiary, the continuous follow-up regarding the impact
of the program to the child representatives and CFSPI partnering with other local
community radio stations.
The values gained by the child representatives in the program they are involved are
Unity and cooperation, patience, leadership, responsibility, friendship, confidence,
discipline and time management. Also, they were able to hone their skills in writing
articles. They also learned how to make radio scripts, write short stories and do acting.

Based on the finding, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Media can be an effective tool in empowering the youth.
3. CFSPI and the partner agencies followed the basic processes in conducting a
program which includes the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
4. The Performing arts using Media Program met its objectives in empowering the
youth and children through the use of media.
5. The use of several methods in implementing the program helped in the attainment
of the goals of the program.
6. The application of appropriate methods ensures the success of a certain program.
7. The degree of participation of the barangay officials is of importance for the
success of the program.
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

Based on the conclusion, the following recommendations were made:
As recommended by the child representatives, CFSPI may still continue the
Performing Arts using media Program since it was an effective program in empowering
the youth and children.
One of the most found out problem during the implementation of the program was
the difference in the age of the child representatives; thus, CFSPI may consider the
separation of the age groups of the youth participant in the program.
As recommended by the trainers, CFSPI may consider continuous monitoring and
evaluation of the program.
The far distance of the training center was one of the problems encountered by the
child representatives during the implementation of the program; thus, as recommended by
the child representatives, a nearer venue should be considered.
As recommended by the trainers, CFSPI may consider institutionalizing the
program. The involvement of the different sectors of the society may also be considered
for bigger participation.
As suggested by Awas, one of the trainers, CFSPI may also consider partnering
with other community or local radio stations to give way to the radio component of the
program and for the outputs of the participants to be aired and appreciated by a larger
Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

As recommended by the trainers and the child representatives, CFSPI and the
partner agencies may consider the expansion of their audience and the additional of child
As suggested by Walter Ladyong, the program proponent, the involvement of the
barangay officials in the program should be taken into consideration in their kinds of
participative programs.
Further study on the impact of the program to the community is also recommended.

Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013


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Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013

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Empowering Children and Youth through Media: A Documentation of the Performing Arts
using Media Program of the Children and Family Services Philippines, Inc. (CFSPI) in La
Trinidad, Benguet | BALATONG, JENINA P. APRIL 2013