CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013. Production and Evaluation of a
Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in Besao, Mountain Province. Benguet
State University, La Trinidad Benguet.

Adviser: Michelle B. Gatab, MDevCom


The study was conducted to produce and evaluate a leaflet that can be used by the
Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) of Besao in promoting their
potential tourist spots.
Specifically, the study determined the socio-demographic of the respondents;
determined the preferred promotional material to be produced; determined the preferred
message included in the leaflet for the tourist spots in Besao as to the stakeholders’
preferences; determined the elements considered in preparing the leaflet as to the
stakeholders preferences; assessed the ratings of the respondents about the material in terms
of typography, graphics, content and layout; determined the perceived importance of the
material produced to the respondents; determined the respondents’ suggestions and
comments for the improvement of the leaflet; and produced a final leaflet incorporating the
comments and suggestions of the respondents.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Accidental sampling was used for the 40 respondents who evaluated the leaflet.
This study was conducted from September 2012 to February 2013. The produced leaflet
evaluated by the respondents was a four-fold type. The inside and outside page of the leaflet
contained the main tourist spots in Besao with their profile and photos each. Directions on
how to get to Besao, the local products offered and the accommodations in there were also
Results showed that the overall rating of the produced leaflet is good based on the
content, layout, graphics and typography.
A final leaflet was developed incorporating the comments and suggestions of the

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013



Today, technologies are used to promote tourism. In addition, communication
mostly uses media for a larger dissemination of information. It helps in convincing people
check out tourist spots, products or anything that an organization offers.
Moreover, communication helps in promoting tourism verbally or non-verbally.
Furthermore, tourism can be promoted through people’s voice like those being heard in
radio and television. It can also be through word of mouth.
Promotion is recognized by many as a critical element in tourism marketing.
Among the array of promotional methods available, the travel leaflet is one of the most
important and widely utilized, Holloway and Plant (1988) as cited by Molina, et al (2013).
For years, travel leaflet has been used by national, state, and provincial governments’
conventions and visitors’ bureau and specific destinations as inexpensive and versatile
communication tools.
Tourism therefore utilizes communication media to popularize tourist spots and
information concerning the environment and nature. The most communication asset is the
ability to communicate well. In the business environment, the process is called business
communication. However, The World Tourism Organization (WTO) states that tourism
rate in the Philippines in 2007 to 2009 decreased due to the decrease of economic trades.
However, according to Carter (2012), total Philippine tourist volume, which includes
domestic, inbound and outbound tourists, grew at a healthy rate during the review period
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

in 2007 to 2011. This growth can be attributed to factors such as the country’s growing
economy, infrastructure improvements and government initiatives to promote the country
as an attractive tourist destination. The government has simultaneously been making efforts
to improve tourism infrastructure by developing the country’s air, road, rail and sea
Tourism is one way of uplifting the economic status of one community. It provides
livelihood to the community and may raise social equality among the people. Through
tourism, road construction, establishment of businesses and other infrastructures may be
developed. It may also increase employment in the area. The use of communication media,
specifically the print media may improve the condition of tourism by communicating their
benefits to potential visitors and the ability of those visitors to reach out to points of interest
at the destination.
An interesting communication discipline program that portrays this value in
development work is the Participatory Communication Approach (PCA). Servaes (1996)
as cited by Sidchogan (2011) defines PCA as an approach that emphasizes more on a user
and a bottom-up orientation in order to involve people in the decision-making process.
Another PCA advocate sums up rigid process in four main phases – diagnosis, planning,
intervention or experimentation and assessment that are all done with a target community.
Under such phases are specific steps that would include establishing relationship; involving
them in problems and solutions identification; identifying the different community groups
concerned; communication needs objectives and activities; appropriate communication
tools; preparing and pre-testing communication content and materials; facilitating
partnerships; producing an implementation; monitoring and evaluation of the
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

communication strategies; and planning the mode of sharing and utilization of results,
Bessetle (2004) as cited by Sidchogan (2011).
In Mountain Province, specifically in Besao, there are numerous potential tourist spots.
However, there are no promotional materials available yet. The most popularly visited
potential tourist spots as identified by the Municipal Planning and Development
Office (MPDO) are: Tagpeo Falls, Mt. Sipsipitan, Stone Calendar, Payeo Rice Terraces,
Besao Sunset, Layugan River so called the “River of Life”, Mt. Calvary, Banao Lake and
the Patpatayan and St. Benedict’s Parish. However, according to Mr. Modesto Gaab,
MPDO director, these potential tourist spots are not well known yet and he believes that it
is because of the absence of promotional materials and so he recommended making
promotional materials for the benefit of tourism.
At present, the MPDO of Besao is also looking forward to promoting the potential tourist
spots for they already learned how much tourism may help in the economic growth and for
the community itself. In addition, the principal function of IEC materials is to support the
institution in diffusing information to the public and creating awareness of their activities
and programs. Besao also needs promotional materials for their potential tourist spots to
help the community in advertising their products and also to disseminate information about
the potential tourist spots as well as to promote it. Since it is proven that information and
educational communication materials are effective tools to promote ideas, products, and
tourist spots, there was a need to conduct this study.

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Statement of the Problem

Tourism in Besao has a minimal growth due to the lack of promotional materials,
hence, this study aimed to produce and evaluate a promotional leaflet that can be used by
the Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) of Besao in promoting their
potential tourist spots.
The study specifically answered the following questions:
What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents?
What is the preferred promotional material to be produced?
What is the preferred message to be included in preparing the
promotional material for the potential tourist spots?
What are the elements to be considered in preparing the promotional
material as to the stakeholder’s preference?
What are the ratings of the respondents for the promotional material
as to: a. Content
b. Layout
c. Graphics
d. Typography
What is the perceived importance of the material to be produced to
the respondents? and
What are the suggestions for the improvement of the promotional

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study was to produce and evaluate a leaflet that can be
used by the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Besao in promoting their potential tourist

Specifically, it aimed to:
determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents;
determine the preferred promotional material;
determine the preferred message to be included in preparing the
promotional material for the potential tourist spots;
identify the elements to be considered in preparing the promotional
material as to the stakeholders’ preference;
assess the ratings of the respondents for the promotional material as
to: a. content
b. layout
c. graphics
d. typography
determine the perceived importance of the material to be produced to the
determine the suggestions for the improvement of the promotional material;
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

produce a promotional material incorporating the suggestions of the
Importance of the Study

The production of promotional material may be used by the Municipal Planning
and Development Office (MPDO) as a tool to promote the potential tourist spots in Besao,
Mountain Province. The promotional material produced may serve as a guide and reference
for the local and foreign tourists.
Moreover, the promotional material may increase the awareness of the community
about the potential tourist spots in their area. It may also lead the community to come up
with livelihood activities and programs.
In addition, this study may guide future researchers to conduct further studies related to it.

Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study was limited on the production and evaluation of a promotional material.
It only covered the potential tourist spots identified by the Municipal Planning and
Development Office (MPDO).These potential tourist spots are the Tagpeo Falls, Mt.
Sisipitan, the Stone Calendar, the Payeo Rice Terraces, Besao Sunset, and the Layugan
River or “River of Life”, Banao lake, Mt. Calvary and the Patpatayan. The study focused
on eco-tourism as promoted by nearby places.
Moreover, the study also focused on the ratings and evaluation of the respondents
to the promotional material as to typography, content, layout, and graphics and to produce
a final leaflet incorporating the suggestions and recommendations of the respondents.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013


Role of Media in Tourism
Multimedia channels like: newspapers, television and radio are vital for promoting
environmental values and awareness with a focus on community participation in creating
awareness among individuals. There is (Coffman, 2002) a need for more theory
development and theory integration, particularly for public will campaign because part of
the problem with the communication campaign is lack of awareness among the campaign
practitioners, evaluators, and sponsors about what outcomes and methods are appropriate
and available. Media communication strategy decisions (Okaka, 2009) should involve
surveys to determine communication systems in community; familiarity with and exposure
to different media; characteristics of target groups; effectiveness of different media;
opinion of leaders that can be used in the programme.
The media can spur the current prospects for the different countries to actively
collaborate in a wide range of eco tourism enhancement activities which include joint
product or service development, research, human resource development and management,
exchange of tourism experts and tourism information within the existing economic and
trading regional blocks. Sustainable tourism cannot survive without a working
Environment Management System (EMS) and regular environment impact assessment.
Sustainable tourism will materialize in any place if we integrate tourism into the overall
policy for sustainable development, development of sustainable tourism, and management
of tourism, Okaka (2009).

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Print Media
Print media includes newspaper, poster, flipchart, flip card, billboard, magazine and
leaflet. In spite of the widespread use of radio and television media, the print media still
dominates the retail field (Gomez and Arante, 1986) as cited by Taquio (2012).
According to Oskamp (1997) as cited by Foronda, print media (book, magazines
and newspapers) allows readers to determine the time and place of their exposure and also
permit easy re-expose if designed. Researches suggest that print media produces better
comprehension and retention of complex material than other media, but this advantage
does not hold for simple material. The broadcast media (radio and television) now reach
nearly everyone in the industrialized nations, including groups as the aged, young children,
and people with low education, who are not easily reached by other media and who maybe
more persuasible.
Promotional materials should be used properly to prevent them from misuse and
damage. The materials should always be available and visible. If the distributed materials
are damaged or out of use, another copy should be distributed for the consumption of the
people who will need it, Eklil (2010).

Importance of Leaflets
Leaflets are one of the quickest and cheapest ways to promote a business, event or
other entity. They are kind of speedy and relatively easy mediums and they are able to
assist any particular spread, Leaflet (n.d). Leaflets are amazingly wellknown
among the advertising community.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

According to Cadiz (1991), brochures/ pamphlets contain fewer pages than
handbook, while leaflets are single-sheet publications that may be folded in different ways.
As such, a leaflet deals with a very specific topic while a brochure has a broader coverage.
The main purpose of leaflets is to hold prompt attention of readers. Thus, it is
important that leaflets have to be striking enough to impel readers to read it, (Devon,

Elements of Design
Design is one of the elements that gets the reader’s attention. According to Cadiz
(1991) as cited by Taquio (2012), pictorial elements may consist of combinations of the
elements of visual design. These visual elements include line, shape, color and texture. By
themselves, these visual elements may not be meaningful, depending on how their
variations are put together. Visual elements cane be likened to letters, pronunciations,
words, and phrases, which combined can make up a complete, meaning thought in a
sentence, paragraph, or written composition.
Moreover, according to Devon (2007), a good design plays a key role in making a
successful leaflet. As well, to make a leaflet appealing, it is imperative to attach it with
good designing elements, so that it catches the instant attention of readers. In designing a
leaflet for printing, the most that designers have to take care of is the layout design of the
leaflet. A good layout design includes the work of placing headlines and pictures in pages.

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Visual design is not just about making your application look pretty. Good visual
design is about communication. A well-designed application makes it easy for users to
understand the information that is being presented, and shows them clearly how they can
interact with that information, Benson (2002) as cited by Enkiwe (2007).
Furthermore, Lovett (1999) as cited by Taquio, enumerated seven elements of design:
Line. Line can be considered in two ways. The linear marks made with a pen or brush or
the edge created when two shapes meet.
Shape. A shape is a self-contained defined area of geometric or organic form. A positive
shape in a painting automatically creates a negative shape.
Texture. Texture is the surface quality of shape – rough, smooth, soft, hard, glossy, etc.
Texture can be physical (tactile) or visual.
Direction. All lines have direction – Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. Horizontal suggests
calmness, stability and tranquility. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and
alertness. Oblique suggests movement of action.
Size. Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another.
Color. Also called hue. People respond to color on many levels. Color can be used simply
to describe an object. It can also be used to convey emotions (blue for sadness or spiritual
matters, red for anger), and to symbolize something (associated with a flag’s color,
corporation logo or sports team).
Value. Value is the overall lightness and lack of contrast in the left image. It conveys a
sense of spirituality and harmony between the tree and the circular sky.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Elements of a leaflet
A leaflet is just one sheet document printed in one or two colors or in a complete
coloration process, James (2011).
According to Devon (2007), text editing, selecting a good background color, and
etc. are some other important points contributing to a greatly printed leaflet. Moreover,
selecting pictures is another point to be noticed because pictures relevant to the subject
matter do wonders. Defining the graphic elements of the leaflet is one of the most important
elements in capturing the receiver’s attention.
For the content of a leaflet, it is better to set a limit on the amount of text the
designer is going to include, Articles Based (2013). Because people are going to dedicate
one quick look to decide if the leaflet is worth their time or not, it is better for the designer
to choose two or three convincing sentences that refer to an immediate benefit or
Furthermore, a material should be found to be attractive, easily understood,
credible, persuasive, culturally appropriate, memorable, and important to the audience,
Bertrand (1978) as cited by Achterberg (1995).

Operational Definition of Terms
Potential tourist spots. It refers to the Tagpeo Falls, Mt. Sisipitan, Stone Calendar,
Besao Rice Terraces, Besao Sunset, Layugan River so called the “river of life”, Banao
Lake and Mt. Calvary that were included in the leaflet.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Stakeholders. It refers to the members of Besao Municipal Planning and
Development Office (MPDO), Municipal Officials, the Municipal Mayor and the elders.
Respondents. It refers to the 40 community people who evaluated the leaflet and are
residents of Besao or at least visited the potential tourist spots in Besao.
Leaflet. It refers to a fourfold-type promotional material perceived and produced by the
researcher to help promote the potential tourist spots in Besao.

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013


Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted in the Municipality of Besao, Mountain Province (Fig.
1). Besao is one of the 10 municipalities in Mountain Province and is divided into 14
Besao is 28 kilometers away from Bontoc and 150 kilometers from Baguio City. It
is accessible by land transportation either via Sagada or Tadian, Mountain Province. It is
the second smallest municipality in the province and the main source of their economic
activity is crop production.
The municipality has a lot of potential tourist spots but the main tourist destinations
in the area are the: Tagpeo Falls in Gueday, Mt. Sisipitan in Agawa, Stone Calendar of
Gueday, Rice Terraces in Payeo, Besao Sunset in Banguitan, the Layugan River “River of
Life”, and Mt. Calvary and Banao Lake in Kin-iway.
The area was chosen as the locale of the study because it is where these potential
tourist spots are located and does not have any promotional material produced yet.
The study was conducted on November 2012 to January 2013.
Respondents of the Study
The study had three (3) sets of respondents. The first set of key informants of the
study was the Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) members. They are
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Modesto Gaab, MPDO Director; Adeline P. Langbao, Planning Officer; and Perlyn

Figure 1 . Map of Mountain Province showing Besao, the locale of the study
Padong, Member and Kapit- Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan (KALAHI) Staff.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

The second set of the respondents was composed of the elders in each barangay
where the potential tourist spots are located. They were Solimo Mabiasan, Anacleto
Ngislawan, Paul Casiwan, Nicanor Del-isen, Peter Casiben, Dominga Callisen, Marcos
Callisen, and Willie Ngeta-a. These elders were born in Besao and they were chosen
because they know the stories of the old folks about the potential tourist spots.
The third set of the respondents was the community who evaluated the produced
leaflet. The researcher used accidental sampling for these forty (40) respondents residing
from the different barangays of Besao, or not, at least visited the place.

Data Collection
A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Municipal Planning and Development
Office (MPDO) members and a preliminary interview with the elders in each barangay
where the potential tourist spots are located were conducted to gather the message to be
included in the leaflet.
Personal interviews, Focus Group Discussion, ocular observation, and survey
questionnaire were used for the production and evaluation of the leaflet made for the
potential tourist spots in Besao.
Survey questionnaires were used by the researcher to the respondents who
evaluated the promotional material. The survey questionnaire used was taken from
Taquio’s study (2012).
The pre-production phase of the study was the production of the leaflet. Likewise,
personal interviews with the elders in the barangays where the potential tourist spots are
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

located; and Focus Group Discussion with the MPDO members were conducted to identify
the promotional material and the message incorporated in the promotional material. The
information gathered from the elders was the history profile of the potential tourist spots,
how to get there, and where they are located. In addition, some profile of the potential
tourist spots were gathered from the Municipal Planning and Development Office. The
Besao Municipal Planning and Development Office led by Mr. Gaab determined the
promotional material to be produced and the message to be incorporated on it.
For the production phase, the researcher layout and designed the leaflet according
to the stakeholders’ preferences. For the post-production of the study, the researcher edited
the leaflet incorporating the suggestions and comments of the respondents.

Data Gathered
The data gathered comprises the socio-demographic profile of the respondents such
as their name, sex and educational attainment; the information such as the history profile
of the tourist spots, how to get there, where it is located and the local products were
incorporated in the promotional material; the ratings of the respondents in terms of its
content, layout, graphics and typography; the elements to be incorporated in the leaflet as
to the stakeholders’ preference; the perceived importance of the material to the
respondents; and the suggestions of the respondents for the improvement of the
promotional material.

Data Analysis
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

The data gathered from the respondents were consolidated, tabulated and
interpreted using descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, percentage, mean,
ranking and descriptive evaluation. Also, for the mean of the overall rating of the leaflet,
this formula was used:
Mean: μ = Σ (f X)
(Σ f).

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013


Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents
Table 1 shows the socio-demographic profile of the 40 community respondents.
The table presents their sex and educational attainment. Most of the respondents who
evaluated the leaflet were females (75%) over the males (25%).
For the educational attainment, 27 of them finished college, 11 finished high school
and two (2) only finished elementary. The result shows that majority of the respondents
are capable of evaluating the leaflet since they can at least read and understand the content
of it. Moreover, most of the respondents have already visited the potential tourist spots and
resides near the potential tourist spots.
Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of the community respondents








Total 40 100

Educational Attainment

2 5
High School 11 27.5
27 67.5
Total 40 100

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Preferred Promotional Material
A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted for the Municipal Planning and
Development Office (MPDO) to determine the preferred promotional material to be
produced. During the FGD, all the respondents perceived a brochure as the promotional
material to be produced; however, what they showed as an example was a 3-fold type
leaflet. The researcher then produced a leaflet as a promotional material for the potential
tourist spots of Besao.
Gaab added that leaflet which they misinterpreted as brochure is one of the most
popular and cheapest materials for promotion. This statement corresponds to the definition
of (2013) that leaflets are one of the notoriously popular and the quickest
and cheapest ways to promote a business, event or other entity. Moreover, Gaab further
added that the potential tourist spots are not yet established for the researcher to make an
audio-visual for promotion. He said that they want to start promoting these tourist spots
with printed materials before producing audio-visuals.

Preferred Message for the Leaflet
The Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) identified the potential
tourist spots basing on their own criteria which are; most visited potential tourist spots, has
natural breathtaking scenic spots and most accessible. These identified tourist spots were
considered as potential tourist spots because they were not yet established and registered
in the Provincial Tourism Office (PTO). The description and information about the
potential tourist spots that were included in the leaflet were gathered from the

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) members and the elders in the
different barangays of Besao where these potential tourist spots are found.
All of the respondents said that the profile of these potential tourist spots should be
included in the leaflet. The profile should include the history, location, how to get there,
and facts about them.
The respondents suggested getting different shots and angles of the tourist spots.
For the size of the images, the respondents let the researcher decide on it since they are
not familiar of the appropriate size. The respondents also suggested the landscape photo
of Besao to be included in the design.
For the color combination, the respondents recommended to use gold and green
color because it is the color of Besao Municipality. They further added that the researcher
could use any color as long as they complement each other.
For the font size, font style, spacing and background of the leaflet, the respondents
left it to the researcher’s preference because the respondents think that it is the researcher
who knows best. They reiterated that the font style and size should be readable and the
background is pleasing to the eyes. The researcher used the color wheel to know what
colors do complement each other.
Moreover, they recommended the use of English language in the leaflet because it
is the language understood by local and foreign tourists. In addition, all the respondents
said that the information on history should be highlighted because according to them, it
arouses the interests of the tourists and could draw them into the inside pages. As well, the
respondents said that the information should be presented in any style as long as the most
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

important things are highlighted. They also suggested that the researcher should put
pictures and then below them are descriptions.

Elements Considered in the Production of Leaflets
The leaflet which was evaluated containing the elements is shown in Figure 2 and
3. The four elements considered in the preparation of the leaflet were taken from Cadiz
(1991). The elements were content, layout, graphics, and typography.
Content. Table 2 shows the potential tourist spots and their descriptions.
In the content of the leaflet, the words used were concise, organized and simpilified so that
the readers could easily understand. The terms used were common terms for the benefit of
those who did not have a formal education.
The content of the produced leaflet were the profile of each potential tourist spots,
location, how to get there, direction on how to get to Besao and the local products sold in
the place. The content was organized according to the preference of the stakeholders.
For the layout of the leaflet, the researcher used blue, yellow, and green because it
is pleasing to the eyes and makes the leaflet more attractive. The green color was used as
suggested by the stakeholders because it is the color of the municipality. So to blend with
the color of the municipality, the researcher used blue, green and yellow. For the spacing,
the researcher used 1.5 so that it could be read easily. The text was also justified so that it
would be organized and the appearance is good. The Dummy of the layout is shown in
Figure 4.

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Table 2. Content of the produced leaflet.
Tagpeo Falls
This falls is recorded as the highest falls in
the Cordillera Region. It is near barangay
Gueday which is 8 hours hike from
Mt. Sisipitan
This is a foggy cold mountain that seems
near to the sky and it is perfect for mountain
trekking. This mountain is located on the
north, boundary of Besao and Sagada
municipalities and it is 4-5 hours hike.
Layugan River “River of Life”
This river is called as the “River of Life”
because it once healed a sick man who took
a bath there then surprisingly got well. The
river is located between Kiniway and
Tamboan. It is an hour hike or 30 minutes
The Stone Calendar
This stone calendar used to be the basis of
the folks in preparing the fields for planting.
These are two huge rocks situated side by
side leaving a crevice where the rays of the
sun exactly go into it. This is observed once
a year (September 30). This is located at
Barangay Gueday which is an hour hike or
a 30-minute drive from Poblacion.
Banao Lakes
Banao came from the lake itself. During the
earlier times, the “i-Besaos” refer to lake as
Banao. The mother lake is a 5minute walk
from the highway and another 5- minute
walk down to the daughter lake. The lakes
are located near the boundary of Sagada and
Besao and it takes 15 minutes ride to get
there from Besao Poblacion.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

This is a sacred place where the elders
perform rituals related to Agricultural and
cultural practices. Its name was derived
from the word “patay” which means a big
and old tree which lives hundreds of years.
Patpatayan” means the place where the
patay is planted.

This is located at Barangay Banguitan which
is 30 minutes ride or an hour hike from
Payeo Rice Terraces
The Payeo Rice Terraces is the most popular
among the rice terraces found in Besao
because it is located just below the highway,
making it accessible. The unique feature of
this rice terraces is that its irrigation is
coming from a spring in Kabuyaw and can
water all the rice fields. The place is called
“Payeo” which means rice fields. This rice
terraces is located at Barangay Payeo and is
20 minutes by foot from Poblacion.
Mt. Calvary
This mountain is called as the vantage point
of the municipality because you can view the
whole municipality of Besao from here. At
the top of the mountain is a huge concrete
cross. It is located in Kin-iway and a 5-
minute walk from the Municipal
St. Benedict’s Parish
This is the first church built in the town of
Besao in the 1900s. It is made up of stone
and it is a Spanish inspired building. It has a
big bell inside which is used during masses
and rung if there’s a fire. They use it as an
alarm for the community and nearby places.
It is located in Barangay Kin-iway and a 5
minute walk from the Municipal Hall of
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

The Besao Sunset
The Besao sunset is known for its golden
color which is unusual for sunsets viewed in
other places. Sometimes it sets at the tip of
Tirad Pass. This wonderful creation makes
the place amazingly cool whenever the sun
sets in between 5:30-6:30 PM. You can view
the Besao sunset at Barangay Banguitan
which is a 20-minute ride from Poblacion or
an hour by foot.

For the graphics, the photos of each potential tourist spot with supporting
photographs were included. The main photographs of the potential tourist spots were bigger
to highlight them from the other photos which were supporting details only. The
photographs were mostly taken by the researcher and some were copied from friends and
from the respondents. The photo compositions used were bird’s eye view, worm’s eye
view, close-up and long shots.
For the typography, the font sizes used were 36 capital letters for the main title of
the leaflet, it was the biggest because it was the main heading; 16 capital letters for the
name of the potential tourist spots, it was bigger so that it would be differentiated easily
from the body; and 11 lower case for the body that could be read easily. These were the
font sizes used since they were appropriate for the size of the leaflet. The font color used
was black since it contrasts with the background color and it is readable. Moreover, the
font styles used were serifs and sans serifs.

The researcher first considered the size and shape of the leaflet before the other
elements. This corroborates the statement of Articles Based (2013) that in making a leaflet,
one has to consider its size and shape.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

The size of the produced leaflet is 9” x 12” which is a four-fold type. A four-fold
type leaflet was made because it was the most appropriate size of the material perceived
by the stakeholders.
Moreover, the layout, design and all the important elements such as color, font size,
font style and everything complement each other. This corroborates the statement of Devon
(2007) that to make the leaflet appealing, it is imperative to attach it with good designing
elements so that it would catch the attention of the readers instantly.

Respondents Evaluation of the Leaflet
Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 show the evaluation of the produced leaflet by the respondents.
The results were interpreted using frequency distribution, percentage, mean and descriptive
Content. Table 3 shows the respondents’ rating on the content. It shows in the table that
the highest rating is excellent. This infers that the respondents understood the purpose of
leaflet which is important in promoting the tourist spots in Besao.
In terms of clear purpose, the content gained a rating of excellent (55%). It shows that the
respondents understand the purpose of the leaflet. However, there are 2% who rated it as
fair. It can be noted then that those who finished elementary were the ones who rated it as
fair. This implies that the content should be more simplified so that it could be understood
by those who did not have a high level of education. This implication agrees 2838 with
the statement of Carter Center (2013) that leaflet text should include vocabulary that is
easily understood by the target audience.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

For the criterion concise, the respondents rated the leaflet as excellent (52.5%), good
(42.5%) and fair (5%).It is also noted that the ones who finished elementary are the ones
who rated it fair. This implies that some respondents wanted the content to be more concise
for them to understand it better.
For the organization, 55% of the respondents rated the leaflet as excellent while the
criterion significance was also rated as excellent (57%). This implies that the respondents
are satisfied with the organization of the leaflet and somewhat understood the significance
of the leaflet’s content.
Moreover, one of the respondents suggested adding information about the culture- related
festivals in the leaflet because these festivals could be one of the highlights of tourism in
the place.
The criterion simplicity of words gained a rating of excellent (67.5%). However, 30% of
the respondents rated it as good and 2.5% rated it as average. There is a suggestion that
some words were still needed to be simplified in consideration of those who didn’t attend
formal education. It can be noted then that the 2.5% who rated it as average are the
elementary graduates.

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Table 3. Respondents’ evaluation of leaflet as to its content



Clear purpose 55
42.5 0

52.5 42.5 0

55 35 10
0 100

57.5 40 2.5

Simplicity of words 67.5 30 2.5

Layout. Table 4 shows the rating of the respondents on the layout.
The layout is the most appreciated by the respondents and it was the one that caught their
attention. According to some of the respondents, it is kind of cool to the eyes and very
unique. This supports the statement of Bertran (1978) as cited by Achterber (1995) that
materials should be found to be attractive, easily understood, credible, persuasive,
culturally appropriate, memorable, and important to the readers.
In terms of color, the respondents said that it is very cool to the eyes. This particular
criterion was rated as (57.5%) excellent, (40%) good and (2.5%) average. The rating
excellent got the highest point; however, there were 2.5% who rated it as average. It was
found out that the ones who rated it as an average are the elders. This criterion is also one
of the elements that caught the attention of the respondents. This supports the statement of
Devon (2007) that selecting a good background color contributes greatly in leaflet printing.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

In terms of spacing, the leaflet gained a rating (47.5%) excellent, (35%) good and
(17.5) average. The rating excellent still got the highest score; however, there were 17.5%
who rated as an average. This implies that the spacing is not so good because some of the
words were too far from each other. However, some of the respondents said that it is
understandable because it was justified and just normal that some words were a little bit
far from each other. According to Cadiz (1991), good spacing employs greater legibility.
Therefore, it is advisable to use optical spacing than mechanical spacing which has uneven
letter spaces that can distract the reader from a smooth reading.
For contrast, the respondents rated it as excellent (50%), good (42.5%) and average
(7.5%). Some respondents said that the contrast is weak. Most of them who rated it as good
and average are graduates of elementary and high school. These respondents asked the
meaning of contrast to the researcher and eventually rated it as good and fair. In the
criterion design, almost all of the respondents were amazed in the design of the leaflet.
They said that it is simple yet elegant. However, there were 7.5% of them who rated it as
average and good. It is noted then that those who rated it as good and average are the elders
who are elementary and high school graduates. This implies that the design of the leaflet
must be improved more. As Devon (2007) states that a good design plays a key role in
making a successful leaflet, thus, it is important that leaflets have to be striking enough to
impel readers to read it.
For the criterion creativity, it gained the highest rating for all the five criteria under layout.
65% of the respondents rated the leaflet as excellent, 32.5% for good and 2.5% for average.
One respondent commented that the design is very attractive to the eyes.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Table 4. Respondents’ evaluation of leaflet as to its layout

( % )


Color 57.5 40 2.5 100
Spacing 47.5 35 17.5 100
Contrast 50 42.5 7.5 100
Design 55 37.5 7.5 100
Creativity 65 32.5 2.5 100

However there were 2.5% of the respondents who rated the creativity as low as average. It
is noted that the ones who rated the leaflet as average are the elders. This implies that the
leaflet must be improved.

Graphics. Table 5 shows the rating of graphics for the leaflet.
For the appearance, 50% of the respondents rated it as excellent, (45%) good and 5% for
average. Almost all the respondents commented that the pictures are amazingly cool
because the shots and angles were excellent. The respondents said that the pictures served
as supporting material for the descriptions of each tourist spot. This supports the statement
of Devon (2007) that selecting good pictures is another point to be noticed because pictures
which are relevant to the subject matter do wonders. Moreover, they said that the photos
helped in the understanding of the potential tourist spots. This corroborates the statement
of leaflet (n.d) that graphics can hold the tone with the other parts of the
leaflet. Figures 4 to 8 are the categorized final photos included in the leaflet. They were
categorized as landscapes, portraits and floral photography.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

One respondent mentioned that just by seeing the graphics, one already know what
the picture is all about without putting too much text on it. This statement supports the
statement of Squidoo (2012) that with pictures, the designer can definitely have something
that is worth a thousand words, without even having to sweat on too much heavy text.
Also, it was observed that the most factors which caught the attention of the respondents
were the images themselves. This statement corroborates to the statement of Siebert and
Ballard (1992) as cited by Foronda (2010) that an inviting image or headline draws the
reader inside and read more.
For the criterion size of image, the highest rating is good which is 55%, 25% for excellent
and 20% for average. This result shows that the respondents were not satisfied with the
size of images. Most respondents commented that some of the images were too small and
less attractive. And so some respondents suggested making the images bigger for the
benefits of those who have eye problems and for the image to look more attractive.
Table 5. Respondents’ evaluation of leaflet as to its graphics


Appearance 50
Size of images

55 20

The Payeo Rice Terraces
The mother Banao Lake

Layugan River
Tagpeo Falls

Little Tagpeo Falls
A long shot of the campsite in Tagpeo

Figure 5 . Landscape Photography

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013


The Stone Calendar
Mountain slopes going to Mt. Sisipitan

Foggy mountain going to Mt. Sisipitan
The “Dap - ay” where the stone calendar
is viewed

Rice Terraces along the way going to
“The Patpatayan”
Layugan River

Figure 6 . Landscape Photography

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Bonding time in
Banao Lake
Adventurers having a camping

“Pagpag”. The hunting ground for the
Picture taking at Tagpeo Falls’
natives of Besao

Figure 8 . Portrait Photography

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Typography. Table 6 presents the results of evaluation for the typography.
For the font size, the respondents rated it as (45%) excellent; (40%) good; and (15%)
average. Some respondents said that the font size should be bigger for the benefits of the
elders who have eye sight problem. Likewise, Gaab suggested making the font size smaller
so that the texts will not overlap the images. This statement of Gaab contradicts the other
respondents’ comment. However, the researcher retained the same size considering the size
of the leaflets and that she knows best.
In terms of font style, the respondents appreciated it and so the highest rating is excellent
(45%). However, the results show that the ratings of excellent and good are not far from
each other. It is noted that most of the respondents who rated it as good and average are
high school and elementary graduates. This result implies that the font styles used were not
appropriate or either, that the respondents are not too familiar with these kinds of things.
For the font color, 65% respondents rated it as excellent, 25% of them rated it as good and
10% rated it as an average. Most respondents said that the main title at the front cover is
very appealing because of its font style and font color. This only implies that the color is a
strong contrast to the background and that the respondents appreciate it so much.

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Table 6. Respondents’ evaluation as to its typography



Font size
45 40 15

Font style
45 42.5 12.5

Font color
65 25 10

Overall Rating of the Leaflet by the Respondents
Table 7 shows the overall rating of the respondents to the produced leaflet. It was
interpreted using mean and descriptive evaluation.
Range of 1 to 1.99 is equivalent to poor, range of 2 to 2.99 is equivalent to fair, range 3 to
3.99 is equivalent to average, range 4 to 4.99 is equivalent to good, and range of 5 to 5.99
is equivalent to excellent.
The overall rating of the respondents to the leaflet is good. This implies that the content,
layout, graphics and typography of the leaflet are to be improved to be a more effective
promotional material for the tourist spots in Besao.
Moreover, the leaflet must be analyzed and assessed properly incorporating the
respondents’ suggestions and comments to make it more attractive and appealing. This
corroborates the statement of Leaflet (n.d) that leaflets must be analyzed and
assessed properly to grab the readers’ attention and arouse the readers’ interest.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Table 7. Overall rating of the leaflet



Clear purpose


Simplicity of words






Size of images

Font size
Font style
Font color

Perceived Importance of the Leaflet by the Respondents
Table 8 shows the importance of the produced leaflet as perceived by the respondents.
Based on the results, majority (85%) of the respondents said that the leaflet could serve as
a reference for local tourists. They also said that this leaflet could serve as an informational
material for tourism in Besao.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Meanwhile, 75% of the respondents stated that it persuades the tourists to visit the place
because the tourist spots are packaged well; 72.5% of the respondents stated that it provides
information to the community because some of the tourist spots are not familiar to the
community; while 70% of them said that it aids the community in coming up with the
livelihood activities and programs. This is because the leaflet may help establish tourism
in the place.
Table 8. Perceived importance of the produced leaflet


Serve as a reference

for the local tourists
Persuade the tourists

to visit the place
Provides information

to the community

Aid the community in

coming up with the
livelihood activities and
*Mult iple responses

Respondents’ Suggestions for the Improvement of the Leaflet

In terms of content, some respondents suggested adding more pictures of the
tourist spots found in Besao. They said that the pictures are not enough. The researcher
did not consider this suggestion because of the limited space of the leaflet that was
In terms of layout, the respondents suggested the researcher should use other
colors to have strong contrast. They also suggested checking out the spacing between
words so that they will not be scattered.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

The respondents said that the images used were very attractive; however, the
respondents suggested making the images bigger in consideration of those who have eye
problems, specially the elders.
In terms of typography, some said that the font size should be bigger for clearer and
easily reading. These suggestions were then incorporated in the final leaflet.
After incorporating some of the respondents’ suggestions, a final leaflet was
produced as shown in Figure 10 and 11.

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

The study was conducted to produce and evaluate a promotional leaflet that can
be used by the Municipality of Besao in promoting tourism. Specifically, it aimed to
determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents; determine the preferred
promotional material; determine the preferred message to be included in preparing the
promotional material for the potential tourist spots; identify the elements to be
considered in preparing the promotional material as to the stakeholders’ preferences;
assess the ratings of the respondents for the promotional material as to the stakeholders’
preferences; determine the perceived importance of the material to be produced to the
respondents; determine the suggestions and recommendations of the respondents for the
improvement of the promotional material; and producing a final leaflet incorporating the
suggestions of the respondents.
There were three sets of respondents, the Municipal Planning and Development
Office (MPDO), elders and the community. Only 40 community respondents evaluated
the leaflet. Most of the respondents are female and almost all of them finished college.
Personal interviews and Focus Group Discussion were used to gather necessary
information. The produced leaflet which was evaluated by the respondents was a four-fold
type with a size of 9” x 12” printed in a glossy paper. A cluster of the potential tourist spots
in Besao was placed in the cover page of the leaflet. The inside and outside page contain
the 4656 photographs of the different potential tourist spots, their descriptions and how to
get there, the direction on how to get to Besao and the local products sold in the
municipality. The rating of the leaflet is good in terms of its content, graphics, layout and
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013

typography. However, the content, graphics and typography of the leaflet need to be
improved. For the overall comments of the respondents, the content of the leaflet is
organized and the layout is very attractive. Incorporating all the comments and suggestions
of the respondents, a final leaflet was produced and attached to this study.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were derived:
Leaflet is a common medium in promoting tourist spots;
In making a leaflet, elements of visual design such as content, layout,
graphics, and typography should be considered;
Simple words and more photos used in leaflets are more coherent.
Big and clear photos can make the leaflet more attractive.
A good design catches people’s attention.
The produced leaflet is important in promoting the tourist spots locally.

Based on the summary and conclusions, the following are recommended:
1. The final leaflet may be considered by the Municipal Planning and
Development Office (MPDO) for mass production;
2. MPDO may keep on updating the produced leaflet and may include more
potential tourist spots in the place.
3. The MPDO may consider having a Person- in- Charge to the IEC in the
Municipality for the promotion of the potential tourist spots.
Production and Evaluation of a Promotional Leaflet for the Potential Tourist Spots in
Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013


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Besao, Mountain Province | CALALANOY, AIDA S. APRIL 2013