BEN, EPLER. March 2013. Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium
philippinensis) as Affected by Growing Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application.
Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Araceli G. Ladilad Ph.D


This study was conducted at the Ornamental Horticulture Research Project
Area of the Benguet State University, La Tinidad, Benguet from September 2012 to March
2013; to evaluate the growth and flowering performance of Benguet Lily applied with
different kinds of slow release fertilizer and the growing media, determine the effect of
different kinds of slow release fertilizers with regards to cutflower yield and quality; and
to determine the economics of using the different kinds of slow release fertilizers in
Benguet Lily cutflowers production.

Results show, that application 6/g of Multicote (17-17-17) per 15 cm black
plastic bag is the best slow release for Benguet lily production grown in a 1:1:1 proportion
of Mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus leaves compost for the production of benguet lily
since it enhanced earlier flowering, promoted vegetative growth and produced tall plants
and long stem cutflower. Both are recommended as a slow-release fertilizer and growing
media for benguet lily cutflower production.
Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013


Final Height at Harvest

Effect of growing media. Table 1 show that there were no significant differences
on the height of Benguet lily at harvest. This may be due to the nutrient content of the
growing media and the nutrient content of the slow release fertilizer applied.
Effect of slow release fertilizer.Highly significant differences were obtained on the
final height at harvest as affected by different slow release fertilizers applied one month
after transplanting. Application of Multicote (17-17-17) promoted more vigorous
vegetative growth by producing the tallest plants with a mean of 40.46 cm at flowering
among the fertilized plants. The Osmocote (18-6-12) treated plants were the shortest with
a mean of 33.23 cm.
Interaction effect. Highly significant were obtained on the final height of Benguet
lily at harvest affected by the interaction effect between different growth media different
slow release fertilizers. The best combinations were the application of growth media of
1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus leaves compost and Multicote (17-17-17)
gathered the highest mean of 40.98 cm.

Number of Leaves per Plant at Flowering
Effect of growing media. Highly significant differences were obtained on the
number of leaves per plant at flowering measured at harvest as affected by different
growing media. Higher leaf count was obtained in plants grown in 1:1:1 mountain soil +
horse manure + alnus leaves compost with 39.11 leaves per plant as shown in table 2.
Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

However, it was comparable with those grown in 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle manure +
alnus leaves compost which had the mean of 35.94 leaves per plant at flowering.

Table1. Final height at harvest (cm)



Growing Media

Mountain soil + horse manure + Alnus leaves compost


Mountain soil + Cattle manure + Alnus leaves compost

Slow Release Fertilizer

Osmocote (18-6-12)




Means with a common letter are not significantly difference at 5% level by DMRT

Table2. Number of leaves per plant at flowering



Growing media

Mountain soil + horse manure + Alnus leaves compost


Mountain soil + Cattle manure + Alnus leaves compost

Slow Release Fertilizer

Osmocote (18-6-12)




Means with a common letter are not significantly difference at 5% level by DMRT
Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Effect of slow release fertilizer. Table 2 shows that there were highly significant effects on
the different kinds of slow release fertilizers applied. Multicote (17-17-17) promoted
vegetative growth by producing the highest leaf count with a mean of 40.33 leaves per
plant at flowering while applied with osmocote (18-6-12) plants had the lowest count with
a mean of 34.72 leaves at flowering.
Interaction effect. Highly significant were obtained on the number of Benguet lily
at harvest affected by the interaction effect between different growth media different slow
release fertilizers. The best combinations were the application of growth media of 1:1:1
mountain soil + horse manure + alnus leaves compost and Multicote (17-17-17) gathered
the highest mean of 129.00 leaves at flowering.

Stem Thickness (6 cm above the soil)

Effect of growing media . There were no significant differences obtained with
regards to the stem thickness at flowering. This may due to the inherent genetic
characteristic of the plants.
Effect of slow release fertilizer.Table 3 shows that there were no significant
differences on the effect of the different kinds of slow release fertilizers applied with
regards to the stem thickness plant at flowering. This may due to the inherent genetic
characteristics of the plants.

Interaction effect. The Table3 shows that there were no significant differences on
the stem thickness (6 cm above the soil). This may due to the inherent genetic
characteristics of the plants.

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Days from Planting to Flower Bud Formation (0.50 bud size)

Effect of growing media. Highly significant differences were noted on the number
of days from planting to flower bud formation as affected by growing media. A growing
media with a ratio of 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus leaves compost promoted
earlier flower bud formation with a mean of 106.28 days compared to those grown in a
media of 1:1:1 mountain soil + horse manure + alnus leaves compost which produced
flower bud longer number of days with a mean of 115. 67 days.

Effect of slow release fertilizer. Highly significant differences were obtained on the
number of days from transplanting to flower bud formation as affected by different slow
release fertilizers applied one month after transplanting. Application of Multicote (17-17-
17) promoted earlier reproductive growth by producing the flower buds earlier

Table 3. Stem thickness (6 cm above the ground)



Growing media

Mountain soil + horse manure + Alnus leaves compost


Mountain soil + Cattle manure + Alnus leaves compost

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (18-6-12)




Means with a common letter are not significantly difference at 5% level by DMRT
Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

with a mean of 108.61 days while plants applied with Osmocte (18-6-12) treated plants
were the longest days to achieve the flower bud formation at the mean of 113.33 days.
Interaction effect. Highly significant were obtained on the days of planting to
flower bud formation (0.5 cm bud size) of Benguet lily at flowering as affected by the
interaction effect between different growth media different slow release fertilizers. The
best combinations were the application of growth media of 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle
manure + alnus leaves compost and Multicote (17-17-17) gathered the highest mean of
118.22 cm.

Days From Flower bud Formation to Tight Bud Stage.

Effect of growing media. Table 5 shows that there were no significant differences
on the number of days from bud formation to tight bud stage in benguet lily cutflowers.

Effect of slow release fertilizer. Likewise Table 5 shows that there were no
significant differences on the effects on the different kinds of slow release fertilizers with
regards to the number of days from bud formation to tight bud stage. Means ranges from
1.00 to 1.17 days.
Interaction effect. Table5 shows that there were no significant differences on the
days from flower bud formation to tight bud stage. This may due to the inherent genetic
characteristics of the plants.

Cutflower Stem Length at Harvest (cm)
Effect of growing media.Table 6 shows that there were no significant differences
on the stem length of cutflower at harvest of Benguet lily measured at harvesting.
Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Effect of slow release fertilizer. The effect of slow release fertilizers applied with
regards to the cutflower stem length at harvest was is highly significant as shown in table
6. Plants applied with Multicote (17-17-17) produced the longest cutflower stems with a
mean of 36.03 cm. This was followed with the plants applied with osmocote (18-6-12)
which had a mean of 29.80cmat tight bud stage.
Interaction effect. Table6 shows that there were no significant differences on the
stem length at harvest affected by the interaction effect between the different growing
media and different slow release fertilizer. This may due to the inherent genetic
characteristics of the plants.

Length of Flower at Tight Bud Stage at Harvest (cm)
Effect of growing media. Highly significant differences were obtained on the length
of flowers at tight bud stage at harvest as affected by different growing media

Table 4. Days from planting to flower bud formation (0.5 cm bud size)



Growing media

Mountain soil + horse manure + Alnus leaves compost


Mountain soil + Cattle manure + Alnus leaves compost

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (18-6-12)




Means with a common letter are not significantly difference at 5% level by DMRT

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Longer flower buds at tight bud stage of 13.45 cm were recorded in plants grown in a
medium of 1:1:1 Mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus leaves compost. Plants grown in a
medium of 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus leaves compost leaves produced
the shortest stems with a mean of 13.18cm at harvest.
Effect of slow release fertilizer. Likewise highly significance differences on the
length of Table the flowers at tight bud stage at harvest were shown in Table 7. Application
of Multicote.(17-17-17) produced the longer cutflower size which had a mean of 13.63 cm.
This was followed by plants applied with Osmocote (18-6-12) with a mean of 12.94 cm.
Interaction effect. Significant differences were obtained on the days from flower
bud formation to tight bud stage by interaction effect between different growing media and
different slow release fertilizers. The best combination were the application of growth
media having a ratio of 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus leaves

Table5. Days from bud formation to tight bud stage.



Growing media

Mountain soil + horse manure + Alnus leaves compost


Mountain soil + Cattle manure + Alnus leaves compost

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (18-6-12)




Means with a common letter are not significantly difference at 5% level by DMRT
Table 6.Cutflower stem length at harvest (cm)

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013



Growing media

Mountain soil + horse manure + Alnus leaves compost


Mountain soil + Cattle manure + Alnus leaves compost

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (18-6-12)




Means with a common letter are not significantly difference at 5% level by DMRT

compost and slow release fertilizer muticote (17-17-17) gathered the highest mean of 13.85

Vaselife of Cutflowers Held in Tap Water Only

Effect of growing media.Table 8.Shows that there were no significant differences
on the vaselife of benguet lily as affected by growing the different media.
Effect of slow release fertilizer. Highly significant differences were noted on the
vaselifeofBenguet lily cutflowers shown in table 8. Plans applied of Multicote (17-17-17)
producedcutflower with a the longest vaselife which had a mean of 13.63 while plants
applied osmocote has the shortest vaselife which had a mean of 13.00 days.
Interaction effect. The Table8 shows that there were no significant differences on
the vaselife of the cutflowers as affected by the interaction effect between the different

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Table 7.Length of flower at tight bud stage at harvest (cm)



Growing media

Mountain soil + horse manure + Alnus leaves compost


Mountain soil + Cattle manure + Alnus leaves compost

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (18-6-12)




Means with a common letter are not significantly difference at 5% level by DMRT

growing media and different slow release fertilizer. This may due to the inherent genetic
characteristics of the plants.

Initial Soil Analysis
The initial soil analysis before transplanting showed that the soil had on the growing
media of 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus leaves compost is 5.69 pH which is
slightly acidic.The soil contains high amount of nitrogen, high amount of phosphorous and
it had a high amount of Potassium. On the other hand growing media of 1:1:1 mountain
soil + horse manure + alnus leaves compost were acidic pH of 3.68. The soil contains low
amount of nitrogen, least amount of phosphorous and it had a high amount of Potassium.

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Table8.Vaselife of cutflowerheld in tap water only (days)



Growing media

Mountain soil + horse manure + Alnus leaves compost


Mountain soil + Cattle manure + Alnus leaves compost

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (18-6-12)




Means with a common letter are not significantly difference at 5% level by DMRT

Table 9. Initial soil analysis of the different growing media


OM (%)
N (%) P(ppm) K(PPM)

Mountain soil + horse manure +
3.68 17.18
0.32 11.94
alnus leaves compost

Mountain soil + Cattle manure +
5.69 19.85
0.68 689.80
alnus leaves compost

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Documents of the Study in Pictures

Figure 1 shows the Benguet lily one month after transplanting applied with different
slow release fertilizers in different growing media, figure 2 shows the vegetative stage of
Benguet lily affected by different media and different slow release fertilizers, figure 3 bud
formation of Benguet lily affected by different media and different slow release fertilizers,
and figure 4 shows the flowering stage of Benguet lily affected by different media and
different slow release fertilizers.

Figure 1.Benguet lily one month after transplanting applied with different slow release
fertilizers in different growing media

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Figure2.Vegetative stage of Benguet lily affected by different growing media and
different slow release fertilizers

Figure 3.Bud formation of Benguet lily affected by different growing media and
different slow release fertilizers
Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013

Figure4.Flowering stage of Benguet lily affected by different growing media and
different slow release fertilizers

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013


This study was conducted at the ornamental Horticulture Research Project Area of
the Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet from September 2012 to March 2013
to evaluate evaluate the growth and flowering performance of Benguet Lily in different
kinds of slow release fertilizer and the growing media, determine the effect of different
kinds of slow release fertilizers with regards tocutflower yield and quality; and to determine
the economics of using the different kinds of slow release in Benguet Lily production.
Results revealed that there is highly significant differences on the final height and final
number of leaves at flowering, number of days from transplanting, stem length of cutflower
harvest, and lastly vaselife as affected by growing media and slow release fertilizer.
Application of multicote promoted vegetative growth and producing the tallest plants.
The initial soil analysis before transplanting showed that the soil had on the growing media
of 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus leaves compost is 5.69 pH which is slightly
acidic. The soil contains high amount of nitrogen, high amount of phosphorous and it had
a high amount of potassium. On the other hand growing media of 1:1:1 mountain soil +
horse manure + alnus leaves compost were acidic pH of 3.68. The soil contains low amount
of nitrogen, least amount of phosphorous and it had a high amount of Potassium.

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013


It is therefore concluded that the application of slow release fertilizer
Multicote and growing media having a ratio of 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle manure + alnus
leaves compost to is highly significantly improve the vegetative growth producing taller
plants with longer stems compared to other slow release formulations applied.


Based on the findings of the study, application of 6g/15 cm of Multicote in
Benguet lily plants grown in to the growing media ofa ratio of 1:1:1 mountain soil + cattle
manure + alnus leaves compost is the best for Benguet lily cutflower production to produce
taller plants with longer stems.

Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013


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Growth and Flowering of Benguet Lily (Lilium philippinensis) as Affected by Growing
Media and Slow Release Fertilizer Application | BEN, EPLER. March 2013