TULAO, GRECILYN E. APRIL 2013. Supply Chain of Puto Calasiao in Calasio,
Pangasinan. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Jovita M. Sim, MSc.


The study was conducted in Calasiao Pangasinan and other area in Pangasinan in December
2012. The study aimed to provide an overview of the Puto Calasiao industry in Calasiao,
Pangasinan, map of the different supply chain of puto Calasiao, identify the key actors,
their roles and function, identify the product, information and payment flow in the supply
chain and identify the problem and issues in puto Calasiao production and marketing.

The study was conducted through survey and followed by an interview to validate
their answers. Puto processing was the major source of income of processor respondents.
Some of the processors still used traditional practices in puto processing. Puto Calasiao is
supplied in the different areas of Cordillera Autonomous Region, Regions 1 and 2 up to
the Metro Manila area. Puto were transported and distributed by wholesaler who bought
from the production area and distribute to the different retailers as their market destination.

The main problems encountered in production were the poor quality of raw
materials and the other one was the labor intensive. While the problems encountered in
marketing were poor packaging materials and the decreased market demand.
Supply Chain of Puto Calasiao in Calasio, Pangasinan



Puto is a kind of steamed rice cake in Philippine cuisine. Puto are usually white and
round and can vary greatly in size. It is usually served with grated coconut or as
accompaniment to a number of savory dishes for breakfast but it is best served with
“Dinuguan” (pork blood stew).
Adding local ingredients like ube (purple yam) or pandan slightly changes the
flavor and color of the puto, but this will require more work and a revision of the recipe.
The best way to have flavored puto is to use essences which are also tinted to the color
relative to the flavor like pandan essence flavor gives a light green puto and ube essence
gives a light purple puto. Adding food coloring still keep the original flavor.
Puto Calasiao is an iconic native delicacy known as Calasiao’s white gold.
Consumers of puto Calasiao were of great number that even tourist would be visiting there
for that same purpose. With these, it is no doubt that this place have excelled in the
production and marketing their particular product style of puto. For that reason, the puto is
named in that place that even in other areas, sellers are claimed that puto sold are made in
Making and selling puto are hit business opportunities because accordingly they
are easily made, requires very little capital, affordable to the consumers and seller profit
from it.
Supply Chain of Puto Calasiao in Calasio, Pangasinan


Calasiao a progressive town that is known for its specialties products, puto is one
of the most well known products that raise the income of the people living there. Puto has
been major source of income for families in the villages of Dinalaoan, Lumbong,
Ambuetel, and also some part of Nalsian Pangasinan. The market centers are in the market
proper of Calasiao, Pangasinan.
This study therefore aimed to map the supply chain of puto Calasiao produced in
Calasiao, Pangasinan.

Supply Chain of Puto Calasiao in Calasio, Pangasinan



Supply Chain Management
A supply chain is the collection of steps that a company takes to transform raw
materials into final products and deliver them top costumers (Wisegeek, 2010). Supply
chain is a set of organizations directly linked by one or more of the upstream and
downstream flow of products, services, finances, and information from a source to a
customer (Wikipedia, 2009).
Managing a supply chain is “supply chain management”. Supply chain
management is the oversight of materials, information, and finances as they move in the
process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to costumer, supply chain
management involves coordinating and integrating these flows both within and among
organization. It is said that the ultimate goal of any effective supply chain management
system is to reduce inventory (with the assumption that products are available when
needed) (Magaret Rouse, 2010).
Consistent across these definitions is the idea of coordinating or integrating a
number of product- related activities among supply chain participants to improve operating
efficiencies, quality, and customer service in order to gain a sustainable competitive
advantage for all the organizations involved in the collaboration (J.D. Wisner, G. Keong
Leong and K. Vhoon Tan, 2009).
Thus for supply chain management to be successful, firms must work together by
sharing information on things like demand forecast; production plans, capacity changes,
new marketing strategies, new product and service developments , new technology
Supply Chain of Puto Calasiao in Calasio, Pangasinan


developments, purchasing production and distribution plans (J. D. Wisner, G. Keong
Leong and K. Choon Tan, 2009).
Furthermore, supply chain is a process that is used by a company to ensure that its
supply chain is efficient and cost effective. This typically is comprised of five stages;
planning, development, manufacturing, logistics, and returns. In the planning stage, a
strategy must be developed to address how a given product will meet the needs of the
customers. Development stage, involves building relationship with suppliers of the raw
materials that are needed in making the product the company delivers. This stage involved
not only identifying reliable suppliers but also creating methods for shipping, delivery, and
payment. Manufacturing stage the product is manufactured,, tested, packaged and
scheduled for delivery. Logistics stage, customer orders are received, and delivery of the
goods is planned. The final stage of supply chain is when customer management can return
defectives product (Wisegeek, 2010).
In addition, primary purpose of any supply chain is to satisfy the customer needs
and in the process generate the profit for itself (S. Chopra and P. Meindl, 2007).

Supply Chain of Puto Calasiao in Calasio, Pangasinan



Locale and Time of the Study
This research will be conducted in the production area (Calasiao) to product
will be followed to the different distribution areas.
The study will be conducted in November to January 2012.

Respondents of the Study
The respondent of the study will be the stakeholders in the puto Calasiao
enterprise which include the producers, traders, and consumers involved in the supply
chain of the product. A total of 70 respondents will be served as respondents of the study.

Data Collection Procedure
The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents. Secondary
data will also be used.

Data to be Gathered
The data to be gathered includes: the supply chain maps, key actors: their
roles and functions, product, information and payment flow, problems and issues in puto
Calasiao production and marketing.
Data Analysis
Data gathered will be consolidated, tabulated and analyzed using descriptive
method like frequency counts and percentage.
Supply Chain of Puto Calasiao in Calasio, Pangasinan



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Supply Chain of Puto Calasiao in Calasio, Pangasinan