TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012. Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed
Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph (Reticulitemes flavipes). Benguet State
University, La Trinidad Benguet.
Adviser: Madeline S. Kiangan, MSc.
This study was conducted to determine the effect of termite nymph on the carcass
characteristics of broilers. Specially, it aimed to find out the effect of termite on the
dressing recovery of broilers under La Trinidad, Benguet. Also to determine the quality of
carcass produced from broilers fed with termite through nutritional analysis (DOST).

Statistical analysis showed that there are no significant differences among the
dressing recovery from the birds. This could be because the numbers of birds and
replication or the amount of termites given were not enough to produce significant results.
This shows that using termite as feed supplement did not affect the dressing percentage of
the birds, as well as the lean, bone and fat.
Nutritional analysis (DOST) showed that treatment 1 fed with 10g of termite/kg of
commercial feeds contains the highest crude fat and crude protein. On the other hand,
treatment 3 fed with 20g of termite/ kg of commercial feeds contains the lowest crude fat
and crude protein.

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

It is therefore concluded that the carcass characteristics of broiler were not affected
by the incorporation of termite nymph in the feed or may be the concentration is less in
amount to affect the carcass of the broilers.

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Chicken broiler production is the most progressive animal enterprise in our country
today. The poultry industry in fact began as a backyard enterprise but has shifted to the
formation of very large integrated contract farming operations. The growth of tile poultry
industry has indeed impressive but its problem including inefficient management and the
prevalence of many destructive disease and parasites cannot be ignored.

People who are meat eaters look for ways to reduce the amount of fat in their meals.
Consumers prefer to buy chicken meat because it provides the complete protein and of all
meats is one of the lowest in calories, fat and saturated fat. The structure of humans and
animals is built on protein.

Chicken meat is also one of the consumers most favorite foods because it is
wholesome, versatile and easy to prepare especially when it is organically raised. Most
consumers look a food which is very nutritious even it is expensive only to have a good
diet. Chicken fits easily into today’s preference for healthy living.
This research aims at producing a reference in the use of termite as feed additive
and it hopes to promote the use of natural products in improving the carcass characteristics
of broilers. This was conducted also to discourage the use of inorganic supplement in food
animals if it is proven effective.

This study generally aims to determine the effect of termite on the carcass
characteristics of broilers to find out the effect of termite on the dressing recovery of broiler
under La Trinidad, Benguet and to determine the quality of carcass produced from broilers
fed with termite through nutritional analysis (DOST)
Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

The experiment used a total of 12 broilers which were subjected to 35 days feeding
period. Carcass evaluations were done at the Department of Animal Science (DAS) room
while nutrient content analysis was done at the DOST-CAR Regional Standards and
Testing Laboratory at La Trinidad, Benguet on December 2011.

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012


Gullan and Grandstone (1994) stated that if you do not relish the prospect of eating
insects yourself, then perhaps the concept of insects as a protein source for domesticated
animals is more acceptable. The value of insects as feed for fish, poultry, pigs and farm-
grown mink certainly is recognized in China, where feeding trials have that insect derived
diets can be cost-effective alternatives to more conventional fishmeal diets. Clearly insects
can from part of the nutritional base for people and their domesticated animals.

Some insects are edible. In fact, most insects are edible but there are few species
that are especially palatable, nutritious and easily obtainable. Many species of insects are
lower in fat, higher in protein and have a better feed to meat ratio than beef, lamb, pork or
chicken. Insects are easy to rise. There is no manure forking. No hay bale lifting. No
veterinary bills. You can raise them in an apartment without getting complaints (Grimaldi
and Engel, 2005).

According to Romoser and Stoffolano (1998) insects actually have a high
nutritional value, being quite rich in protein and lipids, and may therefore be a very
important supplement to the diets of otherwise vegetarian people.

Although of small size, insects, because of their prodigious number, probably
exceed in weight all other animals matter on the land areas of the earth. This great mass of
material possesses genuine food value. Chemical analyses of white grubs and May beetles,
for example, have shown that these insects compare favorably with corn in food value.
Turkeys, hog, and other domestic animals will often fatten on insects. It has been said that
insects make up, on the average, about two-third of the food of our common land birds
(Metcalf and Flint, 1932).
Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Coma (2000) mentioned that nutrients may have a significant effect on certain
attributes of meat quality. Meat quality is a complex without a single definition. Fresh meat
attributes such colors, quality of fats, tenderness, juiciness and flavor are essential in order
to drive the purchase and assure consumers fidelity. In addition, we must not forget the
interrelation with other elements of production process like genetic handling and slaughter.

According to Paris (1998) a poultry carcass should produce high yield of meat of
good nutritional value and eating quality. As commodity, it has to meet the requirement of
the costumer in terms of attractive color and appearance of the product offered. Also
include the nutritive and the smell and especially free from chemical residues.

Also when compared with other meat, chicken has slightly higher protein content
but the total fat content is no more than 20% of that of other meat. The saturated fatty acid
content is 50% that of other meat and level of polyunsaturated fats slightly higher, thus
placing chicken favorable with respect to human nutrition (Paul and Southgate, 1978).

To produce a good quality of meat, it is best to use organic feeds which are
formulated ration without using synthetic chemicals. Formulated ration such as organic
feeds are economical than commercial feeds. Organic chicken refers to animals reared in
semi out-door conditions and feed diets without using chemicals (Gill, 2000).

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012



The different materials used in the study are as follows: 12 heads of 45-day-old
broiler from a previous growth study feed with termite, knives, and containers, weighing
scale, digital camera, record book and Ziploc bags.

The birds should have more or less weight. Three birds were taken from each of the
four treatments from the previous study. The termites were gathered in La Union from the
forest and from their natural habitat. The termite were cleaned from the soil particles and
mixed to the commercial feeds on specified amounts as designated in the treatment. Each
bird represents one replication making a total of three replicates per treatment. The
treatments administered to the birds are as follows:

T0- control; CF

T1- 10g termite nymph per kg CF

T2- 15g termite nymph per kg CF

T3- 20g termite nymph per kg CF
Carcass Yield Evaluation
The dressed bird was placed on the pan of the weighing scale and weight was
recorded in kilograms. The carcasses and abdominal color were observed using Roche
color fan. Abdominal fats of broiler belonging to the different treatments also weighed and

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Data Gathered
The following parameters were gathered from the study:
1. Slaughter weight (kg). This was the weight of the bird before slaughter time.

2. Dressed weight (kg). This was the actual weight of slaughter bird after plucking
the feathers, head, feet and entrails off.

3. Skin color. This was compared using Roche color fan.

4. Abdominal fat (g). This was the weight of the abdominal fat.

5. Color of abdominal fat. This was compared using Roche color fan.

6. Dressing percentage (%). This was obtained dividing the carcass weight by the
slaughter weight multiplied by 100%.

7. % Lean = Wt. of lean # x 100%

Dressed Wt.

8. % Bone = Wt. of bone # x 100%

Dressed Wt.

9. Lean to Bone ratio. This was computed using the formula: % lean
% bone

10. Nutritional analysis (DOST).

11. Other observations.

Data Analysis

Data was analyzed using the analysis of variance for Completely Randomized
Design and Treatment means were compared using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Slaughter Weight, Dressed Weight
and Dressing Percentage

Table 1 presents the slaughter weight of the birds after 8 hours of fasting. Statistical
analysis found no significant differences between treatments. This may prove that although
termite supplementation did not enhance slaughter weight, it also did not affect it

The dressed weight and dressing percentage of the birds from the different
treatments are likewise presented in Table 1. There are no significant differences among
the dressed weight and dressing recovery from the birds. This shows that using termite as
feed supplement did not affect the dressing percentage of the birds.

Skin Color

After dressing, the carcasses were displayed on the table and observed for skin
color. The skin of the carcasses is more or less of the same color of pale yellow based on
Roche color fan (Figure 1 to 4). This means 10-20g of termite did not affect the skin color
of the sample birds.

Weight of Abdominal Fat

Table 2 presents the abdominal fat. The result revealed that the termite nymph
added into the bird’s rations did not affect the weight of the abdominal fat of the dressed
broilers under the different treatments. This shows that fat deposition is independent from
diet or that the amount of termite nymph was not enough to cause any significant effect.

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Figure 1. Comparing the skin color of treatment 0 with Roche color fan

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Figure 2. Comparing the skin color of treatment 1 with Roche color fan

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Figure 3. Comparing the skin color of treatment 2 with Roche color fan

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Figure 4. Comparing the skin color of treatment 3 with Roche color fan

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Weight of Bone
Table 3 presents the weight of bone expressed as percentage of dressed weight.
Statistical analysis proves that termite nymph has no significant effect on the bone yield of
the dressed birds. This may suggest that whether the birds were fed with commercial feeds
only or with termite, the weight and percentage of bone is literally the same.

Table 1. Slaughter weights, dressed weights and dressing percentage of the sample birds



Commercial feeds only


10g termite/ kg of CF


15g termite/ kg of CF


20g termite/ kg of CF


Means with the same letter superscript are not significant different
Table 2. Weight of abdominal fat of the sample birds



Commercial feeds only


10g termite/ kg of CF


15g termite/ kg of CF


20g termite/ kg of CF


Means with the same letter superscript are not significant different

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Weight of Lean

Table 4 presents the weights and percentage of lean. The birds, according to
statistical analysis, were able to deposit lean that is more that 50% of their dressed weight.
This shows that also that lean development in the experimental animals was not appreciably
affected by feeding termite nymph.

Table 3. Weight of bone, expressed as percentage of dressed weight

Commercial feeds only
403.33a 22.11a

10g termite/ kg of CF

15g termite/ kg of CF

20g termite/ kg of CF

Means with the same letter superscript are not significant different

Table 4. Weight of lean, expressed as percentage of dressed weight



Commercial feeds only 1.778a

1120.00a 60.537a
10g termite/ kg of CF 1.545a

950.00a 56.263a
15g termite/ kg of CF 1.347a 1028.33a 55.627a
20g termite/ kg of CF 2.295a 1255.00a 56.757a
Means with the same letter superscript are not significant different

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Lean to Bone Ratio

Table 5 presents the lean to bone ratio. This parameter accounts for the amount of
lean deposited on a certain amount of bone. The table shows that the lean: bone ratio among
the treatments did not vary and the range is from 2.55 to 2.75 lean for every kilogram of

Nutritional Analysis
Table 6 presents the nutritional analysis that shows that the carcass from the birds
fed 10g termite/ kg of commercial feeds had crude fat values of 0.37. The carcass from
birds fed commercial feeds had a crude fat value of 0.21 while the carcass from the birds
fed with 15g termite nymph had a crude fat value of 0.12. Interestingly, the carcass sample
taken from the birds fed 20g termite nymph had 0 crude fat content. On the other hand, the
carcass from the birds fed 10g termite/ kg of commercial feeds had crude protein values of
25.67. The carcass from birds fed commercial feeds had a crude protein value of 25.47
while the carcass from the birds fed with 15g termite nymph had a crude protein value of
25.24. The carcass sample taken from the birds fed 20g termite nymph had 25.19 crude
protein content.

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

Table 5. % Lean, % bone and lean to bone ratio of the sample birds

Commercial feeds only
60.537a 22.11a


10g termite/ kg of CF

15g termite/ kg of CF

20g termite/ kg of CF 56.757a

Means with the same letter superscript are not significant different
Table 6. Nutritional analysis (DOST) of the carcass from sample birds


% w/w

% w/w

Commercial feeds only


10g termite/ kg of CF


15g termite/ kg of CF


20g termite/ kg of CF



Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012


This study was conducted to determine the carcass characteristics of broilers fed
diets supplemented with termite nymph.

Specially, the study aimed to find out the effect of termite on the dressing recovery
of broiler under La Trinidad, Benguet and to determine the quality of carcass produced
from broilers fed with termite through nutritional analysis (DOST).

The birds used in the study were 12 heads of broiler subjected to the following
treatments for 45 days: To (commercial feeds); 10g termite nymph/ kg of commercial feeds;
15g termite nymph/ kg of commercial feeds; 15g termite nymph/ kg of commercial feeds.
After the trial feeding, the sample birds were selected for carcass evaluation.

The result of the nutritional analysis showed that the birds fed with 10g of termite/
kg of commercial feeds contains 0.37% crude fat and 25.67% crude protein. On the other
hand, those birds fed with 20g of termite/ kg of commercial feeds contains 0% crude fat
and 25.19% crude protein.
It is therefore concluded that the carcass characteristics of broiler were not affected
by the incorporation of termite nymph because of non-significant differences in the results.
Based on the study, it is therefore recommended that termite nymph may be a good
feed supplement for broilers as proven by the growth study. As for the result of carcass
evaluation, the non-significant result may prove that termite nymph supplement is safe as
no deleterious effects were seen.
Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012

COMA, V. 2000. Feeding Guidelines for Meat and Pig Progress 16. Carcass Yield and
Quality of Cob and Hubbard Broilers fed with varying levels of Okara. P. 5.

GILL, C. 2000. Originally Dutch, Feed International 21 (4):63 BS Thesis Carcass Yield
and Quality of Cob and Hubbard Broilers Fed with varying level of
Pulp), P. 6.

GRIMALDI, R. and ENGEL, J. 2005. Evaluation of Insects. Cambridge University Press.

GULLAN, P. J. and P. S. GRANSTON, 1994. Insects an Outline of Entomology, First

Edition. Chapman and Hall UK. P. 6.

METCALF, C. L. and W. P. FLINT 1932. Fundamentals of Insects life, McGraw-hill Book
Company, Inc. P. 59.

PARIS, C. G. 1998. Correlation analysis between live weight and some related dressed
carcass and turkey. Bs Thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. P.

PAUL, A. and SOUTHGATE, D. A. T. 1978. Mccane and Widdowson’s the

Composition of foods, 4th Ed. London: Hm Stationery Office.

ROMOSER, W. S and STOFFOLANO, J. G., JR. 1998. The Science of Entomology,

Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies. P. 421.

Carcass Characteristics of Broilers Fed Diets Supplemented with Termite Nymph
(Reticulitemes flavipes) | TALABIS, ROLDAN C. APRIL 2012