MABALO, MARY FE B. APRIL 2012. Microbiological and Economic Evaluation
of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar. Benguet State University, La Trinidad,
Adviser: Sonwright B. Maddul, PhD.

The study was conducted at the Animal Genetic Resources (TANGERE) Project
Laboratory of Benguet State University in Bektey, Puguis, La Trinidad Benguet to
determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria and return on investment of hot smoked pork
cured with white sugar.
A total of 16 kg. of commercial pig and different level of white sugar were used
in this study. Following are the different treatments:
T0= 180 g of salt/kg of pork
T1= 100 g of white sugar/ kg of pork
T2= 150 g of white sugar/ kg of pork
T3= 200 g of white sugar/ kg of pork
Result showed that all treatments were negative for pathogenic bacteria causing
disease. However, treatment 1(100 grams of white sugar) was recommended due to high
return on investment which is 16.29.
Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar


Meat preservation is lengthening the storage life of meat. An effective preservation
method must be practical, usable, and should not render the product unpalatable or destroy
its appearance. It should be able to stop the action of forces of meat deterioration. Hence,
the primary concern in meat preservation must be to make meat available and free from
any microbiological organisms that make meat easily deteriorate and cause diseases such
as food poisoning. It was argued by Ibarra (1983) that the physical appearance, the
chemical composition and consistency of the product may change but as long as its fitness
for human consumption is lengthened, preservation is achieved.

There are numerous approaches to prolonging the storage life of meat. The most
common methods in meat preservation include cold storage, canning, drying, salting and
smoking. Traditionally, smoking is used for preservation purposes. Smoking is the process
of subjecting meat to the action of smoke and heat by produced burning woods. Salt is the
primary ingredient used in meat curing. Many studies proved that using salt can lengthen
the shelf life of meat. However, many curing ingredient are also used as a preservative for
meat. One of these ingredients used to preserve meat is sugar.

Sugar is a secondary ingredient in meat curing. It counteracts the astringent quality
of salt and enhances the flavour of the product. Furthermore, sugar aids in lowering of pH
of the cure by providing food for some of the lactic acid-fermenting bacteria. However,
sugar can reduce the shelf life of cured meats by providing food for spoilage bacteria, yeasts
and moulds. It increases the browning effect of meat during subsequent cooking (Meat
Processing Committee, 1991).
Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

In this study, instead of using salt as a curing ingredient for meat, sugar will be used
to enhance the flavour of the product and avoid salty taste. In addition, white sugar is
preferred as it does not caramelize easily.

Therefore, the study was conducted to provide some information about meat
preservation and some microbiological organisms present in meat. Furthermore, the study
was proposed as a means of preserving pork by curing with sugar and hot smoking. It is
hoped that the hot-smoked pork using this process will have a longer shelf life.

Generally, the study aimed to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the
smoked pork cured with white sugar and make a cost and return analysis of producing
smoked pork cured with sugar.

Hot smoking was carried out in January 2012 at the Meat Preservation Laboratory
of the Animal Genetic Resources (TANGERE) project of the Benguet State University in
Bektey, Puguis, La Trinidad Benguet . Microbiological testing of smoke pork sample was
done at the DOST-CAR Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory in La Trinidad,

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar


Originally, curing treatment were practiced as a means of preserving meat before
the days of refrigeration and curing goes back at least 1,500 B.C. In less developed areas
without modern preservation facilities, the prime objective of curing is still preservation.
But where more effective preservation facilities, the prime objective of curing is to produce
unique – flavored meat product; a secondary purpose is to preserve the red color of the
meat after cooking (Desrosier, 1970).

One of the principal ingredients used for curing or pickling meat is sugar. Sugar
helps stabilize color and also adds flavor. It helps also to overcome the saltines and
counteracts the toughing effect of salt. In long cures, the sugar provides nutrients for
bacteria which reduce nitrate to nitrite. Sugar also provides food for some of the lactic acid
fermenting bacteria that develops the characteristic flavor of some dried cured products.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, fructose and sucrose are very
effective for preserving food while glucose is not. Sugar may also encourage the growth of
healthy bacteria that prevent bacteria that will make you sick from growing. High
concentrations of sugar also exert osmotic pressure that will draw water out of bacteria,
preventing them from growing. The preservative action of sugar, in the concentrations in
which it is normally used in meat products, is of minor importance. Sugar is now used
mostly for its organoleptic value. Sugar aids in improving the color, flavor, taste, and
appearance of meats. Meat cured with sugar will not be as hard, and sugar also aids in acid
production, which helps to retard spoilage.

According to Forrest et al (1975), the used of sugar as a preservative agent would
require levels well above those normally used in cured meat or other processed meat
Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

products. However, the sugar that is added to fermented sausage as a preservative because
of lactic acid that is formed in addition to their lowered pH. All these factor adds up to high
degree of stability and a longer shelf life.

There are several causes of meat spoilage. These can be grouped into three main
categories: the biological factor, physical and chemical forces. Among these forces of
deterioration, the biological force is the most prevalent, and the most destructive biological
force is the microbiological action. Meat contains abundant nutrients required for the
growth of bacteria, yeast and molds. Thus, microorganisms flourish luxuriantly in meat.
Most preservation methods must therefore be counter cures for microbial growth.
Controlling microbial spoilage involves minimization of contamination and application of
procedures to inhibit or prevent the growth of organisms that can produce undesirable
changes in meat (Ibarra, 1983).

Curing, as a method of preservation centres on one basic principle, the curing
ingredients inhibit the growth of microorganisms. If the ingredients are absorbed by the
meat ahead of the penetration of destructive microorganisms, curing is a success. On the
other hand, if the microorganisms enter the meat faster than the curing ingredients penetrate
it, curing is a failure.

Following curing, processed meats are often smoked. Smoking also was originally
employed as a mild preservative, but today smoking is used mostly for its flavour
contribution. As with most preservative methods, smoke was used long before the reasons
for its effectiveness were understood (Potter and Hotchkiss, 1995).

In preserving foods such as meats and fish with smoke, the preservative action
generally comes from a combination of factors. According to Pearson and Dutson (1986),
Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

smoking is subjecting the meat to smoke produced by burning woods or saw dust. In the
process, moisture evaporates and some phenolic pyroligneous compounds are attached to
the meat surface. The reduced moisture moisture and the action of the above compounds
inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

According to Potter and Hotchkiss (1995), smoke contains preservative chemicals
Such as formaldehydes and other materials from the burning of woods. In addition, smoke
is generally associated with heat which helps kill microorganisms.

The common microorganisms found in meat are bacteria, yeast and moulds that can
attach virtually all food constituents. Another special kind of food deterioration that may
or may not alter a foods organoleptic property has to do with food born- diseases. The most
common bacteria are Staphylococcus, Salmonella and E.coli.

Staphylococcus typically occurs in grape like cluster. The most important specie is
Staphylococcus aureus, named for its yellow – pigmented colonies. They grow
comparatively well under condition of high osmotic pressure and low moisture.

S. aureues is the agent of toxic shock syndrome, a severe infection causing high
fever and vomiting and sometimes death. S. aureus also produces an entotixin that causes
vomiting and nausea when ingested ( Tortora, 1992).

Escherichia coli O157:H7 is important not only in connection with water analysis,
but medically also, as a cause of several common forms of human infection. E. coli
O157:H7 can be transferred from contaminated hides or the intestines of infected animals
during the slaughter process. Although not a good competitor, E. coli O157:H7 can survive
under refrigerated and frozen conditions. It is acid resistant, and thus it presents a potential
problem by its survival in fermented meats. Even very low numbers of E coli O157:H7 are
Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

capable of causing infection, thus the microorganism must be completely destroyed during
the process. Control principles for E. coli O157:H7 include minimizing the presence of the
organism in the raw meats and proper fermentation and heating of final product (Burdon
and Williams, 1968).

Salmonella sp. is an enteric microorganism associated with the intestinal tract of
many animals and thus is potentially present in most raw meats. Salmonella sp. is
recognized as a potential problem in salted, dried meats. Illness is usually caused by
ingestion of sufficient microorganisms to survive digestion and reproduce in the human
intestinal tract. Fortunately, salmonellae are heat sensitive and easily destroyed with the
mild heat treatments for cooking meat. Also, salmonellae are acid sensitive, not surviving
well in fermented meats, and are not good competitors, being inhibited by the lactic starter
cultures. They are also sensitive to meat curing practices (Warris, 2000).

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar


The study made used of fresh meat obtained from the entire carcass of a commercial
pig. Other materials needed include white sugar, stainless pans, meat knives, measuring
cup, chopping boards, weighing scale and alnus firewood (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Materials used


Preparation of meat. A total of 16kg of pork was obtained from the warm carcass
of a commercial pig. Meat pieces were cut into 1-inch thick strips containing the skin, fat
and lean meat. The strips was washed and drained. After draining, the meat strips was
placed in a stainless pan for curing.

Curing. White sugar was used as a curing ingredient at the rate of 100, 150 and 200
grams per kilogram of pork. Salt was served as the control treatment at 180g per kg of pork.
Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

The curing ingredients were rubbed on both sides of the meat following the dry curing
method (Fig. 2). Then the pork pieces was packed in stainless pans and allowed to cure for
7 days. The pork was placed in a separate pan under different treatment.

Hot smoking. To start the combustion, pieces of dried alnus wood (about 1kg) was
lighted inside the fire pit of the smoking house. When the wood was burning and the fire
emitted was already stable, air-dried alnus firewood was placed over it to produce the
smoke. Initially, ¼ kg of alnus firewood was spread over the burning wood to produce the
smoke and to heat the smoking chamber. Then ¼ kg of the firewood was placed inside the
fire pit every 20 minutes thereafter until the end of hot smoking period.

Before hanging inside the smoking chamber (Fig.2), each meat slice was weighed
and labeled for identification. The pork slices were suspended in the hangers following the
experimental layout as indicated in Appendix A. All treatments have undergone 16 hours
of hot smoking at 8 hours of smoking per day.

Experimental design and treatments. The pork slices were subjected to the
following levels of curing ingredients as treatments:
T0= 180 grams of rock salt (control) / kg of pork
T1= 100 grams of white sugar/ kg of pork
T2= 150 grams of white sugar/ kg of pork
T3= 200 grams of white sugar/ kg of pork

Microbial analysis. Samples of the smoked product, weighing approximately 250
grams each, was wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in labeled plastic bags. The
samples were brought to the DOST-CAR Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory in
Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet for microbial isolation and identification.
Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

Figure 2. Meat cured with white sugar

Figure 3. Smoking chamber
Sanitation and Hygiene
Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

To prevent or minimize microbial contamination, good hygienic practices (DOH,
2004) in meat processing and handling of smoked products were observed as follows:
1. Maintaining adequate personal cleanliness
2. Wearing adequate garments, and hand gloves.
3. Washing hands before starting work and repeatedly during work.
4. No rings, watches and bracelets shall be worn during work.
5. Cleaning/Disinfection of tools, knives, chopping boards, utensils, and other
materials for meat handling.
6. Taking any other necessary precautions to protect against contamination of meat
and finished product.

Data Gathered
The following data were gathered:

1. Microbial count. The number of microorganisms such as:
1.1 Coliform,

2. Production Costs. The costs of pork, curing ingredients, firewood and labor were

3. Sales. All the smoked products were considered sold at PhP350/kg.

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

Data Computed

The following data were computed:
1. Total cost of production (TCP). Computed using the formula:
TCP = Cost of Pork + Cost of Ingredients + Cost of Firewood + Cost of Labor
2. Net income (NI). Calculated as:
NI = Total Sales – Total Cost of Production
3. Return on investment (ROI). Computed using the formula:
ROI = NI/TCP x 100

Statistical Analysis.

The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data.
Significant differences between treatment means was determined by the Duncan’s Multiple
Test (DMRT).

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar


Total Coliform Count and Fecal Coliform
Table 1 below shows the Total Coliform Count (TCC) and Fecal Coliform (FC)
of the hot smoked pork. The table shows that the presence of microorganisms on the hot
smoked pork were in the standard limit set for food which is <3.0.

Coliform bacteria may not cause disease, but can be indicators of pathogenic
organisms that cause diseases. The latter could cause intestinal infections, dysentery,
hepatitis, typhoid fever, cholera and other illnesses. However, these illnesses are not
limited to disease-causing organisms in drinking water. Other factors not associated with
drinking water may be the cause (DOH,2004).

Table 1. Mean number of microorganisms present in the smoked pork


T0 (180 g of salt) <3.0 <3.0
T1 (100 g of sugar) <3.0 <3.0
T2 (150 g of sugar) <3.0 <3.0
T3 (200 g of sugar) <3.0 <3.0

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

Bacterial Analysis

Table 2 shows the result of bacterial analysis which are Salmonella spp. and
Staphylococcus aureus.

The report analysis (Appendix B) indicates that To (180 grams of salt) is negative
for Salmonella spp. and Staphylococcus colony is within the standard limit set of food by
the Bureau of Food and Drugs.

In T1 (100 grams of sugar), the sample is negative for Salmonella spp. and
Staphylococcus aureus. Total coliform count and Fecal coliform is within the standard limit
set of food (Appendix C).

T2 (150 grams of sugar) and T3 (200 grams of sugar) are both negative to all
pathogenic bacteria as reported by DOST-CAR Regional Standards and Testing
Laboratory (Appendix D and E).
Microorganisms of relevance with regard to meat hygiene include parasites, molds,
bacteria and viruses. Within these group bacteria plays an important role and depending on
the slaughter hygiene, these bacteria find their way to the carcass or contaminate the meat
during slaughterhouse operation (Heinz and Hautzinger, 2007).
In addition, the wood smoke contains a large number of volatile compounds that
may have bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect and the residual effect of the smoke in the
food has been reported to be greater against bacteria (Frazier and Westhoff, 1998).

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

Table 2. Salmonella and Staphylococcus spp.

T0 (180 g of salt) negative coagulase negative
T1 (100 g of sugar) negative 0 CFU/g
T2 (150 g of sugar) negative 0 CFU/g
T3 (200 g of sugar) negative 0 CFU/g

Return on Investment

The Table below shows the sales, expenses, net income and ROI of the treatments.
The smoked pork from T1(100 g of sugar) had the highest mean (16.29) in ROI. T3 (200 g
of sugar) resulted in -1.78 is because the treatment has low total sales, and also low in total
income. The table also reveals that T1(100 g of sugar) has the highest in terms of sales, thus
realizing a higher income and ROI. This is because of the higher weight produced, and
lesser level of ingredient used in the study.

Table 3. Return on Investment


T0 896.00 794.4 101.6 12.79

T1 927.50 798.00 129.5 16.29

T2 836.50 807.00 29.5 3.66

T3 801.50 816.00 -14.5 -1.78

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar


The study was conducted at TANGERE Project Laboratory of Benguet State
University in Bektey, Puguis La Trinidad Benguet to determine the microbiological and
economic evaluation of hot smoked pork using white sugar.
A total of 16 kilograms of pork from slaughter hog was equally divided into four
to make up the four treatments. Each treatment has four replications with 1 kilogram of
pork per replication following the completely randomized design. For every kilogram of
pork, 180 grams of salt, 100 grams,150 grams and 200 grams of sugar was used for curing.
The treatments were placed in a clean stainless pans covered with foil and cured in room
temperature for 7 days.
After 7 days, the different treatments were exposed on the hot smoking chamber
for 2 days (8 hours per day). After smoking the hot smoked pork was placed in a zip locked.
Based on the result of microbiological analysis by the DOST-CAR Regional
Standards and Testing Laboratory the hot smoked pork was negative Salmonella spp. and
Staphylococcus aureus. Total Coliform Count and Fecal Coliform are within the standard
limit set for food.
In terms of ROI, T1 (100grams of sugar) compared to the control which is 180
grams of salt has the highest mean (16.29).T3 got negative result which is -1.78 due to high
cost of production than the sales.

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar

The use of sugar as curing agent in hot smoking was effective for controlling
microbial pathogens, since all the treatments using different amount of white sugar were
negative for Salmonella and Staphylococcus spp. Coliform count was within the standard
limit set for food. In terms of economic value, treatment 1 which is 100 grams of white
sugar has the highest return on investment due to the high production weight where in this
treatment has the lower shrinkage percentage, and less production cost that is100 grams of
white sugar.

Since all the treatments are negative for Salmonella and Staphylococcus spp., all
treatments are recommended for preserving meat. However, for higher profit, treatment 1
or 100 grams of white sugar should be used for curing the pork before smoking.

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar


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FRAZIER, W. and D. WESTHOFF. 1988 Food Microbiology, 4th Edition. McGraw Hill
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HIENZ, G. and p. HAUTZINGER. 2007. Meat Processing Technology for Small to
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Nations Regional Office for Asia and Pacific. Bangkok.
MEAT PROCESSING COMMITTEE.1991. The Philippines Recommends for
Meat Processing. Los Baños, Laguna: DOST-PCARRD, 2006. 104 p.
Philippines Recommends Series No. 76-B.
PEARSON, A.M. and L.R. DUTSON. 1986. Advances in Meat Research, volume 2.AVI
Publishing Company, Inc. Westport, Connecticut.
POTTER, N and J. HOTCHKISS 1995. Food Science 5th Edition. Chapman and Hall. New
TORTORA, G. J. 1992. Microbiology: An Introduction.4th Edition. Cummings Publishing
Company. California.
WARRIS, P.D. 2000. Meat Science An Introductory Text. CABI Publishing. New York,

Microbiological and Economic Evaluation of Hot Smoked Pork Cured with White Sugar