GASINGAN, DEBBIE E. APRIL 2012. Communication Strategies of the
Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI-CAR) in
Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers (AEWs). Benguet
State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Filmore Y. Awas, MDC


The study identified the trainings conducted by ATI-CAR, strategies of ATI-CAR
in planning and preparation, common strategies of ATI-CAR in implementation and
evaluation, determined how the findings in the evaluation were used by the institution,
determined the level of appreciation of the AEWS on the trainings conducted and processes
followed by the ATI-CAR, and identified the challenges encountered by the ATI-CAR
during the planning and preparation training implementation and evaluation process of the
downloaded training.
Respondents of the study were 12 AEWS, three from Tublay, two from Tuba, four
from Itogon and three from La Trinidad. Key Informat interview and interview schedule
were done.
There were two types of trainings being conducted by ATI-CAR, the requested
training which was being requested by the AEWs and the downloaded training which come
from the upper departments which the ATI-CAR was mandated to conduct.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

The process in the requested training have several steps: TNA, coordination with
ATI-CAR, preparation of training proposal, review of proposal, recommending approval
of the municipal mayor, program review of the ATI together with the LGU/MAO,
preparation of training design, canvassing of materials, purchase order preparation,
implementation of requested training, evaluation and activity report.

The processes followed by ATI-CAR in the downloaded training also have several
steps: agricultural office managers assembly, TNA, formulation of training design,
formation of training management staff, curriculum development, preparation of materials,
invitation of participants, invitation of resource person/s, administration arrangement,
implementation of the downloaded training, evaluation and activity report.

There were also factors in choosing training method like the number of participants,
venue, nature of the subject matter, objective, expertise of user or trainor, materials and
supplies available, time and budget. Lecture and demonstration are still preferred as a
training method.

The trainings were being evaluated through three evaluations: the pre-posttest
floated before the training, resource person evaluation and overall evaluation floated after
the training. Findings in the evaluation serve as a basis of the ATI-CAR for the
improvement of their future trainings.

Challenges encountered were lack of coordination and organization of trainings,
non-arrival of participants and sometimes, the speakers; attitudinal differences of
participants and some technical problems during training implementation.
In conclusion, a process is being followed by the ATI-CAR in the planning,
preparation, implementation and evaluation of their trainings.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Since the focus of the study was on downloaded training, it is recommended that
documentation of requested training should be also done.

Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers



It is a fact that communication strategies, systems, and practices do play a central
role in high-performance. As Bailey (2007) puts it, a thoughtful and comprehensive
communication strategy is a vital component to any successful change and improvement.
A strategy is a method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as
achievement of a goal or solution to a problem.
Government institutions use communication practices and strategies when they are
to conduct a certain activity. The International Rice Research Institute (1985) stressed that
government institutions should make sure that these strategies are being followed as they
lead in analyzing constraints to agricultural and rural development, in removing
bottlenecks, and opening new avenues for other agencies whose primary function is to
disseminate information to the farmers.
In Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), the Agricultural Training Institute
(ATI) was established to serve as a lead office for extension and training services of the
Department of Agriculture (DA).
The ATI-CAR was established by virtue of Executive Order 116, signed by
President Corazon C. Aquino on January 30, 1987. The institution is mandated to train
agricultural extension workers and their clientele; conduct multi-level training programs to
promote and accelerate rural development; and ensure the research results are
communicated to the farmers through appropriate training and extension activities
(Executive Order 116).
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

With the institution’s vision to see agricultural and rural communities in CAR
teeming with progressive and globally competitive farmer entrepreneurs practicing
sustainable agriculture, ATI-CAR conducts major programs under its training services.
Primary clienteles of their training services are the Agricultural Extension Workers
(AEWs) of the Local Government Units. Secondary clienteles were the AEWs of the
Department of Agriculture family, farmers, women and youth organizations, and other
government agencies. AEW is a collective term for government extension workers like the
Municipal Agricultural Officer, Municipal Agriculturists, Provincial Agriculturists,
Provincial Veterinarians and Agricultural Technicians.
In an interview with some of their staff, communication plans and strategies is a
must for their trainor for them to fulfill the mission of the institution which is to
continuously capacitate the AEWs as primary clientele, farmers and other stakeholders in
CAR through responsive and dedicated service and hereby make them efficient and
effective partners and actors in agricultural and rural development. According to Richard
(2008), odds are almost in every situation in a project which induces change. Without a
plan on how to handle that change and communicate it to the effected audience, that change
will not be as well received.
Analyzing the situations, the processes of interventions made and the achievements
in certain training is a difficult task for a trainor. During the planning, implementation and
evaluation, various stories on the processes involved comes out which can be revealed
through a documentation. The longer it takes to put strategic communication framework
into place, the more we can be certain that the vacuum will be filled by the enemy and by
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

news informers that most assuredly will not paint an accurate picture of what is actually
taking place (Rumsfeld, 2006).
According to Cristino Balancio, Media Specialist III of ATI-CAR, documenting
the communication processes and strategies involved in the conduct of their trainings is
needed to serve as a basis for other trainors to formulate appropriate communication
strategies when they are to conduct training. He added that lessons from the study may
enrich their learning as well on what it takes to be an effective trainor.
This study is in support to the growing need of documenting best practices of
certain organizations. Communication strategies in planning, preparation, implementation,
and evaluation of training of the ATI-CAR will be documented to determine the
effectiveness of the strategies used by the institution and to further collect suggestions on
how to improve such strategies that can be used to strengthen the implementation of future

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to document the communication strategies involved in the
Agricultural trainings conducted by ATI-CAR for the AEWs.

Specifically, it answered the following:
1. What are the trainings being conducted by ATI-CAR?
3. What are the communication strategies of ATI-CAR in planning and
preparation of downloaded trainings?
4. What are the communication strategies of ATI-CAR in implementation and
evaluation of downloaded trainings?
5. How are the findings in the evaluation used?
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

6. What is the level of appreciation of the AEWs to the trainings conducted and
processes followed by the ATI-CAR?
7. What are the challenges encountered by the ATI-CAR during the planning,
training implementation and evaluation process?

Objectives of the Study

In general, the study aimed at documenting the communication strategies involved
in the Agricultural trainings conducted by ATI-CAR for the AEWs.

Specifically, the study was able to:
1. identify the trainings being conducted by ATI-CAR;
2. identify the communication strategies of ATI-CAR in planning and
preparation of downloaded trainings;
3. identify the communication strategies of ATI-CAR in implementation and
evaluation of downloaded trainings;
4. determine how the findings in the evaluation are used by the institution,
5. determine the level of appreciation of the AEWs to the trainings conducted
and processes followed by the ATI-CAR and
6. identify the challenges encountered by the ATI-CAR during the planning,
training implementation and evaluation process.

Importance of the Study
The result of the study may contribute to the awareness and understanding of the
role of communication in planning, implementing and evaluating trainings. This would
emphasize the importance of communication in the activity.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

On the side of the institution being studied, the result may guide their trainors in
what communication process and strategy is appropriate to be used in planning,
implementing, and evaluating their training/s. It would help them get a picture on what is
likely to happen when they are to conduct a training, which would aid them to prepare in
facing the possible challenges that would come along the way. It would uncover some
relevant information that might be useful in improving the institution’s programs and their
implementation schemes.

On the side of other researchers, the result of the study may serve as a basis or
reference for studies with the same scope.

On the side of the students, the result may provide them insight on the importance
of formulating communication strategies not only in training, but also in other fields where
such strategies could be applied.

Scope and Limitation

The study was limited only in determining trainors of ATI-CAR and some
Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) in Benguet as samples of the study.

Furthermore, the study was limited only in determining communication strategies
involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating trainings conducted by the ATI-CAR.
Monitoring is not included in the study because in the case of the institution and any other
agencies, monitoring is usually done six months to one year after the implementation that
would take time if it would be included in the study. Also, the study was limited only in
determining the communication strategies involved in the downloaded training.

Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers


Importance of Socio-demographic Profiling

The profile of the respondents is an important factor in a study.

Buerkel (1951), as cited by Busitan (2009), stressed that the communication process
is complex because each communicator creates meaning based on personal experiences.
No two persons interpret the same past experience, motivations and personal reality.

David (1980), also cited by Busitan (2009) stated that the socio-economic status of
the family affects the individuals’ attitude and interests even in the socio-economic media.
Individuals with high economic status have wider range choices and those belong to low
economic status have limited choices.

In a related study, Gunnad (1980) as cited by Baluscang, Jr. (1988) stated that the
more number of years in working experience one had, the greater were his knowledge,
skill, experience and methods in the adoption of new practices that could be influenced by
the social, psychological, and economic factors of the new generation.

Socially, they must associate themselves with other people for an interchange of
ideas and for possible suggestions or solutions to problems they are most concerned with
(Baluscang, Jr., 1988).

According to the Upland Development Working Group (1991), development is
viewed as an endless process of learning, problem solving and change. Information needed
to make good development decisions constantly change as situations change. Gathered data
must reflect the field situation as faithfully and as comprehensively as possible.
Types of Training Conducted by ATI-CAR
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

According to Buli-e (2011), there are two types of training being conducted by ATI-
CAR, the Downloaded training and the Requested training. Downloaded trainings are the
trainings being set by the higher departments in the government like the Department of
Agriculture, which had been passed to the institution to bring to the target participants. On
the other hand, requested trainings are the trainings being requested by the clienteles, the
AEWs or the farmers which are granted by the institution upon meeting the necessary

Communication Practices in Training

Organizational contact during training can go beyond to sustain interest and
possible anticipation which help the participants to learn (Lynton and Pareek, 1967).

Communication is about sending and receiving information. Basic communication
means we have information to convey and we need our audience to “act” on that
information or we wouldn’t be there in the first place. Also, acting is about audience
perception and our ability to influence that perception. To get others o listen, to remember,
to change their minds or attitudes is communication. The most efficient training is the best
communicated training (Shaw, 2001).

Broadly speaking, communication and society are mutually constituted. The
tendency within political economy and forms of institutional analysis is to concentrate on
how communication is socially constructed, on the social forces that contribute to the
formation of channel of communication, and on the range of messages transmitted through
these channels (Mosco, 2009).

According to James (2005), communication practices are about designing
education for everyday life. Training practices are used to convey knowledge
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

from the community. That’s how education is organized. You can select that practices you
want to work with, you don’t have to do them in a fixed order, or otherwise group them

Strategies in Training

The ends of community development are political in its wide sense, and political
ends are not achieved without access to, and appropriate use of strategy (Roberts, 1979).
Strategy refers to the means through which goals are to be accomplished. A strategy
statement includes a clear statement of the problem as analyzed, goals and the means
through which goals are to be achieved (Asian Institute of Journalism, 1983).

Strategic planning examines the pitfalls in the current management of
organizations, companies or concepts and plans for safe movement towards upward
growth, in future. Strategic planning lets organizations, companies, and individuals update
their aims and identify capabilities, thereby trying to harness the resources required for
being upwardly mobile (Bailey, 2007).

The selection of strategies depends on a number of factors. Rapid change and the
urgent need for greater independence of action and for skills of collaboration on the part of
individuals and organization all call for training strategies that emphasize attention on
process and organizational dimensions (Lynton and Pareek, 1967).
Evaluating Trainings

Designing evaluation for training and development involves ensuring that training
meets its learning objectives for the target audience. Feedback allows people to know how
they are progressing and organizations to gauge how well its members are performing.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Reports produced based on learner assessment validates training program usage (Duggan,

Review and evaluation of plans refers, of course, to the analysis of actions taken to
determine whether they are in conformance with plans (Steiner and Miner, 1982).

According to Lynton and Pareek (1967), the effectiveness of training is determined
by all three partners in it, the participant, the institution, and the work organization. By no
means, every weakness or failure in training is therefore that can be attributed to the
institution or assessed or removed by improvements in its program.

No evaluation is totally objective: it is subjective to a series of linked decisions.
Findings must be considered by decision makers within the context of decisions made by
the evaluator in undertaking the translation of issues into data collection tools and the
subsequent data analysis and interpretation (Owen and Rogers, 1999).

Trainings are to be evaluated to identify the strengths and weaknesses, assess the
contents, organization, and administration of program, and identify trainees who benefited
most or least from the program (Noe and Hollenbeck, 2006).

Once you computed your evaluation, distribute it to the public who need to read it.
And of course, if there were lessons learned from the evaluation on how to make your
training more effective, act on them (Business Performance Pty Ltd, 2010).
Challenges in Training

Communication planning operates within certain constraints. These constraints set
the direction for communication planning as well as the limits on the kind of decisions that
can be made (Asian Institute of Journalism, 1983).
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

According to Chapman (2010), organizations are facing great pressure to change
these days-to facilitate and encourage whole-person development and fulfillment beyond
traditional training.

Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers


Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted in La Trinidad, Benguet (Figure 1 & 2). It is the capital
municipality of Benguet. La Trinidad is located three kilometres north of Baguio City and
is 256 kilometres north of Manila. It is bounded on the north by the municipality of Tublay,
on the south by Baguio, and on the west by Sablan and Tuba.
The place was chosen because it is where the Agricultural Training Institute-CAR
is situated. The institution is located inside the Benguet State University Compound, La
Trinidad, Benguet.

The study was conducted from October 2011 to February 2012.

Respondents of the Study

There were 13 respondents chosen purposively in this study, one was a trainor of
ATI-CAR who had been training Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) for not less than
two years, and 12 AEWs who had been attending trainings conducted by ATI-CAR for two
or more times. The AEWs were interviewed in the municipal agriculture office of the
municipalities, three from Tublay, two from Tuba, four from Itogon and three from La
Trinidad. Two of them were Municipal Agricultural Officer, one Agricultural Trainor, one
Agriculturist, and one Veterinarian.

On the other hand, the key informant interviewee of the study was Cristino
Balancio, the head of the technical support services and the media specialist III of ATI-
CAR. He was 53 years of age and had finished his masteral degree on rural development.
His specialization was training management, rural development, etc.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Figure 1. Map of Benguet showing the locale of the study

Data Collection
An interview schedule was used in gathering information from the respondents of
the study. Interview with key informants was also done using guide questionnaire.

Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

La Trinidad

Trading Post

La Trinidad
Benguet General
Municipal Hall


To Baguio City
(National Road)
To Mt. Province


Figure 2. ATI-CAR Vicinity Map
BSU Admin
Figure 2. Vicinity map of ATI-CAR

Data Gathered

The data gathered were the socio-demographic profile of the respondents;
communication practices and strategies used by trainors of ATI-CAR in planning,
implementation process and evaluation of the training; uses of the findings of the
evaluation; level of appreciation of the AEWs to the trainings conducted and processes
followed by ATI-CAR, and the challenges encountered during the planning,
implementation and evaluation process.

Data Analysis

The data gathered was analyzed and interpreted using descriptive statistics such as
frequency counts. The data were also processed and presented in a narrative form.

Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers


Trainings Being Conducted by ATI-CAR

According to Buli-e, there were two types of training being conducted by ATI-
CAR, the Downloaded Training and the Requested Training. Downloaded trainings were
the trainings being set by the higher departments in the government like the Department of
Agriculture, which had been passed to the institution to bring to the target participants. On
the other hand, requested trainings were the trainings being requested by the clienteles, the
AEWs or the farmers, which were granted by the institution upon meeting the necessary
The result supports the study of Flores (2007) that generally, training services is
provided by the concerned agricultural extension offices and workers as mandated,
nevertheless, some training requests have not been conducted due to lack of logistics.
Topics of trainings usually requested by AEWs include Business Management and
Crop Protection with seven respondents attesting. Half of the respondents requested about
Agricultural Science. This implies that the respondents considered training opportunities
which are necessary in their job and at the same time, necessary for their daily living.
Process in the implementation of requested training. Figure 3 shows the process
being followed by the Agricultural Extension Workers in requesting trainings. Their usual
reasons in requesting for training were for information updates; for technology transfer (for
them and farmer clienteles); and for enhancement skills and development of partnership in
the extension delivery system. This implies that the AEWs needed lot more of trainings for
them to be able to meet their information needs.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Training Needs
Preparation of
Review of Proposal
Assessment (TNA)

with ATI-CAR
Project Proposal
by the MAO

Preparation of
Training Design by
Program Review of

Canvassing of
the Municipal
the ATI-CAR with
Approval of the
Agriculture Office
Municipal Mayor

Evaluation of the
Activity Report of the
Purchase Order
Implementation of

Training by the
Municipal Agriculture
Requested Training

Figure 3. Process of requesting training followed by AEWs
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural
Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers (AEWs).| GASINGAN, DEBBIE E. APRIL 2012

Training Needs Assessment (TNA). According to the respondents, focus group
discussion was often done during farmers and municipal agricultural fishery council
meetings. In here, the farmers and other AEWs were asked about the trainings they needed
for the enhancement of their skills and capabilities. Sometimes, the requesting group
submits their training needs to the office of the ATI personally. The farmers’ active
involvement in deciding the needed trainings supports the study of Tiwari (1994) that there
is an active involvement of farmers in research, farm trials and extension activities of the
Coordination with ATI-CAR. The focal person of the requesting group, after
identifying the training needs, coordinated with the administration or accounting office of
ATI-CAR for possible funding. The focal person was chosen depending on the type of the
training requested, whether it was under his/her specialization or not.
Preparation of training proposal. Training proposal was done by the one in-charge
of the training. At the time of the study, the common components of the training proposal
were: rationale, goals and objectives, participants, methodologies, course output, resource
requirements and training schedule.
Review of proposal by the Municipal Agricultural Officer (MAO). The proposals
received were submitted to the head of the Municipal Agricultural Office for review after
having been submitted by the requesting party. The proposals were brought back to the
person in-charge to incorporate the corrections. If it was done well, the proposal, upon the
approval of the MAO, was submitted to the municipal mayor for recommending approval.

Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Recommending approval of the Municipal Mayor. After the MAO had approved
the proposal, the municipal mayor would review again the proposal. If there were some
corrections, it would be returned to the MAO for the incorporation of corrections. If there
was none, it would be brought to the ATI-CAR office for final approval after the
recommending approval of the mayor.
Program review of ATI-CAR with the MAO/LGU. Program review was the
validation plan of ATI-CAR with the local government unit or the MAO upon the mayor’s
approval of the proposal. The program of ATI-CAR for the year was being reviewed to see
if the requested training was in line with the yearly activity plan of the institute. The
requested training would be granted if it is lined and the other way if it was not, however,
special request training could be done if the need is urgent even if it was not in lined with
the scheduled activity of the training institute.
Preparation of training design by the Municipal Agriculture Office. Provided that
there was fund allotted to the requested training, a training design was made which was
reviewed and approved by the MAO, municipal mayor and the ATI-CAR.
Canvassing of materials. For the previous trainings, after the approval of the
activity design, the materials needed for the training to be conducted were enlisted. The
supply officers canvass the materials in a minimum three different shops for possible
Purchase order preparation. The enlisted and canvassed materials were audited for
the approval of the MAO, municipal mayor, and ATI-CAR again. Upon the approval of
the Bids and Awards Committee headed by the administrator and supply officer, the
purchase order was then awarded to the winning bidder given the same quality of the
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

materials. Then, after the supplies were released, billings of the materials were done
wherein the administration officer or supply officer prepares the statement of account for
the payment of the materials needed in the training.
Implementation of requested training. After all the things needed were cleared,
implementation of the requested training followed. It was usually implemented at the ATI-
CAR hall especially if it was concerned with lectures and discussions. Others were also
conducted at the requesting municipality’s area depending on the arrangement of the MAO
and the ATI-CAR office considering the type of training method to be used.
Evaluation of the training by the participants. Evaluation sheets were floated after
the training. For some instances, the trainors ask the participants directly on what they can
say about the training while someone was taking down notes.
Activity report of the office of the municipal agriculture. Activity report was then
carried out after the training implementation. These include the summarized evaluation of
the training conducted, attendance sheets, financial reports and photo documentations. A
copy was given to the ATI-CAR and the other one to the MAO office for filing.
Process in the implementation of downloaded training. Figure 4 shows the
processes followed by ATI-CAR in the downloaded training. The training institute was
mandated to bring the training to the people as part of their function.
Agricultural office managers’ assembly. The agricultural office managers or MAOs
and the ATI-CAR have had an assembly twice a year wherein government programs were
presented. When managers needed certain training, the ATI-CAR directly brought the
training to them since it was in lined with government programs.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Agricultural Office
Formation of
Training Needs
Formulation of

Training Design
Management Staff

Preparation of

Invitation of
Invitation of
Resource Person

Implementation of
Implementation of
Activity Report
the Training
the Training

Figure 4. Process followed by ATI-CAR in the downloaded training
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training
for AgriculturaL Extension Workers (AEWs).| GASINGAN, DEBBIE E. APRIL 2012

Training needs assessment. According to the ATI-CAR, training needs assessment
can be done right after the implementation of certain training. Survey questionnaires were
often floated to the participants of the training. The survey questionnaires already served
as the basis in identifying the training needs assessment of the participants. Also, focus
group discussions were being done. The ATI-CAR invited key informants from the
community as a representative of a certain group like farmer leaders, political leaders and
youth leaders. Key informants were identified through the help of LGU’s who pointed out
the potential key informants of a certain community. The ATI-CAR met the key informant
group. Sets of questions were discussed with them regarding the problems related to
agriculture. After the answers were summarized, training design was then constructed after
determining the training need.
Formulation of training design. Upon the agreement of the managers on what
training to conduct, training design was made by the institution. It was oftentimes prepared
by the project officer, reviewed by the head of the training division and noted by the head
of the institute. Once it was approved, training was ready for implementation.
Formation of training management staff. Training management staff was also
formed for an organized conduct of the training. Staffing here includes the chairperson who
sees to it that the implementation goes smoothly, and was in-charge of the training report.
There was also one to two technical staff that manages the day to day activity and may
serve as the resource person/s in some cases when the resource person did not arrive.
Lastly, there was two to three support staff that helped in the documentation and
arrangement of administration activities. The training management staff was appointed
depending on their capability, availability and expertise.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Curriculum development. Curriculum was developed after the formation of the
training management staff. In developing the curriculum of the training, different factors
were taken into consideration as follows: if the training was based on training needs of the
participants wherein the ATI-CAR prepares the curriculum in accordance with the kind of
training needed; if it was the priority of the government or Department of Agriculture
wherein the curriculum developed was based on the activities of the government; and if
there was enough budgets and enough time wherein the development of the curriculum
depends on the allotted budget and time for the training. This indicates that before
curriculum was developed, these factors were considered.
Preparation of materials. Evaluation instruments for the resource person, overall
training and pre-test were prepared after the development of curriculum. Also, visual aids
like handouts and PowerPoint presentation were prepared to be used by the resource
person/s for an effective lecture and discussion, though the resource person/s were also
required to prepare their own presentations. This corroborates the account of Liberty (1999)
that these visual aids can help the speaker stay organized and keep the audience's attention.
It was also used to deliver information efficiently and effectively.
Invitation of participants. After the materials were prepared, letters of invitation for
the training were sent through fax or individually through buses. E-mails, phone calls and
text messaging was also done by the institute as a follow through of the letter sent to the
target participants. This corroborates the study of Agyao (2009) that in the government
services, public services are offered faster and efficient through the use of
telecommunication systems like phone calls, among others.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Invitation of resource persons. Invitation letters were often sent to the proposed
resource person of the training. They are being selected basing on their expertise and
availability. According to the Free Articles Directory (n.d.), other than
the topics, the main attraction of every seminar was the speaker who has the background,
experience, reputation and expertise that will sell the seminar and help it succeed.
Administration arrangements. Administration arrangements were also done as a
preparation for the training to be implemented. The training supplies and demonstration
materials were purchased. Searching of venue for the training and catering services was
also done. All the necessary things needed for the training implementation, the sound
system and stage, etc., were made sure by the implementers to be already prepared.
Implementation of the downloaded training. After everything was polished,
implementation of the downloaded training follows. The training was oftentimes being
implemented in the ATI-CAR halls though the venue still depends on the type of training
being implemented.
Evaluation of the training. After the training implementation, evaluation sheets
were being floated to the participants after the training. It was then collected, compiled,
tabulated and summarized and would serve as an attachment of the training report. Also,
the result was being reviewed by the ATI-CAR during technical meetings for the
improvement of the planned activities of the institute.
Activity report. Activity reports were then accomplished after the training was
implemented and evaluated. This include the filled training completion report form,
directory of participants, evaluation results, training design, action plan and photo
documentation. Copies were given to the monitoring and evaluation unit of ATI-CAR for
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

recording, a copy was given also to the ATI-CAR accounting as attachment of their
financial reports, and a copy was sent to the central office of ATI in Manila. Partner
institutions were also furnished with their own copy for record and filling.
It can therefore be noted here that the downloaded trainings was a top-down
approach which comes from the Department of Agriculture while the requested training
was a bottom-up approach which comes from the clienteles who needs the training.

Communication Strategies of ATI-CAR
in the Planning and Preparation
of Downloaded Training

According to Balancio, downloaded trainings usually follow the basic
communication flow; from source to acquisition of feedback. Below were the noted
communication processes of the ATI-CAR for such kind of training.
Source. The project officer of the training to be conducted drafts a letter of
invitation to the target participants of the training.

Message. The letter of invitation to the target participants contains what the training
was all about and that the target participants were being invited in that training. The letter
was addressed to the head of the agency or MAO upon the approval of the director of the
ATI-CAR to the letter.

Channel. The ATI-CAR uses few channels in inviting their target participants about

First channel commonly used by the ATI-CAR was letter which was sent to the
MAO through hand carry (paw-it), e-mail or fax taking into consideration the factors of
the receiver has the necessary technology for them to be able to receive the letter through
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

electronic system. This implies that letter was the main means of notification used by the

Another channel used was text or phone call. According to the ATI-CAR, there was
always a phone call or text to the participants as a follow through of the letter sent to them.
This implies that the ATI-CAR gets the result of their notification faster. This corroborates
to the findings of Agyao (2001) that everyone practically sees the need to have his own
phone, whether for business or personal reason, for faster delivery of information.
Announcement was also another channel used by the ATI-CAR in notifying their
target participants. Balancio said that during meetings or trainings at the ATI-CAR office,
announcement of upcoming trainings were made. This again supports the study of Dahal
(1989) that oral communication is frequently employed because of the convenience of face
to face communication, speed and the possibility of immediate feedback.
The findings of the study corroborates the study of Bucu (1989) on the
communication support to agricultural projects in Benguet stating that different
communication channels substantially differed in their degree of usefulness in creating
awareness, in influencing attitude and behavior, and in encouraging clienteles.
Receiver. The receivers of the message sent by the ATI-CAR were the target
participants of the training. It may either be received by the head of the agency or by the
Municipal Agriculture Office.
Effect. After the target participants had received the letter of invitation from the
ATI-CAR, it was then for them to decide whether they will attend or not. This was related
in the findings of the study that respondents considered trainings which were necessary in
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

their living and at the same time, necessary for their living. This implies that if they need
the training, they would confirm to attend the said training.
Feedback. The result showed that AEWs confirmed to the ATI-CAR in different
Ten of the respondents said that they confirmed with the notification or invitation
through text and phone call sent directly to the coordinator or technical person involved.
Six of the respondents said that they confirmed through a letter which was
addressed to the ATI-CAR director attention to the project officer of the activity. This
indicates that with the advent of communication technologies, some respondents still
prefers to use letter as a channel to communicate their confirmation to the ATI-CAR.
On the other hand, two of the respondents said that they personally go to the ATI-
CAR office and personally confirms to the project officer or technical person involved in
the training. The findings corroborates to the study of Lorenzana (2003) that directly
talking with clients is better and more important rather than communicating through a third
person or a media.
The result showed that the AEWs were being notified about certain trainings
conducted by ATI-CAR and the AEWs responded to these notifications through some
means of communication.
Factors in choosing training method. In conducting trainings, the ATI-CAR
considered some factors in selecting what training method they used. These include the
number of participants, venue, nature of the subject matter, the objective, expertise of
user/trainor, material and supplies available, time and budget. This supports the study of
Golocan (1990) that while as many approaches/strategies as available were employed or
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

tried out in order to maximize project implementation, the final choice of a certain strategy
or a combination of approaches depend upon the present needs of the situation.
Number of participants. If there were many participants, the trainors of ATI-CAR
often use lecture-discussion, open forum, and individual and group workshops. If there
were only few participants, lecture-discussion, group dynamics, games or simulations,
workshops, practicum, field works and field tours were used.
Venue. According to the ATI-CAR, training methods depended on the training
venue. Training held in fields often used practicum, tour, workshop, and fieldworks
especially if the training was all about agricultural skills. On the other hand, trainings held
inside halls used lecture, lecture-discussion, focus group discussion and brainstorming.
Nature of the subject matter. According to the ATI-CAR, training methods
depended on the subject matter whether it was for skills development or knowledge
acquisition. Trainings on agricultural skills preferred fieldwork while knowledge
acquisition preferred lecture, focus group discussion and brainstorming.
The objective. According to the ATI-CAR, objectives about knowledge acquisition
used lecture, lecture-discussion, brainstorming and case studies. Skills development
preferred workshop.
Expertise of user/trainor. According to the ATI-CAR, expert trainors or those who
were used to the certain training method preferred to use the method they were used to
because it was most likely that they were comfortable with it.
Materials and supplies available. Before identifying the training method, the
trainors of ATI-CAR made sure that materials and supplies were available. For trainings
about agricultural skills where the things needed were complete and available, ATI-CAR
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

used demonstration method followed by practicum. On the other hand, on knowledge
acquisition, lectures, lecture-discussion, focus group discussion and brainstorming was
Time. Time was another factor in choosing training method. In terms of short time
trainings, usually, lecture-discussion and open forum was used by the ATI-CAR. On the
other hand, long time trainings uses demonstration, focus group discussion and
Budget. Budget matters in choosing a training method. The ATI-CAR trainors
chose training method affordable enough by the available budget. In cases where all the
necessary things were provided for the training, demonstration followed by practicum was
used. On the other hand, when there was no enough budget, lecture discussion and open
forum were used.
According to Balancio, the training methods always depend on the nature of the
subject matter. This corroborates to the study of Tiwari (1994) that technician combine
methods depending on the involved field of activities. According to Amadeo (2004), the
extension workers chose technique best suited to the situation.

Communication Strategies of ATI-CAR
in the Training Implementation and Evaluation
of Downloaded Training

Below was the common communication strategy of ATI-CAR in the
implementation of trainings as described by Balancio.

Sender. The senders of the message were the trainors of ATI-CAR who
communicates the technologies to the intended clienteles like the AEWs. This source is
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

initially responsible for the success of the message. According to Sanchez, the sender's
experiences, attitudes, knowledge, skill, perceptions, and culture influence the message.

Message. The message that the ATI-CAR oftentimes communicate to their
clienteles were the new technologies and new trends in agriculture. Balancio said that the
message still depends on the kind of training they conduct whether it was about agriculture
or any related topics. The sender has to begin by deciding what he wants to transmit. This
supports the account of Sanchez that this decision by the sender was based on what he/she
believes about the receivers knowledge and assumptions, along with what additional
information he/she wants the receiver to have. It was important for the sender to use
symbols that are familiar to the intended receiver. A good way for the sender to improve
encoding their message was to mentally visualize the communication from the receiver's
point of view.

Channel. The ATI-CAR uses several channels in communicating the technologies
to their intended audience depending on the method of training they use. Below were some
of the methods used by ATI-CAR in conducting trainings according to the key informant

Panel discussion. It was a modified version of the panel using mix persons. One to
four persons represent the audience and one to four persons serve as resource persons or
expert. Moderators direct the proceedings.

Open forum. It was a 15 to 60 minutes open discussion that was carried among
members of an entire group and one or more resource persons. It was also directed by a
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Group discussion. It was a purposeful conversation and deliberation about the topic
of mutual interest among six to 20 participants under the guidance of trained participants
called a leader.

Workshop. It was a group sharing a common interest or problem meeting together
to improve their individual proficiency, to solve a problem or to extend their knowledge of
the subject through intensive study, research and discussion.

Fieldwork. Done in the field where demonstration and practice was done.

Practicum. This involved the application of the theories and principles learned in
actual field situation.

Demonstration. It showed how to perform an act or use a procedure. The learners
watch an expert who perform the demonstration and listen to the explanations. Then,
demonstration was followed by practice opportunities for the learners.

Brainstorming. The idea was to get out of the group all ideas possible with no
thought of how practical ideas might be.

Case study. Problems on event or services were analyzed and discussed and come
up with solutions or recommendations.

Lecture. This was the verbal presentation by the speaker to the listeners who were
expected to retain key concepts. Though, a pure lecture does not allow comments, reactions
or questions from the participants.

Other strategies used were: group debates, role playing, group dynamics,
assignment, and other small group methods. According to Sanchez, most channels were
either oral or written, but currently visual channels were becoming more common as
technology expands.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Feedback. Feedbacks of the trainings conducted by the ATI-CAR were through the
evaluation floated after the training or the questions thrown by the training participants
during the training.
Training method preferred by AEWs. Below were some of the training methods
preferred by the respondents.
Lecture. Eleven of the respondents preferred lecture. For Cabanes, it was the
easiest. Three of them also said that it helped in the mind setting and knowledge
enhancement, it was detailed and the subject matter can be explained thoroughly. Also,
according to a respondent from Tublay, it provide the bird’s eye view on what the training
was all about wherein it provides a synthesis on what lies for the topic being undertaken.
This implies that majority of the respondents were up to knowledge acquisition. This
supports the account of Blanchard (2012) that major benefit of the lecture is that it is
interactive and that trainees can ask questions or has the presenter change the pace of the
lecture if necessary.

Demonstration. Nine of the respondents also preferred demonstration. According
to Sotero, it was useful in field since they actually see the processes or the method and they
tend to understand and follow what the trainor was talking about. Four of them said that
this method was a follow-through of the discussion and supplements the lectures. Actual
application was regarded than lectures and oftentimes, techniques could not be learned only
in lectures.
The result corroborates the study of Lorenzana (2003) that new technologies were
better disseminated using demonstration as a method. Also, this supports the study of
Golocan (1981) about the adoption of technologies by farmer trainees of the Mountain
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

State Agricultural College that the training approach received favorably by the majority of
farmer trainees was actual demonstration.
Field tours. Three of the respondents preferred field tours because of its potential
of gaining more insights and more ideas from the field visit. This corroborates to the study
of Golocan (1981) that having field trips to existing successful enterprise helps the
participants to learn other method or techniques. In contrary, Taeza (2002) as cited by
Flores (2007), stated skills training, field trial and field tour were among the least effective
interventions in term of delivery services.
Training Evaluation. According to Balancio, there were three evaluation
instruments being floated during their trainings.

First was the pre-test which was floated before the training proper starts. This
instrument was used to evaluate what the participants already know about the training to
be conducted. This was also used to motivate them to learn especially if they cannot answer
the questions in the instrument. Then, after the training, post-test was floated to the training
participants to find out whether they had grasped something from the training.

Second was the resource person evaluation. This was being floated after the
training. If there were many resource persons, it was floated every after each resource
persons’ discussion. This instrument was used to evaluate how well the resource person
had delivered the topic to the participants. Also, the participants would write their
comments and suggestions about the resource person.

Third was the overall evaluation which was floated after the training proper before
the participants finally disperse. This included the overall rating of the participants on the
activity in terms of the topics, activities, objectives attained, methodologies used,
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

instructional aides, choice of resource person, training management team, training facilities
and services, and the meeting of their expectations. The participants’ comments and
suggestions for the improvement of the training was all included.

Use of Findings in the Training Evaluation

After the training, evaluation sheets were tallied. According to Balancio, findings
were generalized which were often reviewed during the planning of the next training or
just after the training.

The results of the evaluation served as the basis of the ATI-CAR for their upcoming
trainings. The results were being studied well. The pre-test evaluation was studied through
the post-test evaluation whether the participants had grasped something from the training
conducted. The resource person evaluation was studied in terms of the rating of the training
participants on the: clarity of the topic objectives at the beginning,
organizations/sequencing of topics, clarity of topics/ideas presented/discussed,
effectiveness of methodology/ies used/style of teaching, quality and effectiveness of
instructional aides used, ability to teach/communicate ideas, ability to answer questions,
ability to arouse/sustain interest, ability to manage time and how the topic was ended.
On the overall training evaluation, the training was evaluated in terms of
participants’ appreciation, usefulness of the activity to the participants, suggestion for
improvements and suggested trainings for the future.
Also, the training is being rated in terms of: meeting of expectations, attainment of
the objectives, course content/topics, activities included, methodologies used,
instructional/presentation aids, choice of resource person, training management team, and
training facilities and services.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

The summarized suggestions were being given to the trainors for personal insights.
This validates the account of Duggan (2010) that reports produced based on learner
assessment validates training program usage. This accredits the account of Lynton and
Pareek (1967) that by no means, every weakness or failure in training was therefore
attributed to the institution or assessed for the improvements of its program.

Level of Appreciation

The trainings conducted and processes followed by the ATI-CAR in conducting
trainings were rated by the AEWs in terms of their appreciation whether the training had
done something to them for them to appreciate it.
Level of appreciation of AEWs to the trainings conducted by ATI-CAR. The level
of appreciation of the AEWs to the trainings conducted by ATI-CAR was also rated by the
respondents. The ratings used were: very well appreciated (5), well appreciated (4),
appreciated (3), less appreciated (2) and not appreciated (1).

Six of the respondents appreciated very well the trainings conducted by ATI-CAR.
According to a respondent, the trainings help in human resource development, in building
confidence and in the enhancement of skills and knowledge. Also, five of them said that
trainings were relevant to current situations wherein they, as AEWs, were kept in pace with
the new trends of agriculture, updates and new technologies in the farming industry. This
validates the study of Flores (2007) that the agricultural technicians were very highly
appreciative of trainings because their competence was continuously being improved.
Three of the respondents appreciated well the trainings conducted by ATI-CAR. A
respondent affirmed that the trainings conducted by the ATI-CAR were very organized, on
time and the management was very good. Also, another respondent said that there was
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

training needs assessment which helped them voice out their training needs to the ATI-
CAR. Meanwhile, one respondent said that some training should not be conducted during
the last quarter of the year since AEWs have many activities during this quarter like their
participation in the Adivay Festival.
Two of the respondents appreciated the trainings conducted by ATI-CAR. A
respondent’s reason was that the training was still implemented no matter how late it was.
Although appreciated, one respondent described some of the trainings as boring because
of the methodology used by some of the speakers.
This corroborates to the study of Cadiz (1985) on the role of communication in
action projects in rural development stating that a project which provides its beneficiaries
the chances to perform new roles and functions to take part in new type of activities will
most likely enhance such beneficiaries’ self-reliance and participation in rural
development. She added that a project that encourages its beneficiaries to link not only
among themselves but also with the larger society can be expected to enhance collaboration
and interaction among various participants in development.
Level of appreciation of AEWs to the processes followed by ATI-CAR. The level of
appreciation of AEWs to the processes followed by ATI-CAR in conducting trainings was
also rated. The same rating was used in this area.
Five of the respondents appreciated very well the processes followed by ATI-CAR
in conducting trainings. Their reason was that it was organized, understandable, and easily
followed in a way that it was speedy and within the time frame.
Three of the respondents appreciated well the processes followed by ATI-CAR in
conducting trainings. Two of them said that it was well-organized, well-documented and
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

its agency mandate and procedure was followed. Also, a respondent said that method of
training was based on requested methods, lecture, demonstration and experiential basis.
For the three respondents who just rated the training as “appreciated” noted that the
method being used by some of the trainors were too formal and more on paper work than
focusing on practical applications.
According to Piquinto (1992), trainings and workshops were appreciated if it was
proven effective by the participants, providing their learning opportunities and access to
information, knowledge and resources which was needed for their transformation. Also,
Flores (2007) pointed that for anything to be appreciated, its relevance and benefits have
to be recognized wherein, in the case of training and extension, their benefits may be seen
in the effects on the clientele.

Challenges Encountered by the ATI-CAR
in the Downloaded Training

Planning and preparation, implementation and evaluation. Trainings operate within
certain constraints. These constraints set the direction of the training as well as the limits
on the kind of decisions that can be made (Asian Institute of Journalism, 1983).
Planning and preparation of training. According to Balancio, when they send
communication letters to the participants, some do not reach the participants. Also, it takes
time before the communications reach the receiver especially to far areas. In such cases,
there was always a follow-up text or call from the ATI-CAR office to the participants to
make sure they were informed about certain training.
Balancio, added that far areas were difficultly notified about a training because of
the time of travel needed to reach that certain place through hand carry or buses. He added
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

that far areas tend to have less telecommunication system making it harder for the
ATI0CAR to send the invitation to the target participants. As stated by Lee (1993), as a
communication source, we can spend a lot of time preparing messages and in selecting
channels, but if the receiver does not get the message, we have not communicated.
Training Implementation. According to five respondents, participants who had
confirmed to attend do not attend the training. Also, early participants wait for the late
participants causing a shortened time for the training.
Another problem said by Sotero was the differences of participants in terms of
knowledge and perceptions. Some has attitudinal problems wherein they were talkative and
selfish in a way. In this case, it was suggested that the trainors must establish a common
environment between the participants.
According to two of the respondents, there was a time when they experienced
training without electricity. Lino stated that the communication between the resource
person and the participants was affected because of the poor roofing which produces
affecting sound when it rains. In this case, she suggested that the ATI-CAR secure
generators and proper roofing in their training halls.
Training Evaluation. According to the ATI-CAR trainor, there were no many
problems in the evaluation by AEWs as participants. The ATI-CAR trainor said that some
AEWs as their participant in training were observed to be hesitant in voicing out their
comments and suggestions about training. Also, on the evaluation sheets, some questions
were left blank. On the other hand, the ATI-CAR trainor mentioned about their farmer
participants who cannot read and write. In this case, they uses oral test (question and
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

answer, games with easy answers yes or no), evaluation smiley (draw  or  depending
on their reaction on the subject matter) to let the farmer participants evaluate the training.
Respondent’s suggestions for the improvement of trainings conducted by ATI-
CAR. The respondents suggested for the improvement of trainings being conducted by

Four of the respondents suggested that the ATI-CAR must plan carefully the
trainings they are to conduct. Lino said that AEWs must be given enough time to rest from
attending trainings and do their tasks in their offices before conducting training. She added
that trainings also should start early every year not on the last quarter of the year wherein
the government activities like the Adivay were also conducted.

Two respondents also suggested that the ATI-CAR should follow schedule. Tomin
suggested that they must start on time and not wait for late participants.
Meanwhile, Sotero suggested that in terms of approach, the trainors must not go
beyond the capacity of the mind of the participants. This implies that if the AEWs did not
understand the technology the trainor was trying to transfer to them, they might as well not
be able to transfer it to the farmers easily. This corroborates the study of Bengwayan (1987)
on the communication analysis of agro-technology transfer in the Cordillera Region stating
that most technologies being transferred are worded too technically and if these are not
transferred into a simpler form of literature, they will be useless to most farmers.
Others suggested considering having training outside the country, formation of the
training as “one common environment” wherein participants should be treated in the same
way; tapping resource persons from other extension providers; and continue to conduct
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers



The study on the communication strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute-
Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI-CAR) in conducting agricultural trainings for
Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) was conducted from October 2011 to February

Specifically, the study was able to identify the trainings being conducted by ATI-
CAR, indentify communication strategies of ATI-CAR in planning and preparation,
identify communication strategies of ATI-CAR in implementation and evaluation,
determine how the findings in the evaluation were used by the institution, determine the
level of appreciation of the AEWs on the trainings conducted and processes followed by
the ATI-CAR, and identify the challenges encountered by the ATI-CAR during the
planning and preparation, training implementation and evaluation process.

Respondents of the study were 12 AEWs and one trainor of ATI-CAR.

Key informant interview and interview schedule were done in data collection.

There were two types of trainings being conducted by ATI-CAR, the requested
training which was being requested by the AEWs and the downloaded training which come
from the upper departments which the ATI-CAR was mandated to conduct. Majority of the
respondents requested trainings on Business Management and Crop Protection.

The process in the requested training have several steps: training needs assessment,
coordination with ATI-CAR, preparation of training proposal, review of proposal by the
MAO, recommending approval of the municipal mayor, program review of the ATI
together with the LGU/MAO, preparation of training design by the MAO office,
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

canvassing of materials, purchase order preparation, implementation of requested training,
evaluation and activity report.

The processes followed by ATI-CAR in the downloaded training also have several
steps: agricultural office managers assembly, training needs assessment, formulation of
training design, formation of training management staff, curriculum development,
preparation of materials, invitation of participants, invitation of resource person/s,
administration arrangement, implementation of the downloaded training, evaluation and
activity report.

Majority of the respondents said that they were being notified about training
through letter though the ATI-CAR staff said that there was always a text or phone call to
AEWs as a follow through of the letter sent. On the other hand, majority of the respondents
respond to the notification through text or phone call.

There were also factors in choosing training method. These were: number of
participants, venue, nature of the subject matter, objective, expertise of user or trainor,
materials and supplies available, time and budget. Majority of the respondents preferred
lecture as a training method and the rest preferred demonstration and field tours.

The trainings were being evaluated through three evaluations: the pre-posttest
floated before the training, resource person evaluation and overall evaluation floated after
the training. Findings in the evaluation serve as a basis of the ATI-CAR for the
improvement of their future trainings.

On the respondents’ level of appreciation, half of the respondents appreciated very
well the trainings being conducted by ATI-CAR. Also, almost half appreciated very well
the processes followed by ATI-CAR in conducting trainings.
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Challenges encountered during planning and preparation was the lack of
coordination and organization of trainings. On the training implementation, challenges
encountered were the non-arrival of participants and sometimes, the speakers; attitudinal
differences of participants and some technical problems. During training evaluations,
challenges encountered was the illiteracy of the respondents especially some of the farmers.


From the results, the following conclusions were derived:
A process is being followed by the ATI-CAR in conducting their trainings;
however, methods or strategies used in delivering the information vary from one situation
to another.
Different means of communicating the training is being applied by the ATI-
CAR to its intended clienteles.
Lecture and demonstration remain to be the best method in delivering
training programs.
Results of evaluation in certain trainings conducted by the ATI-CAR are
being utilized by the agency for the improvement of their performance and services.
The trainings conducted were appreciated by the AEW participants.
Challenges vary from one aspect of the training to another, from planning
to evaluation.


Based on the results of the study, the following were recommended:
Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers

Lecture and demonstration should still be used as the main method of the
ATI-CAR trainors as proven to be the most appreciated and preferred by the respondents.
The ATI-CAR should continue to conduct evaluation of training and review
it every time to figure out things they needed to do for the improvement of trainings they
are to conduct in the future.
The ATI-CAR should plan carefully their whole year activity wherein they
should schedule trainings on the early months of the year where less government activities
were done. They should coordinate properly with the MAO/LGU as pointed out by some
of the AEWs as a challenge encountered during planning and implementation.
Since the focus of the study was on downloaded training, it is recommended
that a documentation of requested training should also be done.

Communication Strategies of the Agricultural Training Institute- Cordillera Administrative
Region (ATI-CAR) in Conducting Agricultural Training for AgriculturaL Extension Workers


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