GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013. Influences and Contributions of Linguist
Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt. Province. Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Maria Luz D. Fang-asan, PhD


This study was conducted to determine the influences and contributions of linguist
Lawrence A. Reid to the people of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt. Province. Specifically, it aimed
to describe the works of Lawrence A. Reid about the people and culture of Guina-ang;
determine the awareness of the people of Guina-ang about
Lawrence A. Reid and his works; determine the use of Lawrence Reid’s works
about Guina-ang among local researchers and among people of Guina-ang; determine the
perceptions of the people of Guina-ang about Lawrence A Reid in terms of his
characteristics, his works, his methods of gathering data; and determine the influences of
Reid and his works to the people of Guina-ang.
This study was conducted from December to January in Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt.
Province and in the different libraries in Baguio City and La Trinidad using guide questions
and an interview schedule.
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Majority of the respondents (78%) know linguist Lawrence A. Reid who wrote
five articles, two books and an online material about the language and culture of Guinaang,
Bontoc, Mountain Province.Reid's works were being used in the community as reading
material for additional learning, as references for lessons and assignments and as literature
for researches. Reid's works could have some errors and that only few have access to his
works, however, these made the respondents proud of their culture and therefore encourage
them to do similar researches.
Lawrence Reid was perceived as kind, sociable, intelligent, tall white and
handsome. He also introduced the western culture to the people of Guina-ang and made
them realize the importance of their culture and formal education. He gathered information
using participant observation, engaging the help of local translators, key informant
interviews and using a tape recorder.
The study concludes that Reid’s works about Guina-ang have been preserved well
and can still be accessed; that he is still remembered by the people of Guina-ang but his
works are not very popular among them; that very few are taking advantage of the
usefulness of Reid’s works most probably because of inaccessibility; that he is regarded
positively in the place; and that with his influences on western culture, realization of the
value of formal education and pride of culture, it can be said that Reid has contributed
something to what Guina-ang is now.
The study recommends that a community forum be organized in the barangay to
inform the people of Reid’s works about Guina-ang; that a complete collection of Reid’s
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

works about the place should be made available to the community people; and that
popularized information materials may be developed from Reid’s works to help in the
mother-tongue based education.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Early missionaries and scholars from foreign shores have greatly helped in shaping
the history of the Philippines and many other countries. They have recorded accounts about
culture and about events that took place at a time when there were still very few among the
locals who could. Part of culture that these foreigners paid attention to was languages.
This particular attention to languages is explained by Stewart and Vaillette (2001)
who stated that "language touches every part of our lives. It gives words to our thoughts,
voice to our ideas, and expression to our feelings. It is a rich and varied human abilityone
that we can use without even a thought, that children seem to acquire automatically, and
that linguists have found to be complex yet describable." Thus, language is affiliated to our
culture and if this language starts to vanish, so does our culture.
Among notable efforts on language documentation are those that have been carried
out by the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) - International founded by William
Cameron Townsend (1896-1982).
The SIL comprises "a small band of men and women who have taken on the gigantic
task of reaching tribes living in some forgotten corners all over the world; of recording
their languages, translating into them the Bible and other works of a high moral worth, and
then teaching these tribal peoples to read the materials prepared for them" (Ramon
Magsaysay Award Foundation, 1974).
More than fifty years ago, SIL began work in the Philippines at the invitation of
Ramon Magsaysay. An agreement was signed between SIL and the Philippine 2
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt.
Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Department of Education on February 28, 1953 (SIL Philippines, n.d.). It was under this
program that Linguist Lawrence A. Reid visited the country.
Reid, an expert in Austronesian linguistics, went to Bontoc in 1959 to learn the
language so he could translate the Bible into the Bontoc language as part of the Institute's
Bible translation program. He was invited by a policeman, named Walter Fuchay from
Guina-ang, Bontoc, to live and stay there for four years (1959-1963). According to Reid
(1963) the high degree of monolingualism in the place provided a good basis for studying
the Bontoc language.
He returned to the Philippines after graduating from the University of Hawaii and
became a linguistic consultant for four years (1966-70). In 1970, he joined the University
of Hawaii and prepared a dictionary of the Bontok language (, 2010). Reid
(2009) said that the Bontok language and society are undergoing rapid change as a result
of the influence of Filipino/Tagalog and also Ilokano, thus every effort is being made to
document traditional Bontok speech and other aspects of the culture.
Among his works in Bontoc particularly in Guina-ang are "Guinaang
BontokTexts," "Cross-Linguistic Tendencies and Durational Contrasts in Geminate
Consonant," "A Talking Dictionary of Khinina-ang, Bontok," and others. As these are
international publications, it can be said that these have been accessed by many people all
over the world.
In doing these works, Reid spent a considerable amount of time in Guina-ang. How
he dealt with the situation is reflected in his works. To complete the picture of twoway
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

communication, it is important to know the other side from the perspective of the people
of Guina-ang, hence this study.

Statement of the Problem
In order to determine the influences and contributions of linguist Lawrence A. Reid
to the people of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt. Province, this study answered the following
1) What do the works of Lawrence A. Reid say about the people and culture of
Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mountain Province?
2) What is the level of awareness among the people of Guina-ang about
Lawrence Reid and his works?
3) How were the works of Lawrence Reid about Guina-ang used by
a. local researchers
b. people of Guina-ang?
4) What do the people of Guina-ang think about Lawrence A. Reid in terms of:
a. his characteristics
b. his works
c. his methods in gathering data?
5) What are the influences of Reid and his works to the people of Guina-ang?
Objectives of the Study

The study determined the influences and contributions of Lawrence A. Reid to the
people of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt. Province, and the specific objectives were:
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

1) to describe the works of Lawrence A. Reid about the people and culture of Guina-
ang;to determine the awareness of the people of Guina-ang about Lawrence A.
Reid and his works;
2) to determine the use of Lawrence Reid’s works about Guina-ang
a. among local researchers
b. among people of Guina-ang;
3) to determine the perceptions of the people of Guina-ang about Lawrence A
Reid in terms of :
a. his characteristics
b. his works
c. his methods of gathering data; and,
4) to determine the influences of Reid and his works to the people of Guina-ang

Importance of the Study
The results of the study may be used as reference to students, researchers and teachers of
communication studies. They may also be used by Guina-ang and other communities for
insights on language conservation and development.

Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study looked into the contributions of Lawrence A. Reid to Guina-ang, Bontoc from
the perspective of the local people of the place. Document assessment, key informant
interviews, and survey were used to gather data.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013


Culture and Language
The relationship between language and culture is deeply rooted. Language is used
to maintain and convey culture and cultural ties. Language and culture are intertwined to
such an extent whereas one cannot survive without the other (Leveridge, 2008); because
language is not only part of how we define culture, it also reflects culture (Paterson and
Coltrane, 2010).
O'Neil (2006) quoted that language influences our culture and even our thought
processes. During the first four decades of the 20th century, language was viewed by
American linguists and anthropologists as being more important than it actually is in
shaping our perception of reality. This was mostly due to the belief of linguist Edward
Sapir and his student Benjamin Whorf that language predetermines what we see in the
world around us. In other words, language acts like a polarizing lens on a camera in
filtering reality. We see the real world only in the categories of our language.

Understanding Language and Culture
O'Neil (2012) stated that it is impossible to understand the subtle nuances and deep
meanings of another culture without knowing its language well.
Philippine minor languages have been studied for a number of motives or goals,
chief of which were: for use in religious work mainly by missionaries; interest by
individual scholars in the study of the lives of the people including their language; and for
use in literacy and educational work especially after World War II (Elson, 1985).
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

According to Vanoverbergh (1954), it is impossible to know a people without
knowing something about its religion and ethics, its likes and dislikes, its ideas about good
and evil, its heroes and scoundrels, the relations of the members of a family to each other,
of servants to their masters, of the people to their ruler. Now, the best and surest means of
acquiring that knowledge, although it may be a relatively difficult and painstaking task, is
to study their songs, prayers, tales, etc. This, of course, supposes a rather thorough
understanding of their language.
Also, Scott (1974) added, a missionary needs to know something more than this
about the people he is going to work with.
Linguistics is often referred to as the scientific study of language. A large part of
the studies on linguistics are concerned with the nature of differences and disparities in the
world languages. For properly understanding human linguistic ability, it is essential to
understand the nature of variation between languages. If the human linguistic ability is
limited to the biological properties of our species, then the different languages spoken by
humans should be quite similar. On the other hand, if the human linguistic ability is not so
constrained or limited, then the languages are likely to vary significantly (how to write
Labov (n.d) also stated that linguistics does not have a privileged claim upon
language as an object of study. There are many other disciplines that examine it like
psychology, speech pathology, rhetoric, literary studies, semiotics, and so on. Linguistics
focuses upon abstract language structure, and in particular the phonology, morphology and
syntax of the language rather than the vocabulary, idiom or style.
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Linguistics has been a central activity of SIL since its beginning. Besides the
intrinsic value of understanding the intricate complexity of human language in general,
whether spoken or signed, the study of a particular individual language serves also as a tool
used in language development projects of different kinds such as dictionary production,
orthography development, literacy, translation, and language documentation (SIL
International, n.d).
Linguistics' Fieldwork
Linguistics' fieldwork is about working on language in a culturally, socially and
ethically appropriate ways in a context where the language is being used. There are several
well-tried fieldwork methods. These are elicitation which includes contextualising
elicitation, translation equivalent, and judgement; staged communication or 'quasi
naturalistic data' wherein communicative events that are enacted for the purpose of
recording them for analysis like telling of a story/ joke/ the way to do something,
description of a picture/acted video/ animated video, and matching/ sorting game that
involves non-linguistic categorization or linguistic interaction; and participant observation
or 'naturalistic data' or 'spontaneous speech data' wherein external interference is limited
to the fact that the communicative event is being observed and recorded like storytelling,
ritual and conversation; it also generally constitutes the backbone of a language
documentation and an important component of a data corpus (Austin, n.d).
Linguists bring a scientific perspective and scientific methods to the
quintessentially human phenomenon of language. Whether it is formal study of sound
structure, grammar or meaning, research into the history of language families, the
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

mechanisms of language acquisition, or the manifestation of language in the brain, linguists
catalog observations, make and test hypotheses, and work to build explanatory theories
(LSA, 2012). They use scientific techniques to work with meanings, sounds, and origins
of spoken and written words. Linguists work for universities, high-tech companies,
research institutions, consulting firms, the government, and the military. Educational
requirements for linguists vary depending on the types of jobs they wish to pursue
(, n.d).
Lawrence A. Reid
The biography of Reid as posted in (2010) is copied in to as it
aptly and accurately described him:
"Lawrence A. Reid holds an MA and a PhD in linguistics from the
University of Hawai`i awarded in 1964 and 1966, respectively, as a
grantee of the East-West Center in Honolulu. He did undergraduate
studies in music at Canterbury College in Christchurch, New
Zealand and in theology at the Commonwealth
Bible College in Brisbane, Australia."

"Reid is a researcher emeritus at the University of Hawai`i, where
he taught linguistics for more than thirty years before retiring in
2001. Since 2006, Reid has been a cooperating researcher with the
National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan where he resides. In
2007 he was an affiliated fellow with the International Institute for
Asian Studies in Leiden, the
Netherlands. "

"He is an expert in Austronesian linguistics, and has focused
primarily on the description of Philippine languages, their history
and development. He has authored numerous books,
articles, reviews, and translations. "

"He has been awarded many fellowships, research and travel grants
throughout his career and has held visiting research and teaching
positions at institutions throughout the Pacific including the
University of Auckland, New Zealand, the Australian National
University, Thammasaat University in Thailand, De La Salle
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

University in the Philippines, and the Institute for the Study of the
Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa in Tokyo, Japan, among

Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking,
"literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific
works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination,
including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction (Lombardi, n.d).

Lombardi (n.d.) also added that literature represents a language or a people: culture
and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact.
Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature;
we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even
grow and evolve through our literary journey with books.
Literary texts are often replete with cultural information and evoke memorable
reactions for readers. Texts that are carefully selected for a given group of students and
with specific goals in mind can be very helpful in allowing students to acquire insight into
a culture (Paterson and Coltrane, 2010).
Reid's Works
In the curriculum vitae of Lawrence A. Reid by Pacific Neighborhood Consortium
(n.d.) , Reid was able to make a total of 59 works in his chosen field, ranging from the year
1966 to the year 2009 (Appendix A). These are publication books, articles, reviews,
translations and web publications. Most of his works are about the language and culture of
Philippines, particularly about Bontoc, Mt. Province and barangay Guina-ang of Bontoc.
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

These are "Guinaang Bontok texts" (publication book-1992); "A Guinaang Wedding
Ceremony" (article-1961); "Wards and Working Groups in Guinaang, Bontoc, Luzon"
(article-1972); (with Katsura Aoyama) "Cross-linguistic Tendencies and Durational
Contrasts in Geminate Consonants: An Examination of Guinaang Bontok Geminates"
(article-2006); "Bontok-English dictionary, with English Bontok finder list" (book-1976);
"A Talking Dictionary of Khinina-ang, Bontok: The language spoken in Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mountain Province, the Philippines" (web publication-2009); and "The 1960
Ceremonial Calendar in Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mountain Province" (article).
Perception is the process of creating meanings by selecting, organizing and
interpreting phenomena. Active process of creating meanings by selecting organizing and
interpreting phenomena; in a way that we don't just receive what is "out there" in the
external world but we actively work to make sense of ourselves, others and interactions.
To do so, select only certain things to notice and then organize and interpret it (Wood,
On the other hand, Cherry (n.d.) stated that person perception refers to the different
mental processes that we use to form impressions of other people. This includes not just
how we form these impressions, but the different conclusions we make about other people
based upon our impressions. Obviously, person perception can be a very subjective process
that can be impacted by a number of variables. Factors that can influence the impressions
you form of other people include the characteristics of the person you are observing, the
context of the situation and your own personal characteristics.
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted in Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mountain Province. Figure 1
shows the geographical location of the place, while Figure 2 shows the landscape where
the village is situated.
Bontoc is the Provincial Capital of Mountain Province. It has 16 barangays: Alab
Oriente, Alab Proper, Balili, Gonogon, Dalican, Guina-ang, Mainit, Maligcong, Tocucan,
Talubin, Can-eo, Bayyo, Samoki, Caluttit, Bontoc Poblacion, and Bontoc Ili. These
barangays are separated from each other by mountain ranges and rivers. Because of this
geographical location, the beliefs and practices of the Bontoks in Bontoc Ili are different
from those of other barangays (Ngodcho, 2004).
Guina-ang is one of the highland barangays of Bontoc with a land area of 1,860
hectares. It is bounded on the east by Maligcong, west by Dalican, north by Poblacion
Bontoc and south by Mainit. The community can be reached in 45 minutes by jeepney ride
or two hours by hiking through a 12-kilometer rough road from Bontoc (Camfili, 2001).
The place was chosen as area of study because it was where Lawrence A. Reid resided and
one of his research subjects.
The study was also partially done in selected libraries in Baguio City and La
Trinidad, Benguet (Figure 3). The libraries visited were those of the University of the
Philippines, Saint Louis University and Benguet State University, all located in Metro-
Baguio which is the educational center of Northern Luzon and of the Cordillera
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Administrative Region as well. Many of the students in these places are from the different
provinces of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR).

The study was conducted on December 2012 to January 2013.

Figure1. Map showing the location of the study
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Figure 2. Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mountain Province
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Figure 3. Map of Baguio City and La Trinidad, Benguet

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Subjects of the Study

The subjects of the study were the works of Lawrence Reid about Guina-ang, and
the works of local researchers that used the works of Reid about Guina-ang as references.
Respondents of the Study
Three key informants were identified from the names listed in the acknowledgment pages
of Lawrence Reid’s works. The criteria in choosing the key informants were:
a. must have resided in Guina-ang when Reid lived in the village;
b. must have known and helped Reid in gathering data; and,
c. must know at least one work of Reid.
Representing the people’s perspective were 47 respondents from Guina-ang. Ten of them
were already residents in Guina-ang when Reid lived in the village. Twenty-five were not
able to meet Reid; they were born only after he left in 1964. Furthermore, 12 were teachers
of the schools in Guina-ang, six teachers from the elementary and six from high school.

Data Collection
Data about Reid and his works were collected from the web site of Reid at; and from the personal collection of Prof. Stanley Anongos Jr. of
Data for the works of local researchers were collected from libraries in Baguio and La
Trinidad (University of the Philippines-Baguio, Saint Louis University and 17
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
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Benguet State University). This was done first by listing down all studies on Cordillera
languages and cultures by local researchers. Their bibliographies or literature cited pages
were checked to see if any of them used any of Reid's works about Guina-ang.
Data were collected from key informants through face-to-face interviews using
guide questions; and from the respondents, through face-to-face interviews using an
interview schedule.
Data Gathered
The data gathered were the content of the works of Reid about Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mountain province; the level of awareness of the people of Guina-ang about
Reid and his works; the use of Reid’s works about Guina-ang among local researchers; and,
the perceptions of the people of Guina-ang about Reid and his works.

Data Analysis
The data gathered were consolidated, tabulated and were presented in percentages.
Qualitative data were presented in narrative form.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013


Description of the Works of Reid
about Guina-ang

From 1961 to 2009, Reid published eight works about Guina-ang as summarized in
Table 1. These are "A Guina-ang Wedding Ceremony;" "Dancing and Music in Guinaang,
Bontoc;" "Wards and Working Groups in Guinaang, Bontoc, Luzon;" "Guinaang Bontok
Texts"; "A Talking Dictionary of Khinina-ang, Bontok"; "Cross-Linguistic Tendencies and
Durational Contrasts in Geminate Consonants" (with Katsura Aoyama); "Bontok-English
Dictionary, with English Bontok Finder List;" and, "The 1960 Ceremonial Calendar in
Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mountain Province." Five of the eight were articles that can now be
accessed from Reid's website. Two were books and one is an online material. Prior to the
creation of his website, these were published either as part of a book or as monographs.
All his works about Guinaang were written in English and in Khinina-ang or in Kankanaey
in the case of "Guinaang Bontok Texts."
Figure 4 shows the distribution of topics of his works about Guina-ang. Five (62.5
%) were about the customs and traditions of the village. These are "A Guina-ang Wedding
Ceremony;" "Dancing and Music in Guina-ang, Bontoc;" "Wards and Working Groups in
Guinaang, Bontoc, Luzon;" "Guinaang Bontok Text;" and, "The 1960 Ceremonial
Calendar in Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mountain Province." Three (37.5 %) were about the
language, Khinina-ang. These are "A Talking Dictionary of Khinina-ang, Bontok;" "Cross-
Linguistic Tendencies and Durational Contrasts in Geminate
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Table 1. Reid's works about Guina-ang
( samples are in Appendix B)
A Guina-ang Wedding
English and
54 This article is about the 'chono'/ 'fayas', the

culminating wedding feast in Guina-ang. The
'chono' is the most important of all wedding
ceremonies, and for a completely successful
marriage it should be attended by the couple on
three separate occasions.
Dancing and Music in
English and
The article includes the occasions for
Guina-ang, Bontoc
dancing, types of dances, songs connected with
dances, sacrificial songs, working songs, songs

for a wedding ceremony, the song at a
deathwatch, and musical instruments (gong and
nose flute).
Wards and Working
English and
35 This is about the village, ward, girls'
Groups in Guinaang,
dormitory, working groups, wards activities
Bontoc, Luzon
after head taking and acculturative changes.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U.
APRIL 2013

Table 1. continued...

( samples are in Appendix B)
Guinaang Bontok Texts
English and
The book is divided into five sets.


First set- It consists of 14 narratives dealing with

various aspects of life of Guinaang at the time
they were collected.
Second set - It consists of transcriptions of
'Kapya'/ ritual prayers.
Third set- Referred to as origins of narratives.
Fourth set- A collection of narratives recounting
headhunting events within the memory of the
story tellers.
Fifth set- Stories includes miscellaneous tales
which deal with interaction between the world of
the living and that of spirits.

A Talking Dictionary of
English and

Khinina-ang, Bontok
It is an online dictionary which provides
the meaning and pronunciation of a
Khininaang word.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U.
APRIL 2013

Table 1. continued...

( samples are in Appendix B)
English and
This study examined single and geminate
Tendencies and

consonants in Guinaang Bontok. Consonant
Durational Contrasts in
phonemes of Guinaang Bontok are /p t k / b d g
Geminate Consonants
m n N l s w j/, and all of them can appear as a
(with Katsura Aoyama)
singleton or as geminates phonologically. Of
these, all geminates except for the voiced stop
geminates are phonetically long.
A dictionary that provides the meaning in
English and
English of a certain Bontoc word.
dictionary, with English
Bontok Finder List
The 1960 Ceremonial
English and
Calendar in Guina-ang,

This is a brief survey of the days set aside
Bontoc, Mountain
either for the performance of religious
ceremonies or as a result of these ceremonies. It
also includes the few occasions on which no
work is done which are purely rest days. These,
however, are not haphazardly chosen, being set
aside year by year at the same season.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U.
APRIL 2013

37.5 %
62.5 %

Figure 4. Topics of Reid's works in Guina-ang

Consonants;" and, "Bontok-English Dictionary, with English Bontok Finder List."
Evidently Reid has seen that that language is as important as customs and traditions, thus
this combination of his works.
Awareness about Reid and His Works
Figure 5 shows the awareness of the respondents about Reid. Majority (78%) of the
respondents knew him. They called him by the name "Mr. Reid," "Doctor Reid," "Mr.
Red," and "Melikano" or American.
Table 2 shows how the respondents came to know about Reid. Seventeen (34%) heard
about him from the community people who still talked about him even after he left.
Thirteen (26%) respondents met him from 1959 to 1963. These years were when Reid first
resided in the village.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Figure 5. Awareness of the respondents about Lawrence Reid

However, according to the key informants, Reid visited the village once in every
two years. His last visit was in November 2012. Also, only one was able to know him from
reading his works. There were 11 respondents who did not know Reid.
Table 2. How the respondents came to know about Reid
Heard about him from community people

Met him from 1959 to 1963

Met him after 1963

Read his works

Not applicable


Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

While 78 percent knew Reid, only half read at least one of his works (Figure 6). Of
those who have not read any of his works, 18 claimed that they did not have access to the
materials, while seven of them could not read.
Table 3 shows the works of Reid read by the respondents. Out of eight works of
Reid about Guina-ang, only six were read by the respondents. Twenty-one read the
"Guinaang Bontok Texts." According to key informant Charles Camfili, Reid gave 20
copies of this book to him and he gave them to the people of Guinaang in exchange of five
pesos. This amount was for his expenses in getting the books from the postal office. Only
one of the respondents read the "Talking Dictionary of Khinina-ang, Bontok" which is a
website dictionary. This may be attributed to the fact that internet connection is not readily
available in the locality. A key informant also mentioned that he did not know there is a
website of Reid's works. From the libraries surveyed, only UP-Baguio has copies of Reid's
works about Guina-ang.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

did not
read his
50 %
50 %

Figure 6. Awareness of Reid's work

Table 3. Works of Reid read by the respondents
Guinaang Bontok Texts

A Guina-ang Wedding Ceremony

Dancing and Music in Guina-ang, Bontoc

Wards and Working Groups in Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Luzon

Bontok-English Dictionary, with English
Bontok Finder List

A Talking Dictionary of Khinina-ang,Bontok:
The Language Spoken in Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mountain Province, the Philippines

*Multiple Response

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Use of Reid's Works about Guina-ang
The following were the use of Reid's works about Guina-ang among local
researchers and in the community of Guina-ang.

Among local researchers. The works of local researchers in Table 4 were those
where the works of Lawrence Reid about Guina-ang were cited. These were surveyed from
local studies in three libraries: Benguet State University, University of the Philippines-
Baguio and Saint Louis University. The other libraries did not have local studies that used
Reid's works.
Table 4. Works of local researchers
Thesis Matyline
Dancing and
As Source
University of
A. Camfili Music in
Practices of

Reference Philippines-

Province in
Review ;
the Process of
Bontoc Texts;

Ethnography of
Arsenio L. A Guinaang
As Source Benguet State
Sumegang Wedding
Groups in
the Cordillera
A Case Study
Wards and
Serve as
Saint Louis
of the Political
Supplement University
Groups in
Among the

Bontoc Tribe
Bontoc Luzon

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Two of these local researchers were thesis studies, while one was a book. Two of
the local researchers used Reid's works as a source and one of the local researchers used
them as supplement.

Table 5. Use of Lawrence Reid works in the community

As reading material for additional learning

Serve as references for lesson and assignments

As literature for researches

No answer

Not applicable for those who have not read

*Multiple Response

In the community of Guina-ang. Table 5 shows the use of Reid's works in the community.
Eleven (22%) of the respondents used the works of Reid as reading material for additional
learning. Nine (18%) used the works of Reid as references for lessons and assignments,
while four (8%) used them as literature for researches. There were five (10%) respondents
who did not indicate any answer and there were 25 (50.00) respondents who did not read
any of his works, thus this item is not applicable for them.
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

From among the elementary school teachers, one said that the works of Reid were
being used in integrating the culture of Guina-ang in the subject Edukasyon sa Kagandahan
Asal at Wastong Pag-uugali (EKAWP) and Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at Sibika (HeKaSi),
and also in teaching stories in their mother tongue, the Khinina-ang language.
As Paterson and Coltrane (2010) stated that literary texts are often replete with
cultural information and evoke memorable reactions for readers. Texts that are carefully
selected for a given group of students and with specific goals in mind can be very helpful
in allowing students to acquire insight into a culture.
However at present, according to four teachers surveyed, there is only one copy of
"Guinaang Bontok Texts" left in the school library. While in the secondary school,
according to five teachers surveyed, there were no works of Reid available in the school
Perceptions of the Respondents
about Reid's Characteristics

The perceptions of the respondents about Reid are all positive. He was regarded as kind,
sociable, intelligent, tall, white and handsome (Figure 7).

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Figure 7. Linguist Lawrence A. Reid

Kind. According to all of the respondents who met Reid, he was kind to the people
of Guina-ang. One recalled how Reid helped his wife in delivering his first child. He also
helped in terms of health services by putting up a clinic where he doubled as a health
worker. Some of the respondents also added that he gave relief goods to the people specially
those who could not afford to buy their needs.
Sociable. Reid knew how to mingle with the people of Guina-ang. He was nice to work
with. He was friendly and had a ready smile whenever they met him.
Intelligent. According to the key informants, Reid was able to perform things that he
learned just by reading, especially in health services. Another said that for only three
months living in the village, he was able to speak the language of Guina-ang.
Tall, white and handsome. Reid was born in Christchurch, New Zealand and his
citizenship is American and New Zealander. Some of the people of Guina-ang called him
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

'Melikano' which means American or simply 'puraw' or white. This is because of his white
skin. He was also tall.

Perceptions of the Respondents
about Reid's Works

The respondents who read Reid's works stated their comments. One key informant
commented that some of the words in Khininaang were wrong which may be attribute to the
different people who did the translations. Another said that "Guinaang Bontok Text" should
have been written in Khinina-ang, not in Kankana-ey. However, key informant Camfili
argued that it was probably written in Kankana-ey so that people from other communities
will also understand it.
They also stated their feelings after reading his works such as happy, amazed, and
grateful, among others. One felt proud that there was somebody interested to know and
write about the history of Guina-ang, and was therefore encouraged to do similar researches
and to understand his own culture. One felt sad because a foreigner was doing it instead of
a bonafide Ikhina-ang.

Perceptions of the Respondents about
Reid's Methods of Gathering Data
The respondents recalled how Reid's gathered information from the village. From
how they described the methods, it can be said that these methods were participant
observation, engaging the help of local translators, key informant interviews and the use of
a tape recorder.
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Participant observation. Reid lived with the people. He socialized with them during
gatherings. He ate with them; he drank 'tapey' with them.
According to Mack et al (2005), the method is distinctive because the researcher
approaches participants in their own environment rather than having the participants come
to the researcher. Generally speaking, the researcher engaged in participant observation
tries to learn what life is like for an "insider" while remaining, inevitably, an "outsider."
Engaged help of local translator. The key informants of the study served as the translators
of Reid for the language of Guina-ang, 'Khinina-ang' in the 60s. Mr. Eckwey said that he
was the first person from whom Reid asked help in translating 'Khinina-ang' to English.
Mr. Camfili helped in "Guinaang Bontok Text." Mrs. Anongos also helped in making the
Bontok Dictionary with her husband.
Key informant interviews. Some of the respondents said that Reid attended several
gatherings or feasts of the village. Also, he was said to be patient in interviewing the old
folks of the village.
Use of tape recorder. Mr. Eckwey said that when he was not around to
accompany Reid, Reid always kept a tape recorder in his pocket to record conversations of
the villagers and then replayed them when he got home. From those conversations, Reid
then asked someone to translate it.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Influences of Reid and His Works
to the People of Guina-ang

Certainly, Reid and his works were able to influence the people of Guina-ang in some
ways. The respondents pointed out the introduction of western cultures, the realization of
the importance of education, and pride of culture.
Introduction of western cultures. Reid was able to share his culture to the people of Guina-
ang. One respondent said that Reid was giving oatmeal for children. Another said that he
gave some relief goods like clothing, blankets to those who could not afford to buy. One
also said that he was giving medicine to those who were sick.
Realization of the importance of education. One of the respondents said that Reid made
her realize the importance of education and Reid also sent her friend's children to school.
Pride of culture. Some respondents stated that Reid's works made them more proud of
their culture especially their language, Khinina-ang. Also, his works made them aware,
value, and to preserve their culture. This also made one of the respondents to do similar
This is supported by Pawa (n.d.) who stated that discourse and literature help
develop strong language and national identities. Vincent Massey, the lawyer and diplomat
who became the Governor General of Canada in 1952, aimed to promote Canadian culture
and believed that Canadians should know as much as possible about their own country—
its history, its traditions, and its people.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013


This study was conducted to determine the influences and contributions of linguist
Lawrence A. Reid to the people of Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt. Province. Specifically, it
aimed to describe the works of Lawrence A. Reid about the people and culture of Guina-
ang; determine the awareness of the people of Guina-ang about
Lawrence A. Reid and his works; determine the use of Lawrence Reid’s works
about Guina-ang among local researchers and among people of Guina-ang; determine the
perceptions of the people of Guina-ang about Lawrence A Reid in terms of his
characteristics, his works, his methods of gathering data; and determine the influences of
Reid and his works to the people of Guina-ang.
This study was conducted from December to January in Guina-ang, Bontoc, Mt.
Province and in the different libraries in Baguio City and La Trinidad using guide questions
and an interview schedule.
Majority of the respondents (78%) know linguist Lawrence A. Reid who wrote five
articles, two books and an online material about the language and culture of Guinaang,
Bontoc, Mountain Province. Only six of Reid's works were read by some respondents. The
mostly read was the "Guinaang Bontok Text."
There were only three works of local researchers that used Reid's works found in
the libraries surveyed in Baguio City and La Trinidad Benguet.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Reid's works were being used in the community as reading material for additional learning,
as references for lessons and assignments and as literature for researches.
The study also revealed that Reid's works could have some errors and that only few
have copies of his works. However, these made the respondents proud of their culture and
therefore encourage them to do similar researches.
Lawrence Reid is perceived as kind, sociable, intelligent, tall white and handsome.
He also introduced the western culture to the people of Guina-ang and made them realize
the importance of their culture and formal education. Furthermore, Reid gathered
information using participant observation, engaging the help of local translators, key
informant interviews and using a tape recorder.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
Reid’s works about Guina-ang have been preserved well and can still be
Reid is still remembered by the people of Guina-ang but his works are not
very popular among the people. The first may be attributed to his continuing visits to the
place while the second may be explained by the inaccessibility of the village to his works;
Very few are taking advantage of the usefulness of Reid’s works most
probably because of inaccessibility;
Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013

Reid left good impressions upon the people of Guina-ang so he is regarded
positively; and,
With his influences on western culture, realization of the value of formal
education and pride of culture, it can be said that Reid has contributed something to what
Guinaang is now.

Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are forwarded:
A community forum should be organized in the barangay to inform the people of
Reid’s works about Guina-ang. This will also serve as final validation to correct perceived
errors in his works;
A complete collection of Reid’s works about Guinaang should be made available
to the community people so they will know exactly what have been written about them.
The Department of Education or the schools in the barangay should consider acquiring
copies for their library; and,
Popularized information materials may be developed from Reid’s works to help in
the mother-tongue based education.

Influences and Contributions of Linguist Lawrence A. Reid to the People of Guina-ang,
Bontoc, Mt. Province | GOYO, ORSALYN U. APRIL 2013


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