SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013. Communication Strategies Applied by
Benguet State University Research and Extension in the Dissemination of Matured
Technologies. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Filmore Y. Awas, MDevCom


The study was conducted to describe and determine how these matured
technologies are being identified; characterize the latest agriculture matured technologies;
enumerate the communication strategies, identify the awareness of the intended
beneficiaries; determine the problems encountered by the beneficiaries and the BSU
Research and Extension during the dissemination process and their suggestions for the
improvement of the dissemination process.
An interview schedule was used among 45 beneficiaries-respondents from
December 2012 to February 2013 while interview using a guide questions as well as
questionnaires were used to gather information from the key informant and researcher
There is a general understanding of what matured technology is in the university
although there is no written definition set by the university. BSU researchers agree that
agricultural technologies which are considered as matured technology should have
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

undergone several trials on-station and on-farm and should have been validated onstation
and on the farmer‟s field.
There were seven (7) latest matured technologies existing or developed within the
university which were identified in the study for the scope of year 2010-2011.
Communication strategies applied by the BSU Research and Extension include
interpersonal, group, mass, and organizational communications.All of the beneficiaries-
respondents were aware of the agricultural technologies which include matured technology
disseminated by BSU Research and extension.
Major problem within the beneficiaries is all about the disinterestedness to apply
the recommended technology. Poor needs assessment was the major problem within the
BSU Research and Extension. Major suggestions on the other hand for the improvement
of the dissemination process within the beneficiaries was their willingness to learn and
adopt matured technologies while there‟s a need for the BSU Research and Extension to
conduct needs assessment to recommend need technologies.
On the other hand, the major problem encountered by the BSU Research and
Extension was the lack of fund to be used in the dissemination process. It was another
suggestion on the part of the office to disseminate matured technologies by way of effective
and making all the communication methods as of bottom–up approach.
With the agricultural technologies being developed and disseminated by the BSU
Research and Extension, finding of the study revealed that not all are considered as matured
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technology that some are not applicable in the farmer‟s field conditions, costly, do not
cater to the farming problems of the beneficiaries, and proven not effective.
Thus, Research and Extension Office may consider to prioritize disseminating
matured technologies since it was defined as a problem-or development oriented

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013


The generation today lives in the midst of technologies. Our world is continually
evolving into a scientific world. People use technologies in all aspects of their lives. These
technologies do not only refer to the machines we are using in general but it all involves
the output of science studies or researches.
One goal of technical people however is to develop these technologies minimizing
its undesirable disadvantages while maximizing its benefits. With this, Brad and Terry
Thode (1994) further defined technology as the use of knowledge, tools, and resources to
help people.
Research and academic sectors nowadays are concern with how these ―matured‖
technologies are being disseminated to their intended beneficiaries. A mature technology,
as defined by Dartmouth College (2003), is a technology that has been in use for long
enough that most of its initial faults and inherent problems have been removed or reduced
by further development. In some contexts, it may also refer to technology which has not
seen widespread use, but whose scientific background is well understood.
To add more background of matured technology in relation to how it is
disseminated. Here are some examples.
Examples of these technology-transfer activities and/or programs are the
Comprehensive Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CTTC) program of the
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Department of Science and Technology and the National Technology Commercialization
Program (NTCP) that was established by the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR).
CTTC is being implemented nationwide to improve the living conditions of the
people by sharing the benefits derived from the application of technology, and to hasten
the process of industrialization through the application and commercialization of new and
appropriate technologies. The program serves as a mechanism to realize the productive
application and utilization of the results of research and development in the country
(Baucas, 2002).
NTCP on the other hand, is one of the flagship programs of BAR in 2005 to ensure
that technologies are strategically placed and transferred to areas and communities that
most needed them. It ensures that transformation of agriculture and fisheries from resource-
based to technology-based industries. It highlights research and development (R&D)
breakthroughs and mature technologies generated and developed by R&D institutions. It
serves as a vital tool for the development of enterprises and the improvement of agriculture
and fisheries-related industries anchored on appropriate activities emphasizing technology
transfer, promotion, adoption, utilization and commercialization (
On the side of the academe, Benguet State University is one of the State
Universities within the Philippines who also contributes to the production and
dissemination of matured technologies through its Research and Extension Office.
Research activities of the university are undertaken toward the discovery and/or expansion
of scientific knowledge and development of appropriate technologies. Extension activities
are geared towards the dissemination and utilization of useful information and technologies
for the improvement of the quality of life.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

The University Research and Extension program are focused on themes like the
improving of the farm productivity, and profitability for food security and poverty
Some of the development areas of programs of the Research and Extension
particularly under agricultural aspects include agricultural crops, animals, and farm
resources and systems (
The study then focuses on the communication strategies applied by BSU Research
and Extension in disseminating agricultural matured technologies to its intended
beneficiaries within the Municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet.
As stated by Rosario-Braid (1983), the need for a continuing feedback and dialogue
between technology planners and users provides the justification for evolving a new model
of technology transfer. The term ―transfer‖ connotes a one-way flow so that ―technology
exchange‖ or ―technology process‖ may be more appropriate concepts to describe the
communication process that occurs in technology planning and utilization.
Thus, there is a need to study the communication strategies applied by BSU
Research and Extension in disseminating matured technologies in order to gain insights
that can be used to enhance the strategies being applied.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to answer the following questions:
What is considered as matured technology and how are these being
identified in the university?
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

What are the latest matured technologies existing in the university?
How are these being disseminated to the public?
Are the intended beneficiaries aware of these technologies?
What are the problems encountered by the beneficiaries in the dissemination
What are the challenges encountered by the Research and Extension in the
dissemination process?
What are the suggestions or recommendations of the respondents in the
dissemination process?

Objectives of the Study

Generally, the study determined the communication strategies applied by Benguet
State University Research and Extension in disseminating agricultural matured technology.
It specifically aimed to:
1. describe matured technology and how these are being identified in the
2. characterize the latest matured technologies in agriculture developed in the
3. enumerate the communication strategies applied in disseminating matured
4. identify the awareness of the intended beneficiaries of these agricultural
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

5. determine the problems encountered by the beneficiaries in the dissemination
6. determine the challenges encountered by the BSU Research and Extension in
the dissemination of matured technologies and;
enumerate suggestions or recommendations of the respondents in the
dissemination of these matured technologies;

Importance of the Study
Result of the study may contribute to the strengthening of the role of
communication to solve the immense problems of hunger and poverty through
dissemination of appropriate technologies.
Matured technologies being developed in the university consider the need of the
end-users and to know if these technologies are being shared to them effectively, it may be
determined by the results of the study as it may contribute for the improvement of the
dissemination process between the technology disseminators and the beneficiaries.
This study may also help other communication students and researchers as it will
enrich one’s knowledge about the communication strategies applied by BSU Research and
Extension Office specifically the Extension Services Office and the BSU agricultural
researchers in disseminating matured technologies.
Furthermore, the BSU Research and Extension Office may also use the results of
the study as a reference to develop and enhance their way of disseminating matured
technologies to its intended beneficiaries.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Results may also contribute insights to the beneficiaries of BSU agricultural
matured technologies with regards to the communication processes being followed in
disseminating these technologies.
Scope and Limitation
This study was conducted at Benguet State University Research and Extension to
determine the communication strategies they applied in the dissemination of matured
Beneficiaries-respondents whom the information were gathered include only the
beneficiaries from the Municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet. Thus, it is important to note
that information’s gathered from the BSU researcher-respondents are not limited to the
beneficiaries within the Municipality of La Trinidad.
This is also limited to the communication strategies applied by the Extension Office
that is mandated to disseminate research output which include matured technologies and
the communication strategies applied by some of the BSU agricultural researchers. These
identified communication strategies being used by the BSU Research and Extension are
not limited to the beneficiaries in the Municipality of La Trinidad.
Limitation of the identified matured technologies characterized for the second
objective of this study was discussed in the results and discussion.

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013


Agricultural Technology
Agricultural technology is applied science. It uses the knowledge obtained from
scientific research to create machines, processes, and new varieties of plants and animals.
These technologies are used to improve production methods on the farms, and to improve
methods of processing, transporting, and distributing agricultural goods (Burton, 1998). In
Benguet State University, agricultural technologies under crops focused on crop
improvement, biotechnology, seedling production technology, improved cultural
management practices, fertilizer and water management, integrated pest management,
crop-based farming systems, postharvest handling and processing, and pesticide residue
analysis and remediation.
The farm resources and systems focused on land sustainability studies, soil and
water conservation and management, drainage and irrigation systems and facilities, farm
mechanism, design and development of farm machinery, equipment and tools, integrated
farming systems, organic farming, sericulture, and apiculture (

Communication Strategy
A communication strategy should be judged by its ability to feel the pulse of the
people, to distinguish ―needs‖ from ―wants‖ and to effectively communicate these needs
to policy makers. When more mechanisms for frequent dialogue between planners at the
central level and the masses exist, and when the needs and problems of the people become
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the primary focus of change, that is when it can be said that the strategy is useroriented
(Rosario-Braid, 1983).
On the other hand, Bucu (1989) implies that the different communication channels
substantially differed in their degree of usefulness in creating awareness, in influencing
attitude and behavior, and in encouraging clientele to adopt recommended technology.
Hence, a certain communication channel may be effective in one aspect but not in
other areas. Schramm (1964) as cited by Bucu (1989) reported that communication studies
support the fact that mass media are generally quite capable of handling the basic tasks of
informing and re-enforcing development efforts. Interpersonal sources, on the other hand,
are better in changing strongly-held attitudes, beliefs and social norms in the individual
Perrett (1976) as cited by Bucu (1989) also pointed out that ―it matters less which
medium is used than how it is used especially in terms of how it is built into the local level
social structure.‖ He claimed that almost any medium, if used in the right situation and used
well, will work. This finding supports the result of the study.

Matured Technology
Mature technology scenarios, should not be confused with technologies available
for implementation today. Achieving performance and benefits associated with mature
technology will require a large and focused effort over a period of time. Estimating features
of mature technology is a separate matter from envisioning—much less enabling—
one or more technical paths leading to mature technology, and is also separate from
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describing the societal transitions associated with adoption of mature technologies in
lieu of technologies in use today (Lynd & Larson 2003).
Moreover, according to PCARRD (1997) as cited by Baucas (2002), Technologies
for commercialization are technologies that have successfully passed the piloting stage or
have passed the criteria for piloting or not yet piloted but have a high potential for
commercial application. Generally, these technologies pass the following criteria: (1) they
provide the best alternative for improving income and productivity of a greater majority of
people; and (2) they provide immediate solutions to self-sufficiency problems,
environmental sustainability, import substitution, export generation and promotion of
alternative sources of food.

Strategies of Disseminating Matured Technologies
According to Ruttan and Hayami (1973), as cited by Fellizar Jr. (1990), technology
transfer is divided into three phases: materials transfer, design transfer, and capacity
transfer. Materials transfer is the simple transfer or importation of new materials such as
seeds, plants, animals and machines, and the husbandry or management practices
associated with these materials. Local adoption is not conducted in an orderly period. On
the other hand, design transfer means the transfer of information in the form of blueprints,
formulas, journals, books, and related software.
On the other hand, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) promote
and commercialize technology through the following means (Baucas, 2002):
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Pilot plant assistance. This refers to the financial aid for the establishment and
operation of a viable pilot plant. The aid is meant to enhance transfer and adoption of
DOST-generated technologies.

Technology packaging. It involves the identification of viable investment
opportunities. Packaging or identification is facilitated by providing assistance in the
preparation of detailed studies for locally generated technologies.
Investors’ fora/investment clinics. It is the investment opportunities generated by
bringing together government and private technology generators, investors, banking and
other financial institutions and technology adaptors interested in starting or improving
technology-based business ventures.
Conduct of technology fairs. It is where the latest advance in science and
technology is showcased; exchange of information on the investment potentials and
requirements of promising technologies are facilitated; and a venue for highlighting the
accomplishments of scientists, investors, and researchers are provided.
Prototype development and testing. It is the provision of financial assistance
through the Invention Development Assistance Fund under RA 7459 for the fabrication
and testing of technology models/equipment that have commercial potential.
Interpersonal communication is extremely useful especially when messages are
difficult and the purposes are important. As a medium, it allows maximum feedback that
enables development workers to improve and become more effective, Bucu (1989).
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Perret (1976) as cited by Bucu (1989) on the other hand pointed out that aside from
circumventing geographic, climatic and even human barriers, radio can multiply the effects
of any development field extension worker in the area. Moreover, it is an effective
communication carrier because of its accessibility, credibility, availability and ability to
provide timely information.
Moreover, pictures, charts, graphs, brochures and other printed materials can
illustrate and supplement the technicians’ tasks. These can help create a condition of
receptivity for an innovation (Bucu, 1989). According to Cuyno et al. (1975) as cited by
Bucu (1989), instructional technologies make teaching more effective.
Another strategy recommended was the establishment of demonstration farms in
strategic municipalities. Earlier reports revealed that demo farm satisfies the ―kita ko, Pati
ko‖ attitude of farmers. Further, through demonstration farms, farmers could have the
opportunity to feedback what troubles them (Bucu, 1989).

Problems Encountered in Disseminating Matured Technologies
In the implementation of the CTTC Program, the constraints related to technology
transfer and commercialization can be grouped into four categories based on the source as
follows: (1) problems within the implementing units; (2) problems within the users/
beneficiaries; (3) problems with the product/output; and (4) problems within the
Some problems associated with the implementing units (sometimes referred to as
the delivering system) include the following as cited by Baucas (2002): limited manpower,
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facilities and budgetary resources (PCARRD, 1997); inadequate data base for agricultural
commodities; inadequate public information, education and communication campaign on
new technologies; lack of easily understandable translation of highly technical research
outputs; inadequate skills training and facilities (National Agenda for Productivity, 1996);
limited role of farmers in developing research agenda (NarayanParker, 1991); deficient
linkages between research and extension and agricultural researches conducted in isolation
from the needs of the farmers (Arnon, 1989). The problems of some technology
users/beneficiaries include: high risk involved in adopting technology; low education
levels, lack of awareness or knowledge by farmers/entrepreneurs (Gomez, 1998) as cited
by Baucas (2002); insufficient resources; inadequate capital; difficulty in implementing
technology; and deviation of technology from beliefs, traditions and customs.
With respect to problems within the environment of technology transfer and
commercialization, the following can be noted; weak linkages and coordination among
various actors in the public and private sectors; stiff competition; poor infrastructure
facilities (roads, communication, power, etc.; economic instability; and political
Problems with product/output include the following: lack of appropriate and
affordable inputs necessary for the adoption of new technologies; lack of appropriate
research results (Arnon, 1989) as cited by Baucas (2002); limited market outlet; low
income derived from the technology; low price of the product; great dependence on other
inputs and seasonal conditions; and inadequate raw materials.

Other problems were scarcity of other resources like budget and facilities such as
hardware equipment and other amenities necessary for speedy and timely operation and
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implementation of communication projects were likewise commonly experienced as
constraints (Bucu, 1989).
Hence, Jamias (1967) as cited by Bengwayan (1987) said that ―information on
agricultural innovations is lacking in the Philippines. Reading sources are obtained
predominantly from personal sources (extension workers, agricultural dealers, laborers and
landlords) and to a more limited extent, institutional or extension channels.‖
Another problem identified by the respondents in the study of Bengwayan (1987)
was highly technical information which was very evident in many print sources. Librero
A. (1980) as cited by Bengwayan (1987) said that the ―‖failure to communicate to
farmers in layman’s language the results of researchers has a lot of bearing in the transfer
of technology.‖
She added that ―most technologies being transferred are worded in technical terms
that if these are not transferred into simple form of literature, they will be useless to most
Challenges in Disseminating Matured Technology
Sajise (1980) as cited by Bengwayan (1987) mentioned that ―effective transfer of
technology requires a good Lock’s key fit.‖ This means that a systematic process is needed
for classifying the target clientele, as well as their bio-physical exponent, which will result
to the identification of an adaptable technology scheme. In other words, there’s should be
a patterned relationship between the user and the technology transferred on the matter of
what technology should be transferred. Moreover, the farmer or user should have a say on
what technology should be introduced to him in consideration of his physical and natural
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Bengwayan (1987) also pointed out that there is a need for technology generators
to look deeper into the reasons for some farmers still using indigenous technology despite
the recommended technologies. Probably, the indigenous technology is a good supplement
to the recommended technologies; in which case, it should be preserved and strengthened
not discarded.
A review of rural development programmers further indicates that a critical gap
exists in the area of extension services. The problem is not so much the number of services
available, but the quality of such services. Also, there appears to be a need for improving
the quality of rural institutions which may provide the resource support for agricultural
extension and mass mobilization (Rosario-Braid, 1983).

One commonly felt reason by most of the respondents was the clienteles ―wait
and see‖ attitude. This very attitude makes the clientele passive and uncooperative and
hence, makes way for their (farmers) being difficult to organize. Since they are not willing
to accept new ideas at face value, it becomes very difficult to make them participate.
Receiving mechanisms will be ineffective if farmers are not organized, especially
so also if the delivery mechanisms is not organized (Bucu, 1989).
Bucu (1989) further added that farmers (beneficiaries) felt that they should be
consulted and be made to participate in communication planning. In her study, some
respondents mentioned their active participation in the implementation of a particular
project on technology dissemination and utilization. But their participation accordingly
could be more meaningful with prior consultation. This response was corroborated by the
finding of Parker (1977) as cited by Bucu (1989) who pointed out that without
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communication, development efforts cannot be sufficiently responsive to local needs and
Moreover, according to Schramm (1964) as cited by Bucu (1989) stressed that
information must not only flow to the clientele who must be informed, persuaded and
educated as well but also from them. Flores (1978) as cited by Bucu (1989) also stated that
the people must participate if not directly at least by feeding back to the development
workers their thoughts, their own feelings, their felt needs, and their anxieties as well as
their aspirations.
On the part of the cooperating agencies, Bucu (1989) emphasized that collaborative
project with other agencies for institutions should be covered with a formal memorandum
of agreement. The agreement should clearly spell out the sharing of resources, the
complementation of expertise of personnel, each roles, functions, responsibilities and
Series of consultations, policy sessions and workshop should be the feature of the
memo. If need be, functional committees should be organized at various levels in the
Bengwayan (1987) further implies that there are numerous recommended
technologies which have been proven by researchers in agricultural colleges and research
institutions in the region, but these are not made available to the end-users, because of
inappropriate extension and communication strategies, uncommitted agency-workers and
inadequate financial and technical assistance for field workers who are in constant with
most famers.
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Thus, an implication by Elliot (1984) as cited by Bengwayan (1989) that ―for a
technology to be adopted, it must be effective and certified to work.‖
Bengwayan (1987) added that technicians should therefore improve their
relationships and communication skills so they will be approached more freely by farmers
in the verification of farm information. No less than Consolacion (1974) as cited by
Bengwayan (1987) said that ―technicians should be provided not only with proper
technical skills but with communication skills as well as to be able to appropriately relate
to farmers their information needs.‖
Repetition and delicate elaboration of information needs must be guaranteed
continuity to attain an effective impact. Radio broadcasts on agrotechnology transfer which
are short lived are not expected to instill learning to listeners (Bengwayan, 1987).
On the part of the farm news communicator, agency-respondents composed of 15
agricultural researchers in the study of Bengwayan (1987) all said that ―commitment and
dedication, service-oriented and friendliness, respectfulness and courtesy were ingredients
of a good farm news communicator.‖
For the technologies being disseminated, it is important to note the statement of
Elliot’s (1984) as cited by Bengwayan (1987) that ―the reasons influencing the adoption
of an indigenous technology from one culture to another is dependent on the technology’s
acceptability, it’s being harmless, and its fitting to the hands, minds and lives of the people
who will make use of it.‖

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Definition of Terms
Extensionists. Extension workers who are personnel of the Extension Services
Office. BSU agricultural researchers at the same time are also extensionists.
Beneficiaries. Group of people referring to the end-users of matured technologies.
BSU Research and Extension. Technology generators and disseminators.

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted from December 2012 to February 2013 at Benguet State
University Research and Extension, Km. 5 La Trinidad, Benguet (shown in Figures 1 and
This 90-year old school is located in the heart of La Trinidad, Benguet the
Strawberry Capital of the Philippines. It is 3 kilometers and 15 minutes land travel away
from Baguio City.
Benguet State University is a public educational institution established by law. The
primary purpose of the University is to provide graduate and undergraduate courses in the
arts, sciences, humanities, and professional fields in agriculture, natural sciences,
technology, and other technical and professional courses as the Board of Regents may
determine and deem proper. It shall promote research, extension, agribusiness, and
advanced studies and progressive leadership in its field of specialization.
Research and Extension have always been considered as inherent functions of the
Benguet State University even when it operated only as a farm school in the 1920s. Back
then, students were inculcated with the love of scientific inquiry and ingrained with the
commitment to serve their communities well, not being only excellent examples of what a
successful farmer should be; but also by persisting in carrying out genuine agricultural
development in the countryside.
As a chartered institution in 1971, Mountain State Agricultural College (MSAC)
was mandated to do research and extension, in addition to instruction as trilogy of
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functions. A new organization structure was adopted which included the Department of
Experiment Station. The organizational structure was revised in 1977 thus, creating the
Research and Experiment Station, and the Extension and Continuing Education
In 1984, a new governance scheme of the College created the Office of the Vice President
for Research and Development Support Services.
With the conversion of the College into Benguet State University in 1986, R and
E programs were placed under the Office of the Vice President for Research and
Extension (OVPRE). The move enabled the University’s R and E programs to be more
systematic and relevant to the needs of the University and the region, as well.
Presently, the OVPRE supervises the activities of the Office of the Research Services, the
Office of Extension Services, the Office of Training Services, and the different Research
Centers/Institutes. In addition, the OVPRE coordinates with the
Highland Agriculture and Resources Research and Development Consortium
(HARRDEC), which is based at BSU.
The Northern Philippine Root Crops Research and Training Center was established
by virtue of Presidential Decree 1107 at the then Mountain State Agricultural College in
March 21, 1977. The center is a semi-autonomous unit of the university, in the sense, that
is own Advisory Board will approve its programs and activities, but its personnel and
budget (as identified in Internal Operating Budget) shall be subject to the same University
rules and regulations. The Advisory Board is composed of the DA Secretary as Chair, the
University President as Co-chair, the PCARRD Executive
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Director, the DA-BAR Director, a representative of the Center’s collaborating
agency representative of DA-Regional Office (Cluster 1 and 2), and a private sector
representative as members, the Director of the Center as member and secretary. The Center
has 6 technical sections; namely Crop Improvement, Crop Management and Seed
Production, Postharvest, Processing and Utilization, Engineering, Social Science
and Policy, and Training and Extension.
The Horticulture Research and Training Institute (HORTI) was established by
virtue of Presidential Decree 2010 signed by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos on
January 12, 1986. It was conceived as a research and development arm of the Benguet State
University to accelerate progress of horticultural enterprises in the Cordillera region and
other highland areas.
The Institute of Social Research and Development (ISRD) started as the Highland
Socio-Economic Research Institute (HSERI) in June 1986. It was then reorganized and
renamed as IHPSSERD. The reorganization provided the avenue for the incorporation of
policy research and advocacy in the mainstream of BSU’s research and development focus.
It also strongly addresses ongoing and existing policies that need to be constantly reviewed
and evaluated to accelerate economic growth.
The Institute of Highland Farming Systems and Agroforestry (IHFSA) became
operational on January 6, 1997. IHFSA was a merger of the Institute of Highland Farming
Systems (IHFS) and the Highland Agro-Forestry Institute (HAFI). It also integrated the
existing Agro-Forestation Special Project and Sericulture Project located at Bektey,
Puguis, La Trinidad, Benguet. The Agro-Forestation Special project was created on June
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1, 1977 by virtue of MSAC Administrative Memorandum No. 2, s. 1977 by then President
Bruno M. Santos. While the Sericulture Project was created by a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with BSU, PTRI (Philippine Textile Research Institute) and the TLPC
(Technology Livelihood Promotions Center) in February, 1993 under by then President Dr.
Lucio B. Victor. On May 16, 1984, the Institute of Highland Farming Systems was
established during the presidency of Dr. Fortunato A. Battad as provided for in MSAC
Administrative Memorandum No.17, s. 1984.
The Semi-Temperate Vegetable Research and Development Center (STVRDC)
was created on January 5, 2004 by virtue of Administrative Memorandum No. 007, series
of 2004. Funding support was provided by the Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad (VLIR) or
the Flemish Interuniversity Council in Phase 2 of the Philippines-Institutional University
Cooperation Programme (PIUC). The establishment of this center aims to boost the image
of BSU as a Center of Excellence in Agriculture Education and enhance its capacity as a
regional university.
Today, BSU continues to perform its R and E functions with much sincerity and
commitment, in the hope that it will contribute to the improvement of the lives of those it
selflessly serves (Research and Extension Manual of Operations, 2008). See
Organizational Structure at Appendix F.
Guided by the AFMA thrusts and in accord with the government's Medium Term
Development Plan (MTDP, the University Research and Extension program are focused
on the following themes that cut across various program areas: (1) nurturing knowledge
and information systems to promote people empowerment and gender equity; (2)
improving farm productivity and profitability for food security and poverty alleviation; (3)
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

protecting the environment and saving biodiversity for sustainable development; (4)
improving and proposing policies for competitiveness, better governance and greater
benefit of society (
The school was chosen because of its prolific contribution particularly for the
economic technology-based researches or study within the country specifically in the field
of Agriculture under the sector of crops.

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Figure 1. Map of Benguet, showing the location of the study area

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

To Baguio National Road
To Bontoc
BSU Open
To BSU Campus

Research and Extension
Business Area
BSU Cooperative
La Trinidad Municipal Office

Benguet General Hospital

Figure 2. Vicinity map of the location of the study

Respondents of the Study
There were three groups of respondents in this study. The first group include the
Directors of Research and Extension Services Offices who serve as key-informant as well
as BSU agricultural researcher-respondents; one Extension Office Staff who is involve in
the dissemination of R and E output which include matured technologies and; a staff from
Research Office who serve as key-informant.
The second group was the researcher-respondents which were composed of eleven
(11) BSU agriculture researchers who were faculty from the College of Agriculture and
from the different centers/institutes of the Research and Extension. BSU Agricultural
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Researchers were asked of how matured technologies are being identified within the
university through its criteria and definition. They were also asked for their suggestions for
the improvement of the dissemination process they applied as well as the Extension
Services Office.
The third group included forty five (45) beneficiaries who were interviewed to
identify their awareness regarding the disseminated agricultural technologies which
include matured technologies by the BSU Research and Extension. They were also asked
regarding the problems they encountered during the dissemination process. Thus, they were
also asked for their suggestions concerning the communication strategies applied by the
BSU Research and Extension office in disseminating agricultural technologies which
include matured technologies.
The criteria in choosing the beneficiaries included the following: 1. he/she should
be a regular farmer; 2. he/she must be 18 years old and above; and 3. he/she must have
attended any session for the dissemination of agricultural technology or studies/researches
which include matured technologies which were organized, coordinated, or implemented
by the BSU Research and Extension and BSU researchers.
Purposive quota sampling was used in selecting the respondents of the study.

Socio-demographic Profile of the Respondents
Table 1 shows the socio-demographic profile of the BSU agricultural
researcherrespondents in terms of sex and age. Majority of the respondents (53.3%) are
female and a great majority of them (60%) belonged to the age bracket 51-60.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

On the other hand, Table 2 shows the socio-demographic profile of the beneficiaries-
respondents in terms of sex, age, educational attainment, and years in farming. Majority of
the respondents were male (64.4%). Many of the respondents belonged to the age bracket
of 51-60 (28.9%) and a great majority belonged to both age bracket of 31-40 and 41-50
with 22.2% for each bracket while there’s only 6.7% belonged to the age bracket of above
60. Majority (37.8%) of them reached elementary level and 31.1% finished secondary level
while only 6.7% of them who did not take any education level. In terms of years in farming,
almost half (46.7%) of them belonged to the bracket of 1-10 years in farming.
Table 1. Demographic profile of the BSU agricultural researcher-respondents and key-





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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Table 2. Socio-demographic profile of the beneficiaries-respondents

NUMBER (n=45)









Above 60



Educational Attainment

Elementary Level

Secondary Level


College Level



Years in Farming




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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Data Collection
Data collection was done through interview schedule using a guide questionnaire
to gather information from the intended beneficiaries-respondents. Questionnaire and
interview schedule using guide questions were also used to gather information from the
Research Services office and Extension Services office Directors and staff, and the BSU
agricultural researchers-respondents. Data retrieval from the internet was also used.

Data Gathered

The data that were gathered included the communication strategies applied by BSU
Research and Extension (Extension Office and BSU Agricultural Researchers) in the
dissemination of matured technologies existing within the university; latest matured
technologies existing within the university (2010-2011); identification of matured
technology by the university through its criteria and its definition; problems encountered
by the beneficiaries in the dissemination process and their suggestions for the improvement
of the dissemination process and; communication problems encountered by the BSU
Research and Extension (Extension Office and BSU Agricultural Researchers) and their
suggestions for the improvement of the dissemination process and;

Data Analysis
The data that were gathered were organized, tabulated, categorized, summarized
and presented according to the objectives of the study. Methods and analysis used include
ranking, frequency count, and percentage.
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Identification of Matured Technology

University Matured Technology as defined by the

According to the Research Director Dr. Eulogio Cardona, there was no welldefined
written document definition of matured technology made or created by the BSU Research
and Extension Office even in the Research and Extension Manual; however, the general
understanding of such by the researcher-respondents is that, it is a technology proven
effective based on results of repeated trials or result under varying conditions and have
tested in multi-field in which it is a problem/development-oriented technology.
Furthermore, BSU agricultural researcher-respondents Percival Alipit, Araceli
Ladilad, and Alexander Fagyan agree that matured technologies are those that provide
solution to a problem or improved productivity, developed based on a certain problem to
cater to the problem of clientele, and has promising benefits for the intended clientele or
community to be served. Danilo Padua added that matured technology is one that can
provide ―new‖ tools in crop production that should normally be on improvement over an
existing technology.
Finally, Dr. Leoncia L. Tandang, another researcher and faculty of the university,
defined matured technology as a technology that has undergone the stages of technology
development which include technology generation, technology verification and technology
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

From these definitions given by different agricultural researchers in the university,
it can be said that there is a general understanding of what matured technology is based on
a certain process and criteria. This supports the definition given by PCCARD (1997) as
cited by Baucas (2002) about matured technology which is a technology that have
successfully passed the piloting stage or have passed the criteria for piloting or not yet
piloted but have a high potential for commercial application.

Criteria of Matured Technology according to

Reliability. Nine of the researcher-respondents agree that agricultural technologies
which were considered as matured technology should have undergone several trials and
validation on-station and on-farm for both dry and rainy conditions.
Hence, two researcher-respondents out of these nine claimed that these
technologies must have undergone complete piloting on farm.
Dr. Danilo Padua and Jocelyn Perez also noted that these matured technologies
must have been verified in farmer’s field or it should have been piloted among the intended
Betty Gayao further stated that this technology should have been tested and passed
the marketing and economics profitability. Dr. Leoncia Tandang and Jocelyn Perez
simplified this as technologies that are proven economically feasible.
To a specific context, Dr. Belinda Tad-awan explained what should be considered
as matured technology concerning plant or crop varieties. According to her, these varieties
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should have gone series of evaluation or have undergone a certain process from ideas to
implementation following a standard procedure. It should not have only tested in the station
but it should have also been applied in farmer’s field or it should have been tested in multi-
fields. She added that it must have been tested in different weather conditions (wet and dry)
and it should not only be tested in fair weather condition. She added that it should have
high yield compared to existing farmer’s varieties.
Problem/development oriented. Three of the researcher-respondents agree that
technology which is considered as matured should be problem or development-oriented
which is worth serving to the community.
According to Dr. Eulogio Cardona, matured technologies must cater to the problem
needs of the beneficiaries.
Validity. Three researcher-respondents noted that matured technologies must be
scientifically valid. Dalen Meldoz also explained that it should have a scientific basis which
includes reports, write-up, conference, and papers which were written and published.
Dr. Padua further supported this stating that these technologies must have been
packaged and disseminated properly.
Alexander Fagyan on the other hand explained that these technologies must have
been based on research/researches which were conducted. Dr. Cardona added that these
matured technologies should attain its objectives.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Moreover, Araceli Ladilad noted that matured technologies are those complete
researches or studies. Andres Basalong added that matured technologies should have
sufficient trials and consistent data.

On the specific scope of fertilizer matured technology, Fagyan stated that this
technology should have undergone two to three years of trials which include a station trial
for two years and another trial for another location.
Replicability. Three researcher-respondents agree that end-user or potential
adaptors should produce approximately the same results of matured technology.
Tad-awan explained that these technologies should be stable in terms of yield and
resistance to diseases like for example in crop varieties.
According also to Dalen Meldoz, results of matured technology should be
reproduced in field conditions.
Moreover, Dr. Silvestre L. Kudan also explained that if the technology will produce
the same result when other people will follow the same procedure as established by the
researcher even if this will be conducted in other area with the same or similar condition
then it is a matured technology. This means that even whoever implements the technology,
the same observations by the person who generated it will also be observed by the other
people adopting or implementing that technology, he added. ―If and when the technology
yields different result from what was claimed by the researcher or generator when other
people implement it following exactly the same procedure, then that technology is not yet
matured,‖ Kudan stated.
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Ready for commercialization. Kudan stated that in the condition wherein these
technologies have undergone experimentation in research station and have been verified or
piloted in farmer’s field yielding the same results- it is ready then for commercialization
and it is said to be matured technology.
Dalen T. Meldoz further agree that matured technologies are those that ready for promotion
and commercialization or have passed the research stage and are undergoing the
development stage for commercialization.
Acceptability. Dr. Leoncia Tandang noted that matured technologies should be
socially and politically acceptable in terms of its use and safety. Belinda Tad-awan also
explained that it should be accepted and more performing with higher or better performance
than the usual farmer’s practice.
Practicality/applicability. Dr. Percival Alipit noted that matured technologies
should be applicable in terms of adaptation as of its use and utilization.

Dr. Tandang also added that it should be technically feasible.
Environment- friendly. Dr. Tandang and Perez claimed that matured technology should be
environmentally sound (environment-friendly).
The above findings of this study corroborates what PCARRD (1997) enumerated
concerning technologies ready for commercialization as cited by Baucas (2002) wherein
these technologies should have passed the following criteria: (1) they provide the best
alternative for improving income and productivity of a greater majority of people; and (2)
they provide immediate solutions to self-sufficiency problems, environmental
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sustainability, import substitution, export generation and promotion of alternative sources
of food.

Identified Agricultural Matured Technologies
These latest agricultural matured technologies were limited for the year 20102011.
Originally, coverage include matured technologies disseminated from 2005- 2012;
however, no complete record of these technologies were found at the Research and
Extension office. This was supported by the some staff in the said office stating that their
list were not classified properly whether these were declared as matured or not. The noted
list of matured technologies was just used to cite examples of the hundred existing
technologies which were accomplished, developed, and disseminated from the birth of the
Source of this information was based on the In-House Proceedings Book from the
Research Services Office. These technologies however were not classified if it is matured
or not. Thus, personal interview was done for the BSU agricultural researchers who
conducted the research to clarify if these technologies are considered as matured
technologies or not. Others were referred to the RANGTAY magazine which is the official
publication of the Research and Extension featuring matured technologies.
It can be noted in the table that the kind of crops which dominantly focus of the
matured technologies was under vegetable.
For the research discipline which dominantly occupies more than one matured
technology was under crop improvement.
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It also came out that many technologies which were developed for the year 2010 having
six (6) matured technologies and only one (1) matured technology was accomplished for
the year of 2011.

Table 3. Identified matured technologies


seed Cynthia G. Kiswa, Tuber crop Extension
and August
the Jocelyn C. Perez,
developmentseed 2009-June
Philippines highland: Grace S. Backian,
The case of
Paz A. Dalang, Lito
M. Pacuz, Teresita
D. Masangcay

Field evaluation of Dr. Eulogio V. Cabbage
Crop protection 2007-
Nucleopolyhedroviru Cardona Jr.
and related
s (NPV) for efficacy
cutworm (Spodoptera
litura Linn.) in

Varietal improvement BSU-Leoncia L. Vegetable Crop
Beans Tandang, Amelia
(Phaseolus vulgaris) M.
Kimeu, Bernard B.
Amlos, Johnson G.
Bonifacio A.
Kebasen Sr., Rodel
G. Maghirang

Communication Strategies Applied by Benguet State University Research and Extension in the
Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

of Araceli G. Ladilad, Ornamental Cultural
Fernando R.
of Gonzales, Roger T.
Gayumba, Alma
Benguet Lily (Lilium Antonio-Amado,
Rimalyn D. Wakat,
Organo, Erica M.
Table 3 Continued…

Galap, Rona C.

Gasilang, Analyn A.
Banario, Tony B.
Juanito, Alvin P.
Berto, Dina T.
Cuebes, Arlina K.

as Bernard S. Tadawan Vegetable Organic
substrate for Shiitake in
growing bags

Promotion of Yam seed
Root crops Extension
Violeta B. Salda,
system technologies for
Dalen T. Meldoz,
promising purple Yam
Grace S. Bakian,
Anabelle S.


Traditional rice cultivars Belinda A. Tadawan, Traditional Crop
for wet season cropping Esther Josephine D. Rice
Sagalla, and
improvement/ 2008June
(Talo’n) in Benguet
Meynardo P. Tosay
Crop production 2011

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Communication Strategies Applied in Disseminating
Matured Technologies

Communication strategies include the creation of message, approach used and
methods or channels used in the dissemination process.
Message here include the source, content, and context of these matured technologies.
Source. According to Dr. Kudan, matured technologies are being developed in the
university starting from the researchers who are the technology generators. Technologies
are being processed through a proposal which will be passed on the Research Services
Office. This research or study will be evaluated by all the directors of centers and institutes
of BSU. This group of evaluators will be in-charge of approving or not according to the
relevance of the study.
If it will be approved, the university has the discretion whether or not to fund such
technology depending on the available fund of the school. Other technologies may be
prioritized for outside funding incase internal fund is not available. For BSU funded, funds
will be coming from the university appropriations for research and extension. It is used to
pay salaries of personnel identified within R and E and the cost of maintenance and other
operating expenses (MOOE). The research and extension budgets are suballocated among
the research units and colleges.
Hence, it will be implemented, monitored, and evaluated. Researchers will also conduct
report during In-house review which is being done every year to present the results
concerning the study. This process is clearly illustrated in Figure 3.
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Figure 3. Source of message ( matured technologies)
Outside funded on the other hand, refers to funds coming from different sources other than
the university. The major external sources of funds include the Department of Agriculture,
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Department of Science and technology, Commission on Higher Education, Department of
Energy, congressional development fund (CDF), LGUs, NGOs, foreign donors among
The process for outside funding includes submission of complete document by the
researcher to the intended funding agencies. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to be
issued by the university president will be signed once the proposal has been accepted by
certain funding agency by then the project will be implemented, monitored, and evaluated
by both the University and the funding agency as indicated in the agreement.
Content. Focus of matured technologies can be based on commodity and by discipline,
according to the key informants. Research undertakings for matured technologies being
developed in the university can be oriented on commodities such as vegetables,
ornamentals, fruit and plantation crops, and forest trees. Discipline/s on the other hand for
matured technology focused on areas such as biotechnology, natural resources
management, integrated pest management, postproduction, and socioeconomics.
Context. According to the key informants, the communication context for messages of the
communication strategies applied by Research and Extension include historical context,
psychological context, cultural context, social context, and physical context. These are all
emphasized in the research documents being submitted specifically under the impact of the
research to the community.
Historical context include the expectation of the technology disseminators and the
beneficiaries after disseminating matured technologies.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Psychological context include how the technology affects the mood and emotions of the
audience (beneficiaries). Moreover, cultural context is being affected by the beliefs or
indigenous farming practices of the beneficiaries and is centered likely to the acceptance
or adaptation of these recommended matured technologies.
Social context involves the relationship of the technology disseminators and the
beneficiaries. As explained by the respondents, how these relationships of the two work
together has something to do with the effectiveness of the message being disseminated.
Lastly, physical context include the consideration of time and place for the dissemination
process of the technology including the beneficiaries, and technology disseminators.

Based on the activities being done by the Research and Extension office there were two
approaches being done in communicating messages related to these matured technologies:
formal and informal.
Formal communication approach. This is done during seminars, conferences, open forum,
meetings, and lectures being organized or conducted by the Research and Extension
wherein a certain rules are being followed.
Example of this is the non-degree courses on agri-based technologies being conducted by
the Extension Services office. One example is the organic farming which covered the
vermin and vermi-compost production (lectures on the biology, economics and utilization
of vermiculture and vermincomposting, field demonstration and practicum will be
conducted), bio-organic fertilizer preparation (discusses the procedure on how to prepare
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organic fertilizer using indigenous materials, production costing, and tools/equipment
needed, proper use of organic fertilizer and marketing aspects are included to ensure
viability) among others.
Informal communication approach. This approach is being done without formality for the
interaction between the technology disseminators and the beneficiaries as it includes the
use of channels. One informant explained that informal approach can be observed for
technical assistance.

Below were the communication strategies being applied by the Office of Extension
Services according to OES Director Dr. Silvestre Kudan and according to the researcher-
respondents. However on the side of the researcher-respondents, it is important to note that
communication channels they identified don’t reflect the whole dissemination process
applied by the institute/centers where they are based.
Interpersonal Communication. There were several interpersonal communication methods
identified in the study with regards to how these matured are being disseminated.
Techno-demo on farm. This program is geared toward the establishment of onstation or on-
farm trials. Rural folks are usually assisted in establishing farm enterprises using
appropriate technologies generated by experts from their researches. The condition
required from farmers was their willingness to shoulder the necessary costs of production,
actively participate in the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of these technologies, and
are willing to share the technologies they learned to other farmerpartners. Conduct on farm
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technology with the participation of farmer-cooperators providing them planting
materials/inputs. At harvest, a field day is conducted to invite more farmers.
Dr. Kudan (2013) said that Matured Technology which was proven as controlling problems
will be conducted in the farm station/field. Farmers or end-users will be invited through
coordination with the Municipal Agriculture Office down to the Farmer Association or
Organization. Announcement in the Radio through the ―BSU on the Air‖ program is also
done. Farmers/end-users will observe and their questions to that specific study will be
clarified. It’s up to the end-users if they will adopt or not. He also stated that
this demonstration create awareness to the end-users.
One example of the university’s demo farm is the Organic Demo Farm which was certified
as full organic by the Organic Certification Center of the Philippines (OCCP). It has 1.5
hectares and located at the north end of the Balili Experimental Area.
It produces various highland vegetables, herbs, and fruit organically. Some of their
products are American amaranth, ampalaya leaves, asparagus, beans, pepper, broccoli,
bush beans, cabbage, camote tops, carrots, cauliflower, and celery among others (Marquez,
This channel/method is being applied by the Extension Services Office and the agricultural

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Figure 4. A photo of the BSU Extension Services Office Organic Demo Farm located at
Balili Organic Farm, Km. 5 La Trinidad, Benguet
Home visit/farm visit. In this method, the extension workers usually make appointment
with Municipal Agricultural office then the MAO will do the coordination with the
farmer’s organization. Farm visit will only be done after proper arrangements were done.
In some cases, this is done when techno-demo or trials are done in farmer’s

Figure 5 . Sample phot o s of home/ farm visit

Information services. This was done through technical consultation and visitors’
orientation briefing. Technical consultation was also referred to as technical assistance
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which is the sharing of knowledge or acquiring technical information from the experts.
Technical consultations are usually being offered by the university for free during charter
celebrations and foundation anniversary where activities are being set specifically for the
beneficiaries of the university. Booths per service were strategically placed in designated
areas (usually per college) where farmers can visit them for the consultation.
Walk-in clientele. This was done by giving data to the clientele who take initiative to visit
the different institutes of the Research and Extension or directly to the researchers seeking
for information concerning such technologies. Usually, farmers are the ones visiting the
researchers or the office for information and assistance regarding a certain technology. At
times, IEC materials are being provided to these walk-in clients.
Students as a channel of dissemination. Cardona said that students are also included in the
dissemination process. This is being integrated in their curricular programs as part of the
student’s training and/or laboratory exercise. According to him, agriculture students who
were taking their majors were instrumental in disseminating information about some of
these technologies to the famers. By simply sharing the knowledge they gain in their related
subject, they may serve as a link between the farmer and the experts, Cardona added.
Tandang added that they allow students to use the technologies in their research
laboratory activities.
Agro/Agrifair exhibit. This method is usually a mixture of interpersonal and group
communication. This strategy displays the highlights recent applicable technologies,
products, studies, or researches within the university. Such example include the developed
and improved varieties that farmers/end-users may see the product and that they may
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identify the difference. Examples of varieties which are common within the university
include carrot, strawberry, potato among others. Tarpaulin and posters are being used to
show the procedures of a certain study/research. Dr. Kudan further explained that end-users
will not just view these displays but their questions concerning these things are being
answered. Viewers can also avail IEC materials such as brochures, leaflets, pamphlets
among others during exhibits. For the product such as crop varieties, it can be given to the
farmers for them to try.
According to the Department of Science and Technology as cited by Baucas (2002), it is
where the latest advance in science and technology is showcased; exchange of information
on the investment potentials and requirements of promising technologies are facilitated;
and a venue for highlighting the accomplishments of scientists, investors, and researchers
are provided.

Figure 6. Sample photo s of agri - exhibit. The Philippine Independence Day
e xhibit (left
photo) was organized by the CHED last June 12, 2008 held at the Convention Center,
Baguio City.

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Harvest festival. According to the key informants, this was done to promote developed and
well-improved certain varieties. These harvested products were displayed and farmers were
invited through coordination with the Municipal Agricultural Office (MAO) to view and
examine the products. In this event, they will be informed what varieties are recommended
and they may discover the relevance comparing to other varieties that they already proved.

Figure 7 . Sample photo s of harvest festival where products of matured technologies are
being promoted

Figure 8. Photos of the BSU organic market

The BSU’s first Harvest Festival was held on February 1, 2012. This activity gave an
opportunity for the different clienteles to evaluate the best variety they want to plant, to
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market, and consume. The festival includes the exchange of crop production technologies
for demonstration and promotion, exchange visits for observation tour, and exchange of
technical staff for training (Rangtay, 2012).

This channel is being applied by the Extension Services office.

Sale of basic seeds. This was done in the form of rooted cuttings/tuber being sold to the
farmers. According to Ruttan and Hayami (1973) as cited by Fellizar Jr. (1990), one of the
phases in technology transfer include materials transfer which is the simple transfer or
importation of new materials such as seeds, plants, animals and machines, and the
husbandry or management practices associated with these materials. This channel is being
applied by the BSU agricultural researchers.
Students’ Undergraduate Thesis. One way of disseminating these matured technologies is
through the thesis being conducted by the students. According to Tadawan, such example
is the varieties of rice which is an existing matured technology existing within the
university. She said that if ten (10) students will perform these varieties in their own locality
with the varieties planted by their parents or relative, such comparison is being done while
the technology is being disseminated to the households. This channel is being applied by
the BSU agricultural researchers.
Group Communication. Several activities were also noted under this method as described
Seminar (lecture and hands-on). According to the extension personnel, they do not
voluntarily coordinate or organize a seminar except the Research and Extension annual
seminar series. They also coordinated a seminar through lecture and hands-on
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training/workshop. Dr. Kudan emphasized that beneficiaries will not come if they are the
one who will request for training, workshop, lecture and/or combination. Thus, if there is
a minimum of ten (10) beneficiaries who will request certain seminar, then the Extension
Office will set the schedules depending on the availability of the participants and the
resource speakers. Notification of the farmers for the schedule will be done through posted
notices and through announcement in the BSU on the air program.
The Extension coordinated to the needed experts and other resource speakers within the
university. Extension Office assigned personnel notified the experts within the university
through letter to the College Dean or Director of Institutes in the university. The College
Dean/Institute Director forwarded the letter to the certain person needed to be informed
and notified.
Materials for use were prepared including handouts. They also disseminated or promoted
matured technologies through offering training courses (production to processing) national
and local. It was one strategy to influence adaptors knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Training
of farmers/technicians and other clienteles were being conducted where new matured
technologies were included in the presentation.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Figure 9 . Sample p hotos of seminar (lecture with hands - on)

During extension seminar series, BSU researchers including visiting researchers were
given the opportunity in this session to discuss their researches which include matured
technologies. These were conducted in the Chrysanthemum Research and Extension
building. The audience of this seminar included the Research and Extension personnel,
interested students, and other interested beneficiaries or clientele.
On the part of lecture, it is commonly employed in agricultural extension activities in the
Philippines. Lectures have specific learning objectives which are varied in agricultural
extension and are usually based from the lecture content and the purposed audience.
Lectures are done by qualified persons through an oral presentation usually with
accompanying visual materials (Phil Rice n.d.) as cited by Velasco (2012).
Quick Response Services (QRS). Through this method, locality requesting help to the
Extension office will enable the extension worker to coordinate with the experts to response
that problem.
Dr. Kudan explained that this QRS by BSU helped the farmers in Buguias on
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

December 1999 during the outbreak of potato leaf miner (PLM), Liriomyza huidobrensis
(Blanchard). Together with the help of other agencies, they use the yellow sticky trap
(YST) to manage the leaf miners. It was used as a major tool in lowering the population of
potato leaf miner. During PLM outbreak, any yellow and sticky materials can be used and
can be staked at any distance and place in the field.
Adopt-a-community. According to Dr. Kudan, this is planned to be done this year wherein
a poor community will be selected. Findings regarding farming activities will be gathered
and all these technology research existing in the university as well as the best practices will
be demonstrated in that community. This channel will be applied by the Extension Services
Technology Field Day. This method was done in partnership with other agencies like the
Department of Agriculture and Department of Science and Technology. This is usually
done to showcase the successful application of technology by the Magsasaka Siyentista or
other farmer leader to convince other farmers to duplicate/adapt the said technology. This
channel is being applied by the BSU agricultural researchers.
Farmers Field School (FFS). This was a program of the Department of Agriculture where
technical staff of the University served as resource person to introduce and teach techniques
to empower farmers so they will be able to select and adapt the technologies appropriate to
local conditions.
Open Forum (Farmer Forum). This was done where the farmer cooperators presented the
results of the technology. In this method, beneficiaries had exchanges of ideas, opinions,
and views regarding some concerns of such technologies. Matured technologies were also
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

presented to the farmers during farmer’s forum as part of BSU Charter Day celebration.
This was also included during seminars (lecture with hands-on).
Open Forum (Phil Rice, n.d.) as cited by Velasco (2012) is characterized by a free, open
questions and answers discussion usually after certain topics are already discussed.
It is a teaching strategy that would serve as a clearing house for participant’s doubts and
for the facilitator to provide insights on things they do not still know about a topic being
presented or just presented (Tublay LGU, 2011) as cited by Velasco (2012).
Finding of this study was supported by the study of Velasco (2012). In his study, a farmer
has stated that their queries were clarified under this method. Another respondent from
Velasco’s study stated that through open forum, he was able to share that as he sees it, they
all graduated without any doubts and hard feelings and that they assured that they will
apply what they have learned from the training.
Moreover, farmer’s appreciated the open forums because they were given chance to openly
ask questions which they could not ask during the other activities.

Figure 10. A sample photo of farmer’s forum
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

BSU sa barangay. The office of the director of Extension dispatched some of its staff to
the office of the mayor of a certain municipality and introduced this program. Eventually,
the office of the Municipal Mayor in coordination with their Municipal Agricultural
Offices or their designates convened with their barangay officials for problem consultations
in their area. As soon as problems and/or concerned issues were identified and were
requested for action, a team of BSU experts was deployed to conduct action research on
the problem raised. These problems were addressed with the reliable studies/researches or
technology existing within the university
Technical assistance was conducted during this event, according to the key informants.
These provided answers to the questions of the farmers’ with technical advice or
recommendations. Walk-in famers who went to the Extension Office were referred to the
experts to seek advice and consultation was also done.
According to the key informants, technical assistance was non-financial assistance
provided by extensionists as well as BSU researchers. It can take the form of sharing
information and expertise, instruction, skills training, transmission of working knowledge,
and consulting services and may also involve the transfer of technical data.
Panel discussion. On the side of the BSU agricultural researchers, they acted as a panelist
during presentation of developed matured technologies. It was usually done in technical
Piloting. This was a participatory piloting of technologies with the farmers. This was done
through conducting training by combining training method and lecture discussion, field
visits, trial practicum, case analyses, and classroom exercises. It is basically done in
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

farmer’s field with participation of farmer partner. At harvest, field day is conducted to
invite more farmers.
Group discussion. This was also done through discussion with farmers on a commodity
and technology. However, group discussions basically followed within seminars (lecture
with hands-on).
Symposium/conferences. Researchers/extensionist disseminated technologies through
paper presentation in symposia or conferences (national, international, local) or as resource
speaker. Such symposia included the one which being organized by
HARRDEC annually.
Participatory Technology Development (PTD). This was done through trainings, seminar,
workshop, initial planting materials provision and interagency collaboration.
Mass Communication. There were several channels noted under this method as discussed
BSU-on the-Air. This was a 20-minute radio program run daily from Monday to Friday at
DZWT Am Radio station- Baguio City from 5:10 am to 5:30 am. It is an extension project
of BSU to promptly disseminate technologies on agriculture and related fields particularly
to rural households who have no access to agricultural information services. Topics include
cut flower production, vegetable production, animal production, health and other agri-
related subjects. Kudan explained that this program aims to bring helpful information to
the listeners particularly the farmers concerning all the technology generated within the
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Acording to Kudan, experts and researchers within the university shared their time in this
program to discuss or lecture their beneficial researches/studies or technology. Farmers
were also privileged to ask questions in this program through text messages. It was also
expected that every colleges/institutions within the university will identify their
technologies and disseminate this information to the end-users through this program as
long as the technology is beneficial enough.
Representatives from other government organizations including those from NGOs were
also invited to share relevant topics in agriculture. There were also instances that
researchers will record their lecture in the extension office and then air it. The radio was
likewise used because it has a wide coverage and reaches fast even far-flung areas.
According to Kudan, he anchored the program for almost 11 years since it was established
on 1997 up to the present. According to him, there are a total of 26, 462 text messages from
the farmers which he received that started on August 2005 to January 31 2013. He stated
that he received 11 text messages per day. He also said that he oftentimes answer some of
the questions of the farmers basing it on his own principles and experience.
―I discovered that farmer’s today are dependent on pesticide as revealed by their common
questions of what pesticide they should apply and that’s why I keep on emphasizing as well
as encouraging them about organic,‖ said Dr. Kudan.
On the side of the BSU agricultural researchers, dissemination of technologies was done
through BSU on the air program in DZWT as requested or as needed. This was done when
there is an invitation from the anchor to discuss such technology wherein the researcher
prepares the script to describe certain technology.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Figure 11. Photos of BSU on the air program with the anchor

Technology packaging and publications. Part of the strategies to disseminate information
was the use of IEC materials which extended the dissemination process.
Kinds of IEC materials being produced include the magazines, production guides, book
manuals, tarpaulins, leaflets, and brochures. These contained the highlights of a certain
technology or studies with pictures and designed for easy assessment to the readers
particularly the farmers. It is being distributed to various interest groups.
The print channel was also used due to some of its advantages such as it could be left by
the clientele, can be used during free time and be used as a ready continuous reference.
Moreover, RANGTAY, the official extension magazine which features matured
technologies for public consumption, was also utilized.
Techno-guides from the Extension Services office, printed materials which are usually
book manual which deals with specific crop with all its experiment or procedure of how
this specific product is being produced, were also utilized. This production guide entails
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

all the findings on such practices in a certain crop. It was written step by step to provide
guidance who wanted to follow, try, or adopt the technology.
Distribution of IEC materials were usually done during trainings, seminars, workshops,
and to walk in visitor’s clients. It includes pamphlets, brochures, flyers, manuals,
magazine, and techno-guides among others.
According to Ruttan and Hayami (1973) as cited by Fellizar Jr. (1990), design transfer is
one of the phases in technology transfer which means the transfer of information in the
form of blueprints, formulas, journals, books, and related software.

Figure 12. Sample photos of Book Production Guide of Extension Services Office
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Figure 13. Sample photos of leaflets and manuals of Extension Services Office

Figure 14. Sample photos of techno-guides of Extension Services office

Figure 15 . Sample photos of the IEC materials of the Northern Philippines Root Crops

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Research and Training Center

Figure 16 . Photos of the RANGTAY magazine

Local publications of technologies. Popularization of these technologies for general
audience was also done by the office. Popularizing these technologies was being done by
selected writers in the university (usually from the University Public Affairs Office) with
background in Development Communication or in science writing in general. These
articles were being published in local publications like Sunstar-Baguio and Baguio
Midland Courier. RDE staff were encouraged to disseminate or publish their matured
promising RDE results through regular publication of the center/university which is the
Shamag. Descriptions of certain technology including matured technology are given to the
University Public Affairs Office (UPAO) for publication.
Aside from writing articles, other local and national writers also conducted interview the
researchers directly and published their articles in their respective publications. This was
usually done when a certain technology created an impact to the community.
Communication Strategies Applied by Benguet State University Research and Extension in the
Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Figure 17. Photo of the BSU Shamag newspaper

Scientific journal. Matured Technologies were also published in scientific
publication/organizations like the BSU Research Journal and even to the local and
international scientific journals including scientific conference proceedings.

Figure 18. Photo of the BSU Research Journal

TV program. Dissemination of technologies which include matured technologies was also
noted in TV, seldom in ABS-CBN- Baguio or Northern Luzon and GMABaguio.
According to one researcher-respondent, these stations conducted interview with
researcher from the BSU while others requested for documentation concerning the
technologies being developed within the university.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Mass campaigns of matured technologies/information caravan. Disseminate research
generated technologies through information caravan by distributing varieties, clean
planting materials and information pamphlets was also conducted. It primarily aimed to
create awareness about the existence of the center or technological services it offers.
In the case of the Northern Philippine Root Crops Research and Training Center
(NPRCRTC) institute, it was done ones using a techno caravan where group went to
growing area distributing samples and gifts certificate of products to be claimed by
winners. This is also being done through house to house. This channel is being applied by
the BSU agricultural researchers.
Organizational Communication. Discussed below were the noted activities under this
Tying up with other agencies. According to the key informants, technical staff were tapped
by other agencies (Go’s/NGO’s/Po’s) to provide technical assistance to local agencies and
farmers groups. This was done through first coordinating with the DA people to
disseminate output to the farmers.


From the above results, it can be noted that communication channels applied by the
Research and Extension include interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass media.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Figure 1 9 . Ranked c ommunication programs/methods a pplied by Extension Services
Hence, communication channels have their own advantages and disadvantages or special
features that when it used properly then communication would be effective.
The use of different methods was further explained in the study of Bucu (1989) explaining
that the different communication channels substantially differed in their degree of
usefulness in creating awareness, in influencing attitude and behavior, and in encouraging
clientele to adopt recommended technology.
In other words, a certain communication channel may be effective in one aspect but not in
other areas as it was supported by the statement of Perrett (1976) as cited by Bucu (1989)
claiming that almost any medium, if used in the right situation and used well, will work.
Bucu (1989) reported that communication studies support the fact that mass media are
generally quite capable of handling the basic tasks of informing and reenforcing
development efforts. Interpersonal sources, on the other hand, are better in changing
strongly-held attitudes, beliefs and social norms in the individual level.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Receivers of the Message
Based on the consolidated information from the interviews, the research and extension
sector served the following clientele: farm households, local government units,
development workers and technicians, GOs and NGOs, business sector, faculty and
students, (out-of-school youths) youth and elderly, and other stakeholders who may be in
need of the University research and extension services.

Beneficiaries’ Awareness of the Disseminated Agricultural Technologies

Table 4 shows the different Agriculture technologies including matured
technologies which were disseminated by the BSU Research and Extension as recalled by
the beneficiaries-respondents.
A great majority composed of thirty-eight (84.4 %) of the respondents attended the
dissemination session of the Organic Farming. Eighteen of the respondents (40%) on the
other hand attended the dissemination session of the Integrated Pest Management while
eleven of the respondents (24.4%) claimed that they attended the dissemination session of
Soil Fertility Management. Meanwhile, only one respondent (2.2%) for each attended the
lecture seminar about Yellow Sticky Trap (leafminer) and who inquired
about tissue culture.

Table 4. Disseminated agricultural technologies which include matured technologies by
BSU Research and Extension
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013



Organic farming

Integrated Pest Management

Soil Fertility Management

Strawberry Production


Strawberry Runner Production



Foliar Strawberry Pesticide

Yellow Sticky Trap (leafminer)

Tissue culture

*Multiple responses

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Table 5. Beneficiaries-respondents sources of information


Farmers Organization (letter, meeting, text

Farmers organization (required)

Notice (BSU Research and Extension)

*Multiple responses

Sources of Information
8 %
16 %
Farmer's Organization
15 %
61 %

Figure 20. Beneficiaries-respondents sources of information

Beneficiaries-respondents sources of information. Table 5 shows the different sources of
notification of the farmers for the lecture and hands-on seminar, exhibit, open forum, and
training they attended for the dissemination of agriculture technologies which include
matured technologies.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

In the case of the organic farmers in Balili composed of eight respondents (17.8
%), they were required to attend such dissemination activities while a great majority
composed of 31 respondents (68.9%) of the respondents responded that they were notified
though their Farmers Organization.

Table 6. Perceived communication methods used in the dissemination of agricultural
technologies which include matured technologies by the beneficiaries-respondents



Seminar (lecture and hands-on) 25

Lecture seminar 16

BSU on the air

Techno demo


Farm visit



Open forum 3
*Multiple responses

Perceived communication methods used. Table 6 shows the communication channels
used by BSU Research and Extension in the dissemination of agriculture technologies
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

including matured technologies as perceived by the beneficiariesrespondents. A great
majority (55.6%) identified that agriculture technologies were disseminated to them
through seminar (lecture with hands-on). Sixteen respondents (35.6%) for each also
conclude that these agriculture technologies were disseminated to them by way of pure
lecture and through radio. Only three respondents (6.7%) of each on the other hand claimed
that these technologies were disseminated to them through exhibit and open forum.

Communication methods preferred by the beneficiaries-respondents. Table 7 shows the
ranked communication methods (channels) preferred by the beneficiariesrespondents. A
great majority (62.2 %) prefer techno-demo on farm strategy to be used by the technology
disseminators. They have the common reason which is for the farmers

Table 7. Communication methods preferred by the beneficiaries-respondents




Techno-demo-on farm/station 28

Farm visit 18

Seminar/training seminar
(lecture with hands-on)

Lecture seminar

Group discussion 8
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013


Open forum



*Maximum of 3 choices
to see in actual the technologies which is being disseminated to them. As it was mentioned
by one respondent out of these 62.2%, ―to see is to believe‖ attitude of the farmers
(beneficiaries) came to be the basis for them to accept or adopt.
This preferred method was supported by the statement of one of the respondents in the
study of Velasco (2012) that ―the good thing in there is that we are at the field and so we
see what the expert is talking about.‖ Another respondent of Velasco’s study stated that
there are many instances after the lecture that they will go out to the fields and prove
whatever they learned from the lecture.
Farm visit was the second preference as it was identified by eighteen respondents (40%)
with the reason that these agriculture technologies including matured technologies will be
determined if it is applicable in that specific area. Also, some prefer this strategy to create
close support relationship within the farmers and the experts.
Furthermore, seminar (lecture and hands-on) was ranked as third preference by thirteen
respondents (28.9%). They emphasized that lecture with on-hands training will enhance
the dissemination activities for the beneficiaries to acquire knowledge effectively. They
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

further explained that lecture or hands-on training alone will be less effective compared if
the two would be mutually done. Only one respondent (2.2%) for each preferred the use of
television and by way of exhibit.
The finding revealed that the most communication channel preferred by the respondents
was ranked accordingly: interpersonal, print, and media.

Perceived Problems Encountered in the Dissemination Process

Perceived Problems within the Beneficiaries by
the Beneficiaries-respondents

Table 8 shows the problems within the beneficiaries and the BSU Research and
Extension in the dissemination process according to the beneficiaries-respondents.
Problems were discussed based on the categories of the problems identified as narrated by
the beneficiaries-respondents.
Personal behavior. It came out that the lack of interest was the most observable
undesirable attitude of some of the beneficiaries particularly during lecture seminar and
hands-on seminar among others as it was identified by thirty two respondents (71.1%).
All of the thirty two respondents (71.1%) explained that during seminar, some of the
participants are telling story to their seatmate, while others are noisy and sleeping. One out
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

of the 71.1% respondents also explained that some participants will go to comfort room
and takes an hour for him/her to come back.
One out of the 71.1% respondents also claimed that other participants join the
dissemination session just for food the fact that they go home half-day despite that the
dissemination session is scheduled for whole day.
These common attitudes however might be normal but it has really a big effect to the
dissemination of these technologies.
As stated by Bucu (1989), receiving mechanisms will be ineffective if farmers are not
In the case of the Organic Farmers in Barangay Balili wherein they are required to join
such training seminar, three out of the 71.1% respondents pointed out that some only join
the training seminar for compliance.
Moreover, five respondents (11.1%) conclude that other beneficiaries are ashamed and
have no courage to raise up their questions. According to them, some tend to ask her/his
seatmate to ask his/her questions.
Two respondents (4.4%) on the other hand claimed that some beneficiaries choose to be
busy in the field rather than to attend such dissemination session of these agricultural
On the part of the IEC materials, one of the respondents (2.2%) claimed that some
beneficiaries are not taking the advantage to learn from the printed materials thus they put
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

it in their pocket folded and just throw it away. According to him, he often observes this
behavior during and after seminars.
Attitude. Thirteen respondents (28.9%) on the other hand conclude that some beneficiaries’
doubt on the technology being discuss by the experts particularly during seminars and
lectures. This response however is only assumption by the respondents saying that some
of their co-participants give arguments criticizing the said technology.
One respondent out of this 28.9% further stated that the ―to see is to believe‖ attitude is
always been a basis for the farmers to believe or adapt the technology.
Moreover, one respondent (2.2%) also conclude that it is true that many farmers are really
listening in radio specifically the BSU on the air program but it seems that they don’t
believe because they don’t apply it and to him, the information is being wasted nor it is
Same cases were observed by two of the respondents (4.4%) during the technodemo on
farm method wherein some of the beneficiaries have early negative assumption as they
doubt on the technology being disseminated even they see it in actual demonstration by the
This finding partially corroborates to the study of Bucu (1989) that one commonly felt
reason by most of the respondents was the clienteles ―wait and see‖ attitude. This very
attitude makes the clientele passive and uncooperative and hence, makes way for their
(farmers) being difficult to organize. Since they are not willing to accept new ideas at face
value, it becomes very difficult to make them participate.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Eleven of the respondents (24.4%) on the other hand claimed that some beneficiaries are
intentionally ignoring such dissemination session even they are
Level of knowledge/literacy. On the part of the IEC materials as one way of disseminating
such technologies, six respondents (13.3%) claimed that farmers who are illiterate can’t
acquire knowledge from the printed materials.
For the BSU on the air program, one of the respondents (2.2%) claimed that beneficiaries
can hardly understand the technologies which are being aired in radio especially if they
have no background on that certain technology being discussed.
Other concerns that were determined by two respondents (4.4) include the varied
suggestions from the farmers due to misunderstanding on the views of the topic while
others give comments which are not related, and there are many ideas from the
Table 8. Problems within the beneficiaries and the BSU Research and Extension in the
dissemination process as perceived by the beneficiaries-respondents


Problems within the beneficiaries

Personal behavior

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

i. lack of interest (sleeping, talkative,
noisy, telling story, lack of discipline, just

to avail food, poor participation during

discussion, for compliance sake) ii. some

will just throw it away iii. some farmers 1
choose to work than
to attend dissemination of

technologies (busy in the field) iv.


i. to see is to believe attitude/doubting ii. 13
ignore dissemination session of

Level of knowledge/literacy

i. farmers who are illiterate can’t


materials ii. some beneficiaries can hardly

understand the technology because they 1
have no background iii. varied remarks

from other

participants due to misunderstanding
of the topic/giving comments not related
to the topic/repetition of discussion

Time management

late (not time conscious)


unavailability of radio

Table 8. Continued…
Problems within the technology disseminators

(BSU Research and Extension)


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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Lack of needs assessment

Poor notification




much 4
formality/boring/technical term ii.

not suitable speaker/not approachable
iii. can’t answer participants question

iv. they don’t start on time v.

Problems on the Print (IEC materials)

lack of IEC materials
explained in layman’s term) iii.

contain outline only
(incomplete procedure)

Lack of materials and supplies

Problems in time (BSU on the air)


ii. too much greetings
Lack of technical assistance


Poor follow-up support in the farmers farm
(support services)

Discontinuance of dissemination activities

Problems within the technology being disseminated

i. costly (lack of capital)
Table 8. Continued…
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

ii. not applicable in field conditions)


Less priority
*Multiple responses

beneficiaries which also sometimes make the topic more complicated during
dissemination session particularly for seminars.
One out of these two respondents explained that in the case of uneducated participants,
resource speaker must repeatedly simplifying the information which somewhat time
consuming on some of the beneficiaries.
Time management. Eight of the respondents (17.8%) noted that during
dissemination session particularly for seminar, there are no instances that there are some
who will be coming late.
Other. Five respondents (11.1%) claimed that some famers don’t take interest to buy radio
even they can afford.

Problems to the BSU Research and Extension as
Perceived by the Beneficiary-respondents
Problems were discussed based on the categories of the problems as narrated by the
Lack of needs assessment. Twenty seven respondents (60%) claimed that there’s no needs
assessment being done by the BSU Research and Extension.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Poor notification. Two respondents (4.4%) claimed that sometimes BSU
Research and Extension don’t early notify the farmers’ organization which is commonly
for seminar, lecture, and meetings.
Problems within the resource speaker/lecturer. Four respondents (8.9%) agreed that some
resource speakers or disseminators are boring that affect the dissemination process. They
further explained that there is too much formality by the speaker.
Sometimes there are also speaker who doesn’t suit for lecturing and speaks tagalong or
English language according to one of the respondents (2.2%). One respondent (2.2%) also
claimed that he encounter such dissemination session wherein the expert/s can’t answer
some of the questions of the participants.
One respondent (2.2%) also commented on the some of the resource
speaker/lecturer or expert that start his/her lecture from the basic which according to him,
it somewhat consume time.
Though, finding of this study shows that majority of the respondents agreed that resource
speakers or lecturers from the university are good on how they disseminate information
concerning agriculture technologies.
Lack and technicality of IEC materials. Nine respondents (20%) claimed that there are no
enough IEC materials that are being distributed to the farmers even during some of the
seminars they attended. Sometimes, there was also scarcity of IEC materials being
distributed during seminars and lectures.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

On the side of the Organic Farmers, three respondents out of the 20% conclude that
complete organic hand outs were not given to them.
This corroborates to the statement of Jamias (1967) as cited by Bengwayan that
―information on agricultural innovations is lacking in the Philippines. Reading sources
are obtained predominantly from personal sources (extension workers, agricultural dealers,
laborers and landlords) and to a more limited extent, institutional or extension channels.‖
It is further supported by the study of Velasco (2012) that limitation or scarcity of printed
materials was a problem within the technology disseminators.
Moreover, six respondents (13.3%) commented that IEC materials particularly leaflets
among others are being packaged or presented technically. They said that it is hard to
understand because it was not simplified in layman’s term.
This finding corroborates to the study of Velasco (2012) that farmers in Tublay Benguet
are having a hard time in comprehending the contents of hands outs given to them because
of the level of English used.
One respondent (2.2%) also claimed that they present the printed materials with outline
only containing incomplete presentation of procedure of certain technology.
Lack of materials and supplies. One respondent (2.2%) claimed that BSU
Research and Extension don’t give free ball pen and paper for the participants to take
note during seminars (lecture).
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Limited time. On the part of the BSU on the air program, there were twelve respondents
(26.7%) of the respondents agreed that the time is very limited. One of the respondents
(2.2%) also commented on the anchor that his greetings consume too much time.
Lack of technical assistance. Seven respondents (15.6%) claimed that they haven’t avail
technical assistance from the BSU technology experts. With respect to this study, the
problem in technical assistance is moderately fair because of the accessibility of the
municipality from the institution compared to other municipalities and provinces.
Poor follow-up support. Twenty two respondents (48.9%) claimed that BSU Research and
Extension were lacking of follow-up support. Fifteen respondents out of these (48.9%)
from the farmers in Swamp area claimed that extensionists/researchers will go to the field
but not take time to visit the whole field. They only visit a part of the area and they will
just follow you in farms unless you request.
On the side of the Organic Farmers in Balili, seven respondents out of the 48.9% claimed
that inspections being done in their field are only for rules and regulation not to see the
improvement of crops/vegetables or to see the results of technology being applied by the
farmers that they disseminated.
Discontinuance of dissemination activities. Six respondents (13.3%) agreed that there’s no
continuance of dissemination activities being done by BSU Research and Extension.
Problems within the agriculture technology which are being disseminated that include
matured technology. Eleven respondents (24.4%) conclude that agricultural technologies
being disseminated don’t solve their problems in their farms or the technologies are not
applicable in their field condition. Five respondents out of the 24.4% from the swamp area
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

claimed that some technologies are not applicable to their farm/area letting them to rely on
their traditional practices.
One respondent out of the 24.4% from Timoy, La Trinidad commented on the price of the
tissue culture product of BSU which is being promoted that is expensive than the tissue
culture product from the Department of Agriculture.
These some factors within the agricultural technologies which are being disseminated
identified by the respondents are supported by Elliot’s (1984) statement as cited by
Bengwayan (1987) that ―the reasons influencing the adoption of an indigenous
technology from one culture to another is dependent on the technology’s acceptability, it’s
being harmless, and its fitting to the hands, minds and lives of the people who will make
use of it.‖
It is further supported by the implication of Elliot (1984) as cited by Bengwayan
(1987) that ―for a technology to be adopted, it must be effective and certified to work.‖
It is also important to internalize that these statements somewhat relate to what matured
technology is as defined by the BSU Agricultural Researchers.
Furthermore, six respondents out of the 24.4% from the Organic Growers in Balili claimed
that the major problems in the technologies that they applied include the limitation of
resources and capital. One out of this 24.4% also claimed that organic products are not that
in-demand in the market and he claimed that production of needed organic chemical cost
them so much. In fact in his case, he even said that you can’t survive if you have no other
jobs besides of planting organic vegetables.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

This finding corroborates to the finding of Baucas (2002) that problems with
product/output include the following: lack of appropriate and affordable inputs necessary
for the adoption of new technologies; lack of appropriate research results (Arnon, 1989) as
cited by Baucas (2002); limited market outlet; low income derived from the technology;
low price of the product; great dependence on other inputs and seasonal conditions; and
inadequate raw materials.
Less prioritization. One respondent (2.2%) claimed that some technologies are being
disseminated to the farther places without disseminating to the most nearer locality
particularly the town of La Trinidad.
Hence, the discussed problems within the BSU Research and Extension as identified by
the beneficiaries-respondents mostly agree to what Bengwayan (1987) stated in his study
that there are numerous recommended technologies which have been proven by researchers
in agricultural colleges and research institutions in the region, but these are not made
available to the end-users, because of inappropriate extension and communication
strategies, uncommitted agency-workers and inadequate financial and technical assistance
for field workers who are in constant with most famers.

Problems Encountered by the BSU Research and Extension in
the Dissemination of Matured Technologies

Problems encountered by the Extension Services Office. According to the Office of the
Extension Services personnel, the problems or challenges encountered by the office in
disseminating matured technologies include the lack of fund to be used in the
dissemination, unavailability of resource speakers needed to discuss or lecture their
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

research mostly during seminars being conducted and for the program BSU on the air,
logistics wherein staff use their own money, and BSU extension activities not properly
Problems encountered by the BSU researchers. The following were some of the problems
encountered by the BSU Agriculture Researchers in the dissemination of Matured
Technologies as identified by the ten BSU researcher-respondents. It was discussed
according to the communication methods used.
Lack of funds/budget. Majority of the researcher-respondents agree that there is a lack of
fund to be used in the dissemination that even the production of IEC materials is limited
due to lack of funds.
One of the respondents admits that there is reluctance among the researchers to ask support
from higher office of university.
Finding of Bucu (1989) further agree that scarcity of other resources like budget and
facilities such as hardware equipment and other amenities necessary for speedy and timely
operation and implementation of communication projects were likewise commonly
experienced as constraints.
Poor management support. One of the respondents’ claimed that besides of the inadequate
financial support, poor management is also a constraint for disseminating such
technologies. He added that funding is a problem as activity is usually done by the institute
or research center.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Time conflict. One of the respondents noted that time is conflict with other partner agencies
during dissemination process and limited time due to lack of funds.
Limited manpower. One of the respondent noted that there is no proper collaboration of
the resource speaker, coordinator, and organizer. Resource speakers needed are oftentimes
busy or not available. Resources to organize such dissemination activities are minimal.
Lack of support from LGU and other cooperating agencies. One of the respondents
emphasized that researchers do not get sufficient support from agency partners in term of
implementation/dissemination of technologies. She added that there is also weak
participation of the partner agencies during the dissemination, monitoring and evaluation
of the technologies which include matured technologies.
According to Bucu (1989), collaborative projects with other agencies for institutions
should be covered with a formal memorandum of agreement. The agreement should clearly
spell out the sharing of resources, the complementation of expertise of personnel, each
roles, functions, responsibilities and accountabilities.
Series of consultations, policy sessions and workshop should be the feature of the memo.
If need be, functional committees should be organized at various levels in the organization.
One respondent further noted that the impartiality of LGU is also a constraint in
disseminating such technologies.
Venue. One of the respondents noted that most of the demo-farms are not in strategic places
enabling other farmer’s not to observe such dissemination session. One respondent further
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

added that some techno-demo farm is too far. One respondent on the other hand also noted
that some technologies are not appropriate under local conditions.
In the case of La Trinidad, it is understandable that demo-farm is in strategic place more
so because the institution is within the municipality.
Identified problems within the BSU Research and Extension corroborates to the study of
Baucas (2002), that some problems associated with the implementing units
(sometimes referred to as the delivering system) include the following as cited by Baucas
(2002): limited manpower, facilities and budgetary resources (PCARRD, 1997);
inadequate data base for agricultural commodities; inadequate public information,
education and communication campaign on new technologies; lack of easily
understandable translation of highly technical research outputs; inadequate skills training
and facilities (National Agenda for Productivity, 1996); limited role of farmers in
developing research agenda (Narayan-Parker, 1991); deficient linkages between research
and extension and agricultural researches conducted in isolation from the needs of the
farmers (Arnon, 1989).

Perceived Problems within the Beneficiaries
by the BSU Research and Extension

The following were the problems within the beneficiaries/end-users and it was not limited
only to the Municipality of La Trinidad during the dissemination process according to the
Extension Services Office and BSU Agriculture researcher-respondents.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Almost all of the respondents agreed that beneficiaries practice Filipino time wherein they
came late particularly in seminar for example. Majority of them also agree that
beneficiaries have lack of time, poor attendance, poor cooperation, and beneficiaries are
oftentimes or not always busy in the field.
Major concern which was mentioned by almost all of the researcher-respondents was that
the unwillingness or the lack of interest for the beneficiaries to learn and adopt which is
being recommended.
Kudan, further stated that some of the beneficiaries or farmers do not believe the worth of
the technology being disseminated. He said that they don’t have the courage to try even at
once the technology to see the difference. He testifies with his experience that he even got
higher profit with organic farming which he mentioned that it is one of the matured
technologies existing or developed in the university.
He also added that they do not have initiative to visit the offices which can provide them
technical assistance if needed. He then explained that those farmers who take initiative to
seek technical assistance from the expert are those who gain more income.
He also commented on the misinterpretation of the farmers on the non-financial technical
assistance wherein they brought up their problems to the office concerning their problem
in transportation among others which is not absolutely related to their information needs.
Fagyan, also pointed out his observation that husband send their wives in the dissemination
session. He said that the husband should be the one to attend for they are the one who
mostly work in the farm.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

He added that confirmed attendance will likely be less than during the dissemination proper
and farmers has many reason not to attend such dissemination
Gayao also emphasized that there are seldom beneficiaries who take initiative to avail IEC
materials from the different centers/institutes. One more concern she was mentioned is that
they don’t know if the beneficiaries are really reading the printed materials being

Suggestions for the Improvement of the Dissemination Process

Suggestions from the Beneficiaries to their Co-beneficiaries
Table 9 shows the suggestions to the problems within the beneficiaries and BSU Research
and Extension for the improvement of the dissemination process according to the
Personal behavior. There were some noted suggestions that fall under personal behavior
as discussed below.
Be interested/willingness to participate. Thirty six of the respondents (80%) suggested
that beneficiaries must take interest and be sincere to learn technologies which are being
disseminated for the reason that it somehow helps them to improve their practices. In doing
such, nine respondents out of the 80% suggested that they should participate and listen
eagerly during the dissemination session particularly during seminars or lecture. They
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

emphasized that having self-discipline also contribute to the success of the information
being disseminated.
In the case of the Organic Farmers in Barangay Balili, one respondent out of the 80%
suggested that members of the organization must be those interested to plant organic which
is a matured technology. Still on the part of Organic Farmers, three respondents out of the
80% suggested that they must not get absent and show interest to learn not just for
compliance sake.
Nine respondents out of these 80% on the other hand agree that beneficiaries must fully
participate during actual demonstration (techno-demo method) to fully understand the
Moreover, five respondents (11.1%) agreed that beneficiaries should take courage to raise
up their questions for them to understand and that it may be answered by the experts.
On the part of radio, six respondents (13.3%) suggested that beneficiaries must take
advantage the nature of radio which is affordable and provides free information. Three
respondents out of these 13.3% suggested that beneficiaries must take interest to listen on
the technologies being discussed in the program to help their farm practices.
One respondent out of these 13.3% also emphasized that beneficiaries must grab the
opportunity to avail information as it doesn’t disturb you in your work hence it give a good
habit while doing something.
This result is corroborated by the finding of Perret (1976) as cited by Bucu (1989) pointing
out that aside from circumventing geographic, climatic and even human barriers, radio can
multiply the effects of any development field extension worker in the area. Moreover, it is
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

an effective communication carrier because of its accessibility, credibility, availability and
ability to provide timely information.
On the part of the printed materials, one respondent (2.2%) also suggested then that
beneficiaries must have the initiative to look the meaning of the technical terms in the
dictionary as he emphasized that you must also help yourself in order to learn.
Hence, fifteen respondents (33.3%) also pointed out that beneficiaries shouldn’t ignore
such dissemination of technologies. The emphasized that busyness in the field must not be
the reason for you to gain knowledge about technologies designed for the improvement of
farming practices.
Let the experts answer the questions of co-participants. In cases of seminars, one of the
respondents (2.2%) on the other hand suggested that let the experts be the one to answer
such questions from the beneficiaries not the co-beneficiaries even they already know the
answer considering its credibility. This respondent claimed that even he already know the
answer, he should let the experts to be the one to answer as a respect.
Attitude. In terms of their attitude, several suggestions were also noted.
Do not doubt on the technology without trying. Sixteen respondents (35.6%) suggested that
beneficiaries must not negatively criticize the technology without applying or trying it first.
Two respondents out of this 35.6% agreed that these technologies are being developed to
help farmers not that perfect solution but it however helps at some point.
Level of knowledge/literacy. In terms of their level of knowledge to the technology, the
following was suggested.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Seek assistance to your fellow beneficiaries. Four respondents (8.9%) encouraged
beneficiaries to seek assistance to their co-farmers who are more literate and
knowledgeable concerning the content of IEC materials which include leaflets, brochures
among others.
This finding corroborates the study of Velasco (2012) that some farmers would let
others or the experts to explain it for them.

Time management. Seven (15.6%) of the respondents suggested that
beneficiaries-participants during seminar and other dissemination session should be time
conscious emphasizing that all participants are generally busy. Thus, one of the
respondents noted that being on time shows the willingness of that certain person to
Avail radio. Furthermore, five respondents (11.1%) also encouraged beneficiaries to avail
radio with their common reason that you can really learn such technologies which are being
introduced only if you only sincere to listen and if you are interested to learn.

Table 9. Perceived suggestions to the beneficiaries and to the BSU Research and Extension
for the improvement of the dissemination process by the beneficiariesrespondents


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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Suggestions to the beneficiaries

Personal behavior

Be interested/willingness

be interested to learn the new 36
technologies (participate in the discussion/techno-

demo and hands-on, listen eagerly, don’t attend

just for compliance sake)

have the courage to raise up your 5
questions or comments iii. take advantage

the nature of radio (take interest to listen on the 6
technologies being aired to help your farm


have an initiative to look in the
dictionary of the technical terms

Don’t ignore such dissemination
session of matured technologies

Let the experts answer the questions of your co- 1
participants even you already know the answer


Make sure that you applied first the technology
before you doubt
Level of knowledge/literacy

Seek assistance to your co-farmers concerning

the content of IEC materials

Time management

Do not be late/attend the whole dissemination


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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Table 9. Continued…
Avail radio

*Multiple responses

Suggestions to the BSU Research and Extension
By the Beneficiary-respondents
Suggestions to the BSU Research and Extension by the beneficiary-respondents was shown
in Table 10.
Conduct needs assessment. Twenty-four respondents (53.3%) suggested that there should
be needs assessment to be conducted by the BSU Research and Extension to identify the
technology needed by the farmers to recommend such technologies applicable and needed
by the specific beneficiaries.
One respondent out of the 53.3% explained that extension workers must go out to the
field/farm visit for needs assessment. According to him, the work of an extensionists should
as follows a.) Extensionists will go out to the farmers field to check plant disease for
example, b.) schedule possible dates for the farmer to go and see the results c.) go back to
office and refer to the experts or examine studies that could be related to the problem then
let it be disseminated.
This finding exactly corroborate to the study of Bucu (1989) that they felt that they should
be consulted and be made to participate in communication planning. Some respondents
mentioned their active participation in the implementation of a particular project on
technology dissemination and utilization. But their participation accordingly could be more
meaningful with prior consultation. This response was corroborated by the finding of
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Parker (1977) as cited by Bucu (1989) who pointed out that without communication,
development efforts cannot be sufficiently responsive to local needs and conditions.
It is also corroborated by Schramm (1964) as cited by Bucu (1989) who stressed that
information must not only flow to the clientele who must be informed, persuaded and
educated as well but also from them. According to Flores (1978) as cited by Bucu the
people must participate if not directly at least by feeding back to the development workers
their thoughts, their own feelings, their felt needs, and their anxieties as well as their
This finding was further supported by Rosario-Braid (1983) stating that a communication
strategy should be judged by its ability to feel the pulse of the people, to distinguish
―needs‖ from ―wants‖ and to effectively communicate these needs to policy makers.
When more mechanisms for frequent dialogue between planners at the central level and
the masses exist, and when the needs and problems of the people become the primary focus
of change, that is when it can be said that the strategy is user-oriented.
One respondent (2.2%) also suggested that extension units must notify the farmer’s
organization as early as possible when conducting seminar, lecture, and meetings among
others for the participants to prepare.
Suggestions to the resource speaker/lecturer (techno-demo, seminar lecture with hands-
on, training). Four respondents (8.9%) suggested that resource speaker must train their
self to speak in Ilocano which is the common language in the Municipality of La Trinidad.
Finding of the study however shows no problem on the medium being use by the resource
speaker form the university as perceived by majority of the respondents.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Respondent even appreciate the language being use in the BSU on the air program.
Table 10. Suggestions to the BSU Research and Extension office



Conduction of needs assessment 24

Early notification (seminar, lecture etc.)


Resource speaker for seminar etc.:

i. speakers must speak in Ilocano
ii. he/she must be knowledgeable in

theories and application iii. he/she must be

approachable iv. must be prepared 1
to explained the certain matter in 1
layman’s term v. avoid too much

suitable speaker



vii. start on time

Distribution of IEC materials (print)

i. explained in layman’s term, printed

in Ilocano or Tagalog ii. there should be IEC
materials to be distributed to the farmers

for further learning of the technologies

iii. content must not be outline only but it
should contain complete description

iv. needs assessment for IEC materials

Time (BSU on the air)

i. it should be at least one (1) hour
ii. it should be aired in the afternoon iii. 3
it should be 45 minutes
iv. avoid too much greetings

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Provide Materials and Supplies (seminar etc.)

Prioritized interested beneficiaries
Table 10. Continued …

Technical assistance in the farmers’ field


There should be a support services from the experts to
see if the certain technology is applicable in that specific


Continuance of dissemination activities

Inspection should not only for rules and regulations


Recommend need and applicable technologies

Dissemination must always be equal for lecture and hands-on 4

Separate seminar for the literate and the illiterate

Prioritize the municipal capital in disseminating technologies

*Multiple responses

Two respondents (4.4%) added that speakers must be knowledgeable not only in theories
but it should also have firsthand experience in application.
Furthermore, one respondent (2.2%) suggested that resource speaker must be prepared to
explain the certain matter in layman’s term. Another respondent (2.2%)
suggested that speakers must avoid too much formality hence he/she must include jokes to
energize the audience.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

This finding partially make connection to the study of Bengwayan (1987) that technicians
should therefore improve their relationships and communication skills so they will be
approached more freely by farmers in the verification of farm information. No less than
Consolacion (1974) said as cited by Bengwayan (1987) that ―technicians should be
provided not only with proper technical skills but with communication skills as well as to
be able to appropriately relate to farmers their information needs.‖
One respondent (2.2%) on the other hand suggested that expert must not look the farmers
as no knowledge at all because farmers has a lot of experiences thus he must be direct in
lecturing. He further elaborated that the basic application must be assumed that the farmers
are already exposed and considering that the country is behind when it comes to
On the part of the organizer, a respondent (2.2%) suggested that they must tell that the
dissemination session will be starting in 7:00 though it will really start on 8:00 considering
the Filipino time habit of the beneficiaries. Hence, he further suggested that resource
speaker must not tolerate the late participants for them to be disciplined.
Suggestions to the IEC materials (print). Nine respondents (20%) suggested that printed
materials should be explained in layman’s term and printed in Ilocano or Tagalog while
seven respondents (15.6%) suggested that printed materials should be distributed to the
farmers for further learning of the recommended technologies.
This finding corroborates the study of Velasco (2012) to the suggestions of the Palay
Farmers in Tublay that printed materials are better if it is translated into Ilocano and that
each of the farmers be given copies of the materials.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

A respondent (2.2%) also suggested that printed materials should be in the form of manual
or brochures to provide complete data. It should also contain sufficient information when
presenting certain procedure.
One significant finding of this study also concerning IEC materials was explained by the
suggestion of one of the respondents (2.2%) that disseminators must facilitate or conduct
needs assessment concerning the medium to be used in those printed materials which is
preferred by the farmers.
This finding supports the finding of Bengwayan stating that another reason identified by
the respondents was highly technical information which was very evident in many print
sources. Librero A. (1980) as cited by Bengwayan (1987) said that the
―‖failure to communicate to farmers in layman’s language the results of researchers has a
lot of bearing in the transfer of technology.‖
She added that ―most technologies being transferred are worded in technical terms that
if these are not transferred into simple form of literature, they will be useless to most
Addition of time on the BSU on the air program. Ten respondents (22.2%)
suggested that it is more effective if the program will have a time slot of at least one hour.
Two respondents (4.4%) also suggested that it is better if it will be aired in the afternoon.
They explained that famers rest time is commonly during afternoon.
This identified suggestion corroborates to the study of Bengwayan (1987) that repetition
and delicate elaboration of information needs must be guaranteed continuity to attain an
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

effective impact. Radio broadcasts on agrotechnology transfer which are short lived are not
expected to instill learning to listeners.
However, one respondent (2.2%) commented on the anchor that his greetings consume too
much time. This respondent suggested then that he must not use the time slot just for
greetings to the specifically for birthday celebrators hence she said that it is not bad but he
must do it in once in for all. All of the topics however are significant and helpful according
to the respondents and the language being use by the anchor can be understood.
Provide materials and supplies. A respondent (2.2%) also suggested that they should give
ball pen and paper to the participants for them to take note if they will not be distributing
handouts or any printed materials during dissemination session for seminar, lecture among
Prioritization. A respondent (2.2%) suggested that they must prioritize interested
participants when using the techno-demo on farm method of disseminating agriculture
Technical assistance in the farmers’ field. Eight respondents (17.8%) suggested that
experts must have time to share their knowledge in the farmer’s field. These respondents
claimed that their field is accessible enough by the experts which don’t need
to cost them.
This finding significantly implies that technical assistance of BSU Research and
Extension is still poor despite the fact that the Municipality of La Trinidad is accessible.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Thus, this finding was supported by the study of Bengwayan (1987) that ―commitment
and dedication, service-oriented and friendliness, respectfulness and courtesy were
ingredients of a good farm news communicator‖ as it was identified by Agricultural
Provide support services. Seventeen respondents (37.8%) identified that dissemination
must not be done in a single way. One respondent out of this 37.8% stated that what’s
normally happen is just like only business because they don’t do follow up services in the
farms to at least observe if farmers are learning. This finding of the study shows that follow
up support services from the extensionists or researchers are poor. Respondents claimed
that this would not be difficult job for the BSU disseminators or extensionists of
agricultural technologies because the Municipality of La Trinidad is accessible.
One respondent out of this 37.8% agreed that there must be a support services from the
experts until that technology will be developed in that farmers field/farm. They must assess
the farmer’s field that they may see the real impact of the recommended technology if its
applicable not just they insist in recommending but it’s not applicable.
Thus, it will be proven if it’s applicable in that certain area.
On the side of the farmers in the swamp area, two respondents out of the 37.8% suggested
that extensionists/researchers should go to the field and take time to visit the whole field if
possible to at least observe the condition of the plants.
Continuance of dissemination activities. Five respondents (11.1%) agreed that there should
be a continuance of dissemination activities being done for the farmers to understand the
benefit of the technology being disseminated.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Inspection should not only for rules and regulations. On the side of the Organic
Farmers in Balili, three respondents (6.7%) suggested that inspections being done by the
BSU Research and Extension should not be done only for rules and regulation but to see
the applicability of the technologies or to see the results of technology being applied by the
Recommend need and applicable technologies. Eleven respondents (24.4%) of the
respondents agree that needs assessment is really a need to recommend applicable
technologies to the farmers. One of the respondents out of this 24.4% explained that he
however tried some of the technologies but it seems that it doesn’t applicable. According
to him, experts on the other will just opt to say that they didn’t follow the complete
procedure. Thus they suggest that these technologies fully developed before
recommending or disseminating.
This finding of the study implies the relevance of matured technology to be disseminated
as supported by the statement of Prof. Basalong (2013) that BSU researches must take the
consideration to do research according to the needs of the farmers not just to research
further researches that doesn’t cater the problems of the farmers.
The finding corroborates a finding of Sajise (1980) as cited by Bengwayan (1987) that
―effective transfer of technology requires a good Lock’s key fit.‖ This means that a
systematic process is needed for classifying the target clientele, as well as their biophysical
exponent, which will result to the identification of an adaptable technology scheme. In
other words, there’s should be a patterned relationship between the user and the technology
transferred on the matter of what technology should be transferred. Moreover, the farmer
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or user should have a say on what technology should be introduced to him in consideration
of his physical and natural environment.
It further agrees to what Bengwayan (1987) said in his study that there’s a need for
technology generators to look deeper into the reasons for some farmers still using
indigenous technology despite the recommended technologies. He further stated that
probably, the indigenous technology is a good supplement to the recommended
technologies; in which case, it should be preserved and strengthened not discarded.

Dissemination must be always equal lecture and hand-on approach. Four respondents
(8.9%) suggest that dissemination must always be done with equal lecture and hands-on
For the lecture, it was supported by the study of Velasco (2012) that there is really a need
for lectures because it was there that participants learned the basics, and anyway the
lectures were short.
Results of Velasco’s (2012) study also support this finding as it was stated by one farmer
that the knowledge she acquired from the lecture and the group workshop expanded when
they presented their outputs to their co-farmers in a way that they were able to have an
exchange regarding their experiences during the monitoring period such as what are their
strategies on how to identify insects.
There must be separate seminar between literate and illiterate. One of the respondents
(2.2%) suggested that there should be separate seminar or training within the literate and
illiterate. According to him, level of education somewhat affect the effectiveness of
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dissemination while he further explained that illiterate farmers are not being prioritize
during discussion.
Prioritize the municipal capital in disseminating technologies. A respondent claimed that
there are technologies being disseminated in farther places while in fact according to her,
it’s their priority or rather she suggests that it is better for them to developed first in the
locality where they are.

Suggestions by the BSU
Agricultural Researcher-Respondents

Suggestions by the Researcher- respondents to
the Research and Extension Office
Participatory communication strategy. Introduce more participatory approaches instead of
implementing a new strategy. Find a quick and more effective way to commercialize the
technology. There is a need for more efficient ways or reaching more farmers/potential
adaptors. In doing so, it was suggested by one of the respondent that extension activities of
the university should be coordinated by the office of Extension Services Office.
One of the respondents noted that matured technologies have to be disseminated by way of
demo, direct in the field and invite the farmers to view the result while another respondent
added that information dissemination of technologies must be directed to the right group
recipients. One respondent also suggested that there should be an establishment of
demonstration farms in strategic places.
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This finding accurately corroborates the study of Bengwayan (1987) and Bucu
(1989) that demo farm satisfies the ―kita ko, pati ko‖ attitude of farmers. Thus, actual
demonstrations on farms provide more sufficient information to the farmers.
Bucu (1989) further stated that interpersonal communication is extremely useful
especially when messages are difficult and the purposes are important. As a medium, it
allows maximum feedback that enables development workers to improve and become more
One respondent suggested also that there should be a refinement of IEC materials and the
publication of IEC materials in vernacular languages so that it would be understood by the
farmers. Simple presentations are also recommended so that it can be easily understood by
the farmers. It should be presented in forms that will catch the interest of the farmers.
Beneficiaries should be given reading materials but more in pictures because they don’t
have much time to read.
Hence Bucu (1989) pointed out that pictures, charts, graphs, brochures and other printed
materials can illustrate and supplement the technicians’ tasks. These can help create a
condition of receptivity for an innovation. According to Cuyno et al. (1975) as cited by
Bucu (1989), instructional technologies make teaching more effective.
One of the respondent also suggested that information dissemination should be supported
with the sustained availability and affordability of the technology.
On the part of the Extension Services Office which has a big role in disseminating matured
technology, it was suggested by one of the respondents that dissemination must be more
on exchange field visits. One respondent added that there should also be additional time
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slot in the BSU on the air program to fully communicate the technologies effectively.
Another respondent further suggested that program of Extension Services Office should be
based on existing research activities in the university because there are several technologies
that could be piloted, demonstrated, and advertised.
Still, on the part of Extension Office, it was suggested by one of the respondent that existing
IEC materials must be updated and there should be more additional of IEC materials.
One significant suggestion on the other hand revealed that BSU Research and Extension
should own a radio station and printing press. A program in television is also high
recommended if possible the fact that farmers are dependent in mass media.
Proper coordination. One of the respondents noted that notification of beneficiaries for
such dissemination session must be coordinated with the Municipal
Agricultural Office. He further elaborated that activities should be coordinated with the
Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO), Barangay or Local Government Unit or LGU and
these agencies should always be informed about activities in their respective areas.
Another respondent support this statement wherein he explained that BSU Research and
Extension must strengthen the involvement of other agencies like NGOs to disseminate
agricultural technologies. He added that this will result in better relationships with farmers
to have more efficient and effective use of resources and benefits from farmer’s insights
and observations.
On the part of the Extension Office, it was suggested by the respondents that there should
be more improvement on their coordination. One of the respondents emphasized that
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extensionist should fully coordinate to the researcher. She further explained that
Extensionist should come, coordinate and encouraged the researchers.
This respondent added that extensionist from the Extension office should have the vital
role to disseminate matured technologies because researchers has a limited capacity e.g.
some researchers have to teach, and that’s why somebody has to disseminate in farther
Additional personnel/manpower. On the part of the Extension Office, three of the
respondents suggested that there must be addition of manpower in the Extension Services
Office. One respondent noted that personnel must also be non-teaching. Thus, one
respondent noted that extension personnel should maintain the role to go for needs
assessment in the nearby and outside places.
A respondent further emphasized that Extension Office personnel should take courage and
initiative to address their needs to the Vice President of Research and Extension if it is
Furthermore, another respondent emphasized that managing body of the BSU Research
and Extension should fully provide the extension services arm with credible manpower,
incentives, supplies, materials, and vehicles to use and to implement the equivalent
teaching load for extension activities.
Thus, a respondent noted that there must be identified persons to coordinate and monitor
implementation of the whole process of dissemination.
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Time. One of the respondent noted that beneficiaries are usually busy during day time.
Hence, time of such dissemination must be done when farmers are available likely
afternoon or evening.
Fund/budget. A respondent suggested that there should also be generation of funds thru
partnership and linkages.
Agricultural researchers. A respondent strongly suggested that all BSU
agricultural researchers must also take courage and to learn how to help disseminating its
own research especially to those who needed it. She added that researchers should take
initiative to serve as resource speaker to disseminate their researches which include
matured technologies in any dissemination sessions.
Hence, Kudan, who is the anchor of the BSU on the air program encouraged the BSU
researchers from the different colleges within the university especially the College of
Agriculture and other institutes or centers where Agricultural researches are being
developed which include matured technology to have time to lecture or discuss these
technologies in the BSU on the air program. He sadly stated that the College of Nursing
and Veterinary Medicine are only some who actively join the program.
Researcher and extensionists. Researchers and extensionists should be visible in the
farmer’s field. There should be close- collaboration within the researchers and
extensionists. There should be increntures for the researchers and extensionists.

Suggestions by the Researcher-respondent to
the Beneficiaries
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The following were some of the suggestions of the Extension Services Office and some of
the BSU researchers to the beneficiaries for the improvement of the dissemination process
in general: they must be determined to learn and adopt the technology being introduced,
have the initiative to avail IEC materials from the different offices for references and for
learning, visit the Extension Services Office and other offices/institute for technical
assistance if needed, actively involved in any dissemination sessions of such technologies
that includes matured technologies being done by the university, and take time and interest
to understand the worth of the technologies being disseminated through the different
communication strategies (channels) being used.
Moreover, Kudan elaborated that technical assistance as one of the methods in
disseminating matured technologies is a relevant sharing of skills or knowledge which can
answer the problem of the end-user concerning farming practices or other concerns.
He concluded that it’s not about funding or giving financial to farming or agricultural
Fagyan on the other hand explained that the husband should be the one to attend for they
are the one who mostly work in the farm.

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013


The study on the communication strategies applied by BSU Research and Extension
in the dissemination of matured technologies, was conducted to describe and determine
how these matured technologies are being identified; characterize the latest agriculture
matured technologies; enumerate the communication strategies, identify the awareness of
the intended beneficiaries; determine the problems encountered by the beneficiaries and
the BSU Research and Extension during the dissemination process and their suggestions
for the improvement of the dissemination process.
The study was conducted in Benguet State University (BSU) Research and Extension, and
in the Municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet. An interview schedule was used in gathering
information from the 45 beneficiaries-respondents. Interview and questionnaires were used
to gather information from the eleven (11) BSU Agricultural Researchers-respondents.
Directors of Research and Services Offices are included in the eleven respondents as well
as key informants together with two staff from the two
The study was conducted on December 2012 to February 2012. Data gathered were
organized, tabulated, categorized, summarized and presented according to the objectives
of the study.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

The general understanding of matured technology is that, it is a technology proven
effective based on results of repeated trials or results under varying conditions and has been
tested in multi fields in which it is a problem or development-oriented technology.
BSU researchers agree that agricultural technologies which are considered as matured
technology should have undergone several trials on-station and on-farm and was validated
research results on-station and on the farmer’s field in which it is a reliable technology.
Moreover, there were seven (7) latest matured technologies existing or developed within
the university which was identified in the study for the scope of year 2010-2011.
Communication strategies applied by the Research and Extension were generally apply
formal and informal approach using interpersonal communication as categorized as
interpersonal, group, mass, organizational or combination of the different categories.
The following were the communication channels being applied by the Research and
Extension Office: techno-demo on farm; agro/agri-fair exhibits; BSU on the air; technology
packaging and publications (IEC materials, newspapers, scientific journal, techno guide);
BSU sa Barangay (technical assistance and quick response services); seminar (lecture and
hands-on); harvest festival (BSU organic market; adopt a community; open forum (farmer
forum), home visit/farm visit; panel discussion; piloting; TV program, group discussion,
symposium/conferences, mass campaigns of matured technologies/information caravan,
technology field day, participatory technology development (PTD), farmers field school
(FFS), sale of basic seeds, information services, tie up with other agencies, students
undergraduate thesis, students as a channel of dissemination between parents and the
experts, and walk-in clientele.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

A great majority composed of thirty-eight respondents (84.4%) were aware about
Organic Farming.
Majority of the beneficiaries-respondents (68.9%) sources of information for the
dissemination session they attended was through their Farmer’s organization.
A great majority composed of twenty five respondents (55.6%) identified that agriculture
technologies were disseminated to them through seminar (lecture with handson).
A great majority composed of twenty-eight respondents (62.2%) prefer technodemo on
farm strategy to be used by the technology disseminators considering the accessibility of
their place.
Problems within the beneficiaries in the dissemination process were as follows: thirty two
beneficiaries-respondents (71.1%) claimed that the lack of interest and this major problem
was also identified by a great majority of the researcher-respondents; thirteen beneficiaries-
respondents (28.9%) revealed the ―to see is to believe attitude;‖ six beneficiaries-
respondents (13.3%) claimed that farmers who are illiterate can’t acquire knowledge from
the printed materials; mismanagement of time was identified by eight respondents (17.8%)
and; five respondents (11.1%) claimed that some famers don’t take interest to buy radio.
BSU researchers added that beneficiaries have a poor attendance, poor cooperation, and
beneficiaries are oftentimes or not always busy in the field.
Problems on the other hand within the BSU Research and Extension in the dissemination
process were identified. They were as follows: twenty seven respondents
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

(60%) claimed that there’s no needs assessment being conducted; four respondents (8.9%)
agreed that some resource speakers speak in technical terms; nine respondents (20%)
claimed that IEC materials are lacking; twelve respondents (26.7%) agreed that the time is
very limited for the BSU on the air program; seven respondents (15.6%) claimed that
there’s a lack of technical assistance; twenty two respondents (48.9%) claimed that follow-
up supports were lacking; six respondents (13.3%) agreed that there’s no continuance of
dissemination activities; eleven respondents (24.4%) conclude that agricultural
technologies being disseminated are not applicable and; one respondent (2.2%) claimed
that BSU technology disseminators are not prioritizing the Municipality of La Trinidad.
Moreover, suggestions to the beneficiaries were as follows: thirty six respondents (80%)
suggested that beneficiaries must be interested to learn matured technologies and this major
suggestion was also identified by almost all of the researcher-respondents; sixteen
respondents (35.6%) suggested that beneficiaries must not doubt on the technology without
trying it; four respondents (8.9%) suggested that beneficiaries should take initiative to seek
assistance from the knowledgeable concerning the content of the IEC materials; seven
respondents (15.6%) suggested that beneficiaries must learn to manage their time and; five
respondents (11.1%) suggested that beneficiaries may avail radio.
Researcher-respondents added the following: beneficiaries should have the initiative to
avail IEC materials from the different offices for references and for learning; visit the
Extension Services Office and other offices/institute for technical assistance if needed;
actively involved in any dissemination sessions of matured technologies being done by
the university and; take time and interest to understand the worth of the technologies being
disseminated through the different communication method being applied.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Suggestions to the BSU Research and Extension were as follows: twenty four respondents
(53.3%) suggested that they must conduct needs assessment; four respondents (8.9%)
suggested that speakers during seminar must speak in common language which is Ilocano;
nine respondents (20%) suggested that IEC materials must be explained in layman’s term
and be printed in Ilocano; ten respondents (22.2%) suggested that time slot for BSU on the
air may be one hour; one respondent (2.2%) suggested that they must provide materials
and supplies during seminars; one respondents (2.2%) suggested that interested
beneficiaries must be prioritized for the techno-demo method; eight respondents (17.8%)
suggested that there must be technical assistance to be provided in the farmers field;
seventeen respondents (37.8%) suggested that there should be a follow up support; five
respondents (11.1%) suggested that there should be a continuance of dissemination
activities; three respondents (6.7%) suggested that inspection must be done to asses if the
technology is applicable; eleven respondents (24.4%) suggested that the office must
recommend applicable technologies; four respondents (8.9%) suggested that dissemination
method must be done through lecture and hands-on; one respondent (2.2%) suggested that
there must be a separate seminar between literate and illiterate and; one respondent (2.2%)
suggested that the municipality of La Trinidad must be prioritize in disseminating
Challenges encountered by the BSU Research and Extension in the dissemination of
matured technologies were as follows: lack of funds/budget to be used in the dissemination;
poor management support, conflict of time for the needed resource speakers; limited
manpower; lack of support from LGU and other cooperating agencies during the
dissemination process and; demo farm are not in the strategic place.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Another suggestions to the BSU Research and Extension by the BSU
researcherrespondents were as follows: introduce participatory communication strategy;
there should be a proper coordination by the office; there should be additional of personnel
to the Extension Office, there must be an adequate support of fund; dissemination session
must be done during the availability of the farmers; researchers must help to disseminate
its own research and; extensionists and researchers must be visible in the farmer’s field.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
While there was no well-defined written document to base of what criteria
to be considered as matured technology even in the BSU R and E manual, BSU
agricultural researcher-respondents have a general understanding of what consideration
should matured technology have.
With the agricultural technologies being developed and disseminated by the
university, it can be said that not all are considered as matured technology as it was
identified by the beneficiaries-respondents that some are not applicable in their field
conditions, it is costly, don’t cater the problems of their farm, and proven not effective.
Several communication methods can be applied in disseminating matured
technologies depending on its appropriateness
Problems are still unavoidable in the dissemination process both from the
technology generator and the beneficiaries which stems from lack of needs assessment of
the institution.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

Suggestions in the dissemination process stem from the problems that were
noted in the study.
Effectiveness of message being disseminated depends on the varying
factors within the different elements of communication which include the source, channel,
and receiver.
There are more researches being conducted in the university than those
disseminated research technologies.
Researchers at the same time act as extensionists in terms of disseminating
matured technology while the Extension Services Office of BSU works as coordinator in
the dissemination process.
Given the identified problems by the beneficiaries, some of the
disseminated technologies did not meet the definition of what matured technology is
based on the definitions given by the researcher-respondents.

Since matured technologies are defined by the researchers-respondents as a
problem- or development oriented, it must then be prioritized to be disseminated by the
Extension Services Office and other disseminator units of the university.
Considering the recommendations of the researcher-respondents, further
study concerning the effectiveness of the dissemination channel used by the BSU
Research and Extension in disseminating matured technologies should be conducted.
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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013

The Research and Extension may consider balancing research activities and
the dissemination of these researches.
Based on the recommendations from the beneficiaries, on the part of the
BSU researchers, it may be better if matured technology will be developed properly,
proven enough and is ready for adaptation before its dissemination to really cater to the
needs of its clientele.
The concerned offices may also consider the problems raised in this study
for future purposes.
As recommended by some of the beneficiaries, a policy or memorandum of
agreement should be required for these matured technologies developed to be utilized by
the beneficiaries or farmers of the farm land owned by the institution and that beneficiaries
must be required to join any dissemination session of these matured technologies.
BSU Research and Extension may consider strengthening partnership with
local government units for financial assistance needed for the dissemination of these
matured technologies.
Suggestions for the improvement of the dissemination process presented in
this study must be considered by the concerned stakeholders.
Given the fact that the Municipality of La Trinidad is in the strategic place
for techno-demo method, BSU technology disseminators may still maintain this method.
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13. Given the fact that the Municipality of La Trinidad is accessible from the
BSU institution, seminar (lecture with hands-on) must be maintained and enhance
considering the suggestions of this study provided in the results and discussion.
14. On the part of the beneficiaries, it is recommended for them to take
advantage of getting or availing technology information from the different agricultural
center within BSU the fact that it is accessible.

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Dissemination of Matured Technologies | SEBIANO, BEN JR. P. APRIL 2013


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