CABALQUINTO, BERNIE R. APRIL 2013. Post-harvest and Marketing Practices
of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province. Benguet State University, La Trinidad,
Adviser: Jamesly T. Andres, MSc.


The respondents were at their middle age, married and finished secondary
education. The post-harvest practices used by the farmers in Dilasag, Aurora, Province
included the following process: shelling, sun drying, piling and warehousing. In marketing
practices, they sold their produce to the local markets located at town proper.

Problems that affect post-harvest included: natural calamities, lack of machine
sheller, drying pavement, storage facilities, pest and diseases of corn grains and post-
handling damages. The marketing problems included, poor farm-to-market road, lack of
training/seminar related to corn production, lack of price information, and high cost of

Respondents chose to sell at a low price due to damage caused by natural calamities,
used of chemicals to control the pest and diseases of corn grains, buy new seed from the
buyer for the next cropping, storage of harvest at multi-purpose building of barangay and
feed corn to domesticated animals due to post-harvest damages. And chose to wait for the
price increase before selling, they use tractor to transport products, and sell their products
to middlemen.
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |


Table 1.Socio-economic profile of the respondents

Age.Thirty five percent were at the age bracket 49-54 years of age; twenty-five
percent from 43-48 years; twenty three percent from 37-42 years of age; only five percent
from 55 and above and 30 and below years old. This indicates that majority of the
respondents were at their middle ages.

Gender. The respondents were males composed of (80%) it implies that farming
activities are commonly done by males. and only (20%) were females.

Civil status. Seventy five percent of the respondents were married.

Educational Attainment. Most of the respondents (75%) had finished formal
education. It implies that most respondents are literate.

Table 1. Socio-economic profile of the respondents
30 and below 3 5
31-36 4 7
37-42 14 23
43-48 15 25
49-54 21 35
55 and above 3 5
TOTAL 60 100

Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Table 1.continued …
Male 48 80
Female 12 20

TOTAL 60 100
Married 55 91
Single 4 7
Widow 1 2
TOTAL 60 100
Secondary graduate 45 75
Undergraduate college 10 17
Elementary graduate 5 8
College graduate 3 5
Vocational 1 2
TOTAL 60 100
Note: Multiple responses

Varieties of Corn planted by the Respondents

Majority of the respondents (83%) were planted NK8840Bt/Gt hybrid corn seed
due to its high yield quality in terms of production, and its resistant from the corn pest,
because it contains a GMO (Genetic Modified Organism) called Bacillus Thurengensis.
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Most of the respondents (82%) were planting hybrid corn twice a year. It is during
the month of July- December which is rainy season and at the month of February- June
which is dry season and irrigation is needed.
Table 2. Corn varieties and number of cropping per year

NK8840Bt/Gt seed 50 83
Second generation see from NK8840 9 15

BPI var. 1 (orange yellow seed) 1 2
TOTAL 60 100
Twice a year 49 82
Once a year 11 18
TOTAL 60 100

Post-harvest practices of the respondents

Shelling. Table 3 shows that most of the respondents (98%) were shelled the corn
ear with the use of a machine sheller. It was noted, that the sheller machine could processed
one hundred kilos per operation. This indicates that the time in labor and expenses would
be minimized. Respondents preferred portable machine gasoline fuel powered, small in
size and more economical. And some respondents use small hand tool it is a three inch nail
in a wood and can shelled 100-150 kilogram of clean grains in eight hours but the amount
that an individual can shell depends upon kernel depth, dryness of ears and size of ears.
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Figure 2. Small hand sheller tool

Figure 3. Machine Sheller

Drying. The ninety two percent (92%) of the respondents dried their corn grains
through sun drying within 1-3 days. They spread the corn grains in a basketball court in a
concrete drying floors, road pavements and drying net/mats. But during rainy season
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

harvest, drying corn was particularly difficult costly and time consuming because higher
moisture content required longer periods for drying so that (5%) of the respondents used
natural ventilation to dry there product. Because most traders discourage farmers from
selling wet corn because it losses income opportunity for its poor quality. And (2%) used
mechanical dryer to dry there product. It is a built in facilities with machine, blower and
bin where 20 sacks or less than 500 kilos can occupied by the machine dryer.

Figure 4. Mechanical Air Dryer

Moisture Content Determination. Eighty five percent of respondents claimed to use
the shines appearance of the grains as basis to determine the right moisture content because
they know if the corn grains are ready to sell.

Storage. Farmers usually store corn for a while before marketing. Corn is either
stored as shelled corn, corn ear, or unhusked corn. Hundred percent store their corn shelled
through piling of sacks inside the warehouses, storage room or in multipurpose hall of
barangay and they considered the condition of the warehouses, the container used and
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

initial condition of the corn grains before storage a preventive measure to control pest and

Figure 5. Sample of stocking grains by piling of sacks

Packaging. Most of the respondents (85%) packed their corn grains in sacks. as it
is by the required by the buyers. And it implies that a sack is more economical for them.

Packaging material used. The respondent (93%) use sacks to pack their corn grains.
They believed that it maintains the good quality of the corn grains and to mitigate the pest
and diseases problems.

Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Table 3. Post-harvest practices of the respondents
Cylinder/machine sheller 59 98
Small tool 1 2
TOTAL 60 100
Sun drying(1-3 days) 55 93
Mechanical dryer 2 3
Drying through natural ventilation 3 5
TOTAL 60 100
Through piling of sacks
Inside the warehouse/ storageroom 60 100

TOTAL 60 100
Per kilo/sack 51 85
Per can/sack 9 15
TOTAL 60 100
Packaging material used
Sacks 56 93
Plastic bags 4 7
TOTAL 60 100

Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Marketing Practices of the Respondents

Basis of selling corn grains. Table 4 shows that Majority of the respondents (97%)
sell their harvested corn grains as dried. As the farmers mentioned that to be safe from pest
and diseases infestation during storage until it reaches the market.

Transporting of harvested corn grains/kernels from farm-to-market. Majority
(73%) of respondents mentioned that they transported their corn grains by loading in a
tractor because it is more accessible from their farm to nearby market.

Marketing Outlets/ channel of the Respondents. Majority (74%) of respondents
claimed that they sold their corn grains harvest in the local market. Then the middleman
buys it and sells the corn to the main buyers at the Dilasag, Aurora Province.

Quantity basis of selling their corn grains/kernels. Majority (88%) of the
respondents mentioned that they sell their corn grains on per kilo, because it is better than
per sack.
Table 4. Marketing practices of the respondent
Selling of corn grains/kernels basis FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE
Sell in dried basis 58 97
Sell in fresh basis 2 3
TOTAL 60 100
Transporting from farm-to-market
By loading in tractor 44 73
By loading in elf/forward vehicles 9 15
By loading in cart/calesa 7 12
TOTAL 60 100
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Table 4. continued …
Marketing outlets/Channel FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE
of the Respondents

Middlemen/local buyers 44 73
Contract Buyer 16 27
TOTAL 60 100
Quantity basis in selling corn grains
Per kilo 53 88
Per sacks 7 12
TOTAL 60 100

Post-harvest problems of the respondents
Table 5 shows that Most of the respondents (92%) claimed that the effect of natural
calamities such as typhoon, flood and drought annually during cropping period. It affects
the production and post-harvest processes, (87%) experienced the post-harvest handling
losses of corn grains damages due to long storage. They claimed that it contributed to more
or less 5% damages in post-harvest losses. Eighty three percent from the respondents also
experienced the lack of planting materials for the next cropping such as new seed to be
planted and other inputs. However; eighty percent experienced the lack of machine sheller.
This problem is when the peak season of hybrid corn is harvested. Sixty five percent
experienced the lack of drying pavement which is due to high volume of production to be
dried during harvest season. Other respondents mentioned about problem of pest and
diseases of corn grains during storage period so that it can cause of losses in their profit.
And lastly they experienced the lack of storage facilities; as mentioned by the farmer’s with
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

a small house where they don’t have enough space for storage room for their products. It
corroborates to Carlos et al, 1975, citing that in other areas the continuous production of
corn affects marketing due to lack of drying, shelling machine and storage facilities. On
this account, the farmers are forced to dispose of the products soon even at the very low or
unfavorable price. The typing up of credits and marketing hampers the development of
sound and meaningful marketing programs on the farm level. Undoubtedly under such
condition, the farmers cannot control the marketing of their products.
Table 5. Post-harvest problems of the respondents
Natural calamities
(typhoon, flood and drought) 55 92

Post-harvest handling damages 52 87
Lack of planting materials
for the next cropping 50 83

Lack of machine sheller 48 80
Lack of drying pavement/panel 39 65
Pest and diseases of corn
grains/kenels 34 57

Lack of storage facilities 27 45
Note: Multiple responses

Marketing problems of the respondents Table 6 shows that most (98%) of the respondents
claimed that poor farm-to-market road is their main problems. They mentioned that it
caused of additional inputs for them during market their products. Ninety seven percent of
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

the respondents mentioned about lack of technical trainings related to corn production.
They experienced farm losses since they cannot reach their maximum output. However;
eighty seven percent of the respondents claimed that during marketing they experienced
the high cost of transportation. Eighty two percent of respondents claimed that they
experienced problems on price information during marketing their product. They
mentioned that they do not have channels to inquire for the current pricing of corn in the
market. And seventy three percent claimed that they experienced the low price of corn in
the market. It corroborates to Carlos et al, 1975 citing that problems of corn farmers in
marketing of corn products was the lack of good farm-to-market roads. The lack of a price
information network is another problems; this lack result to low sales, deprives the farmers
of bargaining power because dealers, being container content conscious would tend to pay
less to farmers than otherwise. They also found that existence of many middlemen in the
marketing of corn contributed to increased marketing cost.
Table 6. Marketing Problems of the respondents
Poor farm-to-market road 59 98
Lack of training/seminars related to 58 97
corn production
High cost of transportation 52 87
Lack of Price information 49 82
Low price in the market. 44 73
Noted: Multiple responses

Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Solutions Suggested by the Respondents to Problems
Identified in Post-Harvest Practices

Solutions Suggested in Damage caused by natural calamities.
Most of the respondents (60%) are willing to sold at a low price due to damages caused
by natural calamities; their reason is to pay back the expenses they incurred from planting
to harvesting. Although (40%) from the respondents claimed that they are willing to use
and pay air drying to minimized damages and losses. Their main reason is to maintain the
quality of their harvest until it reaches the market.

Solutions Suggested to lack of machine sheller/cylinder. Most of the respondents
(68%) preferred to stock the corns for a few days until drying pavement are available. And
(32%) of the respondents are willing to hire corn sheller from the nearby barangay just to
shell their corn immediately.

Solutions Suggested to lack of drying pavement/panel. Most of the respondents
(87%) are preferred to stock the corn until such time that drying pavement are available.
Others claimed that they borrow drying net/mats from their relatives and friends just to dry
there corn grains immediately.

Solutions Suggested to Lack of storage facilities. Seventy seven percent of the
respondents prefer t in their corn in the multi-purpose hall of barangay temporarily as long
as it is allowed by the barangay officials. However; some respondents prefer to store their
products temporarily from their relative’s storage room.

Solution Suggested to pest and diseases of corn grains such as rodents, fungi and
insects. Majority (92%) of the respondents preferred to use chemicals to control the
problem. While only (8%) preferred to collect the damages manually.
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Solutions Suggested to Post-harvest Handling Damages. Fifty eight percent of the
respondents mentioned to use the corn damaged as feeds. They preferred to use feed it to
animals as waste to mitigate losses. Although some respondents preferred to throw it away
since they want to maintain the purity and quality of their corn products.

Solutions Suggested to Lack of planting materials for next cropping. Most of the
respondents (82%) claimed that they buy seeds from the middlemen for their next cropping
planting. They preferred to buy a new seed because they believed to have high yield. While
some respondents are use the selected corn seed from their previous cropped. Their reason
is when they tried the technique they found out that the performance is almost the same
with the new seeds.
Table 7. Solution Suggested by the respondent to Problems identified in Post-harvest
Solutions to damage caused FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE (%)
by natural calamities

Sell in a low price 36 60
Willing to used and pay 24 40
Mechanical dryer to minimize losses

TOTAL 60 100
Solutions to Lack of machine sheller
Wait for its availability 41 68
Willing to hire from the
nearby barangay. 29 32

TOTAL 60 100

Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Table 7. continued …

Solutions to Lack of drying pavement
Stocking for a few days until drying 52 87
Pavement/panel is available.

Borrowing drying nets/mats from their
Relatives/friends. / use of mechanical dryer 8 13
TOTAL 60 100

Solutions to Damages due
to pest and diseases

Using of chemicals for pest and
diseases of corn grains/kernels. 48 80

Collecting it then throw away. 12 20
TOTAL 60 100
Solutions to lack of Planting
material for next cropping

Buying of seed from the buyer 49 82
for next cropping

By using the selected seed from the 11 18
previous crop(second generation seed)

TOTAL 60 100
Solutions to Lack of storage facilities
Temporary stored in multi-purpose hall
of Barangay if allowed by
barangay officials 46 77

Temporary stored in relatives/ friends 14 23
Storage room.

TOTAL 60 100
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

Table 7. continued …
Solutions to Post-handling Damage
Used as feeds for own farm animals 35 58
Throw it away 25 42
TOTAL 60 100

Solutions suggested to problems identified in marketing. Table 8 shows the suggested
and alternative solutions for the marketing problem;
Solutions to the low price in the market. Most of the respondents (78%) are willing to
wait until price is increased before they sell their products. Their main reason is to gain
even a small profit if they will wait for price increase. While, some respondents are
willing to canvass or bid for the better price though they are not sure to find buyers to
offer higher price.

Solutions to Poor farm-to-market road. Thirty three percent of the respondents are
preferred to use tractor to transport their products to a nearby market. It is more accessible
and economical for them. However; some respondents (27%) prefer to use
motorcycle/tricycle to transport their product. And (20%) were using cart to transport their
products to nearby market. They claimed that no expense can be used if they use their own
carabao or cow to pull the cart.

Solutions to High cost of Transportation. Most (90%) of the respondents choose to
sell their corn to middlemen. Their reason is to minimize expenses and time to sell in the
market. They claimed that it is more economical on their part. And some respondents
(10%) are chosen to hire vehicles to transport their products in the market. Their reason
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

was observed as they see actual scenario in marketing and to gain knowledge for their
production practices.
Table 8. Suggested and Alternatives Solutions in Marketing Problems of the Respondents

Solution to low price in the market FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE
Wait to increase the price 47 78
Canvass or bid for the better price 13 22
TOTAL 60 100
Solutions to Poor farm-to-market road
Using of tractor to transport 22 36
Using a tricycle or motorcycle 16 27
Using a cart/ calesa 12 20
Using the farm animal like carabao, 10 17
cow, horse to carry the sacks of corn.

TOTAL 60 100
Solution to high cost of transportation
Direct contact buyer from farm to 54 90
Hired vehicle to transport their products 6 10
TOTAL 60 100

Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |



The study on the Post-harvest and marketing practices of the corn producers in
Dilasag, Aurora Province was conducted to determine the socio-economic profile of the
respondents, to identify the different post-harvest and marketing practices of respondents,
to determine the problems in the post-harvest and marketing practices and to identify the
possible solutions in these problems.

Based on the data gathered majority of the respondents were in middle age, mostly
were males, married and finished secondary education. The main variety of corn they are
planting is the NK8840Bt/Gt corn for twice a year.

Majority of them were using machine sheller, they usually practice the traditional
sun drying, and the shining appearance of the seed is the basis for obtaining the right
moisture content before selling. They store the corn piling by sacks inside the
warehouses/storage room. They usually packed their product in a sack to maintain its

They sell their corn in a dried basis, and transport by loading in a tractor to nearby
market. They sell their product in a local market found in town proper.

The problems they encountered from post-harvest were: natural calamities, lack
of machine sheller, lack of drying pavement/panel and storage facilities, pest and diseases
of corn grains/kernels-handling damages and lack of planting materials for next cropping.
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

In marketing problems the respondents. Mentioned about the poor farm-to-market
road, lack of training/seminars on corn production, high cost of transportation and lack of
price information were the common problems they encounter during marketing.

The suggested solutions to their problems they mentioned that they have to sell
their products at low prices because they consider the risk due to damages caused by natural
calamities. They stock their corn for a few days until machine sheller were available. Other
stored their corn until such time that drying pavement will be available. Some of them used
a temporary storage in barangay hall. They use chemicals to control pest and diseases
damage were some practices they use in storage. Farmers with livestock use their corn
damages as feed for their own animals. And buy new seeds from the buyer for the next
cropping period.

For the suggested solutions for their problems in marketing, Majority were
suggested that they are willing to wait for the increase in price in the market, before selling
their corn. They used tractor to transport their products to a nearby market. And sell their
corn to direct buyers instead of selling it to main market due to high cost transportation.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions derived:
1. Majority of the farmers were males, mostly are in middle Ages, married and finished
secondary education. Mostly they planted the NK8840Bt/Gt hybrid corn variety in twice a

2. Post-harvest and marketing practices of the respondents have innovative
experience based on resources available at the farm;
Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |

3. In Dilasag, Aurora Province they have problems in post-harvest and marketing these are
the following; natural calamities, lack of machine shellers, lack of drying panel, lack of
storage facilities, and pest and diseases of corn grains/kernels. Marketing problems
includes poor farm-to-market roads, lack of trainings/seminars related to corn production,
and high cost of transportation; and,
4.They have their own innovations to solve their problems these are the following; used
of chemicals to control damages, they buy new seed for the next cropping, store their
products in their own houses and used as feeds for own domesticated animals. Marketing
solutions include wait for the increase of price in the market, use tractor to transport and
direct contact buyers as possible.

Based on the conclusions the following recommendations derived:
1. Corn farmers from Dilasag, Aurora Province should undergo trainings/ seminars
related to corn production;
2. Corn farmers should be encouraged to learn the latest technology in post-harvest and
marketing of corn;
3. Corn farmers should be encouraged to organize themselves into marketing cooperatives
or associations to solved problems related to corn production without many expenses; and

4. Corn farmers should coordinate with government organization and non-
government organization to help them solve existing problems.

Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |


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Post-harvest and Marketing Practices of Corn Producer’s in Dilasag, Aurora, Province |