DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013. Assessment of the Educational
ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun,
Benguet. Benguet State University, La, Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Cunegunda D.Abellera, MSc


This study was conducted to determine the socio-demographic profile of the
respondents, the criteria as to selection of the scholarship program of Hydro Electric
Development Corporation, the contributions of the scholarship program to the community
and the problems encountered by the respondents in the implementation of the program.

The data were gathered from the twenty four (24) respondents in Ampusongan,
Bakun, Benguet. A survey questionnaire was used to gather the data, supplemented with
personal interview.

With regards to the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, the respondents
were at their young age, females, literates, and all of them were single.

The respondents were active in joining school organizations as Hydro Electric
Development Corporation, wanted the respondents to feel the value of organization such
as: to practice good time management skills, to excel academic performance, and practice
the skills outside the classroom. With regards to the criteria of selecting scholars for the
Educational scholarship program, all the respondents passed all the criteria given by the
Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013

company such as: had an average of 90 % in the past school year, excellence in school and
the interview outcome.

Majority of the respondents claimed the contributions of the educational program
that they received cash allowance, focused on their studies and reinforced self-confidence.
Futhermore, the respondents continue to study.

Majority of the respodents claimed that if they have one failure they are not
anymore a Hydro Electric Development Corporation s

Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013


Socio-Demographic Profile

Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to sex, age and civil

Sex. Most of the respondents (96%) were females and (4%) males. This implies
that majority of the respondents were females and all of them were single.

Age. Among the twenty four respondents 50% of them belonged to the age bracket
of 19 to 22; 26%, from 17 to18, and 24% from 15 to 16 years old. This indicates that the
respondents were in their secondary level of education of which one of the criteria of
Hydro Electric Development Corporation in choosing a beneficiary in the implementation
of the scholarship program.

It was noted that the respondents were also active in joining school organizations
as the Hydro Electric Development Corporation wanted to give their beneficiaries as part
of their scholars opportunities to feel that the organization that they are joining can be
valuable to them. Also students could be able to practice more good time management
skills, that they would be able to excel academic performance, not only are they are learning
in the classroom but they are also taking the extra effort to study and practice the skills
outside the classroom

With regard to the criteria of selecting scholars for the Educational scholarship
program of the Hydro Electric Development Corporation in the selecting the scholars, the
respondents submitted an application letter through the Human Resource below, had an
average of 90 % in the past school year and no grades 0f 80 % and below, had pass the
interview. It was noted that the Hydro Electric Development Corporation educational
Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013

scholarship program is designed to encourage and support excellence students to attain
their high educational and professional objectives, enabling
them to acquire the knowledge and competencies to become the future leaders.

It was claimed that the application for the scholarship program should be made
through the Human Resource Division of the Hydro Electric Development Corporation
located Labay, Ampusongan Bakun Benguet. The criteria for the selection for potential
student-scholars were based on the following: excellence in education and interview
According to Mr. G. Rutus Karmorn Public Affairs Manager of Firestone Liberia,
June 14, 2012 told the students about how some of their colleagues have in the past made
use of the scholarship program to further their education at all levels. Through education
is not the guarantee for success, but it serves as for an off protection against object poverty,
and can be better the life of the achiever in the future.

Table 1. socio-demographic information of the respondents


Male 2 4






6 24
17-18 7 26
19-22 9 50

TOTAL 24 100

Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013

Contributions of the Scholarship Program to the Respondents

Table 2 shows the impact of scholarship to the respondents. All the
respondents claimed that the most immediate contribution of the program was the family
could receive a cash allowance for their efforts reducing the pressure to maintain
themselves while the beneficiaries were dedicating their energies to study. Eigthy percent
(80%), claimed that the students-scholars would focused on their studies without paying
the bills (tuition fees) coming from the pockets of parents, Fifty percent (50%),
employment which would be the end of goal of their education, and 24 % could reinforce
their self- confidence and give them greater power getting an offer of employment for every
position they would be seeking.

Table 2. Contributions of the Hydro Electric Development Corporation scholarship
to the respondents

Cash allowance 24 100

Focused in their studies 22 80

Easy employment 12 50

Reinforced self confidence 6 24
*Multiple responses

Problems Encountered

The problems encountered by the respondents in the implementation of the Hydro
Electric Development Corporation scholarship program all of them (100%) claimed that
they received their monthly cash allowance sometimes came late, 50 % high average of
Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013

grades in the past school year as shown in table 3. This indicates that the respondents
wanted the other students with an average of below 90 % to be accepted as scholars of the

Table 3. Problems encountered by the respondents in the implementation of the Hydro
Electric Development Corporation of scholarship program
____________________________________________________ ___________________


Cash allowance sometimes late 24 100

High average of
grades in the past
past school year 12 50
*Multiple responses

Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013


The study was conducted to determine the socio-demographic profile of the
respondents, the criteria of selecting scholars for the scholarship of Hydro Electric
Development Corporation, determine the contribution of the scholarship Program of Hydro
Electric Development Corporation to the community and identify the problems
encountered by the respondents.

Twenty-four (24) respondents were considered in the study. The data show that
most of the respondents were females, belonged to the age bracket of 19 to 22 years old
and they were in their secondary level of education. The respondents were also members
of an organization in their respective schools for them to practice more good time
management skills, would be able to excel academic performance and to practice the skills
outside the classroom.

The criteria of selecting scholars in Hydro Electric Development Corporation
scholarship program that all of them had submitted application letter to the Human
Resource Office, had an average of 90 % in the past school year and had no grades of 80
% and below, had passed the interview.
With regard to the impact of the Hydro Electric Development Corporation
scholarship program to the lives of the respondents: able to receive cash allowance, focused
on their studies, easy employment at the end of their Education and reinforce self-

The problems encountered by the respondents in the implementation of the Hydro
Electric Development Corporation scholarship program were the cash allowance were
received sometimes late and high average of grades in the past school year.
Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion:
1.Respondents were all outstanding academic performers to pursue their studies; 2.
All the respondents passed the Hydro Electric Development Corporation criteria
for their scholarship program;
3. The scholar beneficiaries were given opportunities to feel the value of taking
extra effort to study; and
4. The respondent’s problems encountered were: the delayed cash allowance and
the high of grades in the past school year.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendation:
1.The Hydro Electric Development Corporation should lower the grade
qualification of the students to 80 or 85 to encourage more students as recipients of the
scholarship; and
2. Students should be encouraged to perform well in their studies with respect to
the requirements of the Educational scholarship program of Hydro Electric Development

3. The student-respondents should be encouraged to succeed their careers to
consider giving back to other students scholarship support to achieve also their
educational goal.

Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013


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Assessment of the Educational ScholarshipProgram of Hydro Electric Development
Corporation at Ampusongan Bakun, Benguet | DONGGA-AS, SANDRA B. APRIL 2013