LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012. Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus
caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in vitro. Benguet State University, La
Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Araceli G. Ladilad PhD.


The study was conducted at the Ornamental Horticulture Area, Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet, from February 2012 to April 2012. The study was
conducted to establish the most appropriate growing media to harden rooted carnation
plantlets and to establish a protocol for the acclimatization of rooted carnation plantlets
grown from in vitro before transplanting them to the greenhouse benches.

Results shows that carnation plantlets grown in alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1
were the best growing media that promoted the production of longer roots, higher number
of developed leaves, and promoted faster plant growth. Likewise, plantlets grown in sandy
loam soil + burnt rice hull 1:1 produced higher number of roots. However, the different
soil media compositions did not significantly affect the percentage survival of the
acclimatized mint green carnation plantlets.

Soil media composition of alnus compost + burnt 1:1 or carbonized rice hull is
recommended for the acclimatization of carnation plantlets from in vitro for best
performance of the plantlets prior to in vivo transplanting in the greenhouse.

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012


Root Length
Highly significant differences were observed among the different growing media
used. A mixture of alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1 promoted the longest roots with a
mean of 7.53 cm. Plantlets grown in sandy loam soil + sand 1:1 had the shortest length
of roots with a mean of 2.15 cm

According to Thompson and Troech (1978), the use of compost resulted in humus
formation and promotes good soil structure. Compost also supplies nutrients such as
nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and organic matter of 5.6 %.

On the other hand, Dumaslan (2006) stated that the presence of sand and burnt rice
hull in the alnus compost media improved the physical properties of the medium resulting
to better drainage and aeration leading to better plant growth and performance in strawberry

Table 1. Root length per plantlet after 45 days from transplanting


Alnus Compost + Sandy Loam Soil (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Sand (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + sand (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Burnt rice Hull + sand (1:1)
Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level (DMRT).

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

Number of Leaves

Results showed that plantlets grown in the different media had significantly
different number of leaves per plantlet after 45 days from transplanting. Plantlets grown in
alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1 produced the most number of leaves with a mean of
38.67 followed by those grown in burnt rice hull + sand 1:1 with a mean of 34.00,
Thompson and Troech (1978) added that the use of compost resulted in humus

formation and promoted good soil structure. Compost also supplies nutrients such as

nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and organic matter of 5.6 %.

Length of Leaves

Plantlets grown in alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1 significantly produced

longer leaves but were not significantly different to the length of leaves of plantlet

grown in sandy loam soil + burnt rice hull 1:1 and in burnt rice hull + sand 1:1.

Table 2. Number of leaves per plantlet after 45 days from transplanting

Alnus Compost + Sandy Loam Soil (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Sand (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + sand (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Burnt rice Hull + sand (1:1)
Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level (DMRT).

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

Table 3. Length of leaves per plantlet after 45 days from transplanting


Alnus Compost + Sandy Loam Soil (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Sand (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + sand (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Burnt rice Hull + sand (1:1)
Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level (DMRT).

Plantlets grown in sandy loam + sand 1:1 produced the shortest leaves with a mean

of 1.07 cm.

Plant Height

Table 4 shows that there were highly significant differences observed on the
height of plantlets grown in different soil media combinations. The prodo mint carnation
plantlets grown in alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1 were the tallest among the treatments
with a mean of 3.15 cm, followed by plantlets grown in burnt rice hull + river sand 1:1,
sandy loam + burnt rice hull 1:1 with means of 2.83 cm and 2.28 cm, respectively. It was
also observed that plantlets acclimatized in sandy loam soil + sand
1:1 have the shortest height with a mean of 1.45 cm and was comparable with plantlets

grown in alnus compost + sand 1:1 with means of 1.51 cm and 1.63 cm, respectively.

Macli-ing (2012) found that a media of alnus compost +sand + burnt rice hull

1:1:1 promoted faster plant growth for the acclimatization of chrysanthemum plantlets.
Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

Table 4. Plant height per plantlet after 45 days from transplanting


Alnus Compost + Sandy Loam Soil (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Sand (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + sand (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Burnt rice Hull + sand (1:1)
Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level (DMRT).

Number of Roots

Based on the results presented in Table 5, sandy loam soil + burnt rice hull
1:1 enhanced the production of more roots, followed by soil media composition: alnus
compost + burnt rice hull 1:1, burnt rice hull + sand 1:1, and alnus compost + sandy loam
soil 1:1 with means of 24.55, 23.33, 13.00 and 11.00 roots per plantlet, respectively, while,
plantlets grown in alnus compost + sand 1:1 had the lowest number of roots per plantlet
after 45 days from transplanting with means of 9.11 roots per plantlet.

In the handbook of Texas Greenhouse Management, burnt rice hull have a light
weight but effective in improving drainage while sand do little to improve the physical
properties of growing media that may result in reduced drainage and aeration as a result of
compaction as cited by Dumaslan (2006).

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

Table 5. Number of roots per plantlet after 45 days from transplanting


Alnus Compost + Sandy Loam Soil (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Sand (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + sand (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Burnt rice Hull + sand (1:1)
Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level (DMRT).

Percentage Survival

Based on the results in Table 6, there were no significant effects of the different
growing media on the percentage survival of the prodo mint carnation plantlets. However,
it was observed that plantlets grown on alnus compost + sandy 1:1, alnus compost+ burnt
rice hull 1:1 and burnt rice hull + sand 1:1 have 100 percent survival, while those that
were grown in sandy loam soil+ burnt rice hull 1:1 and sandy loam soil + sand 1:1 have
88.89 percent plant survival. Among the treatments, plantlets grown in alnus compost +
sandy loam soil 1:1 had the least number of established plants.

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

Table 6. Percentage survival


Alnus Compost + Sandy Loam Soil (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Sand (1:1)
Alnus Compost + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + sand (1:1)
Sandy Loam Soil + Burnt Rice Hull (1:1)
Burnt rice Hull + sand (1:1)

Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level (DMRT)

Occurrence of Insect Pests and Diseases

Insect occurrence was observed during the study. Results show that 50% of the
total plantlets grown in sandy loam soil + sand 1:1 were infested by cabbage butterfly as
compared to the other growing media however disease occurrence was not observed during
the study.

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

Figure1. Overview of the experimental area

Figure 2. Carnation plantlets from culture bottles before transplanting in the different
growing or acclimatization media

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

Alnus compost +
Alnus compost + sand b
sandy loam soil

Alnus compost + burnt
Sandy loam soil + sand
rice hull

Sandy loam soil +

Burnt rice hull + sand
burnt rice hull

Figure 3. Plantletys grown in 1:1 a) alnus compost + sandy loam soil; b) alnus compost
sand; c) alnus compost + burnt rice hull; d) sandy loam soil + sand; e) sandy loam soil +
burnt rice hull; and f) burnt rice hull + sand 45 days after transplanting.

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012



The study was conducted to determine the most appropriate soil media to harden
rooted carnation and to establish a protocol for the acclimatization of rooted carnation from
in vitro.

Soil media composition of alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1 significantly
promoted faster plant growth, longer root length, produced more leaves and longer length
of leaves. Moreover, plantlets grown in sandy loan soil + burnt rice hull 1:1 produced more
number of roots. However the different soil media compositions have no significant effects
on the percentage survival of plantlets grown from in vitro.


Based on the results of the study the use of alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1
media composition promoted the best root and growth performance of acclimatized
carnation plantlets.


From the preceding results, acclimatizing carnation plantlets is recommended to be
done on alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1 for best plantlets root and shoot establishment.
The following protocol is recommended in acclimatization of carnation plantlets from in

1. To harden the tissue cultured plantlets, the bottled carnation plantlets will be first
exposed to partial shade conditions and ambient temperature;

2. After one week, the plantlets will be removed from the bottle and washed with
Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

tap water to remove the gelling agent;

3. The plantlets will be soaked in Previcur fungicide (2ml/L) for five minutes then
transplanted into alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1 growing media;

4. Before planting, the alnus compost + burnt rice hull 1:1 will be drenched with
Previcur fungicide solution (2ml/L) to avoid unnecessary infection. The plantlets will be
planted under partial shade and will be misted once a day to prevent excessive drying; and,

5. The plantlets will be maintained for 45 days before transplanting in the
greenhouse benches.

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

Recommended Acclimatization Protocol of Carnation Plantlets

Removed plantlet from the

Washing of the agar

medium from the roots

Bottled carnation

plantlets from in

Plantlets are soaked in
fungicide solution for 5


Preparation: 1:1 alnus
compost + burned rice

Successfully acclimatized


plantlets 60 days after

Drenching of the soil media
Transplanting of the
with fungicide solution
plantlets in the sterilize
soil media

Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012

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Acclimatization of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. Prodo Mint) Plantlets from in
vitro | LAOYAN, JOLAFLOR C. MAY 2012