CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007. Growth and Yield Response of Spoon
Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer Application. Benguet State University,
La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Silvestre L. Kudan, Ph.D.
The study was conducted from June to July 2007 at the Experiment area of Benguet State
University to determine the growth and yield of spoon cabbage applied with liquid bio- fertilizer
at varying frequencies and the profitability of the frequency of application.
Results of the soil analysis before planting shows that the area has 6.34 pH, 3.5% organic
matter, 140 ppm phosphorus and 1,510 ppm potassium and this fertility level produced spoon
cabbage with slightly longer leaves, heavier individual plant, heavier marketable plant per plot
and computed yield per hectare, and the highest return on investment of 458.09% or PhP 4.58 for
every peso invested in the production. On the other hand, supplementing the native fertility level
of the soil with 8.75 ml of liquid bio- fertilizer per gallon of water on the plot before planting
then one week after seedling emergence closely followed the growth and yield performance of
spoon cabbage not applied with fertilizer. Application of liquid bio-fertilizer every seven days
after seedling emergence for three weeks had ROI of 367.44 %, and the farmer’s practice of
applying chicken dung as base dress then side dressing with 14-14-14 had the shortest leaves,
lowest number of fully expanded leaves, lowest weight of individual plant, yield per plot and
computed yield per hectare giving the lowest return on investment of 205.50 % or P2.26 for

every peso invested in the production. Slight differences were observed in the incidence of pest
and disease, sugar content, and no burning effect or phytoxicity was observed.

Despite the many problems of the vegetable industry, farming can never be abandoned.
More than 76,000 families in the province of Benguet are dependent on agriculture as their main
source of income. Agriculture and mining are the two major industries in Benguet (Sagapan,
There are several kinds of fertilizer such as traditional inorganic and organic commercial
fertilizers which farmers use and apply. However, several brands of foliar fertilizers that contain
the macro and micro-nutrients are introduced in the market and recently with the inclusion of
beneficial microorganisms.
The use of foliar fertilizers is claimed to be more effective than using dry fertilizers
because they prevent the problems encountered in soil application such as leaching and
denitrification. In addition, Subido (1961) cited that foliar fertilization was the best among the
different methods of fertilizer application particularly in the case of micro-elements, and it
increases the yield of some agricultural crops.
Foliar application is a method in which fertilizer nutrients are applied to the plants
through the leaves and stem. Nutrients soluble in water will penetrate the cuticles of the leaves or
absorbed to the stomata then enter to the cell. It is also the best treatment to prevent soil fixation
or nutrient deficiency.
Knott and Deanon (1967) stated that foliar application has been found effective to plants
because it contain very small quantity of the chemicals that have to be absorbed. Liquid
fertilizers are superior to solid fertilizers since they contain an appreciable amount of water
soluble phosphorus.
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Furthermore, Abadilla (1982) mentioned that foliar fertilizers were applied to correct a
deficiency of some essentials elements in a relatively short time and to supply raw materials
which are when applied to the soil become unavailable to the crop. High yield will be attained
when using supplementary fertilizers due to the presence of calcium and other micronutrients,
which have important role in plant growth and development.
However, there were no data yet in the frequency of foliar fertilizer application to plants
that is or most effective thus; this study was proposed.
Foliar fertilizer is expensive and fertilizer application should be based on the requirement
of the crop and what is already present in the soil. This will minimize waste of resources,
destruction of soil and increasing profit. If this study can obtain good results from this
experiment, it will be useful to farmers who will produce early maturing plant like spoon
cabbage. Researchers will be guided also in conducting similar studies on other crops.
This study was conducted at Benguet State University Experiment Area, Balili,
La Trinidad, Benguet from June to July 2007 to determine the growth and yield of spoon
cabbage applied with liquid bio-fertilizer at varying frequencies, determine the best frequency or
frequencies of liquid bio-fertilizer application to spoon cabbage that will enhance growth and
assess the profitability of liquid bio-fertilizer to spoon cabbage production at varying frequencies
of application.
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Description of Spoon Cabbage
One of the leafy vegetables that provide nutrition to human is spoon cabbage (Brassica
cheninses L.). Common variations for spoon cabbage include Bok chio, pak chio, taisai, celery
mustard and Chinese mustard. In addition, spoon cabbage is botanically turnip. Unlike Chinese
cabbage, it has thick glossy leaves and thus not forms a true head. It is a small fast growing
rosette shaped, often upright (similar to celery) crisp stemmed, annual with cup shaped tender
Bok choy or spoon cabbage is an Asian vegetable, which is being cultivated in China
since fifth century and member of the cabbage family. The smooth, wide stalks are crunchy like
celery, although they do not have string fibers and the long full leaves are dark and tender. Both
parts are edible and use frequently in stir-fries.Bok-Choy stalks can be consumed raw with dip or
chopped and included in salads. Bok-Choy has high water content and becomes limp very
quickly upon cooking. It should be cooked very quickly over high temperature so that the leaves
become tendr and stalks stay crisp. Bok-Choy grows well with the flavor of soy sauce, hot
peppers and toasted sesame oil. Bok-Choy has a long, crisp, white meaty stalk that supports its
dark green leaves. Stalks should be firm, have fresh cooking leaves and range from 12-16 inches
in length. Bok-Choy’s mild flavor is similar to cabbage and texture is tender-crisp.

Importance of Spoon Cabbage
At present, the demand of spoon cabbage in the local market is quite good due to its
nutrients content. It contains 14 calories food energy, 1.0 g protein, 2.73 g carbohydrate, 0.84 g
fiber and 0.18 g total fat.
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

To the farmers, a specifically grower of spoon cabbage serve as their source of

Soil and Climatic Requirement
of Spoon Cabbage
Bok-Choy is a cool season crop. Temperature ranging from 15 to 200F is favorable to its growth.
However, spoon cabbage or Bok-Choy with temperature of 750F can cause trip burn prolonged
temperature 550F can initiate flowering and premature bolting (McDonald, 1993). Furthermore,
the same author stated that Bok-Choy grows well in a well-drained soil with good water
retention. In Arizona, Spoon Cabbage grows in a sandy loam to clay loam soil with a ph from 7.5
to 8.0. It is also being grown in the fall and winter. From time of weeding, spoon cabbage
requires 40 to 80 days to reach maturity. In addition, spoon cabbage flowering is photoperiod
sensitive where in long days induce flowering while short day promote vegetative growth.

Advantages and Disadvantages
of Foliar Fertilizer
Foliar fertilizers are fertilizers with ease of handling. It is also known to enhance the
growth and development of plants. They are commercially available and applied by farmers on
their green leafy vegetables (Subido, 1961).
In addition, the same author stated that foliar fertilizers were utilized by farmers to
supplement NPK requirement of crops, improve the plants resistance to pest and diseases,
enhance vigor and increase yield.
Neuman (1988), observed that on the field studies of soybeans and oats, foliar that is
being applied on seeds has the greatest effect. On the other hand, it has the tendency to alter seed
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

and seed size. If applied during flowering, it is possible that changes in chemical component may
be due to incomplete development.
Fertilizer chemicals applied as foliar sprays are easily absorbed and utilized by the leaves
while fertilizers applied on the soil are not (Mc Vickar, 1970). In similar report Salisbury and
Ross (1969), reported that fertilizer application on leaf has been primarily used in plants that are
requiring recovery from a nutrient deficiency.
Application of foliar fertilizers is to supplement a normal pre-plant fertilizer that can
boost the plant requirements during critical stages of growth, provide nutrients that are safe,
available in form for rapid and efficient utilization, for maximum absorption of nutrients by
foliage and reduce the effects of critical stress periods. Foliar fertilizer should be compatible with
the pesticides and protected from alkaline hydrolysis (Perry, 1985).
Successively for the application of urea, NPK, Mg or various deciduous fruit trees and
herbaceous species. In addition, Donahue (1990) mentioned that leaves and stem of the plants
easily absorb most of the elements for plant growth when they are sprayed to the particular parts.
Absorption takes place on the upper part and lower surfaces of the leaves. The rate of movement
may be upward to the leaves or downward to the roots.
Collings (1962) stated that the advantage of dry fertilizers over liquid fertilizers are as
follows: (1) fertilizers are poor physical condition can be utilized; (2) it prevent injury to
seedlings root from heavy application of dry fertilizers; (3) there is secured and better
distribution of small quantities of fertilizers; (4) less fertilizer is usually required; and (5)
maximum crop response may be obtained during dry season.
Furthermore, foliar fertilizer can be a big relief to farmers in terms of lower production
cost and can supplement major elements in addition to micro-nutrients (Kramer, 1996).
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

However, nutritional sprays are not always expected to replace soil application. Instead, they are
recommended as best treatment to overcome acute deficiency (Muksheje and de Rajat, 1969).

Liquid Bio-fertilizer Microorganisms
The composition of X-Tekh liquid bio-fertilizer indicated on the container label
registered to the Fertilizer and Pesticides Authority are:
Macronutrients: Nitrogen - 5.0 %; Phosphorus - 7.0 %; Potassium - 8.0 %; Magnesium -
0.73 %; Calcium - 0.68 %, Sulfur - 2.0 %.
Micronutrients: Boron - 4382 mg/kg; Zinc - 3362 mg/kg; Manganese - 1742 mg/kg; Iron
- 1324 mg/kg; Copper; Molybdenum - 324 mg/kg and Cobalt. Humic acid - 10.0 %; Amino acid
- 35.0 %.
Plant Growth Promoting Microorganisms: Nitrogen Fixing Microorganisms (NFM) - 1.9
x 108; Lactobacillus Series - 5.2 x 106; Phosphorus Solubilizing Microorganisms (PSM) - 6.2 x
107; Mycorrhiza - 8.6 x 106; Yeast Group Series - 1.9 x 108; Actinomycete Series - 1.4 x 107;
Bacillus Series - 6.6 x 106; Fluorescent Pseudomonas Series - 4.1 x106 and Trichoderma Series -
2.8 x 106.
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

The materials used were spoon cabbage seeds, liquid bio-fertilizer (X-Tekh), identifying
tags, measuring tape, weighing scale, garden tools, knapsack sprayer, alnus compost and chicken

Experimental design and treatments. The experiment was laid out in a randomized
complete block design (RCBD) with five treatments replicated three times. The treatments were
as follows:
Treatment Code Frequency of Application
T1 No liquid bio-fertilizer application
T2 Farmer’s practice of applying chicken dung basally and side dressing 357.1429
14-14-14 + 21.7391 urea

T3 Liquid bio-fertilizer sprayed on the plot before planting then one week after
seedling emergence

T4 Liquid bio-fertilizer applied every four days after seedling emergence for two

T5 Liquid bio-fertilizer applied every seven days after seedling emergence for
three weeks

Land preparation. An area of 75 m2 was prepared for the study. The area was prepared
into 15 plots measuring 1m x 5m and these plots were grouped into three to represent the three
blocks or replications and each block contained 5 plots to represent the treatments. Each plot
except farmer’s practice was applied with ½ can (16 li capacity) alnus compost and mixed
thoroughly with the soil before planting. Farmer’s practice was applied with ½ can (16 li
capacity) of chicken dung and mixed thoroughly with the soil. After mixing the chicken dung
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

and alnus compost with the soil, the plant spacing were marked by pressing the tip of finger on
the plot surface at a distance of 15 cm. There were four rows of plants and 33 rows across the
plot or a total of 132 plants per plot.
Planting the seeds. Two seeds of spoon cabbage var. Chirokee were dropped into the
shallow holes made during the land preparation then covered with thin soil (about 1 cm thick).
Immediately after planting the seeds, the plots were watered to field capacity.
Care and management. Irrigation was done after every three days up to harvest. Thinning
the plants one week after emergence was done by leaving one seedling in each hill. Weeds were
removed as they emerge on the plots.
Foliar fertilizer application. The rate of foliar fertilizer application was 8.75 ml per gallon
based on the recommended 35 ml per 16 li of water. The frequency of application specified in
the treatments was strictly followed.
Harvesting. The plants were harvested by cutting them below the base of petioles when
they were 40 days after emergence. All marketable plants were bundled into ½ kg each while
those infected with soft rot were weighed and recorded as non-marketable. Data gathered. The
data gathered, tabulated, computed and subjected to variance analysis and mean separation test
by the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) were:
1. Leaf length (cm). Ten plants from each treatment plot were used in this data where the
leaf length was measured from the based to the tip of the leaf, and the average leaf length was
2. Number of fully expanded leaves. This was taken from ten sample plants by counting
the number of leaves develop per plant.
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

3. Soil analysis. Before planting, composite soil sample were collected then brought to
the soil laboratory for the analysis of organic matter, phosphorus and potassium content. The soil
pH monitored weekly by using pH meter before planting up to harvesting.
4. Weight of individual plant (g). This was computed by dividing the total weight of
plants per plot by the number of plants harvested per plot.
5. Weight of marketable plants (kg). This was the weight of plants with out any defect
that were sold in the market.
6. Weight of non-marketable plants (kg). This was the weight of plants with defects such
as diseased and malformed.
7. Yield per plot (kg). This was the total weight of marketable and non-marketable plants
per plot.
8. Computed yield per hectare (ton). The marketable yield per plot was converted to yield
per hectare by multiplying the yield per plot by 2000 then dividing by 1000. Two thousand is the
number of plots per hectare based on 1m x 5m plot used in the study while 1000 is the weight per
9. Incidence of insect pest and diseases
a. Disease incidence. This was evaluated on a per plot basis using the following scale:
Rating Description
1 No disease
2 Slight incidence (1-19%)
3 Moderate incidence (20-39%)
4 Severe incidence (40% or more)
This was done when plants reached their harvesting stage.
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

b. Insect pest infestation. This was evaluated on a per plot basis using the following scale:

Rating Description
1 No infestation
2 Slight infestation (1-19%)
3 Moderate infestation (20-39%)
4 Severe infestation (40% or more)
Evaluation was done 40 days after planting the seeds.
10. Sugar content (ºBrix). One sample plant from each plot was taken and squeezed and
the juice was placed on a hand refractometer. The reading of the sugar content was recorded.
11. Phytoxicity. The plants in each plot were observed if there were burning effects,
discoloration and other abnormalities. This was documented in photographs and rated as follows:
Rating Description
1 No burning effect
2 Slight burning effect (visible browning on leaf edges)
3 Moderate burning effect ( browning on leaf edges or below)
4 Severe burning effect (browning of all leaves)
12. Return on investment (%). All the cost of inputs were recorded then deducted from
the sales to compute for the net income and ROI. The formula used in computing the ROI was:
Total Sales per Treatment – Total Expenses per Treatment
ROI (%) = ────────────────────────────────────────────
x 100
Total Expenses per Treatment

Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

The study was conducted to determine the growth and development of spoon cabbage
applied with liquid bio-fertilizer at varying frequencies and the profitability of spoon cabbage at
the varying frequencies of application from June to July 2007 with the following results and

Leaf Length
The plants not applied with liquid bio-fertilizer, plants applied every seven days after
seedling emergence for three weeks, every four days after seedling emergence for two weeks and
plots sprayed with liquid bio-fertilizer before planting then one week after seedling emergence
had numerically longer leaves over the farmer’s practice of applying chicken manure as base-
dress then side dressed with 14-14-14 followed by hilling-up (Table 1).
This result suggests that even if the differences are not significant, foliar application had
slight advantage in enhancing growth of the spoon cabbage than applying the dry
Table 1. Leaf length of spoon cabbage at harvest

No fertilizer application (control) 27.56a

Farmer’s practice 24.29a

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 26.45a
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 26.49a
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 27.19a
emergence for three weeks
Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of DMRT
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

fertilizer according to Collings (1962). Similarly, Donahue (1990) mentioned that the leaves and
stem of the plants easily absorb most of the elements for plant growth when they are sprayed to
the particular parts.
Number of Fully Expanded
Leaves at Harvest
As presented in Table 2, there were no significant differences among the treatments on
the number of fully expanded leaves at harvest. However, the farmer’s practice of applying
fertilizer had the least number of fully expanded leaves at harvest.
The result of soil analysis (Table 3) shows that the farmer’s practice has the highest
phosphorus and potassium after harvest, but still the least in fully expanded leaves at harvest.
This may demonstrate the advantage of foliar fertilizer for the plant to easily absorb most of the
elements for plant growth and that absorption takes place on the upper part and lower surfaces of
the leaves according to Donahue (1990). The author also explained that the rate of the movement
may be upward to the leaves or downward to the roots which explain the

Table 2. Number of fully expanded leaves at harvest
No fertilizer application (control) 10.0a

Farmer’s practice 9.0a

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 10.0a
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 10.0a
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 10.0a
emergence for three weeks
Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of DMRT
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Table 3. Soil analysis of the experiment area before planting and after harvestingdone at the
Department of Agriculture, Soils Laboratory, Baguio City

APPLICATION pH (%) (%) (ppm) (ppm) 6.34 3.5 0.175 140 1510

No fertilizer application (control) 6.39 4.5 0.225 215 1300

Farmer’s practice 6.16 4.5 0.225 260 1360

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 6.18 4.5 0.225 185 1080
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 6.45 3.5 0.175 185 1000
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 6.47 4.5 0.225 235 1080
emergence for three weeks

slightly lower count of leaves from the plants harvested following the farmer’s practice.

Weight of Individual Plant
Although the statistical analysis indicated slight differences among the treatments in
terms of weight of individual plant, the plants not applied with fertilizer had the heaviest weight
of individual plant, followed by plants applied with liquid bio-fertilizer every seven days after
seedling emergence for three weeks (Table 4).
The slightly lower weight of individual plant at harvest from the farmer’s practice may be
due to the observation that it had the least number of fully expanded leaves as shown in Table 2.
As mentioned by Kramer (1996), foliar fertilizer can supplement major elements in addition to

Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Table 4. Weight of individual plant at harvest

No fertilizer application (control) 83.00a

Farmer’s practice 66.51a

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 70.33a
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 72.41a
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 80.26a
emergence for three weeks
Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of DMRT

Weight of Marketable Plants
Table 5 shows that plants not applied with fertilizer produced the heaviest weight of
marketable plants, followed by plants applied in every seven days after seedling emergence for
three weeks. However, all the treatments means are not significantly different. The results may
be explained by the other data gathered where there were no significant differences on leaf
length, number of fully expanded leaves and weight of individual plants. As mentioned, the
nutrient content of the soil before planting (Table 3) may be enough for spoon cabbage.

Weight of Non- marketable Plants
There were no significant differences among the weights of non-marketable plants per
plot as shows in Table 6. This means that the different treatments in the study did not influence
the weight of non- marketable plants.

Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Table 5. Weight of marketable plant at harvest

No fertilizer application (control) 10.60a

Farmer’s practice 7.60a

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 8.73a
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 8.73a
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 10.00a
emergence for three weeks
Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of DMRT

Table 6. Weight of non-marketable plant at harvest

No fertilizer application (control) 0.19a

Farmer’s practice 0.17a

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 0.28a
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 0.28a
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 0.23a
emergence for three weeks
Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of DMRT

These results may be due to the observation that the farmer’s practice had the least
weight of individual plant at harvest. According to Perry (1985), critical stress period can be
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

reduced by application of foliar fertilizer and it can supplement a normal pre-plant fertilizer that
can boost the plant requirement.

Yield per Plot
Total yield per plot is consistent with the result of leaf length, number of fully expanded
leaves, weight of individual plant, weight of marketable plants and non- marketable plants where
there were no significant differences among the treatments. (Table 7). The slightly lower yield
form the farmer’s practice was due to plant mortality (Figure 1).
The result suggests that when soil has 3.5% organic matter content, 140 ppm phosphorus,
1,510 potassium and 6.34 pH (Table 3) the application of liquid bio-fertilizer does not make
significant increase in yield of spoon cabbage.

Computed Yield per Hectare
Result in the computed yield per hectare (Table 8) shows that the differences are not
significant in all the treatments. Statistically, the differences may not be significant, but
Table 7. Total yield per plot at harvest
No fertilizer application (control) 10.79a

Farmer’s practice 8.31a

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 9.01a
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 9.01a
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 10.23a
emergence for three weeks
Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of DMRT
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Table 8. Computed yield per hectare at harvest

No fertilizer application (control) 21.20a

Farmer’s practice 15.33a

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 17.47a
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 17.47a
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 20.00a
emergence for three weeks
Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of DMRT

economically the difference of 5.87 tons between the no fertilizer applications over the farmer’s
practice, which when translated to pesos based on the selling price of P 30.00 per kilo is P
176,100.00. This amount is a significant income for the farmer.

Incidence of Insect Pest and Diseases
It was observed that all the plants have slight incidence of insect damage and disease as
indicated by the slight damage and infection (Table 9, see photograph in Fig.1). Flea beetle was
observed during the seedling stage while soft rot was the disease that infected few plants. The
slight damage might be due to the method of growing where it was done inside a greenhouse and
the time of planting which was rainy season. The population of insect pest is lesser during the
rainy season. Moreover, the plants were harvested in 40 days.

Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Sugar Content
Table 10 shows similar refractive index of crop juice from the different treatment studied.
According to Price (2004) fruit and vegetable quality correlates to the amount of Table 9.
Incidence of insect pest and diseases to spoon cabbage plants
No fertilizer application (control) Slight Slight

Farmer’s practice Slight Slight

Sprayed on plot before planting the one Slight Slight
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling Slight Slight
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling Slight Slight
emergence for three weeks

Table 10. Sugar content at harvest
No fertilizer application (control) 2.27

Farmer’s practice 2.27

Sprayed on plot before planting the one 2.80
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling 2.27
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling 2.27
emergence for three weeks
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

dissolved solids in plant sap (fresh juice). High Brix produce adamantly resists rotting in storage,
only high quality produce dehydrates. However, the quality charts did not include spoon cabbage
or pak choi to compare the measured sugar content.

There was no phytoxicity or burning effect on the leaves of spoon cabbage observed from
the study (Table 11). This suggest that spoon cabbage or pak choi does not exhibit phytoxicity
when 8.75 ml of the x-tekh liquid bio-fertilizer per gallon of water is applied every seven days
intervals. Figure 1 shows no burning effect on plant leaves.

Return on Investment
The different total yield and the cost of farm inputs had resulted to the differences in net
income and return on investment from the different frequency of liquid bio- fertilizer application
(Table 12). The plants not applied with fertilizer obtained the highest return on investment of
458.09% or P 4.58 for every peso spent in the production. This was followed by spraying the
liquid bio-fertilizer on the plot before planting then one week after seedling emergence, every
seven days after seedling emergence for three weeks, every four days after seedling emergence
for two weeks and the farmer’s practice with ROI of 371.36 %, 367.44 % 317.44 % and 205.50
5, respectively.

Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Table 11. Phytoxicity to spoon cabbage plants

No fertilizer application (control) No burning effect

Farmer’s practice No burning effect

Sprayed on plot before planting the one No burning effect
week after seedling emergence

Every four days after seedling No burning effect
emergence for two weeks

Every seven days after seedling No burning effect
emergence for three weeks

Table 12. Cost and return analysis from 15 m2 area

ITEM T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Yield (kg) 31.80 22.80 26.20 18.45 30.00

Sales (PhP) 954.00 684.00 768.00 768.00 900.00

Farm inputs (PhP)
Seeds 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71 7.71
46-0-0 (21.739 g) - 1.08 - - -
14-14-14 (357.429 g) - 14.49 - - -
Foliar fertilizer - - 11.40 11.40 11.40
Alnus compost 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
Chicken manure - 26.67 - - -
Land preparation 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75
Planting 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67
Irrigation 13.33 13.33 13.33 13.33 13.33
Thinning 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91 2.91
Fertilizer application - - 1.67 1.67 1.67
Hilling-up - 3.75 - - -
Harvesting 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00
Depreciation cost 46.57 46.57 46.57 46.57 46.57
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Expenses (PhP) 170.94 271.35 184.01 184.08 192.54
Net income (PhP) 783.06 446.65 583.99 583.99 707.46
ROI (%) 458.09 205.50 371.36 317.37 367.44
Note: Selling price = PhP 30.00/kg

As mentioned earlier, the differences in yield did not significantly differed among the
treatments, but this return on investment indicated the differences where every centavo counts.
The application of fertilizer will increase the cost of production and lower the net income. In this
study, when the soil contains 3.5% organic matter, 140 ppm phosphorus, 1,510 ppm potassium
and soil pH of 6.34, higher profit is obtained by not applying fertilizer anymore as implied in this
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

The study was conducted at Benguet State University Experiment area, Balili, La
Trinidad, Benguet from June to July 2007 to determine the growth and yield response of spoon
cabbage applied with liquid bio- fertilizer at varying frequencies, to determine the best frequency
of liquid bio- fertilizer applications and to assess the profitability of spoon cabbage production
applied with liquid bio- fertilizer at varying frequency.
Results of the study showed slight differences among the treatments on all the data
gathered from the spoon cabbage subjected to the different frequency of fertilizer application
from soil fertility level of 6.34 pH, 3.5% organic matter, 140 ppm phosphorus, and 1,510 ppm
potassium. This provided the plants not applied with fertilizer higher net income and 458.09%
return on investment, followed by applying liquid bio-fertilizer on the plot before planting then
one week after emergence with 371.36 % ROI, every seven days after seedling emergence for
three weeks with 367.44 %, every four days after emergence for two weeks with 317.36 %, and
the farmer’s practice had the lowest ROI of 205.50%.

Based on the result presented and discussed, the application of liquid bio-fertilizer to
spoon cabbage or pak choi is not needed when the soil has pH of 6.34, organic matter of 3.5%,
140 ppm phosphorus and 1,510 ppm potassium.

It is therefore recommended not to apply liquid bio-fertilizer to spoon cabbage when the
soil fertilizer level is similar to the soil used in the study. It is also recommended that farmers
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

must have their garden be soil- sampled and analyzed to avoid unnecessary expenses in fertilizer
inputs. Moreover, the result of the study will be verified in a different area that has different soil
fertility level.
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

ABADILLA, D. C. 1982. Organic Farming. Quezon City: AFA Publ., Inc. Pp. 80-100.

COLLINGS, G. H. 1962. Commercial Fertilizers. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publ., Ltd. P.

DONAHUE, R. L. 1990. An Introduction to Soil and Plant Growth. New York: Prentice Hall,
Inc. P. 87.

KRAMER, J. P. 1996. Plant and Soil Relationship: A Modern Synthesis. New York: McGraw-
Hill Co. Pp. 49-50.

KNOTT, J. A. and J. E. DEANON. 1967. Vegetable Production in South East Asia. UPLB,
College, Los Baños. Laguna. P. 250.

KINOSHITA, K. 1972. Vegetable Production in the Sub-Tropics. Tokyo: Lippincott Inc. Pp.

LEDDA, R. N. 1981. Foliar and soil application on sugar beets. BS Thesis. MSAC, La Trinidad,
Benguet. 35pp.

MCDONALD, F. 1993. The American Horticultural Society: Encyclopedia of Gardening. USA:
Dorling Kindersley Inc. P. 320.

MC VICKAR, M. H. 1970. Using Commercial Fertilizer. Illinois: Interstate Publ. and Printers
Corp. Pp. 207-209.

MUKSHEJE, S. K. and DE RAJAT. 1969. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus spray on potatoes.
World Farming. P. 20.

NEUMAN, P. M. 1988. Plant Growth and Leaf Applied Chemicals. Florida: CRC Press Inc. P.

PERRY, B. 1985. Lifting Well Potato Report. Holland: Uniroyal Chemical. Pp. 44-49.

PRICE, W. 2004. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

SAGAPAN, A. S. Growth and yield response of spoon cabbage (Brassica chenises L.) to various
rates of nitrogen. BS Thesis. BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet. 28pp.

SALISBURY, F. B. and C. ROSS. 1969. Plant Physiology. California: Woodsworth Publ., Co.
Pp. 202-204.

SUBIDO, P. S. The rate of fertilizers in crop production. Plant Industry Digst. 24(4):11.
THOMPSON, H. C. 1931. Vegetable Crops. New York: McGraw-Hill Co. Pp. 611-612.
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Appendix Table 1. Leaf length of spoon cabbage at harvest (cm)

TREATMENT ─────────────────────── TOTAL MEAN
T1 27.58 27.98 26.22 81.78 27.26

T2 24.09 24.01 24.77 72.07 24.29

T3 27.88 27.52 23.93 79.33 26.44

T4 26.65 25.70 27.13 79.48 26.49

T5 28.03 27.13 26.40 81.56 27.19

Analysis of Variance

Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean Computed TABULAR F
variation freedom squares square F 0.05 0.01
Replication 2 3.48 1.74

Treatment 4 17.40 4.35 3.31ns 3.84 7.01

Error 8 10.53 1.32
Total 14 31.41
ns = Not significant Coefficient of variation = 4.36%
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Appendix Table 2. Number of fully expanded leaves at harvest

TREATMENT ─────────────────────── TOTAL MEAN
T1 10.00 11.00 10.00 31.00 10.00

T2 10.00 9.00 9.00 28.00 9.00

T3 10.00 10.00 9.00 29.00 10.00

T4 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 10.00

T5 10.00 9.00 10.00 29.00 10.00

Analysis of Variance

Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean Computed TABULAR F
variation freedom squares square F 0.05 0.01
Replication 2 0.40 0.20

Treatment 4 1.73 0.43 1.53ns 3.84 7.01

Error 8 2.27 0.28
Total 14 4.40
ns = Not significant Coefficient of variation = 5.53%
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Appendix Table 3. Weight of individual plant at harvest (g)

TREATMENT ─────────────────────── TOTAL MEAN
T1 72.02 102.69 74.29 249.00 86.00

T2 72.00 64.03 61.49 199.52 66.51

T3 79.37 95.35 36.93 210.98 70.33

T4 77.27 65.35 74.60 217.22 72.41

T5 90.70 80.47 69.60 240.77 80.26

Analysis of Variance

Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean Computed TABULAR F
variation freedom squares square F 0.05 0.01
Replication 2 910.46 455.23

Treatment 4 573.24 143.31 0.61ns 3.84 7.01

Error 8 1888.49 236.06
Total 14 3342.19
ns = Not significant Coefficient of variation = 20.62%
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Appendix Table 4. Weight of marketable plants at harvest (kg)

TREATMENT ─────────────────────── TOTAL MEAN
T1 9.40 13.20 9.20 31.80 10.60

T2 7.00 7.80 8.00 22.80 7.60

T3 9.60 12.20 4.40 26.20 8.70

T4 9.00 7.80 9.40 26.20 8.70

T5 11.50 9.80 8.70 30.00 10.00

Analysis of Variance

Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean Computed TABULAR F
variation freedom squares square F 0.05 0.01
Replication 2 12.53 6.26

Treatment 4 16.72 4.18 0.95ns 3.84 7.01

Error 8 35.10 4.39
Total 14 64.35
ns = Not significant Coefficient of variation = 22.94%
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Appendix Table 5. Weight of non-marketable plants at harvest (kg)

TREATMENT ─────────────────────── TOTAL MEAN
T1 0.25 0.15 0.16 0.56 0.19

T2 2.00 0.14 0.00 2.14 0.71

T3 0.40 0.10 0.35 0.85 0.28

T4 0.35 0.50 0.00 0.85 0.28

T5 3.20 0.50 0.00 0.70 0.23

Analysis of Variance

Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean Computed TABULAR F
variation freedom squares square F 0.05 0.01
Replication 2 0.75 0.38

Treatment 4 0.54 0.14 0.53ns 3.84 7.01

Error 8 2.06 0.26
Total 14 3.35
ns = Not significant Coefficient of variation = 22.94%
Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Appendix Table 6. Computed yield per hectare (ton)

TREATMENT ─────────────────────── TOTAL MEAN
T1 18.80 26.40 18.40 63.60 21.20

T2 14.40 15.60 16.00 45.60 15.20

T3 19.20 24.40 8.80 52.40 17.47

T4 18.00 15.60 18.80 52.40 17.47

T5 23.00 19.60 17.40 60.00 20.00

Analysis of Variance

Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean Computed TABULAR F
variation freedom squares square F 0.05 0.01
Replication 2 50.41 25.20

Treatment 4 64.47 16.12 0.93ns 3.84 7.01

Error 8 139.27 17.41
Total 14 254.15
ns = Not significant Coefficient of variation = 22.81%

Growth and Yield Response of Spoon Cabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer
Application. CAT-AG, JENNIFER S. DECEMBER 2007

Document Outline

  • Growth and Yield Response of SpoonCabbage to Different Frequency of Liquid Bio-Fertilizer Application