ALPEREZ, MICHELLE P. OCTOBER 2009. Collection, Identification and
Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt.
Province. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Araceli G. Ladilad, Ph.D.
The study was conducted from November 2008 to August 2009 in twelve (12)
municipalities of Benguet and four (4) municipalities of Mt. Province to collect, Identify
and characterize the different indigenous fruits eaten by the people and found abundantly
growing on these areas. Specifically, the study aimed to determine the indigenous fruits
eaten by the people and found growing in the municipalities of Benguet and Mt.
Province; their growth habit and morphology which includes plant height/vine length;
stem diameter and presence of sap, leaf characteristics, flower characteristics and fruit
Characteristics; flowering season; methods of propagation; their uses and botanical
Results showed that majority of the indigenous fruits were found in the
municipality of Buguias, Benguet which can be due to the existing vegetation of the
place, which provided a favorable environment for the abundant growth of the different
fruits. Safowan/Degway (Suararia sparsiflora) was the tallest indigenous fruit tree which
stands up to 15.8 m, while, Gumbayas (Physalis peruviana) was the shortest having an
average height of 0.39 m. Most of the fruiting plants identified were shrubs, wherein 7

among the 12 indigenous fruit plants collected and identified were shrubs. Results further
showed that, Kamias (Averrhoa balimbi) have the biggest stem diameter measuring about
65.8 cm, while Masaprula (Passiflora edulis) have the thinnest stem diameter with about
0.5 cm on average. It was also observed that among the identified fruits; 6 have sap
present on their stems/trunks.

Observations show that, all the identified fruits have green leaves that are
odorless. Eight (8) of the identified fruit plants have hairs present on their leaves. With
regards to their flower characteristics, flowers differ from each other, but eleven of the
collected indigenous fruit have small flowers. All of the fruiting plants have fragrant
flowers when in full bloom. With regards to their fruit characteristics, all of the fruits
collected have sweet taste, and sweet smelling fruits. Most of the identified indigenous
fruits are medium in size which is about 0.5 in.-1 inch across. The biggest fruits are that
of Masaprula (Passiflora edulis) which measures 10 cm long and 6 cm wide; while the
smallest are the fruits of ayusip (Vaccinum corymbossum) and bugnay (Antidesma
bunius) which are about 0.2 to 0.5 cm in diameter.

Flowering of most of the indigenous fruits was noted to be during summer
months. Most of the indigenous fruits are being reproduced sexually which is through
their seeds, although they can also be propagated through asexual means such as stem
cuttings, marcotting and layering. Most of the indigenous fruits collected were grown and
collected for fresh fruit consumption, but are also being processed into jams/jellies or
wine/juice. Some of the identified fruit trees have medicinal uses and are also used as
firewoods for handicrafts making and as ornamental plants.



Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Sites of collection in Benguet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Sites of collection in Mountain Province. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

RESULT AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Location of Identified Fruits in Benguet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Location of Identified Fruits in Mt. Province . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Plant Growth Habit and Average Plant Height (m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Stem Diameter (cm) and Presence of Sap in the Stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Leaf Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Flower Characteristics .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Fruit Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Flowering Season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Methods of Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Uses of Identified Fruits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50



In the history of man throughout ages, had shown that man’s development has
been a constant fight against hunger and malnutrition especially in the poor and
developing countries of the world. Poverty and other social factors associated with
malnutrition had been a constant problem which had existed for a long time. However,
especial attention was given to this problem only during the last few decades. Food
shortage led to deficiency diseases like “kwashiorkor”, a term that describes a
deficiency disease in protein which is characterized by generalized edema, retarded
growth, and development and apathy. Another food deficiency disease is “marasmus’,
which is describe as calorie deficiency with retardation of growth and development.
Severe weight losses in young children due to this disease were recorded in medical and
biochemistry records in 1950’s (Youngson).
Although the major staple foods provide the basic food calories; nutritionist
advise us to eat more fruits because they furnish Vitamins- the key which unlock the
doors to good health. They provide various mineral salts and organic acids, iron, and
calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. They convey water to the system and relieve thirst
and act as antiscobutic. Eating more fruits help by acting as diuretics and lessening urine
acidity. Fruits stimulate the appetite and improve digestion.(Dagoon,undated)
Not all of the cultivated fruit crops however, maybe available to the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province due to the following factors; proximity to the community to
fruit producing areas. Existing topography of the land especially in the far-plunge areas,
lack of readily available. Public transport system in the rural areas, lack of farm to
market roads, and buying power of the peso.
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Over the centuries that rural communities have managed to survive from local
resources (Ninez,1984). Observations show that our people in Benguet and in Mt.
Province augment their food needs with the indigenous vegetables and fruits which
are either growing in the wild, or in cultivated plots previously grown to economic
crops. The origin of civilization can be traced to man’s discovery that he could
assure himself of a plentiful food supply. The technology involved in cultivating nut or
fruit trees, for example, is considerably intricate and time consuming; as a result, these
edibles were probably gathered from the wild. Even today, some food gathered from
indigenous uncultivated of plants first took place, it is known that the bulk of our
present day food plants were selected by people of many lands long before recorded
history. The way in which wild plants were transformed to their present cultivated
forms is often obscure, and the original ancestors of many of our crop plants cannot
be traced (Altieri,Anderson and Merrick,1987).

There are numerous indigenous fruits in Benguet and Mt. Province such as
the blueberry which is locally known as ‘ayosip’ and wild strawberry as “ pinit”,
which are just among these plants. Others have distinct local names such as
“degway” and “bugnay”, which makes the identification of these indigenous fruits quite
difficult. Hence, this study was conceived to properly identify, characterize and
document these plants that are abound in Benguet and in Mt. Province, as well to
develop cultural management practices suitable for their domestication and mass
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


This study was conducted to:

1. collect and properly identify, document and characterize all possible indigenous
fruits eaten by the people of the Benguet and Mt. Province;

2. know how these fruits are being eaten and their use/s;
3. mapping of areas in Benguet and Mt. Province where these indigenous fruits


The study was conducted at the twelve (12) municipalities of Benguet and four

(4) municipalities of Mt. Province from November 2008 to August 2009.

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009



Fruits have been used as food since before dawn of civilization, and they
are perhaps more popular than their nutritional quality justifies. No doubt ancestral
primates gathered wild fruits as a not inconsiderable part of their food supply. They are
plant species which, at other times or under other conditions, played a fundamental role
in the agriculture food supply of indigenous peoples and local communities; their neglect
was in many cases the result of the deliberate suppression of self-sufficient ways of life
which characterized traditional cultures. Fruit crops today, considered together by weight,
compare favorably with the world’s staples in agricultural crops.( Bermejo and
Tropical fruits, especially offer an exceeding wide and diverse assortment. The
numerically fewer temperate fruits are perhaps better known and more thoroughly
investigated as horticultural crops (Jules,1972). Since, a fruit is the normal reproductive
structure of flowering plants it is no cause for wonder that an almost unlimited selection
of fruit occurs in the wild from which people have chosen domesticates. Indeed
particularly in the tropics, a wide assortment of wild species is still important to
local populations (Bermejo and Leon,1994). In temperate climates the collecting of
wild fruits and berries, once common place in rural societies has now largely given way
to mass marketing of especially grown cultivars. In some cases, eating habits of the
people and the nutritional and culinary superiority of the primitive cultivars
contribute to their survival.(Ninez,1984)
Recognizing the value of forests is essentially a political question, since research
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


has shown that the products extracted and scientific forest management prove to be
of greater value. Collecting from the wild, populations is frequently seen as an imperfect
system which needs to be improved by development. In actual fact, as Altieri, Merrick
and Anderson (1987) have shown, collecting can be turned into an important factor and,
in the rural framework, it is already an activity that had prevented many families from
descending into absolute poverty.

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009



The materials used were: Black plastic bags for the collection, digital
camera, shovel, pruning shear, meter stick and labeling materials.
Twelve (12) municipalities of Benguet and four (4) municipalities of Mt. Province
served as the collection sites for the indigenous fruits. The collected fruits were
identified, characterized and documented. Figures 1 and 2 show the sites where the
different indigenous fruits can be collected in Benguet and Mountain Province.

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Figure 1. Sites of collection in Benguet
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Figure 2. Sites of collection in Mountain Province


The data gathered were as follows:
A. Plant Characteristics

1. Plant height (cm). The height of the plant was measured from the base to the
tip of the plant at flowering/fruiting.
2. Leaf characteristics. Size, shape, color, odor, presence/absence of hairs in the
leaves was determined.
3. Flowering season
4. Flower characteristics. Size, type, color and odor of the flower was recorded.
5. Plant growth habit

6. Trunk/ stem characteristics. Stem /trunk diameter at flowering or fruiting was
measured, and the presence/absence of sap was determined.
7. Fruit characteristics. Color, odor, taste and size were characterized.
8. Methods of propagation. The mode of propagation was identified, either sexual
(seeds) or asexual (vegetative plant parts).


9. Uses
10. Botanical classification. Identification of the specific fruit collected and
identified by local name, scientific name and family.

B. Habitat / Location
1. Sunlight/ shade level.
2. Temperature.
3. Rainfall (mm).
4. Topography, altitude and other characteristics of the area.
C. Documentation of the study. The indigenous fruits were documented through pictures.
D. Characterization of the collected indigenous fruit crops as described in A and B.

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Location of Identified Indigenous Fruit in Benguet

Table 1 shows the location of Identified fruits in Benguet. Results obtained differ
with regards to the number of fruits that were collected from the different municipalities
of Benguet, and it was found that among the twelve municipalities of Benguet, Buguias
has the highest number of identified indigenous fruits with 11 fruits identified, which
maybe due to its existing vegetation, that provided environmental conditions favorable
for the growth of the indigenous fruits. Municipalities of Atok, Kibungan and Mankayan
followed with 9 fruits each identified. This was followed by the municipality of Bakun.
On the other hand, the municipality of La Trinidad has only 5 fruits identified which
maybe due to the prevalence of residential houses and industrial buildings in the area.

Results show that indigenous fruits grow well or thrive well on forested
areas/mountainous areas and are very abundant in thickets and partially-shaded areas, but
can also thrive well on well-drained soil. Fruits found growing on forested areas that are
partially-shaded were found to have good quality fruits with robust and dark green leaves.
Location of Identified Indigenous fruit in Mt. Province

Table 2 shows the location of identified indigenous fruit being eaten by the people
of Mt. province. There were 4 selected municipalities of Mt. Province namely: Bauko,
Besao, Bontoc and Sagada which served as the collection sites. The results show that
among the 13 identified fruits, 9 of them were found abundantly growing in the
municipality of Besao, while 8 were found growing on some parts of the municipalities
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 1. Location of identified fruits in Benguet

Atok : Bakun : Bokod : Buguias : Itogon : Kabayan : Kapangan : Kibungan: Mankayan: LaTrinidad: Tuba: Tublay

Ayusip; Alumani

/ / X / / / / / / / / /
Vaccinum corymbossum


/ / / / / / / / / X / /
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas; Gubbais / / X / X X X / / X X X
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-kadang;bang-bang / X X / X X X / / X / X
Medinillia magnifica


/ / / / / / / / / / / /
Avverhoa balimbi


Diospyros blancoi


/ / / / / / / / / / / /
Passiflora edulis

Absent – X

Present - /

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P.
Alperez. 2009

Table 1. Continued…

Atok : Bakun : Bokod : Buguias : Itogon : Kabayan : Kapangan : Kibungan: Mankayan: LaTrinidad: Tuba: Tublay
Rubus niveus / / / / / / / / / / / /
Rubus rosafoleus / / / / / / / / / / / /

Safowan;Degway / / / / / / / / / X / /
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo / / / / / / / / / / / /
Cyphomandra betaceae

Uplas / / / / / / / / / / / /
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok / / / / / / / / / X / /
Sauruaia elegans

Yantok;Litoko X X X X X X X X X X X X
Calamus manillensis

Present: /
Absent: X

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P.
Alperez. 2009


Table 2. Location of Indigenous Fruits in Mt. Province

Bauko Besao Bontoc Sagada

Ayusip;Alumani / / / /
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay:Bignay / / / /
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais X X X X
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang / / / /
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias / X X X
Averrhoa balimbi

Mabolo X X X X
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula / / / /
Passiflora edulis

Present: /
Absent: X
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 2. Continued…

Bauko Besao Bontoc Sagada

Rubus niveus / / / /
Rubus rosafoleus / / / /

Safowan;Degway X / / /
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo / / / /
Cyphomandra betaceae

Uplas X / X X
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok / / / /
Sauruaia elegans

Yantok X X X X
Calamus manillensis

Present: /
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Plant Growth Habit and Average Plant Height/Vine Length

Table 3 shows the differences obtained on the height of the identified indigenous
fruit. The result show that among the 13 identified fruits, Suararia sparsiflora commonly
called as the Safowan/Degway was the tallest plant measuring about 15.8 m high. It was
followed by Diospyrus blancoi or Mabolo having an average height of 15 m. On the other
hand, Physalis peruviana or Gumbayas was the shortest plant with an average height of
0.39 m at flowering and fruiting stage.

The identified fruits were either a vine, shrub or a tree in terms of their growth
habit. Results show that 6 are identified as shrub, 6 are trees; and 2 are vines.

Table 3. Plant growth habit and plant height/ vine length


Ayosip;Alumani Shrub 0.4
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay; Bignay Shrub 1.5
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais Shrub 0.39
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang Shrub 0.77
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias Tree 13.61
Averrhoa balimbi

Mabolo Tree 15
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula Vine 13.06
Passiflora edulis
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 3. Continued…


Rubus niveus Shrub 1.1
Rubus rosafolius Vine 1.5

Safowan;Degway Tree 15.8
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo Shrub 3
Cyphomandra betacea

Uplas Tree 1.55
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok Tree 14.03
Sauruaria elegans

Yantoc;Litoko Tree 3
Calamus manillensis

Stem Diameter and Presence of Sap
Observations show that Averrhoa balimbi which is commonly called Kamias have
the biggest stem diameter measuring about 65.8 cm. Diospyrus blancoi commonly called
Mabolo followed having a stem diameter of 50 cm. Passiflora edulis or Masaprula have
the thinnest stem diameter, having a stem diameter of 0.5 cm.

With regards to the presence of sap, it was observed that among the identified
fruits; 6 have sap present on their stems/trunks, while the others do not have sap in their

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 4. Stem diameter and presence of sap

( cm )

Ayosip;Alumani 1.27 Present
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay; Bignay 10.16 Absent
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais 2.5 Absent
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang 0.8 Absent
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias 65.8 Absent
Averrhoa balimbi

Mabolo 50 Present
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula 0.5 Present
Passiflora edulis

Rubus niveus 2.3 Absent
Rubus rosafolius 3 Absent

Safowan;Degway 45 Absent
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo 30 Present
Cyphomandra betacea

Uplas 15.5 Present
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok 43.5 Absent
Sauruaria elegans

Yantoc;Litoko 20
Calamus manillensis

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Leaf Characteristics

Table 5 shows the leaf characteristics of the indigenous fruits collected. Among
the thirteen indigenous fruits identified 3 of them have small leaves, in terms of their
sizes which are as follows: Vaccinum corymbossum, Averrhoa balimbi and Rubus niveus;
6 have medium size leaves and 5 have large leaves. In terms of their shape, some are
lanceolate, elongate, ovate, heart-shape, elliptical, oblate, and cordiform.

With regards to their odor /aroma or fragrance, 1 fragrant leaves while the 12

indigenous fruit plants have odorless leaves. It was also observed that 8 of the indigenous

fruit identified have hairs present on their leaves, while the others have smooth leaves.

Flower Characteristics

Observations show that all of the identified indigenous fruits have fragrant
flowers and the sizes of their flowers differ from each other; 11 of them have small sized
flowers; while 3 are medium in size. In terms of their flower type, some are bell-form;
some are raceme, thryse and corymb which is seen in Passiflora edulis or Passion fruit.
With regards to their flower color, the fruits differ from each other, although the
common color they have is white, wherein there are 8 fruits which have white flower
color, while the others have flowers with crimson, violet/purplish, pale yellow, red,
yellow and cream colors.

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 5. Leaf characteristics


Ayosip;Alumani small lanceolate green odorless absent
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay; Bignay medium elongate green odorless absent
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais medium heart-shape green odorless present
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang large ovate green odorless absent
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias small ovate green odorless present
Averrhoa balimbi

Mabolo medium oblate green fragrant absent
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula medium lanceolate green odorless absent
Passiflora edulis

Rubus niveus small serrated green odorless present
Rubus rosafolius medium heart-shape green odorless present

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P.
Alperez. 2009


Table 5. Continued…


Safowan;Degway large elongate green odorless absent
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo large cordiform green odorless present
Cyphomandra betacea

Uplas medium elongate green odorless present
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok large elongate green odorless present
Sauruaria elegans

Yantoc;Litoko large elongate green odorless present
Calamus manillensis

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P.
Alperez. 2009


Table 6. Flower Characteristics


Ayosip;Alumani pale pink or red Bell-form small fragrant
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay; Bignay white Raceme small fragrant
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais yellow with black spots Bell-form medium fragrant
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang pink or white Thryse small fragrant
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias yellowish-green Raceme small fragrant
Averrhoa balimbi

Mabolo creamy-white Raceme small fragrant
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula violet or white Corymb medium fragrant
Passiflora edulis

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 6. Continued…


Rubus niveus white Thryse medium fragrant
Rubus rosafolius white small fragrant

Safowan;Degway white Raceme small fragrant
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo pinkish-white Raceme small fragrant
Cyphomandra betacea

Uplas white Raceme small fragrant
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok white Raceme small fragrant
Sauruaria elegans

Yantoc;Litoko white Raceme small fragrant
Calamus manillensis

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Fruit Characteristics

Table 7 shows the fruit characteristics of the indigenous fruits being identified. It
was observed that all of the fruits do have fragrant odor and are sweet, although some are
sweetish acid, like Averrhoa balimbi, Passiflora edulis, and Calamus manillensis.

With regards to their sizes, 2 are large, 8 are medium and 3 are small, in terms of

their color majority of the fruit are green when unripe, and indigo, red, yellow or orange

when mature.

Flowering Season

Table 8 shows the flowering season of the different indigenous fruits identified,
the results obtained shows that some of the indigenous fruits flower during summer
which is from the month of March to May like the Bugnay (Antidesma bunius), and
Uplas (Ficus ulmifolia). Although some bear flowers towards the month of March and
after the month of May.
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 7. Fruit Characteristics


Ayosip;Alumani pale pink-unripe; indigo-ripe fragrant sweet
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay; Bignay green-unripe; red-ripe fragrant sweet medium
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais yellow green fragrant sweet medium
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang pink-unripe; red-ripe fragrant sweet small
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias green-unripe; yellow-ripe fragrant sweetish acid medium
Averrhoa balimbi

Mabolo red fragrant sweet medium
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula yellow/ purple fragrant sweetish acid large
Passiflora edulis

Rubus niveus green-unripe; red-ripe fragrant sweet small
Rubus rosafolius green-unripe; orange-ripe fragrant sweet small

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P.
Alperez. 2009


Table 7. Continued…


Safowan;Degway green-unripe; yellow green-ripe fragrant sweet medium
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo green-unripe; red-ripe fragrant sweet large
Cyphomandra betacea

Uplas green fragrant sweet medium
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok dark gray fragrant sweet medium
Sauruaria elegans

Yantoc;Litoko brown fragrant sweetish acid medium
Calamus manillensis

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P.
Alperez. 2009


Table 8. Flowering season


Ayosip;Alumani January- March
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay; Bignay March- May
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais November- March
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang December- May
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias December
Averrhoa balimbi


March- May
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula January-May
Passiflora edulis

Rubus niveus April- May
Rubus rosafolius

Safowan;Degway February- May
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo September- December
Cyphomandra betacea

Uplas March-June
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok January- May
Sauruaria elegans

Yantoc;Litoko May-June
Calamus manillensis

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Methods of Propagation

Table 9 shows the different modes of propagation of the collected and identified
indigenous fruits. Results shows that these plants are reproduced both through asexual
and sexual means. All of the 13 identified indigenous fruits are being propagated
sexually, which is by means of their seeds; while 6 are asexually propagated, th by means
of cuttings and, 5 plants can be propagated by marcotting, grafting and budding

Table 9. Method of propagation

Ayosip;Alumani / / X X X
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay; Bignay / / / X X
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais / X X X X
Physalis peruviana

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang / / X X X
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias / / / X /
Averrhoa balimbi

Mabolo / X / X /
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula / X X X X
Passiflora edulis

Rubus niveus / / X X X
Rubus rosafolius / / X X X

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 9. Continued…

Safowan;Degway / X / X /
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo / X X X X
Cyphomandra betacea

Uplas / / X X X
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok / X / X /
Sauruaria elegans

Yantoc;Litoko / X X X X
Calamus manillensis

Uses of Identified Fruits

Table 10 shows the uses of the different identified indigenous fruits. Results show
that most of the identified fruits are mainly used for fresh fruit consumption, however,
they are also being processed into jams, jellies and wines like in Vaccinum corymbossum.
It was also found that some of them are used as spices, and as ingredients for cakes,
muffins and in some other delicacies. As for some fruit trees, their trunks are also being
used in making furniture, and other handicrafts and decors which requires wood, and in
some places the trunks and branches of the fruit trees and other fruit shrubs are also used
as firewood.

In some instances, some of the indigenous fruits are used as medicines for some
illnesses, like Rubus niveus which is believed that the leaves and roots are good in easing
diarrhea, digestive upsets and gout.
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 10. Uses of identified indigenous fruits


Ayusip;Alumani / / / / / X
Vaccinum corymbossum

Bugnay:Bignay / / / / / /
Antidesma bunius

Gumbayas;Gubbais / / X X X X

Kadang-dang;Bang-bang / X X X X X
Medinilla magnifica

Kamias / / X / X /
Averrhoa balimbi

Mabolo / X X X / /
Diospyros blancoi

Masaprula / / / / / X
Passiflora edulis

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


Table 10. Continued…



Rubus niveus / / / / / X
Rubus rosafoleus / / / / / X

Safowan;Degway / X X X X /
Suararia sparsiflora

Tamarillo / X X / / X
Cyphomandra betaceae

Uplas / X X X X /
Ficus ulmifolia

Uyok / / X X X /
Sauruaia elegans

Yantok / X X X X X
Calamus manillensis

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Ayosip; alumani
English Name ( s ): Blueberry
Scientific Name: Vaccinum corymbossom
Family: Ercaceae
Plant Characteristics

Blueberry which is commonly called as Ayusip or Alumani in the locality is a

shrub attaining a height of 130 cm. The leaves are 1-8 cm long and 0.5-3.5 broad; they

are green in color and are ovate to lanceolate. The flowers are borne cluster and bell-

shaped, white, pale pinkish or red. The fruit is a false berry having a diameter of 5-16 mm

with a flared crown at the end. They are pale greenish at first, then reddish-purple, and

finally indigo on ripening. They have a sweet taste when mature, with viable acidity.


They are commonly found freely growing on mountains; they can thrive on well-
drained soil with direct sunlight and a temperature ranging from 18-25 C. These plants
are found in most places of Benguet and in Mt. Province.

Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Economic importance

Blueberries are eaten fresh or processed as individually quick frozen fruit, juice or
dried or infused berries which in turn may be used in a variety of consumer goods such as
jellies, jams, pies, muffins, snack food and cereals. They are also used as traditional
medicines for some ailments and this includes; headache, fever, eye problems including
retinal hemorrhaging and diarrhea. The fruit is also rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin K.

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Bugnay; Bignay
English Name (s): Chinese laurel; Salamander tree
Scientific name: Antidesma bonius
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Plant Characteristics

Bignay is commonly called Bugnay by the Ilocanos, Kalingas and Kankana-ey;

while the kiangans of Ifugao call it Bugney. Bignay attains a height from 150 cm. It is an

open branched tree, more or less pubescent or nearly glabrous. Leaves broadly elliptic to

elliptic-oblong, 3-8 cm long; the apex broad, usually rounded and the base subcordate.

Spikes pubescent and panicled, 4-10 cm long. The flowers which usually bloom in
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

March-May are white, small and sessile. The fruit are subglobose, olivaceous with sour

taste, 4-5 mm in diameter and are smooth.


They are commonly found in thickets, open slopes as well as in and around

settlements all over the Philippines. It grows in most places in Benguet and in Mt.


Economic Importance

The fruits are eaten raw when ripe and are used for seasoning fish or meat. The
fruits can be processed into vinegar, wine and jelly. The leaves are also used for
medicinal purposes.

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Gumbayas; Gubbais
English Name(s): Cape gooseberry
Scientific name: Physalis peruviana
Family: Solanaceae
Plant Characteristics

Herbaceous or soft-wooded perennial plant usually reaches 40 cm in height but
occasionally may attain 6 ft. It has ribbed, often purplish, spreading branches and nearly
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

opposite, velvety, heart-shaped, pointed, randomly toothed leaves 6-15 cm long and 4-10
cm wide, and in the leaf axils, bell shaped, nodding flowers to 2 cm wide, yellow with 5
dark purple brown spots in the throat, and cupped by a purplish-green, hairy, 5 pointed
calyx. After the flower falls, the calyx expands, ultimately forming a straw-colored husk
much larger than the fruit it encloses. The berry is globose, 1.25-2 cm wide, with smooth,
glossy, orange-yellow skin and juicy pulp containing numerous very small yellowish
seeds. When fully ripe, the fruit is sweet but with a pleasing grape-like tang. The husk is
bitter and inedible.

Grows in any well-drained soil but does best on sandy to gravelly loam. On
highly fertile alluvial soil, there is much vegetative growth and the fruits fail to color
properly. The plant grows on sloping or rolling areas having a temperature ranging from
16-25 C. This is present in Atok, Bakun, Buguias and Kibungan.
Economic Importance

The Cape gooseberry are being canned whole and preserved as jam, and also
made into sauce, used in pies, puddings, chutneys, and ice cream, and eaten fresh in fruit
salads and fruit cocktails. The fruit is rich in Vitamin A.

Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Kadang-dang; Bang-bang
English Name(s): Medinilia
Scientific name: Medinillia magnifica
Family: Melastomataceae
Plant characteristics

Bang-bang or kadang-dang as commonly called by the people in Benguet and Mt.

Province is an evergreen shrub or liana which can reach a height of 1.8 m or 180 cm. The

leaves are oposite or whorled, elongated and grow to about 12 inches (30 cm). The

matured leaves are colored green and the young leaves are red. The flower is bell-shaped

and pinkish and 2.3 cm in diameter and are produced in large panicles. The fruit is pink at

first, then red and finally purple when ripe. The taste of the fruit is sweet when ripe.


The plant is usually found on mountains and usually thrives in rich, moist, well-

drained, humus-rich soil in partial shade. This is present in Atok, Buguias, Kibungan

Mankayan and Tuba.

Economic Importance
The fruit are eaten fresh.

Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Kamias
English Name(s): Cucumber tree
Scientific name: Averrhoa balimbi
Family: Oxalidaceae
Plant Characteristics

This is a small tree, growing from 1,200 cm in height. The leaves are pinnate and

20-60 cm long, with hairy rachis and leaflets. The leaflets are opposite, 10 to 17 pairs,

oblong and 5- 10 cm in length. The panicles growing from the trunk and larger branches

are hairy and 15 centimeters long or less. The flowers are about 1.5 centimeters long, and

are somewhat fragrant. The calyx is hairy and the corolla is purple often marked with

white. The fruit is sub-cylindrical, obscure, broad, rounded, longitudinal lobes, green,

acid, edible, and about 4 centimeters long.


Kamias thrives best in full sun and also in rich, moist, but well-drained soil; it

grows and fruits quite well on sand or limestone.

Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Economic Importance

Aside from being eaten raw, the fruit is also used to remove stains from clothing
and also for washing the hands. It is much used as seasoning and is made into sweets,
including jam, and is used in making pickles. It was reported that the leaves are also used
as a paste applied hot to itches; and internally, fresh or fermented, for syphilis; or in the
form of infusion, as a protective medicine after childbirth.

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Mabolo
English Name(s): Velvet apple
Scientific name: Diospyros blancoi
Family: Edenaceae
Plant Characteristics

It is a tropical tree that varies in form from a small tangy tree with drooping
branches, to erect, straight tree, with stout, black, furrowed trunk to 50 in (80 cm) thick. It
is rather slow- growing. The evergreen, alternate leaves, oblong, pointed at apex, rounded
or pointed at the base, are 6- 9 in long, 2 to 3 ½ in wide; leathery, dark-green, smooth and
glossy on the upper surface, silvery- hairy underneath. New leaves are showy, pale-green
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

or pink and silky- hairy. The tubular, 4- lobed, waxy, faintly fragrant blooms are short-
stalked, creamy- white, downy. Fruits are fleshy, globose, up to 8- 10 cm in diameter,
densely covered with short brown hairs. The pulp is edible. The fruit hairs have rubbed
off before eating as it cause peri- oral itching and irritation.

The mabolo is indigenous to low and medium altitude forest rom the sea level to
the 2,400 feet above sea level. It needs a good distribution of rainfall through the year.
Economic Importance

The fruit are being eaten fresh and can be sliced and season with lime or lemon
juice, added to other fruits in salads. Cut into strips and fried, it is crisp and fairly
agreeable as a vegetable of taro type appropriate for serving with ham, sausage or other
spicy meat.

Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Masaprula
English Name(s): Passion Fruit
Scientific name: Passiflora edulis
Family: Passifloraceae
Plant Characteristics

A vigorous climber (vine) with smooth, deeply lobed, toothed leaves and sprilling
climbing tendrils. The attractive white flowers have numerous stamens and characteristic
curved styles. The fruit are egg shaped berry with a tough skin (purple or yellow, and
somewhat wrinkled at maturity0 containing numerous sees with fleshy, sweet or sour

These fruits were found on all places in Benguet.

Economic importance

Fruits are mainly eaten fresh or the fruit pulp is used in drinks, yogurts and
desserts. The fruit pulp is also processed and combined with sauces, jams, candies, ice
cream, sorbet, cake icing, jellies and cocktails. Purple fruit are preferred for eating.
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Rubus rosafolius Rubus niveus
Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Pinit; Boyot
English Name(s): Wild Strawberry
Scientific name: Rubus niveus; Rubus rosafolius
Family: Rosaceae
Plant Characteristics

Wildberry is locally known as pinit or boyot.It is a scrambling, spiny shrub
growing in thickets of limestone formation; it has 5-9 leaflets with toothed margins. The
flowers are white. The fruits occur in terminal clusters and with a good flavor. The fruits
are orange or red when ripe.

Wild strawberries are very abundant in thickets at more than 1000 m elevation.
The fruits occur only in Benguet and in Mt. Province.
Economic Importance

Wild strawberries are eaten raw or used in making juice, jam, syrup and wine.
Leaves are used in blended herbal teas. Leaves and roots are believed to have medicinal
benefits in terms of easing diarrhea, digestive upsets and gout. The fruit is evidently used
externally to counteract sunburn, skin blemishes and discolored teeth.
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Safowan; Degway
English Name(s):
Scientific name: Suararia sparsiflora
Family: Dilleniaceae
Plant Characteristics

Medium sized tree reaching a maximum height of about 6 m. The leaves are
colored green and are elongated. It is prolific and fruits heavily over a long period of
time, say four months or more starting from the month of July. The fruit is green with
sour taste and looks like a carmay. They are usually found on branches.

They are commonly found on mountains, partially shaded areas.

Economic Importance
It is mainly eaten as fresh fruit and can be processed into candies and jam. They
are also used as decoction. The branches and trunk can be used as firewood.

Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Tamarillo
English Name(s): Tree tomato; Tamarillo
Scientific name: Cyphomandra betaceae
Family: Solanaceae
Plant Characteristics

Tamarillo is a small tree, growing 300 cm in height, with a single trunk that is
monopodial and branched at a height of 1 to 1.5 m into two or three branches. The leaves
are cordiform, 17 to 30 cm long, 12-19 wide, subcarnose and lightly pubescent on the
underside. There are caulinar inflorescences opposite the leaf. The flowers are 1.4 cm
long, the calyx persists on the fruit, the corolla is pinkish white and rotate-campanulate
with reflexed apices, connivent stamens that are shorter than the corolla, yellow anthers
and are dehiscent through two apical pores. The style emerges between anthers. The fruit
is 5-7 cm long, ovoid, glabrous, greenish yellow to orange in color, with longitudinal
markings, and the mesocarp is orange.

The plant grows best in regions having a temperature between 18-22 C and annual
precipitations of 600-800 mm. They also grow best with less soil dehydration and where
the light is diffused. The tree tomatoes do not tolerate low temperatures. This is present
in all areas in Benguet and Mt. Province.
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Economic Importance

The fruit is eaten raw or cooked. In all case the skin is removed as it has a bitter
flavor. More frequently it is eaten as a dessert of fruit syrup. It is also sometimes used to
make sauce. The fruit attribute to fruit medicinal properties for alleviating respiratory
diseases and combating anemia. The tree tomato contains adequate number of Vitamins
A,B6, C, and E and iron.

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Uplas: Updas
English Name: Figs
Scientific name: Ficus ulmifolia
Family: Moraceae
Plant Characteristics

Uplas is a perennial shrub/ tree, collectively known as fig trees or figs. Its leaves
are rough and thick, vines are small. The fig fruit is an endorsed inflorences,sometimes
referred to as a syconium, an urn like structure lined on the inside with the fig’s tiny
flowers, posses a white to yellowish sap(latex); the twigs has paired stipules or a circular
stipule scar if the stipules have fallen off; and the lateral veins at the base of the leaf. It
exhibits similar tiny flowers arranged on a receptacle but in this case the receptacle is a
more or less flat, open surface. Its fruit are green in color and are medium in size.
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


This are commonly found freely growing on mountains, this is present in all
places of Benguet and some places of Mt. Province.
Economic Importance

Important both as food and traditional medicine contain laxative substances,
flavonoids, sugar, vitamins A and C, acids and enzymes. Figs are also of paramount
cultural importance throughout the tropics, both as objects of worship and for their many
practical uses.

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Uyok
English Name(s):
Scientific name: Sauruaia elegans
Family: Dilleniaceae

Plant Characteristics

Uyok as commonly called by some people in Benguet and Mt. Province is a tree
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

attaining a height of 20 m. Its leaves are green, acuminate and hairy and have a dark gray
edible fruit.

They are found growing in partially shaded areas. The fruit is found in some
places in Benguet and Mt. Province.
Economic Importance

The fruit can be eaten fresh and some processes its fruit into jam or jellies.

Name of the Indigenous Fruit: Yantok; Litoko
English Name(s): Rattan fruit
Scientific name: Calamus manillensis
Family: Arecaceae
Plant Characteristics

This is an exotic fruit which comes from a vine locally called “Yantok” which is
one among the variety of rattan. It is one among the sourest fruit in the world. These fruit
are available in the market from August to October.
Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


These fruit are found in the jungle forest.
Economic Importance

Fruit is edible.

Collection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009



The study was conducted from November 2008 to August 2009 at the 12
municipalities of Benguet and 4 municipalities of Mt. Province, to collect and properly
identify and characterize the different indigenous fruits being eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province. Indigenous fruits growing in the area and are being
domesticated were also included.

Results shows that among the identified fruits Kamias (Averrhoa balimbi),
Masaprula (Passiflora edulis), Pinit (Rufus niveus) and (Rubus rosafoleus), Tamarillo
(Cyphomandra betaceae), Uplas (Ficus ulmifolia) was present in al the municipalities.
While Mabolo (Diospyros blancoi) was present in some part of Mt. Province. In terms of
the number of fruits collected, Buguias has the highest number of fruits identified.
Among the 13 fruits, 12 were found present in the area, while La Trinidad, has the lowest
number of fruits with only, 6 indigenous fruits which can be due to the prevalence of
residential houses and industrial buildings.

Safowan/Degway was the tallest fruit tree identified with a height of 15.8 m,
while Gumbayas (Physalis peruviana) was the shortest with about 0.39 m plant height on
average. Kamias (Averrhoa balimbi) has the biggest stem diameter measuring about 65.8
cm; while Masaprula (Passiflora edulis) has the thinnest with about 0.5 cm. Six (6)
among the identified fruits have sap present on their stems/trunks.

Most of the indigenous fruits, bear flowers on the summer months, and were
propagated sexually, but can also be propagated asexually. Most of the indigenous fruits
grow well on forested areas, partially in shaded and moist places.
Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Almost all the indigenous fruits are for food consumption, others processed into
jam/jellies, wine and other beverages; some also have medicinal uses, and others are
used for firewoods and as ornamentals/plants.

The study shows that most of the indigenous fruits identified are trees. They were
found growing on the wild and some are also being domesticated. They are being
propagated through their seeds although they can be propagated through cuttings,
budding and marcotting.

Although the indigenous fruits differ from their physical characteristics, the
results shows that they are a good sources of vitamins, and they can also be processed
into jams/jellies and other processed products which is beneficial to man.

It is further recommended that this study will be continued in all provinces of the
Cordillera to have complete list of the possible indigenous fruits. It is also recommended
that these indigenous fruits which are rich in vitamins should be domesticated by the
people of Benguet and Mt. Province in commercial scale to augment the seasonal fruits in
these localities.

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009


ALTIERI, M.A., ANDERSON, M.K., AND L.C.MERRICK. 1987. Peasant agriculture
and the conservation of the crop and the wild plant resources. Conserv. Biol.,

BERMEJO, J.D., and LEON, J. 1994. Neglected crops: 1492 from the
different perspective. Pp.7-11,201-202

DAGOON, J.D. undated. Exploratory agricultural arts. Book 1. REX bookstore.Pp.43-45

JULES, J.1972. Horticultural Science. 2nd edition. W.H. freeman and company. Pp.7-9

NINEZ, V.K., 1984. Household Gardens: Theoretical considerations on an old survival

Strategy. Trainees and Communication Department International Potato Center,

Lima, Peru

YOUNGSON, R. M. Undated. "Marasmus", "Kwashiorkor", Microsoft® Encarta® 2007
[DVD]. Microsoft Corporation, 2006.

Col ection, Identification and Characterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of
Benguet and Mt. Province / Michelle P. Alperez. 2009

Document Outline

  • Collection, Identification andCharacterization of Indigenous Fruit Crops Eaten by the people of Benguet and Mt.Province
      • Location of Identified Indigenous Fruit in Benguet
      • Location of Identified Indigenous fruit in Mt. Province
      • Plant Growth Habit and Average Plant Height/Vine Length
      • Leaf Characteristics
      • Flower Characteristics
      • Fruit Characteristics
      • Flowering Season
      • Methods of Propagation
      • Uses of Identified Fruits
      • Summary
      • Conclusion
      • Recommendations