BOCLONGAN, ALAIN M. OCTOBER 2007. Influence of Alfonso and
Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid
Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.). Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Valentino L. Macanes, Msc.

Three mulberry (Morus Alba L.) varieties namely Batac, Alfonso and Kanva-
2 were fed to PTRI SW-4 hybrid silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.) to determine the best
variety/cultivars in silkworm rearing and cocoon production. Batac was used as
standard check. The study was conducted from March to April, 2007 at the Benguet
State University Sericulture Project, Puguis, La Trinidad Benguet and at Philippine
Textile Research Institute, La Trinidad, Benguet.
The three mulberry varieties gave no significant differences on the larval
duration, average larval weight, number of defective or waste cocoons, average
whole cocoon weight, number of good cocoons per liter, cocoon shell percentage,
cocoon filament length and denier. The Batac variety gave a significant effect on
PTRI SW-4 hybrid silkworm’s good cocoon recovery. The Batac mulberry variety
(standard check) had a significant higher percentage of good cocoons than the two
other mulberry varieties. In terms of good cocoon recovery, silkworm rearing using
The Batac variety is better than Alfonso and Kanva-2 varieties. However, Kanva-2
and Batac were almost the same in all parameters.


Bibliography……………………………………………………………………....... i
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………... i
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………….. ii
INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………. 1
REVIEW OF LITERATURE…………………………………………………….... 3
MATERIALS AND METHODS…………………………………………………... 5
Larval Duration……..…..………………………………………………………….. 8
Average Larval Weight…………………………………………………….............. 8
Good Cocoon Recovery…………………………………………………................. 9
Number of Defective or Waste Cocoons …………….……………………………. 10
Average Whole Cocoon Weight……………………………………….…………... 10
Number of Cocoons per Liter……………………….……………………............... 11
Cocoon Shell Percentage…………………………….…………………….............. 12
Cocoon Filament Length……………………………….………………….............. 12
Denier………………………………………………………………………………. 13
LITERATURE CITED……………………………………………………………... 16
APPENDICES……………………………………………………………………… 17



The insect that produces mulberry silk is a domesticated variety of silkworm
which belongs to Genus Bombyx under family Bombycideae. The mulberry silkworm
is monophagous to mulberry plant because of the attractant morin present in it. The
test silkworm, PTRI SW-4 is a local hybrid variety of silkworm that was derived
from C102 and J102. C102 is a purebreed Chinese variety while J102 is a purebreed
Japanese variety.
Mulberry sericulture is based on the mulberry leaf yield because the leaf
contributes more than one third (33%) of the cocoon produced (Das et al., 1974).
This plant, which originated from the lower slopes of the Himalayas, is a hardly
perennial and can grow in almost any type of soil under various climatic conditions
including that of the tropics (FAO, 1976).
It is not only the quantity, but also the quality of the mulberry leaf involving
various physical, chemical/biochemical characters that are known to influence
silkworm rearing. Sericulturists, however, often overlook that the bulk production of
leaves is not always consistent with their high nutritional status (Purohit et al., 1996).

The quality of mulberry leaf varieties has a predominating influence on the
development of the silkworms and the quality of cocoons produced. If silkworm
rearing and cocoon production are to be successful, it is very important that the
mulberry leaves are highly nutritive and fresh for feeding silkworm. In La Trinidad,
Benguet; several foreign and local varieties were introduced one after the other.
Since the leaf yield and physical characters of these varieties vary greatly, they have
Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

to be tested for their nutritive value by feeding them to different silkworm varieties
(Alos, 1996).

This study was be conducted to serve as a reference by providing knowledge
on the different mulberry varieties found in the locality for silkworm rearing. The
results could be recommended for mass cultivation and, consequently, for silkworm
rearing and profitable local cocoon production.
The objectives of the study were;
1. To determine the best locally introduced mulberry variety/varieties for rearing PTRI
SW-4 hybrid silkworm.
2. To evaluate the effects of the two mulberry varieties on the larval growth
characteristics, cocoon yield, cocoon filament length and denier.
3. To establish the best local mulberry variety to be recommended for mass cultivation
for profitable commercial or seed cocoon production.
This study was conducted at the Benguet State University Sericulture Project,
Puguis, La Trinidad, Benguet and at the Philippine Textile Research Institute at La
Trinidad, Benguet from March to April, 2007.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007


Alos (1996) stated that mulberry leaf variety has a predominating influence
on the development of the silkworm and quality of cocoons.
Das et al., (1974) stated that the events of mulberry sericulture begin with
cultivation of suitable and best fit mulberry variety for an ecozone. Vegetative
propagation efficiency is one of the desirable traits of superior varieties.
Not only the quantity, but also the quality of the mulberry leaf, involving
various physical, chemical/biochemical characters, is known to influence the
condition of silkworm rearing. However, sericulturists, in their enthusiasm to
produce large quantities of leaves, often overlook that bulk production of leaves is
not always consistent with their high nutritional status (Puruhit and Kumar, 1996).
Appropriate feeding of mulberry to grown silkworms at the fourth and fifth
instars is ensured if farmers use the branch or shoot rearing method in which a whole
branch of mulberry leaves is placed on the rearing bed. The advantages of the
method are as follows: normal daily feeding can be provided three times and
mulberry leaves are fresher than other methods used. It is also relatively easier to
combine this with spacing, bed cleaning and more silkworms can be simultaneously
reared at a lower cost. On the other hand, the leaf feeding method has declined in
favor of the branch feeding method considering that branch feeding is preferred
especially by medium farmers and large-scale rearers (Felix, 1996).

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

Diban (1997) stated that evolution and selection of mulberry varieties is a
lengthy process involving domestication and evaluation under specific climatic and
management condition. She further stated that agricultural varieties are groups of
similar planes, by which structural features and performance may be identified from
the other varieties with the same species. She also said that the yield and leaf content
of mulberry varieties vary greatly, and as a consequence, immeasurable varieties
have to be tested for their characteristics.

Moreover, Dalang (1997) stated that the quality of mulberry leaves affect the
economic properties of the present generation of silkworm physique, cocoon quality,
voltinism and moultinism.
Furthermore, Capegsan (2001) stated that among the various environmental
factors which influence the cocoon crops, the most important are the quality and
quantity of leaf supply, atmospheric temperature and humidity prevailing at the time
of rearing and the techniques of rearing adopted. Examples to theses are the rearing,
cleaning and spacing of the rearing beds.
Lastly, silkworm larvae ingest about fifty grams of mulberry leaves. About
64% of the nitrogen contained in the leaves is used for photosynthesis. One larva can
produce about 0.6 grams of silk protein, estimated as the cocoon filament which
consist or about 80% fibroin and 20% sericin which has a fibroin length of 1,000 –
1,500 meters per cocoon (Curiman, 2002).

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007


A total of nine hundred (900) PTRI SW-4 hybrid silkworm larvae were used
in this study. Meanwhile, the two mulberry varieties that were mainly evaluated were
Alfonso and Kanva-2 while Batac was used to serve as standard check. The other
materials used were: rearing trays, rearing stands, weighing scale, heater,
thermometer, hygrometer, cocooning frame, knife/bolo, chopping board, nets, lime,
paraffin papers, news papers, container and data sheets. The Standard Silkworm
Rearing Procedure was followed (Appendix No. 10). Each treatment was replicated
three times with 100 worms per replication following the Completely Randomized
Design (CRD). The different mulberry varieties were gathered from the BSU
Sericulture Project, at Puguis, La Trinidad, Benguet. The different treatments were as
Treatment Mulberry Variety
T1 Batac (Standard check)
T2 Alfonso

T3 Kanva-2

Data Gathered:
1. Larval duration (days). The duration of the larval period was determined by
recording the days from brushing the silkworm until cocoon formation.
2. Average larval weight (g). This was gathered and determined by weighing ten
samples of each replicates of 5th Instars (mature larvae before spinning). The total
Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

weight was divided by ten (10) and the quotient indicates the maximum larval
The average larval weight was computed as follows:
LW =weight of 10 sample larvae per replicate

3. Good cocoon recovery (%). This was obtained by counting the good cocoons formed
per replicate and dividing the number by the standard number of worms per replicate
and then multiplied by one hundred (100). Good cocoon recovery was computed by
using the following formula:
GC =Number of good cocoons x 100

4. Number of defective cocoons. This was obtained by counting the different defective
cocoons such as double cocoon, flimsy cocoon, malformed cocoon, thin ends
cocoon, inside-stained cocoon, loose formed cocoon and very loose formed cocoon
(waste cocoon).
5. Average whole cocoon weight (g). This was determined by weighing ten (10)
randomly taken good cocoons and the weight was divided by ten (10) as shown
AWCW =10 randomly taken whole good cocoons

6. Number of good cocoons per liter. This was determined by counting the number of
good cocoons accommodated by one (1) liter beaker.
7. Cocoon shell percentage (%). This was taken by cut-opening ten (10) good cocoons
per replicate and weighing it to obtain the whole cocoon weight; the Cocoon shell
was weighed in the weighing balance.
Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

The cocoon shell percentage was computed by using the following formula:
CS % = Weight of shell
x 100
Whole cocoon weight

8. Cocoon filament length (m). This was determined by individual reeling of three
cocoons randomly obtained per replicate in an epprovette and recording each
cocoon’s filament length as shown by the epprovette.
9. Denier. The size of silk thread in denier was obtained by using the following
D = Filament weight x 9000
Filament length

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007


Larval Duration
Table 1 shows the number of days the silkworms completed their larval stage.
Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences among the treatment means on
the larval duration. Results showed that the three (3) mulberry varieties Batac,
Alfonso, and Kanva-2 have the same larval duration of 27 days. This implies that
these mulberry varieties did not significantly differ from each in terms of affecting
the larval growth duration.

Average Larval Weight

Table 2 presents the average larval weight. Statistical analysis showed no
significant differences among treatment means. Nevertheless, Kanva-2 and Batac
had slightly higher larval weight with a mean of 4.05grams while Alfonso gave the
lowest larval weight with a mean of 4.04grams.Table 2 also revealed that the three
mulberry varieties had a little difference in terms of affecting the average larval

Table 1. Larval duration


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 27
T2-Alfonso 27

T3-Kanva-2 27

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

Table 2. Average larval weight


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 4.05
T2-Alfonso 4.04
T3-Kanva-2 4.05

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.

Good Cocoon Recovery

The good cocoon recovery as affected by the three mulberry varieties is
presented in Table 3. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference among the
three treatment means. Batac mulberry variety gave the highest recovery of good
cocoons with a mean of 71.66%, followed by Kanva-2 variety with a mean of
68.33%. Finally, Alfonso variety had the lowest mean of 66.33%.
The mulberry Batac mulberry variety had a significant higher percentage of
good cocoons than the two other mulberry varieties. In terms of good cocoons
recovery, silkworm rearing using the Batac mulberry variety is better than Alfonso
and Kanva-2 varieties. Although, Alfonso and Kanva-2 produced good cocoons, they
had lower quality than the silkworm fed with Batac variety.

Table 3. Good cocoon recovery


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 71.66a
T2-Alfonso 66.33b
T3-Kanva-2 68.33ab

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

Number of Defective or Waste Cocoons

The number defective or waste cocoons were obtained by counting the
different defective cocoons. Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant
differences among the three mulberry varieties as presented in Table 4. Nevertheless,
Kanva-2 variety had the highest mean of 10.00 followed by Alfonso variety with a
mean of 8.33, while Batac variety gave the lowest mean of 8.00 in the number of
defective or waste cocoons. Furthermore, Kanva-2 variety had a higher mean than
Alfonso and Batac varieties in terms of this parameter.

Average Whole Cocoon Weight

Table 5 shows the average whole cocoon weight; Statistical analysis revealed
that there were no significant differences among the different mulberry varieties fed
to the silkworm. However, Batac variety gave the highest mean of 2.09grams while
Alfonso and Kanva-2 varieties had the same mean of 2.03grams average whole
cocoon weight.

Table 4. Number of defective or waste cocoons


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 8.00
T2-Alfonso 8.33
T3-Kanva-2 10.00

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

Table 5. Average whole cocoon weight


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 2.09
T2-Alfonso 2.03
T3-Kanva-2 2.03

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.

Number of Good Cocoons per Liter

Statistical analysis showed no significant differences on the number of
cocoon per liter as shown by Table 6. However, the Batac and Kanva-2 mulberry
varieties gave slightly higher number of cocoon per liter with the same mean of
82.00 while the Alfonso mulberry variety produced the lowest number of cocoon per
liter with a mean of 81.33.

Table 6. Number of good cocoons per liter


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 82.00
T2-Alfonso 81.33
T3-Kanva-2 82.00

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

Cocoon Shell Percentage

Table 7 shows the cocoon shell percentage as affected by the treatments.
Results gave no significant differences as revealed by statistical analysis. However,
Batac variety yielded the highest cocoon shell percentage with a mean of 23.25%,
followed by Kanva-2 variety with a mean of 22.71%. Alfonso gave the lowest mean
percentage of 21.71%.

Cocoon Filament Length

The cocoon filament length is shown in Table 8, Statistical analysis revealed
no significant differences among treatment means. However, Batac obtained the
longest filament length with a mean of 1,242.89 meters, followed by Kanva-2 with a
mean of 1,195.88 meters. Meanwhile, Alfonso gave the shortest filament length with
mean of 1,144.44 meters.

Table 7. Cocoon shell percentage


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 23.25
T2-Alfonso 21.71
T3-Kanva-2 22.71

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

Table 8. Cocoon filament length


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 1242.89
T2-Alfonso 1144.44
T3-Kanva-2 1195.88

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.


Denier determines the size of silk thread. Table 9 shows the Denier results of
the cocoons fed with the three mulberry varieties. Statistical analysis proved that
there were no significant differences among the treatment means. However, Batac
variety yielded the highest mean of 2.48, followed by Kanva-2 with a mean of 2.45,
while Alfonso yielded the lowest mean of 2.43.

Table 9. Denier


T1-Batac (Standard Check) 2.48
T2-Alfonso 2.43
T3-Kanva-2 2.45

*Means with the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level DMRT.
Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007


The influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 mulberry varieties on the growth and
cocoon yield of PTRI SW-4 hybrid silkworm was studied at the Benguet State
University Sericulture Project, and at the Philippine Textile Research Institute
Technology Center at La Trinidad, Benguet from March to April 2007. The
parameters used for evaluation were: larval duration, average larval weight, good
cocoon recovery, number of defective or waste cocoons, average whole cocoon
weight, number of good cocoons per liter, cocoon shell percentage, cocoon filament
length and denier.

There were three trials used and each treatment was replicated three times
with 100 worms per replication following the completely randomized design (CRD).
The different mulberry varieties were gathered from the BSU Sericulture Project. A
total of nine hundred (900) PTRI SW-4 silkworm eggs were used for this study. The
silkworm eggs were obtained at PTRI-La Trinidad where they were acid treated and
incubated. Afterwards, it was brushed and reared at BSU Sericulture Project from
first instar until mounting and harvest. The harvested cocoons were then assessed for
its quality at Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI).

Results of this study revealed that the three mulberry varieties tested did not
significantly affect the performance of PTRI SW-4 hybrid silkworm on the larval
Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

duration, average larval weight, number of defective or waste cocoons, average
whole cocoon weight, number of good cocoons per liter, cocoon shell percentage,
cocoon filament length and denier. However, statistical analysis showed that Batac
variety gave a significant effect on good cocoon recovery of PTRI SW-4 hybrid
silkworm. This mulberry variety had the highest recovery of good cocoons with a
mean of 71.66%, followed by Kanva-2 variety with a mean of 68.33% while Alfonso
variety had the lowest mean of 66.33%. Batac also had slightly high mean on the
average whole cocoon weight, cocoon shell percentage, cocoon filament length and
denier. While, Kanva-2 variety had gave high number of defective or waste cocoons
and have the same mean with Batac variety in larval duration, average larval weight
and number of good cocoon per liter. Lastly, the Alfonso variety did not significantly
differ from the standard check (Batac) in terms of the performance of PTRI SW-4
hybrid silkworm in all the parameters used.

Based on the overall results of this study, Batac variety is still recommended
in the rearing of PTRI SW-4 hybrid silkworm for good cocoon recovery which could
give a profitable sericulture business enterprise. The other mulberry varieties
(Kanva-2 and Alfonso), especially Kanva-2, are also recommended as alternative
feeds for silkworm rearing.
Finally, the researcher recommends that further similar studies be conducted
using other silkworm hybrids and a year-round experiment be done.
Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007


ALOS, T. M. 1996. Initial field establishment of three foreign mulberry varieties
under La Trinidad, Benguet condition. BS Thesis. Benguet State University,
La Trinidad, Benguet. Pp. 3-4.

CAPEGSAN, G.O. 2001. Performance of the new PTRI silkworm strain in Sagada,
Mt. Province. BS Thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. P.

CURIMAN, E.F. 2002. Feed requirement of PTRI silkworm 5 hybrid under La
Trinidad, Benguet condition. BS Thesis. Benguet State University, La
Trinidad, Benguet. P.3.

DALANG, E.P. 1997. The effect of mulberry leaf storage duration on the growth and
performance of JC 102 silkworm under La Trinidad condition. BS Thesis.
Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. P. 4.

DAS, B.C., Prasad D.N. 1974. Evaluation of some tetraploid and triploid mulberry
varieties through chemical analysis and feeding experiment. Indian J.
Sericulture, 13(1).

DIBAN, A. P. 1997. Evaluation of mulberry cultivars and variety as feeds for JC 102
commercial silkworm. BS Thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad,
Benguet. Pp. 1-5

FELIX, R. M. 1996. Effect of feeding methods and feeding frequencies on cocoon
yield of silkworm (Bombyx mori) variety CJ under La Trinidad condition. BS
Thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. P. 4.

PURUHIT AND KUMAR, 1996. Central Research and Training Institute. India. P.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007


APPENDIX TABLE 1. Larval duration (days)


T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 27 27 27 81 27
T2-Alfonso Variety 27 27 27 81 27
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 27 27 27 81 27
TOTAL 243 27


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 0 0 0 ns 6.94 18.0
Error 4 0 0
ns- not significant CV = 0%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

APPENDIX TABLE 2. Average larval/weight (g)


T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 4.07 4.05 4.03 12.15 4.05
T2-Alfonso Variety 4.03 4.04 4.06 12.13 4.04
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 4.05 4.06 4.05 12.16 4.05
TOTAL 36.44 4.04


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 0.0001 0.00007 0.24ns 6.94 18.0
Error 4 0.0003 0.00032
TOTAL 6 0.0004
ns- not significant CV= 0.45%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

APPENDIX TABLE 3. Good cocoon recovery (%)


T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 74 69 72 215 71.66
T2-Alfonso Variety 70 65 64 199 66.33
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 68 67 69 204 68.00
TOTAL 618 68.66


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 43.5555 21.7777 7.84 ** 6.94 18.0
Error 4 11.1111 2.7777
TOTAL 6 54.6666
** = highly significant CV= 2.42%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

APPENDIX TABLE 4. Number of defective or waste cocoons


T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 8 9 7 24 8
T2-Alfonso Variety 11 8 6 25 8.33
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 8 12 10 30 10
TOTAL 79 8.77


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 6.8888 3.4444 0.84 ns 6.94 18.0
Error 4 16.4444 4.1111
TOTAL 4 23.3333
ns-not significant CV= 24%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

APPENDIX TABLE 5. Average whole cocoon weight (g)


T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 2.11 2.06 2.11 6.28 2.09
T2-Alfonso Variety 2.06 2.13 1.90 6.09 2.03
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 2.09 1.91 2.11 6.11 2.03
TOTAL 18.48 2.05


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 0.0072 0.0036 0.30 ns 6.94 18.0
Error 4 0.0486 0.0121
TOTAL 4 0.0558
ns-not significant CV= 5.37%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

APPENDIX TABLE 6. Number of cocoons per liter


T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 84 80 82 246 82.00
T2-Alfonso Variety 78 84 82 244 81.33
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 84 82 80 246 82.00
TOTAL 736 81.77


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 0.8888 0.4444 0.05 ns 6.94 18.0
Error 4 33.7777 8.4444
TOTAL 4 34.6667
ns-not significant CV= 3.55%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

APPENDIX TABLE 7. Cocoon shell percentage (%)


T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 24.27 23.97 21.31 69.55 23.18
T2-Alfonso Variety 21.82 23.26 20.05 65.13 21.71
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 23.48 22.70 21.46 67.64 22.54
TOTAL 202.32 22.47


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 3.6662 1.8331 3.49 ns 6.94 18.0
Error 4 2.1020 0.5255
TOTAL 6 5.764
ns-not significant CV= 3.21%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

APPENDIX TABLE 8. Cocoon filament length (m)


T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 1,319 1,233.66 1,176 3,728.66 1,242.66
T2-Alfonso Variety 1,121 1,130 1,182.33 3,433.33 1,144.44
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 1,229.66 1,265.33 1,092.66 3,587.65 1,195.88
TOTAL 10,7496.64 1,194.32


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 14546.47 7273.23 1.44 ns 6.94 18.0
Error 4 20147.37 5036.84
TOTAL 6 34,6938.84
ns-not significant CV= 5.94%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007



T1-Batac Variety (Standard Check) 2.59 2.33 2.52 7.44 2.48
T2-Alfonso Variety 2.56 2.30 2.43 7.36 2.45
T3-Kanva-2 Variety 2.70 2.27 2.39 7.36 2.45
TOTAL 22.16 2.46


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of
Variation freedom
squares squares F
F0.05 F0.01

Treatment 2 0.0037 0.0018 0.42 ns 6.94 18.0
Error 4 0.0177 0.0044
TOTAL 4 0.0214
ns-not significant CV= 2.71%

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007


I. Silkworm Rearing House Disinfection

Before rearing starts; the room and implements is cleaned, washed and dried.
Formalin is prepared using 16 liters of water to be mixed in 3% formalin. The
solution is used in fumigating the rearing room. Upon disinfection, the rearing room
is tightly closed for 24 hours to ensure effective disinfection. This is done ten days
before brushing, Disinfection is effective at a higher temperature above 24ºC, and it
is conducted at 11:00 am. As for the other implements this are soaked in 2%
formaldehyde solution, followed by sun-drying.
The nine hundred (900) newly-hatched larvae (PTRISW-4) were separated
from the egg cards by placing finely chopped mulberry leaves over them.
Afterwards, they were transferred in a clean rearing tray by brushing the worms with
the use of white, clean feather.

II. Feeding
The silkworms is fed three times a day, respectively at 7:00 am, 1: 00 pm and
6: 00 pm. Young –ages (1st – 3rd instar) is fed with finely chopped mulberry leaves
while grown-up stage (4th – 5th instar) is fed with the whole leaves. The leaves are
harvested by leaf plucking.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

III. Bed Cleaning

Bed cleaning is done using nets placed with, finely chopped mulberry leaves
for the young ages while, whole leaves for the grown-up stage. The net is lifted when
all the larvae have crawled up to be transferred in a separate tray. This is maintained
to reduce heat and avoid immediate respiration of the mulberry leaves which may
cause drying and silkworm diseases.

IV. Bed Spacing

As the silkworm grows and develops, the size of the rearing bed is enlarged
accordingly. The worms is arranged evenly, neither too crowded nor spaced too far
apart, as either would cause insufficient feeding and irregularity in development or
waste of leaves and rearing appliances.

Spacing is carried out together with bed cleaning or feeding. Clean
chopsticks and clean white feathers is used to enlarge the bed for the young worms
and for the grown worms.

V. Silkworm Disinfection

In silkworm rearing, the outbreak of diseases is closely related to the hygienic
conditions of the rearing beds. Pathogens are usually excreted by the worm’s
droppings, which will contaminate the mulberry. If healthy worms eat the feces, they
can contact diseases. Since rearing beds are the main source for the rearing of the
pathogens, disinfection of the beds is essential. Lime powder is generally used to
disinfect the worm’s body and the rearing beds. Fresh lime powder has a strong
Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

disinfecting effect on many diseases. It also has an antidotal effect on chemically
polluted leaves. Fresh lime powder can isolate pathogens and keep the rearing beds
dry. There are also some disinfecting chemical alternatives like burnt rice hull with
formalin and others.

VI. Mounting

This is done by picking the matured worms and placing them in the
cocooning frame after 19-25 days of rearing. Matured worms are determined with
the following characters: body color is translucent, eat less mulberry leaves, and
wave its head and moves towards the periphery in search for spinning area.

VII. Cocoon Harvesting

Harvesting of the cocoons is done seven days after mounting. After which the
harvested cocoons is deflossed and sorted, respectively, in each treatment replication.

Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield
of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.)/ Alain M. Boclongan. 2007

Document Outline

  • Influence of Alfonso and Kanva-2 Mulberry Varieties on the Growth and Cocoon Yield of PTRI SW-4 Hybrid Silkworm (Bombyx Mori L.).