BIBLIOGRAPHY Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim...

Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Joseph. Awareness
Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok, Benguet.
Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

The study aims to identify the level of awareness of the residents of Naguey, Atok,
Benguet on the different indigenous agroforestry practices, determine the benefits obtained
in practicing agroforestry, identify the problems encountered by the residents and their
recommendations to maintain and promote agroforestry practices.
Residents of Naguey, Atok, Benguet are very aware of the following indigenous
agroforestry practices: terracing, swidden cultivation, home garden and raising cattle in
forest. On the other hand, just fifty-five percent of the respondents are aware on what
agroforestry is all about.
The respondents are perceptive on the different beneficial effects of applying agroforestry
practices on the aspects of social, economical and environmental concerns. Conversely, the
respondents‟ main problem is on lack of capital or financial assessment.
Also the respondents encountered problems such as lack of capital, lack of raw materials,
lack of knowledge in implementation, lack of equipment and credit facilities, lack of
guidelines on land allocation, lack of efficient marketing scheme for farm product, and
deficiency in production technology.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Thus the leading recommendations of the respondents in order to maintain and promote
agroforestry as a tool for forest management are the farmers will undergo on-site and off-
site training on technical aspects agroforestry as well as entrepreneurial skills, support
systems for the farmers such as farm to market roads, seedlings, farm inputs and health
services. Extension services and technology transfer will be done, provide the farmers with
a continued source of livelihood that is compatible with the principles of sustainable
management and at the same serves as a tool for forest protection will be developed.
Identified information and education campaign to facilitate and give knowledge, involving
farmers in planning in solving problems and lastly, appropriate policies in applying
agroforestry should be considered.

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

This chapter presents the background of the study, conceptual framework,
statement of the problem and hypothesis of study.
Background of the Study
Traditional methods are developed over many generations of trial and
refinement (Oldeman, 1979) notes that indigenous agricultural traditions are
combinations of bioclimatic, soil, population density and technical ability, among
other factor. As soon as the evolution of one or more of such components goes
beyond certain quantitative thresholds, the tradition ceases being adequate. The
literature cites many examples of practical, ecologically sound highland agriculture
and forestry management practices developed over generations of refinement by
tribal groups in response to their environment (Olofan, 1981). Indigenous
agroforestry systems, according to Lasco (1994) are those that have been in
existence for generations and have thus passed the test of time.
High population growth and dwindling forest resources are two of the
problems that baffle rural development efforts in the Philippines. An increasing
population demands more food, healthful environment, enough water, adequate
housing and other essentials of life. The population increase creates pressure to
accelerate conversion of forests into agricultural lands to cause an increasing
demand for goods and services from our receding forests (Castillo, 1987).
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Agroforestry is a collective name for land use systems in which woody
perennials (trees, shrubs, and others) are grown in association with herbaceous
plants (crops, shrubs, and others) and or livestock in a spatial arrangement, a
rotation, or both, and in which there are both ecological and economic interactions
between the tree and non-tree components of the system (ICRAF, 1978). It is a
suitable land management practice which combines the production of agricultural
crops, forest trees and or livestock simultaneously or sequentially on the same land
management unit which is the aim of obtaining greater output in a sustained basis
(ICRAF, 1978).
Traditional methods are developed over many generations of trial and error
and refinement notes that indigenous agriculture and forestry management practices
are combinations of bioclimatic, soil, population density and technical ability
among factors (Oldeman, 1979). Agroforestry is considered as a strategy to
rehabilitate the denuded uplands and at the same time improve the socio-economic
condition of upland farmers (http://www.agoforestry.htm). In the Philippines, the
oldest agroforestry system studied was swidden cultivation locally termed as
“kaingin”. This system is believed to be ecologically sound and practiced mostly
by indigenous people. However, because of population growth of the country, even
the lowlanders engaged in farming activities in the uplands resulted to more
pressures and upland degradation. At present, to deal with those circumstances, the
indigenous people and lowlanders who depend their living on the upland areas of
the country are practicing several agroforestry systems.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Nature provides with what people need so they must be responsible in
taking care of it. People migrating to the uplands brought with them diverse lowland
farming practices that are most often than not applicable in the uplands. Through
agroforestry, farms are utilized into various combinations of food crops, trees,
animals, and other resources. Integrate production systems; soil and water
conservation measures are adopted to efficiently increase food production while
maintain soil fertility; improving its physiochemical and biological properties.
Since indigenous agroforestry is still practiced in every rural community, this
study of the awareness of local communities on indigenous agroforestry
practices as a tool of forest management at Naguey, Atok, Benguet will have a
contribution to the residents and farmers. The result of the study to be conducted
can be introduced to the farmers and may help as their basis in practicing
indigenous agroforestry systems. This study
also serves as
educational campaign


Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012


Figure. 1 Map of Naguey, Atok, Benguet

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Conceptual Framework
In the locality, people are experiencing crisis that triggers them to allocate
and maximize the use of our resources in order to maintain their needs. Majority of
individuals mainly are dependent on the scarce resources in maintaining their
biological provisions. Because of the persistent distribution of the resources, the
productivity and quantity of the forests decreases. It is being converted into
agricultural land, pasture land, disturbed because of extensive logging and cutting
of trees.
Due to the incessant destruction of natural resources, experts introduced to
the local communities the practice of agroforestry. This practice is the combination
of cash crops and trees in a certain area. This system increases production while
maintaining the outlook of the natural resources not only for economic value but
also promote ecological sustainability.
The independent variable comprises the different indigenous agroforestry
practices. These practices are in varied technique but have common purpose, it is
to increase stable production of food, raw materials and the basic necessities of an
individual, it conserves natural resources and the existing flora and fauna. The
intervening variable affects the practice on different indigenous agroforestry
practices. Moreover, the local residents encounter problems in applying these
practices. Based on the effect of intervening variables on the different variables,
actions and initiations will be recommended to promote the practice of the
indigenous practices. Motivation on the respondents and teaching strategies should
be an alternative or other way promoting these practices. Thus, dependent variables
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

wherein benefits from this agroforestry practices will be acquired or attained such
as the sustainable social,
Agroforestry Practices
Currently, a new system of land use called agroforestry is being espoused as an
alternative to swidden farming. Agroforestry is seen as a strategy in social forestry,
which is a new name for an old practice. Burch and Parker (1992), characterized
agroforestry as a process of combining trees and food crops with animals to meet
human needs. Scientists and developers were challenged to solve a range of
problems that reflect complex and interrelated biophysical and socio-economic
factors in order to improve on and promote new variations of this ancient strategy
of farming practices.
The concept of agroforestry is new, but the rudimentary practice of agroforestry is
quiet old. It was only in the recent years that concerted studies have focused
attention on this old practice with the view of rationalizing it, thus the scientific
principles were injected into the old, and in the process the term “agroforestry” is
coined. Agroforestry normally involves two to more species of plants (or plants and
animals) at least one is woody perennial; it always has two or more outputs; the
cycle is always longer than one year and even the most simple agroforestry system
is more complex, ecologically, and economically than monocropping system.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Combe (1992) classified agroforestry systems with the following criteria: (1) based
on the kind of associated agricultural products. This refers to the combination of
crops and or livestock and can be of the following: (a) Agrisilvicultural system, in
which agricultural crops and trees are raised together such as alley cropping,
sloping agricultural land technology (SALT) and multistory cropping; (b)
Silvipastory system, where, livestock animals are raised with forest trees; and (c)
Agrisilvipastoral system, which involves the production of forest trees, agricultural
crops and raising of domesticated animals; (2) based on the function of forest
component like for protection, production on both; and (3) based on spatial
distribution of trees such as regular or irregular.
Major agroforestry in the tropics were described by Nair et al. (1993) as follows:
(1) improved fallow involves the planting of fast growing, preferably leguminous
woody species that are left to grow during the fallow period of shifting cultivation.
Woody species cause site improvement and may yield economic products; (2)
taungya is the growing of agricultural crops during the initial establishment of
forestry plantation; (3) alley cropping includes the planting of fast growing trees,
preferably leguminous woody species, in crop production field; (4) plantation of
crop combination is an integrated multistory tree crops such as coconut, cacao,
coffee and rubber with other shade trees and or herbaceous crops; (5) Multi-
purpose Tree Species (MPTS) is a strategy where fruit trees and other multi-
purpose trees are scattered on farm and arrange haphazardly or according to
systemic planting arrangement in crop or animal production fields; (6) trees in soil
conservation is a process of planting trees on bunds, terraces, risers and
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

reclamation sites; and (7) home gardens are intimate multistory combination of a
large number of various trees and crops in a homestead.
In the Philippines, agroforestry is practiced in different forms and variants. The
practice is now accepted throughout the archipelago although it varies in terms of
method of field implementation such as the kind of tree and agricultural crop
combination used, method of planting and maintenance practiced (Calanog and
1989). Agroforestry servers as an acceptable alternative not only in the
rehabilitation of denuded forest land but also in developing the countryside
through the participation of the upland communities, which are the direct
beneficiaries of this farming system.
Alley cropping, which is becoming popular in sloping lands, involves the
establishment of hedgerows along the contour of mountain slopes. A variant alley
cropping called sloping agricultural land technology (SALT) was developed by
Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center (MBRLC), a non-government organization
based in Kinuskusan, Bansalan, Davao del Sur (ICRAF, 2000). Multi-story system
agroforestry is similar to the structures (multi-layer) and composition (diverse
species) of a tropical rainforest and can also be adapted by interplanting shade-
tolerant species under established trees and coconut plantation multi-story system
can also be integrated with animals that can graze under trees.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Aside from these modified and research–based agroforestry technologies, there
are existing indigenous agroforestry systems practiced by upland farmers in the
Philippines but they are not aware that it is agroforestry. The practice of the
cultural communities in the Cordillera to terrace with the use of stones is an
example. Terracing, done even in the present in places with elevations ranging
from, 1,500 to 5,000 ft. above sea level, is called “wet-rice-terraces” by Keesing
(1962). It is agroforestry practiced as a way of life, an existence of indigenous
upland technological expertise worth preserving and emulating. It is irrigated rice
terraces constructed on steep mountainside. The system has been in existence for
more than 2000 years, it is the most important factor responsible for its
sustainability. The forest stands serve as watershed from which springs forth water
needed to irrigate the terraces as well as prevent land slippage.
Another indigenous agroforestry practice is the “balabag” of the Naalad upland
farmers in Naga, Cebu, Philippines. The balabag system is considered as
indigenous agroforestry, combining agricultural and forestry crops in the same
unit area. It is the same as the modern cyclical agroforestry wherein, land is cleared
of perennial crops by cutting, cropped, fallowed then cleared again (Pulhin, 1983).
Fallowing is done to restore soil fertility. The area is compartmentalized to allow
rotational cropping and fallowing, so that when one-half of the farms are under
fallow, the other half produces corn as the main crop followed by tobacco.
Home gardens occur in some form in almost every ecological zone and farming
system. Agroforestry practices in home gardens can range from few trees and
shrubs in small vegetable and herb gardens to a dense multi-story plot of fruit trees,
vegetables, herbs and cash crops with trees planted for timber, fuel wood, and
fodder (Rochelan, 1988). It is a major source of food or cash income, especially for
poor families with little arable land. This is very common in rural scene both upland
and lowland areas.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Raising cattles in forest plays an important role in the traditional agroforestry
practices. They are used for ploughing, weeding and transport (PCARRD, 1991).
The animals help to keep the land clear of weeds, used to play an indirect but
important role in protecting the growth of forest tree seedlings by reducing fire
hazard. Cattle may reduce labor requirements as well as contributing to production
via fertility enhancement and the control of competing weeds. Cattle may play a
role in seed germination of some forest trees species by eating their fruit and
breaking the dormancy of the seed.
Swidden agriculture or shifting cultivation has been and still is practiced to manage
soil fertility. Shifting cultivation involves an alternation between crops and
longterm forest fallow (Conklin, 1987). In typical sequence, forest is cut and burned
to clear the land and provide ash „fertilizer‟ or „lime‟ for the soil. Crop yields are
typically for the first few years but then fall on account of declining soil fertility or
invasion of weeds or pests. The fields are then abandoned and a farmer clears
another piece of forests. The abandoned field is left to fallow for several years or
decades and thus has a chance to rebuild fertility before the farmer returns to it to
start the process again. Shifting cultivation is often characterized by seasons-to-
season progression of different crops, which differ in soil nutrient requirements,
and susceptibility to weeds and pests.
Benefits of Agroforestry
The degree to which agroforestry can contribute to solving global environmental
problems remains uncertain, not least because the problems themselves are still
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

poorly understood. Moreover, the agroforestry can contribute to local and regional
economies in many ways. An analysis by the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations (FAN) and ICRAF (Raintue and Hoskins, 1988) listed a
total of 32
contributions of agroforestry to eight basic human needs. The main contributions
are the following: (1) increased and more stable food production, resulting either
directly from the introduction of trees (fodder, fruit) or indirectly through the
contribution of tree to soil fertility and the sustainability of agriculture, (2) higher
incomes for small-scale farmers and other land users, resulting from the scale of
the products. (3) more products and services provided by small-farms, with
associated benefits to rural and national economies in terms of increased small-
scale industry, reduced dependence on external sources for key agricultural inputs
(fertilizer) and subsistence products (fuelwood, building materials), (4)improved
soil structure and fertility, whose importance effects on crop yield; (5) enhanced
microclimates through increased standing biomass, with benefits to crops, animals
and people; (6) reduced pressure on remaining forests, achieved by raising the
productivity of existing agricultural land by increasing the supply of fuel wood
and other products from non-forested areas; (7) reduced soil erosion and siltation
of water ways, achieved through the prevention of run-off on sloping land; (8)
reduced pressure on grazing lands through the intersification of fodder of animal
production; and (9) source of employment, raw materials, for handicraft/cottage
industries, food, energy, feeds for livestock and materials for housing, farm
implements; for soil and water conservation, microclimatic amelioration.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Management of Agroforestry Practices
Interest in agroforestry as a means of improving rural livelihood has led to
development of a number of “improved” agroforestry practices. Efforts to improve
or rationalize traditional practices have generally made little impact on traditional
agroforestry, perhaps because improved practices often fail to offer farmers
increased production and income or reduced risks. Yet improved management and
enhanced practices offer great potential for increased production and profit from
agroforestry practices.
Raintree (1983) suggests three general criteria for the design of successful
agforestry practices:

Productivity – Introduced practices should be at least as
productive in economic terms are existing practices. Short-term
economic incentives are often critical to farmer acceptance and
adoption of new practices.

Sustainability – It is often reluctant to adopt conservation
practices that require additional investment the sustainability of
agroforestry practices is critical to long-term productivity.
Sustainability maybe more critical in agroforestry practices than in
annual cropping for two reasons: (1) chemical and power inputs
such as fertilizer and mechanization are not practical in many
agroforestry situations, and (2) Agroforestry is often practiced on
slopes that are subject to severe soil erosion risks.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Adoptability – The best-designed agroforestry practices is
worthless unless farmers adopt it. To insure adoption, the farmers
should be involved directly in planning and designing agroforestry
Management decisions to use inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides and so on
in agroforestry are critical for farmers who have access to the resources to evaluate
and select cultural practices from a wide range of alternatives. All farmers who
practice agroforestry make decisions, consciously or otherwise, about the
following: species to plant and the proportions of each type and timing of land
preparation, plant spacing and arrangement, planting times for each of the system
components, labor allocations to each components, labor allocations to each
component, particularly for labor-intensive operations such as weeding and
harvesting and postharvest arrangements for each crop. Farmers do indeed make
such decisions on regular basis but are generally unable to maximize production
because of a lack of management information and input.

Statement of the Problems
The study deals with the awareness of the local communities on indigenous
agroforestry practices as a tool of forest management. Specifically, it sought to
answer the following:
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

What is the awareness of residents of Naguey, Atok, Benguet on the
different indigenous agroforestry practices?
What are the benefits obtained by the resident in practicing agroforestry?
What are the problems encountered by the residents in practicing
What are the recommendations of the residents to maintain and promote
indigenous agroforestry practices?
Hypotheses of the Study

The following hypotheses are put forward to testing:
1. The local residents of Naguey, Atok, Benguet are aware on the different
indigenous agroforestry practices.
2. The residents know the benefits obtain from the different indigenous
agroforestry practices and the problems they encountered in practicing the said

This chapter presents the research design, population and locale of the study, data
collection instruments, data collection procedure and statistical treatment of data.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Research Design
Descriptive method of research was used in this study. This method was used to
determine and describe the awareness of local communities on the importance of
the different agroforestry practices. In this study, the gathering of data was done
through survey questionnaire, personal interview to the respondents and making
use of observations.
Population and Locale of the Study
This study was conducted at Naguey, Atok, Benguet which is about 44 kilometers
away from Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet The area of the study
is bounded by Tublay in the south and Kabayan in the east, west of Bokod, south
Kibungan and in the south-west of Buguias. This study was conducted on
November, 2011.The respondents of this study are the residents of the said area
whose age is 18 years old and above. There were 78 respondents in the barangay.
The number of respondents was determined using the Slovian formula below:
n = N/1+N(e)2

Where: N = total number of households

e = level of probability for the allowance error

n = sample size/respondents
10% = chosen margin for error
Data Collection Instruments
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

The researchers administered a questionnaire, conducted a personal interview and
use direct observation in gathering data. As a primary data, the questions in the
questionnaire were used. Camera was used to document structures and status of the
forest in the study site. Also the collected references was set as a secondary data.
The information gathered from the interview was analyzed and summarized by the
researchers. It was collated to the collected information‟s from books, magazines,
newspapers and journals.
Data Collection Procedure
The researchers used a structured questionnaire, personal interviews, and
observations and through library works in gathering data. Other source of
information comes from the different references used like books, newspapers,
encyclopedias, dictionaries and others. In gathering of data, the researchers
forwarded a communication letter to the Municipal Mayor of Atok and to the
Barangay Captain of Naguey, Atok, Benguet for the permission to conduct a study
in their locale.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The collected data were tabulated, analyze, categorized, and entered in
appropriate tables. Descriptive statistics like percentage, rating and ranking were
used in analyzing the socio-demographic profile. The T-test was used in
determining the level of awareness of the respondents on the different agroforestry
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

practices, the benefits obtained from it and the problems encountered by framers
in applying agroforestry systems.


This chapter presents the results and discussion of the study.
Socio-demographic Profile
Table 1 presents the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. As to gender,
majority of the respondents are females, which is 69.23 %, and the remaining
30.77% are males.
Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents


Female 54 69.23
Male 24 30.77

Awareness of Respondents on the Different Indigenous Agroforestry Practices
Table 2 shows the awareness of respondents on the different agroforestry practices.
Majority of the respondents are aware of agroforestry with 55.13
% and 44.87% are not aware. This indicates that majority of the respondents are
responsive on the knowledge about agroforestry. Some are unaware on indigenous
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

agroforestry practices because they do not still have the knowledge about
Table 2. Awareness of the respondents on Agroforestry.


Yes 43 55.13
No 35 44.87

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Plate no. 1 Valley of Naguey, Atok, Benguet

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Plate no. 2 Using of visual aid during the interviews

Plate no. 3 Presentation of the questionnaire to the respondents

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Respondents Degree of Awareness on the Different Indigenous Agroforestry. Table
3 shows the level of awareness on the different indigenous agroforestry practices
by the respondents. Almost all the respondents are very aware on the different
indigenous agroforestry practices. This implies that indigenous agroforestry
practices are important to the respondents as source of food, income and source of
raw materials. Based on the computed mean, the respondents are very aware on
terracing, swidden cultivation, raising cattle in forest and home garden, while some
of the respondents are aware on the intercropping, alley cropping and multi-story.
The hypothesis that the respondents are aware on the different indigenous
agroforestry practices is accepted as indicated by the computed t-value of 8.38 with
a 0.00 probability, which is highly significant. In addition, some of the respondents
apply other practices like coppicing and pruning.
Table 3. Respondents Degree of Awareness on the Different Indigenous

Terracing 4.00 VA Very
Swidden cultivation 4.00 VA Very
Raising cattle in forest 3.72 VA Very
Aware Intercopping 2.96 A
Homegarden 3.96 VA Very
Alley cropping 2.96 A
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Multi-story 2.91 A
Grand Mean 3.5 VA Very

** -- Highly significant at 95% Conf. Interval t-value = 8.38** P =
0.00 Limit Interval Rating Percentage
3.50 – 4.00 Very Aware (VA) 76% - 100% knowledgeable
2.50 – 3.49 Aware (A) 51% - 75% knowledgeable
1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Aware (MA) 50% and below
0.50 – 1.49 Not Aware (NA) Not knowledgeable

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Plate no. 4 The rice terraces

Plate no. 5 Grazing animal (goat) in the home garden
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Plate no. 6 Raising cattle in the forest

Plate no. 7 The multi - story practice
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Plate no. 8 The home gardens

Benefits Obtained from Agroforestry Practices
Table 4 presents the benefits obtained from applying indigenous
agroforestry practices. Almost all the respondents agreed that the beneficial
aspects are very much important in their community. This implies that the
beneficial aspects are sustained through the application of the different indigenous
agroforestry practices. The hypothesis that the residents know the different
beneficial aspects obtain from different indigenous agroforestry practices is
accepted as indicated by the grand mean of 3.75.

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Table 4. Beneficial Aspects of the Different Indigenous Agroforestry Practices


Social Aspects 3.63 25.45** VB Very
Economic Aspects 3.8 41.83** VB Very
Environmental Aspects 3.83 46.11** VB Very

Grand Mean 3.75 VB Very

** -- Highly significant at 95% Conf. Interval P = 0.00
Social Benefits. Table 4a presents the social benefits provided by applying
indigenous agroforestry practices. The computed mean shows that the benefits on
better health condition are very much beneficial. It is followed by the benefits on:
strengthens the family bonding, improves camaraderie within the community and
improves public relations respectively. Furthermore, the hypothesis that the
respondents are being socially benefited on the different indigenous agroforestry
practices is accepted supported by computed t-value 25.45 with an associated
probability of 0.00 which is highly significant.

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Plate no. 9 The river system at the area, serves as irrigation to the farms

Plate no. 10 Agroforestry products
Table 4a. Degree of beneficial effect of the indigenous Agroforestry practices on
social benefits.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012


Better health condition
3.96 VB
Strengthens the family bonding 3.53 B Beneficial
Improves camaraderie 3.55 B Beneficial
within the community
Improves public relations 3.47 B
Grand Mean 3.63 VB Very
** -- Highly significant at 95% Conf. Interval t-value = 25.45** P =

Economic Benefits. Table 4b presents the economic benefits to improve the
living condition of upland and feeds for livestock are rated as very much beneficial.
Based on the computed mean, very beneficial were the source of employment, raw
materials for handicraft, source of food, fuel wood, raw materials for housing, farm
implements and to maximize and for beneficial sustain overall production for food,
tree crops including animals. Furthermore, the hypothesis that the respondents are
being economically benefited in practicing different indigenous agroforestry
practices is accepted as the supported by the computed t-value of 41.83** with an
associated at 0.00 probability is highly significant.

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Table 4b. Degree of beneficial effect of the indigenous Agroforestry practices on
economic benefits


To improve the living condition 3.96 VB Very
Beneficial of the upland farmers 3.87 VB
Very Beneficial Source of employment 3.82 VB
Very Beneficial
Source of raw materials for handicraft 3.96 VB
Very Beneficial
Source of food, energy (fuel wood),
Very Beneficial
Feeds for livestock and others
Source of raw materials for housing,
VB Very Beneficial
farm implements and others
To minimize and sustain 3.46

overall land production for food,


Grand Mean 3.8 VB Very

** -- Highly significant at 95% Conf. Interval t-value = 41.83** P =

Environmental Benefits. Table 4c presents the of indigenous agroforestry
practices in environmental condition. Based on the computed mean, very beneficial
is the water, soil and other natural resources conservation. It is followed by the
maximize soil erosion, nutrient lose, pest and diseases; soil conservation and
amelioration, improvement of microclimatic condition and soil fertility and
enhance environmental rehabilitation respectively. Furthermore, the hypothesis
that the respondents are being environmentally benefited on practicing different
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

indigenous agroforestry practices is accepted as supported by computed t-value of
46.11 at 0.00 probability which is highly significant.
Table 4c. Degree of beneficial effect of the indigenous Agroforestry practices on
environmental benefits


Environmental Benefits

Water conservation 3.96 VB Very Beneficial Minimize soil
erosion, nutrient lose, 3.95 VB Very Beneficial pest and disease
Improvement of microclimatic 3.64 VB Very Beneficial
condition and soil fertility
Soil conservation and amelioration 3.85 VB Very
Beneficial To conserve water, soil
3.96 VB
Very Beneficial and other natural resources
To enhance environmental rehabilitation 3.61 VB Very

Grand Mean 3.83 VB Very

** -- Highly significant at 95% Conf. Interval t-value = 46.11** P =

Limit Interval Rating Percentage Rating
3.50 – 4.00 Very Beneficial (VB) 76% - 100%
2.50 – 3.49 Beneficial (B) 51% - 75% contribution
1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Beneficial (MB) 50% and below
0.50 – 1.49 Not Beneficial (NB) No contribution

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Problems Encountered by the Respondents in Applying Indigenous Agroforestry

Table 5 presents the list of problems encountered by the respondents in
applying indigenous agroforestry practices. Based on the computed mean, very
serious problem is the lack of capital. Then it is followed by serious problems by;
lack of raw materials, knowledge in implementation, equipment and credit
facilities; lack of guidelines on land use allocation; lack of an efficient marketing
scheme for farm product and deficiency in production technology respectively.
Moreover, the hypothesis that the respondents encountered problems in practicing
indigenous Agroforestry practices is accepted as supported t-value of 1.5ns, which
is not significant.

Likewise, other problems cited by some respondents are: occurrence of
pest and diseases, irrigation to farms especially when summer time, over usage of
fertilizer that causes soil fertility loss, incidence on forest fires, problems on
garbage disposal, air pollution due to poultries, and the equal sharing of funds
designated to the barangay officials for environmental purposes.

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Table 5. Degree of seriousness of problems encountered by the respondents


Lack of capital
3.82 VS Very
Lack of raw materials 3.04 S Serious
Lack of knowledge in implementation 3.92 VS Very
Lack of equipment and credit facilities 3.13 S Serious
Lack of guidelines on land use allocation 3.24 S
Serious Lack of an efficient marketing
3.18 S
Serious scheme for farm product
Deficiency in production technology 3.54 VS Very

Grand Mean 3.04 S Serious

ns – not significant at 95% Conf. Interval t-value = 1.15ns P = 0.25
Limit Interval Rating Percentage Rating
3.50 – 4.00 Very Serious (VS) 76% - 100% effect
2.50 – 3.49 Serious (S) 51% - 75% effect
1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Serious (MS) 50% and below
0.50 – 1.49 Not Serious (NS) No effect
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Plate no. 11 Farm to market road

Plate no. 12. The group after the interviews

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Recommended Solutions on the Encountered Problems of the Respondents in
Applying the Different Agroforestry Practices to Maintain and Promote
Agroforestry Practices
Table 6 presents the recommended solutions of the respondents on the
encountered problems. Almost all of the respondents, highly recommended the
following: farm to market roads, providing of seedling, farm inputs, health services,
extension services appropriate policies in applying agroforestry and technology
transfer and farmers on-sit and off-site training on technical aspects of agroforestry
as well as entrepreneurial skills are the strategies to which they are highly
recommended, to provide the farmers with a continued source of livelihood that is
compatible with the principles of sustainable management and at the same time
serves as a tool for forest protection will developed, involving farmers in planning
and in solving problems and identified information and education campaign to
facilitate and give knowledge and understanding to the farmers. The strategy on
develop transferable technology, giving of economic incentives to the farmers and
security of tenure and benefit sharing are recommended. The foregoing findings
indicate the application of indigenous agroforestry practices as highly
recommended due to the beneficial contributions. The cited recommendations are
highly significant supported by grand mean of 3.76 and the computed t-value of
25.98** with an associated at 0.00 probability is highly significant. In addition,
majority of the respondents recommend certain measures in combating the problem
through introduction of new species or varieties of plants, control use of fertilizers,
seminars on appropriate herbicides/insecticides/fertilizer to pest and diseases of
plants, tree planting programs, vehicles that is suited for vegetables only and lastly,
proper cooperation of farmers.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

Table 6. Recommended solutions on the encountered problems by the


Farmers will undergo on-site and off-site 3.90 HR Highly
Recomm. training on technical aspects agroforestry as well as entrepreneurial

Support systems for the farmers such as 3.99 HR Highly
farm to market roads
Seedlings, farm inputs, health services, 3.91 HR Highly
extension services and technology
transfer will be provided.
Provide the farmers with a continued source 3.81 HR Highly
Recomm. of livelihood that is compatible with the principles of sustainable
management and at the same serves as a tool for forest protection will be
Identified information and education campaign 3.70 HR Highly
Recomm. to facilitate and give knowledge and understanding to the farmers.
Develop of transferable technology 3.41 R Recommended
Involving farmers in planning and 3.87 HR Highly
Recomm. in solving problems
Giving of economic incentives to the farmers 3.18 R Recommended
Appropriate policies in applying agroforestry 3.91 HR Highly
Security of tenure and benefit sharing 3.18 R Recommended

Grand Mean 3.76 R Recommended

** -- Highly significant at 95% Conf. Interval t-value = 25.98** P =
Limit Interval Rating Percentage
3.50 – 4.00 Highly Recommended (HR) 76% - 100% effect
2.50 – 3.49 Recommended (R) 51% - 75% effect
1.50 – 2.49 Moderately Recommended (MR) 50% and below
0.50 – 1.49 Not Recommended (NR) No effect
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. The awareness of respondents on the indigenous agroforestry practices
shows that they are applying the following indigenous agroforestry practices:
terracing, swidden cultivation, home garden and raising cattle in forest as for
the intercropping, alley cropping and multi-story practices are rated aware.
2. The awareness of the respondents on the beneficial aspects of the different
indigenous agroforestry is highly significant.
3. The very serious problem of the respondents in applying indigenous
agroforestry practices is the lack of capital while other serious problems
encountered that affect the respondents are: lack of raw materials, lack of
knowledge in implementation, lack of equipment and credit facilities, lack of
guidelines on land use allocation, lack of an efficient marketing scheme for farm
product, and deficiency in production technology.
4. Highly recommended solutions on the problem encountered by the
respondents are the following: farmers will undergo on-site and off-site training
on technical aspects regarding agroforestry as well as entrepreneurial skills,
support systems for the farmers such as farm to market roads, seedlings, farm
inputs, health services, extension services and technology transfer will be
provided, provide the farmers with a continued source of livelihood that is
compatible with the principles of sustainable management and at the same
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

serves as a tool for forest protection that will be developed, identified
information and education campaign to facilitate and give knowledge,
involving farmers in planning in solving problems and appropriate policies in
applying agroforestry.

Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012

The municipal and barangay official should conduct continuous
supervisions and Information Education Campaign and Communication (IECC)
addressing indigenous agroforestry practices and its benefits and government
should put forth on how to enrich and improve the knowledge of the respondents
on what is agroforestry all about.
The major problem encountered by the respondents is the lack of capital or
financial dilemma so the government should provide adequate fund to support the
respondents in the implementing projects that will help in the productivity and
sustainability of the applied indigenous agroforestry practices and providing
suitable adequate equipments and proper guidelines and maintenance is also
Collaboration and support of all concerned agencies and organization
including local officials to the community should be persistent in order to enhance
the livelihood of the community through applying indigenous agroforestry
The respondents should be empowered in doing their responsibility toward
the productivity, sustainability and proper management and implementation of the
different indigenous agroforestry practices.
Similar studies considering other related variables should be done.
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012


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Internet Source: http://www.agoforestry.htm
Awareness Of Local Communities On Indigenous Agroforestry Practices At Naguey, Atok,
Benguet | Clarence C. Anacioco, Khim Jones D. Motes And Beverly D. Josep MARCH 2012