BIBLIOGRAPHY Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio...

Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres, March 2012, Awareness
of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water Problem in the
Community. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.


The study was conducted in Camp 3 Tuba, Benguet. The study determined the
awareness of the residents of the said Barangay regarding the water problems in their area.
It also determined the cause and effect of water pollution and the shortage of water supply
in the community. Recommendations were taken from the residents of Barangay Camp 3
pertaining to the water problem issues.
Through random sampling 50 respondents were selected in the documentation of water
problem; questionnaires were used in collecting the needed information, and then a follow-
up interview to gather some concrete data.
Many of the respondents are aware of the issues concerning the water problems. The
pollutants and causes of water shortage come from the mining activity, agricultural
expansion/kaingin, forest extraction and some natural occurrence. The results showed that
the respondents are highly aware that the mining activity is the main cause of poor water
quantity and quality in the area, followed by agricultural expansion/kaingin.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

The most common effect of water problem to the residents and to the community are soil
degradation followed by environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity.
According to the residents, water problems reduce crop yield due to the declining of water
supply to be used in the agricultural irrigation and some respondents stated that water
problem affects the quality of their crops.
On social services, a majority of the respondents are highly aware that they are
experiencing insufficient water supply, especially during summer. However respondents
are not aware that the water problem can cause skin
It is recommended that Municipal/Barangay ordnances, Information Educational
Campaign, reforestation activities and building more tanks should be implemented.
Organic farming should be done by farmers; DENR should monitor the water quality, and
similar research on water quality may be conducted by other researchers.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

The earth consists of water, there is much more water than there is land. About 70%
of the earth's surface is covered in water. But water also exists in the air as vapor and in
aquifers in the soil, as groundwater (
faq.htm#ixzz1WVhrdQc2). Water is vital to every living thing in our planet. However, too
often it is polluted by sewage, animal waste or dissolved fertilizers and chemicals. (The
Groiler Science Encyclopedia, Conservation and the Environment Vol. 10 p.452). Three
percent of the water on earth is fresh water. Only 560 trillion (560x1012) is in rivers and
streams (Scott, 2002). As the most accessible links in the hydraulic cycle the speed and
volume of their flow provide direct source of water for domestic, agricultural and industrial
purposes, as well as production of energy through hydroelectric power generation. Also, it
provides the cooling water for many fossil and nuclear-fueled power plants.
The water that we drink today may have passed through the hydrologic cycle many
times and could have existed when dinosaurs roamed the Earth hundreds of millions of
years ago. Ninety seven percent (97%) of the world’s water is in the saline ocean. Of the
three percent (3%) that is fresh, sixty eight percent (68.7%) is in the form of snow and ice,
mainly in the polar regions; zero point eighty six percent (0.86%) is in the form of
permafrost; thirty point one percent (30.1%) is in groundwater aquifers (many of which are
brackish), and just zero point thirty four percent (0.34%) is in rivers, lakes or wetlands
//www. water-quality- and –quantity). But Poor water

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

quality can result in major costs for business, as well as presenting health and environmental,
poor water quality has a direct impact on water quantity. Polluted water effectively reduces
the availability of usable water in a given area. In a world in which only two point five (2.5)
per cent of the water supply is fresh water and unevenly distributed at that – this has serious
implications. Recent data from some areas has revealed that sometimes these declines are
greater than originally thought. In early 2010, China’s government unveiled its most detailed
survey ever of the pollution plaguing the country, revealing that water pollution in 2007 was
more than twice as severe as what was shown in official figures, which had long omitted
agricultural waste (New York Times, 9 February 2010).
In the cordillera, most of us depend on the spring water; it is any natural surface
discharge of groundwater. The location of most spring is controlled by a combination of
surface topography and rock structure (Groiler Encyclopedia of Knowledge P.317 vol.17).
The challenges of ensuring good water quality and quantity are becoming increasingly
prominent as populations increase. People can only directly access groundwater and river
water. Together they make up just 1% of the planet’s water and most of this is not evenly
distributed. (Cited in Encyclopedia of knowledge, Conservation and the environment Vol
10, P453). Historically to make water more freely available to humans, it was popular to
build dams on river systems to store it, or to transfer it from one area to another via pipelines.
These days, as the world’s population is increasing, more of the surface and underground
water supplies have been used and contaminated, and less fresh water is available. The
quality of our water, therefore, is becoming as much of a concern as the quantity.

The growth and the need for vast quantities of water by industry and the expanded
requirements for agricultural irrigation place new demands upon available water resources.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Human activities are increasingly disrupting microbial processes and damaging water
quality. Because water pollution threatens the availability, quality, and usefulness of water,
it is of worldwide critical concern. The study attempts to provide some basic information
on the causes and effects of poor water quality and water shortage within Barangay Camp
3, Tuba, Benguet. This will provide technical knowledge and awareness to the people in the
area on environmental issues and protection. In addition, the data collected will be used by
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to form a team of local experts and
planners for a better management and development master plan. This study will also help
DENR personnel in their pre-feasibility study by providing insights as to what causes the
water problems and how it affects water supply within the barangay.
Barangay Camp 3, Tuba is situated in the southwestern tip of the Central Cordillera
Mountain Range that extends from the northwestern tip of Luzon towards Pangasinan. South
of the municipality lies the province of Pangasinan and to the west lies the Ilocos rolling
hills. It is hemmed in by the municipalities of Sablan and La Trinidad on the north; the city
of Baguio and the municipality of Itogon on the east; and the municipalities of Sison,
Pozzorubio and San Manuel on the south.
The municipality's urban area comprises the barangays of Poblacion and Camp 3
having a composite land area of 83.85 km2. (19.31% of the total land area.
Geographically it lies between 16° 23' 23" North, 120° 33' 39" East. (
/20655889/ Alang-Barangay-camp-3-Tuba-Benguet)
The municipality's topography is generally characterized by irregular rugged terrain
and steep slopes. It is a plateau with several mountain peaks rising from the table land itself.
Mount Santo Tomas, the highest peak in the area soars to 2,252 meters above sea level.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Four major rivers/streams and 49 tributaries/ minor rivers and creeks intersect the landform
and serve as the drains of the municipality.
One of the springs found in the Philippines is in Barangay Camp 3 Tuba, Benguet.
The continuous indiscriminate conversion of the forest to agriculture as well as kaingin, and
the expansion of Philex Mining Corporation is a threat which will eventually make the water
unsafe to drink and worse the shortage of water supply.
The group had chosen to study the status of the source of water at Barangay Camp 3, Tuba,
Benguet because of the observable declining of water especially during summer. Result of
this study will awaken the residents on the importance of preserving the sources of water.

Fig. 1. Benguet map

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Fig.2 Barangay camp 3, Tuba
Conceptual framework of the study
The importance of public awareness on water is evident due to changes in water technology,
the involvement of private and users in water management, and innovations in institutional
Moreover, the need and value of water are becoming very high due to fluctuations in rainfall,
water pollution, and the impact of global warming. Urbanization and economic development
impose another stress on water demand. To address the above issues, a simple model is
proposed. This model consists of different variables; the independent variable, dependent
variable and the intervening variable. These three elements need to be defined to capture the
necessary conditions for effective public awareness and capacity building. To really
understand the implications of the above model, we need to define the different variables.
In this framework, the intervening variable is the awareness of the residents of Brgy. Camp
3 that affects the water quality and quantity at Tuba, Benguet. The causes and effect of poor

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

water quality and declining water quantity will be discussed or determined in the said area.
It will also determine the level of awareness of the local residents in the barangay. These
also include the socio demographical profile of the community.
The independent variables are the activities that affect water quality and quantity. The most
destructive is the mining. Water-pollution problems are caused by mining including acid
mine drainage, metal contamination, and increased sediment levels in streams. Sources can
include active or abandoned surface and underground mines, processing plants, waste-
disposal areas, haulage roads, or tailings ponds. Sediments, typically from increased soil
erosion, cause siltation or the smothering of streambeds. This siltation affects fisheries,
swimming, domestic water supply, irrigation, and other uses of streams. Vast volume of
water is also needed by the mining operators in processing the ores, that’s why much water
is siphoned underground especially during summer.
Plants can only absorb a certain amount of nutrients. So if chemical fertilizer is overused,
not all of the chemically synthesized nutrients within it will actually contribute to the plant's
health and growth. Instead, the unused fertilizer will seep into the ground, where it can be
carried by rain and irrigation ditches into streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and oceans. The
chemical compounds in the fertilizer can contaminate drinking water supplies and disrupt
ecosystems. Agriculture, ground water resources are vulnerable to contamination from
many directions. In Alang, some residents say that using inorganic chemicals can really
increase their production, without putting in mind the hazardous effects to water system.
When inorganic chemicals are applied to crops, some residues remain in the soil and may
leach into subsurface of waters, or move to surface water.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Chemical or physical processes transform residues into products that may also contaminate
water. For example, nitrogen fertilizer or nitrogen from animal waste may be transformed
first into ammonium and then into nitrates. Nitrates can turn into nitrites and both are
detrimental to human health.
Fuel wood cutting, one of the vital functions of forests is to absorb and store great amounts
of water quickly when there are heavy rains. When forest trees are cut down, the regulation
of the flow of water is disrupted, which leads to alternating periods of flood and then drought
in the affected area.
And lastly, it will recommend solutions perceived by the residents of the said barangay.
Thus, the dependent variables will be attained if the human intervention or the intervening
problems could be solved by such
recommendations provided in this research.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Information Educational
Possible recommendation to

Campaign Mining, forest
help improve water quality
product extraction, land
and to increase water

conversion to agriculture,
quantity perceived by the
over using of inorganic
respondents through the
chemicals and fuel wood
effort of the following:
As an individual

Government programs

As community

Intervening Variable

Awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3,

Tuba, Benguet on water problems; its effects to

environmental services; and possible solutions.

HA - Highly Aware

A - Aware

MA - Moderately Aware

Fig.3. Paradigm of the study

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Water quality and quantity

Water scarcity is projected to be more intense in some regions than in others. This
situation is made more serious by the deteriorating water quality conditions, especially in
some urban centers of the country. A recent study by the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) shows that 180 of the 420 rivers and other bodies of water
nationwide are so heavily polluted that they may soon be declared biologically dead
(Philippine Star 2001).
Although water quality and water quantity are inextricably linked, water quality
deserves special attention because of its implications for affecting the public health and the
quality of life. Even with the large Federal investments in pollution control since 1972, the
President’s Council on Environmental Quality reports that the nation’s waters continue to
be damaged by pollution and misuse. Pollution reach water bodies from both point and
nonpoint sources. Municipal wastes, urban and agricultural run-off, and mining are principal
offenders. Of special importance are the vestiges of past toxic and hazardous materials that
are now being transported by surface water and groundwater systems. The impacts of
polluting activities are widespread and they can affect the public health, the economy, and
the environment.
The suitability of water for aquatic life and man use depends on its quality and water
supply provides water for use in homes and industries, for irrigation, for extinguishing fires,
for street cleaning, for carrying wastes to treatment facilities, and for many other purposes.
The three most important factors in any water supply are its quality, the quantities available,
and the location of the water supply relative to the points of use. ( Groiler Encyclopedia of
Knowledge. Vol.19 p277-278)

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Causes of Water shortage and poor water quality

Problems of inadequate water and sanitation facilities exist throughout the world and
have been particularly acute in the poorer countries. World Health Organization estimated
that at the end of 1975, 25% of the people in developing countries had no access to potable
water by house connections or standpipes. In rural areas, almost 80% did not have reasonable
access to safe water (Groiler
Encyclopedia of Knowledge). Considering both rural and urban populations, only
35% were adequately served. Although many new systems have been constructed in recent
years, the growth of population has imposed even greater needs, and there has probable been
little overall improvement.
One method in classifying water problem is the agricultural practices in the upland
areas like the kaingin system. Kaingin is a tagalog term, meaning shifting cultivation or
swidden agriculture, it involves an alternation between crops and long-term forest fallow, in
here forest is cut and burnt to clear the land and provide ash as fertilizer, removing of forest
will result to increase in erosion. Expansion of agriculture in the uplands, due to financial
constrains people need to expand their farms so that more products are to be produce.
Lastly the most serious problem is the mining. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth,
from an ore body, vein or (coal) seam. The term also includes the removal of soil. Materials
recovered by mining include base metals, precious metals, iron, uranium, coal, diamonds,
limestone, oil shale, rock salt and potash. Any material that cannot be grown through
agricultural processes, or created artificially in a laboratory or factory, is usually mined.
Mining of stone and metal has been done since pre-historic times. Modern mining processes

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

involve prospecting for ore bodies, analysis of the profit potential of a proposed mine,
extraction of the desired materials and finally reclamation of the land to prepare it for other
uses once the mine is closed. The nature of mining processes creates a potential negative
impact on the environment both during the mining operations and for years after the mine is
closed. This impact has led to most of the world's nations adopting regulations to moderate
the negative effects of mining operations. Safety has long been a concern as well, though
modern practices have improved safety in mines significantly. The extraction of base and
precious metals from hard-rock mines by underground mining can create environmental
problems and safety hazards. Underground mining impacts water quality and flow and, as a
result of subsidence, can also affect geologic structures overlying the mining areas resulting
in surface impacts on the natural geomorphology and land use. Owing primarily to their size,
open pit mines are typically thought to create more significant impacts, and thus
underground mining is generally viewed as resulting in less damage to the environment.
However, as this report demonstrates, the impacts from underground mining are not trivial.
The methods and size of major underground mining operations and the extent to which
hydrologic and subsidence impacts from those operations can impact the environment.
Effects of Water Problem

Water helps a plant by transporting important nutrients through the plant. Nutrients
are drawn from the soil and used by the plant. Without enough water in the cells, the plants
droop, so water helps a plant stand. Water carries the dissolved sugar and other nutrients
through the plant. So without the proper balance of water, the plant not only is malnourished,
but it is also physically weak and cannot support its own weight.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Aquatic and non-aquatic animals can also be affected by water problems. Drinking
contaminated water will result to illness and sometimes death.

Nutrient pollution (nitrogen, phosphates etc) causes overgrowth of toxic
algae eaten by other aquatic animals, and may cause death; nutrient pollution can
also cause outbreaks of fish diseases.

Chemical contamination can cause declines in frog biodiversity and tadpole

Oil pollution (as part of chemical contamination) can negatively affect
development of marine organisms, increase susceptibility to disease and affect
reproductive processes; can also cause gastrointestinal irritation, liver and kidney
damage, and damage to the nervous system.

Mercury in water can cause abnormal behavior, slower growth and
development, reduced reproduction, and death.

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) may cause declines, deformities and
death of fish life.

Too much sodium chloride (ordinary salt) in water may kill animals.

We also assume that some higher forms of non-aquatic animals may have
similar effects from water pollution as those experienced by humans, as described

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012


Water problem affects man’s health, aesthetic, appreciation and recreational use of
water, and industrial use of water. The source of water contamination responsible for the
spread of infectious diseases is almost invariably feces.
Pesticides in agriculture also poison the water through run off from treated areas.
The flow of nitrate into the water supply is also brought about by different agricultural
practices (DENR-CAR). Although nitrate is not especially dangerous to man, their
conversion to nitrites is what makes them hazardous. Ingested nitrites may be converted into
intestinal bacteria, which when combined to hemoglobin, destroys the power of the blood to
carry oxygen, bringing about difficulties in breathing, suffocations or even death.
In 1997, more than 1.1 billion people in low-and middle-income countries did not have
access to safe water supplies and more people suffered from poor sanitation. In 2002, it is
estimated that 166 million people in countries suffer from water scarcity, with another 270
million in 11 countries having “water stresses” conditions (World Bank 2002).

Solution to water problems
Effective control on water problems depend on policies that combine technical,
economic, social and aesthetic considerations. The decision answers the many complex
questions: How we provide water of what quality, when, how much, to what people and for
what purposes? Who will pay the high cost of protecting surface and ground water?
The extreme view of damaging absolutely clean or pure water is an unacceptable as
uncontrolled water pollution, since technical and financial feasibility must be included in all
practical considerations of the problem. There are several ways to which water problem can

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

be combatted. The first is through development of practices and techniques that will prevent
or limit the natural run off of pollutants, for example, from agricultural areas into water, and
by the enactment and enforcement of government regulation prohibiting and limiting water
pollution. In addition, educational campaign, like introducing agroforestry system is
believed to be effective here in the Philippines especially here in Cordillera. With these, the
following should be observed:
- The use of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and other toxic
chemicals should be minimized.
- Chemicals and oils should not be drained into the bodies of water.
- Discipline and obedience to existing laws and ordinances on antilittering and
sanitation ( Marrero 1995) must be strictly implemented.
Statement of the problem
The study was conducted to determine the level of awareness of the residents of Barangay
Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on water problems, its effects to the community and possible
Specifically the research sought to answer the following questions:
What is the level of awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3 Tuba, Benguet
on the declining water quantity and poor water quality?
What is the level of awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3 Tuba, Benguet
on the effects of water quantity and poor water quality problem.
What is the awareness of the residents on the possible solution of the water problems
in Baragay Camp 3 Tuba, Benguet.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Hypotheses of the study
The following hypotheses were set forward for testing:
The level of awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on the following
is moderately aware at 2.5.
There is significant difference on the level of awareness of the residents of
Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on declining water problem on quantity and
There is significance difference on the awareness of the residents of water
shortage and poor water quality in Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet.
There is significant difference on the awareness of the residents on the
possible solution of water problems in Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet.

Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted at Sitio Alang, Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet. Tuba is a town
where one big company of mining in the Philippines is located with the total land area of
approximately of 83.85 km2.The study was conducted on December 2011 to February 2012.
Through random sampling, fifty (50) respondents from Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet
were selected as respondent of the study.
Table 1 show that many of the respondents came from the age of thirty nine (39) and above.
This connotes that most of the respondents were adults who are knowledgeable of the issues

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

concerning the water shortage and poor water quality. Male respondents were greater in
number than the females.

Research Design/Instrument

The researchers used questionnaire to collect the needed information. There were
also follow-up questions and interviews to gather some concrete data.
The study was conducted at Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet. The study is limited to the
level of awareness of the residents of the said area concerning the water problems. Finally,
it recommended solutions perceived by the residents of the said barangay.
Data collection procedure

The questionnaire has four (4) main parts: socio-demography profile, awareness on
issues about water problem, the effects and possible recommendation. Under each part were
various subdivisions to enquire about different types of data. The questionnaire was coded
with unique letters with corresponding weighing scale. This letters were used to identify the
awareness of the respondents.
The questionnaire was answered under direct supervision of the researchers with follow-up

Statistical analysis
The gathered data were tabulated using and categorized by simple descriptive
statistics such as weighted mean, Z-test, frequency, rank and percentages. The Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to compute the descriptive statistic
mentioned above.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Table 1. Respondents of the study.

18-28 yrs. Old
29-38 yrs. Old
39 and above yrs. Old

Table 2. Source of livelihood of the respondents of the study.

38% 2
52% 1


Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate 1. Agriculture as the main source of livelihood of the respondents at Camp 3, Tuba,

Table 3. Awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on the causes of
the problems on water quality and quantity.



Forest products extraction
0.97NS 4
Forest fire
1.23NS 3
3.06 A
*Significant (P≤0.05)

NS Not Significant (P>0.05)

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Statistical Limit

1.0 – 1.75

Not Aware (NA)
WM = mean weight

1.76 – 2.50
Moderately Aware (MA)

Zc = Z computed

2.51 – 3.25
Aware (A)

R = Rank

3.26 – 4.00
Highly Aware (HA)

Awareness of the residents

Table 3 shows the awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on the
causes of the problems on water quality and quantity. A great majority of the respondents
stand highly aware that mining is the main cause of water quality and quantity problem. This
is corroborated with the report of James Lyon (Meniral Policy Center, Washington DC), that
mining affects fresh water through heavy used of water in processing ore, and through water
pollution from discharge mine effluent and seepage from tailings and waste rocks
impoundments. Furthermore, he stated that a human activity such as mining threatens the
water sources on which we all depend. Water has been called “mining’s” most common
casualty. There is growing awareness of the environmental legacy of mining activities that
have been undertaken with little concern for the environment. The price we have paid for
our everyday use of minerals have sometimes been very high. Mining by its nature
consumes, diverts and can seriously pollute water resources. The respondents are aware that
agricultural expansion, forest products extraction and forest fires are contributory causes of
the water problem. It shows that the forest product extraction and forest fires are not

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

significantly different because it is less than 2.5 of the Z-test computed. The hypothesis is
accepted based from the computed mean of 3.06.
In general, the causes of the problem on the water quality and quantity show that the
residents of the Barangay Camp 3 are aware as supported by an overall Z-test of 7.96.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate2. Kaingin as a contributory cause of water problem at Camp 3, Tuba,

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate 3. Decreasing number of trees is caused by forest fire.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate 4. Open pit or surface mining at Philex Tuba, Benguet as main cause of
water problem.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate 5. Soil and water erosion cause by mining.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Table 4. Awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on the different uses of




3.62 HA
(washing, 39
3.70 HA
13.81* 1

3.58 HA

3.58 HA
10.87* 2.5
*Significant (P≤0.05)

NS Not Significant (P>0.05)

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

B. Awareness on the different uses of water

Table 4 shows the awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on the
different uses of water.
The respondents are highly aware that water is suitable for washing clothes, agricultural
uses and for drinking. This is supported with the statement of Wacangan (2000) that in
agriculture, watershed primarily stores water for irrigation. Rainfall absorbed in forested
watershed is slowly released to the streams and lakes throughout the year and used by
lowland dwellers. Watershed also helps grass grow for grazing animals. In addition, some
watersheds in the country serve as human settlements.
Plate 6. Storage tank near the spring water.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate 7. Water from spring water was reduced.
August 28 , 2010

February 8, 2012

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

For the industry, watersheds provide water for domestic and hydroelectric power
generation. Watersheds also help maintain ecological balance, minimize occurrence to
floods and drought, purify and cool the air, control soil erosion and serve as habitat of
important plant and animal species.
The overall computed Z-test of 2.99, shows that the respondents are highly aware on
different uses of water.

B. Awareness on the effects of water problem

Table 5 shows the awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on the
effects of water problems on the Environmental services, on economic services, and on
social services.
On Environmental services. A great majority of the respondents stated that soil degradation
is the most common that affects the water problem with a Ztest of 18.70% of the
respondents are also aware that environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity are the
contributory effects on water problem with a Ztest of 5.92%. This substantiates with the
study of Tacloy ( 2005) that there is biodiversity loss as indicator of water pollution
because Conservation International describe the Philippines as the “hottest” of the 25
biodiversity hotspot in the world, with hundreds of plant and animal species threatened
with extinction. The hypothesis that there is significant difference on the awareness of the
residents on effects of water problem is highly accepted as supported by the Z-test of 10.38.
The overall result shows that the respondents are highly aware with the overall weighted
mean of 3.38.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Table 5. Awareness of the residents of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet on the effects of
water problems on.

Effects on Environmental

Soil degradation
39 10 1
3.76 HA
18.70* 1
Environmental degradation
21 20 7
3.20 A
Loss of biodiversity
27 11 6
3.18 A
87 41 14 8
3.38 HA
Effects on Economic

Reduced crop yield
36 8
3.58 HA
10.07* 1
Reduced the quality of crops
23 9
10 8
2.94 A
Increased in cost of by products
11 8
13 18 2.24 NA
-1.57NS 3
70 25 28 27 2.92 A

Effects on Social Services

Causes skin diseases
18 18 2.0
-2.79* 3
Causes dehydrations
20 12 11 7
2.90 A
Insufficient water supply
36 8
3.50 HA
2.83 A
*Significant (P≤0.05)

NS Not Significant (P>0.05)

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate 8. Soil erosion affects the environment, endangers life of living things.

Plate 9. Soil erosions happens because of human activities.

Plate 10. Improper garbage disposal threatens the environment.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate 11. Soil erosion endangers the environment.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

On economic benefits, it shows that respondents are highly aware that water problem
highly reduces crop yield due to the declining water supply to be used in irrigation with a
Z-test of 10.07%. While some respondents stated that they are aware that water problem
can decrease the quality of crops with a Z-test of 2.71%. Crops also need water for the
absorption of minerals and for the physiological processes during plant growth. On the
other hand respondents stated that they are not aware in the increase in cost of byproducts.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Plate 12. Banana plantation in Barangay camp 3 are decreasing because of water

Plate 13. Expansion of agricultural land.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

This corroborates with the findings of Tacloy (2005) indicating that agricultural
productivity, is affected by water pollution because only 0.6 tons (12 cavans) of rice per ha
is produced on rice field. This is also supported by the statement of Diaz (2007) that
polluted water in agriculture reduced the quality and yields of crops. The hypothesis that
there is significant difference on the effects of the problem on the level of awareness of the
residents is accepted. This is supported by the overall computed weighted mean of 2.92
and with a Z-test of 4.33.
On effects on social services, a great majority of the respondents are highly aware that
they are experiencing insufficient water supply, especially during summer where the water
is reduced with a Z-test of 7.42%. The respondents are aware that water problem causes
dehydrations. According to Diaz (2007), water problems cause pollutant that is hazardous
to humans. This is supported by Dr. Lingaraj Patro Professor and head department of
zoology and biotechnology, that the quality of water available for human consumption is a
direct measure of the health of the population or community and of the country in India,
the quality of water is very poor because of heavy contamination of soil and water borne
diseases transmitted mainly through drinking unclean water. This can kill an estimated 4
million children under the age of 5 and make adults sick enough to lose billions of hours
of work productivity. The hypothesis that there is a significant difference on the effect of
water problems on social services is accepted, as supported by the overall computed mean
of 2.83 and Z-test of 4.09.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Table 6. Awareness of the residents, as individual, on the possible solutions to the water
problems of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet.



Z c
Water Quality


27 13 8 2 3.30 HA 6.38*
of 24 18 8 0 3.32 HA 7.83*
Strict implementation
of 34 15 1 0 3.66 HA 15.79* 1
Municipal ordinances

85 46 17 2 3.43 HA 14.67*
Water Quantity

Tree planting

42 7 0 1 3.80 HA 17.20* 1
Minimize kaingin

32 15 2 1 3.56 HA 11.11* 3
efficient and proper use of water
37 10 3 0 3.68 HA 14.22* 2
OVERALL 111 32
3.68 HA 20.10*

*Significant (P≤0.05)

NS Not Significant (P>0.05)

Table 6 shows the awareness of the residents, as individual, on the possible solutions to the
water problems of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

The result shows what the respondents perceive as the recommended solution to the
problem. The recommended solutions were divided into three; How the respondents are
going to improve water quality and increase water quantity; What can the local government
do to address water problems, and what the should local residents do to at least minimize
this problem.
On improving water quality as an individual, in descending order of ranks in the awareness
of residents on the possible solutions on water quality, the recommendations are strict
implementation of barangay/ municipal ordinances, lessen use of insecticides/pesticides,
and water recycling. This jibes with the finding of Diaz (2007) that there must be strict
implementation of barangay and municipal ordinances. Furthermore, she stated that the
best way to lessen water pollution is recycling of waste and lessen use of pesticides and
insecticides. The hypothesis that there is a significant difference on the awareness of the
residents on the possible solution of water problem is accepted. This is supported by the
overall mean weight of 3.43 and computed Z-test of 14.67.
On water quantity problem, in descending order of weighted mean the
following are the possible solutions to water quantity; tree planting, efficient and proper
use of water, and minimize kaingin. According to Tacloy (2007), reforestation improves
water yield in terms of quality and sustainability. He further stated that forested areas would
take much longer time to significantly increase in water flow as compared to those on
denuded areas. With the computed average mean of 3.68, it implies that tree planting,
minimize kaingin and efficient and proper use of water are possible solutions to water
quantity problem.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

The hypothesis that there is a significant difference on the awareness of the residents on
the possible solution of water problem is accepted. This is supported by the overall mean
weight of 3.68 and computed Z-test of 20.10.

Table 7. Awareness of the residents on the possible solutions that the government can carry
out to address the water problems of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet


Z c
Water Quality

agro forestry
28 8 12 2 3.24 A
systems to the farmers
Stop the mining corporation
29 5 1
15 2.96 A
Information Campaigns on the 34 13 2
1 3.60 HA 11.61* 1
effects of water problems
91 26 15 18 3.27 HA 7.47*

Water Quantity

Strict implementation of the

policies/laws pertaining to water 34 13 2
1 3.60 HA 11.61* 3
Build more water tank
42 7 1
0 3.82 HA 21.33* 2
Plant more trees
44 5 0
1 3.84 HA 18.60* 1
OVERALL 120 25
3.75 HA 21.96*

*Significant (P≤0.05)

NS Not Significant (P>0.05)

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Table 7 shows the awareness of the residents on the possible solutions that the government
can carry out to address the water problems of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet.
On water quality problem, a great majority of the respondents are highly aware that the
information campaign is the highly recommended possible solution to water problem. This
is followed by introduce agroforestry system and stop the mining corporation, According
to Diaz (2007), the government should conduct information education campaign regarding
the hazardous effects of water problem. This information education campaign would lead
them to practice self-discipline and do their best to properly disposing their wastes.
Wacangan (2007) states that Agro-forestry is a land use management that involves the
production of agricultural crops, forest trees or livestock simultaneously or sequentially on
the same unit of land. Agroforestry farms must be situated near settlements areas for easy
farm maintenance.
Mining is an activity that increases in many parts of the world but very often mining
activities are done haphazardly with severe consequences to the surrounding environment
areas/common/small_scale_mining-dk.htm). The hypothesis that there is a significant
difference on the awareness of the residents on the possible solution of water problem is
accepted. This is supported by the overall mean weight of 3.27 and computed Z-test of
On water quantity problem, majority of the respondents are highly aware that planting more
trees, building more water tanks, and strict implementation of the policies/ Laws on water
problem are highly recommended possible solutions to water problem. According to
Wacangan (2007) watershed improvement

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

essentially entails reforestation in planting trees to improve water yield, restore soil
fertility, increase forest and agricultural production, conserve genetic resources, and
conserve local climate. According to Mr. Gavino, building additional water tanks in the
barangay could help them conserve water, and water tanks could store water to minimize
too much wastewater.
Strict implementation of policies and laws particularly Executive order No. 318: Promoting
Sustainable forest management in the Philippines. These concerns on the development and
management of the Philippines forests and forestlands including the coastal forests shall be
for the highest and widest public benefit and shall be based on the inherent productive
capacity and sustainable use of these resources for the present and future generation of
Filipinos. . The hypothesis that there is significance difference on the effects of the
problem on the level of awareness of the residents is accepted. This is supported by the
computed weighted mean of 3.75 and with a Z-test of 21.96.

Table 8 shows the awareness of the residents on the possible solutions that the community
can do to address the water problems of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet.
On water quality, majority of the respondents are highly aware that planting more trees is
the extremely commended to resolve the water problem followed by lessen the use of
insecticides and pesticides then assigning designated waste disposal area.
In corroboration with the book of Wageningen (1983) the accumulation of experience
with reforestation for local community development is showing it to be more diverse and
often more complex than was usually thought to be the case, the supply, and use of trees
and tree output are often part of complex local human and resource system. At the same

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

time community level forestation in practice encompasses a whole range of quite deferent
situations and activities in which can the factors influencing success of failure can vary
quite widely.
Table 8. Awareness of the residents on the possible solutions that the community can do
to address the water problems of Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet



3 2 1

Water Quality

Plant more trees instead of cutting 40 9 1 0 3.78 HA 19.48* 1
Lessen use of pesticides and 29 13 6 2 3.38 HA 7.28*
waste 39 8 3 0 3.37 HA 15.06* 3
disposal area
108 30 10 2 3.63 HA 17.72*
Water Quantity

Plant more trees
48 1 0 1 3.92 HA 22.59* 1
Keep away the animal near the 40 5 2 3 3.64 HA 9.75*
source of water
Use water efficiently
38 7 3 2 3.62 HA 10.16* 4
Preserve existing trees and shrubs 42 3 4 1 3.72 HA 12.31* 2
OVERALL 168 16
3.73 HA 17.21*

*Significant (P≤0.05)

NS Not Significant (P>0.05)

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Generalization concerning availability of land, length of production period and possession
of relevant knowledge and skills as constraints to participatory tree growing are proving to
apply only in some instances. In addition, Coder (1996) mentioned that plants, especially
woody plants, are very good at removing nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) and
contaminates (such as metals, pesticides, solvents, oils and hydrocarbons) from soil and
water. These pollutants are either used for growth (nutrients) or are stored in wood. Further,
he stated that Planting and maintaining woody vegetation along streams provide a wealth
of benefits and research at the Stroud Water Center and elsewhere have shown that stream
health is dependent on the presence of woody vegetation along its banks.
The respondents are highly aware that lessened use of insecticides and pesticides would be
possible solution to water quality problem. This was supported by the finding of Diaz
(2007) that pesticides and insecticides should be lessened but few still say that they should
be banned since they are very harmful to animal and human health. DENR-CAR (undated)
cited by Diaz (2007), pesticides in agriculture also poisoned the water through run-off from
treated areas, waste discharged by pesticides manufacturers and industries or by aerial
spraying. The flow of nitrate into the water supply is also brought by different agricultures
Marrero (1995) recommended that to combat water pollution, there should be proper
disposal of garbage. Solid waste should be disposed properly. Solid and liquid waste such
as chemicals and oil should not be dumped into canals, streams and rivers.
The hypothesis that there is a significant difference on the awareness of the residents on
the possible solution of water problem is accepted. This is supported by the overall mean
weight of 3.63 and computed Z-test of 17.72.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

On water quantity, respondents are highly aware that the best way to lessen this problem
are as follows; plant more trees, preserve existing trees and shrubs, keep away the animal
near the source of water and use of water efficiently and properly. Julian Evans (1982)
emphasizes that the tree planting is no longer almost wholly for industrial purposes, thought
this remains the dominant reason. Planting for firewood, other village needs, forestry
development, and for protection (to reduced soil erosion) control water run-off, combat
desertification, provide shelter and shades are all becoming increasingly important.
According to krantz and kifferstein (undated) we have to preserve existing trees and plant
new trees and shrubs to prevent soil erosion and promote
infiltration of water into the soil.
Diaz (2007) states that existing trees along the riverbank should be preserved to help
prevent soil erosion. To minimize soil erosion, trees should be planted along riverbank.
Keep the animal away from the source of water. Diaz (2007) affirms that farmers should
keep away their animals from riversides and keep them house in barns so their waste can
be gathered and treated. One respondent also added that the residents should cooperate and
see some right place for their animal confinement. In this situation animal wastes could be
cleaned, and can be
collected to compost as a fertilizer.
Use water efficiently and properly. As cited by the American Society of Agricultural
Engineers (2005), in order to supply sufficient amount of water it is required to take proper
remedial measures with regard to insufficient water use, hydrological alterations,
desertification, pollutants and pathogens.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

Poor water management is reflected in poor pattern of water delivery, wasteful application
process, and pollution and water losses through seepage, leaks and evaporation. It may be
worthwhile to economize the water consumption in different household purposes other than
used in the kitchen for cooking and drinking.
The water used for toilets, which can comprise the major fraction of the total water i.e. used
for household purpose, can and should be replaced by water of an inferior quality, for
example, that obtained from the treatment of sewage water.
Hydrological alteration of the landscape along with damp construction may lead to water
quality degradation and rendering the water unusable for domestic purposes. Therefore it
is necessary to protect the landscape and avoid construction of large dam. It should be our
goal to preserve water and carefully use it to produce electricity.
Desertification is equally responsible for shortage of water in the planet. It is therefore
essential to make necessary step to prevent land desertification and degradation.
Due to intensive modern agriculture practices and rapid industrialization, both the surface
and the ground water are getting polluted rapidly resulting deaths of potable water. It would
be wiser to try to collect the rain in ponds, tanks and lakes at their sites than to carry water
across the country. Harvesting rain water through small and medium sized project seems
to be wiser scheme.
Modern method of irrigation system, such as drip irrigation and use of sprinklers should be
The hypothesis that there is a significant difference on the awareness of the residents on
the possible solution of water problem is accepted. This is supported by the overall mean
weight of 3.73 and computed Z-test of 17.

Awareness of the Barangay Camp3, Tuba, Benguet Residents on the Source of Water
Problem in the Community | Deo Ruben B. Mudat, Melicio C. Tagtag, Noel G. Teres,
March 2012

This study was conducted to determine the level of awareness of the residents of Barangay
Camp3, Tuba, Benguet on the declining water quantity and poor water quality, awareness
of the residents on the effects of water quantity and poor water quality problems and
awareness of the residents on the possible solution of water problems.
Based from result and findings of the study, the researchers’ draws the following
Majority of the respondents are highly aware of the causes of the problem on water
quality and quantity at Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet. This implies that uses of water
for domestic, agricultural, and for drinking are affected. Therefore a sustainable program,
the barangay officials, appropriate barangay laws and policies must be strictly
Almost all of the respondents are highly aware of the effects of water problems that
occur at barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet. The respondents stated that the environment is
the most affected, followed by economic services and social services. Information
Educational Campaign in the community must be conducted with the participation of
barangay officials, DENR and NGO’s. The government should conduct information drive.
Topics to be discussed should include hazardous effect of water problem to health, to the
environment and what are the benefits derived from good watershed management.
Introducing agroforestry system to the residents is also beneficial both to the environment
and the people in conserving water and soil.
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Majority of the respondents are highly aware on the possible solution of the water
problems in Barangay Camp 3, Tuba, Benguet. Almost all the respondents agreed that
information campaign is the most highly recommended possible solution followed by the
tree planting, building more tanks, strict implementation of ordinance, lessen the use of
pesticides/insecticides and water recycling. Therefore cooperation of the residents and the
barangay officials is hereby enjoined for the strict implementation of ordinances and
sustainable implementation of program like tree planting, agroforestry and livelihood.


From the findings and conclusion, the researchers offer the following
1. Barangay/municipal ordinances, information educational campaign,
reforestation activities and, building more tanks should be implemented.
2. The farmers should do more organic farming. The animal owners should collect the
wastes of the animals and use them as fertilizers. Farmers should also lessen or decline
from using insecticides and pesticides since these are harmful to animals and humans.
3. The government, specifically the DENR, should designate a water quality
monitoring team. The monitoring should be at least be quarterly.
4. The community, barangay officials, non-government officials, department of
environment and natural resources’, and other government agencies’ should collaborate
in the sustainable implementation of these programs.
5. Similar research may be conducted by other researchers.

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Diaz, Aloha Friah.2002. points of pollution of the Chico river in Bontoc as perceive by the
residents of the barangays. Bontoc Ili, Poblacion Bontoc, Caluttit and Samoki.

Groiler Encyclopedia of Knowledge, International edition, Vol. 19, Pp 279-289

Hazardous waste and solid waste, Edited by David H.F Bela G. Liptak and Paul A Bonis
special consultant, Lewis publishers, New york Washington D.C.

Hannah Hoerish, April 2002 for CMS ENVIS Center. A comparative Study on
Environmental Awareness and Environmentally Beneficial behavior in India.
Pollution: causes, effects and control, third edition, edited by Roy M. Harrison the
University of Birmingham

Tacloy, John C. Lecture notes on forestry related environmental issues.

Thomson Asian Edition, Hazardous Materials, Second edition, Armando S. Bevelacqua

Toxic impacts of waste on the aquatic environment. Edited by J.F. Tapp, S.M.
Hunt and J.R. Wharfe

Wacangan, Vicente T., Watershed Management Handout (2005)
Waste treatment and disposal, Second edition, Paul T. Williams, Professor of
Environmental engineering

Watershed management to meet water quality standards and emerging TMDL, proceedings
of the third conference, March 5-9. Atlanta, Georgia. Benguet State university Library

Water Resource Sustainability. Larry W. Mays Ph. D, P.E.,P.H., Department of
Civil and Environment Engineering, Arizona State University Temple, Arizona


Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet