FELICITAS C. BUSENTO. April 2013. Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its
Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad, Benguet. Benguet State University, La
Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Anna Liza B. Wakat, MDC


This study characterized the listeners of the radio programs and determined how
the management decide on the format, anchorperson, choosing of topics, reasons for
incorporating AM style in FM stations. Three sets of guide questions were used during the
interview schedule, one for the taxi drivers, one for the station manager and one for the
hosts of the three programs using AM format who served as a key informant. Data gathered
were illustrated in tables and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage,
frequency count and ranking.

The listeners of the tree programs using AM style in programming were from
different ages, tribal affiliation, were either married or single and had their formal
education. The respondents accept AM style in programming because they were
entertained at the same time they were informed. Regarding the decision making of the
program, it was the hosts who still decided on the format and choice of topics.

The taxi drivers preferred program was Good Morning Cordillera and Ilocandia
which were for information and entertainment.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

With the result, it is therefore recommended that they should maintain Ilocano for
discussion because they can easily understand the discussion and they may maintain AM
style in programming. In addition, the hosts may consider a survey on listenership and or
acceptability of the program in other sector of society.

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,



Radio is a tool that reaches large number of audiences. Radio provides the
opportunity to communicate with many people. This opportunity can be used for many
beneficial and educational purposes.
Radio has no boundaries; any person with a radio has the potential to receive a signal, and
thus a transmission. The idea of being able to reach so many people is an enticing prospect
to anyone interested in the field of communications. As Robert McLeish states in his book
Radio Production, radio is perhaps the most accessible form of media; people often tune
into the radio while driving, while working around the house or yard, and even while
exercising. Not only does radio have the potential to reach many people, it also has the
power to express emotion through the power of voice.
Lynch and Gillispie, 1998 explained that, until relatively recently, AM (Amplitude
Modulation) radio was much more prevalent than FM (Frequency Modulation) radio. It
was not until the 1960s that FM radio became more popular, as the FM stations agreed to
air many popular rock n’ roll songs that AM radio stations had deemed too controversial.
AM and FM are two very popular and very different methods of sending information
over the airwaves. AM is amplitude modulation while FM is frequency modulation.
Modulation is the act of modifying a certain aspect of the carrier frequency
in accordance to the information being sent. It is then clear that AM modifies the amplitude of the
carrier frequency while FM modifies its frequency.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

As AM stations, they have their own format to follow depending on the station. But they
all belonged to the “more talk, less music” type unlike the FM stations, which have more
Today, FM radio features hundreds of music and news/talk stations. Therefore, this study
aims to know the reasons in using AM style in FM station.
In Baguio City, 98.7 Z Radio (DWUB 98.7 MHz Baguio City) is a music and information
FM radio station owned and operated by Benguet Broadcasting Corporation in the
Philippines. The station's studio and transmitter are located in The University of Baguio,
Baguio City.
Z-Radio performs the information function, educate and entertain. With this, they use
different formats like musical program, talk program, news program, magazine program,
and variety program.
Good Morning Cordillera and Ilocandia, Tambalang Edong Carta at Jimmy Lozano and
Tangguyob Ti Umili are programs that are using AM style in programming. The host used
Ilocano as the medium in delivering information, informal talk programs and they play
Ilocano, Kankanaey and Ibaloi songs.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the acceptability of the respondents in using AM
style in programming in FM station.

Specifically, it answered the following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents and the station people?

2. What is the profile of the radio station?
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

3. What is the profile of the programs using AM style?

4. How do the management decide on the format, anchorperson, choosing of topics
and incorporating AM style in FM station?

5. What are the challenges encountered in the programs?

6. What are the taxi driver’s acceptability of AM style in FM station among

Objectives of the Study

Generally, this study aimed to determine the acceptability of the respondents in
using AM style in programming in FM station.

Specifically, it intends to:
1. identify the socio-demographic profile of the respondents and station people;
2. determine the radio station profile;

3. determine the program profiles of Z-Radio programs that use AM style;

4. determine how the management decides on the format, anchorperson, choosing
of topics and incorporating AM style in FM station;

5. determine the challenges encountered by the host/anchorperson in their
programs; and,

6. determine the acceptability of AM style in FM station among listeners;

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Importance of the Study

The result of this study may help the announcer, program planner and radio program
implementers for the improvement of their program.

The information to be gathered will help in planning broadcast programs of Z-

Scope and Limitation

This study was limited to Z Radio programs that are using AM style.
The study was focus on radio station profile, socio-demographic profiles of the respondents
and the station people, program profile using AM style, how the management decide on
the format, anchorperson, choosing of topics, challenges encountered by the
host/anchorperson, reasons for incorporating AM style in FM station.
It was not include other Z-Radio programs.

The study was conducted on December 2012 to January 2013.

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,


Characteristics of the Respondents
According to Anno (2003) almost all of the respondents in Mankayan,Benguet had formal
education with 46.67% reaching secondary level; 34.67%, collage level; and 17.33%,
elementary level. There was only 1.33% who did not have any formal education. Even
though, this is not the reason for not listening to the radio because some radio station
broadcast in Ilocano, which is widely understood in the locality. There are 32% of the
respondents derived their income from farming. Some obtained their income from small-
scale business or government employment.

In the study of Martin (2012), Content Analysis of ‘Laughingly Yours, Bianong
and Pagsarmingan’, most of the story senders belonged to age bracket 20 to 29. Majority
of them were females and were single. Moreover, most of them were from Pangasinan.

According to Juan (2012) majority of the listeners in Barangay Madaymen,
Kibungan, Benguet belonged to the age bracket of 21-30 and most of them are males who
are single. The respondents had their formal education and most of them were farmers.
Kankana-ey was the leading tribal affiliation of the respondents.

In the study of Cayabas (2012), many of the respondents of Barangay Data,
Sabangan, Mountain Province was 27.5% aged 60 and above 50% was females and 50%
were males. There were 67.5% of the respondents who were married and many have three
to four children. The major crops they planted were rice, and highland vegetable.

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Program Format

There are different types of radio programs such as musical program, talk program,
news program, magazine program, and variety program. Musical program generally aims
to entertain. Second is talk program, this is preferred by adults audiences who have
knowledge of and interest in the subject since this type of program lacks variety. The third
is news program. News program uses direct, concise, and told with simple word. Fourth is
the magazine program which contains a variety of either related or unrelated items or
segment that are linked together by narration, music, or sound effects. Lastly is the variety
program. The term “variety show” implies combination of more elements of entertainment
and arts; it has a combination of various types of performance and technique (Community
Broadcasting Staff, 1979).

The radio format of Radyo Agrikultura was a magazine program. Interviews, plugs,
and music were included in the said program. Within a week there is a format they follow.
On Mondays the topic focused on high value crops and development programs of the
Department of Agriculture. Every Tuesday the topics focused on livestock and poultry. For
Wednesday the topic focused on healthy lifestyle about the importance of vegetables. On
Thursday, topics were any concerns and requests from municipalities and barangays. Then
on Friday, recaps of all the subject matter are tackled within the week. Furthermore, there
was also a sequence they follow in a day. The program begins with greetings to all the
intended audience. Next is the introduction of the main topics followed by the discussion
of sub topics including the situations of the concerned places where topics were
suited/applicable. Then followed by airing interviews from the fields concerning the
present topics (Cayabas, 2012).
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Production Process

Program production includes the program was planning of subject matter, format,
concreteness, and variety; gathering and organizing the materials; and the actual production
which includes making of script, assembling of resources, directing and editing
(Community Broadcasting Staff,1979).

The anchorperson decided on the subject matter, next was research about the topic.
According to Mary Langpawan, the anchorperson of Radyo Agrikultura she did reading,
internet search and most of all, personal interview with the resource person concerned with
the topic since the program did not do live interview on the program. When the information
was processed, it was time now to prepare all the materials for the actual production such
as the equipment (tapes, microphones, recording device) and the program material
(processed information, music, sound effects). Actual production includes directing that
involves planning and control of talent and equipment during broadcast. After recording
was the editing to get the program time right, and cutting out portions which are irrelevant
to the subject matter (Cayabas, 2012).

Scheduling of Topics

Scheduling of topics was done depending on what was the present need or campaign
for the month. Every topic was scheduled in a week. For example, for the agriculture which
has many subtopics, the sub topics, were divided per day. Scheduling also depended on
how long a certain topic will take (Cayabas, 2012).

Another important consideration in program especially for technical programs is
subject matter coverage and time allotment for the resource speaker and the topic. The
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

radio producer should determine the extent and scope of the subject matter content, its
length and limitation. How long will be the topics on air and how many days in a week will
it take on air (Community Broadcasting Staff, 1979).

AM and FM Programming
Convenience of news and information services typical of an AM radio station, along with
the usual musical content of an FM station.
Norberg (1996), author of Radio Programming Tactics and Strategy, said that listeners
have their established expectation for an AM or an FM station every time they tune in, and
meeting these expectations could more often than not ,spell success or demise for a radio
station. AM radio is usually expected to deliver relevant talk programs, and FM stations its
music playlist.
DYRU Super Radio’s dual FM and AM format become an example of a programming
innovation, or a reflection of a possible programming trend among FM station in the
Philippines nowadays. Although DYRU may not be unique and may not be the first to
implement this kind of strategy, still its programming tactic may not be widely observed
and implemented. And since the general audience expectation for FM radio has remained
to be the delivery of musical content, some may also question the FM station’s considerable
news and current affairs content (Salazar, 2011).
While it had been traditional FM stations air mainly musical content, DYRU took a
different turn for an FM station by venturing out of its traditional programming and into
the AM audience. It has followed a typical AM radio programming of news and public
affairs on early morning (5:00 am-9:00 am, E-eitsahan), midday (11:30 am-12:00 pm,
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

RGMA Network News), 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Pasipeut) and evening time slot (7:00 pm-
7:30 pm, RGMA Network News), and (7:30 pm-9:00 pm, Parks de Libertad). These
programs have similar news and current affairs format (Salazar, 2011).


The announcer should have a personality so varied that he can adapt himself and
his announcing style to the constantly changing demands and his announcing style to the
constantly changing demands of the listeners and the program. Audience change from hour
to hour. The announcers must be ready to change with them without losing any of his
individual integrity. An announcer’s style may be referred warmth and vitality and seem
like an interested friend; another may capitalize on a honey approach, talking as one
neighbour to another over the back fences; another may rely on a quite authority’s
assurance, apparently unruffled by anything or anybody; another may work with a bouncy,
breezy manner (Community Broadcasting Staff, 1979).

In the study of Linggoden (2004), respondents claimed that the host of Voice of
America (VOA) news program delivered message in a fast way (80.43%), 63% told that
the voice of the host was not good because most of the pronunciation was slang which
made the respondents confused. This finding showed that delivery of information affected
the listeners so they did not understand some of the topics of the program.

In Bontoc,Mountain Province, some host of program of DWFR Radyo ng Bayan
Bontoc was ranked as good in delivering the message. Respondents claimed that the host
used words that were easy to understand (Dawiguey, 2004).

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Acceptability of the Respondents
to the Radio Programs

Terms used in radio broadcasting. According to Cayabas (2012), 75% of the respondents
in Barangay Data, Sabangan, Mountain Province perceived that the words used were
simple. She also added that almost all respondents (95%) claimed that in terms of
information delivery, it was easy to understand. Only 5% claimed that it was difficult to

Balio (2004) found out in her study that almost all of the respondents perceived that
the terms used in the radio programs of DWFR,Radyo ng Bayan Bontoc regarding the
topics on agriculture was or easy to understand. Few respondents said that the terms used
in the radio programs were highly technical.

Language used. In the study Palayen (2007), majority (84%) of her respondents in
Baculongan Sur perceived that the language used were appropriate because he uses
“Kankanaey” which is local dialect of the respondents. Few (16%) of the respondents said
that some of the languages are too technical for them to understand.

In the study of Dawiguey (2004), 44% of her respondents preferred Ilocano as a
medium in delivering the program. Farmer- respondents claimed that they prefered
Kankanaey while most of the students-respondents (30%) claimed that they prefer English.
Programs aired by Radyo ng Bayan Bontoc were broadcast in Ilocano.


Lack of funds to finance the radio programs can be a problem because in almost all
cases the problems was funding. Although people had know-how and broadcasting
facilities and personnel were available, no funds were available to start the project. That
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Is why both radio and TV educational program folded up because of lack of funds (Nakano,

Another problem is worn-out or obsolete equipment. Limcaoca (1990) stated that
worn-out or obsolete equipment are the problem because in the case of the PTV-4 network,
most of their equipment are old and obsolete like the master control facilities. The facilities
are more than 20 years old and do not conform to prevailing standards of color
broadcasting. He also added that lack of support facilities, particularly vehicles for field
production and the like is a problem too.

Gomez (997) stated that in DZWT is badly needed equipment such as production
equipment generator, two way communication system and even simple equipment as
portable cassette records can affect the quality of the information being aired by the station.

Other problem in implementing educational programs are the following educational
channel, manpower and training staff, better utilization of production and supporting
materials (Nakano, 1990).

The problem on the lack of manpower and staff training led incompetence in the
operation of broadcasting and in station management. Because of lack of competent
manpower, BP and BMC started training radio personnel in 1975. From 1975 to 1977,
BMC trained 213 managers, 285 announcers, 56 chief technicians, 113 sales managers,
and representative, 44 news writes and 34 drama writers. Another dimension was added in
1976; training by correspondence. Under the Distance Study System for Announcers, 861
announcers enrolled for courses on communication, social effect of radio, history of
Philippines radio, development communication, and oral skills (Maslog, 1988).

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Solutions to Problem Encountered

There are solutions to the problems in implementing educational programs.
Funding should be permanent to prevent interventions. Subsidy should come from the
national government, its different departments and agencies foundation, philanthropic
institution, individual and business corporation (Maslog, 1988).

According to Gomez (1997) mechanism to strengthen linkages with government or
non-government agencies and institutions at the provincial and local levels should be
devised for better and more efficient coordination regarding its use for development efforts.
Gomez also added that using radio for social change could not operate in a vacuum of
institutional support hence the need to enlist the support of these agencies.

In the study of Daguiwey (2004), they also suggested that they should replace the
one kilowatt with a ten kilowatt, additional funds to augment the financial needs of the
station and purchase of facilities.

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,


Locale of the Study
The municipality of La Trinidad (Figure 1) is the capital town of the province of Benguet
(Figure 2). It is located 256 kilometres north of Metro Manila, at geographical coordinates
16 degrees, 21 minute north latitude and 120 degrees and 25 minutes east longitude. It is
bounded on the north by the municipality of Tublay, on the south by the City of Baguio,
on the west by the municipalities of Sablan and Tuba.
La Trinidad's land area is measured at 80,795,152 hectares. With this land area, the
municipality counts as the smallest of all the 13 municipalities of the province of Benguet.
It comprises only less than three percent of the provincial land area and according to the
2010 census it has a population107, 188 of people. It is however the most developed and
fastest growing economy among the municipalities of Benguet. This resulted mainly from
its proximity to Baguio City and its role as seat of provincial government, educational
center and trading hub of the province's vegetable industry. It also serves as the tourism
gateway to the Cordillera and has made its name as the "Strawberry Capital of the

This study was conducted on November-January 2012.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were Fernando “Pandong” Balaodan, Tatang Edong
Carta, Jimmy Lozano and Vladimir Cayabas, the Hosts/Anchorperson of Z Radio and Rey
Laureano, Station Manager.They all served as the key informants of the study.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,


Figure 1. Map of Baguio City showing the locale of the study
Figure 1. Map of La Trinidad, Benguet showing the locale of the study

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

The second group consists of taxi drivers of La Trinidad, Benguet. The 30 taxi
drivers were chosen through purposive sampling. The criteria in choosing the respondents
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

are (a) must be a listeners of radio programs using AM style in programming; (b) must be
a taxi driver of La Trinidad, Benguet.

Data Collection
Interview schedule using guide questions were used to gather data from the respondents
and key informant schedule were used to gather data from the key informants.

Data Gathered
The data gathered from the key informants were radio station profile, socio-demographic
profiles of the respondents and the station people, program profile using AM style, how
the management decide on the format, anchorperson, choosing of topics, challenges
encountered by the host/anchorperson, reasons for incorporating AM style in FM station,
while the data gathered from the respondents were the acceptability of AM style in FM
station among the listeners.

Data Analysis
The data gathered were tabulated, presented and analyzed using descriptive statistics such
as frequency count, rank and percentage.

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,


Socio-demographic Profile of the Respondents
Table 1 shows the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. The profile includes the
age, civil status, language spoken and educational attainment.
Age. As shown in Table 1, among the 30 taxi driver respondents, 14 (46.7%) belonged to
the age bracket 31-40 years old, 8 (26.7%) belonged to the age bracket 21-30 years old, 5
(16.6%) belonged to the bracket 41-50 years old while 3 (10%) fell within the age bracket
20 and below. The youngest respondent was 17 years old while the oldest was 40 years
Civil status. There were 63.3% of the respondents who were married and 36.7 were single.
Language spoken. Majority (53.3%) of the respondents spoke Ibaloi and 46.7% spoke
Kankana-ey. According to the respondents, although they spoke in their own dialect, they
understood and spoke in Ilocano.
It implies that all of the respondents spoke more than one language.
Educational attainment. Results show that 60% among the respondents reached high
school level, 20% have been to Elementary, and 13.3% reached college level while 6.7%
attended vocational school.
Findings show that majority of the respondents had formal educational attainment while
some of the respondents had low educational attainment but literate to understand the radio

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of the respondent

20 and below

Civil Status


Language Spoken





Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Socio-demographic Profile of the Key Informants

The profile includes age, civil status, language spoken, and educational attainment.

Among the five key informants three of them were aged 37, 31, and 45 years old
and two of them were 49 and 66 years old. All of the respondents were male and they had
their formal education. Regarding their civil status four of the key informants were married
and one was single while three of the key informants spoke Ilocano and two spoke
Kankana-ey, although they spoke in their own dialect, they understood and spoke Ilocano.

Station Profile of Z-Radio
98.7 Z Radio (DWUB 98.7 MHz Baguio City) was a music and information FM radio
station owned and operated by Benguet Broadcasting Corporation in the Philippines which
was managed by the manager station Rey Laureano. The station's studio and transmitter
were located in the University of Baguio, Baguio City.
Z radio was first aired in November 2006 and the primary area coverage was in Baguio
City and Benguet province. However, the signal reaches part of Region I, II and III. The
station slogan was "The Station that plays the hits first".
The program delivers international, national, regional, and local news and they play a
variety of music.

Z Radio has block time programs which are Tambalang Edong Carta at Jimmy
Lozano, Good Morning Cordillera and Ilocandia hosted by Fernando “Pandong”
Baloadan, and Tangguyob ti Umili hosted by Vladimir Cayabas. For these programs, the
hosts are the one who decide the whole production. Block time programs were those whose
airtimes were paid by the groups or individuals for their program to be aired in the station.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

The other programs were produced by the radio station. These were: Breaking
Point, Sound trip, Bumper 2 Bumper, Outbreak Afterburn, Retro Flashback Friday - The
Hits of the 80s & 90s, New Wave Party Zone - New Wave music, The All Hit Weekend
Specials - All request, Alternative Sunday - All Baguio Christ Centered Church Religious
Program, The rescue program with the Archangel: - A capella Christian music, and Da
Partners, Night Fever with Gorgeous Em.

Profile of Programs that Use
AM Style in Programming
Tambalang Edong Carta at Jimmy Lozano. This program aired live from 8:00AM to 10:00
AM, Mondays to Saturdays. This is a 2-hour program/show which was launched in April
25, 2011 that delivers local, regional, national & international news, commentaries, public
service, and plays a variety of music. Tambalan program is produced & managed
by ECARTA Media Productions & Promotions situated at 3rd floor Rm.1 Danes Building
Chugum St. corner Kayang St. Baguio City.
During Sundays the programs were Tambalan Sunday Edition which was hosted by Susie
Lozano the wife of Jimmy Lozano. The Sunday edition also delivers local, regional,
national & international news. It also plays a variety of music and discuss topic based on
the current issues.
Tangguyob ti Umili. The program set every Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10:00 to
11:30AM was hosted by Vladimir Cayabas the School Coordinator of National Institute of
Information Technology (NIIT). The one hour and 30 minutes program. According to
Cayabas the program applies the principle of “EduTainment” or merging the values of
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

education with the graces of entertainment in informing the public on pressing concerns
that affect the community.
The program format that he used was talk program.

Good Morning Cordillera and Ilocandia. The program aired live from Mondays to
Sundays, 5:00 AM-8:00 AM. The show was launched on May 16, 2008 which was hosted
by Fernando “Pandong” Balaodan. The program format he used was magazine program.
The 3-hour program delivers news, commentaries, public service, and plays a variety of
music. The listeners may send their requests and greetings via text message. The
anchorperson plays 80’s, 90’s, Ilocano, Kankana-ey and Ibaloi songs. Among the guest of
Balaodan were politicians in Benguet and presidents of different colleges and universities.

Decision Making of the Program

Generally, the station decides on format because they are block time programs
where in they are responsible for the programming of their programs like in deciding on
what format will they used and the station management are not involved in programming
of the programs that are block timers.

Format. Every program has its own format used.

Tambalang Edong Carta at Jimmy Lozano. They used magazine format where in
they defined it as a combination of both spoken and musical items making it entertaining
and interesting with a purpose to inform. Their definition of a magazine program supports
the definition by Community Broadcasting Staff (1979) which says that a number of items
of related or unrelated topics, usually linked together by the narration, music or sound
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

effects. Inform. The magazine program is a mixture of topics, contributors and ways of
presenting them, using various techniques.

Finding shows that the anchorpersons are knowledgeable on what magazine
program is because they veterans in broadcasting.

Good Morning Cordillera and Ilocandia. They also used magazine program. The
program contains interviews, musical numbers, plugs, and news.

This is similar with the study of Cayabas (2012) that the radio format of Radyo
Agricultura was magazine program. Interviews, plugs, and music were include in the said

Tangguyob ti Umili. The anchorperson used talk program that during discussion
question and answer were spontaneously that makes the discussion more interactive.

Anchorperson/Host. The station manager did not have many criteria in choosing
host/anchorperson as long as they were capable to broadcast and follow the agreement
between the management which they should have community or extension care activities
like blood letting activity as their corporate social responsibility.

Choosing of topic. The hosts of the programs Tambalang Edong Carta at Jimmy
Lozano and Tannguyob ti Umili chose their topics to be discussed based on what they
watched on television. The next is they ask/invite the resource person concerned with the
topic to be interviewed. All interviews were done live. Also they had a pre-planned set of
topics for the whole week.

This corroborates with the findings of Cayabas (2012), that decision making of the
topic of the program, is up to the anchorperson or the host of the program to decide. They
decide the topic to be aired that depends on what fits the present situation or topic relevant
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

in the community or society, or if there was a current campaign on agriculture just like
organic farming.
Tambalang Edong Carta at Jimmy Lozano. They followed the standard format every
Mondays which they played advertisements, jokes, music, greetings and news. Tuesday
programs focused on Philhealth hour. For Wednesdays, the topic focused on Philippine
National Police (PNP) slot. On Thursdays the topic was focused on Rural Bank of Baguio
City. For Fridays they focused on Baguio City Police program. On Saturdays, topics were
about Social Security System (SSS). Then on Sundays, the program was Tambalan Sunday
Edition which delivered news and discussed topics based on the current issues.
They also play variety of music and have some jokes related to the topic that they discussed.
Examples are:

Joke no.1
Doctor: Pumapayat ka ata. Sinunod mo pa ang payo ko na 3 meals a day?
Babae: Ah 3 meals a day ba akala ko 3 males a day.
Joke no.2
Teacher: Apay ta drawing mo nga nagrugit?
Student: Ma am tinuno gamin nga bangus isu nga nga narugit ket nangisit.

Good Morning Cordillera and Ilocandia. The anchorperson decided the topic
to be discussed based on the current issues and what he observed in the surroundings.
Next was he also asked the concerned resource person but if the resource person cannot go
to the station he did phone interviews
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Incorporating AM Style in Programming. The anchorpersons/hosts of the programs
that used AM style in programming decided on the style of their program because they
were block timers. They are the one who decide the whole production of their program.
The hosts incorporated AM style in programming because it was the most liked set up of
programming based on the survey done by the hosts of the programs.

Balaodan said that he used AM style because it was all in one package wherein the
listeners were entertained and at the same time they were informed.

Carta on the other hand said that FM has greater sound quality and it was easily
accessed because many cell phone models had FM radio. Also on the part of the
anchorpersons using AM style in programming it make them feel relaxed in broadcasting
because the music serves as break for them to take a rest unlike in AM that they need to
talk continuously until the program is done.

Program Acceptability of Taxi Driver Respondents

Program. All of the 30 respondents said that the three programs were acceptable to
them. But in terms of program preferences, their answers were varied. Table 3 shows the
program preference by the respondents. The program, “Good Morning Cordillera and
Ilocandia , ranked number one (66.7%) as the respondents’ preference while the 26.7%

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Table 3. Program preference of the respondents





Good Morning
Cordillera and




Tambalang Tatang
Edong Carta at Lolo



Dorski Jimmy Lozano

Tangguyob Ti Umili


*multiple response

of the respondent chose Tambalang Tatang Edong Carta at Lolo Dorski Jimmy Lozano
and 6.6% preferred Tangguyob Ti Umili.

The reasons of the respondents in listening to the program include: they were
informed about the event happening in surroundings and they were entertained.

According to the respondents, they get information and they listen to the programs
for entertainment that makes them relax and ease from the program Good Morning
Cordillera and Ilocandia.

This corroborates the findings of Dawiguey (2004) that great majority (96%) of the
respondents listen to the program because it gives information about the events around
them while the rest listened to the program for entertainment because the hosts are amazing
that makes the listeners able to laugh and smile.

Program hosts. All of the respondents said that the hosts of the three programs were
acceptable to them since they were able to deliver their messages clearly and simply.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

This corroborates the findings of Juan (2012) that listeners of Madaymen,
Kibungan tend to listen to radio program since the host is good in delivering the topics
clearly and appropriately.

The study of Dawiguey (2012) also noted that the hosts of Radyo ng Bayan Bontoc
was good in delivering the message and the host’s used easy words in delivering message
for easy understanding.

Findings imply that the hosts were appropriate to be the anchorpersons of the
programs that used AM style in programming.
Language. Table 4 presents the acceptability of the respondents regarding the
terminologies and language used.
Majority of the respondents (73.4%) accepted Ilocano as the language in broadcasting
because it is the common language of Benguet, while 26.6% claimed that they do not accept
the language used because they prefer Kankana-ey, Ibaloi and Filipino. Those who claimed
that they don’t accept Ilocano as language because the respondent spoke Ibaloi and
Romeo Lang-asan, a respondent said that Ilocano as a medium of communication is
acceptable because he can easily understand the discussion.
This result is similar to the findings of Dawiguey (2004) where 44% of respondents in five
barangays of Bontoc, Mountain Province preferred Ilocano as a medium in delivering the
This is also similar with the result of Paulino (2003) where 76% respondents in Palina,
Kibungan, Benguet prefer Ilocano as the language in broadcasting.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

Terminologies used. Almost all of the respondents (97.7%) claimed that the terminologies
used in the program were acceptable because they were simple.
It is possible that the respondent highest educational attainment has an effect on how they
understand the message from the radio. Only one of the respondents claimed that the
terminologies used were not acceptable because it was technical.

The 97.3%, who claimed that the terminologies used were simple, have attended
high school. On the other hand, one respondent who said that the terminologies were
technical only reached elementary.
This corroborates the findings of Cayabas (2012), that the 75% of the farmers of Barangay
Data, Sabangan, Mountain Province claimed that the word used in broadcasting were
simple, have attended college or high school while those who have not attended school
had difficulty in understanding some terms

Table 4. Acceptability of the terminologies used and language used in the programs









AM style in programming. All of the respondents claimed that they want the AM
style in programming of Z- Radio.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

In an interview, some of the respondents said that they want the AM style used by
Z-radio because they do not need to transfer to other station just to listen to news. The other
respondents said that it is “2 in 1” wherein they were entertained at the same time they
were informed.
Also, the respondents said that it is good that they used AM style in programming because
the stereo of the taxi drivers can only access FM stations so it is good that they incorporated
AM style in FM. The respondents said that they did not just listen to music but they were
also updated about the price of the gasoline.
Findings show that all of the respondents wanted the set up of programming in using AM
style in FM station.
Challenges Encountered by the

For Tambalang Edong Carta at Jimmy Lozano. The host/anchorperson said that
their problem was difficulty in finding advertisers for their program. This may be due to
the fact that the program was only launched in 2011 so it was relatively new. To remedy
this, the host personally invites advertisers and they also give discounts on the fee. Aside
from that, they make advertisement based on what the advertisers want.

They also have an account executive that is in charge for inviting advertisers.
For Good Morning Cordillera and Ilocandia. There are a lot of texters send messages
against the host’s or unwanted messages. To remedy this, before reading the messages on
air he screened the message before reading on air and the host ignores the unwanted text
For Tangguyob ti Umili. The host so far the host/anchorperson of the two programs did not
encounter any problems in their programs because the program is still young.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,


The study was conducted in La Trinidad, Benguet to characterize the listeners of the radio
program. It aimed to characterized the listeners of the radio program, how the management
decide on the format, anchorperson, choosing of topics, reasons for incorporating AM style
in FM station.
Interview schedule was used to gather information from the 30 respondents who listen to
the program who used AM style in programming. Purposive sampling was used in
choosing the respondents.
Many of the listeners belonged to the aged 31-40. Majority of the respondents had their
formal education and the leading tribal affiliation of the respondents was Ibaloi.

While the five key informants three of them were aged 37, 31, and 45 years old and
two of them were 49 and 66 years old. Ilocano was the leading tribal affiliation.
The anchor person decides on the format of the program. Regarding the choosing of topics
and incorporating AM style in FM programs was decided by the anchorperson
Incorporating AM style in programming is acceptable to the listeners.
All of them accept the three programs that used AM style and majority of the respondents
preferred program was Good Morning Cordillera and Ilocandia. The respondents claimed
that they accept Ilocano as a medium of communication because they can easily understand
the discussion.

Most of the listeners said that the, language used and terminologies used and
program host was acceptable.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

All of the respondents said that the host/anchorperson was acceptable because they deliver
the message clearly and simple and most of the respondents accept the word used were
Findings showed that all of the listeners liked the AM style in programming of Z Radio
because it is 2 in 1 wherein they were entertained at the same time they were informed.
Regarding the challenges, the three programs did not have much problems because the
programs were still young.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Ilocano as the language in the radio program is still acceptable to the listeners of
2. Block time programs of Z-Radio has the control over format, production process,
scheduling of topics and incorporating AM style in an FM station.
3. There is wide acceptance of AM style of programming in FM stations as proven in this
4. There are not much challenges encountered by the hosts in the programs.


Based on the conclusion, the following recommendations were formulated:
1. Since the result shows that the respondents accept Ilocano as a medium of
communication, the host/anchorperson may maintain using Ilocano for discussion.
Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,

2. The host may maintain the AM style in programming because it is acceptable to the
3. The radio programs may consider conducting a survey on listenership and/or
acceptability of their programs in other areas and with other sectors of the society.

Programming of Z-Radio 98.7 FM and its Acceptability among Taxi Drivers in La Trinidad,


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