ABELAO, ANNIELYN N. APRIL 2012. Communication Strategies of Bombo
Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in finding solutions to problems in
Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback. Benguet State University. La
Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Anna Liza B. Wakat

The study was conducted to categorize the problems raised in ‘Bombo Hanay Big
Time’ in terms of topic and status; determine the methods used by the listeners in raising
their problems in Bombo Hanay Big Time; determine the process of the host in finding
possible solutions to problem in Baguio- Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback;
and find out the challenges faced by ‘Bombo Hanay Big Time’ in finding possible solutions
to problems raised by the listeners.
The study was conducted in # 87 Lourdes Subdivision where the station was located
from December to February 2012. The content analysis covered the six months of the
journal of the host from July to December 2011.
The problems are categorized according to political problems, environmental
problems, ethical problems and social problems. Societal problems are dominant issues
raised by listeners to a radio commentary program

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Majority of the problems raised were solved and other problems are still pending. Most
listeners raised their problems through sending text messages and personal appearance
to the host. Others also raised their problems through a telephone call.
The process in finding possible solutions of the problems in Baguio – Benguet Area
depends on the nature of the problem.
The challenges faced by Bombo Hanay Big Time particularly the host in finding
possible solutions to problems raised by listeners in Baguio – Benguet Area were death
threats, unopen-mindedness, not being respected, lack of time, lack cooperation people
involved and financial challenges. But the challenges did not hinder him from finding
solutions to the problems raised.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback


Commentary programs have been widely known as one of the media to inform the
public of what have been happening around. It is the program where anchors discuss issues
and problems of the society, either national or local of any pressing concerns.
The Kapisanan ng mga Broadcasters ng Pilipinas (KBP, 2007) states that the airing
of public affairs programs and commentaries is encouraged, particularly to give the public
the opportunity to participate in discussions of current issues, concerns and events.
KBP (2007) further said that complaints, criticisms, or grievances aired against
persons, institutions or group, whether public or private, shall be limited to issues which
have a bearing on the public interest. The identity of persons or organizations who are
allowed to air complaints, criticisms, or grievances must be verified before they are allowed
to go on the air. Persons, institutions or groups who are the subject of complaints,
criticisms, or grievances aired on a station must be given immediate opportunity to reply
within the same program, if possible, or at the earliest opportunity. If not, the opportunity
to reply should be given in any other program under similar conditions.
In Baguio City, DZWX – Bombo Radyo Baguio is one of the broadcasting centers
in Benguet. The radio station has six commentary programs namely: Bombo Reports Part
I and II, Bombo Hanay Big Time, Bombo Hanay Pangaldaw, Bombo Reports Afternoon
Edition, Zona Libre, and Bombo Reports Final Edition (Bombo Radyo Philippines, 2011).
Bombo Hanay Big Time is one of the main commentary programs of Bombo Radyo
Baguio. The program began airing in 1982. It is being hosted by Melchor “The Bull”
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Balawas from 7:30 – 9:30 A.M from Mondays to Saturdays. According to him, the
program aims to reconcile the views of people from pressing issues and problems; and to
enlighten people on issues with information. Problems that are raised by listeners are
accepted in the program and the anchorman discussed it on air. And if the problem raised
needs more intense follow up, the anchorman tries to address the problem.
There are some studies on Bombo Hanay Big Time but none focused on the
contributions of the program in finding possible solutions to problems raised by listeners.
The communication strategies of the program is not yet determined and documented.

Statement of the Problem
The study aimed to determine the communication strategies of Bombo Hanay Big
Time in finding possible solutions to the problems in Baguio- Benguet Area in response to
listeners feedback.
Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following questions:
What are the problems raised in Bombo Hanay Big Time from July to
December 2011?
What are the methods used by the listeners in raising their problem to
Bombo Hanay Big Time?
What is the process of the host in finding possible solutions to the problem
in Baguio- Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback?
What are the challenges faced by Bombo Hanay Big Time in finding
possible solutions to problems raised by the listeners?

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Objectives of the Study
The study aimed to determine the communication strategies of Bombo Hanay Big
Time in finding possible solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to
listeners feedback.
Specifically, the objectives of the study are to:
1. To categorize the problems raised in Bombo Hanay Big Time in
terms of topic and status
2. To determine the methods used by the listeners in raising their
problems in Bombo Hanay Big Time
3. To determine the process of the host in finding possible solutions to
problem in Baguio- Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback
4. To find out the challenges faced by Bombo Hanay Big Time in
finding possible solutions to problems raised by the listeners

Importance of the Study
The results of this study may help the commentator identify the challenges faced
Bombo Hanay Big Time in finding possible solutions to problems in Baguio – Benguet area
in response to listeners feedback thereby providing opportunities for improvement. It may
also help the management of Bombo Radyo Baguio realize the importance of the
program and the communication strategies used in finding possible solutions to problems
in Baguio – Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Results may also contribute for the awareness of readers on the communication
strategies, process, and the challenges faced by Bombo Hanay Big Time in finding possible
solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback.

Scope and Limitations
The study focused on determining the communication strategies of Bombo Hanay
Big Time in finding possible solutions to problems in Baguio- Benguet in response to
listeners feedback from July to December 2011.
The study only focused on the categorizing the list of problems in terms of topic
and status; the methods used by the listeners in raising their problems to Bombo Hanay Big
Time; the process of the host in finding possible solutions to problems raised by the
listeners; the challenges faced by the program in finding possible solutions to problems in
response to listeners feedback.
The problems that were studied were the problems in Baguio-Benguet area that are
aired in Bombo Hanay Big Time during the time of the study and problems that were raised
by the listeners.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback


Community Radio as a Tool in Finding
Solutions to Problems
Radio has continually attracted considerate attention from national development
planners because of its potential in helping solve some of the problems of developing
countries. Since, the radio possesses the intrinsic characteristics of speed, extensiveness,
portability, and flexibility thus giving it a comparative over other mass media. Aside from
that, it fulfills certain psychological needs and it is easier to listen to the radio than reading
or viewing movies or television (Jamias, 1991).
Since people appreciated radio programs that are familiar and relevant to what they
feel and who they are. Community radio came to spread. Rahman (2009) recognized the
roles of community Radio as a mirror in the society, accelerates pro people endeavor of
local administration and the politicians and arouses their responsibilities to the society.
Indeed, the radio reminds the authorities of their duties and serves as the watchdog of the
government to do what is good for the people.
Rahman (2009) further said that community radio can play the role as a discussion
program with community members and the personnel of different administrations by
reviewing the problems of community people and indicating the things to be done. With
this, solutions to problems are being suggested.
In Addition, Mahmud (2006) also pointed that community radio is an alternative
media that counter balance to profit-motive corporate media. Community media
emphasizes in facilitating empowerment of people with their active participation in the
process. Because it has specific objectives to promote people’s agenda first, local
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

knowledge, cultures, human rights and social justice, environmental issues and community
problems as well as the issues related to development are being tackled.
Meanwhile, in the National Consultation on 'Community Radio in Bangladesh’, as
reported by The Daily Star (2005), the speakers said that community radio will play a
significant role at grassroots level for rural development since it can focus on issues of
agriculture, gender inequality, education, trade and commerce, disaster, weather, natural
calamities, poverty and social problems. The speakers also elaborated that it is very
common now in many countries, including Nepal, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the
Rahman (2009) further emphasize that amongst all the problems incessantly faced
by the people, poverty is one of the most widespread. Moreover, there exists ecological
imbalance, economic disparity, imbalance modernization in social infrastructure and the
created problems by it, individual ownership, political unrest, inequality, encroachment of
government resources/ assets, poor health services, insufficient income, violation of human
rights and violence against women etc.
Since there is no appropriate power and opportunity to complain for marginalized
population of rural and poor people in the centered democratic society, opportunists,
politicians and local administration take the chance to deprive them of their legal rights.
Programs of Community Radio come in with their aim to discuss their rights and let their
voices be heard (Rahman, 2009).
Meanwhile, the CAGJ or Community Alliance for Global Justice (2008)
enumerated in their website the categories of problems. It was entitled “The Four
Categories of Problems with AGRA. These are political, social, economic and ethical.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Examples under political problems are using tax-exempt foundation money to act
without accountability, using influence to monopolize discussions of development and
agriculture, promotes solutions decided upon undemocratically, by people whose authority
has not been conferred by the populace and whose frame of reference is the Global North.
Likewise examples for social problems are privileging on large-scale farmers/landholders,
encouraging the purchase of inputs from foreign companies, leading to indebtedness,
intensifying reliance on volatile global economy, not addressing structural and social
inequalities, having the potential to worsen women’s poverty in integrated cash economies.
Furthermore, examples for environmental problems are encouraging higher concentration
of cultivation and mono cropping, which decreases biodiversity and undermines
indigenous crops. Lastly for ethical problems are privileging/asserting Western knowledge
systems, limiting self-determination among farmers in Africa, receiving funding from
foundations whose wealth is rooted in the maintenance of unequal global distribution,
promoting a racist model of development in which African producers are targets of Western
conceptions of linear “progress”, devaluing the systems and knowledge of local peoples
and precludes reciprocity and mutuality in exchanging ideas.
The Wikipedia (2011) also subcategorized the social issues category. Among these
are activism, agriculture and society, environment and society, gambling and society,
conflict in society, corruption, crime, domestic violence, globalization, peace, social policy
and revolution, transparency, war, unemployment, social inequality, and social

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Commentary Program

A commentary is the presentation of the personal experiences or opinion; it may be
connected to the news, either good or bad news. Commentary differs on news reporting. A
commentary sometimes will support the news and is often called news analysis (Dinggo,

Eddevel, (2004) as cited by Dinggo (2005) emphasized that a commentary program
should be examined for appropriate scope and content: accuracy, authenticity, typically in
good taste, reflective of research in learning, utilized innovations in instructions,
authoritativeness of materials, clarity and illustrative on the interplay process and growth
of content. The same thing should be interesting and stimulating and provocative, lessons
should be exciting to positively influence competition and the video have long shelf life.

Bombo Hanay Big Time
Bombo” is an Ilonggo term for a big bass drum of a marching band. True to its
name, “Bombo” leads the cadence and dictates the pace in the broadcast industry. Bombo
Radio stations have a reputation of being "hard hitting,” both on drums the drums that all
of the station features and in the broadcasters’ bold commentaries (Bombo Radyo
Philippines, 2011).
Hanay means “link” in Illonggo. The main office of Bombo Radyo is in Iloilo; the
owner and founder is from there (Paran, 2007).
According to Balawas (2012), Bombo Hanay Big Time is one of the general
programs of the Bombo Radyo Philippines. It is initiated by the management of Bombo
Radyo Philippines and all its stations adopted it. All Bombo Radio stations have the
program with the same format, time and duration. The programs only differ on how the
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

anchor handles the program. Likewise the language used depends upon the community it
serves. The program began operating in 1982.

Listeners Participation
To address many problems of the country, government is implementing several
development policies and programs which require participation from the people (Dumapis,
2005). In other word, participation of the people is a great factor in solving problems. In
Commentary programs, where community problems are also being discussed, participation
of listeners is much encouraged.
Persons who are allowed by the station to make personal calls or appeals
(panawagan) or air personal messages or opinions, shall be guided on the manner and
language they should use
on the air (KBP, 2007).

Requests for the airing of personal calls, appeals, personal messages or opinions
shall be carefully screened to insure that they are legitimate. The airing of personal calls,
appeals, messages from anonymous persons or sources are prohibited. Letters, phone calls,
e-mails, text messages and the like from unidentified sources or from sources who refuse
to be identified shall not be aired. Materials from letters, phone calls, e-mails, text
messages and the like when aired must be in accordance with the provisions of this Code
and shall be the responsibility of the station. Requests for airtime for public service
messages or public service programs shall be carefully review to ensure that the person or
group making the request is legitimate and serve a worthy cause (KBP, 2007).

Goyodan (2007) in her study Content Analysis on Zona Libre on DZWX Bombo
Radyo Baguio, states that listeners participated in the program through sending text
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

messages (96.34%) and 2.85% on telephone call. The host also accepted letters (0.68%)
and e- mails (0.14%). This finding shows that majority of the listeners participated are cell
phone users.
Lucas (1997) as cited by Che-es (2004) recognized that a radio becomes effective
when the programs aired flow in the pulse of people. These means that the topics discussed
are relevant to the listeners. And the subjects can only be relevant when the programs are
in tune with emotion, needs and whole situation of the people. It takes into account the
needs of the audience thus, plays the most influential role in terms of raising people’s
awareness about environmental, political and other issues. It is basically audience based.

Communication Strategy
The International Development Centre (2011) explained on their research that
communication strategy shows attention to planning, an understanding of the situation, an
ability to carry out the work, and clear identification of the goal. It is a task that is best
carried out as a group. They also added that strategy can be developed in several stages: 1)
a preliminary outline is prepared by the research team and close collaborators 2) the outline
submitted to the various partners for comments and revisions 3) the team meets to finalize
strategy and 4) if the strategy has been establish, it must be communicated to the partners
and groups you want to reach. This will make it easier to integrate them into the process of
developing the various tools intended for their use.
Furthermore, the IRRI (1991) as cited by Solimen (2003) states that studies have
establised that communication is more effective when more than one sense at a time is
engaged. This means that the more media are employed, the greater the possibility of
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

message to reach audience and influence them. Thus, a combination of interpersonal and
mass communication strategies is often used.
Amadeo (2004) note further that communication strategies are related to one
another. No single approach is perceived superior over the other.

Content Analysis as Tool for Research
Wilkinson and Burmingham (2003), defines that a as a research technique, content
analysis has been use in a variety of ways with in a number of context. It has been
successfully use to analyze text and solve issues of disputed authorship of academic
papers. The technique used have included an examination of prior writing and a
frequency count of nouns or commonly occurring words to help determine the
probability of authorship.
Content analysis can be use as a powerful tool to determine, from the content of the
message, sound interferences concerning the attitudes of the speaker or writer. It has
been usefully employed as a descriptor of diverse research techniques used for
systematically collecting, analyzing and making interferences from messages (North et
al., 1963) cited by Wilkinson and Birmingham (2003).

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted at # 87 Lourdes Subdivision, Baguio City where the
station is located (Figure 1).
Baguio City is known as the “City of Pines” is situated 5, 200 feet above sea level,
on a central plateau at the populated edge of the great Cordillera Range. Baguio is named
after a now extinct swampland plant called bag-giw. The City is the modern Heart of the
highlands, the gateway to the mountain “skyworld” and much loved retreat place with cool
weather and wonderful mountain vistas.
Bombo Radyo Baguio is located at the "Summer Capital of the Philippines" -
Baguio City. It is the undisputed Overall Number One Radio Station in Baguio City and
Benguet Province. Recent surveys released by Geovisuals Solutions and AC Nielsen
(2011) as cited by (Bombo Radyo Philippines, 2011)
affirmed the radio dominance of Bombo Radyo Baguio. Bombo Radyo Baguio's
primary area of coverage reaches not just over the province of Benguet but as well as Mt.
Province, Pangasinan, La Union and portions of Ilocos Sur, Abra and Nueva Vizcaya.

The study was conducted from December 2011 to February 2012.

Respondent of the Study
Melchor “the Bull” Balawas, the commentator of the Bombo Hanay Big Time
served as the key informant interview of the study. He has been hosting the program for
almost two years. Before he became the host of Bombo Hanay Big Time, he was been the
host of the hard hitting commentary, ZONA Libre for a decade.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback


Figure 1. Map of Baguio showing the location of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Subject of the Study
The daily journal of the commentator of the program from July to December 2011
with a total of 158 entries was used as the subject of the study.

Data Collection
A key informant interview was used to find out the process being followed by the
program, its challenges in communicating solutions to the problems in Baguio - Benguet
Area in response to listeners feedback.
A coding sheet was also used to assess and content analyze the data that was taken
from the journal of the commentator. The coding sheet was used to categorize the problems
in terms of topic (political, environmental, social and ethical); status (solved, unsolved,
pending ); method of listeners in raising the problem (text messages, telephone calls,
personal appearance) and determine the communication strategies used by the program in
finding possible solutions to problems raised by listeners in Baguio – Benguet Area.
The four categories of problems with Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa or
AGRA (Community Alliance for Global Justice, 2008) was use as a basis in categorizing
the problems raised. Also, in subcategorizing the categories in social issues, the category
of the Wikipedia 2011 was used as a basis.
The coverage of the study was from July to December 2011.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Data Gathered
The data gathered was the categorized list of problems raised in Bombo Hanay
Big Time according to topic and in terms of status; the methods used by the listeners in
raising their problems in Bombo Hanay Big Time; the process of the host in finding possible
solutions to problem raised by listeners in Baguio- Benguet Area; and the challenges faced
by Bombo Hanay Big Time in finding possible solutions to problems raised by the listeners

Data Analysis

The data collected was tabulated and analyzed using coding sheet and descriptive

statistics such as percentage and frequency counts. Qualitative data was analyzed.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback


Categories of problems raised
in the program

Problem raised according to topic. The problems were categorized under political,
social, environmental and ethical. The categorization was based on the four categories of
problems with Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa or AGRA that were published in
the website of the Community Alliance for Global Justice (2008). Under these categories
are a lot of controversial problems. Meanwhile, the sub categories of the social problems
were based on the categorization of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2011).
Table 1 shows that there were four categories of problems that were raised by the
listeners. Among the problems raised were social problems (36.67%), political problems
(26.67%); environmental problems (20%); ethical problems (16.66%).
Table 1. Categories of problems raised in Bombo Hanay Big Time from July to December

N= 30


Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Social. Most of the problems raised were categorized into social problems. There
were six subcategories that were raised among the 19 subcategories of social issues. These
were the problems on social policy, gambling and society, corruption, security, crime and
peace. A sample of a journal entry on this is shown in Figure 2 and 3.
Under the social policy subcategory, the problems were the a) quarrel among
vendors on the night market program of the city government due to different guidelines
being followed and b) not allowing students to attend their classes because they are late in
SLU High School department.
On the problems on gambling and society were a) an illegal gambling place in San
Carlos Heights, Baguio City, b) a gambling den at Baguio Massage Clinic were students
play poker and c) alleged illegal bingo parlor in Pinget, Baguio City.
For corruption sub category, there were two problems raised. These were the
a) collection of fees from the pupils by a teacher in Font del Pilar Elementary School and
b) too high fee being charged when applying for postal ID.
The fear of an alleged drug user in Sablan, Benguet was the only problem raised on
the subcategory, security problem. Also, the abuse of two children by their grandmother in
Tebteb, Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet is the only problem raised under crime subcategory.
Under peace subcategory area a) an unpermitted bingo parlor operating overnight
and noisily in Labilab, Itogon, Benguet and b) operation of a very loud videoke near station
9 in Baguio City.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Figure 2. Problem on crime sub category as an entry in the journal of the host.

Figure 3. Problem on social policy sub category as an entry in the journal of the host.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Political. These are problems that involved politicians and controversial projects or
programs. The problems raised are a) different prescription of color of T - shirt of drivers
by the LTO and the City Mayor, b) allegation that the City Mayor is selective in
implementation of the Anti Peddling Law,c) the Barangay Captain of Tadiangan, Tuba
misuse of P100, 000, d) a kagawad of Aurora Hill has no business permit, e) delay of salary
of employees in Pines City National High School, f) jueteng operation in Session road but
not being caught by police, and g) the rental fees of basketball court that is paid to a
kagawad and the latter never issue a receipt and the money goes to the kagawad personal
pocket. A sample of a journal entry on this is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Political problem as an entry in the journal of the host.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Environmental . This category refers to the problems that involved or were
concerned with the environment. The problems in Baguio and Benguet that were raised by
listeners were a) the alleged private sewers flowing directly to the Balili River, b) fear of
an underground treasure hunting where the casa vallejo is standing, c) a part of the Kennon
road destroyed during a typhoon was very slowly repaired, d) isolated municipalities in
Ifugao due to typhoon Mina and the DPWH road opening has a slow pace, e) fear of water
pollution due to continuous dumping of garbage in Irisan Dumpsite, and f) foul odor and
water waste go to the road coming from a Piggery in Pinget, Baguio City.

Figure 5. Follow up and discussion of an environmental problem raised by listeners
Figure 6. Follow up discussion on the environmental problem raised by listeners.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Ethical. There were ethical problems raised on the program. These are a) the
selective implementation of food for work in Atok, Benguet, b) non issuance of a lost card
of a Pantawid Pamilya recipient, c) Soprena group are not paying their contractors, d)
sending of someone of a kagawad to spray herbicide to a potato plants, e) fraud of Hilton
Marketing to their clients, f) non issuance of taxi drivers of receipts. A sample of a journal
entry on this is shown in Figure 7 and 8.

Furthermore, according to Balawas, love problems are also being raised to him
personally but he seldom discussed it on air instead he did counseling to the person who
raised it.

Figure 7. Fraud of Hilton Marketing as an entry in the journal of the host.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Figure 8. Ethical problem as an entry in the journal of the host
Problems in terms of Status. Table 2 shows the status of the problem raised in the
Bombo Hanay Big Time. Most of the problems raised were solved (60%) and other
problems were still pending (40%).
On the contrary to the result of the study, Balawas said that of all the problems he
handled, 90% were solved and the other 10% were the cases that were brought to court for
proceedings. He said that once he handled a problem that was raised to him, he would not
leave it unsolved but tried his best to try being a tool in settling it.
He also added that, if there were some cases which he does not know the result he
would presume that the problem was solved because he instructed the complainants that if
the problem is not settled they must returned to him but no one came back. Others would
call him or text him through the portal of his program to thank him.
Balawas also emphasized that there was no fixed time or duration for a problem to
be solved. It will depend to the nature of the study. It will take longer time if the actions of
national offices were needed and shorter period for light problems that involves local
people or offices.
Method of Listeners in Raising their Problems
Table 3 shows how the listeners raised their problems to Bombo Hanay Big Time.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

(76.67 %) and personal appearance to the host (20.00%). Others also raised their problems
through a telephone call (3.33 %).
Balawas also added that cases raised through personal appearance were of serious
problems and light problems were raised through text messages and calls.
He further emphasized that the proximity of listeners to the station did affect the
method of the listeners in raising their problem.

Table 2.Categories of problems raised in Bombo Hanay Big Time in terms of status from
July to December 2011
(n= 30)



Table 3. Method of the listeners in raising their problems to Bombo Hanay Big Time from
July to December 2011
(n = 30)

Text message
Personal appearance
Telephone call


Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

The Process of the host in finding possible
solutions to problems in response to listeners

According to Balawas, the process in finding possible solutions of the problems in
Baguio – Benguet Area in response to listeners’ feedback depends on the nature of the
problem as shown in Figure 2. For example, there was a problem raised in the program and
he discussed it on air and the concerned people listened and acted upon the problem, his
role stops there.
But commonly, from a complaint or problems raised in the program, either through
text, call, or personal appearance, he will read it on air. But he edits or would not read
problems that are with unauthorized messages to be aired because according to him he
would never patronize “trial by publicity”. After which, he will verify the problem and a
surveillance to the area will be done if necessary.
After proving that there is really a problem, he will talk to concerned agencies or
person about the problem and he will see to it that the problem will be acted upon. He
sometimes discussed it on air again and follow up through interview and personal talk to
concerned agency or person. Sometimes they also asked him to mediate on the dialogue or
to participate actively to solve the problem. But if the problem was not settled in a dialogue
and the case will be subjected to court proceedings. The court will be the one to address
the problem.
A sample case of this is the misuse of fund by a Barangay Council. According to
the complainant Php 100,000.00 was allotted for food for work program but they realigned
it their Lakbay Aral. After verification of the problem, the host informed the Barangay
Council about the matter and he initiated and mediated in a dialogue and as a
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

result the money was retrieved since the council paid their expenses in the Lakbay Aral
and appropriated for the real purpose.
The following are the communication strategies that were employed by the program
in finding possible solutions to problems raised by listeners.
Discussion on air. Most problems raised were being discussed on air. According to
Melchor “The Bull” Balawas, the host of the program, it is in this way were the parties are
compelled to settle their problems on their own and without necessarily going to court.
After hearing the problem on – air, others will initiate to settle the problem without the
personal appearance or intervention of media for further process of settlement of a problem.

An example was the case of a kagawad. He sent someone to spray herbicide to the
potato plant of one of his constituents because his constituent did not vote for him. His
irresponsible act caused the plants to die. The owner texted the problem to the program
and the host discussed it on air. After some days, the kagawad came to the program to
apologize for his irresponsible act and promised to pay the estimated cost of damage.
Investigative Reporting. Investigative reporting is being done to dig out the truth
surrounding the problem. The host said that investigative reporting was not an easy task.
It requires diligence and patience. He had to gather all facts and expose it on air so that
listeners will have knowledge about it. He also added he is not always the one doing the
investigation. In heavy cases that involves difficult investigation he would do it himself
and if cases are ordinary or light he would assign some of the Bombo Radyo reporters to
do the investigation.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

As for the range of the time that investigation takes place, Balawas said that it
would really depend on the case. There is no fixed duration. It would depend on the
availability of witnesses, source of information, cooperation of people involved and others.
An example for this was a fraud of the Hilton marketing to its client; it was raised
in the program through text. Before it was referred to concerned agencies and an
investigative reporting was done to verify the allegation.
Referral to concerned agencies or person. According to Balawas, since the media
is an office not clothed with powers to pass judgment to problems, what they usually do is
bring matters to concerned agencies and government offices for their proper disposition.
Referral to concerned agencies is an answer to their challenge as media because as much
as they wanted to solve the problem immediately, they have no power to deliver judgment
to disputes. The host also added that the problems that are raised by the media to
government offices are promptly acted upon.
For example was closure of the Kennon road due to thyphoon “Mina”. The repair
was very slow and transportation was paralyzed. The program host brought the problem
to the DPWH Central office. Then the DPWH undersecretary Romeo S. Mimo sent
Engineer Alexander Castaneda to fast tract the work. As a result the road was opened in
just 15 days.
Follow up reports. Update of the latest development of the problem is the product
of follow up reports. This strategy was commonly done to know what have been the
developments to solve problems that were raised.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

For example is the complaint that there were alleged private sewers flowing directly
to Balili River. It was referred to City Mayor Mauricio Domogan and La Trinidad Mayor
Gregorio Abalos. The city and municipal Mayor, barangay officials, some non government
organizations, media and other concerned residents participated in a joint inspection
initiated by the mayors. The joint inspection was reported in a follow up report.
Dialogue. According to the host, a dialogue was both an active and passive way of
solving problems. It is passive in the sense that it is out of the court, and active because is
the most peaceful way of dispute resolution in the proper administration of justice. These
parties discussed among themselves the problems. Oftentimes, he was being requested to
For example is dialogue during the quarrel among vendors of the night market
project of the government because there are two guidelines that are being imposed. The
matter was brought to the attention of the City mayor and he called for a dialogue with the
vendors and PESO officials. The presence of the host was requested. The city mayor
ordered that the PESO official and vendors will follow what the guidelines that he approved
and not honor other guidelines issued. The problem was settled.
Interview. Interviews were done to clarify things and gather facts from a concerned
person or people. The host said that interviews are usually done to follow up the
development of the problems they raised to the concerned agencies. These were done on
air and other interviews were off the record. For example is the allegation of non - muslim
vendors of selective implementation of the City Mayor of the anti peddling ordinance. It
was texted in the program. Through a Bombo Radyo reporter, interviewed City Mayor
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Mauricio Domogan and the latter clarified that he was not selective on the implementation
of the ordinance.
The determined communication strategy of the program is in corroboration to the
statement of Amadeo (2004) that communication is related to one another. No single
approach is perceived superior over the other.
Problem raised through
text, call or personal

Discussion on air
Action of concerned

Problem Solved
by the host
agency or person

Verification or surveillance

through Investigative reporting

either by the host or the reporters

Referral or talk to

concern agencies or

person through personal
Action of concerned

Problem Solved
talk or telephone call by
agency or person

the host

or person

Dialogue between people

involved often being
Problem Solved

mediate by the host

Follow up reports by the reporters

and discussions on air

Court Litigation

Problem Solved

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Figure 9. The process of the host in finding solutions to problems in response to listeners

Challenges faced by Bombo Hanay Big Time
in finding solutions to problems in Baguio –
Benguet Area in response to listerners feedback

The challenges faced by Bombo Hanay Big Time particularly the host in finding
possible solutions to problems in Baguio – Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback
were death threats, unopen-mindedness, lack of respect, lack of time, lack of cooperation
of people involved and financial constraints.
Death threat. “Death threats are normal part of life of media people. This is because
of the problems and issues media discuss especially the heavy problems that involve
influential people. I received a lot of it and I am already used to it but of course I have to
defend myself if there is really something. So I have to carry a gun with me where ever I
go. And sometimes my leisure is being sacrificed. For example, with my gun, I can not go
to malls” said the host.
According to him, he was faced with death threats several times and these happened
when he exposed issues and problems that involved well-to-do personalities or drug
syndicates or even politicians. He also added that he cannot prove that they were the one
giving death threats to him but there was a great suspicion that they were. The reason is
when the problem was not exposed, there was no death threat and when it was exposed
there was a death threat.
He also said that he received death threats through call and text messages and once
an envelope with a gun bullet in it. That was the time when he was exposing a hide out
where shabu was being repacked and during the 2007 election.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Difference in views. “Sometimes, there are people that no matter what you do to
explain they would not understand. They are not open-minded with what you are
introducing to them. For example was our president, there were many critics on what he
was doing but still, people will not absorb the idea because the president was their idol and
other reasons.”, the host said.
Lack of respect. During the times, when he will try to mediate and explain things
either on air on his personal talk to concern people, some would not respect him. He also
said that this is very common when he trying to find solutions to problems.
The host also attested that once one person told him “Apay sino ka met aya nga
makibibiyang?” (Why, who are you to be involved?) and “Dagita nga taga Bombo
problema lang ti bir biruken da wenu madi ti kalkalen da” (Those people of Bombo, they
are only finding problems or dig out wrong things).
Lack of cooperation of people involved. Some of the people concerned are not
giving information to the host. According to him, there are many reasons behind it. These
are some people are occupied with fear, people who do not care about the problem, or the
problem is not their priority and others. This usually happens during investigations.
Lack of time. The host also has problems in his time management. He has to allot
his time for activities to be able to go to places where the problem occurred to investigate.
He would also sacrifice his time for his family, his personal leisure and other occasions.
Financial challenges. In order to go to places, money is highly needed for
transportation especially food. Sometimes personal money is being borrowed to fulfill the
duty. Though there is a fund allotted for the expenses in going to field of reporters and
announcers, the disbursement of it must follow certain process. If money is urgently
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

needed for the expenses, he will borrow an amount from his office mate and process for
re-imbursement later. He usually encountered this problem when he had to go out of
Baguio City for investigation. He also said that lack of money will not hinder him in doing
his strategies to solve a problem.
An example for this was when he had to investigate the problem on NFA rice in La
Union. There was no NFA rice coming up to Baguio City since Mark Cohuangco
contracted the buying of the NFA rice. He allegedly directly put these NFA rice to his
warehouse and mix it with commercial rice. Balawas faced financial challenges since the
budget for the investigation was not enough. According to him he had spent some from his
personal pocket when he went there.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback


The study was conducted to categorize the problems raised in ‘Bombo Hanay Big
Time’ in terms of topic and status; determine the methods used by the listeners in raising
their problems in Bombo Hanay Big Time; determine the process of the host in finding
possible solutions to problem in Baguio- Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback;
and find out the challenges faced by ‘Bombo Hanay Big Time’ in finding possible solutions
to problems in response to listeners feedback.
The study was conducted in # 87 Lourdes Subdivision where the station was located
from December to February 2012. The content analysis covered the six months of the
journal of the host from July to December 2011.
There are four categories of problems that were raised by the listeners. Among the
problems are political problems, environmental problems, ethical problems and social
The status of the problem raised in the Bombo Hanay Big Time. Majority of the
problems raised were solved and other problems are still pending.
Most listeners raised their problems through sending text messages
and personal appearance to the host. Others also raised their problems through a telephone
The process in finding possible solutions of the problems raised by listeners in
Baguio – Benguet Area depends on the nature of the problem.
Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

The challenges faced by Bombo Hanay Big Time particularly the host in finding
possible solutions to problems raised by listeners in Baguio – Benguet Area were death
threats, difference in views, lack respect, lack of time, in cooperative people involved and
financial challenges.

Based on the discussed results, the following conclusions were derived.
Radio commentary programs may find possible solutions to problems raised
by listeners.
Societal problems are dominant issues raised by listeners to a radio
commentary program.
Text messaging is very important in raising the problems to the
radio program.
The program host takes on a variety of roles to resolve problems
raised by listeners.
The different challenges faced by the host did not hinder him from
finding solutions to the problems raised.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

Based on the above conclusions, the following are recommended
The program may consider continuing their endeavor in finding
possible solutions to problems being raised by listeners.
The program may consider having a separate record book of all
the problems being raised in the program for documentation purposes.
A study of the reasons why listeners raised their problems to radio
programs should be done.
A study on the impact of airing the problems to the listeners and
concerned individuals should be done.

Communication Strategies of Bombo Hanay Big Time of DZWX Bombo Radyo Baguio in
finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback

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finding solutions to problems in Baguio - Benguet Area in response to listeners feedback