SAGAYO, DESTY D. APRIL 2010. Utilization of Facebook for Donation Drives
During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe in La Trinidad, Benguet. Benguet State
University, La Trinidad Benguet.
Adviser: Anna Liza B. Wakat, MDevCom
This study focused on the utilization of Facebook for donation drives during the
Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe in La Trinidad Benguet with the following objectives:
determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents; determine the
applications the users commonly used in Facebook; classify the information on the
typhoon that were exchanged in Facebook; determine advantages and disadvantages of
using Facebook for the donation drive for the typhoon victims on October 2009; and
determine the internet users’ respondents on the donation drive in Facebook.
A survey questionnaire was used in gathering the needed information for the 100
respondents. However, questions were asked to verify some facts and data. The study was
conducted from November to January 2010. Data gathered were analyzed and interpreted
using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts and percentage.
The respondents were relatively matured enough, most of them are females who
belonged to different age bracket and all of them had been to formal education.
Blogging was the most commonly used application in Facebook. Next is chatting,
on-line gaming and last was video or photo sharing.

Great majority of the respondents used Facebook to stay in touch with their
friends followed by sharing of photos, music videos and other works..
All of the respondents claimed that they posted information for solicitation for
donations. Most also claimed to post information on the damages of property.
Using Facebook for donation drive had more advantages than disadvantages as
perceived by the respondents.
Emotionally and spiritually, all claimed that they sympathized and prayed for the
victims and casualties. Most of the respondents donated. Great majority were not able to
join any relief or retrieval operation because most of the respondents are working abroad.
All disseminated the information to other users and some personally told their friends and
relatives to help.
Recommendations derived from the study were: the various groups should
continue to use Facebook for various causes; a similar study must be conducted in other
aspects to compare the results.



Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………..

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………... 1
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………..
Objectives of the Study…………………………………………………..
Importance of the Study…………………………………………………
Scope and Limitation of the Study………………………………………

Features of Facebook……………………………………………………
Advantages of Facebook………………………………………………...
Disadvantages of Facebook……………………………………………...

Cordillera Global Network………………………………………………
Baguio Karitoon………………………………………………………....
Locale and Time of the Study…………………………………………...
Respondents of the Study………………………………………………..

Data Collection…………………………………………………………..
Data Gathered……………………………………………………………
Data Analysis…………………………………………………………….
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………………………… 15
Socio-Demographic Profile……………………………………………...
Commonly used Application
in Facebook……………………………………………………………...

Uses of Facebook………………………………………………………...
Classification of Information
Posted in Facebok……………………………………………………......
Advantages of Facebook for
Donation Drives………………………………………………………….
Disadvantages of Facebook for
Donation Drives…………………………………………………………
Responses in the Information
Posted in Facebook………………………………………………………
LITERATURE CITED…………………………………………………………

A. Survey Questionnaire…………………………………………………
B. Samples of Messages about

Typhoon Pepeng sent through Facebook…...........................................




The advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is bringing
about profound change in media landscape. Business transaction, online shopping, video
conferencing with friend and lot more opportunities are made possible by on-going
convergence of broadcasting, telecommunications and computers into one integrated
digital system

Among these so called “new media” is the emergence of internet. Nowadays, the
access to this technology is fast increasing as people become acquainted with different
relevant sites. Among these relevant sites is the Facebook that is not used nation-wide but
also world-wide.

Facebook is becoming popular nowadays. Users can add friends and send them
messages and updates their personal profile to notify friends about themselves.
Additionally, users can join and create up to 200 groups according to their interest or
areas of expertise. They can choose fan pages according to their interests and to connect
interact with other strangers and can set their profiles on private so as to prevent
acquaintances from contacting them (Hughes, 2008).

Users can also set their profile on public. This allows close friends to send
messages and add the user as a friend. It lets users update their personal profiles to notify
their close friend about themselves. They can also join networks organized by city,
workplace, school and region to connect and interact with their close friends.

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

Social networking sites like Facebook can be a great way to stay in touch with
large group of people.
In October 20-09, Typhoon Pepeng caused a further damages as it hit northern
Philippines. In La Trinidad Benguet, Little Kibungan village was almost entirely buried
in mud due to landslide. Another also occurred in Buyagan La Trinidad Benguet where
some houses and residents were buries. This incident spread to the whole nation who
suddenly took it upon themselves to help.
Since Facebook then is becoming popular, it has been utilized by most users here
and abroad to seek for help. Many users particularly member of Igorot@facebook,
Cordillera Global Network and Baguio Karitoon who are here and abroad posted
information in Facebook and asking hot to transport the goods they wanted to give.
This study then hopes to determine how the website, Facebook, was used in
donation drives during Calamity. It will find out how social software particularly
Facebook has develop into something that many people are using now to form and
maintain relationships.
Hence, the researcher aims to determine the uses of Facebook for Donation drives
during the Typhoon Pepeng in La Trnidad Benguet.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to answers the following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents?
2. What applications do the users commonly use in Facebook?
3. What information were exchanges through Facebook?

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

4. What are the perceived advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook for
the donation drive for the typhoon victims on October 2009?
5. What are the internet users’ responses to the donation drive in Facebook?

Objectives of the Study

As intended, the study provides stand of Facebook as an effective medium of
communication during calamities. The study then focused to:
1. determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents;
2. determine the applications the users commonly used in Facebook?
3. classify the information on the typhoon that were exchanged in Facebook;
4. determine the advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook for the
donation drive for the typhoon victims on October 2009;
5. determine the internet users’ respondents on the donation drive in Facebook.

Importance of the Study

The findings may help the people to realized how Facebook could also be a used
to disseminated information on social problems. It could also be a basis for those who
would like to develop website that could be used for development purposes.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on the use of Facebook for donation drives during the
onslaught of Typhoon Pepeng in La Trinidad, Benguet.

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Respondents were members of Igorort@Facebook, Cordillera Global Network
and Baguio Karitoon who actively participated in information dissemination and in
donation drives.

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and
business associates. It is the largest of the networking sites. It began as a college
networking website and has expanded to include anyone and everyone (Toomey, 2005).
Facebook was founded in 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and originally
called the Facebook. It was quickly successful on campus and expanded beyond Harvard
into other Ivy League schools. With the phenomenon growing in popularity, Zuckerberg
enlisted two other students, Duston Moskovitz and Chris Hughes, to assist. Within
months, the Facebook became a nationwide college networking website (Wikipedia,
left Harvard to run thefacebook full time shortly after
taking the site national. In August of 2005, thefacebook was renamed Facebook, and the
domain was purchased for a reported $200,000 US Dollars (USD). At that time, it was
only available to schools, universities, organizations, and companies within English
speaking countries, but has since expanded to include anyone (Wikipedia, 2004).
Facebook users create a profile page that shows their friends and networks
information about them. The choice to include a profile in a network means that everyone
within that network can view the profile. The profile typically includes the following:
Information, Status, Friends, Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The
Wall (Myers, 2009).
Personal notes can also be written and shared with friends. When sharing an item,

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

users can attach the item to their profile Wall for all to see, or can select individual people
that they think would be most interested in seeing the items (Myers, 2009).
Facebook had a redesign in late 2008, intended to streamline the website and
make it easier to see what friends were doing. It has seen outstanding growth since its
inception and is poised to maintain its dominance in social networking. In early 2009
Facebook users worldwide were nearly double (Myers, 2009).

Features of Facebook
Facebook has a number of features with which users may interact.
Wall. A space on every user's profile page that allows friends to post messages
for the user to see Pokes, which allows users to send a virtual "poke" to each other (a
notification then tells a user that they have been poked). A user's Wall is visible to
anyone who is able to see that user's profile, depending on privacy settings. In July 2007,
Facebook began allowing users to post attachments to the Wall, whereas the Wall was
previously limited to textual content only (Wales, 2006).
Photos. Users can upload albums and photos. Facebook allows users to upload an
unlimited number of photos, compared with other image hosting servicessuch as Photo
bucket and Flicker, which apply limits to the number of photos that a user is allowed to
upload. In the past, all users were limited to 60 photos per album. However, some users
report that they are able to create albums with a new limit of 200 photos. Another feature
of the Photos application is the ability to tag or label users in a photo. For instance, if a
photo contains a user's friend, then the user can tag the friend in the photo. This sends a

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

notification to the friend that they have been tagged, and provides them a link to see the
photo (Myers, 2009).
Status. It allows users to inform their friends of their whereabouts and actions.
News Feed. It appears on every user's homepage and highlights information including
profile changes, upcoming events, and birthdays of the user's friends. Initially, the News
Feed caused dissatisfaction among Facebook users; some complained it was too cluttered
and full of undesired information, while others were concerned it made it too easy for
other people to track down individual activities (such as changes in relationship status,
events, and conversations with other users (Wirthlin, 2009).
Facebook Notes. It was introduced on August 22, 2006, a blogging feature that
allowed tags and embeddable images. Users were later able to import blogs from
blogging services (Wirthlin, 2009).
Comet Based-Chat. It allows users to communicate with friends and is similar in
functionality to desktop-based instant messengers (Wirthlin, 2009).
Other application includes games, chat and notification, pokes, music, videos,
Facebook-Beta, and Marketplace (Wales, 2006).

Advantages of Facebook
Although many teachable moments arise because of inappropriate Facebook
actions, there are some advantages to using Facebook. One advantage is that student
organizations can use the Facebook for organizing and announcements, as opposed to
using traditional leisters. Users can log-on at a time which is convenient for them and see
what is new with the student organization, as opposed to filling their inboxes with

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

multiple emails a day about announcements or schedule changes. Facebook can also be
used to advertise events and other involvement opportunities. The ads cost between ten
and twenty dollars a day, depending on the size of the institution, and can be posted by
any member of an institution’s group (Facebook, 2005).
Add existing and new friends easily. Users can easily add friends that are already
in contact with via Hotmail on Facebook (Wadas, 2008).
Post messages easily. Users can easily post messages onto the "walls" of their
friends. . Creating own notes as well to entertain friends or tell them about a certain issue
is made possible (Wadas, 2008).
Add comments easily. Users can easily add comments for any messages and
photos posted by friends, and any information telling about their latest status. 3. Use
applications to interact with friends (Wong, 2007).
Upload photos easily. Uploading photos to be shared with friends is a simple task
on Facebook. Users can also create albums to organize their photos (Hawkins, 2007).
Share ideas and request for opinion in groups. Users can become a member of a
group that promote something they are interested in to share their views and to obtain
advice from other members (Wadas, 2008).
Easier to navigate. Facebook has an easier way of navigating which gives it the
best advantage over its competitor. It is fairly clear cut (Hawkins, 2007).
Business Transactions. Facebook also has some advantages for businesses. Since
Facebook is a giant network of people, businesses can advertise their business to specific
groups that would most likely be interested. Those people, if they liked the product,
would in turn tell their friends about the company. Facebook, because of its design,

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

speeds up this "word-of-mouth" process. Businesses that use Facebook would be able to
reach a wider audience of people then they would otherwise. Another advantage is that
the cost of this advertising is very low. Businesses can save a good amount of advertising
budget by using Facebook. Facebook also helps business to develop relationships with
their customers and raise the visibility of their company. Facebook is a very good site for
both individuals and businesses as it helps them to connect and grow (Facebook also has
some advantages for businesses (Deschineau, 2007).

Disadvantages of Facebook
There are many disadvantages of using Facebook. Many people believe that
Facebook has a lot of advantages and is convenient to use. But they ignore all the
disadvantages that come with it. Excess of everything is bad and the statement is true for
Weak eyesight. Staring at a computer screen can weaken your eyesight. Facebook
can only be accessed through the Internet, and if user use it too much, then his or her
eyesight will get worse. Facebook also provides many games and applications that
require a person to focus on the screen for a long time (Wadwha, 2006).
Less time outdoors. If users get addicted to Facebook, then they may miss out on
all the fun that you can have outdoors (Wadwha, 2006).
Less time physically spent with a person. User will become anti-social and
develop _ social anxiety disorder_if he or she never talks to people face to face. This is a
terrible disorder, which can also put into depression. This is one of biggest disadvantages

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

of Facebook. User will become anti-social and spend less time with people (Wadwha,
Face of Cyberspace. The moment a person listed at Facebook, he or she is online.
The profile, and whatever that was uploaded is there for all to see (Goesll, 2006).
Privacy Considerations. Any time a user open any sort of online account, he or
she give up a degree of privacy. While most sites the private information you enter
remains between the users’ friend (Goesll, 2006).

Igorots@Facebook aims to develop within its members the knowledge, skills and
cultural understanding to help Cordillera achieve its goals and be proud and responsible
citizens in a global society. To this end, Igorots@Facebook encourages all members to
become active, life-long learners and good citizens who, by creative and critical thinking,
can make positive contributions to their community. This group was categorized under
community organization and the content is open to all public (Hilario, 2010).
Nina Hilario, the founder, narrated that she created this group in lieu with its
stated description. Mainly she wants to show off the very unique culture of Igorots and
outstanding camaraderie globally.
Mr. Taawan, one of Administrator of IGOROT@FACEBOOK stated that the
Igorots always help each other. It was the nature of their old culture. They made use of
the internet as a means to expedite material aids when someone needs assistance
especially when disaster strikes home. When disaster affected their lowland brothers,
they too make extra effort to extend help (Taawan, 2010).

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Cordillera Global Network (CGN)
Cordillera Global Network (CGN) aims to develop within its members the
knowledge, skills and cultural understanding to help Cordillera achieve its goals and be
proud and responsible citizens in a global society. To this end, CGN encourages all
members to become active, life-long learners and good citizens who, by creative and
critical thinking, can make positive contributions to their community (Hilario, 2010).
This group is also a brainchild of Nina Hilario. The root of CGN is
Igorots@Facebook and it became possible with the effort of the officers according to her.

Baguio Karitoon

This account was established so as to be use as an online news portal to
"hometown" news of Baguio and Northern Luzon. It also caters the different events in
Baguio-Benguet. Through the utilization of Baguio Karitoon in Facebook, members from
other countries are updated with the current situation and events of Baguio and Benguet
(Karitoon, 2010).

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Locale and Time of the Study

La Trinidad (Fig.1) is a first class municipality in the province of Benguet,
Philippines. It is the capital Municipality of Benguet. Spanish explorers discovered the
valley in 1624 led by Don. M. Quirante.
La Trinidad is bounded on the north by the municipality of Tublay, on the south
of Baguio and on the west by Sablan and Tuba. La Trinidad is dubbed as the Strawberry
Capital of the Philippines and is also referred to as the Salad Bowl of the Philippines
(vegetable gardens at the La Trinidad Valley), and the Rose Garden of the Philippines
(rose &various cut flowers at barangay Bahong). It is politically subdivided into 16
barangays: Alapang, Alno, Ambiong, Bahong, Balili, Beckel, Bineng, Betag, Crus,
Lubas, Pico, Poblacion, Puguis, Shilan, Tawang, and Wangal. The largest barangays are
Wangal (1,116 hectares), Puguis, (1,021.82 hectares), and Alno (958.35 hectares).

This area was chosen because of its suitability for the study and where majority of
affected parts is located. Also, it is observed that there were many internet users who
access social networking sites about the calamity that ravaged the place. The study will
be conducted from December 2009 to February 2010.

Respondents of the Study

There were 100 respondents of this study who were chosen purposely. They were
the internet users who were actively involved in soliciting donations, members who

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Figure 1. Map of La Trinidad, Benguet showing the locale of the study

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

donated and posted information, photos and videos. They came from groups of Igorot
@Facebook, Cordillera Global Network, and Baguio Karitoon because these groups were
the active one during the calamity in response to the needs of the affected families in La
Trinidad, Benguet.

Data Collection

The data was collected through a survey questionnaire which was sent through e-
mail. Further questions were asked to verify data and facts.

Data Gathered

The data gathered includes the socio-demographic profile of the groups
particularly Igorot@Facebook, Cordillera Global Network and Baguio Karitoon, the
information that was posted on the sites, and the uses of Facebook on donation drives
during the Typhoon Pepeng on October 2009.

Data Analysis

The data gathered was analyzed and tabulated using descriptive, frequency and

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010



Socio-Demographic Profile

Table 1 show the socio-demographic profile of the respondents who actively
participated in the donation drive during the typhoon catastrophe in La Trinidad Benguet
utilizing Facebook.

Age and sex. Among the 100 respondents, majority belonged to the age bracket
26-30 (43%) followed by 20-25 (23%) then 31-35 (18%).Ten percent belonged to age
bracket 36-40 and the rest 41-46 (6%). Females constitute a bigger number (79%) of the
respondents than male (31%).

Civil Status. Eighty three of the respondents were married (83%); and seventeen
(17%) were single.

Educational Attainment. Based from the gathered data, all (100%) have finished
their bachelors’ degree.

Commonly Used Application in Facebook

Table 2 shows the commonly used application by the users. Among the
respondents, almost all (97%) claimed to post blogs and other information that they want
to share. In relation to this, blogs contained information about the damage caused by
Typhoon Pepeng, soliciting for donation from other users and pertinent information on
how to donate as claimed by the respondents. The second most commonly used Facebook
application is chatting (83%).

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents








Civil Status


100 100
Educational Attainment

College Level


According to a respondent, chatting is one of the easiest ways to communicate
about the Typhoon Pepeng calamity for it will not take a long process as long as the users
are online.
In chatting, users will visit the same website and application regularly and form
strong emotional ties with the other regular users of Facebook. Next is on-line gaming

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Table 2. Commonly used applications in Facebook

On-line Gaming

Video/photo Sharing
*Multiple responses

(72%). One respondent said that on-line gaming will not be eliminated since this is one of
the past times a worker could do during leisure hours.
Lastly, posting videos and photos is also done in the website. Posting videos and
uploading photos allowed other users to see the actual event cause by the typhoon as
what the respondents did to further support the information posted or that was blogged.
According to one respondent this will also trigger critical thinking of other users
by posting comments on a certain video or photo and allow other users to see changes in
This supports the statement of Delaware (2008) that blogging/ posting notes is an
activity that a user could do in Facebook, usually maintained by an individual with
regular entries of commentary and descriptions of events. Blogs often become more than
a way to just communicate; they become a way to reflect on life, or works of art.
Blogging can have a sentimental quality. Few personal blogs rise to fame and the
mainstream, but some personal blogs quickly garner an extensive following.

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Uses of Facebook
Table 3 shows the uses of Facebook. Out of the 100 respondents, 93% used
Facebook to stay in touch with friends and relatives since most of the respondents were
working abroad.
This finding supports the study of ECAR (2008) that most users utilized Facebook
to stay in touch with their friends, relatives and their loved ones.
Ninety of them (90%) claimed to use Facebook to share photos, videos, music,
and other works. Nearly three fourths (73%) used Facebook to express their opinions and
There were 39% of the respondents who used Facebook to make friends with
people they never met in person, participate in special-interest group and plan or invite
people to events. It is interesting also to note that there were males (8%) who used
Facebook to find dates in nearby areas.
This finding corroborates with the study of Wadas (2008) which states that users
can become a member of a group that promote something they are interested in to share
their views and to obtain advice from other members.

Classification of Information Posted
in Facebook during the Typhoon

Table 4 results show that all (100%) the respondents solicited for donations and
this solicitation were categorized as it was planned by the group they belonged with.
Categories include money, goods, and clothing.
To support more of the information about the tragedy, more than half (67%)
posted information on the damages of property. Photos of damaged property and video

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Table 3. Uses of Facebook


Stay in touch with relatives

and friend

Shares photos, music,

videos and other works

Expresses opinions and


Make new friend on-line

Plan or invite people to


Participate in special-

interest group

Find someone to date

Respond to advertisements
*Multiple responses

clip during the retrieval operation were also posted Forty-eight respondents asked help
for retrieval operation either manpower of materials to be used in retrieving the
casualties. Also 32% posted information on the numbers of casualties and affected
families were posted.

Advantages of Facebook for Donation Drive
Table 5 shows the advantages of using Facebook for donation drive during the
Typhoon Pepeng calamity in La Trinidad, Benguet. Most (67%) of the respondents
believed that the donors or those people away from the Philippines have an easy access

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Table 4. Classification of information posted in Facebook during the typhoon

Solicitation for Donations

Damages of Property

Call for volunteers and

materials for relief and
retrieval operation

Number of Casualties and

Affected Families
*Multiple responses

on what is really going on in the said calamity. Forty respondents claimed that
information, photos and videos posted in Facebook became a total proof on what had
Also, some (34%) said that the damages and those concerned individuals who
wanted to help did not a have difficulty on how to give their help. With the use of
Facebook, 23% said that it helps informed the public of the disaster which hit the country
and so solicited help from donors.
Among the 100 respondents, ten claimed that Facebook also served as a medium
to increase/broaden networking with special interest groups and other new contacts. One
respondent said that although it is informal, it is one of the best ways of relaying
information right now. Furthermore, as long as privacy or confidentiality is observed,
everything will be okay.
An administrator of Igorot@Facebook said that as Facebook undergoes
development, charities online expanded through lot of philanthropists who gave it online

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Table 5. Advantages of Facebook for donation drive


Easy access on the information on the
said calamity

40 40
Information. photos and videos posted
become a total proof of the catastrophe

Easy way of sending donations because

the bank account to send cash was
posted in Facebook.

Solicited help from donors

Served as a venue for
increased/broadened networking with

special interest groups and other new

to be served for the affected community.
A respondent from Hongkong claimed that it is indeed useful if you have an
account in Facebook (also to other social networking sites) because she was updated with
the happenings. Moreover, she and a group of Filipino women in Hongkong solicited
relief goods online and personally from their bosses and were able to collect goods,
clothing and small amount of money that was used to pay for the fair of the collected
reliefs distributed in Benguet.
This supports what the Charity Technology Organization (CTO, 2008) said that
Facebook is an efficient innovation to project donation drives. The organization goals has
recently received support from famous celebrities such as Eddie Izzard and David

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Williams, the latter of whom swam across the English Channel in aid of the organization
through Facebook. Different activities were used to convince thousands of users to

Disadvantages of Facebook for
Donation Drive

Table 6 shows that disadvantages of using Facebook for donation drive. Basically,
many (82%) stipulated that the main problem is on technical aspects. These were internet
connections, difficulty in uploading photos and videos, and electrical connections. These
problems delayed the information exchange from the users abroad and in Benguet. Thus,
it includes being the disadvantages of the users and the one who donated.
According to one respondent, technical problem causes also the delay in posting
photos and videos that allowed the concerned users to see the development of the
Some also (31%) claimed that there was an influx of fake solicitor during that
One respondent said that they used it for their own benefits. Also, since Facebook
is open to all users, three respondents said that other users can just post derogatory and
hurtful words that hurt Filipinos especially that the country is in a massive calamity, like
the case of a Korean who posted derogatory comments. The comment posted in the
website says “I hope it keeps raining and die in floods like those Filipino monkeys”.
Also a lot of respondents believed that Facebook is a social networking venue to
share anything legitimate across borders and amongst races. They do not see any
disadvantage in sharing information or solicit need for help for disasters like Typhoon

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Table 6. Disadvantages of Facebook for donation drive

Technical Problems (Internet Connection,

Electricity Brow-out, etc)

Influx of fake solicitors

Other users post derogatory and hurtful

*Multiple responses

This shows that innovations have its advantages and disadvantages. Griffith
(2008) says that Facebook is one of the fastest growing social networking websites on the
Internet. Each day countless number of people flocks to Facebook and join up with
visions of reconnecting with people and having the ability to maintain contact with
people they know.

Responses to the Information
Posted in Facebook
The information that was posted in Facebook elicited different responses from the
users’ world-wide. Different races, diverse personalities and behaviours shared similar
responses base on the comments written on their wall.
As shown in Table 7, the tragedy draws out the users (100%) to sympathize to the
affected families and the victims. One respondent said that nobody would feel the other

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


way of what had happened except to sympathize. This feeling urged them to share the
information to other users so as soliciting donation.
All (100%) of the respondents claimed that they prayed for the victims and
casualties. According to some members of Igorot@Facebook in Thailand, they organized
and spearheaded a mass for the victims and casualties of the typhoon. They also gave
goods and cash after the mass channelled by the administrator of the group.
Moreover, La Trinidad Benguet was indeed needy for financial support. With the
advent of technology, information and news were wide-spread allowing most of the users
(79%) to donate while 21% did not. According to the Administrators of
Igorot@Facebook and CGN, they coordinated themselves and able to have a common
account used for sending cash donations. They linked it to some banks that are accessible
in Benguet that headed by an administrator of the group who was in Baguio. Moreover,
they say that the fair of the delivered goods and clothing from other countries was paid by
some of the members abroad and came from the collected cash. A respondent from
Hongkong said that it was her boss who paid for the fair of the clothing and goods that
was delivered.
Aside from financial assistance, manpower was also needed for retrieval
operation and relief operation. The numerous bodies that were buried needs more
rescuers. Almost all (93%) of the respondents did not join a retrieval operation because
most of them were working abroad while only 7% joined relief operations. According to
one respondent, although they liked to join a relief operation distance did not permit it.
With the use of Facebook, all (100%) of the respondents claimed that they
disseminated the information to other users world-wide looking forward for more

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Table 7. Responses to the information posted in FB


I sympathized



I/we prayed for the

victims and the casualties



I donated
79 79

I did not donate



I did not join any

I joined a relief



Disseminated the

information to other

users world-wide

Told a friend to help
42 42
*Multiple responses


Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


donations while 42% told a friend or a relative to help personally as what the group of
respondents from Hongkong did. They organized a group and collected goods and
clothing from their co-overseas Filipino workers.
The results corroborate the study of Project Nethics (2008) which states that
distance does not hinder people in helping each other. Also Neilsen (2008) narrated in his
study that virtual community is a great help in informing people aside from the print and
broadcast media where most people get informed.

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010



This study focused on the utilization of Facebook for donation drives during
the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe in La Trinidad Benguet. The study was conducted
online with the following objectives: determine the socio-demographic characteristics
of the respondents; determine the applications the users commonly used in Facebook;
classify the information on the typhoon that were exchange in Facebook; determine
advantages or disadvantages of using Facebook for the donation drive for the typhoon
victims on October 2009; determine the internet users’ respondents on the donation
drive in Facebook.

A survey questionnaire was used in gathering the needed information for the
100 respondents who actively participated in information dissemination and donation
drive. However, questions were asked to verify some facts and data. The study was
conducted from November to January 2010. Data gathered were analyzed and
interpreted using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts and percentage.

Many of the respondents belonged to age bracket 26-30 while the least 6 %
belonged to age bracket 41-45. Female (79%) outnumbered male (31%) respondents
so as married (83%) than single (17%) respondents. All (100%) claimed that they
reached college level, thus they attended a formal education.

Blogging ((7%) was the most commonly used application in Facebook. Next is
chatting (83%), on-line gaming (72%) and last was video or photo sharing with 64%.
Majority (97%) of the respondents used Facebook to stay in touch with their
friends followed by sharing of photos, music videos and other works (90%). Seventy
three claimed to use Facebook to express opinions and views while 39% used

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Drives Duri

ng the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Facebook to make new friend online, plan or invite people to events, participate in
special-interest group. Eight male respondents claimed to use Facebook to find
someone to date and 3% used Facebook to respond to advertisements.
All (100%) of the respondents clamed to post information for solicitation for
donations and 67% claimed to post information on the damages of property. Calling
for volunteers and material for relief and retrieval operation constituted 48% and to
further support the information posted 32% claimed that they posted the numbers of
casualties and affected families.

Among the 100 respondents, many (67%) believed that easy access on the
information on the said calamity is an advantage of using Facebook for donation
drive. Also 40% believed that Facebook become a total proof of the catastrophe. Ten
respondents considered also the Facebook as a venue for increased or broadened
networking special interest groups and other new contact as an advantage.

Disadvantages was also noted and 82% said that the problem mostly rely on
technical problems such as internet connections and electricity brow-out. During the
Typhoon Pepeng 31% said that there was an influx of fake solicitor and 3%
respondents said that other users post derogatory and hurtful words.

Emotionally and spiritually, all (100%) claimed that they sympathized and
prayed for the victims and casualties. While on the financial aspect, majority (79%)
donated for the victims and 21% did not. Many (93%) was not able to join any relief
or retrieval operation because most of the respondents are working abroad while 7%
joined a relief operation. To further inform other users globally, all (100%)
disseminated the information to other users while some (42%) told their friend and
relatives to help personally.

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Drives Duri

ng the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010



Based on the findings of the study the following conclusions were derived:
1. Blogging was the most commonly used application in Facebook for the
donation drive for the victims of Typhoon Pepeng.
2. The most common information used for the donation drive in Facebook
was on solicitation for donation.
3. Using Facebook for donation drive has its advantages and disadvantages.
4. Facebook is a cheaper yet better access to communication.


Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations were formulated:
1. The various groups should continue to use Facebook for various causes.
2. A similar study must be conducted in other aspects to compare the results.

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Drives Duri

ng the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


CHARITY TECHNOLOGY ORGANIZATION. 2008. Promise of Social Advertising.
Retrieved February 18, 2010 from http://www.ctothepromiseofsocailadvertising-

DELAWARE, B. 2007. The Future of Facebook. Retrieved February 18, 2010 from future of

DESCHINEAU, P. 2007. Advantages of Facebook. Retrieved December 25, 2009 from

EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research. 2008. Social Networking sites Retrieved
February 10, 2010 from http://www.ecar-benefits of

FACEBOOK.n.d. Facebook Announcements. Retrieved December 31, 2009, from

FACEBOOK. 2005. “April 6, 2008 Press Release”. Press Release. Retrieved December
26, 2009 from

GRIFFITH, M. 2007. Facebook: Opening the Doors Wider. Retrieved February 29, 2010

GOESLL, L. 2006. Copyright © 2002-2010 Helium, Inc. Disadvantages of Facebook.
Retrieved December 21, 2009 from

HAWKINS, D. 2007. Advantages of Facebook. Retrieved December 25, 2009 from

HILARIO, S. D. 2010. Creating IGOROT@FACEBOOK and Cordillera Global Network
group in Facebook. (Personal Interview).

HUGHES, A. 2008. Facebook: Largest, Fastest Growing Social Network. Retrieved
November 3, 2009 from

KARITOON, B. (Pseudonym). 2010. Creating of Baguio Karitoon Account in Facebook.
(Personal Interview).

MYERS, J. 2009.What is Facebook? Retrieved December 28, 2009 from
http://www.facebook/what is Facebook.htm

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


NEILSEN, A. 2008. Free Flow of Information on Virtual Community. Retrieved
February 27, 2010 from

PROJECT NETHICS, 2008. Distance Learning Program. Retrieved March 19, 2009 from

TAAWAN, C. C. 2010. Igorots in Motion. (Personal Interview). Bagiuo City.

TOOMEY, S. 2005. Facebook is new who’s who for Students. Chicago Sun-Times.
Retrieved December 20, 2009 from nws-face14.html

WADAS, K. 2008. The Challenges and Advantages of Facebook. Office of Information
Technology, Project Nethics. Retrieved December 22, 2009 from

WADWHA, A. 2006. Copyright © 2002-2010 Helium, Inc. Disadvantages of Facebook.
Retrieved December 21, 2009 from

WALES, D. 2006. Advantages of Facebook. Retrieved December 25, 2009 from

WIKIPEDIA. 2004. Facebook. Retrieved December 20, 2009 from

WIRTHLIN, L. 2009. The Facebook Features Update. Retrieved December 28, 2009

WONG, R. 2007. Advantages of Facebook. Retrieved December 25, 2009 from

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Survey Questionnaire

Instruction: Please put a check on the spaces provided before the choices and supply
answers for the question asked. Rest assured that any information gathered will be for
survey purposes only and will be treated by confidentiality. Thank you for your

I: Socio-Demographic Profile
Name :( optional):_________________
Civil Status:___
Educational attainment:


____Others: (pls. specify)
2. What are the usual activities or applications that you open or utilize in Facebook?
___ Blogging
On line Gaming
___ Chatting
___ Video
3. How is Facebook used? (Rank 1-5 and so on,1 as the highest)
____ Make new friends I have never met in person
____ As a forum to express my opinions and views
____ Communicate
about course-related topics
____ Find someone to date
____ Respond to advertisements
____ Stay in touch with friends
____ Share photos, music, videos, or other work
____ Communicate with classmates about course-related topics
____ Find out more about people (I may or may not have met

____ Plan or invite people to events

____ Participate in special-interest groups
____ Others, please specify

III. Classify information on the typhoon that were exchanged through the networking
sites. (Please check)

____ Damages of Property

____ Numbers of affected Families

____ Soliciting for Retrieval Operations manpower/materials

____ Soliciting for Donations

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


V: Advantages and Disadvantages
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook as a
medium in donation drive during the onslaught of Typhoon Pepeng?



VI: What are your responses regarding the information on donation drives in the social
networking sites? (pls. check)

a. Emotional
____ I sympathized
____ I don’t care at all
____ Others, pls. specify

____ I/ we prayed for the victims and casualties
____ I did not pray for the victims and casualties
____ Others, pls. specify

____ I donated
____ I did not donate
____ Others, pls. specify

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


____ I joined the retrieval operations
____ I joined the relief operations
____ I did not join any
____ Others, pls. specify

e. Communication Aspect

____ Told a friend to help

____ Disseminated the information to other users
____ Others, pls. specify


Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010



Samples of messasges about Typhoon Pepeng sent trough Facebook

Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010


Utilization of Facebook for Donation Dri ves During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe
in La Trinidad, Benguet / Desty D. Sagayo.2010

Document Outline

  • Utilization of Facebook for Donation Drives During the Typhoon Pepeng Catastrophe in La Trinidad, Benguet