AGADAN, GENICE P. MARCH 2010. The Values Gained from the Korean
Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod National High School- Main
Students. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Christine Grace B. Sidchogan, BSc

The study was conducted to determine the values gained from the Korean drama
“Boys Over Flwers” as perceived by the Bokod National High School- Main Students. It
focused on the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, their frequency of watching
the Korean drama “Boys over Flowers”, their reasons for watching the “Boys over
Flowers”, the lessons/ values they learned from the Korean drama, and the positive and
negative contributions of the drama to the respondents.

A survey questionnaire was used to gather the needed information. The study was
limited only to 80 respondents with 20 students per year level, to have an equal

Respondents of the study were 80 high school students who are 12-20 years old.
They were first year high school to fourth year high school students. Majority of them
were female.

Majority of the respondents watched the BOF everyday. Their most reasons for
watching the Korean drama were to gain values, followed by to be informed and to be

On the other hand, the leading lesson/ values that the respondents learned was
love, followed by respect and helpfulness.
The number one perceived negative effect of the BOF to the respondents is
whenever they was not able to watch BOF, they felt sad, followed by they neglected their
academic life to spend more time watching BOF and they neglected their household
chores to spend more time watching Boys over Flowers

For perceived positive effects, the number one effect to the respondents is they
learned values/lessons that they can apply to my life followed by instead of going out
with their friends and do some bad vices, they watched the Korean drama to satisfy their
entertainment needs and because of the Korean cultures portrayed in the drama, they
learned to understand why they are acting that way.


Bibliography…………………...…………………………………….……...……….. i

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………...………..
Statement of the Problem……………………………………….……………..
Objectives of the Study…………………………………………..…..……….
Importance of the Study………………………………………….......……….
Scope and Limitation of the Study………….………………………...……….
REVIEW OF LITERATURE……………………………………………..………….
Frequency of Watching Television………………………….…………..……..
Reasons of Watching Korean Drama………………………..………..………..
Reasons of Watching Television…………………………………..…..………. 7


“Boys over Flowers” Attracts

the Nation……………………........……………………………………....….
Values Formation Through

media exposure………………………...…...………………………………...

Locale and time of the Study …..……………………………..…………….... 13
Respondents of the Study………..…………………………………..……..….
Data Collection………………..……………………………………………....
Data to be Gathered……………..……………………………………………..
Data Analysis………………..………………………………..………………..
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS…………………………………………………
Socio- demographic Profile of the
Respondents……………………………………………................................... 16
Respondents Frequency of
Watching BOF……………………….……………………………………......
Reasons of the Respondents in
Watching BOF…………………………………………………….…………...
Values Learned by the Respondents
in Watching BOF…………………………………………………………...…
Perceived Negative Effects of BOF
to the Respondents…...…….………………………………...………….……..
Perceived Positive Effects of BOF
to the Respondents……….……………………………......…………...………


Recommendations……………………………………………………………... 33
LITERATURE CITED……………………………………………………….…….
APPENDIX……………………………………………………………...…............ 36
A. Communication Letter…………………………..…………………................
B. Questionnaire…………………………………………………………............




Television is a cheap medium of acquiring information that is why it is
Television also can be used to enhance many important aspects of everyday life.
People seek entertainment and distraction, and TV can give us that in the form of films or
cartoons. People want education, information and instruction because they are inquisitive
and like to learn.
Moreover, television air programs that contain certain cultural context that
teaches young viewers cultural norms, values and expectations. This, in turn, teaches the
youth ways to interact in their daily lives (Moran, 2003).
With its dynamism, TV offers its viewers a wide array of programs to choose
from. One of which is the drama.
Television drama is undoubtedly a significant source of informal learning related
to the different aspects of their lives. In most instances, television programs are capable
of implying explicit situations related to emotional aspect. In gradual process, the youth
can easily imitate and learn the values, behavior and attitude implied by these foreign
series through the characters’ acting, attitude, behaviors and clothing’s most especially in
dramas (Buckingham, 2004).
For the students, they can learn not only through the knowledge and information
they learn from their teacher inside the classroom but also through other means. They can
acquire some other information, and they can also imitate and learn some good values
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


from the newspaper, radio, television, and internet depending on the media which they
prefer to use (Sawasi, 2008).

In addition, Cadiz (1991) also stated that TV lends well to teaching cognitive,
affective and to a certain extent, psychomotor tasks.
On the other hand, values are the broad cultural principles embodying ideas about
what most people in a society consider desirable, good, right, and important. They are
widely held beliefs that some objects, activities, relationships, feelings or goals are
Values constitute the foundations of the social conscience or a whole way of life
of a society. They underlie the norms of the society and give the culture its unity.
Moreover, values can support a person to belong to different groups with contradictory
(Bagano, n.d).
According to the preliminary survey that the researcher conducted on July 6, 2009
in Bokod National High School-Main, most of the students have access to TV and most
are watching the Korean drama entitled, ‘Boys over Flowers.’
The Korean drama “Boys over Flowers” has created quite a stir in the nation.
Depicting the lives of four dashing young men (known as "F4") from affluent families
and a high school girl from an ordinary family, this drama has gained explosive
popularity from viewers as young as teenagers. The drama presents viewers with a
chance to forget about harsh reality, and sample the world of fantasies. Parodies of the
drama have flooded the Internet recently, while the same-titled Japanese cartoon on
which the drama is base has been selling like hot cakes. Even elementary and high school
students and office workers have become huge fans of the drama, which has inspired
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


many teenagers to improve their looks by using diverse fashion items and cosmetics, and
it has a behavioral impact to the viewers (Robert, 2009).
Television drama entertains the viewers at the same time it educates. The viewers
can catch moral lessons from a certain drama.

With all of these, it is then important to look at how powerful the TV is in
imparting values to the viewers through a foreign teleserye.

Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to determine the Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys
over Flowers” as perceived by the Bokod National High School- Main Students.
Specifically, it answers the following questions:
1. What are the socio-demographic characteristics of the students?
2. How often did the students watch “Boys Over Flowers”?
3. What are the students’ reasons for watching “Boys Over Flowers”?
4. What did the students learn from “Boys Over Flowers”?
5. What are the perceived positive and negative effects of the “Boys Over
Flowers” according to the students?

Objectives of the Study
This study aimed to determine the Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys
over Flowers” as perceived by the Bokod National High School- Main Students. It
specifically aimed to:
1. To determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the students
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


2. To determine how often did the students watch “Boys over Flowers”
3. To enumerate the students reasons for watching “Boys Over Flowers”
4. To enumerate the lessons or values that the students learned from “Boys Over
5. To enumerate the perceived positive and negative effects of “Boys Over
Flowers” according to the students.

Importance of the Study
Results of the study are expected to help the teachers of the said school to know if
what are the values gained by the students from the Korean Drama entitled “Boys over
It could also help the teachers in designing efficient learning approaches to
integrate values to students by imparting supplementary knowledge, technique and
Moreover, the results of the study will serve as a reference to the other researchers
who plan to conduct studies related to this topic.

Scope and Limitation of the Study
The researcher only focused the study on the positive values gained by the
students of Bokod National High School-Main.

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010



Media has been part of the people and the world. As a significant part of most
people’s lives, media had undergone extreme transitions making it a progressive industry.
In Philippines for instance, there are 451 newspapers, 7,220 magazines, 174 radio stations
and 5 non-cable television stations, and 80% of television households have cable access
accounting for about 23 million people (GIO, 2007). In developed countries such as the
United States and Japan, the media industry has greatly progressed as well. In most parts
of the world, television is considered as the most popular and everywhere public medium,
offering diverse and accessible entertainment that remains unmatched by print media
(Abu-Lughod, 1993).
Media plays a very important role in our lives. Media fulfill two basic needs-they
inform and they entertain. We turn on to the media when we want to hear the world latest
news or what happen in financial markets, for instance. We also look to the media to fill
our evenings and weekends with escapist fare to get us out of our everyday, humdrum
routine. So television entertains us with movies, dramas, comedies, game shows, and
sports. Radio offers us a wide variety of music, talk and entertainment to listen to. We
turn to magazines to find out more about our favorite hobbies and interests. Newspapers
help us keep up with the world around us. And the internet provides us limitless
information on any subject you are interested in, (Katz, 2003).

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Frequency of Watching Television

In the study of Bugtong (2007) stated that 82% of the respondents watched
television and it is usually on 12:00 noon to 1 pm and 6pm to 10 pm in the night.

According to Cruz (1989), television sets dominate mealtime, eliminates family
conservation and makes even greater demand or usually members of the family spends
more time in watching TV rather than interacting with the family. Cruz added that we
have to understand that there is no enough amount of watching television for us to set
aside our family activities.

Reasons of Watching Korean Drama
Most Korean drama has simple plots and few characters. Since there are only few
characters, viewers can easily go with the flow of the story. Unlike our local shows, there
are many subplots, and when it happens, a new character comes or a character
dies/disappears. The story becomes complicated that most of the times it lasts for a year.
Lots of Korean stars are also good looking and fashionable that’s why most of the
teenagers really like to watch Korean Dramas (Craze, 2007).
Korean Dramas do not show so much intensified emotions or events like a
character being raped, physically abused by relatives, went crazy because she got poor,
Setting a house on fire, or Blasting cars. Most of the stories are focused on human
relationships, how to deal with other people well. Most of the viewers can easily relate
once a conflict arises. Viewers empathize with the characters in Korean Dramas, however
simple their lives are (Craze, 2007).
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


One reason why many teenagers got hooked in watching Korean Dramas are the
background music of the scenes. Although we can’t understand the lyrics, it touches our
hearts. And through the Korean Drama, we learn some Korean cultures. They bow their
head when they greet someone (Craze, 2007).
Additionally, according to Leaf (2004), most teenagers and adults like watching
Korean Dramas because the stories are always romantic, they remind you of your first
crush, first love, first kiss, unrequited love, etc. The men in the story know how to
capture the heart of the female audience.
Most Korean TV dramas has good moral standard, they show you the importance
of respecting your parents, they don't promote pre-marital sex, and it is a good family
show (Leaf, 2004).
It is the family appeal that the Korean Dramas portray. The storylines show
themes like friendship, the importance of family and their values, compassion and love.
Male and female actors show that it is okay to show emotions like sadness and grief,
especially scenes showing crying (Sharon, 2004).

Reasons for Watching Television
Television brings the family together in the home for entertainment. It was also
found put that it is the most effective way to reduce boredom due to its informative and
entertaining programs. Since TV reaches into the homes of millions it’s powerful
influence cannot be ignored. It became the greatest source of common experience in the
lives of children (Ogsaen, 2003).
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Dasing (2005) found out also that viewers in La Union preferred news programs
to acquire information and build awareness on what is happening around them.
Students preferred television when it comes to news updates and dramas,
(Bugtong 2007).
Aboen (2007) stated that viewers in Barangay Balakbak and Poblacion,
Kibungan, Benguet patronized broadcast media particularly television are the perceive
advantages of the medium. These include being easy to understand, less time consuming
than reading ad it gives timely information.
Bernard (2007) also stated that 80% of the viewers of TV patrol in Barangay
Beleng-Belis, Kapangan, Benguet were watching the local news programs for its very
helpful to them. Only 4% said that they loved to watch ABS-CBN and they would like to
be very supportive to the programs the station by patronizing it.
Mass media and television in particular, are forces which provide audiences with
ways of seeing and interpreting the world—ways which ultimately shape their very
existence and participation within society. Many viewers choose to ignore or actively
oppose television’s representations of the world (Brookfield, 1987). Hence, various
researchers have conducted numerous reception studies so as to discuss the decoding
process applicable to TV viewing in 1974, had initially mentioned the process involved in
the encoding and decoding theory in television discourse. In this interpretation, three
positions were pointed out in interpreting audience message. These are dominant-
hegemonic position, negotiated code or position and oppositional code. In fact, the three
positions can be seen as a process of audience constructing. Each can be associated with
life experience and the sense of reading by the audience themselves. An audience with a
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


high level of education may be inclined to the situation of oppositional code. Dominant
values are broadly accepted but are interpreted within the viewer’s idiosyncratic context
(Brookfield, 1987).
In addition to analyzing the audience, television viewing is also analyzed based
on conceptualism. This served as a useful analytic tool in understanding how audiences
perceive television as a medium (Brookfield, 1987).
Among the number of people viewing television, the children perhaps are the
most directly affected by its influences. In addition to their absorbent young minds,
children in general are easily influenced by what they see. Moreover, television programs
contain certain cultural context that teaches young viewers cultural norms and
expectations. This in turn teaches the youth ways to interact in daily life, specifically
those that are related to dating and establishing intimate relationships (Moran, 2003).

Television Drama
Television drama is undoubtedly a significant source of informal learning related
to love, sex and relationships. In some instances, television programs are capable of
implying explicit situations related to these aspects (Buckingham, 2004). In gradual
process, the youth can easily imitate and learn the values, behavior and attitude implied
by these foreign series through the characters’ acting. Thus, Buckingham mentioned that
television, which is largely perceived as entertainment, can encounter certain difficulties
when used for the purpose of education (Buckingham, 2004).

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


“Boys over Flowers” Attracts the Nation
The KBS TV2 drama “Boys over Flowers” has created quite a stir in the nation.
Depicting the lives of four dashing young men (known as "F4") from affluent families
and a high school girl from an ordinary family, this drama has gained explosive
popularity from viewers as young as teenagers to people in their 30s. The drama presents
viewers with a chance to forget about harsh reality, albeit temporarily, and sample the
world of fantasies. Parodies of the drama have flooded the Internet recently, while the
same-titled Japanese cartoon on which the drama is based has been selling like hot cakes.
Even elementary school students and office workers have become huge fans of the
drama, which has inspired men to improve their looks by using diverse fashion items and
cosmetics (Marie, 2009).

The process of defining Korean drama is as idol drama or Qiongyao drama with
realist or melodramatic orientations by different agents for "self-aggrandizement" is
embedded in gender and ethnic/class tensions as a result of postcolonial nation formation
and globalization. The profit motive underscores the definition of Korean drama as idol
drama, which is articulated through discourses of modernization, gender, nation
building/Chinese hegemony, and globalization. The culture industry's invocation of
"cultural proximity" enables a definition of Korean drama as Qiongyao drama with realist
or melodramatic orientations. Gender politics is central to this process as it depends on
and, hence, reinforces the gender hierarchy which privileges realism over melodrama.
The gentrification of Korean drama relies on the construction of indigenous drama as the
other (Marie, 2009).

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Values Formation through Media Exposure
A modest proportion (12.1 percent) of adolescents showed interest in watching
videos regularly while a small number (1.7 percent) claimed to have watched x-rated
films regularly and this is more likely to be associated with older, male and urban
adolescents. From a composite index taking into account the five more popular forms of
media (radio, TV, newspapers, comics/magazines/pocketbooks and video) the
adolescent’s relatively low level of regular media exposure seems apparent with about 30
percent of them claiming to have absolutely no regular exposure to all five forms at least
three months prior to the survey. The major bulk (54.9 percent) among them had been
regularly exposed to just one to two forms of mass media while the rest (15.8 percent),
three or more. Reconciling this with the McCann Erickson Metro Manila study of
adolescents seems to suggest that media exposure; particularly TV is more of an urban
phenomenon (Rolda, 2002).
Generally, it is the teen-agers (15-19 years old), females, single and urban
residents who appear to be bigger consumers of different forms of mass media compared
with their counterparts. Significant urban –rural differential is particularly evident in the
TV and newspaper. Teenagers are also clearly more hooked up with the TV compared
with their older counterpart. The declining interest with maturing age can be indicative of
their ‘availability’ as they are expected to shift to a different mode of activity (from
students to young professionals/working (Rolda, 2002).
Among the varying TV shows, most appealing to the youth are sitcoms (which in
the Philippines are usually comedy shows), news, variety shows and romance/drama
programs. Least interesting to them are talk shows (which usually deal with political and
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


other current issues prevailing in the country) as well as educational and documentary
shows. Except for ‘sports’ shows, females generally dominate all types of TV programs,
which may indicate not only interest but also availability, to attend to such kind of leisure
activity (Rolda, 2002).
Mass media is a socializing influence that affects the development of attitudes,
beliefs and values. Mass media is more influential during periods of unrest, when people
are uncertain (Mensing, 2007).
Studies by McLeod and associates of boys and girls of junior and senior high
school age found that the more the youngster watched violence on television, the more
aggressive he or she was likely to be. Other studies revealed the amount of television
violence watched by children, especially boys, at age influenced the degree to which they
were aggressive ten years later at age 19. The problem becomes increasingly serious here.
Even if your child is not exposed to a lot of media violence, your youngster could still
become the victim or target of aggression by a child whose parents were not so concerned
and who is stimulated and influenced by the violence which he or she witnesses on TV
(Cline, 2005).

Children who spend more time watching violent television programming are rated
more poorly by their peers, have fewer problem-solving skills, and are more likely to get
in trouble with the law as teenagers and young adults (Cline, 2005).

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010



Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted at Bokod National High School-Main that is situated on
top of a mountain in the far-flung Barangay of Pito, Bokod, and Benguet (Fig. 1). It is
situated at the tip southeast of the Municipality of Bokod towards the boundary to
Kayapa, Nueva Viscaya of Region 2.
The school was opened and nationalized under Republic Act 7051 on June 1993.
It started with only one organized class opening the first year that were the pioneer
graduates of the school in 1997.The school is isolated from the urban areas, reached one
hour and thirty minutes walk from the Barangay Proper, two rides from Poblacion,
Bokod, Benguet. It can also be reach twenty minutes ride from Kayapa, Nueva Viscaya
and three hours ride from Baguio City. It is five hundred meters away from the National
The said school was chosen because most of the students there are fond of
watching “Boys over Flowers.” This is according to the preliminary survey that the
researcher conducted on July 6, 2009.

The media available in this place are radio, television and newspaper.

The study was conduct on the month of December 2009.

Respondents of the Study
The study was limited only to 80 respondents, with 20 students per year level, to
have an equal representation of the school.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Figure 1. Map of Bokod, Benguet showing the locale of the study

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


The respondents were the students of Bokod National High School-Main. The
criteria in choosing the respondents are that they should have watched the Korean Drama
and they should have accessibility to television, whether at home or other people’s TV.

Data Collection
A review questionnaire was used to gather information from the respondents. The
researcher personally conducted the data gathering.

Data Gathered
The data were gathered are the socio-demographic characteristics of the
respondents, and the values gained from the Korean Drama entitled “Boys over Flowers”
as perceived by the Bokod National High School-Main students.

Data Analysis
The data gathered were tabulated and analyzed using percentage and rank.

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010



Socio-demographic Profile of the Respondents
Table 1 shows the age bracket and sex of the respondents.
There were 44 % fell under the age bracket of 12-14 years old; 52% fell under
15-17 age bracket; and 4 % from the age bracket of 18-20. As to their age, 62 % the
respondents who are female and 38% are male.

Respondents’ Frequency of Watching “Boys over Flowers” (BOF)
The respondents’ frequency of watching BOF was shown in Table 2.
Results show that forty-six (57%) of the respondents watched the BOF everyday;

Table 1. Socio- demographic profile of the respondents

(N= 80)






The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Table 2. Respondents’ frequency of watching (BOF)

(N= 80)

Everyday 46
Four times a week
Twice a week
Thrice a week
Once a week

15 (18 %) of them watched it four times a week; 8 (10 %) of them watched twice a week
and 5 (7 %) of the respondents said that they watched it once a week.
For those who said that they are watching the BOF everyday, they reasoned out
that they are fanatics of the Korean drama, thus their constant exposure to it. Some even
claimed that they are going home early to watch BOF.
These reasons are also the same with those who said that they watched it four
times a week (18%).
More than half of the respondents are fond of the Korean drama because they
watched it everyday.
However, for those respondents who said that they watched the BOF once a week,
they said that they are involved in some school activities such as the Citizenship
Advancement Training (CAT) and Athletic Meet preparations which are done after class
hours. They watched it sparingly since the BOF was aired during the time that they were
doing these school activities.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Reasons of the Respondents in Watching BOF

The reasons of the respondents in watching BOF was shown in Table 3.
To gain values. The leading reason was for the respondents to gain values. The
lessons they learned in watching BOF includes love, friendship and being responsible,
among others.
This is related to the study of Buckingham (2004) wherein the youth can easily
imitate and learn the values, behavior, and attitude implied by foreign series television
drama through the characters’ acting.
One of the respondents said that when they watched BOF, they realized that they
should love their family members more.
This is related to the result of the study of Leaf (2004) where in most Korean
Dramas has good moral standards, they show people the importance of respecting
parents, they do not promote pre-marital sex and it is a good family show.
This is also supported by the study of Sharon (2004) wherein it is the family
appeal that the Korean Dramas portray.
The respondents also clarified that they watched BOF to gain values because it
gave them important lessons that they can apply to their academic life.
One of the respondents said that after he watched the BOF, he made a decision
that he will now do better in his studies like what Jan Di did.
Moreover, they also explained that they watched BOF to gain values because
“BOF” gave them important lessons that they can apply to their social life. Like for
example they got friendlier with other people.

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Table 3. Reasons of the respondents in watching BOF

To gain values

BOF gave them important lessons
that they can apply to their family life

BOF gave them important lessons that
they can apply to their academic life

BOF gave them important lessons that
they can apply to their social life

To be informed

They learned about some Korean
Cultures through BOF

They learned about some beautiful
places in Korea

To be entertained

The drama makes them laugh and
sometimes cry

Watching BOF makes them feel relaxed

They have a crush on the actor/s and
actress/es on the drama

*multiple responses

This is similar to the result of the study of Brookfield ( 1987) where in Mass
media and television in particular, are forces which provide audiences with ways of
seeing and interpreting the world—ways which ultimately shape their very existence and
participation within society.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Lastly, the respondents explained that they watched BOF to gain values because it
gave them important lessons that they can apply to their love life.
To be informed. The secondary reason of the respondents is that they watched
BOF because they want to be informed.
For those respondents who said that they watched BOF to be informed, their
leading reason was they learned about some Korean Cultures through BOF.
This is related to the result of the study of Craze (2007) wherein through the
Korean Drama, people learn some Korean cultures.
One respondent said that she learned that Koreans are bowing their head as a sign
of their respect to their companion.
The respondents also reasoned out that watching BOF informs them because they
learned about some beautiful places in Korea.
One of the respondents said that through the beautiful places that were portrayed
on BOF, she has now an idea where to spend her vacation if given the chance to do so.
The result of the researcher’s study that media can inform and entertain viewers is
similar to the study of Katz (2003) wherein media fulfill two basic needs-they inform and
they entertain.
To be entertained. The third reason of the respondents was to be entertained.
This is comparable to the study of Katz (2003) wherein television entertains
people with movies, dramas, comedies, game shows and sports.
For the respondents who said that they watched BOF to be entertained, their
leading reason was BOF made them laugh and sometimes cry.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


This is similar to the findings of Sharon (2004) wherein male and female actors
show that it is normal to show emotions like sadness and grief, especially scenes showing
Some respondents also related that they were entertained in watching the BOF
because watching it made them feel relaxed.
This is similar to the findings of Ogsaen (2003) wherein television is the most
effective way to reduce boredom due to its informative and entertaining programs.
Lastly, the respondents reasoned out that they were entertained in watching BOF
because they have a crush on the actor/s and actress/es on the drama.
This is similar to the result of the study of Craze (2007) where lots of Korean stars
are good-looking and fashionable, making the teenagers really go after these Korean

When the respondents were asked who their ultimate crush was, some answered
that they really like Ji Hoo, one of the main characters in the story.
This is related to the result of the study of Leaf (2004) where in most teenagers
and adults like watching Korean Dramas because the stories are always romantic, they
remind people of their first crush, first love, first kiss, and unrequited love, among others.
Table 3 shows the reasons of the respondents in watching the BOF. It was
observed that they have varied reasons, but interestingly, the leading reason was for them
to gain values.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Table 4. Lessons or values learned by the respondents from the BOF

Rank Particular Scene/s from the BOF that portrayed the
How the respondents apply the values learned
from BOF
-Jun Pyo proposed marriage to Jhan Di
-They love their family members and partners (GF/BF)
- Jun Pyo fought hard for their love together with Jan Di even up to
-What ever it takes, they will fight for their relationship
the extent of going against his mother who is not in favor of the
against the one who are contradicting their relationship
-Bowing their head
-Greeting their teachers every time they will meet them
- Greeting their loved ones and family members on
special occasions
-Jan Di helped Jun Pyo when he fell down in the swimming pool
-Helping their friend when he/she is in danger

-Jan Di helped her parents in their financial needs by working in a
-Helping their parents in supporting their school
restaurant while studying
financial needs

-Ji Hoo helped Jan Di in wiping her clothes when her classmates
-Supporting someone who is in need
threw flour, eggs and baking powder to her
-When Jun Pyo went abroad, he concentrated in managing their
-Being responsible in doing things or work assigned to

-Jan Di did not took for granted her studies despite obstacles in her
-Making good in their studies even there are some
problems arising in their lives
-When Yi Jung was so problematic about his broken hand and he
-Giving an advice to their friends/cousins who are in
can no longer make pottery, Woo Bin gave him a piece of advice

-Ji Hoo is a main rival for Jan Di's heart but he gives her up because -Giving up their love to a person who is already
he values his friendship with Jun Pyo.
-Even Jan Di experienced lots of problems in the arms of Jun Pyo’s
-Being brave in fighting for their rights
mother, she has still the bravery of protecting her family and
fighting her love for Jun Pyo

-Jan Di gained courage to confront Jun Pyo when a friend, Oh Min
-Being brave in confronting a person who is
Ji, accidentally spilled ice cream on his shoes and he demanded the
embarrassing them in front of their friends
girl to lick it off
-Jan Di shared all their trials with Ji Hoo because she trusted him.
-Sharing their troubles to their trusted friends

-Jan Di trusted Jun Pyo’s love for her
-Trusting the love of their boyfriend/girlfriend
-Jan Di confessed to Jun Pyo that she was with the brother of the
-Confessing the truth to their loved ones
student whom she saved when he was trying to commit suicide.

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by
the Bokod National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Lessons or Values Learned by the Respondents
in Watching BOF

The lessons or values learned by the respondents in watching BOF are shown in
Table 4.
Results shows that the top three values or lessons that the respondents learned in
watching the “BOF” were love, followed by respect, and helpfulness.
Love. Most of respondents related the particular scene/s in the Korean drama
“Boys over Flowers” that portrayed love. Among these were: when Jun Pyo fought hard
for their love together with Jan Di even up to the extent of going against his mother who
is not in favor of the relationship; and when Jun Pyo proposed marriage to Jan Di.
The respondents claimed that they apply these values by caring for their loved
ones most especially at times when she/ he is in trouble and they will love their partners
(girl friend/boy friend) wholeheartedly.
One of the respondents related that at first he is not giving enough time for her
girlfriend but when he watched BOF, he realized his mistake. Since then, he allotted
more time for his girlfriend and makes sure that he accompanies her on the way home.
Respect. According to the respondents, the specific scene in the drama that they
remembered that portrayed respect from the Korean drama was when the characters were
bowing their heads. Although this is a Korean culture, according to them, it portrayed the
value of respect and it was registered in their minds.
According to the respondents they applied respect that they learned from the BOF
by greeting their teachers “good morning or good afternoon” and by using manang and
manong in addressing their older brothers or sisters.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


According to one respondent, before she watched BOF, every time she meets her
teacher, she does not bother to greet them. But when she watched BOF, she realized the
importance of respect to other people, most especially her teachers.
Helpfulness. The particular scenes in the Korean drama BOF that the respondents
remembered, which portrayed helpfulness, was when Jan Di dove into the swimming
pool and helped Jun Pyo; and when Ji Hoo helped Jan Di in wiping her clothes when her
classmates threw flour, eggs and baking powder to her.
The respondents claimed that they applied helpfulness that they learned from
BOF by helping their parents in doing household chores even during weekdays and
helping their friends when they are in danger.
One of the respondents said that when he watched the BOF, he realized that
helping in doing the household chores can make his parents happy.
The result of this study is similar to the result of Sharon (2004) where the
storylines of Korean Dramas show themes like friendship, the importance of the family
and their values, compassion, and love.
Responsibility. The particular scenes in the Korean drama BOF that the
respondents remember, which portrayed being responsible was when Jun Pyo went
abroad, he concentrated in managing their business and Jan Di did not took for granted
her studies despite the unending obstacles in her life.
The respondents applied these values by being responsible in doing things or
work assigned to them and by doing well in their studies. One of the respondent said that
if ever his mother will give him a chance to manage their restaurant, he will do his best to
earn high income.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Friendship. According to the respondents, the specific scenes in the drama that
portrayed friendship BOF were: when Yi Jung was so problematic about his broken hand
and he can no longer make pottery, Woo Bin gave him a piece of advice; and when Ji
Hoo fell in love with Jan Di's, he gave her up because he values his friendship with Jun
They applied the values friendship they learned from BOF by giving advice to
their friends/cousins who are in trouble and by giving up their love to a person who is
already committed.
Courage. The particular scene in the Korean drama BOF that the respondents
remembered, which portrayed courage, was when Jan Di experienced lots of
complications in the arms of Jun Pyo’s mother, yet she still had the bravery of protecting
her family and fighting her love for Jun Pyo.
Another scene was when Jan Di gained courage to confront Jun Pyo when a
friend, Oh Min Ji, accidentally spilled ice cream on his shoes and he demanded the girl to
lick it off.
The respondents applied courage that they learned from the BOF by being brave
in fighting for their rights and in confronting a person who is embarrassing them in front
of their friends.
According to one respondent, he gained courage after watching BOF to join
contests that demanded him to stand in front of many people. With this, he won several
awards and he said that he owed it to BOF because the drama improved his courage.
Trust. The particular scene in BOF that the respondents remember, which
portrayed trust, is when Jan Di shared all her trials to Ji Hoo because she trusted him.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Another scene was when Jan Di trusted Jun Pyo’s love for her.
The respondents applied trust that they learned from BOF by sharing their
troubles to their trusted friends because they realized that they cannot handle their
problems alone and by trusting the love of their boyfriend/girlfriend is also one way of
applying the value they learned.
Moreover, one respondent said that after watching BOF, he realized that in the
name of love, trust is always involved so when her girlfriend answered him “yes”, he
promised her that he is only the man in her heart.
Honesty. According to the respondents, the specific scene in the drama that
portrayed honesty from BOF was when Jan Di confessed to Jun Pyo that she went with
the brother of the student whom she saved when he was trying to commit suicide. Even if
Jan Di knews that Jun Pyo will get mad at her, she still told him that instance.
The respondents applied honesty that they learned from the BOF by confessing
the truth to their loved ones.
According to one respondent, when he found a wallet on his way home, he
hurriedly returned it to the owner because he was honest.

Perceived Negative Effects of BOF to the Respondents
The perceived effects of “BOF” to the respondents are shown in Table 5.
Sadness. The number one perceived negative effect of watching BOF was
whenever they were not able to watch it, they felt sad.
One respondent said that, when she was not able to watch BOF, she felt gloomy
and sometimes, it affected her attitude towards other people. She cited one instance when
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Table 5. Perceived negative effects of BOF to the respondents


Whenever they were
not able to watch BOF, they felt sad

They neglected their academic life to spend
more time watching BOF

They neglected their household chores to
spend more time watching BOF

They snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone
bothers me while they watching BOF

her parents asked her questions; she answered them bleakly because she missed watching
Sometimes not studying. The second perceived negative effect was sometimes
they do not study their lessons to spend more time watching the BOF.
Although the show was just 30 minutes, some of the respondents related that they
were not able to do their school requirements on time because after BOF was aired by the
time they get weary of watching, they were already sleepy or they had other things to do
aside from their school requirements.
There is was no conclusive evidence that will prove this statement of one
Neglected household chores. The third perceived negative effect is they neglected
their household chores to spend more time watching BOF.

Since BOF was aired just in time for cooking dinner, some respondents related
that they cooked dinner late because they prioritized watching BOF more.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Snappish. Lastly, the respondents snap, yell or act annoyed if someone bothers
them while they were watching BOF.
One of the respondent related that when his sister was asking him to do
something, he got mad at her. Other respondents also said that they got so engrossed
watching BOF that they acted rudely when someone disturbed them.

Perceived Positive Effects of BOF to the Respondents

The perceived positive effects of BOF to the respondents are shown in table 6.
The mentioned statements below are the perceived positive of BOF to the
Learned values from BOF. For the positive effects, the number one effect that the
respondents perceived was they learned/ values from BOF that they can apply to their
This coincides with the previous discussion that the number one reason why the
respondents watched BOF was to gain values.
When asked why they thought that gaining values is a positive effect of watching
BOF, some respondents said that they did not have to learn lessons the hard way. Just by
merely watching a Korean drama, they were able to gain helpful insights.
Time for peers was reduced. The second perceived positive effects of BOF is,
instead of going out with their friends and do some bad vices, they watched the “BOF” to
satisfy their entertainment needs.
The respondents said that they did not need to have jamming with their friends so
that they will be entertained. Just by watching BOF alone can be satisfying and one of the
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Table 6. Perceived positive effects of BOF to the respondents


They learned values/lessons that they can
apply to their life

Instead of going out with their friends and
do some bad vices, they watched the
Korean drama to satisfy their entertainment

Because of the Korean cultures portrayed in

the drama, they learned to understand why
they are acting that way

Because of the Korean tourists’ spots

portrayed in the movie, it gave them an idea
on where to go in case they will go to
Korea someday

Because of the drama, they were motivated
to go home early so they can watch

respondents also shared that at first, he was going home late because of jamming with his
friends at the Pito River. But when he started watching BOF, he is now going home early
just to watch his favorite Korean Drama.
Learned and appreciated some Korean cultures. The third perceived positive
effect of BOF is because of the Korean cultures portrayed in the drama, the respondents
learned to understand why they are acting that way.
One respondent said that before she had watched any Korean movies, she did not
understand why some Koreans bowed their heads when they meet someone they knew.
But when she watched BOF, she realized that it was the Korean’s way of showing respect
to other people.
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


This is related to the findings of Craze (2007) that through the Korean drama,
people learn some Korean cultures. This is also supported by the study of Moran (2003)
where television programs contain certain cultural context that teaches young viewers
cultural norms and expectations.
Informed about Korean tourists’ spots. The fourth positive effect of BOF is that
since the Korean tourists’ spots portrayed were portrayed in the drama, it gave them an
idea on where to go in case they will go to Korea someday.
One of the respondents said that if she is given a chance to go to Korea, she will
see first the Nam San tower where some of the fascinating scenes in BOF were done.
Lastly, they were motivated to go home just to watch BOF.

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010




The study was conducted to determine the values gained from the Korean drama
“Boys over Flowers” as perceived by the Bokod National High School- Main Students. It
focused on the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, their frequency of watching
the Korean drama “Boys over Flowers”, their reasons for watching the “Boys over
Flowers”, the lessons/ values they learned from the Korean drama, and the positive and
negative contributions of the drama to the respondents.

A survey questionnaire was used to gather the needed information. The study was
limited only to 80 respondents with 20 students per year level, to have an equal

Respondents of the study were 80 high school students who are 12-20 years old.
They were first year high school to fourth year high school students. Majority or 62 % of
them were female.
Almost or 57% of the respondents watched the BOF everyday. Their most reasons
for watching the Korean drama were to gain values, followed by to be informed and to be
On the other hand, the leading lesson/ values that the respondents learned was
love, respect, helpfulness, responsible, friendship, courage, trust, followed by honesty,
and determination.
The number one perceived negative effect of the BOF to the respondents is
whenever they was not able to watch BOF, they felt sad, followed by they neglected their
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


academic life to spend more time watching BOF and they neglected their household
chores to spend more time watching Boys over Flowers.

For perceived positive effects, the number one effect to the respondents is they
learned values/lessons that they can apply to my life followed by instead of going out
with their friends and do some bad vices, they watched the Korean drama to satisfy their
entertainment needs and because of the Korean cultures portrayed in the drama, they
learned to understand why they are acting that way.


Based on the findings the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The characteristics of the teenager viewers of the Korean drama “Boys over
Flowers” in Bokod National High School- Main are fairly distributed in terms of age, sex
and school level.
2. The students in the Bokod National High School- Main watched the Korean
drama everyday.
3. The students in the Bokod National High School- Main are hooked in watching
“Boys over Flowers” to gain values.
4. The Korean drama “Boys over Flowers” was an effective means to inculcate on
how to respect other people.
5. The Korean drama “Boys over Flowers” had both positive and negative effects to
teenager viewers.

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010



Based on the summary and conclusions, the recommendations were derived:
1. Since watching BOF has negative and positive effects to viewers, most
especially to students, the researcher recommend that the parents of the viewers will give
them a parental guidance.
2. Given that BOF has also some values that can be acquire from it, the researcher
recommend that the values teachers will sometimes insert some Korean dramas on their
discussion to educate, entertain and inform the students.
3. Further study on the negative values of the BOF is recommended.

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010



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Communication. Benguet State University (Open University), La Trinidad,
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BROOKFIELD, S. 1987. Interpreting the World Ways. Retrieved October 13, 2009, from

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The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


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The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


Communication Letter
2601 La Trinidad, Benguet
College of Agriculture

December 18, 2009

Bokod National High School-Main
Pito, Bokod, Benguet


Warm greetings!

I am a senior student of Bachelor of Science Communication major in Community
Broadcasting of Benguet State University. I am conducting my undergraduate thesis
entitled “Values Gained from Korean Drama Entitled “Boys over Flowers” as Perceived
by the Bokod National High School-Main Students”.

In this regard, please allow me to gather important information that will answer the
objectives of my study from your students on January 2009. Rest assured that all
information that will be gathered is for academic purposes only.

Thank you very much for your kind consideration.

Truly Yours,

Student Researcher




Bokod National High School-Main
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010



Survey Questionnaire
Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys over Flowers”
as Perceived by the Bokod National High School-Main Students
Name: ______________________
Civil Status: ___________

Religion: _________


2. How often did you watch the Boys over Flowers in a week?

____ everyday
____ four times a week
____ thrice a week

____ twice a week

____ once a week

111. REASONS OF WATCHING BOYS OVER FLOWERS (Please rank your answers,
1 as the highest)

3. Why did you watch the drama?

__________ To be entertained
____The drama makes me laugh and sometimes cry
____I have a crush on the actor/s or actress/es on the drama
Watching it makes me feel relaxed

__________To learn lessons/ values
____The drama gave me important lessons that I can apply to my
love life
____The drama gave me important lessons that I can apply to my
academic life
____The drama gave me important lessons that I can apply to my
family life
____The drama gave me important lessons that I can apply to my
social (friendship) life
____Others (specify :___________________________________)

__________To be informed

____I learned about some Korean culture through the drama
____I learned about some beautiful places in Korea
____Others (specify: ____________________________________)
The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010


(Please rank your answers,
1 as the highest)
___ Hope/Trust






___Courage (being brave)

___ Persistence/


____Being responsible

____Friendship with other




The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010



5. What are the negative effects of the drama to you? (Please rank your answers, 1 as the

_____ I neglected my household chores to spend more time watching Boys
over Flowers
_____ I neglected my academic life to spend more time watching Boys over
_____ Whenever I was not able to watch Boys over Flowers, I felt sad
_____I snap, yell, or act annoyed if someone bothers me while I am watching
Boys over Flowers
_____Others (specify: ____________________________________________)

6. What are the positive effects of the Boys over Flowers to you? (Please rank your
answers, 1 as the highest)
_____I learned values/lessons that I can apply to my life
_____Because of the drama, I was motivated to go home early so I can watch
_____Because of the Korean cultures portrayed in the drama, I learned to
understand why they are acting that way
_____Because of the Korean tourists’ spots portrayed in the movie, it gave me
an idea on where to go in case I go to Korea someday
_____Instead of going out with my friends and do some bad vices, I watched
the Korean drama to satisfy my entertainment needs
_____Others (specify: ____________________________________________)

Thank you very much!

Prepared by:

BS in Development communication
Major in Community Broadcasting

The Values Gained from the Korean Drama “Boys Over Flowers” as Perceived by the Bokod
National High School- Main Students / Genice P. Agadan. 2010

Document Outline

  • The Values Gained from the Korean Drama �Boys Over Flowers� as Perceived by the Bokod National High School- Main Students