BALEGAN, GLORY C. APRIL 2012. Content Analysis of BSU On the Air
Listeners’ Feedback Through Text Messages. Benguet State University. La Trinidad,

Adviser: Gatab, Michelle B., BSc.

This study on the Content Analysis of BSU on the Air Listeners' Text Messages analyzed
the text messages of the listener-texters to the program. It determined the frequency of
the messages in a day and classified these text messages. It also determined the languages
used in the text messages, analyzed the treatment of the messages and compiled the text

Content analysis was used in gathering the information from the one year
compilation which was the subject of the study from January to December 2011. The
contents were analyzed and identified accordingly thru coding sheets. The study was
conducted from December 2011 to March 2012. The data gathered were analyzed, tallied
and interpreted using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentage and

The subject of the study was the one year (January to December 2011) text
messages compilation of the BSU on the Air program, an extension program of the Benguet
State University. The anchorman of the program has received 1,343 program-related text
messages from 1,343 cell phone numbers as well as of the follow-ups of the listener-texters
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

whole year round. There were 64 hours and 45 minutes completed in the 259 AM airtime
slots (15 minutes each) for the whole year from Monday to Saturday every week.

The frequency of SMS received ranges from two to five in a day. The range varies
due to the fact that there were different ranges of text messages being received in a month
or in a day. The different classification of the text messages were as follows: General
Agriculture, Religion and Values, BSU concerns, Employment opportunities,
Environmental concerns, Health, Acknowledgement, Appreciation and Encouragement,
Public Service announcements (PSA), Combination and Others. Majority of the text
messages were about General Agriculture. Majority of the text messages received were
multilingual and were asking questions.

Based on the findings of the study, conclusions were derived wherein listeners of
radio program actively participate in agriculture discussions through text messages; radio
program hosts receive text messages regarding the program from listeners as long as the
line of communication is open; most of the text messages sent to radio programs were
asking questions on agriculture-related topics; text messages sent to agricultural radio
programs were constructed using multi-language; and text messages received were a
combination of asking questions, giving information, making comments, and giving

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages


Radio is the most widely used medium for disseminating information for rural
households in the Cordillera Region and the adjoining municipalities of Regions 1 and 2.
The distance of areas from the major centers and the geography are factors that make it
difficult for development institutions to reach out these communities.
Hence, a radio program was created by Benguet State University as one of the
means to extend updates on agricultural related information and disseminate commercially
viable technologies to all sectors of the society. BSU on the Air started on January 14, 1977
as ‘Mannalon: Namnama ti Pagilian’ (Farmers: The Hope of the Nation) over the radio
station DZWT of the Mountain Province Broadcasting Corporation. The station served as
an instrument in making the delivery of the BSU radio program possible since it provided
the University’s airtime at much lesser cost with its wide area coverage.
The wide acceptance of the BSU's radio program was the primary reason for
continuing the activity. The program carried its new name as 'BSU Agri-School on the Air'.
This promoted the University in terms of the services the communities can avail of. It
facilitated where to direct queries from the listeners. The program contract is renewed
every year between approval of the Benguet State University and the management of
DZWT Radio Station. When the University solely financed the radio program, having to
deal with the meager resources of the University, airtime is reduced from five times a week
to three times a week (Mon-Wed-Fri) at 5:20 A.M. to 5:30 A.M. Though the program is
only ten minutes, agricultural technologies and other related issues in the region such as
environment, health, values and education are disseminated in time. The program has been
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

very helpful in the identification of topics for techno guide development. Now, the program
is aired fifteen minutes at 5:45 to 6:00 AM from Monday to Friday (Kudan, 2011).
As a breakthrough in the latest trends in communication technology, text messaging
was popularized. Text messaging, also known as short message service (SMS) is the
exchange of brief written messages between mobile phones over a network or a wireless
handset cellular phone. It also includes a short message of up to 160 characters (Harpreet,
Today, almost all people are using cellular phones since it is a common
communication medium. It serves not just a mere medium to send and receive information
but also serves as a medium for feedback and active participation in any interactive radio
programs like the BSU on the Air.
The advent of cellular phone made possible the interaction or involvement between
radio and the listeners. It served as channels for them to express their opinions towards a
certain type of program. In Cordillera, people are actively participating in radio programs
may it be in the AM and FM stations like Bombo Radio and DZWT. Many radio programs
offer opportunities for listeners to express themselves. And one of the agricultural
programs of BSU on DZWT which is the BSU on the Air is an example of an interactive
radio program that is vigorously participated by our farmers.

With the breakthrough in communication where mobile phones are common to
most farmers in the region, the program and anchorperson, Silvestre L. Kudan, received
22,200 text messages from October 2005 to January 2011, which were answered mostly
trough the radio program using the common dialect in the region. These text messages are
logged for reference for future broadcast topics. These include questions, greetings,
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

comments and suggestions from various listeners. Listeners also sent text-messaging load
to the anchorperson to make sure that their queries will be answered (BSU on the Air, Then
and Now, 2011).
Our farmers today are more empowered through various agricultural radio
programs like BSU on the Air that helps them improve their farming ways. Since the
anchorman of the program receives and compiles the queries, comments and suggestions
of listeners through text messages, it is therefore important to study this information
through content analysis. In addition is to study the potential of text messaging as a
communication medium between the farmer and the program host.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to analyze the content of the text messages sent by listeners to the
BSU on the Air program.

Specifically, the study answered to the following questions:
1. What was the number of the messages received in a day?
2. What were the classifications of the text messages sent by the listeners?
3. What were the languages used in the text messages?
4. How was the text messages treated in terms of the nature of messages?

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study was to analyze the content of the text messages
sent by listeners to BSU on the Air program.

Specifically, it was able to:
1. Determine the number of the messages received in a day;
2. Classify the text messages sent by the listeners;
3. Determine the languages used in the text messages; and
4. Determine the text messages treatment in terms of the nature of messages.
5. Compile the text messages received in the program.

Importance of the Study

The results of the study may serve as a reference material for the program BSU on
the Air to determine its impact basing from the participation of listeners through their
feedback messages. In addition, the comments and suggestions will help the program
improve. It may also help the anchorman to improve his strategies in answering the text
messages of listeners.
It may also serve as reference for other radio stations offering agricultural programs
to strengthen their programs.
Lastly, for the Development Communication students to conduct more extensive
studies concerning BSU on the Air or other agricultural programs aired on radio.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The research focused on the content of the text messages sent by the listeners of
BSU on the Air program. It analyzed the text messages in terms of classifications of the
text messages sent by the listeners, languages used in the text messages, and text messages
treatment. The study was limited only on the text messages compilations from January to
December 2011 sent by the program listeners.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages


Content Analysis Defined

Content analysis is a research technique for the objective, systematic, and
qualitative description of the manifest content of communication. The simplest type of
evaluation consequently consists of counting the numbers of occurrences per category
(assuming there is a relationship between frequency of content and meaning). The object
of content analysis can basically be any kind of recorded communication, i.e. transcripts of
interviews/discourses, protocols of observation, video tapes, and written documents in
general (Behrendt, 2008). Simply, Kohlbacher (2005) states that content analysis can be
defined as "the study of recorded human communications”. It can also be used as a
powerful research tool to determine, from the content of the message, sound inferences
concerning the attitudes of the speaker or writer. It has been usefully employed as a
descriptor of diverse research techniques used for systematically collecting, analyzing and
making inferences from message (Wilkinson and Birmingham, 2003).

Modes of Communication
As cited by Ignas (2005) many of the millions of messages exchanged between
these high tech devices are not in the form of speech, but in the form of written word.
Instead of speaking into the handset, a growing number of mobile-phone users especially
youths, are using a facility called the Short Messages Service (SMS) that allows them to
type and send brief messages to each other. Communicating in this way requires typing a
message in the phone’s tiny keypad; SMS devotees use an abbreviated form of language
that combines letters and numbers to make the word sounds.
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

History of Text Messaging
According to some companies, the first ever text message was sent during 1989 by
Edward Lantz, a former NASA employee. The text message was sent through a Motorola
beeper which consists of numbers read upside down to read the message. On December 3,
1992 in United Kingdom, the first SMS messaging was used in a commercial sent through
a Vodafone GSM network. The SMS message containing the word “Merry Christmas” was
sent by Neil Papworth with the use of a desktop computer to Richard Jarvis through a
handset device model Orbitel 901. For the GSM systems, the first SMS using a Nokia
phone was sent by an engineering student, Riku Pihkonen (Urmann, 2009).
At first, text messaging has not been very popular since it was designed primarily
to be used by the hearing impaired. During the 1990’s only few messages were being sent
through SMS. But during the year 2000, there have been a gradual increase in the use of
text messaging. As the text messaging system has been developed, it had gained popularity
which has increased the number of SMS messages as well as a sudden increase of the
numbers of subscribers. Today, text messaging is the most widely used mobile data service
with 74% of all mobile phone users worldwide. Out of 3.3 billion phone subscribers, 2.4
billion at the end of 2007 are active users of the Short Message Service (Urmann, 2009).
The largest average usage of the service by mobile phone subscribers is the
Philippines. The Philippines alone sends on the average 400 million text messages a day
or approximately 142 billion text messages sent a year. Texting became popular in the
Philippines in 1998 (Urmann, 2009).

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Text Messaging in the Philippines
Text messaging which is commonly called texting is the process of sending short
messages usually 160 characters from a mobile phone. These messages are commonly
called SMS or Short Message Service, texts or text messages. It is considered as the fastest
and most reliable means of communication. The sender of a text message is known as a
“texter” while the service itself has different colloquialisms depending on the region. It is
simply being referred to as a “text” in the Philippines (Urmann, 2009).
The beginning of text messaging made it possible for new forms of interaction. A
person may now have a chat with another user without the limitation of being expected to
reply within a given time and without the need to set aside time to keep a conversation. It
also provided a situation for participatory culture which allows viewers to vote in polls as
well as receive information.
Among the Asian countries, the Philippines have the largest population of mobile
subscribers who uses text messaging as a means of communication. An average of 20 text
messages is being sent daily by a subscriber. Because of this, the Philippines have been
considered as the text capital of the world. On 2007 alone, there are 42.70 million people
who are subscribers of mobile phones (Urmann, 2009). Also, according to 2009 stats, there
are about 72 million mobile-service subscriptions, roughly 80% of the Filipino population
with around 1.39 billion text messages being sent in the Philippines daily (Wikipedia,
The nature of the Filipino culture and the affordability of text messages made its
usage rapidly high making texting a popular for Filipinos in keeping touch with their
friends and loved ones.
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Text Messages Received
Communication in texting is purposive since the sender has always an intention in
sending a message. Reasons are the purposes of sending messages in texting. The reasons
are to inform; to be informed; to gather information; to share knowledge and others.

Text messaging is commonly used as the feedback medium of agricultural
programs in any purpose. According to Sabiano (2006) in his study, topic details discussed
by the experts or the anchor himself were guided by the questions of listeners sent in
through cellular phone text messages. Likewise, acknowledgements were interspersed in
the different parts of the program “Boses ti Farmers” where some of the listeners sent text
messages expressing their special thanks, their warm greetings and dedication to the
anchor, the resource person and everyone who contributed benefits to the farmers.
Furthermore, on the program, the listeners were encouraged to send their questions through
text messages, which were read and answered by the resource persons or the anchor
himself. Topics aired in agricultural programs were based on the inquiries that the listeners
are sending in through letters and text messages. These text messages determine the
specific topic content of the program. Aside from questions, the listeners also sent in their
suggestions and opinions.

Likewise, on the study of Ignas (2005) on the extent of cellular phone use in the
marketing of cutflowers, the kinds of information sent and received by the cutflower
growers in Alno, Alapang, Bahong, Bineng and Dangwa-Dimasalang are on the prices of
products, selling condition, and the number of harvested products.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Text Messaging on Language
The advent of text messages in the Philippines generated a subculture with its own
vocabulary and protocol. The use of text messaging has changed the way that people talk.
Since text messaging has become very popular around the world, the text speaks or
text lingo has been adapted as a way to type messages quickly. Text speak are abbreviations
of words which tends to avoid typing the whole word which is time consuming (Urmann,
In other parts of the world, text capability on cell phones can be vital to economic
development and helping people who don't speak or read English buy and sell
goods. Michael Wehrs, Nuance's vice president of industry affairs, says allowing texting
in native languages makes it easier for people who don't speak English to conduct business.
"The population needs to be able to use the device," he says. "The idea of having your
cultural identity represented in this technology is increasingly important," says Laura
Welcher, director of the Rosetta Project of San Francisco's Long Now Foundation. Ms.
Welcher, who says linguists fear half the world's languages will disappear in the near
future, thinks at least 200 languages have enough speakers to justify development of cell
phone text systems. "Technology empowers the poorest people. There are cases where
texting is helping to preserve languages by encouraging young people to write in their
native tongue (Bulkeley, 2009).

Listeners’ Information Needs

The listeners’ information needs are defined by their text messages received by the
program host. On the study of Abag (2005), the respondents' information needs are
agriculture-related information, information on new technology especially in terms of
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

farming or agriculture. Onnon (2005) added that pest and disease control are the needed
information of the farmers in Bahong and Alno. Likewise, on the study of Sabiano (2006),
the topics were mainly on organic farming, integrated pest management and programs of
the Benguet Farmers’ Federation, local government units, the Department of Agriculture,
marketing, crop programming, organization and livestock management and other entities
through cellular phone text messages.

Operational Definition of Terms
Acknowledgments, Appreciations and Encouragements. The text messages that this
classification refers to those that are expressing gratitude, acceptance, and support to the
Asking questions. This category of the nature of text messages refers to the purpose
of the text message which is to ask question from the anchorman about agriculture or any
concerns of the listener.

Average messages received. The total average number of messages received in a
day that is program-related. It is derived by the number of text messages received in a
month divided by the number of days in a month.
Benguet State University Concerns. Refers to those that are related to the Extension
programs of the University, the announcements from the Administration Office, BSU
Marketing products and students’ concerns.
Combination of topics. This category of the nature of text messages refers to the
purpose of the text message which is either a combination of the three.
Combination. These are text messages that are combination of any of the other
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Commenting. This category of the nature of text messages refers to the purpose of
the text message which is to give or make a comment about the program and anchorman
and to the text of other listener-texters.
Employment Opportunities. Refers to those that are inquiring about follow up on
announced job hiring at BSU on the Air program like the requirements, when and where
to enlist names.
English. This language is the use of pure English in the text messages.
Environmental Concerns. The text messages that this classification refers to those
that are related to the care of the environment.
Filipino. This language is the use of pure Filipinos in the text messages.
General Agriculture. Refers to those topics that are related to agricultural
technologies covering all aspects of agriculture.
Giving information. This category of the nature of text messages refers to the
purpose of the text message which is to give information as additional information for the
program or as an answer to the queries of other listener-texters.
Giving suggestions. This category of the nature of text messages refers to the
purpose of the text message which is to give suggestion on what to do with the program
and also possible topics to be aired on the program.
Health Concerns. The text messages that this classification refers to the health-
related text messages, cure of illnesses and herbals that can help alleviate infirmity.
Highland Ilocano. This language as used in the study is the Ilocano that the Benguet
people are using.
Kankana-ey. This language is the use of pure Kankana-ey of Benguet.
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Multilingual. Multilingual as used in the study is the mixed language from any of
the English, Highland Ilocano, Kankana-ey, Filipino and Ibaloy.
Others. These are rude messages that express malicious and foul messages towards
the program host and the program; these are also text messages that do not belong to any
of the previous classifications.
Program-related text messages. These are the text messages related to the program
and were the subject of the study.
Public Service Announcements. The text messages that this classification refers to
the announcements of deaths and burials, lost and found, and classes’ suspension among
Baguio- Benguet schools.
Religion and Values. Refers to those that are related to values-formation and
spiritual encouragements.

Text message. The text messages are the SMS received by the anchorman of the
program through a cellular phone.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages


Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted in La Trinidad, Benguet where the researcher was based.
The researcher retrieved the compilation of text messages at the BSU Extension Office
where the program anchorman was based.
La Trinidad is the capital town of Benguet and a first class municipality. It was
located at the southern part of Benguet with a land area of 8,273.80 hectares and the
smallest of all the 13 municipalities of Benguet province. It was generally mountainous
with springs, rivers, and creeks. Its elevation ranges from 500 to 1,700 meters above sea
level. The municipality has 16 barangays and the most developed and has fastest growing
economy among the municipalities of Benguet because of its proximity to Baguio City, its
role as seat of provincial government, educational center, and trading hub of the province's
vegetable industry. The major crops produced are vegetables, cut flowers and strawberries.
La Trinidad is also known as the “Strawberry Fields of the Philippines” and the
“Rose Garden of the Philippines” because it serves as the tourism gateway to the Cordillera.

The study was conducted from December 2011 to March 2012.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Figure 1. Map of La Trinidad showing the locale of the study

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Subject of the Study

The study analyzed the content of the listeners’ program-related text messages to
the program, BSU on the Air only. Since the anchorman of the program compiles the text
messages received by month, a total of 12 months or one year compilation from January to
December 2011 was used as the subject of the study in the content analysis. Samples of the
compiled text messages can be seen on the Appendix.

The anchorman of the program has received 1,343 text messages that were
program-related for the whole year round. There were 3,885 minutes (64 hours and 45
minutes) completed in the 259 AM airtime slots (15 minutes each) for the whole year. The
text messages came from the farmer-listeners, students, BSU teaching and non-teaching
staffs, and colleagues.

Data Collection

The 12 months compilation was subjected to content analysis using coding sheets
made by the researcher. The 2011 compilation of text messages were analyzed according
to months on the coding sheet.

Data Gathered

The data gathered were on the number of the messages received in a day that were
related to the program, classifications of these text messages, languages used in the text
messages, text messages treatment in terms the nature of messages. The number of the text
messages received in a day includes text messages that the program anchorman received
in the day even if the program was not on air. The data was computed from the number of
text messages or SMS the anchorman received in a month divided by the number of days
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

in a month (* N= # of text messages received / # of days in a month = average). This
formula was based on the way Dr. Silvestre S. Kudan, the anchorman, compute for the
average text message received in day. The data in the classification of text messages were
according to the area that they belong such as agriculture, BSU concerns, employment
concerns, appreciation to the program, health concerns, religion and values, public service
announcements, and others. In the languages used in the text messages, they were classified
according to the language that was used such as English, Highland Ilocano, Kankana-ey,
and Ibaloy. In the text messages treatment in terms the nature of messages, they were
classified according to the intention of the text message whether to ask question, give
information, make comment and give suggestion.

Data Analysis

The data gathered were tallied using tally sheet, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted
using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentage and ranking. The
presentations of statistics were in the form of tables or charts or summary.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages


Number of the Messages Received in a Day
Table 1 shows the average number of the messages received in a day. The
anchorman has received 1,343 text messages for the whole year (365 days) including the
follow-up questions of the listener-texters.
In the study, the average number of program-related text messages received ranges
in a day was two to five. The range varies due to the fact that there were different ranges
of text messages being received in a month or in a day.
This implied that although there were numerous text messages received by the
anchorman of the program in day, there were few text messages that were program related;
others were personal messages from his family.
As observed in the table, the months of January to August have the highest number
of program-related text messages received. Inquiries about the BSU College Qualifying
Entrance Examination application, religious and agriculture-related of the listeners were
most of the content of the messages received during this month.
On the other hand, the months of September to December have the least received
text messages. As observed in the table, the month of December has the lowest text
messages received. This was because Mr. Silvester Kudan was on local and overseas

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Table 1. Number of the text messages received in a day

N= 1,343

Classification of the Text Messages
Table 2 presents the frequency and the different classifications of these text
messages received by the anchorman. The classifications were General Agriculture,
Religion and Values, BSU Concerns, Employment Opportunities, Environmental
Acknowledgement/Appreciation and Encouragements, Others and Combination of topics.
The results show that most of the text messages received were under General Agriculture
(48.70%), Religion and Values (23.08%), BSU concerns (10.72%), Employment
opportunities (5.21%), Environmental concerns (4.47%), Health concerns (2.53%), Public
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Service Announcements (PSA) (2.01%), Acknowledgement/Appreciation and
Encouragement (1.34%), Others (1.19%) and Combination (0.74%).

The result showed that most of the listener-texters need information about
agriculture-related information followed by spiritual encouragements.

The lists of topics under each classification show that listener-texters had diverse
information needs that the program BSU on the Air must address.
General Agriculture. It covers all aspect of agriculture from agronomy,
horticulture, plant pathology, entomology, soil science, animal science and agribusiness,
and others are difference of horticulture from agriculture and organic farming from
sustainable agriculture. An example is a text message was received on October 19, 2011 at
7:33 AM which asked, “Good morning sir, damag ko lang Anya kaditi nadumaan ti
horticulture ken Agriculture? Anya ti mas mayat nga kurso?”

For agronomy, text messages received were about good varieties for vegetable
seeds and seedlings for planting, organic farming or natural practices, seed treatments and
storage, new technologies in agriculture or farming. A sample text message was received
on October 20, 2011 at 7:02 PM which asked, “Gdpm. Sir, damag koman no sino ay variety
d carrot d mabalin ay maemulas n trinidad. Thanks sir urayek reply m.”

The result corroborate with the study of Catano (2010) that the farmers in Tinoc,
Ifugao need information in agriculture which included information on organic farming
lectures and good varieties of seeds for planting.

The result also affirmed the study of Sabiano (2006) in which the information needs
of farmers were the organic farming.
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Text messages received for horticulture were about crop programming and care,
planting method, ornamental production and fertilization for cut flowers. An example on
this category was received on November 28, 2011 at 5:31 AM which asked, “Gud day sir,
kasanu ba ti panangbawas t sanga ti marimar nga kamatis ta nagado ken naglangto da?
madama panagsabong da.
This corroborates with the study of Sabiano (2006) which said that farmers’
information need include the information on crop programming.

For plant pathology, text messages received were about pest and disease control for
cut flowers, what to do with plant diseases, and how to treat them. An example of a text
message for this category was received on May 12 at 12:45 PM which asked, “Sir
agdamagak man Sir. mabalen ngata nga matay deyay pagtataodan te saket te sabong a
posarium no maebluter ta eso te ekastak Sir. salamat baken den lpg ay pang polpolpog da
c bosaang ay parteenda no mabalen ay matey den posarium cen lota. osaak ay nabakes ay
manmolmolas sabong cna paoay atok.

The results corroborates with the study of Catano (2010) that majority of the
farmers in Tinoc, Ifugao need information in agriculture which included pests and disease
control in their crops.
Text messages for entomology were about pest and disease control and
management or IPM and how to control insects attacking crops. An example of this
category was received on June 3, 2011 at 5:08 AM which asked, “Sir damag ko man no
mabalin nga pag control t peste jay sabong ti mais?”, and from the same number, a follow
up question at 5:11 AM that asked, “Sir damag ko man no mabalin nga pag control t
leafminer jay sabong ti mais?”
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

The results corroborate with the result of the study of Onnon (2005) which showed
that pest and disease control are the information needs farmers.
The result of the study further supported the study of Sabiano (2006) that the
information needs of listeners were about Integrated Pest Management.
For soil science, text messages received were about soil acidity control, lime
application, best time to apply lime, and other liming materials. An example of a text
message was received on April 28, 2011 at 5:38 Am who asked, “Gud mrning prof. kas
anu nu calcium t kurang t daga? nya b t mae aply? Thanks guray ta pasaan ka”.
Text messages received for animal science were about food and animal production,
how to raise backyard poultry, care for animals and where to buy animals. An example was
a text message received on November 28, 2011 at 10:18 AM which asked, “Gud pm. Sir!
Ag inquire ak man bout jay sunshine nga manuk, damag ko nu adda available pagalaan
dta bsu para mataraken.”
Lastly, for agribusiness, text messages received were about livelihood project such
as piggery, poultry, and fish production, marketability of organic products, organization
management, and farm management. An example is received on October 10, 2011 at 6:20
PM which asked, “Gud pm sir matoloy ba jay siminar t organic eggs no bigat? Ania nga
bld. Kadi”. This corroborates the study of Catano (2010), in which respondents needs
information on how to lobby for rpice control and marketability of organic products; it was
also furthered by Sabiano (2006) in which the information needs of the respondents were
about marketing, organization and livestock management.
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

The results of the study was corroborated to the study of Abag (2005) wherein the
respondents’ information needs were agriculture-related information, and information on
new technologies in agriculture or farming.

Religion and Values. The list of topics under this classification covers from the
Bible teachings, the virtues of humanity, seeks advise to listeners’ personal problems, seeks
prayer, seeks verses towards personal encouragements, social issues or behaviors and
An example of a religious text message received was on November 4 at 9:58 AM
which stated, “good morning pastor, may i ask about 1 cor 10:13, why is it that temptation
comes to man is common? & is ryt to blame God., if we fail to overcome that temptation,
kasi kung wala yon, siguradong no sin is committed,. & dito parang yong man,
pinaglalaruan ng Panginoon, kasi paul said, that make d way to escape..kasi ibibigay yong
temptation tapos, ibibigay ulit yong way to ano po ba yong way na iyon? d way
of His word kaya? tapos saan po ba nakikita na yong temptation ay from God or from d
world..or lahat ay nangyayari ay from GOD. May participation ba si satan dito. Thanks.,”

An example of a text message in the values category was received on October 4 at
7:58 AM which stated, “good day myat djay topic tayo bat i also realize that we need to
work to have money not for our own but for the future of our kids na pag salat tayo sa pera
ay nakakasawa rin incase of emergency need to borrow para sa hospitalization kaya
maganda pa rin yung my dumarating na grasya kesa yung salat sa grasya”.
Benguet State University concerns. The text messages received are queries about
programs of the university especially the BSU Qualifying Entrance Examinations for all
levels like when, where, requirements and how to apply; students’ concerns like classes’
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

suspension, class schedules, permission to be late or absent in their class with the
anchorman; projects of the Extension Office like if there are offered coffee production;
inquiry on the products of BSU at the Marketing Center such as if there are mushrooms,
vegetables, or honey for sale; and lastly, BSU Cooperative concerns like membership,
benefits, conditions and terms. An example was received on March 18 at 6:01 AM inquired,
“Gud am sir, bitin jy lecture u tatta a. sir, damagek man no ada project t bsu nga agmula t
kape jy private land or masapul nga jay lote t bsu met lng. ada gamin agibagbaga nga ada
nalawa nga lote na but no fund. jy atok t ayan na dytoy sir. thankx sir,”.
Employment opportunities. The lists on this classification are merely about job
inquiries on the announced or unannounced in the program BSU on the Air such as
availability of jobs for Japan and other companies in our country like SANKO PLASTICS,
Philippines and Grolier International, Inc. that are related to agriculture. Some of the text
messages were also announcements of job opportunities locale and abroad.
Since Sir Kudan was the contact person of the companies offering jobs, he received
text messages asking requirement about the said job or confirmation and then he answers
the queries whether via reply on the cell phone number or live on air since he was
knowledgeable. An example of a text messages announcing a job opportunity was a
messages forwarded by Mr. Dominador Dongla to the anchorman on September 29, 2011
at 5:19 PM stated, “Gud pm. SANKO PLASTICS, Phil. is in need of a salesperson.
preferably any Agriculture/horti graduate, willing to be trained (with salary) in Manila for
about 6 months. Please email ur resume to: pls pass”.
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Environmental concerns. The lists on this classification are about inquiries on the
proper care of our environment and concerned on the living things that were beneficial to
mankind such as reforestation and care for water sources.
An example was a text message received on December 29,2011 at 10:30 AM, “Sir
no polluted jay soil gapu basura affected jay danum nga aggapu ijay soil(ubbog), no
mamulaan t kau kadi k8 absorbenna jay kmicals nga nangpollute ijay soil agraman jay
Health. The text messages under this classification were all about herbal medicines
and the illnesses they cure like guyabano as an anti-cancer power, what were the treatments
for illnesses like cyst, insomnia, heart ailment and myoma; nutrition of children; what to
eat and the contents of honey. An example was a text message received February 4, 2011
at 5:50 AM that asked, “Gd. am sir ania ti contents daytoy haney? kasla puro met nga
sugar? awan kadi dakes na no daily nga mangan ditoy? ta ado gamin ditoy kada. Thank
you sir. from Cada farmer.” The result of the study was corroborated by the study of Catano
(2010) which stated that other listener’ information needs of farmers in Tinoc, ifugao needs
information on health, nutrition and herbal medicines.

Public Service Announcements. The text messages received qualified under this
classification are public service announcements on lost and found things, deaths and
burials, meetings and classes’ suspension of public and private schools during typhoons in
Benguet. An example was a text message received May 30, 2011 at 1:20 PM which said,
“hALO. SIR. ada lost n found nga wallet containing d ff: ID Cards, SSS, BIR, SR.
CITIZEN, Phil health, daytoy ket nagan ni Virginia Salinas nga taga #20 A Atab Marcos
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

hiway . Ada naenayun nga senior citizen ID ni Carolyn A. Pulas nga taga Camp 7 Kennon
Rd, B.City. Alaen da jay dispatser ti labey caponga.lakandula street. T.y.”
Acknowledgments, Appreciations and Encouragements. The text messages
received under the Acknowledgments were about the expressed special thanks, warm
greetings and dedications to the anchorman and to the program who contributed benefits
to farmers on agriculture and spiritual knowledge. An example was a text messages
received August 23, 2011 at 5:53 AM which said, “Gud am po sir, maayatan kami t anus
u nga aghost t BSU on air…adu ti maadal me haan lang nga agriculture no ketde pati na
spirituan,,ituloy u kadi sir..ta kina agpayso na ket dayta programam t ab abangan me.. no
kunam a nabayayagen, ada mt t sumarsaruno a agdengngeg..nxt generation ba..isunga
agyaman kame t anus u sir.”
The text messages received under Appreciations were expressing their sincere
positive reception to the program and recognition of the program-host value like in this
example of text messages received August 31, 2011 at 7:00 AM, “Helu good morning sir,
Jalen Pasiteng daytoy of balakbak kabayan. Adu naadal ku iti boses iti farmer idi ken
nangmangruna ti bsu on the air ta edi nag anakak ngem daksanggasat ta awan meten,
ket ti nagliwliwa kaniak ket ti nutrition month bulan ti July idi enlecture da ti about why
premature baby occurs. Ket enggana tatta adu maad adal ku ket dakkel a makatulong met
iti farm me ken apply ku met backyard farm ku. Thank very much sir.”
Also the text messages received from the Encouragements were about giving
support to the program to continue like the text message received on received August 25,
2011 at 5:56 AM, “Gd am sir, itoltoloy u t program nga BSU ON D AIR ta dakkel man t
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

maitoltolong na nangruna kdkmi nga naisulsulinik adau t syudad, saan laeng nga panag
garden ti maitoltolong u no dket pati py naispirituan nga adal.”

Others. Lastly, other include the rude and malicious text messages that were
offensive to the anchorman, it also include text messages that are program-related but not
under any of the previous classifications. An example is received on December 19, 2011
at 4:33 AM which said, “yan adikan yumamyam adi,aysamu,cnu ka od wat kami pay
mandamdamagyan,mu adam layden d mansungbat ya maga d anus mo isaldeng mo 8 san
panankalkalim sin radyo".

Combination of topics. The text messages received under this were combination of
the previous classifications. An example is a text message received on September 13, 2011
at 1:51 PM which was a combination of encouragement and inquiry about what to spray
on the plant, “sir, itultuloy u jay programa. Damag ko man nu enya ibombak ejay mulak
nga patatas.”

Languages Used in the Text Messages
Table 3 shows the frequency of the languages used in the text messages received
for the year 2011. The table shows that in twelve months, majority (76.40%) of the text
messages received used multilingual, less than half (17.35%) were Highland Ilocano,
3.65% were Kankana-ey, 2.16% were English, and 0.45% were Filipino.
In the study, the multilingual text messages were composed of any of the English,
Filipino, Ibaloy, Highland Ilocano and Kankana-ey.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

An example of a text message received was on July 8, 2011 at 7:21 AM used
multilingual, “.,.gud morning sir…i am a student from UC conducting feasibility study
related to organic farming.,. Sir adda ba vacant time mu this day ta apanak agdamag nu
kas anu nga ag aramid ti gren house., tnx sir!” In this message, it is a mixture of English
and Ilocano. This could be explained due to the fact that our region has high literacy rate
of 89.2 according to the 2008 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey (See,
2010), wherein we could say that even our farmer-listener-texters among others had the
knowledge in the common languages used in the region.

Also, the Ibaloy language was observed to have the least appearance; it does not
appear in the list of languages, however, it appeared in the multilingual classification.
In the table, there were only six text messages received that used pure Filipino. It
shows that most of the listener-texters preferred to use the vernacular language than the
national language and that they prefer to use straight English.
It also shows in the table that there is a significant difference in the use of Ilocano
and English. As observed, many of the inhabitants in the region also speak Highland
Ilocano though it is not their mother tongue.

Text Messages Treatment in Terms of
the Nature of Text Messages

Table 4 shows the results of the nature of the text messages of the listener-texters.
It was categorized into which the interest of the messages was directed or the intention of
the sender such as: asking questions, giving information, commenting and giving

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

Majority (76.40%) of the text messages were Asking Questions. This were marked
by the words or phrases that inquires such as “damagek man, mabalin maamuan and anya
kadi”. This shows that most of the texters were interested to know about agriculture,
religion and values, and the concerns of Benguet State University.
The result also supported the result of the objective number two which showed that
most of the questions of the text messages were about general agriculture which is an aim
of the program, to disseminate viable agricultural information to the famers.
An example of a text message on this nature of message about agriculture was
received on March 11, 2011 at 5:28 AM which said, “Gud am apO, damag lang man nu
mayat ngata nga ikiwar jay naferment nga sunflower i jay abot nga pagmulaan? kasla
saying gmin nu ibelleng lang. tnx Godbles. Mabujay ka!”. Another text message which
was about the BSU qualifying entrance examination was received on February 11, 2011 at
8:30 AM which said “Good pm! Sir when can we know the result of our college entrance
test there at BSU? Can we reapply if we didn’t pass the first test? Thanks frm Tinoc”.
The text messages that were giving information (9.08%) were text messages
received that shares information only without any intention of asking question, suggesting
and commenting. An example of a text message representing this nature of message is the
Public Service Announcement on death and burial like the text messages received on May
21, 2011 at 5:03 AM which said, “to all friends and relatives of mr. felix lid-ayan,
maepaammu nga esu na ket pinmusay idi rabii may 20, 2011 @ 11 o’clock pm, ti bangkay
na ket asa sa diay tableo, badeo, kibungan, benguet. ti pamunpuna ket saan pay a
napagnunumwan. ti nagpadamag, marscial guidao-en, anak ti pinmusay. paki announce
man sir jay radyo.” Also, a text message giving information for the students enrolling at
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

BSU was received from the Administration office that said, “Kindly advise those asking
sched 2 refer 2 deans office”.
Text messages that were combination of any of the four (8.04%) were text messages
that ask question and give information, make comment and give suggestion, ask question
and make comment, and give information and give suggestion. These were mixture of
agriculture and education, agriculture and encouragement, and others. An example was a
text message received on April 1, 2011 at 5:55 AM which was a combination of a text
message that ask question about agriculture and gives suggestion, “Halu sir, damag ku man
apy ngata nga agkolor violate jy toktok t repolyo nu bombak t tamaron. Amposongan
farmer na. Pakisungbat u kud cn lunes i cn program u sa radio, Salamat. ” Another
example of a text message that asked question about agriculture and commented on the
program for its help was received on January 6, 2011 at 6:49 AM which stated,
“Goodmrning. Sir adda baa mom nga dolsin t variety na nga pepper? Myat kano n talaga
a dyay t osto a ngan na. ta epadas ko man t talo a kelase nga emula. Carot ken rpolyo frm
tinoc. Han ka gayam maom oma kadi gpo dyay madi a txt da. Salamat ado t naetulong mo
kadakami .
Text messages that are commenting (4.02%) were text messages received that gives
and expresses comment towards the program, anchorman and the rude text messages of
other texters. These also express sympathy to the program and anchorman. A comment on
the program time of airing was observed on this text messages that was received on April
1, 2011 at 5:39 PM which said, “Halu bsit nga lakay nga kunam no e alis mo ti oras ti
programam olas ti malem tap no mangeg mi ti voses mm ta no agsapa gamin masapa kami
mapan garden sunga han mi mangeg ti daduma nga answrs m gamin myat ti bigat nga
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

masapa jay garden masapa kami agawid no malem nga pagconcintritan t voses mo”.
Another commented about the age of studying for employment that was discussed on the
program was received on April 15, 2011 at 5:52 AM which said, “Awan no lakay ka nga
malpas san ka nga ma hire ta ada hiring age tadta sunga san agbalin dayta kunam nga
eskwe eskwela”.
Text messages that are giving suggestion (2.46%) were text messages received that
were suggesting that the anchorman and the program to continue, verses to be shared on
air and what topics to be discussed on air. The suggestions were the bases of the anchorman
on what topic he was discussing on air. An example of a text message representing
suggesting that the program should continue was received on August 25, 2011 at 5:56 AM
which said, “Gd am sir, itoltoloy u t program nga BSU ON D AIR ta dakkel man t
maitoltolong na nangruna kdkmi nga naisulsulinik adau t syudad, saan laeng nga panag
garden ti maitoltolong u no dket pati py naispirituan nga adal.” A text message that
suggested a topic to be discussed on air was received on May 21, 2011 at 3:23 PM which
stated, “Sir mayat ay masdem u no mabalin kod yan pakibagam cin program mo lunes 15
minutes to 6 mo entoy iyat mangkaan cinan puraw ay mantatayaw punenda payak d sayote
kikitoy mantaytayawda pure ay puraw da”.
It implies that most of the 1, 343 text messages received by the program were asking
questions about agriculture.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages



This study on the Content Analysis of BSU on the Air Listeners' Text Messages
analyzed the text messages of the listener-texters to the program. It determined the
frequency of the messages in a day and classified these text messages. It also determined
the languages used in the text messages, analyzed the treatment of the messages and
compiled the text messages.

Content analysis was used in gathering the information from the one year
compilation which was the subject of the study from January to December 2011. The
contents were analyzed and identified accordingly thru coding sheets. The study was
conducted from December 2011 to March 2012. The data gathered were analyzed, tallied
and interpreted using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentage and

The subject of the study was the one year (January to December 2011) text
messages compilation of the BSU on the Air program, an extension program of the Benguet
State University. The anchorman of the program has received 1,343 program-related text
messages from 1,343 cell phone numbers as well as of the follow-ups of the texters whole
year round. The text messages came from the farmer-listeners, students, BSU teaching and
non-teaching staffs, and colleagues. There were 64 hours and 45 minutes completed in the
259 AM airtime slots (15 minutes each) for the whole year from Monday to Saturday every
Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages

The frequency of SMS received ranges from two to five in a day. The range varies
due to the fact that there were different ranges of text messages being received in a month
or in a day.

The different classification of the text messages were as follows: General
Agriculture, Religion and Values, BSU concerns, Employment opportunities,
Environmental concerns, Health, Acknowledgement, Appreciation and Encouragement,
Public Service announcements (PSA), Combination and Others. Majority of the text
messages were about General Agriculture. Majority of the text messages received were
multilingual and were asking questions.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were derived:
Listeners of radio program actively participate in agriculture
discussions through text messages.
Radio program hosts receive text messages regarding the program
from listeners as long as the line of communication is open.
Most of the text messages sent to radio programs were asking
questions on agriculture-related topics.
Text messages sent to agricultural radio programs were constructed
using multi-language.
Text messages received were a combination of asking questions,
giving information, making comments, and giving suggestions.

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages


From the results and conclusions, the following are recommended:
The BSU on the Air program should continue the airing of the
program to cater to the information needs of the listener-texters.
The communication line of the host should be kept open to
continually receive messages from listeners.
The anchorman who keeps tab of the list of text messages received
in a month should have a separate cell phone number for personal messages. This
is to have an accurate record of the real count of the text messages received that are
More studies on the text messages received by the anchorman from
the time the program anchorman started receiving inquiries, comments and

Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages


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Content Analysis of BSU On the Air Listeners Feedback Through Text Messages