BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013. Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank
and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in La Trinidad, Benguet. Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Jovita M. Sim, MSc.


This study was conducted to determine the work attitudes (cognitive, affective, and
behavioral) of rank and file employees; and the level of work performance as affected by
work attitudes. Employees from 6 cooperatives located in the four barangays of La
Trinidad served as respondents of the study.
Majority of the respondents strongly agreed that they know the objective of their
task and the department where they are assigned, that excellent job performance is given
due recognition, carried out their work as to what is expected of them as employee and they
get enough feedback from performance appraisal or fair performance evaluation from
supervisors and believed that their work is important to the organization.

As to the level of personal, social and leadership qualities, majority of the
respondents believed that they had the following qualities such as cheerful, understanding
and had a good sense of humor, performing leadership role in a given assignment or task,
performance on initiative, resourcefulness, innovative minds, and performing leadership
role in a given assignment or task.
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Majority of the respondents rating on their work performance as good in submission
of reports with least mistake, can cope with problems maturely and effectively always on
time in submitting report, working as team player, openness to opinion of others, accept
task even if it is difficult and willing to learn and believed that they play an important role
towards the realization of cooperative’s success. Majority of the respondents rated
themselves as excellent on their commitment to the cooperative, its people and its purpose.
Only a few gave satisfactory rating for themselves as to their work performance. The
performance of employees including loyalty will depend on the management of the

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013



John Ruskin said, “The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for
it, but what they become by it.” This quote from John Ruskin is absolutely true since it’s
our attitude that matters most that determines our self actualization in whatever endeavor
we are doing.
As a starting point for understanding the work attitude and work performance of
employees, management staff must treat people as individuals, make use of each worker’s
abilities, and provide for job satisfaction, plan and work together. It is also important to
note that every worker shall possess a proper balance of three elements these are the skill,
knowledge and proper attitudes. These three elements are also imperative in a cooperative
set up in proper proportions in varying jobs.

Furthermore, the need to develop a positive attitude towards work is important for
every employee. Apodaca (1997), stated that proper attitudes need to be developed by
concentrating on weaknesses an individual has. Your attitude can be shown in your work.
If you dislike your work, the people you work with, etc., will show in the quality of work
you do. The improper attitude possessed on the job may also reflect on your social life and
the friends you have. People may prefer to stay clear of you because of your attitude. I say
it will also happen to clients whom employees will be dealing with everyday.

For that reason, the mission of management is to encourage and preserve the
interests and expectations of its employees to work willingly and enthusiastically towards
the realization of the cooperative’s goal, vision, and mission. Investment in the workforce
should be maximized to ensure returns and ensure a quality tomorrow of the cooperative.
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

If they are left wandering in a fuzzy land, there will be tendencies that they will be working
poorly and reluctantly.

With much anticipation, the study focused about the work attitudes and work
performance of rank-and-file employees of selected cooperatives in La Trinidad, Benguet.
It would to find out what causes a good work performance and bad performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine and analyze the relationship of work attitudes and
performance of Rank and File employees of selected cooperatives in La Trinidad, Benguet.

Specifically, it aimed to seek the answer to the following questions:
1. What are the socio-demographic characteristics (age, civil status, and
educational attainment) of rank and file employees?
2. What are the work attitudes (cognitive, affective, and behavioral) of rank and
file employees?
3. What are the levels of work performance of rank and file employees?

Objectives of the Study

This study had the following objectives:

1. Determine the socio-demographic profile of rank and file employees affecting
work attitudes and work performance;
2. Determine the work attitudes (cognitive, affective, and behavioral) of rank and
file employees; and,
3. Determine the level of work performance as affected by work attitudes.
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Importance of the Study

This topic is chosen by the researcher, “Work Attitudes and Work Performance of
Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in La Trinidad, Benguet”, in order to
acquire better understanding of a cooperative work environment.

The positive aspects of interpersonal relations, good work attitudes, personal and
social leadership worth emulating may likewise be learned and the negative aspects can be
known so that they may likewise be learned and the negative aspects can be known so that
they may no longer be practiced.

The positive aspects of interpersonal relations, good work attitudes, personal and
social leadership worth emulating may likewise be learned and absorbed while the negative
aspects may be also discovered and exuded so that they may no longer be put into practiced.

The researcher should also try to come up with monitoring that will entail
employees’ skills in their own areas of interests, areas where employees’ need to improve
and immediate actions to be taken by the management. Meetings where there is an open
communication should be an avenue for a systematic dialogue among everyone where from
there they will try to make revisions on work attitudes.

Therefore, the researcher has taken it upon himself to do a study that will articulate
the entire work attitudes and work performance of rank and file employees of selected
cooperatives in La Trinidad, Benguet. So that everyone would have a better understanding
about work in a cooperative setting.

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The study dealt with the determination of the relationship of work attitudes of rank
and file employees and their work performance. It dealt with three aspects such as the
cognitive work attitudes, affective work attitudes, and the behavioral work attitudes.
Respondents of the study were the rank and file employees, not included as respondents of
the study were the managers and Board of Directors (BOD’s).
The result of the study would not guarantee that it could be applicable to other cooperatives.
Rather it could serve as a gate way for the conduct of a deeper and thorough analysis on
the study.

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013


This chapter contains the literatures which manifest relevant facts and various
information from articles, studies conducted, and other sources considered relevant to the

Acosta (2003), in her study “Work attitudes and performance of AMA Faculty and
Staff” found out that attitude affects performance. Cognitive and Behavioral attitudes are
related to performance while affective attitudes are not, since affective attitudes are
statistically difficult to determine. Also, socio-demographic characteristics are related to
work attitudes and performance patterns.

Personnel Profile as Affected by Work
Age. A study on the competence and job performance among BENECO lineman conducted
by Flores (1994) revealed that lineman who is at younger age showed more competence
and efficiency in the performance of their job.
Educational attainment. Studies of Wellmaker(1995), and Hamshari (1986), also claim that
there is no significant between job satisfaction and educational attainment.
Length of service. Wahayna (2003) inferred from her study that the degree of satisfaction
increase as an employee stays longer in his her profession.
Trainings and education. The mother and family multi-purpose cooperative (MOFAMCO)
based in the city of Baguio in its silver jubilee year, unveiled the continuous informal
education, provision of service based on needs. (MOFAMCO magazine, April 2010)
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Job efficiency. A master thesis of Oflear and Romero (2001), entitled organizational
performance of the office of the provincial engineering of Albay necessitate the review of
the employee responsibility and employee compensation and benefits in planning for the
improvement in the degree of work efficiency of employee towards the improvement of
the organizational performance.

Definition of Terms

Rank and file employees. Individuals occupying non managerial and non executive
positions in the cooperative.

Work attitude. Refers to how one feels about his work and his approach towards
his work.

Work performance. Relates on how one does his work and how he gets it done.

Cognitive work attitude. One’s choice of action done consciously

Affective work attitude. One’s emotions or feelings towards his work.

Behavioral work attitude. One’s actions towards his work which is the tangible
part of it.

Age. This indicates how young or old a person is, and it is expressed in years as
indicated in the age bracket of the respondents that may have effect on work attitude and
work performance.

Civil status. This indicates whether the respondent is single, married, widow, and

Educational attainment. This indicates the accomplishment or achievement of the
respondents in terms of education.
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework of this study is shown through a diagrammatic presentation in
Figure 1. This study tried to test if work attitudes are related to work performance. The
diagram consists of two major components namely: work attitudes with three components:
(cognitive, affective and behavioral); performance pattern includes the following aspects;
work competencies, personal traits, social qualities. The cognitive are the reasons for the
attitude; the affective are the emotional feelings that results from beliefs and the behavioral
components are the tendencies to act in a particular way in response to feeling.

The conceptual framework of the study also considers the impact of socio-
demographic aspects affecting attitudes and performance such are the age, civil status,
educational attainment.




Productivity .


Experience and

Quality of
-Civil status

- Personal traits
and GMRC

-social qualities
-quality of



Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the study

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted within the first class municipality of Benguet - La
Trinidad, comprising of 16 barangays. However, the area of study was only within its 4
barangays of Alapang, Balili, Buyagan, and Pico. It included the following cooperatives:
1) Barangay Alapang Multi-purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO), 2) Coop Bank of Benguet
Employees and Friends Credit Cooperative (CBBEFMPC), 3) Benguet State University-
Multipurpose Cooperative (BSU MPC), 4) Buyagan Operators and Drivers Association
Multipurpose Cooperative (BODA MPC), 5) Drivers Operators Employees Residents and
other Sectors Multipurpose Cooperative (DOERS MPC), and (6) Baguio Tomay Jeepney
Operators and Drivers Association Multipurpose Cooperative (BATJODA MPC).

This study was conducted from November to December 2012.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the rank and file employees of the selected
cooperatives within La Trinidad. The representatives of each selected cooperatives were
the bookkeeper, cashier, collector, and the general services personnel.

Data Gathering Procedure

The research was conducted with the use of structured survey questionnaire to
answer the research problems raised.

A structured questionnaire was the core tool in gathering relevant data needed in
this study.

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Data Gathered
The data gathered were the social-demographic profile of the respondents, employee
attitudes, and the personal and social qualities of the respondents.

Data Analysis

The data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and frequency analysis.

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013


Profile of Respondents

Table 1 presents the profile of the respondents as to their age, gender, civil status,
educational attainment, position in the cooperative and employment status.

Age. Fifty percent of the respondents were aged 26-35 years old, 20.59% were
aged 36-45 years old and 17.65% were 15-25 years old. The other respondents were 46
years and older. Result implies that most of the respondents were young.

Gender. There were more male respondents indicating that more male (61.76%)
were in the rank and file employees in the cooperatives being studied. This maybe because
three of the cooperative being studied were operators and drivers associated which the male
are more knowledgeable with this kind of business, or maybe work is more fitted for male.
Though, there were also 38.24% who were females mostly employed in multipurpose

Civil status. Half (50%) of the respondents were married, 38.24% were single and
8.82% were widow.

Educational attainment. Most (85.29%) of the respondents were college graduate
as this is the requirement for the position they are holding. One has finished a Master’s
degree and there were 4 or 11.76% were high school. Result implies that the employees of
the cooperative have finished a college degree to qualify for the position they are holding
in the cooperative.

Position. Position of the respondents were the following; loan officer (8 or
23.53%), 7 or 20.59% were tellers, 6 or 17.65% were bookkeeper, and 4 or 11.76% were
accountants. Other respondents were sales clerk, loan collector, teller and treasurer.
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Number of years in the position. There were 14 or 41.18% of the respondents who
were holding their position for 1-3 years which mean they are still new in their position.
There were 10 who have been holding their position for 4 to six years, 6 or 17.65% were
holding position for less than a year, and the others were holding their position for 7 years
and higher.

Employment status. Majority (73.53%) were regular employees and only nine
(26.47%) of the respondents were contractual.

Table 1. Profile of the respondents


Civil status


Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Table 1. Continued…
Educational attainment

High school
Master’s degree

Sales clerk
Loan collector
Loan officer
Number of years in position

Less than 1 year
1-3 years
4 years - 6 years
7 years - 9 years
Above 10 years
Employment status


Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Level of Work Attitudes of Employees

Table 2 shows the level of work attitudes of employees in the cooperatives studied.
The respondents evaluated their self on the level of work attitudes based on statements
indicated. Evaluation rating used was the following: (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree,
(3) neutral, (4) agree and (5) strongly agree (frequency and percentages shown in Appendix
Table 1). Majority of the respondents strongly agreed (rating 5) that they know the
objective of their task and the department where they are assigned. Majority also strongly
agree that their work is important to the organization. As to how the employees should
carry out their work and what is expected of them as employee, and that excellent job
performance is given due recognition and same percentage agree that they get enough
feedback from performance appraisal (fair performance evaluation from supervisors)
majority of the respondents agreed.

On the overall description, result shows that as to the knowledge of the employees
on the objective of their task and the department where they are assigned and on the
importance of their work to the organization the respondents strongly agree with a weighted
mean rating of 4.53. For the other aspects on work attitudes, the respondents agree on the
following criteria like the goal set by the department are realistic and attainable;
understanding on how they should carry out their work and what is expected of it; there are
regular meetings for open communication, participation in setting goals within their
immediate work environment, the materials and equipment they need to do their job are
adequately supplied; enjoy in doing their job; excellent job performance is given due
recognition; standards for evaluating performance are clear; they get enough feedback from
performance appraisal; feedback from performance appraisal makes them understand their
strengths and weaknesses; promotion is done on the standards set by the company, rather
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

than on “pulling strings” or “palakasan”; there is reason for the difference in the way
employees are treated by the management; they have no complain regarding the reprimands
they get from their supervisor; employees don’t mind working overtime when needed; they
agreed that their job is challenging and physical environment is conducive for optimum
performance. Overall weighted mean rating is 4.15 which imply that they agree in all the
criteria and they are satisfied.

Table 2. Level of work attitude of employees
I know the objective of my task and my
Strongly agree

The goal set by my department are realistic and

I understand how I should carry my work and
what is expected of it

There are regular meetings for open
communication (clarification of task,
reminders, etc.)

I participate in setting goals within my
immediate work environment

The materials and equipment I need to do job
are adequately supplied

My work is important to the organization
Strongly agree

I enjoy doing my job

Excellent job performance is given due

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Table 2. Continued …
Standards for evaluating performance are clear

I get enough feedback from performance
appraisal (fair performance evaluation from

Feedback from my performance appraisal
makes me understand my strengths and

Promotion is done on the standards set by the
company, rather than on “pulling strings” or

There is no reason for the difference in the way
employees are treated by the management

I have no complaints regarding the reprimands
I get from my supervisor

I don’t mind working overtime when needed

My job is challenging

My physical environment is conducive for
optimum performance


Legend: SD (1) –Strongly disagree

4.51 and above – Strongly agree
D (2) - Disagree

3.51 – 4.50 - Agree
N (3) - Neutral

2.51 – 3.50 - Neutral
A (4) - Agree

1.51 - 2.50 - Disagree
SA (5) – Strongly agree

1.50 and below- Strongly disagree

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Level of Personal, Social and Leadership
Qualities of Employees

The respondents rated their level of personal, social and leadership qualities (Table
3) as employees of the cooperative. Ratings used were: (1) poor, (2) satisfactory, (3) good,
(4) very good and (5) outstanding (frequency shown in Appendix Table 2) Majority of the
respondents believed that they have the following qualities such as cheerful, understanding
and have a good sense of humor, thus, they rated their self as very good in terms of these
qualities. The respondents also rated their self as very good in terms of performing
leadership role in a given assignment or task. Furthermore, majority also rated their self
as very good in their performance on initiative, resourcefulness, and innovative minds.
Nobody rated their self-poor or satisfactory as to their personal, social and leadership
qualities. There was one respondents who mentioned that the reason for rating herself as
good because she just started her work in the cooperative and believe that she is able to
submit work asked for her on time.
Overall rating in all the aspects is very good with an average mean rating of 4.14.

Level of Work Performance of Employees

Table 4 shows the self-rating on the work performance of employees on their work
performance. Ratings used were: (1) dissatisfactory, (2) poor, (3) satisfactory, (4) good and
(5) excellent (frequency and percentages shown in Appendix Table 3). Nobody of the
respondents rated their work performance as dissatisfactory and some rated their self as
poor, but still majority of the respondents rated their work performance as good and few
excellent. For the one who rated herself poor indicated that there are times she felt so down
and sometimes she cheats and depend/delegate her work to others.
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Majority of the respondents rating on their work performance as good like in submission
of reports with least mistake with a mean rating of 4.0; can cope with problems maturely
and effectively with mean rating of 4.24, and always on time in submitting report with
mean rating of 4.0. Half of the respondents rated their work performance as good in
working as team player, openness to opinion of others, accept task even if it is difficult and
willing to learn and believed that they play an important role towards the realization of
cooperative’s success. Some reasons for rating self as good were; no complain/or
unpleasant comment received regarding report submitted especially appraisal report;
financial statement was produced anytime it is needed; and rated self-good because still
need to improve performance to meet the excellent rating.
Majority of the respondents rated their self as excellent (mean rating of 4.47) on their
commitment to the cooperative, its people and its purpose. These respondents rated their
self-excellent because they love their job and fully dedicate self to work for the
organization to become bigger and the most successful coop ever; excellent in a sense that
it reflected in the collection rate of due loans of members, understood what are being
explained to them of maximizing their benefits and services of the coop, satisfied with
their job and enjoy doing their task and being responsible doing their job. According to
them, the main asset and objective of the coop is excellent trust of a member /investor on
the best operation of the cooperative, thus, employee are highly motivated on this
responsibility on the progress of a cooperative.
There were some who gave a rating to their self as satisfactory to their work performance.
Overall, the respondents gave their self a rating of good as to their level of work
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Table 3. Level of personal, social and leadership qualities of employees
I am very cheerful, kind, understanding and have a
Very good
good sense of humor

I am patient, kind, understanding and sympathetic
Very good

I speak in a clear, pleasant and modulated voice
Very good

I am approachable, quick to sense need for
Very good
guidance and assistance

I perform leadership role in a given assignment or
Very good

I am well organized in doing things
Very good

I am open to suggestions and able to adjust in
Very good
varying situations

I use time profitably in relation to work
Very good

I am dependable and responsible
Very good

I have initiative , resourcefulness and innovative
Very good

Very good

Legend: P (1) – Poor

4.51 and above – Outstanding
S (2) – Satisfactory 3.51 – 4.50 – Very good
G (3) – Good

2.51 – 3.50 - Good

VG (4) – Very good

1.51 – 2.50 – Satisfactory
O (5) – Outstanding

1.50 and below – Poor

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

Table 4. Level of work performance of employees
Ensuring that every is in proper

I submit reports with least number of mistakes

My area of concern is grooming every staff so
that they become better resources

My area of concern is managing people as a

I contributed at least a portion of the coop’s

I am always on time in submitting reports

I am a team player

I am open to opinion of others

I am committed to the cooperative, its people
and its purpose

I have initiative, resourcefulness and innovative
mind and self confidence

I can cope with problems maturely and

I accept task even if it is difficult and willing to

I play an important role towards the realization
of coop’s success


Legend: D (1) – Dissatisfactory

4.51 and above – Excellent
P (2) - Poor

3.51 – 4.50 - Good
S (3) - Satisfactory

2.51 – 3.50 - Satisfactory
G(4) – Good

1.51 - 2.50 - Poor
E (5) – Excellent

1.50 and below- Dissatisfactory
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013



This study “Work Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees
of Selected Cooperatives in La Trinidad, Benguet” was conducted to: determine the socio-
demographic profile of rank and file employees affecting work attitudes and work
performance; determine the work attitudes (cognitive, affective, and behavioral) of rank
and file employees; and, determine the level of work performance as affected by work
The study was conducted in 6 cooperatives located in the four barangays of La Trinidad,
Benguet namely Alapang, Balili, Buyagan, and Pico. The cooperatives which is the subject
of this study are: 1) Barangay Alapang Multi-purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO), 2) Coop
Bank of Benguet Employees and Friends Credit Cooperative (CBBEFMPC), 3) Benguet
State University-Multipurpose Cooperative (BSU MPC), 4) Buyagan Operators and
Drivers Association Multipurpose Cooperative (BODA MPC), 5) Drivers Operators
Employees Residents and other Sectors Multipurpose Cooperative (DOERS MPC), and (6)
Baguio Tomay Jeepney Operators and Drivers Association Multipurpose Cooperative
(BATJODA MPC). The respondents of the study were the rank and file employees of the
above mentioned cooperatives. Respondents were the bookkeeper, cashier, collector, and
the general services personnel of the cooperatives.
Age of respondents ranged from 18 – 45 years old and fifty percent were aged 26 to 35
years old. Most of the respondents were young employees and holding the position for less
than a year to 3 years and few were 10 years and more on their position. Position of the
respondents are clerk, teller, accountant, bookkeeper and loan collector. Majority of the
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

respondents were male indicating that more male were employed in the cooperatives being
studied maybe because two of the cooperatives are in public utility vehicle operations or
business. Half of the respondents were married and some were single and others were
widow. Most of the respondents have finished college degree as this was the requirement
for the position they are holding, one had even finished master’s degree and the others were
high school graduate and these are the support staff usually as messenger and utility
worker. Majority were regular employees..
Majority of the respondents strongly agree that they know the objective of their task and
the department where they are assigned, that excellent job performance is given due
recognition, carry out their as to what is expected of them as employee and they get enough
feedback from performance appraisal or fair performance evaluation from supervisors.
Majority strongly agree that their work is important to the organization.

Result shows that as to the knowledge of the employees on the objective of their
task and the department where they are assigned and on the importance of their work to the
organization, the respondents strongly agree. On the other aspects on work attitudes, the
respondents agree on the following criteria like the goal set by the department are realistic
and attainable; there are regular meetings for open communication, participation in setting
goals within their immediate work environment, the materials and equipments they need
to do their job are adequately supplied; enjoy in doing their job; standards for evaluating
performance are clear; they get enough feedback from performance appraisal; feedback
from performance appraisal makes them understand their strengths and weaknesses;
promotion is done on the standards set by the company, rather than on “pulling strings” or
“palakasan”; there is reason for the difference in the way employees are treated by the
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

management; they have no complain regarding the reprimands they get from their
supervisor; employees don’t mind working overtime when needed; they agree that their
job is challenging and physical environment is conducive for optimum performance.

As to the level of personal, social and leadership qualities, majority of the
respondents believed that they have the following qualities such as cheerful, understanding
and have a good sense of humor, performing leadership role in a given assignment or task,
performance on initiative, resourcefulness, and innovative minds, and performing
leadership role in a given assignment or task.

Majority of the respondents rating on their work performance as good in submission
of reports with least mistake, can cope with problems maturely and effectively always on
time in submitting report, working as team player, openness to opinion of others, accept
task even if it is difficult and willing to learn and believed that they play an important role
towards the realization of cooperative’s success. Majority of the respondents rated their
self as excellent on their commitment to the cooperative, its people and its purpose. There
were some who gave a rating to their self as satisfactory to their work performance.


One of the factors that affects the behavior and efficiency of an employee is the
organization itself, the way they treat the employees like providing orientation and training
before they start with the work, maybe these are the factors that made the employees
efficient in the studied cooperative. On the level of work attitudes of employees, the
employees know or are aware and agree on the importance of their position and their work
Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013

in the cooperative. In all the criteria on work attitudes it can be concluded that the
employees understand their role or functions in the cooperative.

On the level of personal, social and leadership qualities, the employees believed
that they have the qualities and rated their self as good to outstanding, thus, can be
concluded that the respondents have the qualities of the position or job required to them.

On the work performance, the employees have commitment on the cooperative
including the people and purpose and therefore can conclude that their performance is good
or even excellent because of their love and loyalty to the organization.

Thus, the selection of employees for the position is probably efficient or
selection of employees matches the qualities required for the position, “right person for
the position”, plus benefits and the good treatment of organization to its employees will
make employees productive and have a good performance.


Based on the conclusions, it is therefore recommended that the cooperative studied
should maintain or continuously improve its management practices for personnel and for
other organizations to follow the strategy employed by these cooperatives.

Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013


ACOSTA, S.2003. A Descriptive Study of the Work Attitudes and Performance AMA
Computer College Faculty and Staff. Unpublished M.S. AMA Computer College, San
Fernando, La Union. P. 09.

DAVIES, B. and ELLISON, L. 1997. School Leadership for the 21st Century London:
Routleedge. Pp. 21-23.

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Attitudes and Work Performance of Rank and File Employees of Selected Cooperatives in
La Trinidad, Benguet | BAGAYAO, CLEVER C. APRIL 2013