CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012. Human Resource Development Program of
Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An Assessment. Benguet State University, La
Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Rashid B. Lokines


This study looked into the existing human resource development program
conducted by the different primary cooperatives in Atok, Benguet and the needs and
strategies to improve the HRD program.

From the 17 operational primary cooperatives there were 66 respondents, consisting
of thirty five (35) management staffs and officers and thirty one (31) members. Purposive
random sampling has been used in selecting the respondents. The data gathered were
analyzed and interpreted using percentage and descriptive analysis.

The results showed that a greater proportion of the respondents are 41 to 50 years
old, female and married. All of the respondents were able to attend formal education thus
they are literate enough to understand some operation of cooperative.

The respondents perceived that the cooperatives sometimes conduct human
resource development program and activities due to budget constraints. Counseling is also
fast becoming the disregarded among the different human resource development program.
According to the respondents they need more training, seminars and other development
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

It is therefore recommended, that the different primary cooperatives should review
existing guidelines and policies regarding human resource development program and
related activities for maximum implementation to enhance quality of performance and
career mobility of the employees and members. The cooperatives should sponsor seminar,
trainings, and orientation and should supports and assist the members and employees to
obtain advance educational attainment to improve organizational competence for effective
and efficient performance. The education of the management staff, officers and members
should be continuous because the members are the next officers of the organization.

The cooperatives should also provide counseling services and institutionalize career
guidance for all the staffs, officers and members that would address problems on stress and
other problems affecting the management staff.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012


Philippine cooperative code 2008, define cooperative as an autonomous and duly
registered association of persons with a common bond of interest who have voluntarily
joined together to achieve a lawful, common social or economic end and who contribute
equitably to the capital required and accept fair share of the risks and benefit of the
undertaking in accordance with universally accepted cooperative principles.

The success of a cooperative like any enterprise and large or small chiefly depends
on the ability and efficient of the persons in its role. According to Sison (1991), an efficient
organization does not only require proper selection but more on the effective training and
development of its employee. The employees talents could be potentials for development
unless fully utilized, they cannot contribute to increase productivity and quality service.
Fajardo and Abella (1991) stated that human resource is the most powerful tool on
development. In addition, according to Landicho-Evangelista et. al. (2008) as cited by
Paredes (2010), the maximum utilization of human resource is the main purpose of human
resource development.

The acquisition, utilization and development of financial, materials, technological
and market resources which may be exhaustible are dependent on human resources. It is
through the people that they can be both being harnessed and developed dissipated and
lost. Man does or undoes what exists; man creates or by passes opportunities and scenarios;
hence, people power is the most significant and potent factor of all the resources available
to an organization. An organization may start with zero funding, but with creative,
resources, hardworking and honest people, it becomes financially viable. On the other
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

hand, a plethora of financial and material resources in an organization may go down the
drain if handled by an incompetent and dishonest staff (Martires, 2004).
Furthermore, Codeo (2006) found that some cooperatives in Atok, Benguet also found
difficulty in recording due to lack of knowledge on bookkeeping, disorganized or in
appropriate filling, and low educational attainment, and training of members and officers,
inefficient leaders as well as non-implementing of policies.
Therefore this study was conducted to identify the needs and strategies to improve the
human resource development program of the primary cooperative in Atok, Benguet.

Importance of the Study

The result of this study can be a basis for the cooperative in improving human
resource development program and strategic planning for human resource development. It
serves also a reference to the future researchers, students as well as readers who want to
use the result of this study.

Statement of the Problem
The study aimed to answer the following questions:
1. What are the human resource development programs of the primary cooperatives in
Atok, Benguet?
2. What are the needs and strategies to improve the human resource development program
of the primary cooperatives in Atok, Benguet?
Objectives of the Study

1. To assess the human resource development program of the primary cooperatives
in Atok Benguet; and
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

2. To identify needs and strategies to improve the human resource development
program of the primary cooperatives in Atok, Benguet.

Scope and Delimitation

The research focused mainly on the assessment of the human resource development
program of the primary cooperatives in Atok Benguet.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012


Human Resource Management

Human resource management is the art and science of acquiring, motivating,
maintaining and developing people in their jobs in light of their personal, professional and
technical knowledge, skills, potentialities needs and values and in synchronization with the
organization philosophy resources and culture for the maximum achievement of individual,
organizations, and society’s goals. It deals only with people so that they managed the other
resources within their domain responsibility efficiently and effectively (Martires, 2004).

Human Resource Development Program

Human resource development is a function of management that registers traces and
insures individual progress through continued job proficiency, career growth and
individual guidance. Competencies are upgraded and expertise is developed in this
“broadening” phase of people management. Some traditionalists equate development with
training reflecting a limited concept of the term “development” others interchange human
resource development with human resource management (Martires, 2004).

Human resource development refers to all those educational, training, and
developmental activities conducted by an enterprise. These activities have definite
relationships to employee productivity. If human resource development activities are not
aimed at increasing the effectiveness of work, it is difficult to think of what other objectives
might justify the expenditures necessary for such activities. The sole purpose of HRD
activities is either to enhance the value of HR activities is either to enhance the value of so
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

human resource assets or to make the talents and skills of people more effective in
accomplishing enterprise objectives (Martires, 1988).

Monapa et. al. (1996) as cited by Paredes (2010) opened that the development of
human resource is closely associated with employee training which is improving skills and
or adding to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do
his present job to prepare him for higher position with increased responsibilities.

It is not enough that whatever knowledge and skills employees bring to their
organization when newly hired are fully utilized. They should acquire additional
capabilities for more responsibilities in their current and future positions. With assistance
from management training prepares them for any shift in work that maybe undertaken
within their organization or even outside (Martires, 2004).

Human resource development covers three programs namely: training/ education,
career planning, organizational development and counseling (Martires, 2004). These
programs and activities are done with an organization in order to improve the occupational
competence of the employee, performance of personal growth for the purpose of improving
the job, individual, and the organization (Gilley and England, 1989) as cited by (Dolipas,

Martires (1988) stated that training, career and counseling has a very important role
in the organization in spite of its cost, developed individuals are investments that can be
maximally utilized. Additional capabilities prepare workers for greater responsibilities.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Training and Development

Harvard Business Essentials (2002) stated that establishing the guidelines and
policies regarding training and development is needed to define the training and
development program. These guidelines answer pertinent questions such as: who is in
charge of the training program; who selects training and workshops recipient; what are the
criteria of selection; how are training needs assessed; and the like. Furthermore, formal
trainings, mentoring services, and special assignments are helpful to enhance the
productivity of the employee’s. Investing financially to training and development is an
essential step for the success of any training and development program for any organization
to undertake. Moreover, managements’ financial support is considered necessary from the
training needs assessment, actual implementation, and training performance evaluation.

Martires (2004) stated that training and development is useful in many ways to help
workers function more effectively in the job. Particularly, training focuses on teaching
organizational members how to perform their current jobs and helping them acquire the
knowledge and skills they need to be effective performers. Development on the other hands
focuses on building the knowledge and skills of organizational members so that they are
prepared to take on new responsibilities and challenges (Jones and Goerge, 2003). The
methods used in training and development include orientation, continuous orientation,
formal or informal training progress.

Onagan et. al. (1973) as cited by Bengawen (2007) stated that to upgrade the
success of the farmers’ cooperative, continuous education and training should be
implemented among members, holding of meeting regularly, frequent auditing and
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

implementing proper guidance for all members, also officers should be well oriented about
the cooperative and management.

Punzalan (1999) as cited by Bengawen (2007), found in his study that the failure of
a cooperative staff were among the common pitfalls which cause cooperative business

Importance of Training

Training increases the knowledge and understanding of cooperative members and
officers on the principles, practices, and purpose of cooperative. It will impart to the
employed personnel and volunteer workers of cooperative institutions, technical skills and
efficiency in handling their jobs. The nature of education and training activities are pre-
membership seminar, leadership training, and trainers training, but he/she had adequate
qualifications based on their training exposure in cooperative development and lastly the
management training especially bookkeeping, credit and social development and
supervisory (Villanueva, 1981).
Fajardo and Abella (1991) stated that lack of adequate character and moral responsibility
of management, inefficient management due to lack of basic understanding of the basic
principles of operations, borrowing money under false pretenses, defective securities,
heavy political interference with respect to collection of overdue loan, lack of adequate
safeguards against unprincipled officers who granted loans to themselves and their families
and friends, too much government financial assistance in proportion to the money of the
association, lack also of democratic procedure in the election of officers, particularly the
treasurer and lastly inadequate supervision, that’s why it is a need to maintain the training
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

and education principle of a cooperative business. These are some reasons why
cooperatives are dissolving.

Licudan (2003) stated that benefit of training can increase skills, ability, efficiency
and productivity of their staff and officers, that consider the most effective tools in business
and industry to bring out the best form of resources available that is the man, machine,
materials and method. It also keeps employees updated to new ideas.
Effectiveness of Training and Development
Dolipas, 2008 stated that effectiveness of training and development is beneficial to both
individual and organization. Companies that provide effective training gain the benefit of
workers who are well versed in current standards and individual employees maintain their
“employality”, and in some cases, advance to higher level. Training does not only develop
the technical skill but also their team work skills and communication networks.
Chruden and Sherman (1984) further added that its generally been found that the benefits
of training will far exceed the costs where the objectives to be met by training programs
are clearly defined, and where the most suitable instructional techniques are used and
where trainer motivation is high. Increase productivity and ability of the trainers to assume
more responsible roles in the organization are the major benefits.
Furthermore, training is also useful in team environment because it helps develop
communication, team management and functioning, leadership, and personality. The
effectiveness of training is measured in terms of the application of what the learners have
acquired during the training course (Sison, 1991).

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Career Development (CD)

Career development according to Chruden and Sherman (1981) as cited by Azansa
(2000) has been established in many organizations to enable employees to meet their needs
for personal growth and development with the needs of organization. It is a process in
which the employee career is planned, guided, and developed so that he/she may be derived
outmost personal benefits and satisfaction from employment by being able to make use of
his or her potentials, skills, and talents.

Career development includes career planning and management. Career planning
encourages employees to accept ownership of and responsibility for their own growth
while career management requires organization to provide the sources necessary for the
success of career development Gilley (2002) as cited by Dolipas (2008). Career planning
is the process by which the individual worker patterns and orchestrates his separates but
related work activities to prepare him together with the organization to take greater job and
personal responsibility for his future. He determines if the organization meets his
expectation or if these are aligned with those of the former. He introspects if he is willing
to blend both explanations. Therefore, career planning is the phase of human resources
management that sets up paths along with the individual moves and progresses over time
in the organization. The ultimate aim is to make individual accept responsibility for
whatever he achieves (Martires, 2004).

Career development is a very important aspect of a person’s life. The reason for this
is that only when a person is able to develop the career will there be reward and benefits
such as it reduce attrition of employees; provides equal employment opportunity; improves
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

the use of the employees, quality of the work life of employee, the organization itself and
increase the skill of employees (Justin, 2010).

Effectiveness of Career Development

Career development mostly benefits the individual employees. The concern of
Career development is the quality of work life of an employee with emphasis on self-
actualization or doing work that is self-fulfilling (Chruden and Sherman, 1984).

Dolipas (2008) state that with the help of the organization, the employees must have
a clear understanding as to the goals of the organization because any career planning done
by the employee within the organization would be useless if it does not fit those of the
organizations. Increasing the responsibility of the employee with appropriate training is
job progression with skill improvement. It is a partnership between the employees and the
organization because as the organization provides training opportunities the employee must
also take it upon themselves to learn new materials. Moving talented and dedicated
employees to higher responsibility and performance is another possible solution to
problems on career development.
Career development however, creates a strong “bench” of people who will one day lead
the company as technicians, proof essentials, managers, and senior executives.
Furthermore, a reputation for career development can make the company attractive to
potential recruits who are serious about building their careers (Harvard Business Essentials,
2002). The process of career planning is likewise important to the management as means
of increasing productivity, improving employees, attitudes towards work, and developing
worker satisfaction.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Organizational Development (OD)

Organizational development includes a series of change processed directed toward
individuals, group or entire organization. These programs are directed toward the behavior
of individuals or group, focusing on changes in attitudes, behavior and interactional
patterns to increase problem solving ability, and the structure of the organization, aimed at
charging tasks, structure relationships and other managerial practices and at improving
organizational effectiveness (Dolipas, 2008).

Sison (1991) introduced several organizational development interventions aimed at
changing beliefs, attitudes, values and structure to allow the organization to adopt better to
new technologies and new challenges to increase organizational effectiveness. It increase
the level of trust and support among organizational members and the incidence of
confrontation or organizational problems both within groups and among groups, in contrast
to sweeping problems under the rag; create an environment in which authority of assigned
role is augmented by authority based on knowledge and skills; increase the openness of
communications laterally, vertically, and diagonally; increase the level of personal
enthusiasm and satisfaction in the organization; find synergistic solutions to problems with
greater frequency; and increase the level of self and group responsibility in planning and


Is the person-to-person relationship between a professional guide and client in
which the former helps the latter solve his own problem, carried out in a one-to-one and
mostly face-to-face relationship and not through a hired party using other communication
media. The professional guide is the counselor or psychologist either employed in the
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

organization or in a counseling center in the community. The client is the employee who
has a problem and who is assisted to find a solution to his problem (Martires, 2004).

The purpose of counseling is the provision to the individual employee the
opportunity to talk freely about self, worries, hopes, desire, and experience to someone
who is skilled in assisting the individual. Miranda and Miranda (1982) as cited by (Dolipas,
2008) summarized the importance of counseling both to the individual and organization.
The employee counseling: a) represents a manifestation and concrete evidence of the
company’s interest. To the employee as an individual and as a worker; b) it is a venue
where pent-up emotions are released just as nervous tensions are released; c) the individual
is assisted in expressing his thoughts and thus established effective communication
between employee and company; d) it provides the individual an opportunity to understand
its role in the collective effort as part and parcel of the organization and lastly it makes
him/her aware that he/she has rights and obligation as well.
Effectiveness of Counseling
Boyatzis and Burrus, as cited by Dolipas (2008), HRD depends on counseling from the
formal training programs of performance appraisal system to the informal talks within the
organization. Counseling serves as a catalyst for implementation. It is often an essential
programmatic component on development training; mentoring or coaching activities;
making assessment and feedback reports; giving employee’s assistance; making career
planning programs; having performance appraisal; career patching/ succession planning;
providing incentive compensation and monitoring organization improvement. It could help
the other members of the organization feel empowered; provide and solicit accurate and
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

timely feedbacks; stimulates and provoke conversation about new ideas, innovations
improvements and development.
Miranda and Miranda (1982) mentioned that counseling is important therefore, because it
could benefit the company in such a way that; a) it helps dissipate many complaints and
grievances before they developed into serious labor troubles; b) it helps smooth out friction
and antagonism that may exist among the workers themselves and thus foster a better
relationships among them; c) it strengthens the relationship between supervisors and
employees by removing imagined fears and doubts that impair good relations with each
other; d) it could help in rehabilitating problem cases; e) it could help in reducing fast labor
turnover, absenteeism and sickness due to emotional disturbances; and f) it could provide
a better understanding of the objective and over-all functioning of the organization.

Results of Human Resource Development

Sison (1991) expressed that there are intangible benefits that a trainer acquires
which broadens his outlook in life through his contact with society at large, boost his
morale and motivation towards his works, and develop his pride to belong to his
organization. This is including identifiable units such as improved psychomotor skills,
knowledge and information gained and specific behavior patterns. It would be said that in
order to be effective a person must have both ability and motivation to perform well.
Previous training and technical competences seem to contribute to more effective and
efficient performance.
Codeo (2006) also added that the problem related to the implementation of HRD programs
of the cooperative that were rated as serious were; lack of human resource seminar of
officers and staff, lack of properly trained cooperative educators, and lack of budget for
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

training. The cooperative allocated portion of their net surplus as CETF but it is usually
not enough.

Factors of Success
Fajardo and Abella (1999) mentioned several factors that have been contributing to the
success of cooperatives in the past. The following factors were based on a survey of
successful cooperatives in the Philippines. Continuous training and education of the
officers, members, and employees; appropriate and adequate organizational structures to
cope with the varying and increasing needs of the cooperative members and the
community; progressive and people oriented policies on services offered education,
management, community development; presence of effective, honest, and dedicated
cooperative and community leaders; active involvement and participation of the officers
and members in the affairs of their cooperatives and their community; trust and confidence
in the cooperative’s officers; dependence on self-help process in achieving their programs
and projects.
Conceptual Framework

There are several factors that affect human resource development program, among
these include the persons involve, particularly the officers, staff and members; second is
the human resource development program like education, training, counseling, career
development, organizational development and other development activities attended and
conducted by the cooperative whether these are needed by the officers, staffs and members
or not; third is the needs and strategies to improve the human resource development
programs of the cooperative.
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

The persons involved, specifically the officers, management staff and members
have different needs and have different points of interest.

The impacts of human resource development programs to the officers, and staff
enhance their creativity, more active and more innovative. It increases the skills, ability,
efficiency and productivity of their staff and officers.

Expected Outcome
Assessment on the
Assessed needs

HRD program of
and strategies to
Strategies to
the cooperative as

improve the
improve the
to the person
human resource
Human Resource
involve in terms of:
program of the
- Profile

- Age
- Sex

- Educational

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Definition of Terms

Primary cooperative- refers to
the cooperatives whose members are the individuals
or natural person.

Officers- refer to the Board of Directors, secretary, treasurer, education committee,
credit committee, supervisory committee and other committees of the cooperative.

Management staffs- refers to the managers, bookkeeper, accountants and other
employees of the cooperatives.

Members- are the general assembly or the owner of the cooperative.
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Human resource- refers to the officers, staffs and members.
Human resource development- refers to all those educational, training and developmental
activities conducted by the organizations.
Human resource development program- refers to the activities being used to upgrade
knowledge and skills and improve attitudes of the employees. It includes the training and
development, career development, organizational development and counseling.
Development- refers to the improvement and growth of the individual’s human attitudes
and personality traits.
Training and development- it is a process to developed or improved the attitude,
knowledge, skills and behavior for the adequate performance of individuals to the given
job or task.
Career development- refers to the activities provided by the cooperatives in by which
individuals career is planned, guided and developed.
Organizational development- refers to the activities provided and planned to improve the
Counseling- is a two-way communication process to assist the employees and members.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012


Locale and Time of the Study

The research was conducted among the different primary cooperatives in Atok,
Benguet. The data gathering was done from November to December 2011.

Respondents of the Study

The key respondents of the study are the officers, staffs and member of the different
primary cooperatives. From the 17 operational primary cooperatives there were 66
respondents, consisting of thirty five (35) officers and management staffs and thirty one
(31) members of the different cooperatives. Purposive random sampling has been used in
selecting the respondents.

Research Instrument
Data were collected through the use of survey questionnaires, follow up questions were
raised for clarification. The survey questionnaire was patterned after the study of Dolipas

Data Gathered
The data gathered were the human resource development program of the different primary
cooperatives and the needs and strategies to improve the human resource development

Data Analysis

The data collected were analyzed using frequency and descriptive analysis.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

The likert scale 1-5 was used to measure the perception of respondents on the existing
human resource development program and activities; the needs and possible strategies
recommended for improving the HRD program.
The human resource development program and activities provided by the cooperatives to
the respondents.
Numerical Value

Adjectival Descriptive
Not Often
More Often
The possible strategies recommended for improving the human resource development
program of the cooperatives.
Numerical Value

Adjectival Descriptive
Not Favorable
Slightly Favorable
Moderately Favorable
Highly Favorable

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012


Position Occupied by the Respondents.

Table 1 reveals that out of 66 respondents, 31 were members, 11 were Board of
Directors, another 11 or 17% composed of the following: manager, secretary, treasurer and
bookkeeper and 2 or 3.03% are occupied by the officers of the different committees. This
shows that a cooperative as an organization is compose of structures, represented by the
general assembly which is the highest or most in number.

Profile of the Respondents

The general profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, civil status,
educational attainment, source of income and number of years as members in the
cooperative were presented in table 2.

Age. Sixteen or 45.72% of the officer were within 41-50 years old, 22.86% were
within 31-40 years old, 17.13% were 51-60 years old and only 14.29% were within the
bracket of 20-30 years old.

Nine or 29.03% of the member respondents belonged to the 41-50 years old bracket,
8 or 25.81% belonged to the 51-60 and 20-30 years old bracket, 5 or 16.13% to the 31-40
years old, and only one or 3.23% to the 61 – 70 years old bracket.

This finding implies that the greater proportion of members and officers involved
in the cooperative were at 41-50 years old. The average age of the officers and staff is 41
years old while 40 years old is the average age of members.
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Gender. Majority (60%) of the officers and staffs were female and only 40% were male.
For the members, majority (51.67%) was female and 48.39% were male. This implies that
females are more interested or active in the cooperatives functions or activities than males.
Civil status. Most (77.14%) of the officers and staffs were married while 22.86% were
single. For members, most (83.87%) were married, 12.9% were still single, and 3.23%
were widow. This indicates that majority of the respondents were married.
Educational attainment. The data shows that 37.14% of the officers and staffs were college
graduate and high school graduate. 22.85% finished elementary; and only 2.85%, achieved
vocational course. For the members, 45.15% finished elementary; and the rest 25.81%
members were college and high school level. Findings show that all the respondents
attended formal education and are literate enough to understand the operation of

Source of income. As to the source of income of officers and staffs –respondents,
majority (70.97%) of them is farmers, 16.13% were businessman and 12.90% were
employed. Most (87 %) of the members were farmers, 6.45% members are employed, and
3.23% were laborers. The results show that most of the respondents depend on farming as
a source for their livelihood.
Number of years in the cooperative. The results shows that 17.14% of the officers and
staffs had been with the cooperative for 2-3 and 5-6 years while 14.29% serve the
cooperative for less than 2 years; 11.43% for 7-8 years and 2.86% for above 9 years.
For members 25.68% were involved in the cooperative for 2-3 years, 16.13% for 5-6
years, 12.9% above ten years, 9.68% less than 2 years and another 9.68% for 3-4 years and
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

6.45% are involved for 7-8 years. This findings show that a greater proportion of officers,
staff and members were neophytes in the position.
Table 1. Position of the respondents on the cooperative

Board of Directors

Table 2. General Profile of the Respondents
F %
F %


Mean Age


Civil status

Educational attainment
High School

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Table 2. Continued…
Source of income

Number of years in the cooperative
Less than 2
Above 10

Human Resource Development Programs and
Activities for Management Staffs
and officers

Table 3 reveals the frequency in training and development, career development,
organizational development and counseling according to the management staffs and

Training and Development

It reveals the total average of 3.302 have an equivalent description of “sometimes”.
This could mean that the cooperatives sometimes provide HRD program and activities to
the management staffs regarding training and development. The table revealed that two of
them were often conducted, new and regular employees are oriented to the work, policies,
and management of the organization and the cooperative sends off participants to seminars
and workshops sponsored by outside agencies and organization. According to Dolipas
(2008) orientation is beneficial to the employees because it provides new and regular
employees an understanding of how the quality of their job performance contributes to the
success of the organization. Sending participants of the cooperative to the seminars and
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

workshops is important to the development of the employees not only for gained
knowledge but also for experience of interaction with other organizations. This could
confirm Martires (2004) study that training and development is the most common HRD
program carried out.

On other hand, sometimes the cooperative sponsor’s seminars and training, and also
the cooperative use training manuals, books or details of job description to help them
perform a specific task or function, and supporting and assisting the employees to obtain
advance educational attainment.
Table 3. Human resource development program and activities according to officers and
management staffs
Weighted Mean Description
Training and Development
New and regular employees are oriented to the work,
policies, and management of the organization.
Sending off participants to seminars and workshops
sponsored by Outside agencies and organization.
The organization sponsors seminar and trainings.
The employees use training manuals, books or details of job
description to help them perform a specific task.

Supporting and assisting the employees to obtain advance
educational attainment.
Career Development

The management staff can plan their career path and direction
in the organization.
The management staff can match their career path to the goal
of the cooperative.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Table 3. Continued…
Placing employees in the right position or job.
Selecting potentials leader from the orientation.
There are interventions for employees to keep their career in
Not Often
Organizational Development

The goals and objectives of the organization are updated,
revised and made responsive to the need and demand of
Monitoring and assessing progress of implemented plan of
actions for development.
Considering possible causes and effects of the problems in
the organization.
Implements interventions to make changes in the
The cooperative has activities that surface in the
The organization…

Helps resolve problems that Affect their life at work.
Assists management staff in resolving employee’s
Provides Counseling on job related problem.
Offers personal counseling that deals with the moral,
religious and social affecting the management staff.
Sponsors workshops on stress management, conflict
Not Often
resolution, and mental health topics.



More Often- activity is constantly provided

Often- Activity is frequently provided

Sometimes- Activity is provided from time to time

Not Often- Activity is rarely provided

Never- Activity is not provided

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Career Development

The following activities on career development: planning the career path and
direction of the management staffs in the organization, matching their career path to the
goal of the cooperative, placing employees to the position or job and selecting potential
leaders from the orientation are sometimes being conducted. The table also shows that
interventions for employees to keep their career in perspective were not often being
provided. This implies that career development should be institutionalized by the
cooperatives because according to Justin (2010) career development is a very important
aspect of a person’s life. The reason for this is that only when a person is able to develop
the career will there be reward and benefits such as it reduce attrition of employees;
provides equal employment opportunity; improves the use of the employees, quality of the
work life of employee, the organization itself and increase the skill of employees.

Organizational Development

The table shows that the activities regarding organizational development such as
the goals and objectives are updated, revised and made responsive to the need and demand
of times; monitoring and assessing progress of implemented plan of actions; considering
possible causes and effects of the problems; implementing interventions to make changes
in the organization and the cooperative has activities that surfaces in the organization are
sometimes being conducted where in the cooperatives should locate the needs and change
within the organization.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

The table also shows that the cooperatives sometimes conduct the following activities on
counseling: helping resolves problems that affect the management staff assisting them in
resolving employee's disputes, providing counseling on job related problem, offering
personal counseling that deals with moral, religious, and social issues affecting the
management staff. On the other hand, the cooperatives do not often sponsor workshops on
stress management, conflict resolution and mental health topics. While counseling as
Burrus and Boyatzis (1995) as cited by Dolipas (2008) initially maintained is fast becoming
least priority in human resource development.

HRD Programs and Activities for Members
Table 4 displays the frequency of HRD Program and activities provided to members such
as training and development, organizational development and counseling program.

Training and Development
The table shows that the cooperatives sometimes sponsor seminars and trainings and sends
off members to seminars and workshops sponsored by outside agencies and organizations.
On the other hand, the cooperative often orient new and regular members on policies and
management of the organization through the PMES (pre-membership education seminar)
which is a requirement for membership. In addition the cooperative do not often support
and assist the members to obtain advance educational attainment due to budget constraints.
The table also implies that the cooperatives sometimes provide training program to the
members. The cooperative should provide continuous training and seminars to the
members because they will be the next officers and staff of the organization.
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Table 4. Human resource development program for members
Weighted Mean Description
Training and Development

New and regular members are oriented to the policies, and
management of the organization.
Sponsors seminars and trainings
Sends off participants to seminars and workshops sponsored
by outside agencies and organizations
Supports and assists the members to obtain advance
Not Often
educational attainment.
Organizational Development
The organization monitor and assess progress of implemented
plan of actions for development
The goals and objectives of the organization are updated,
revised and made responsive to the need and demand of
The cooperative has activities that surfaces problems in the

Considers possible causes and effects of the problems in the
Implements interventions to make changes in the
The organization…

Offers personal counseling that deals with the moral,
religious and social problems affecting the members.
Assists members in resolving member’s disputes.
Sponsors workshops on stress management, conflict
resolution, and mental health topics.
Provides counseling on job related problem.


More Often- activity is constantly provided

Often- Activity is frequently provided

Sometimes- Activity is provided from time to time

Not Often- Activity is rarely provided

Never- Activity is not provided

Organizational Development

The table shows that the goals and objectives of the organization are often updated,
revised and made responsive to the need and demand of time and the organization also
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

often monitors and assesses progress of implemented plan of actions for development. On
the other hand, the cooperatives sometimes implements interventions to make changes in
the organization, considering possible causes and effects of the problems in the
organization and the cooperative also sometimes conducts activities that surfaces problems
in the cooperative. This implies that the organization should locate the needs for change
within the organization; as cited by Sison (1991) in order to allow the organization to adopt
better to new challenges to increase organizational effectiveness.

The table also shows that the cooperatives sometimes offer personal counseling that
deals with moral, religious and social problems affecting the members, assisting them in
resolving members’ disputes, sponsor workshops on stress management, conflict
resolution and mental health topics and provides counseling to the members on related
Possible strategies by the Management
Staff and officers
Table 5 shows the possible strategies to improve the HRD program such as training and
development, career development, organizational development and counseling perceived
by the management staffs and officers. Martires (1988) stated that training, career and
counseling has a very important role in the organization in spite of its cost, developed
individuals are investments that can be maximally utilized. Additional capabilities prepare
workers for greater responsibilities

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Table 5. Human resource development program perceived by management staffs and


Weighted Mean Description
Training and Development

The cooperative should….

Established policies and guidance on the training and
Highly Favorable
development program of the members.
Use formal trainings, meeting and special assignment to
Highly Favorable
enhance productivity of the members.
A lot/ invest financially in members training and
Highly Favorable
development program.
Career Development

The organization should…

Make the workers accountable for learning new skills
(all staff should have educational and development plan)

Move talented and dedicated staff and officer to higher
levels of responsibility and performance.

Increase the employee’s responsibility with appropriate
Align the goals of the organization to the development
of employees.
Organizational Development

The cooperative should place the right people to manage 4.515
Highly Favorable
organizational change and organizations development

The organization should…

Sponsors stress management program and activities.
Institutionalize career guidance and counseling for the
Narrow the gap of communication between the manager
and staff.
Establish a venue where pent-up emotions and tensions
can be released.


Highly Favorable


Moderately Favorable

Slightly Favorable

Not Favorable

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Training and Development

The table shows that the management staffs and officers are highly favorable that
the cooperative should established policies and guidance on the trainings and development
program of the employees, use formal training, meetings and special assignment to enhance
productivity of the employees and the cooperative should also a lot or invest financially in
employees training and development programs. The respondents also mentioned that they
need trainings on cooperative operation and management, bookkeeping and accounting,
financial management, strategic business planning and other trainings.

Establishing the guidelines and policies regarding training and development is
needed to define the training and development program. These guidelines answer pertinent
questions such as: who is in charge of the training program; who selects training and
workshops recipient; what are the criteria of selection; how are training needs assessed;
and the like. Furthermore, formal trainings, mentoring services, and special assignments
are helpful to enhance the productivity of the employee’s. Investing financially to training
and development is an essential step for the success of any training and development
program for any organization to undertake. Moreover, management financial support is
considered necessary from the training needs assessment, actual implementation, and
training performance evaluation cited by Harvard Business Essentials, 2002.
Career Development

The table shows that the management staffs and officers are favorable that the
organization should make the workers accountable for learning new skills (all staff should
have educational and development plan); the organization should make talented and
dedicated staff and officer’s to higher levels of responsibility and performance; the
cooperative should increase the employees responsibility with appropriate training and
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

aligning the goals of the organization to the development of employees. Dolipas (2008)
stated that with the help of the organization, the employees must have a clear understanding
as to the goals of the organization because any career planning done by the employee within
the organization would be useless if it does not fit those of the organizations. Increasing
the responsibility of the employee with appropriate training is job progression with skill
improvement. It is a partnership between the employees and the organization because as
the organization provides training opportunities the employee must also take it upon
themselves to learn new materials. Moving talented and dedicated employees to higher
responsibility and performance is another possible solution to problems on career
Organizational Development

The table also shows that management staffs and officers are highly favorable that
the organization should place the right people to manage organizational change and
organizational development.


The table shows that the officers and staffs are favorable, that the organization
should institutionalize career guidance and counseling for the employees; the organization
should sponsors stress management program and activities; the organization should also
narrow the gap of communication between the manager and staff and the organization
should established a venue where pent-up emotions and tensions can be released.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Possible strategies by the members

Table 6 presents the possible strategies to improve human resource development
program such as training and development, organizational development, career
development and counseling as perceived by the members.

Training and Development

The table shows that the member respondents are highly favorable in establishing
policies and guidance on the training and development program for the members; the
cooperative should also a lot/ invest financially for members training and development
program; and use of formal trainings, meetings and special assignments to enhance
productivity of the members. The members also mentioned that they need trainings on
leadership, entrepreneurial skills development, bookkeeping and accounting.

Table 6. Possible strategies to improve human resource development program perceived

by members.
Weighted Mean Description
Training and Development

The cooperative should…

Established policies and guidance on the training and
Highly Favorable
development program of the members.
A lot/invest financially in members training and
Highly Favorable
development program.
Use formal trainings, meeting and special assignment to
Highly Favorable
enhance productivity of the members.
Career Development
Make the members accountable for learning new skills
Highly Favorable
(all members should have educational and development
Increase the member’s responsibility with appropriate
Highly Favorable

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

Align the goals of the organization to the development
Highly Favorable
of members.
Organizational Development

The cooperative Place the right people to manage
Highly Favorable
organizational change and organizations development

Institutionalize career guidance and counseling for the
Highly Favorable
Sponsors stress management program and activities.
Highly Favorable
Establish a venue where pent-up emotions and tensions
can be released.
Limit the gap of communication between the officers,
staff and members.



Highly Favorable


Moderately Favorable

Slightly Favorable

Not Favorable

Career Development

The members are highly favorable that the organization should make the members
accountable for learning new skills that all members should have educational and
development plan; the cooperative should increase the member’s responsibility with
appropriate trainings. The members are also favorable that the cooperative should align the
goals of the organization to the development of members.
Organizational Development

Martires (2004) mentioned that a plethora of financial and material resources in an
organization may go down the drain if handled by an incompetent and dishonest staff.
Therefore, it can be seen from the table that the members are highly favorable that the
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

organization should place the right people to manage organizational change and
organization development.


The member respondents are highly favorable that the organization should
institutionalize career guidance and counseling for the members; and the organization
should sponsor stress management program and activities. The members also are favorable
that the organization should establish a venue where pent-up emotions and tensions can be
released; and limiting the gap of communication between the officers, staffs and members.


Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012



This study looked into the existing human resource development program
conducted by the different primary cooperatives in Atok, Benguet and the needs and
strategies to improve the HRD programs.

The key respondents of the study are the officers, staffs and members of the
different primary cooperatives. From the 17 operational primary cooperatives there were
66 respondents, consisting of thirty five (35) officers and staffs and thirty one (31)
members. Purposive random sampling has been used in selecting the respondents. The data
gathered were analyzed and interpreted using percentage and descriptive analysis.

The results showed that a greater proportion of the respondents are 41 to 50 years,
female and married. All of the respondents were able to attend formal education thus they
are literate enough to understand some operation of the cooperative.

The respondents perceived that the cooperatives sometimes conduct human
resource development program and activities due to budget constraints and according to
them they need more training and seminars and other development interventions.

Furthermore, the respondents are highly favorable that the human resource
development program and related activities should be institutionalized by the cooperatives
in Atok, Benguet.

Based on the foregoing findings, the following conclusions were drawn;

1. The human resource development programs and related activities provided by
the different primary cooperatives in Atok, Benguet to the officers, staffs and members
Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012

along training and development, career development, organizational development and
counseling are sometimes provided.

2. Counseling and related activities were sometimes performed among cooperatives
in Atok, Benguet. It is also becoming the disregarded program among the different HRD

3. Some of the needs according to the respondents were more training, seminars
and other activities on HRD program.


Based on the findings, it is therefore recommended that

1. The different primary cooperatives should review existing guidelines and
policies regarding training and development, career development, and counseling for
maximum implementation to enhance quality of performance and career mobility of the
employees and members.

2. The education of the officers, staffs and members should be continuous. The
members are the next officers of the cooperative thus they should be continuously

3. The organization should provide counseling services that would address
problems on stress and other problems affecting the management staff. The cooperatives
should also institutionalize career guidance and counseling for all the management staffs
and members to be able to handle problems affecting their lives.

Human Resource Development Program of Primary Cooperatives in Atok, Benguet: An
Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012


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Assessment | CAGAS, NOVELYN A. APRIL 2012