ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013. Motivational Factors of Members in Joining
Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes, Ilocos Sur. Benguet State University, La
Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Jovita M. Sim, MSc.


The study was conducted to determine the perception and understanding of
residents on Multi-purpose cooperatives, the greatest motivational factor that influence
individuals to join the cooperative, identify the activities conducted by Multi-purpose
cooperatives to motivate or invites members, the main reason for non-members for not
joining cooperatives and the most important benefit and privilege of members.

A total of 120 respondents composed of 60 cooperative members, 40 no-members
and 20 cooperative officers were considered in this study. Survey questionnaires and
personal interview were used to gather data.

The perception and understanding of the respondents regarding Multi-purpose
cooperatives determined their correct knowledge and perceived identification of what a
Multi-purpose cooperative is. Most of the respondents understood that cooperative helped
members who were in need.

Provision of training, seminar and loans, patronage refund, credit facilities,
proper treatment to members, strict adherence to policies, respect and support ideas of the
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

members were the activities maintained by the cooperative to sustain their continuous good
services to its members.

Lack of funds to pay membership fee, lack of interest and membership to
organizations were some of the reasons of the respondents for not joining cooperative.

The most common problem observed by the cooperative officers was the inactive
participation during meeting or general assembly.

Thus, it is recommended that the cooperative should uphold their quality services
to the members. Officers make sure that all members must be well-informed of all the
cooperative activities.

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013



Success is the product of struggles and trials, those who perserve succeed. In the
Philippines, cooperative is considered an institution for the economic growth and
development of the community.

Cooperative as defined in the 21st century Webster’s International Encyclopedia is
the association of producers and consumers for the purpose of sharing among the members
profit that would otherwise go to intermediate business and individuals. It is the duly
registered association of persons with common bond of interest, who have voluntarily
joined together to achieve lawful common social or economic end, making equitable
contribution to capital required and accepting a fair share of the risk and benefits of
undertaking and accordance with the universally accepted principles (RA 6938).

In a community, people are motivated in joining some various activities because of
their basic needs, such as food, clothings, achievement, or monetary gain that translate into
an internal tensions that motivates specific behavior with which to fulfill their needs.

Cooperative has different types. One of the most common is the consumer
cooperative, another is the Multi-purpose cooperative. Multi-purpose cooperative is one
which combines two (2) or more of the business activities of different types of cooperative.

Cervantes is one of the thirty four municipalities of IlocosSur. It is located on the
easternmost part of Ilocos Sur in the inner sanctum of Region I in between the boundaries
of Benguet, MountainProvince, Municipality of Alilem, Municipality of Suyo,
Municipality of Sigay and Municipality of Del Pilar.
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

There are four existing cooperatives in Cervantes namely Cervantes Municipal
Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CMEMPC), Kalayaan Multi-Purpose Cooperative
(KMPC), Nueva Segovia Consortium of Cooperative (NSCC) and Pamabis (Payas, Maipit,
Bisayot) Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PMPC). The first three is located at Barangay
Rosario while the other one at Barangay Comillas North.

Cervantes Municipal Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CMEMPC) focuses
its operation in Barangay Rosario with employees of local government unit as members.
Cash loan and consumer are the programs offered by CMEMPC. Kalayaan Multi-Purpose
Cooperative (KMPC) composed of farmers which promotes livelihood loan for Barangay
Malaya, Barangay San Luis, Barangay Liteng, Barangay San Juan and Barangay Rosario,
Pamabis Multi-purpose Cooperative (PMPC) is manipulated by farmers also but it only
serves Barangay Comillas North and Barangay Comillas South providing livelihood loan,
palay production and hog raising program. A unique one is the Nueva Segovia Consortium
of Cooperatives (NSCC) which is run by Roman Catholic’s to provide credit assistance,
building assistance, savings and deposit programs to all residence of Cervantes,IlocosSur.

The existence of these four (4) cooperatives implies that the residences are
motivated to join these cooperatives. Therefore, the motivating factor to the people in the
area is worth documenting as basis for other areas in motivating residence to group them
into a cooperative.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to answer the following questions:

1. What is the perception and understanding of residents on cooperative?
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

2. What are the greatest motivational factors that influence individuals in

3. What are the activities conducted by Multi-purpose cooperative to motivate or
invite members?

4. What is the main reason for non-members for not joining cooperatives?

5. What are the most important benefit and privilege for members?

Objectives of the Study

The study aimed to:
1. Determine the perception and understanding of residents on Multi-purpose
2. Determine the greatest motivational factor that influence individuals to join
3. Identify the activities conducted by Multi-purpose cooperatives to motivate
or invites members;

4. Determine main reason for non-members for not joining cooperatives; and,

5. Determine the most important benefit and privilege of members.

Importance of the Study

Since cooperative is considered as one of the vehicles for socio-economic
development, it is imperative that cooperatives must succeed. The research findings could
give insights to the cooperative movers especially in motivating people to join
Cooperatives. The study would serve as a reference in conducting research on cooperatives
in the future especially to the students in Cooperative Management.
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused on the motivation factors of members and the residence in
joining Multi – Purpose Cooperative in Cervantes, Ilocos Sur and the activities conducted
by Multi-Purpose Cooperative in the area to motivate or invite residence to join Multi-
Purpose Cooperative.

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013


Cooperative Definition

The Cooperative Code of the Philippines (RA 6938) define Cooperative as a duly
registered association of persons with a common bond of interest, who have voluntarily
joined together to achieve a lawful common social or economic end, making equitable
contribution to required capital and accepting affair share of the risk and benefits of the
undertaking and accordance with universally accepted principles.

Nolledo (1986), stated that a Cooperative may be said to be a group of person who
pool their resources under the principles of equity and common good understanding for
their mutual benefits. A Cooperative exists to make profit as an entity but if there should
be a profit, the same shall be divided among the members. Cooperative is based on the
saving will known in human cycled “in union, there is strength”.

Onagan et al. (1973), also added that Cooperative through Cooperation of its
principles and doctrine is actively dynamic. One of its inherit characteristics is growth. It
develops and expands to all directions until the whole world is merged to the system. As a
unit a Cooperative increase in size to a point where all people in its trading area are
absorbed. The Cooperative system has its own remedies to accomplish its goal. Its service
grows both in quality commensurate the needs of the members. By the operation of
patronage refund and by their watchful guidance and encouragement given by their
economic status, members find themselves actually and actively accumulating wealth as
the years go by. This dynamic accumulation of wealth is the characteristics of the
Cooperative system, therefore, growth is characteristics of and inherent to cooperatives.
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

The first Rochdale Principles states that Cooperative societies must have an open
and voluntary membership. According to ICA’s statement on the Cooperative identity,
“Cooperatives are voluntarily organization, open to all persons able to use their services
and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial,
political, or religious discrimination” (Rochdale Principles).

Primary Objectives

The primary objective of all cooperative lays emphasis on service. Members
recognize the needs for mutual cooperation because they want to enjoy certain services that
they cannot from the profit operators in their community (Nolledo, 1986).

Secondary Objectives: Savings

The profit motives express its self in a Cooperative by the instinctive interest of
member in the savings they automatically get out their consumption. Every time a member
buy from the Cooperative store, the margin created by the purchase, which accumulates as
profits in the case of profit store, is now save in accumulated for the credit of buying
members. In organization, there are factors to be considered to make them successful,
Nolledo (1986) identify the following factors that make up a successful Cooperative; a)
members are treated equally and are willing to sacrifice common good, b) members give
away part of their resources to form a common fund, c) members fully cooperate in the
undertaking expected of them in terms of honesty and prompt attendance in case of
performance of duties assign and, d) members patronize the Cooperative by giving what is
due from them and availing the resources of the Cooperation.
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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Expectancy Theory of Motivation

In organization term, this concept of motivation pictures an individual, occupying
a role, faced with a set of alternative voluntary behaviors, all of which have some associated
outcomes attached to them. However, he makes the point that task goals (productivity,
quality standards or similar goals attached to jobs) are often means to an end, rather than
the end itself. There is a second level outcome which reflects the real goals of individual
and these may be attained, in varying degrees, through task behavior. An individual is
motivated to behave in certain manner because (a) he or she has a strong desire for a certain
task outcome and reasonable expectation of achieving that outcome and (b) because he or
she also expects that the achievement of the task outcome will result in reward in terms of
pay, promotion, job security, or satisfaction of individual needs-physiology, safety, esteem
and so on (Kotze, 2008).

Interpersonal Motivation Factor

Individual factors in motivation, there are other factor that arise from interactions
with other people.

Competition interpersonal factors and competition motivates behavior because
people can enhance their own performance to that of others. While all learners than for
others (Rich and Devitis, 1992).

Cooperation interpersonal factors derive satisfaction from working toward group
goals. As was the case with competition, the motivating force of cooperation is stronger
for some persons from others, and these differences are often related to the person’s
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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previous experience or to the importance that cultures or place in cooperation (Santonil,

Recognition interpersonal factor, most people enjoy having their efforts and
accomplishments recognize and appreciated by others. In order to obtain recognition, the
activity of a learner must be visible to others. There are three ways to achieve visibility; 1)
the process of performing an activity may visible, 2) the product of the activity may be
visible and, 3) some other result of the activity may be visible (Santonil, 2009).

Need Hierarchy Theory

The American motivation psychologist Abraham H. Maslow developed the
hierarchy of needs consistent of five hierarchic classes. It shows the complexity of human
requirements. According to him, people are motivated by unsatisfied needs. The lower
level needs such as physiological and safety needs will have to be satisfied before higher
level needs are to be addressed. We can relate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory with
employee motivation. For example, if a manager is trying to motivate his employees by
satisfying their needs: according to Maslow, he should try to satisfy the lower level needs
before he tries to satisfy the upper level needs or the employees will not be motivated. Also
he has to remember that not everyone will be the same needs. A good manager will try to
figure out which levels of needs are active for a certain individual or employee. The basic
requirements build the first step in his pyramid. If there is any deficit on this level, the
whole behavior of a human will be oriented to satisfy this deficit. Subsequently we do have
the second level, which awake a need for security. Basically it is oriented on a future need
for security, after securing those two levels. The motives shift in the social sphere, which
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form the third stage. Psychological requirements consist in the fourth level, while the top
of the hierarchy compose the self-realization so the theory can summarize as follows; 1)
human beings have wants and desires which influence their behavior. Only unsatisfied
needs influence behavior, satisfied needs do not, 2) since needs are many, they are arranged
in order of importance, from the basic to the complex, 3) the person advances to the next
level of needs only after the lower level needs is at least minimally satisfied and, 4) the
further the progress up the hierarchy, the more individuality, humanness and psychological
health a person will show.

The needs, listed from basic (lowest-earliest) to most complex (highest-latest) are
as follows; 1) physiology (hunger, thirst, sleep, etc.), 2) safety/security/shelter/health, 3)
belongingness/love/friendship, 4) self-esteem/recognition/achievement, 5) self-
actualization (Tom, 2004).

Intrinsic Motivation and the 16 Basic Desires Theory

Starting from studies involving more than 6,000 people, Professor Steven Reiss has
proposed a theory that found 16basic desires that guide nearly all human behavior.

The 16 basic desires that motivate our actions and define our personalities as; 1)
acceptance, the need for approval, 2) curiosity, the need to learn, 3) eating, the need for
food, 4) family, the need to raise children, 5) honor, the need to be loyal to the traditional
values of one’s clan/ethnic group, 6) idealism, the need for social justice, 7)
independence/the need for individuality, 8) order/the need for organize, stable, predictable
environments, 9) physical activity, the need for exercise, 10) power, the need for influence
of will, 11) romance, the need for sex, 12) saving, the need to collect, 13) social contact,
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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the need for friends, 14) social status, the need for social standing/importance, 15)
tranquility, the need to be safe and, 16) vengeance, the need to strike back/win.
In this model, people differ in these basic desires. These basic desires represent an
intrinsic desire that directly motivates a person’s behavior, and not aimed at indirectly
satisfying other desires. People may also be motivated by non-basic desires, but in this
case this does not relate to deep motivation, or only as a means to achieve other basic
desires (Cordova and Lepper, 1995).

Self-determination Theory

Self-determination theory, developed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, focuses
on the importance of intrinsic motivation in driving human behavior. Like Maslow’s
hierarchical theory and others that built on it, SDT posits a natural tendency toward growth
and development. Unlike these other theories, however, SDT does not include any sort of
“autopilot” for achievement, but instead requires active encouragement from the
environment. The primary factors that encourage motivation and development are
autonomy, competence feedback, and relatedness (Ryan and Deci, 2000).

Definition of Motivation

The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest
that causes a specific action or certain behavior. Motivation is present in every life function.
Simple acts such as eating are motivated by hunger. Education is motivated by desire for
knowledge. Motivators can be anything from reward to coercion.
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

There are two main kinds of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation
is internal. It occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure,
importance, or desire. Extrinsic motivation occurs when external factors compel the person
to do something. However, there are many theories and labels that serve as sub tittles to
the definition of motivation. For example: "I will give you a candy bar if you clean your
room." This is an example of reward motivation (Pan, undated).

The Context for Motivation

As a hypothetical Construct, motivation usually stands for that which “energizes,
directs, and sustains behaviors”. In shorthand terms, it is the degree and type of effort that
an individual exhibits in a behavior situation. However, care needs to be taken not to equate
motivation simply with sheer amount of effort. It also has to do with the direction and
quality of that effort.

Any comprehensive look at the motivational bases of behavior in organizational
setting most of necessity focus on the several sets of variables that influence motivation. A
classification system, found useful identifies four major categories of variables; 1)
individual characteristics, 2) job characteristics, 3) work characteristics and, 4) external
environment characteristics. If motivation is to be affected. One or more of these variables
must be change or affected. Let us look briefly at each category of variables and the special
facets of motivational tasks in public organizations. (Porter and Miles, 1974).

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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Locale and Time of the Study

This study was conducted in the municipal town of Cervantes, Ilocos Sur from
December to January 2013. Cervantes is approximately 209 kilometers or about 5-6 hours
ride to Baguio City.

Respondents of the Study
A total of 120respondents were selected through random sampling. Respondents
were residents of Cervantes, Ilocos Sur composing of 20 officers, 60 members and 40 non-
members of multi-purpose cooperative in the area.

Data Collection

Information and data were collected through survey questionnaires. The
questionnaire were distributed and collected after a week. Follow up interview was done
to clarify some information during the collection of questionnaires.

Data Gathered

The data gathered were the perceptions of residence on Multipurpose cooperative,
the number of residence who were members of Multipurpose Cooperative, the factors that
motivated them to join a Multipurpose cooperative and the activities conducted by the
Multipurpose cooperatives to encourage the residence to join the cooperative.
Data Analysis
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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Data gathered were analyzed and presented according to the objectives of the study.
Data were presented using frequency counts and percentages. Appropriate statistical tools
was used in the analysis of data.

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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Profile of Respondents

Table1 describes the profile of the respondents as to their age, gender, civil status,
and educational attainment, source of income and position of officers of the cooperative.

Age.Majority (56.7%) of the respondents belongedto the 36-45 years age group,
followed by 46 years and above (25%) and 20-35 years old (18.33%).

The same trend is shown from non-member respondents. Most of the non-members
were 36-45 years old (40%), 46 years and above age group (32.25%) and the least
percentage (27.5%) were 20-25 years old.

Likewise, most officer respondents in this study belonged to 26-45 years old (55%),
followed by 45 years and above age group (30%) and lesser percentage(15%) belonged to
20-35 years old.
Gender.With regards to gender, majority (55%) of the member respondents of the
study were female as compared to male member respondents (45%).
There were more female non-member respondents in the study (52.5%) than male
non-member respondents (47.5%).

Out of 20 respondents who were officers of cooperatives in Cervantes Ilocos Sur,
14(70%) were females while males were 6 (30%).
Civil status. Out of 60 member respondents, 86.7% were married, while 8 of the
member respondents were single (13.3%).
Out of 40 non-member respondents, 77.5% were married while22.5% were single.

There were 16 officer who were married (80%), while there were 4(20%)single
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

Educational attainment. As to the educational attainment of the respondents, most
24(40%) of the respondents were elementary graduate, 17(28.3%) graduated from high
school, 15 (25%) finished college level while 4 of the member respondents were able to
finish vocational course.
As to the non-member respondents, some (47.5%) of them were elementary
graduate followed by high school graduates (27.5%), college graduates (7.5%) and
vocational course graduate (17.5%).

On the other hand, half of the officer respondents were high school graduate (50%),
followed by college graduates (40%) and elementary (10%).
Source of income. As shown in the table source of income includes farming,
government employees, private employees, business and farming.

As to the member respondents, there were 24 farmers (40%), followed by
government employees with (33.33%), private employees with (13.33%), engaged in
business with8.33% and driving with 5%.

Farming is the major source of income of non-members (50%), followed by private
employment (20%), business (12.5%), driving (10%) and government employment (7.5%).

There were more government employees who were also officers of the cooperative
(35%). Farming is the second source of income of officer included in the respondents
(30%), followed by business (20%) and private employment (15%).
Profileof respondents as to position (officers).Majority (75%) of the respondents
included in the study and who are officers of cooperatives were board of directors, followed
by bookkeepers (10 %), Manager (5%), Chairman of the baord (5%) and Treasurer (5%)
as shown in table 2.
Table 2. Position of cooperative officers respondent
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013










Board of director






Book keeper






Perception and Understanding on
Multi-Purpose Cooperatives

The perception and understanding of the respondents regarding Multi-purpose
Cooperatives (MPC) determines their correct knowledge and perceived identification of
what is a Multipurpose Cooperative.

As shown in Table 3, most of the respondents (88.33%) members and (85%) non-
members perceived MPC as organizations/cooperative that helps members who are in

The respondents also perceived MPC as cooperatives that have two or more
services offered, as answered by 41 (68.33%) of the member respondents and non-member
respondents with 28 (70%).

Some of members (36.70%) and of non-member (22.5%) respondents perceived
MPCs as cooperatives that give rewards to members with good standing.

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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Table 3. Perception and understanding on Multi-purpose Cooperatives








Cooperative that have two or


more services

Cooperative that help members


in need

Cooperative that allow members


to have credit without interest

Cooperative gives rewards

and incentives to members with
good records

The result implies that most of the respondents understand that cooperative helps
members who are in need.

Factors that Motivate and Encourage Respondents
to Join Multi-purpose Cooperative
As defined previously in this paper, motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or
interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior to occur. As to this study, there
are five factors identified that motivates individual to join a cooperative.
The five factors identified that motivated members in joining the Multi-Purpose are as
1. Good Quality of Service
2. Patronage Refund Received
3. Credit allowed by the Cooperative
4. Friends were Member of Cooperative
5. Nearness to residence

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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Table 4. Factor that motivated and encouraged respondents to join cooperative





Quality of service



Patronage refund received



Friends were member of cooperative


Nearness to residence



Credit is allowed by the cooperative



Needs of basic commodities



Need of capital



Encourage by friends/relatives



Encourage by neighbor members



As shown in Table 4, good quality of service is the greatest motivational factor for the
respondents in joining Multi-purpose cooperatives (78.33%). On the other hand, proximity
or nearness to place of residence is the least motivational factor of the respondents in
joining the MPC (23.33%). Other factor that motivate an individual are patronage refund
received (65%), credit allowed by the cooperative (58%), friends were member of the
cooperative (28.33%).
Also shown in the table below are the factors that encouraged members in joining the MPC.
Result revealed that the respondents needs for a basic commodity is the greatest factor that
encouraged members to join the MPC (70%). Least factor that encouraged the members
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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in joining is the encouragement from neighbor members (16.67%). Other factor includes
need of capital (58.33%) and encourage by friends/relatives (41.67%).

The result implies that the most factors that motivated and encouraged members to
join cooperative is the quality of the service and their need of basic commodities.

Activities Conducted by Multi-Purpose Cooperative
that Motivate Members

As stated on recognition interpersonal factor, most people enjoy having their efforts
and accomplishments recognize and appreciated by others. In order to obtain recognition,
the activity of a learner must be visible to others. There are three ways to achieve visibility;
1) the process of performing an activity may be visible, 2) the product of the activity may
be visible and, 3) some other result of the activity may be visible.

As to activities conducted by Multipurpose cooperatives that motivate members in
joining the cooperative, result revealed that most of the members are highly motivated with
provision of loans (93.33%), followed by training and/or seminars provided by MPC (75%)
and giving of certificates of recognition (21.67%).

Member respondents were least motivated by provision of Christmas bonus (10%)
and surprise gift given during annual general assembly (6.67%).
Result also revealed that most officer respondents were motivated by conduct of activities
associated with the effective operation of the cooperative (95%). Provision of
training/seminars and presentation of cooperative development during assembly also
motivated officers of cooperative (90%). This is followed by promotion of cooperative
services/projects (80%) and giving of certificate of recognition (50%). On the other hand,
the giving of surprise gift certificate least motivated the officers of cooperatives (25%).
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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The result implies that providing training and seminar and providing of loans are one of
the reason why members join a cooperative and also as their financial assistance.

Table 5. Activities conducted by multipurpose cooperatives that motivate members







Training and seminar




Giving surprise gift



during annual
general assembly

Giving certificate to




Giving Christmas bonus




Providing loans




Presentation of cooperative
development during general




Promotion of cooperative





Conducting activities




associated with the effective
operation of the cooperative

Benefits/Privileges Provided by the
Cooperative to the Members

Benefits and privileges provided by the cooperative were identified as motivating
to the members and officers like in joining multipurpose cooperatives. This could be further
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
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explained by Maslow’s hierarchy of need particularly on the second level of need which
awakes the need for security, it is basically oriented on a future need for security.
Results showed that most members receive patronage refunds (83.33%), while some also
benefits were receipt of quality service (63.33%) and sees that proper care and treatment
of the officers to members are also benefits and privileges provided to members as
consumers of the MPC. The lowest perceived benefits and privileges provided for by
the MPC to members were efficient services.

Table 6. Benefits/ privileges provided by the cooperative to members







Receives/giving patronage




Efficient services




Receives/provides quality




Proper care and treatment of


the officers to members

Credit facility and loan





Welfare benefits for death of




As to the officers of the MPCs, all (100%) of the respondents who mentioned the following
as benefit provided by cooperative; patronage refunds given to members were the major
benefits, welfare benefits for death of members (100%), and credit facility and loan
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

services (100%). This is followed by proper care and treatment to members (95 %), quality
services (90%) and efficient services (55%).

Result implies that cooperative sustain its operation by providing benefits to
members for giving patronage refund, credit facility and proper treatment to its members

Excellent Performance Maintained by the
Cooperative Officers and Members

As stated on the context for motivation as a hypothetical Construct, motivation
usually stands for that which “energizes, directs, and sustains behaviors”. In shorthand
terms, it is the degree and type of effort that an individual exhibits in a behavior situation.
However, care needs to be taken not to equate motivation simply with sheer amount of
effort. It also has to do with the direction and quality of that effort.

The excellent performance maintained by the cooperatives officer and members
were identified as follows: strict adherence to policies, continuous capital build-up from
members, good standing of members, efficiency and honesty of officers and active in
collecting credits to those who have past dues.

As to members, most (88.33%) viewed strict adherence to policies as excellent
performance maintained by the cooperative officers and members. Members also viewed
continuous capital build-up from members (56.67%), good standing of members (53.33%)
and efficiency and honesty of officers (38.33%) as excellent performance that is maintained
by the cooperative officers and members.

All the officers also viewed strict adherence to policies as the most important
excellent performance maintained by cooperative members and officers. This is followed
by efficiency and honesty of officers (85%), good standing of members (75%) and
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

continuous capital build up from members (70%). One respondents identified “active in
collection of credits to those who have past dues” is also an excellent performance to be
maintained by cooperative members and officers (5%).
Result implies that cooperative maintains implementation of strict adherence of policies as
an equal treatment to every member.

Table 7. Excellent performance maintained by the cooperative officers and members







Strict adherence to policies


Continuous capital build-up


from members

Good standing of members



Efficiency and honesty of




Others: Active in collecting


Credits to those who have
past dues

Practices and Traits Commonly Shown by
the Officers to the Members

As stated on Maslow’s hierarchical theory, self determination theory posits a
natural tendency toward growth and development. Self determination theory includes any
sort of “autopilot” for achievement, but instead it requires active encouragement from the
environment. The primary factors that encourage motivation and development are
autonomy competence feedback and relatedness.
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

Practices and traits commonly shown by officers to members as perceived by the
members are as follows: respects and support ideas of the members, insuring peace and
cooperation among members and officers, supervise members in case of problems, ignores
some suggestions of members and honesty to members. As mentioned on the levels of need
according to Maslow, he should try to satisfy the lower needs before he tries to satisfy the
upper level needs or the employee will not be motivated.
As perceived by members, most (80%) of them respect and support of the ideas of the
members and it is the most important practices and traits of officers to the members. This
is followed by supervision of officers to members (65%), Honesty to members (53.33%)
and Ensuring peace and cooperation among members and officers (f=29, 48.33%). Least
of the practices and traits commonly shown by officers to members is ignoring some
suggestions of members (28.33%). Shown as well on the table 7 are the Practices and traits
commonly shown by officers to members as perceived by the officers themselves.

Respect and support of the ideas of the members was found to be the most important
practices and traits as mentioned by all the member respondents. This is followed by
supervision to members in case of problems (90%), honesty to members (90%) and
ensuring peace and cooperation among members and officers (80%). Ignorance of the
suggestions of some members was also identified by officers as practices and traits that are
shown to members by the officers (20%).

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

Table 8. Practices and traits commonly shown by the officers to the members







Respects and support ideas


of the members

Ensuring peace and cooperation


among members and officers

Supervise members in case


of problems

Ignores some suggestions of



Honesty to members




In general, both members and officers have identified both respect and support of ideas of
the members is the most common practices and traits shown by the cooperative officers to
its members.

Result implies that the officers’ best policy respects and supports ideas of the

Problems Observed by the
Members and Officers

Problems encountered by Multi-purpose Cooperative on the members were
identified as follows : a) inactive participation during meeting or general assembly, b) some
of suggestions and recommendation of the members have no consideration ,c) disloyalty
of the officers, d) Lose of moral values among employees, e) poor patronage of members
and f) delinquency of purchase accounts of some members.
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

Result showed that the most common problem observed by the officers and members
relative to the cooperative was the inactive participation of some members during meeting
or general assembly as mentioned by (85%) of the respondents. This is followed by
delinquency of purchase accounts of some members (51.67%), poor patronage of members
(f=29, 48.33%), no consideration to the suggestion of some members (36.67%) and
disloyalty of some members (20%).
Least common problems identified by members is the lack of moral values of some
employees (13.33%).
Likewise for officers, most common problems were the in active participation of some
members during meeting or general assembly (85%). This is followed by the poor
patronage of members (70%), delinquency of purchase amount of some members (65%),

Table 9. Problems observed by the members and officers







Inactive participation during


meeting or general assembly

Some of suggestions and



recommendation of the
members have no consideration

Disloyalty of the officers




Lack of moral values among


Poor patronage of members



Delinquency of purchase



accounts of some members

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

lack of consideration to suggestions (35%). The least problems encountered by officers
were the disloyalty of some officers (15%) and lack of moral values among employees

Result implies that most of the common problems observed by the officers are the
inactive participation of members during meeting or general assembly followed by poor
patronage of members and delinquency of purchase of accounts of some members.

Non-members Reason for not Joining the
Multi-Purpose Cooperative

The reasons of non-members for not joining the Multi-purpose Cooperatives were
identified as follows: a) fear for their security, b) can’t afford the membership and share
capital, c) not interested, d) already member in other organization and e) distance from

Table 10. Reasons for not joining the Multi-Purpose Cooperative




Fear for their security



Can’t afford the membership and share capital



Not interested



Member in other organization



Distance from residence



Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

The most common reason for non-members to join the MPC is due to lack of funds to pay
the membership and share capital (67.50%). Some non-members are plainly not interested
to join MPC’s (55%), while some are already members of other organizations (35%). Least
common reason of non-members to join the MPC’s were their fear of their security (20 %)
and distance of their residence to the cooperative.

Result implies that the main reason of the respondents in not joining the cooperative
is the lack of funds to pay membership fee and some are not really interested on cooperative
services, some also are already member of other organization.

Non-member Expectations to Become
a Member of Multipurpose Cooperative

The expectations of non-members to become a member of a cooperative were as
follows: a) receives quality services, b) efficient services, c) fast release of loans, d) high
saving percentage and e) strict adherence to policy.
Result showed that the highest expectation of the non-members to become a member is to
receive quality services (80%). This is followed by their expectations of strict adherence
to policy of cooperative (72.50%), fast release of loans (60%), and efficient services (55%).

This could further relates and explained by expectancy motivation of theory where
they expects that the achievement of the task outcome will result in reward in terms of pay,
promotion, job security, or satisfaction of individual needs-physiology, safety, esteem and
so on.

The least of the expectation on the non-members in becoming a member of the
MPC’s is the expectation on a high saving percentage (35%).
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

The result implies that the non-member respondents expect quality services and
also strict adherence to policies if become a member of the cooperative.

Table11. Non-members expectations to become a member of multipurpose cooperative




Receives quality services



Efficient services



Fast release of loans



High saving percentage



Strict adherence to policy



Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013



This study entitled “Motivational Factors of Members in joining Multipurpose
Cooperatives in Cervantes, Ilocos Sur” was conducted to determine the perception and
understanding of residents on Multi-purpose cooperatives; determine the greatest
motivational factor that motivated members in joining cooperatives, determine activities
conducted by Multi-purpose cooperative to motivate or invite members determine what is
the main reason for non-members in not joining cooperatives, and to determine the most
important benefit and privilege for members

This study was conducted in the municipal town of Cervantes, Ilocos Sur from
December to January 2013. There were 120 respondents in the study, composing of 20
officers, 60 members and 40 non-members of multi-purpose cooperative in the area.

Most of the members and officers of Multi-purpose cooperatives ages from 36 to
45 years old. Most of which were female and married. Most of the members and officers
of MPC’s were elementary graduate, followed by high school and college graduate

The most common source of income for the members was farming while most
officers included in the study were government employees.

Most of the members and non-members of cooperative perceived MPC as
something that helps members who are in need.

Good quality of service is the greatest motivational factor for the members in
joining Multi-purpose cooperatives.
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

As to activities conducted by Multipurpose cooperatives that motivate members in
joining the cooperative, result revealed that members are highly motivated with provision
of loans while member respondents were least motivated by provision of Christmas bonus
and surprise gift given during annual general assembly.

Results showed that most members receives patronage refunds , while some also
benefits from receipt of quality service and sees that proper care and treatment of the
officers to members are also benefits and privileges provided to members as consumers of
the MPC. The lowest benefits and privileges provided for by the MPC to members were
efficient services.

As perceived by members, respect and support of the ideas of the members is the
most important practices and traits of officers to the members.

Result also showed that the most common problem encountered by the members
relative to the cooperative was the Inactive participation of some members during meeting
or general assembly.

The most common reason for non-members to join the MPC is due to lack of funds
or lack of capacity to pay the membership and share capital while the highest expectation
of the non-members in becoming a member is to receive quality services.


Based on the findings of this study, the researcher arrived at the following conclusions:
1. The perception and understanding of residents on cooperative is that cooperative
provides and helps members in need like allowing them to have credits/loan services and
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

financial assistance while harvest is not yet on time especially for those who are engage in
2. The quality of service of cooperative is the greatest motivational factor that motivated
members in joining the cooperative;
3. The benefits and privileges of members were giving of patronage refunds, credit
facility/loan services and welfare benefits in case of death of members is the most
important priorities provided by the cooperative to its members;
4. The main reason of non-members in not joining multi-purpose cooperative was lack of
fund for membership fee and share capital. Some of them really not interested and some
are already member of other organizations; and,
5.The most common problem of the of the officers on the members was the inactive
participation of members during meeting or general assembly.


Cooperatives are considered as one of the vehicles for socio-economic
development; as such it is an imperative that cooperatives must succeed.

From the findings obtained in this study, it is recommended for Multi-purpose
Cooperatives to uphold their quality of service as this is the one of the greatest motivational
factor for people in joining cooperatives.

It is also recommended that provision of loans and giving of patronage refund
should be maintained and /or done more specially to the good standing members of the
cooperative, since study showed that it is the most motivational activities given by the
cooperative to the members. Financial assistance for non-members to join the cooperative
Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013

can also be ensured to increase membership to the cooperative and motivate non-members
in joining the cooperative, since the major hindrance as resulted from the study was lack
of fund of non-members.

The cooperative officers should kept/maintain their honesty and respects to the

The supply of basic commodities should always be made available to the mebers
an also to non-members.

Since the most common problems observed by the officers and members were the
inactive participation of some members during meetings or general assembly, they should
stricly implement their policies to control and disipline their members for such problems.

Officers should make sure that all of the members should be informed of all the
cooperative activities.

Cooprative services and activities should also open for non-members for them to
know more about their services and to incourage them to join the cooperative.

Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013


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Motivational Factors of Members in Joining Multipurpose Cooperatives in Cervantes,
Ilocos Sur | ANANEY, NOEL L., APRIL 2013