CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012. Process Documentation of
Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in Alapang, La Trinidad
Benguet. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser; Jovita M. Sim, MSc


This study was conducted to identify the services of the cooperative since it started
to present, to document what happened to the services and management of the cooperative,
to determine the current situation of the coop in terms of service, assets, liabilities,
membership and net surplus, to identify the problems encountered by the cooperative and
coping mechanisms employed to solve the problems.

The cooperative was organized in 1990 through the initiative of their barangay
captain Mr. Marcelo Abela. The first PMES of the cooperative was held on September 15
and 22 1990. In the afternoon of September 22, 1990 the cooperative was formally
organized, and was registered with the CDA (Cooperative Development Authority) on
February 6, 1991. In the same year the Plan international sponsored the cooperative in
implementing the project on the cooperative such as irrigation system in the barangay,
establishment of the Alapang Camp Dangwa Elementary School.

Because of the crisis the cooperative had undergone, an election was held in June
5, 1994 and a new set of officers were elected, the CDA gave a rehabilitation period to
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

revive the operation of the cooperative. The rehab period was October 2007 to December
2010. During the rehabilitation period the cooperative was re-registered to CDA on
October 26, 2009. The rehabilitation period ended in December 2010 and the cooperative
in moving up.
It is therefore recommended that the cooperative should develop strategy to win
back the trust and cooperation of members, PMES should be conducted to those who have
not attended and for those who have attended could also attend as a refresher/reminder for
them and the cooperative should conduct moral values orientation both to members,
officers and staff to inculcate to them cooperation and including Christian ways of living.

Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012



The common concept of a cooperative is a business entity organized by the people
who have a common need and common interest to produce, purchase, or sell goods or
services for their own benefits. Cooperatives therefore play vital roles in improving the
social and economic conditions of the people which could lead to attaining over economic
growth and prosperity in the country. The establishment of cooperatives begin with people
who wish to provide themselves with goods and services they need. As such these
cooperatives should grow in size, both in membership and economic resources, so that they
will be able to provide the needs of the members.

One significant factor in the success of a cooperative is good leadership and
management. Another factor is the support from the outside environment. These supports
may be in the form of training, legal help and financial aid. The Cooperative Code of the
Philippines allows the creation secondary and tertiary cooperatives like unions and
federations to provide technical and financial assistance to the primary cooperatives.

The Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) is a cooperative
that was organized too fast because of the bad effect of the July 16, 1990 killer quake that
had devastated some areas in barangay like landslides and destroyed rip-raps. The
cooperative had been operating smoothly at the beginning but later it encountered many
problems. The members however are still hopeful that it will again improve and revived
and will grow as it had been before just after it was organized. This study therefore was
conducted to document the experiences and current status of the cooperative. Experiences
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

good or bad could be lessons that we have to learn from it. It is a basis for planning for
betterment of organization.

Importance of the Study

Like a person organization like the cooperatives should learned from its experiences
especially those negatives experiences, its ups and down and this is a very good basis to
come up with a better strategy or plan to improve an organization. Negative experiences
should be basis for change – change for improvement. This study is conducted to document
the rise and fall of a striving cooperative as basis for decision in the improvement of
management and maybe on the policies to revive the lost trust and patronage of members
to the cooperative. Results may also be guide for other cooperatives with the same situation
and experience.

Furthermore, this research will serve as reference for those who will be conducting
studies on the same interest.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to answer the following questions:
1. What are the services offered by the cooperatives since it started up to the
2. What happened to the services and management of the cooperative?;
3. What is the current situation of the cooperative in terms of services, assets,
liabilities, membership and net surplus?; and
4. What are the problems encountered by the cooperative and coping mechanisms
employed to solve problems?
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

Objectives of the Study

In order to answer the problem of the study, the following are the objectives of the
1. To identify the services of the cooperative since it started up to present;
2. To document what happened to the services and management of the
3. To determine the current situation of the cooperative in terms of services,
assets, liabilities, membership and net surplus; and
4. Identify the problems encountered by the cooperative and coping mechanisms
employed to solve problems.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused on the documentation on the experiences of the cooperative in
the past and present, its management, current situation and the problems encountered and
coping mechanism employed.

Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012


Cooperative Defined

A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet
their common social and cultural needs and aspiration through jointly owned
democratically controlled enterprises. Cooperatives are based on the values of self-helped,
self-responsibility, democracy, equality and solidarity (Estalin, 2009).

Three Important Bodies of Cooperatives

The cooperative Development Authority (CDA) mentioned the following three (2)
important bodies of the cooperatives namely, the General Assembly and Board of
The General Assembly. The general assembly is the highest making-body of the
cooperative and it is the supreme authority in the management and administration of the
affairs of the cooperative. As a supreme body, it decides on matters on BOD management
The general assembly holds at least one meeting a year; date of meeting is fixed in
the by-laws, or within 90 days after the close of each fiscal year.
For newly registered cooperatives, a special general meeting must be called within
90 days from date of approval.
The general assembly has the following policies which cannot be delegated: a) to
determine and approve amendments to the articles of cooperation and by-laws; b) to elect
or appoint the members of the Board of Directors and remove them for a cause; c) to
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

approve development plans of the cooperative; and d) matters measuring 2/3 vote of all
members of the general assembly.

Board of Directors. The Board of Directors (BOD) is the body that formulates
policies, directs and supervises the business of the cooperative.
It is composed of five (5) to fifteen (15) elected by the general assembly. Their
term must not exceed two years and no directors can serve for more than 3 consecutive

Objectives of Cooperative

From the Cooperative Code of the Philippines, Article 7 of Republic Act 9520
states that the primary objectives of every cooperative are to help improve the quality of
life of its members. Towards the end, the cooperative shall aim to (a provide goods and
services to its members, to enable them to attain increased income, savings, investments,
productivity, purchasing power and promote among themselves equitable distribution of
net surplus through maximum utilization of economic scale, cost sharing and risk sharing;
(b) provide optimum social and economic benefits to its members; (c) teach them efficient
ways of doing things in a cooperative manner; (d) propagate cooperative practices and new
ideas in business and management; (e) allow the lower income and less privileged group
to increase their ownership in wealth of the nation; and (f) cooperative with government,
other cooperatives and people oriented organizations for further attainment of any of the
foregoing objectives (Cayat, 2010).

The cooperative thus, becomes important to its members on a business level and to
the community on the development level. For members, over and above the direct use
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

relation, the contribution of cooperatives improves their quality of life, in general support
at home, improved neighbourhood services, etc (Gutknecht, 2005).

The primary objective of the cooperative is to provide goods and services to the
members and this enable them to attain increased income and savings, investments,
productivity and purchasing power and promote among them equitable distribution of net
surplus through maximum utilization of economic scale, cost sharing and risk sharing
without however conducting the affairs of the cooperative for charitable purposes (Abasolo
et al., 1996).

Cooperatives as a Tool for Development

According to Bentican (2010), in organizing cooperative, first consideration is
whether or not there is a need for it. This has to be determined by the organizers. However,
since many are poor, it is more likely there is always a need for cooperatives. Cooperatives
have been known to have improved the social and economic conditions of the poor. In
affluent communities, perhaps there is no need for cooperatives. People in such areas have
the resources to meet their needs. Besides, it will be quite difficult to get the interest and
cooperation of individuals who are not really concerned with the goals of the cooperatives.
That is why only few rich persons are members of cooperatives. They make more money
from more lucrative investments.

The Cooperative Development Authority stated the important role of cooperatives
in the development of the country under Republic Act 9520. A cooperative creates
employment on entrepreneurial opportunities for the country unemployed and marginally
employed affecting broader base ownership of the access to productive resources reducing
wide income gap and guaranteeing equal and even development
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

Cooperative Growth

Onagan, et al. (1973), mentioned that cooperative through the operation of the
principles and doctrine is actively dynamic. One of its inherent characteristics is growth.
It develops and expands to all direction until the whole world is merged to the system. As
a unit, cooperative increases in size to point where all people in its trading area are
absorbed. The cooperative system has its own remedies to accomplish this goal. Its service
grows both quantity and in quality commensurate the needs of members. By the operation
of patronage refund and by the watchful guidance and encouragement given by the
cooperative to improve their economic status, members find themselves actually and
actively accumulating wealth as years go by. This dynamic accumulation of wealth is
characteristics of and inherent to cooperative.

Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012


Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted in Barangay Alapang Multipurpose Cooperatives from
February to March 2011.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the management staff of the cooperative, BOD’s
of the cooperatives (past and present officers). These respondents validated the data taken
from the records/reports of the cooperative. However, majority of the past management
staff were not interviewed, only a few BOD’s from the past were interviewed and this are
still the remaining BOD’s up to the present.

Data Gathering Procedures

The study made used of secondary from the records and reports of the cooperatives
from year 2006 to 2010 as these were the only data available in the cooperative. Key
informant interview was done with the management staff and officers of the cooperative
using a guide questions.

Data Gathered

Data gathered includes data on services offered by the cooperative, membership,
total capital share, total assets and liabilities, net surplus and history and experiences of the

Data Analysis

Data was analyzed and presented descriptively.
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012


History of the Cooperative

After the killer earthquake of July 16, 1990 that devastated Baguio City and the
different municipalities of Benguet including the Municipality of La Trinidad, there
followed typhoons and torrential rains that further destroyed farms and crops of farmers in
the area. Erosions were noticed on hillsides and ripraps on residential lots and gardens
crumbled down, destroying and burying crops ready for harvest as well as newly planted
patches. The barangay residents were in a state of desperation, not knowing what to do as
aftershocks from the earthquake were almost in hourly occurrence for almost a month. It
was in this scenario that the barangay captain of Alapang at that time Mr Marcelo Abela,
in consultation with the Department of Agriculture called an orientation meeting on
September 8, 1990 for the purpose of introducing/organizing a cooperative within the
barangay to reduce the adverse impact of the earthquake and in order to avail of various
assistance being channelled to cooperative and non-government organization.

The residents were sold out to the idea, thus, a pre-membership education seminar
(PMES) was held on September 15 and 22, 1990 In the afternoon of September 22, the
cooperative was formally organized and named Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose
Cooperative (BALMUCO) with the first elected Board of Directors were Marcelo Abela,
Teresita Alveras, Romeo Suayan, Fredirick Laruan, Victor Placi, Lino Quesara, Julliete
Bugatan, Francisca Rivera and Leticia Fernando. The Board thereafter, elected Mr Romeo
Suayan as Chairman and Mrs Francisca Rivera was elected as Vice-Chairman. Felina
Damasco was designated as secretary and Mary Ellen Ogas as treasurer. The cooperative
was registered with Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) on February 6, 1991.
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

In the early part of 1991, Romeo Suayan resigned as chairman and Francisca Rivera
took over. It was at this time that Plan International (worldwide NGO) included Alapang
in its area of coverage through the initiative of barangay captain Abela. Plan International
then linked up with BALMUCO as its local conduit organization. Subsequently thereafter
several projects sponsored by Plan International in partnership with the cooperative were
implemented such as establishment of the Alapang Camp Dangwa Elementary School,
irrigation system of Alapang proper. Labor for these projects was provided by BALMUCO
as its counterpart.

In May 1991, the barangay domestic water system constructed and donated by the
Japanese government (HIRDP-JICA) was completed and ready for operation. The La
Trinidad Water District (LTWD) was then insisting that the water system be turned over
to them. However, barangay captain Marcelo Abela with the support of BALMUCO
strongly support the barangay’s objection to LTWD claim and insisted that the water
system should be operated by the cooperative to give meaning to self reliance and
cooperativism. The provincial government of Benguet and HIRDP-JICA took cognizant
to this stand and BALMUCO began the domestic water supply operation in June 1991.

Services Offered by the Cooperative, its Description,
and Current Status

The services of the cooperative was not change by the new management and
officers, it is still being offered but with some revisions and changes on regulations and
policies which was approved and amended by the General Assembly in the General
Assembly meeting held on May 1, 2010 at the La Trinidad Municipal Gym, Alapang, La
Trinidad, Benguet. These services are the domestic water supply, Kid Tipid Deposits,
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

Savings and time deposits, consumers store and loan services. Loan services includes
regular loan, emergency loan, and special loan granted to individual or group for livelihood

Domestic water supply. The domestic water supply system is the first service
offered by the cooperative and is extended to all qualified members. The connection shall
be on first come first served basis and will depend on the availability of water mainlines in
the area where they could tap water. The determination of the location of mainlines and
the areas supplied depend on the cooperative taking into consideration the equitable
distribution of water. The water supplied by the cooperative to members and community
is affordable at P295.00 for the first minimum consumption of 10 cubic meters per month,
an additional of P25.00 payment in every excess cubic meter consumption (in excess of 10
cubic meters) but not to exceed 20 cubic meters and and an addition of P35.00 for every
excess cubic meter consumption in excess of 20 cubic meters up to 35 cubic meters.
Consumption in excess of 31 cubic meters shall be considered as commercial and shall be
charged P70,000 per cubic meters. Water rates are subject to change upon approval of the
Board of Directors, 10% surcharge is imposed on unpaid bills after due date. Requirements
must be a member of the cooperative, must have undergone Pre- Membership Education
Seminar (PMES) and must pay the required fees and dues. Required fees and dues are
membership fee of P200.00; initial share capital (paid-up) P2,000.00; water deposit
P300.00; water connection fee P200.00, savings deposits P500.00; water meter (subject to
price increase) P1,250.00 and ball valve P350.00 with a total amount is P4,800.00.

Kid Tipid Deposits. The “Kid Tipid” is a deposit program open to all minors aged
five years old to seven years residents within the cooperative’s area of operation including
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

school children in the area. A minimum initial of fifty pesos is accepted and the deposit
will earn an interest of six percent (6%) per annum compounded quarterly; parents or
guardians of children less than eight (8) years old may assist their child in making deposits
and withdrawals; first withdrawal from account can only be allowed after continuously
depositing for at least three (3) months or after accumulating a total deposit balance in the
amount of P500.00 and deposits maybe done anytime during office hours. Incentives is
provided in the form of cash awards or prizes will be given to top “kid tipid’ savers on a
periodic basis, and “kid tipid” savers with a minimum account balance of P2,500 during
their birthday will receive a birthday gift from the cooperative. A separate passbook shall
be issued to “kid tipid” savers and a separate account is prepared for this program.

Savings and time deposits. The savings and time deposits is open to all regular,
associate members and even to non-members. Savings deposits earns a six percent (6%)
interest per annum computed on average daily balance and compounded quarterly; at least
a minimum amount of two hundred pesos (P200.00) balance deposits to earn an interest;
dormant account deposits with less than P500 for a period of one year will be charged a
service fee of P30.00 per month; withdrawals from savings deposits in the amount of
P20,000.00 pesos and above should be filed 2 days before withdrawal; twenty (20%) of
total savings deposits shall be held as reserve and should not be used for loan services and
withdrawals in the amount of P5,000 and below can be done anytime during office hours.
On the time deposits, the following terms and conditions is followed; minimum amount
accepted is P10,000.00; minimum length of time is three (3) months; interest rates will be
computed depending upon the amount and length of time evolved which will be from 7%
to 14% per annum depending on the prevailing interest rates within the locality; time
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

deposits shall be covered by a Certificate of Time Deposit to be issued by the cooperative
stating name and address of the depositor, amount and length of time involving the deposit
and time deposit can be renewed by the depositor upon approval of the management. In
case of pre-termination before due date the account shall be treated as ordinary savings
account with 6% interest per annum and subjected to service charge of P150.00 and a one
week notice of pre-termination is required from the depositor.

Loan services. The addition of the loan and savings services in 1992 had ushered
the full blast and smooth sailing of activities of BALMUCO as a noted cooperative.
Currently, there are three type of loan services offered by the cooperative; emergency loan,
regular loan and special loan. Emergency loan is a short term loan with a ceiling of
P2,500.00 per individual member, with a service fee of P75.00, payable within the period
of 3 months – in monthly or semi monthly instalment and an interest rate of 1.5% per
month. Only regular members with good standing and have paid the minimum subscribed
share capital of P5,000.00 is qualified to avail of the emergency loan, Collateral is not
required and are subject to the approval of the General Manager or in his absence, the
Chairman of the Board. For non-payment on due date, a 7 days grace period is given but
after 7 day a surcharge of 5% per month is imposed on the unpaid balance and delinquent
borrower shall not be able to avail an emergency loan within the current year.
Regular loan covers prudential and productive needs of members such as for
agricultural, commercial, industrial and other including salary loan. The interest for regular
loan is the same as emergency at 1.5% per month, must have fully paid minimum capital
share, must have at least minimum savings of P500.00must secure a certificate of good
standing from the cooperative and must not have other unpaid obligations from the
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

cooperative. Others requirements include loan retention fund of 5% from loan and added
to the member’s share capital or savings deposits account, co-maker is required with the
same qualification as the borrower, collateral is also required, for real estate collaterals a
Certified True Copy of Land Title accompanied with certificate of non-tax delinquency
issued by Municipal Treasurer’s office. For vehicle collaterals, required are certificate of
registration, latest vehicle registration and picture of vehicle. Applicants for salary loan
must execute an authority for the cooperative to directly collect instalment repayments
from his employer. Associate member can also avail of regular loan provided he has a
minimum savings account deposit of P500.00 or minimum current time deposit amounting
to P10,000.00 and must come up with adequate required collateral. Approving body for
regular loan are: for P5,000.00 and below, approved by the General Manager as
recommended by the Credit Committee and above P5,001.00, to be approved by the Board
of Directors by majority votes as recommended by the Credit Committee and received by
the General Manager.
Special loan are applicable for livelihood projects granted to individual or groups
through the cooperative by other agencies (government or non-government);
accommodation loans for the implementation of local government community projects on
a case to case basis; and special arrangement loans not covered by emergency and regular
loans. For livelihood projects granted to group or individual through other agencies is
governed by the following terms; a six percent (6%) shall be added to the interest being
charged by the funding agency, a processing fee of P150 shall be collected from the
borrower, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) shall be executed between the cooperative
and the individual or group fund recipients; loan repayments shall be course through the
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
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cooperative; projects shall be closely monitored by the cooperative and in case of default
in loan repayment instalments, the cooperative may take over the project to protect its
interest and the trust of the funding agency. The accommodation loans and special
arrangements loans are governed by the following terms; a special loan agreement shall be
executed specifying the terms and conditions of the loan, interest rates shall vary on case
to case basis as determined by management, the cooperative may require hard capital on a
case to case basis, the cooperative may take over the prosecution of the project in case of
non-compliance to plans and specifications and in cases of undue delays and abandonment
of the project by the borrower with expenses charged to the borrower and project shall be
monitored by the cooperative.

Consumers stores. The cooperative operated 2 consumer stores in July 1992, one
in Camp Dangwa and one in Alapang proper to cater to the needs of the community.
However, the Camp Dangwa store had stop operation in 1994, another store was
established in Km 5 of the La Trinidad, Market; BALMUCO Snacks and Eatery which
sells snacks and does catering activities.

Membership Situation

The only available data for the membership and others information about the
cooperative is from 2006 to 2010. This situation had made it very difficult for the new
officers in planning on the revival /rehab of the cooperative. As shown in Table 1 and
number of members had been increasing from 2006 to 2010. However, the rate of increase
is not that high , from 2006-2007 the increase in members is 4.2%, from 2007 to 2008 rate
had decreased to 1.4%, 2008-2009 rate increased to 3.1 % and from 2009 -2010 rate of
increase was 3.0%. Though the increase is not that big, this is already a good indicator that
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
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some residents are again starting to trust the cooperative, the officers and management and
the cooperative is successful in building back the trust of members and residents in the

Table 1. Total number of members from 2006 and rate of increase


Capital Share, Assets and Liabilities

The cooperative is currently recovering still some files/records on the capital share
from the start of the cooperative to present. But as of this time, the cooperative had only
the data from 2006 to 2010. The data shows that assets in 2006 was high because of grants
(financial assistance) and other assistance provided by the Office of Northern Cultural
Communities (ONCC) through the Executive Director Ronald M. Cosalan for the
Rehabilitation period which started in 2007 to December 2010. Assets decreased from 2007
t0 2008 due to the different rehab activities conducted including the external auditing of
the cooperative and the payment of financial accountabilities of the cooperative to
BENECO, CoopBank, withdrawal by a member on the regular savings and the Kid Tipid
savings withdrawal. On the third year of the rehab period 2009 assets starts to increase until
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

in 2010. Liabilities is increasing due to the revival of the credit (loans ) services where the
cooperative got a loan fund from the Coop Bank of Benguet and the Aboitiz Foundation.


Figure 1. Assets and liabilities of the cooperative from 2006-2010

Net Surplus Utilization

The net surplus of the cooperative is distributed as follows; General Reserve Fund,
Education and Training Fund (local), Due to CETF-APEX, Cooperative Building Fund,
Interest on Share Capital and Patronage Refund. The cooperative have not distributed the
net surplus because from the start of the rehab period the cooperative is settling the
financial accountabilities such as the unpaid bills from BENECO, loan from CoopBank,
the regular savings withdrawn by a member in the previous management and the Kid Tipid
withdrawals. Table 2 shows the net surplus of the cooperative from 2006 to 2010. Results
show that the net surplus had increased from 2006 to 2010.
Table 2. Net surplus of BALMUCO from 2006 to 2010
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012


Problems Encountered

According to the general manager, the cooperative lack funds to finish the
rehabilitation of the domestic water system, they cannot locate the leakages because the
water pipes are buried under the residential area, thus, big amount of water is wasted. The
cooperative also lack facilities in the office that results to poor performance in making
reports. Another problem is that many members have not undergone PMES that is why
many are not aware of the policies of the cooperative.

The problems caused by the previous management had not been solved because up
to the present, the cooperative is still paying some financial accountabilities like the regular
savings withdrawn by a member and still some of the Kid Tipid withdrawals.

Coping Mechanism to Problems Encountered

Because of the crisis and problems that the cooperative had undergone, an election
was held in June 5, 1994, a new set of officers were elected but at that time the cooperative
was already financially unstable with accounts payable reaching the six figure mark. The
cooperative was about to collapse but the new leadership painstakingly nursed back the
cooperative on its feet by instituting record procedures, prescribing relevant policies and
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

embarking on expansion in the domestic water supply with the financial assistance of
A three year rehabilitation period was requested from CDA for BALMUCO to
revive its operation. The rehab period then started October 2007 until December 2010.
The cooperative requested an external audit, thus external audit to the cooperatives was
conducted. In November, 2007 the Board filed a case against the treasurer of the previous
management for the unexplained whereabouts of cash as shown in the external audit

The major activities during the rehab period were to settle the Financial
Accountabilities such as: unpaid bills from BENECO in the amount of P706, 863.13; loan
from Coop Bank of P550, 000.00; Regular Savings withdrawn by a member of P103, 621
and Kid-Tipid withdrawals of 63,058.97. (BALMUCO, Annual and General Assembly
Report, 2011). However, until this time the cooperative is still paying some of these
financial accountabilities. In the Annual Report (2011), other accomplishments reported
was the construction of an office building, revival of the credit (loans) services – a loan
fund from the Coop Bank of Benguet and the Aboitiz Foundation through HEDCor and the
Water System Rehab and Expansion Project funded by the Peace and Equity Foundation
(PEF) with a project amount of P I million.

It was also during this rehab period that BALMUCO was re-registered with the
CDA on October 26, 2009 pursuant to the requirement of Republic Act No. 9520 or known
as the Cooperative Code of 2008. Furthermore, it was during this rehab period that the
third amendments by specific provisions of the Articles of Cooperation and By-Laws were
done during the General Assembly in May 1, 2010. Changes / amendments done on the
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

Articles of Cooperation and By-Laws were presented in the table below. The cooperative
became more strict in the implementation/imposing policies and regulations of the

Table 3. Amendments of the Articles of Cooperation and By-Laws


Articles of

Additional to the old Unanimously

Art. 2 Purposes
water Water refilling station

supply and Delivery

Savings and loans



Janitorial Services





Art. 9 of Board …the number shall The number shall be Unanimously
of Directors
be nine (9)
five (5)


Art. 11
… twenty percent … ten percent (10%)
Sec. 2 and Sec. 6

Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

Table 3. Continued…
Sec. 12
or Automatic, voluntary Unanimously
Termination of
or involuntary

Art. III –Title

Art. IV- Sec. 9.
…removed by 2/3
…removed by 3/4
Pursuant to RA
Removal of
Director and

Art. V
Audit and inventory (Additional
Pursuant to RA
committees to the old 9520

Election committee
conciliation committee

Audit and inventory (Additional
Pursuant to RA
committees to the old 9520

Election committee
conciliation committee

and Ethics committee

training committee

Credit and savings

Art. VII Capital a)At least 50% of (Additional to the old Unanimously
structure Sec 2. annual interest on provision)
capital and patronage
Capital Build-up refund

b)At least 5% of each d)At least 5% of his
monthly income or an
amount not less than
100.00 per month
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

acquired from the

Table 3. Continued…

c)As per capital
build-up scheme as
directed by the BODs

Art X Settlement None
Included in the By- Pursuant to RA
of Disputes
Laws now

Art. XI Misc.
financial a)Cooperative Annual Pursuant to RA
Sec. 4 Annual statements
Report 9520

b)Social Audit Report

c)Performance Report

Statement duly stamped
“Received” by BIR

e) List of officers and

Aside from the Articles and By-Laws some policies of the cooperative were also
changed and amended by the General Assembly. These policies include policy on interest
rate of loans and surcharges which decreased from the old high interest rate. On
administration policies, disciplinary actions imposed on members during assemblies
Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012

tremendously increased and with some alternatives if fines is not settled. Through this
members will become active in cooperative activities and assemblies.
The rehab period had ended in December 2010 and the cooperative is moving up,
the only problem or dilemma now is how to encourage the members to patronize the
services of the cooperative and regains trust of members to the management and officers.
Very few of the members were availing credit and saving services.

Table 4. BALMUCO amendments on loans and administration policies

On Loans

Interest rate
2% per month
1.5% per month

approved by the
7% per month
3.5% per month

On Administration Policies (Disciplinary action for members)

an Unanimously
equivalent of 5 days no approved by the
water supply if the GA
general assembly
penalty will not be

walk-outs prior to
approved by the
the adjournment of
Gen. Assembly

P300.00 or it will be Unanimously
behaviour during
sent out
approved by the
meetings or any

Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012



This study was conducted to document the experiences of Barangay Alapang Multi-
Purpose Cooperative. Specifically, the cooperative aimed to identify the services of the
cooperative since it started up to present, document what happened to the services and
management of the cooperative, determine the current situation of the cooperative in terms
of services, assets, liabilities, membership and net surplus, and identify the problems
encountered by the cooperative and coping mechanism employed to solve problems.

Secondary data were used in the study validated by the past and present officers
and management staff of the cooperative. Finding shows that the cooperative was in crisis
in 1993 just less than a month after the hiring of a General Manager in December 1992.
With the new sets of elected officers, the cooperative is starting to become stable.

Services offered in the past is still the services offered now because all were revived
but changes had been done on the terms, conditions and policies as approved and amended
by the General Assembly held in 2010. Services offered are domestic water supply, “Kid
Tipid” savings, Savings and Time Deposits and Loan Services. Types of loans offered are;
regular loan, emergency loan and special loans.
The cooperative was given 3 years by the CDA to revive its operation. The rehab
period started in October, 2007 until December 2010. The cooperative was re-registered
with the CDA on October 26, 2009.

Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012


Despite the bad experiences of BALMUCO, there were still officers who have the
courage and are persistent that the cooperative will survive. The serious need of the water
supply service of the cooperative had helped also in the cooperative and participation of
other members of the cooperative. Thus, in overall analysis this is the only service that is
most preferred by the members. As to the savings and credit, this is the least patronized
except for emergency needs of cash.


Cooperative should develop strategy to win back the trust and cooperation of
members in order to patronize other services of the cooperative. PMES should be
conducted to those who have not attended and for those who have attended could also
attend as a refresher/reminder for them. If possible, the cooperative should conduct moral
values orientation both to members, officers and staff to inculcate to them cooperation and
including Christian ways of living.

Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012


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Process Documentation of Barangay Alapang Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BALMUCO) in
Alapang, La Trinidad Benguet | CHAUR, CHRISTINE JOY M. OCTOBER 2012