GALUTAN, DORIS JOYCE J. APRIL 2008. Impact of Improved Eggplant
Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood in Villasis, Pangasinan. Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Ma.Klondy T.Dagupen, Ph.D, Rural Development

This study was conducted in Villasis, Pangasinan to identify the major hybrid
eggplant producing barangays, and to know the impact of using improved technology on
eggplant production to the farmers’ livelihood. A total of 30 respondents were
interviewed. Personal interview was used to collect the needed data..

The hybrid eggplant producing barangays in Villasis in the order of highest to
lowest were Piaz, Caramutan, Barangobong, Lipay, San Blas, Puelay, Bacag,
Amamperez and Tombod, Lomboy, San Nicolas, and Capulaan. There were 336 has.
planted to eggplant in Villasis in 2007.

The reasons for adoption of the hybrid seeds include higher demand or
marketability, and soil adaptability. The impact on livelihood from the adoption of the
hybrid seeds were increase in household income, purchased farm tools or equipments,
paid their debts, and sent their children in school.
The main problems of the eggplant growers were low price and oversupply of
eggplant or competition due shifting of some farmers from their native eggplant (domino,
jackpot, decalb) to the adoption of new hybrid variety (casino), and other provinces and
municipalities that produced eggplants, pushing prices down.


Bibliography...……………………………………………………............................ i
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………. i

Table of contents …………………………………………………………………... ii

INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………. 1

Rationale……………………………………………………………............ 1

Statement of the Study……………………………………………………... 2

Objectives of the Study…………………………………………………….. 2

Importance of the Study……………………………………………………. 3
REVIEW OF LITERATURE……………………………………………………… 4

The Crop…………………………………………………………………… 4

Variety Selection…………………………………………………………... 4

Harvesting…………………………………………………………………. 5

Insect Management……………………………………………………….. 5

Marketing………………………………………………………………… 6
Livelihood’s Impact……………………………………..……………….. 6
METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………. 9

Locale and Time of the Study…………………………………………… 9

Respondents of the Study………………………………………………... 9
Data Collection…………………………………………………………... 9
Data Analysis…………………………………………………………….. 9

RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS ………………………………………………. 10

Profile of respondents ……………………………………………………. 10

Hybrid eggplant producing barangays …………………………………… 11

Total cultivated area ……………………………………………………… 13

Area Devoted to Eggplant Production …………………………………… 13

Production Season for Eggplant Production …………………………….. 14

Adoption of Hybrid Seed ………………………………………………. . 15

Cost and Return Analysis for 1,000 sq.m. ………………………………. 20

Sources of Technology and Information ………………………………… 21

Production Problems Encountered by

Casino Growers …………………………………………………………. 21

RECOMMENDATIONS ………………………………….…….………………. 23

LITERATURE CITED…………………………………………………………… 25


Appendix .A. Survey Questionnaire…………………………………………….. 26



Villasis is a 3rd class municipality in the province of Pangasinan, Philippines. It
is a small farming town situated by the Agno River. On its borders are the towns of
Malasiqui and Asingan and Urdaneta City. According to the 2000 census, it has a
population of 54,224 people in 11,001 households.
Sitting on 6,500 hectares of fertile land, most of which are agricultural, Villasis
carved a name through the sweat and tears of its 60,000 inhabitants, being the “vegetable
bowl” if not he “pinakbet town” of the province of Pangasinan. It produces ingredients
for the vegetable dish “pinakbet” (a favorite Ilocano dish) – tomatoes, eggplant and
ampalaya. But the biggest harvest is eggplant.

Some 270 hectares of the town are planted eggplant every after rice harvest and
each hectare averages a yield of 40 tons of eggplant. This translates to roughly 10,800
tons of eggplant produced by the town every year.

In year 2006, Villasis held the ‘Talong Festival”, lining up the town’s main
highway with a 500 meter long grill on which 3,000 kilos or more than 20,000 pieces of
eggplant were simultaneously cooked. It was a ‘dry run’ for a much bigger activity being
planned for next year when the town will try to break or make a record on the Guinness
Records (World’s Longest Eggplant Grill) in the year 2006.

Before, traditional farmers often took the pains of bringing their eggplants to
Divisoria for sale and distribution in various parts of Metro Manila. But since year 2006,
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

they only have to transport the product from the farms to the town proper where a large
vegetable ‘ bagsakan’ market was built from where traders are buying the products
directly from farmer-producers. One hectare of eggplant farm will produce conservative
160 bags of eggplants, one bag of which weighs 10 kilograms. Farmers said eggplants
give better income than rice or corn that is why more of them are planting eggplants
yearly (Fuertes, 2006).

However, productivity of eggplant has economic potentials and can become a
highly profitable livelihood to the people especially in the major eggplant growing areas.
Consequently, it is essential to the government to work hand in hand to develop the
technology used in the production of eggplant, to improve marketing system too.

The eggplant technology to be evaluated in this study is the variety casino
eggplant along with the package of technology (POT) required for the said hybrid variety.

Statement of the Problem

The study focused on the survey and analysis on the impact of technology used by
the farmers to their livelihood in eggplant production. Basically, the study aimed to know
the comparison between casino growers and non-casino growers, farmers’ sources of
income, the utilization of the land, crop production, and the changes occurred in adopting
new variety.

Objectives of the Study

The study aimed to 1) identify the major hybrid eggplant producing barangays in
Villasis, Pangasinan with the respective number of areas planted and number of eggplant
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

growers, 2) estimate the total area cultivated and area devoted to eggplant production by
the respondents; 3) identify the improved technologies adopted by the farmers in eggplant
production, and the production season for eggplant 4) determine the advantages of using
new eggplant technologies in terms of: a) productivity, b) marketing, c) income, 5)
identify the sources of technology and information related to eggplant production, and 6)
find out production problems encountered by casino growers.

Importance of the Study
Production of eggplant accounts high total volume of top vegetables grown in the
country. Its value is the highest among the leading vegetables. Every farmers engaged in
this enterprise should also consider marketing and improved technology to be used as a
factor in attaining profitable production.
Its comprehensive predicament for the production and for using improved
technology will appraise in this study. Hence, it can dignify understanding of the various
production operations done by the farmers, determine factors in using improved
technology and its importance, and also serve as a useful guide for eggplant production to
the farmers.

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008


The Crop

Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) originated in the Indo- Burmese Region with
China and Africa as possible second center of diversity. It is also known as aubergine,
brinjal, melogene.It is grown as an annual but it is weak perennial; erect branching up to
1.5 m tall with deep penetrating root. The fruits are usually mixed with meat and other
vegetables; part of some Filipino menu like ‘pinakbet’ and ‘kare-kare’. It is source of
thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and protein (Bureau of Agricultural Research, 2005).
Eggplants produce a bushy, vigorous plant with large leaves, woody stems and
attractive flowers. Some eggplant cultivars can reach a height of 4.5 feet. Eggplants have
a deep taproot, which helps them tolerate dry weather. Flowers are open for two to three
days and are self-pollinated. However, bees may improve both pollination and yield of
eggplant. Fruits vary in size and shape, from round to bell-shaped, oval or elongated.
Oriental or Japanese eggplant cultivars have elongated fruit. The fruit surface of eggplant
is smooth and glossy. Fruit color can be yellow, green, white, purple, black, violet or
various combinations of these colors (Chen and Li, 2001).

Variety Selection
Many eggplant cultivars are readily available from major seed companies.
Cultivars differ in earliness, as well as in size, shape and color of mature fruit. A primary
consideration in cultivar selection is market preference. Individual markets usually prefer
or require a specific type(s) of eggplant. Ideally, a potential grower should identify the
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

prospective market (buyer, broker, packer), then determine (1) if that market perceives a
need (demand) for the product, (2) the production volume (bushels per acre) which the
market could use, (3) the specific varietals characteristics desired or required by the
market, and (4) the market window or duration of time during which that market
anticipates a demand for eggplant. The grower should then determine cultivars, planting
dates and acreage based on perceived market needs, varietals attributes and average
climatic conditions for specific areas of production (Granberry, 1990).


First harvest of eggplants begins 65 to 90 days from transplanting. Eggplants
should be harvested when the fruit surface is glossy and tender and before seeds within
the fruit become brown. Fruits should be harvested using sharp knife. Leave calyx
attached to the fruit. Best time to harvest, early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
Place newly harvested fruits under shade .Harvest may be done two to three times a week
during peak growth, depending on the fruit size desired (Tanquezon, 2005).

Insect Management
Insects are one of the most significant pests of eggplants. Cucumber beetle,
Colorado potato beetle and flea beetle are particularly problematic in Missouri.
Immediately after transplanting, scout plants for insect damage. Most significant damage
on yield and quality of eggplant occurs from early-season damage. Flea beetles chew
small holes in the leaves of eggplants but do not feed on the fruit. Cucumber beetles and
Colorado potato beetles chew the leaves and can also damage the fruit. Rotate eggplants
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

with vegetables botanically unrelated to eggplant. Separate eggplants from other
vegetables that may attract cucumber beetles and Colorado potato beetles (e.g., potatoes
and cucumbers). Row covers or lightweight insect-exclusion covers can be used (Jett,

The success of vegetable production and processing endeavor depends on whether
the consumers will be able to avail of the products in the right form, time and place. The
production and marketing system of eggplant consist of a myriad of relationship and
arrangements which are reflected in the manner by which the production and market are
structured, conducted and prices are transmitted to each level from the producer to the
consumer. The producers and the consumers are in the both ends of the eggplant industry.
Any strategies to stabilize the supply of eggplant throughout the year will affect both of
them. The consumers will be benefited with a relatively stable price of eggplant in the
market but there may be some consequences on the producers and the production
environment. This would need adequate understanding and assessment of the existing
eggplant production and marketing system and assess the socio-economic gains and
impacts of stabilizing the supply of eggplant (Villancio, 2002).

Livelihood’s Impact

Impact assessment of public agricultural research has always been viewed as an
important activity to ensure accountability, maintain credibility, and improve internal
decision- making process and the capacity to learn from past experience. Impact
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

assessment is a critical component of agricultural research in that it helps to define
priorities of research and facilitate resource allocation among programs, guide
researchers and those involved in technology transfer to have a better understanding of
the way new technologies are assimilated and diffused into farming communities, and
show evidence that clients benefit from the research products.

Impact studies have faced both conceptual and empirical challenges, partly due to
the complexities of the relationships between agricultural technology and rural
livelihoods. As the goals of agricultural technology development change from increasing
food production to the broader aims of reducing poverty, both technology development
and studies of its impact become more complex. Yet, examining the impacts and impact
pathways of different types of agricultural technologies is essential to guide future
research ways that will make the greatest contribution to poverty reduction. The
sustainable rural livelihoods framework (SRLF) has been adapted and used in assessing
the impact of new agricultural technologies in livelihoods.

Impact of agricultural productivity and on rural incomes has been an important
contribution of the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research)
centers since their inception. Apart from directly shaping policies and institutions, the
impact of agricultural research-for-development itself may influence agricultural policy
when successful research-for-development practices, which obviously have elements of
appropriate policies and institutions s part of the “package”, are taken up and applied at
larger scale. Agricultural policy, however, affects the level of agricultural research impact
through its effect on incentives for technology adoption. A promising strategy to
minimize the influence of unfavorable policies and institutions is to broaden the scope of
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

research to include aspects of development using the technologies as a means. A
framework representing these interactions among agricultural research, policy, and
livelihoods is needed for a more complete understanding of the impact of new
agricultural technologies on rural livelihoods and on poverty alleviation (Adato and
Meinzen, 2002).

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008


Locale and Time of the Study

The study conducted in the major eggplant growing barangays in the municipality
of Villasis, Pangasinan namely: Piaz, and Caramutan. This study conducted from
December 2007 to January 2008.
Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the eggplant producers in the identified areas.
There were 30 respondents in which they are all eggplant producers.
Data Collection

The primary data for this study collected through key informant interview (KII)
with people who were knowledgeable on the study area such as the technicians and
farmer leaders.

The researcher gathered the secondary data from the Municipal Development Plan
of Villasis and other reading materials.

Data Analysis

The data gathered were summarized, and tabulated based on the objectives of the

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008


Profile of the Respondents
Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents as to age, sex, educational
attainment, and source of income. The mean age of the respondents was 39.27 years.
Most (96.7%) of the respondents were males. Most (80%) had education within the high
school level and the rest within college (13.3%) and elementary (6.7%) levels.
Agriculture is the major source of livelihood of all the respondents.

Table 1. Profile of the respondents



16 - 25 4 13.3

26 - 35 6 19.8

36 - 45 10 33.4

46 – 55 9 29.9

56 – 65 1 3.3

TOTAL 30 100

MEAN 39.27

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Table 1. Continued…



Male 29 96.7

Female 1 3.3


TOTAL 30 100
Educational Attainment

Elementary 2 6.7

High School 24 80.0

College 4 13.3

TOTAL 30 100

Source of Income

Agriculture 30 100


TOTAL 30 100

Hybrid Eggplants Producing Barangays

Table 2 shows the barangays producing eggplant (casino variety), the number of
cultivated areas and number of farmers. Barangay Piaz was the top producing barangay
with cultivated area of 65 has, also considered having the largest number of casino
growers. Caramutan is next with 50 has and 91 farmers followed by Barangobong with
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

45 has and 82 farmers, Lipay with 36 has and 45 farmers, San Blas with 32 has and 58
farmers, Puelay with 28 has and 51 farmers, Bacag with 25 has and 45 farmers,
Amamperez and Tombod with 18 has and 33 farmers each, Lomboy with 15 has and 27
farmers, San Nicolas with 3 has and 5 farmers, Capulaan with 2 has and 5 farmers.

Table 2. Hybrid eggplant producing barangays
Piaz 65 118
Caramutan 50 91
Barangobong 45 82
Lipay 35 64
San Blas 32 58
Puelay 28 51
Bacag 25 35
Amamperez 18 33
Tombod 18 33
Lomboy 15 27

San Nicolas 3 5

Capulaan 2 4
TOTAL 336 601

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Total Cultivated Area of Respondents

Majority (73.3%) of the respondents cultivated less than half hectare of land. The
mean area cultivated was .6750 ha (Table 3).
Cariño (2007) reported that out of 7, 581.61 ha total land area of Villasis, 336 ha
allotted to eggplant production.

Table 3. Total cultivated area

.5ha and below 22 73.3

.51ha – 1 ha 3 10.0

1.01ha – 1.5 ha 2 6.7

1.5ha – 2ha 3 10.0
TOTAL 30 100
MEAN .6750

Area Devoted to Eggplant Production
Out of the total area cultivated, a greater percentage of the respondents devoted
.02 – .025 ha for eggplant production.

The area devoted to eggplant production is estimated to be more than 20,000
hectares with small farms ranging from 0.5- 2.0 hectares in size. The average yield of
eggplant per hectare in the Philippines is 9.95 tons, which is about half that of the average
yield in Asia in the world (Vijayraghavan, 2006).

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Table 4. Area devoted to eggplant production (ha.)

.20 1 3.30

.25 14 46.70

.50 10 33.30

1.00 4 13.30

1.50 1 3.30
TOTAL 30 100.00
MEAN .4733

Production Season for Eggplant

Table 5 shows the production season for eggplant. The months of October to
March are the most common season for eggplant production by 73.3% of the
respondents. The rest plant from the months of October to May by10%, September to
April by 6.7%, and 3.3% for the months of September to May, November to May and
January to May.

Majority of the respondents follow a six months cropping period for eggplant.
Eggplant takes about 65-90 days to harvest from transplanting. This means to say that the
farmers harvest for six months before they change crop or end the production period. One
respondent however extended up to 9 months.
Atchuela (2007) stated that regular planting is from October to January:
harvesting starts from December which lasts up to April or even May. Off season
planting is from April to June; harvests starts from June which lasts up to September.
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Table 5. Production season for eggplant

October – March 6 22 73.30

October – May 8 3 10.00

September- May 9 1 3.30

September – April 8 2 6.70

November – May 7 1 3.30

January – May 5 1 3.30
TOTAL 30 100.00

Adoption of Hybrid Seed
The new technology adopted by the farmers as described in the earlier section is
the use of hybrid eggplant seeds. The farmers gave several reasons for adoption of the
hybrid seeds, also considered as advantages of using the new technology. These include
higher demand or marketability, and soil adaptability (Table 6). It as also noted from the
KII (Key Informant Interview) that the hybrid varieties produce more fruits and have
longer shelf life.

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Table 6. Reasons for adoption of hybrid varieties

High demand / marketability 4 80.0

Soil adaptability 7 23.3
* Multiple response

In terms of production, Table 7 presents the volume of production for eggplant
which has the average mean of 4, 623.33. The production of eggplant grew from 15-20%
as farmers became more aware of hybrid variety’s tremendous returns with just a bit
more investment (Cariño, 2007).

Table 7. Volume of production for eggplant

200 kg - 1,500 kg 8 26.50

1,600 kg – 2,500 kg 7 23.30

5,100 kg – 10,000 kg 5 16.70

10,100 kg – 20,000 kg 1 3.30

21,000 kg – 25,000 kg 2 6.70
TOTAL 30 100.00
MEAN 4,623.33

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Table 8, shows the quantity sold for eggplant with the average of 4,616.67. The
quantity sold is almost equal to the quantity harvested which implied that most of the
farmers’ productions were sold.

Table 8. Quantity sold

200 kg - 1,500 kg 8 26.50

1,600 kg – 2,500 kg 7 23.30

2,600 kg – 5,000 kg 7 23.30

5,100 kg – 10,000 kg 5 16.70

10,100 kg – 20,000 kg 1 3.30

21,000 kg – 25,000kg 2 6.70
TOTAL 30 100.00
MEAN 4,616.67

In terms of income, the respondents were asked to rate their income before using
the hybrid seeds and after using the hybrid seeds using a scale of 1 to 10. One is the
lowest and 10 is the highest. The average income rating of the farmers before and after
using the hybrid variety in Caramutan and Piaz are shown in Table 9 and Figure 1 before
and after using the hybrid variety.

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Table 9. Farmers’ average rating of their income before and after using hybrid seeds

Caramutan 3.6 7.80

Piaz 3.6 8.40







Study Location

Figure1. Income rating before and after adoption of variety casino

Table 10, shows the sales for eggplant. About more than half of the numbers of
the respondents has a sales ranging from 4,000 – 50,000 with 69.9%. On the other hand,
there were only 1 respondent who has a sales ranging from 101,000 – 200,000 and from
201,000 – 250,000.Using hybrid seeds, the farmers have increased on the financial
benefits and having the return for about 40-50% (Sayoc, 2005).
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Table 10.Sales for eggplant

P 4,000 – 25,000 10 33.30

26,000 – 50,000 11 36.60

51,000 – 75,000 5 16.50

76,000 – 100,000 2 6.70

101,000-250,000 1 3.30

201,000 – 250,000 1 3.30
TOTAL 30 100.00
MEAN 48,471.67

Table 11 presents the changes occurred for adoption of the hybrid seeds. These
include the increased household income with 93.3% and purchased farm tools or
equipments with 50%. Some farmers stated also that they paid their debts and sent their
children in school.

Table 11. Changes occurred as a result of variety adoption

Increased in household income 28 93.30

Purchased farm tools / 15 50.00

* Multiple response

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Cost and Return Analysis for 1,000 sq.m
Table 12 shows the average cost and return of 1,000 sq.m. eggplant production
based on estimates of the respondents.

Table 12. Cost and return analysis for eggplant


CASH COST 4966.20 3459.80 4213
Seeds / Planting materials 118.87 178.80 148.835
Fertilizers 3484.00 2793.33 3138.665
Pesticides 296.67 142.00 219.335
Hired Labor 733.33 240.00 486.665
Fuel and Oil 333.33 105.67 219.5
IMPUTED COST 1,000.00 1,800.00 1,400.00
Family labor 1,000.00 1,800.00 1,400.00
ALL COST 5,966.20 5,259.80 5,613.00
GROSS RETURNS 14,000.00 11,633.33 12,816.665
NET RETURNS 8,033.80 6,373.53 7,203.665
Price per kg 7.89 13.33 10.61
Yield per 1,000 sq.m. 1,733.33 970.00 1,351.665
Cost per kg 3.39 5.42 4.405

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Sources of Technology and Information

Table 13 shows the sources of technology and information related to eggplant
production. The most common source of information of the farmers is the seed company
technician (53.3%), followed by the market or agricultural supply stores (36.7%), and the
DA-MAO (10%).
More than half of the total numbers of respondents get information from the seed
company technician for they are knowledgeable enough in planting and harvesting test
plots and in controlling weeds among growing crops.

Table 13.Sources of technology and information related to eggplant production

Seed company technician 16 53.30

Market / Agricultural 11 36.70

DA – MAO 3 10.00
TOTAL 30 100.00

Production Problems Encountered by Casino Growers

Table 14 shows the problems encountered by the casino growers. Most of the
respondents mentioned that low price is one of the major problem in eggplant production
specifically hybrid casino variety with 56.7%, followed by the oversupply of eggplants
due to shifting of some farmers from their native eggplant (domino, jackpot, decalb) to
the adoption of new hybrid variety (casino), and other provinces & municipalities that
produced eggplants, pushing prices down with 50.0%.
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Table 14. Production problems encountered by casino growers


Low price 17 56.70

Oversupply of eggplants / 15 50.00

* Multiple response

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008



This study was conducted to identify the major hybrid eggplant producing
barangays in Villasis, Pangasinan, estimate the total area cultivated and area devoted to
eggplant production by the respondents, identify the improved technologies adopted by
the farmers in eggplant production, and the production season for eggplant , determine
the advantages of using new eggplant technologies in terms of: a) productivity, b)
marketing, c) income, identify the sources of technology and information related to
eggplant production, and find out production problems encountered by casino growers.

Thirty (30) eggplant growers from Piaz and Caramutan were interviewed using an
interview schedule. The Municipal Agriculturist of Villasis, a technician from a seed
company assigned in Villasis, and a barangay kagawad or councilman from Piaz were the
key informants. Secondary data such as area planted, number of farmers, and other
information was obtained from the Municipal Plan of the municipality.

The hybrid producing barangays were Piaz and Caramutan followed by
Barangobong, Lipay, San Blas, Puelay, Bacag, Amamperez and Tombod, Lomboy, San
Nicolas, and Capulaan.

The reasons that the farmers gave for adoption of the hybrid seeds, also referred
in this study as the new technology were higher demand or marketability, and soil

The impact of adopting the varieties on farmers’ livelihoods and income was
gauged by the increase in income that the farmers reported by using casino variety. The
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

impacts reported also by the farmers were that they were able to buy farm tools or
equipments (hose, water pump, and tractor), paid their debts, and sent their children to

The production problem mentioned by the eggplant growers were low price and
oversupply of eggplant or competition due to shifting of some farmers from their native
eggplant (domino, jackpot, decalb) to the adoption of new hybrid variety (casino) causing
low price.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made:
1. Adopting hybrid eggplant varieties increase the income of the farmers.
2. Credit availability is an important factor in the adoption of hybrid varieties.


Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations were made:
1. Production programming within the municipality and across municipalities or
provinces has to be done in order to resolve the problem of oversupply due to
simultaneous planting.
2. Financial institute like Bank should provide credits to the farmers at soft rate so
that farmers / ordinary farmers can afford it.
3. Farmers’ scientific orientation and scientific insight is found to be an important
factor in determining the adoption of improved technology. Emphasis should be given
in developing scientific mind and attitude to the adoption of hybrid technology.
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008


ADATO and MEINZEN. 2002. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture.
Ibadan,Nigeria. P.3.

ATCHUELA, C. L. 2007. Municipal Agriculturist. Villasis, Pangasinan

CARIÑO, D. 2007. Agricultural Technologist and Report Officer. Villasis, Pangasinan

CHEN, N. and LI, H. 2001.Eggplant Production. California,USA. P.64.

DA Region IV-A.2005.Bureau of Agricultural Research, Diliman, Quezon City.P.21-22.

FUERTES,Y. S. 2006. My World. August 16, 2007.

GRANBERRY, D.M. 1990.Extension Horticulturist. August 18, 2007.
JETT, L. W. 1993.Division of Plant Sciences. University of Missouri.
SAYOC, M. P. 2005. EWSC General Manager. Manila Bulletin, Manila, Philippines
TANQUEZON, T. B. 2005. Vegetable Production Training Manual. P.19.
VIJAYRAGHAVAN, K.2003. Agricultural Biotechnologist, Regional Coordinator,
Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II. South Asia

VILLANCIO, V. T. 2002. Farming Systems and Soil Resources Institutes. College Of
Agriculture, UP Los Baňos. P.33.

VISPERAS, E. 2005. The Philippine Star. August 16, 2007.

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008


Appendix A. Survey Questionnaire

A. Personal Data
Name of the Respondents:_______________
Age: _____ Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female
Civil Status: _____
Educational Attainment: __________
Address: _______________________

B. Household Information
B.1. Please describe the following information about your household
Particulars Male
No. of household members

No. of full time agricultural labor

B.2 Please describe the source of your household income
Income source
Total earning per year
Agriculture(including livestock)

Non- agriculture

C. Farm Characteristics
C.1. Please provide the following details about your land holding (area in sq.m or ha)
Land Category
Rain fed

C.2. Details about land utilization and crop production for the last cropping year
Crops Area Duration

D. Vegetable cultivation situation (on selected crop) and technology adoption
D.1. Since where you growing this crop in your field? If there was a change in variety
from start to present, please mention timeline with respect to change in varieties

Reason for change
Reason for

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

E. Inputs and irrigation
E.1. Please provides the following details on labor and input use during last season
Own Labor
Hired Labor

Input use and cost
Inputs Amount

Chemical fertilizer




Effective micro-organisms (EM)



Use of trenching

Use of plastic mulch

Electricity on farm


Others (Please specify)

E.2. What methods of watering do you use in farming?
Irrigation type
Frequency of use (per time)

Drip irrigation

Surface (irrigation canal)

Underground water


F. Market and other influencing factors
F.1. How much price do you get for your vegetable?
Minimum (P / kg)

Maximum (P / kg)

Average price (P / kg)

F.2. Do you get price information about vegetable in your area before planting and

Yes / No
From whom
Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Before planting

Before harvesting

F.3. Please indicate your level of satisfaction wit h the current price of the vegetable
seed and cost of improved seed
Level of satisfaction
Vegetable Price
Seed cost
Highly satisfied (5)

Satisfied (4)

Neutral (3)

Dissatisfied (2)

Highly Dissatisfied (1)

G. Yield differences and changes due to variety adoption
G.1. How much yield (kg / ha) do you get from different varieties of seeds used?
Variety Yield

G.2 Please rate your income from growing the crop before and after using the
improved seed?
Income Score
Before using improved seed

After using improved seed

G.3. What major changes occurs as a result of variety adoption?
Changes Score
1. Increase income household

H. Problems and factors
H.1. Please describes the important problems you encountered from using improved
Problems Score

H.2 What factors influenced your decision to adopt the hybrid crop variety?
Factors Score

Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers’ Livelihood
in Villasis, Pangasinan / Doris Joyce J. Galutan. 2008

Document Outline

  • Impact of Improved Eggplant Production Technology on Farmers� Livelihood in Villasis, Pangasinan
      • Rationale
      • Statement of the Problem
      • Objectives of the Study
      • Importance of the Study
      • The Crop
      • Variety Selection
      • Harvesting
      • Insect Management
      • Marketing
      • Livelihood�s Impact
      • Locale and Time of the Study
      • Respondents of the Study
      • Data Collection
      • Data Analysis
      • Profile of the Respondents
      • Hybrid Eggplants Producing Barangays
      • Total Cultivated Area of Respondents
      • Area Devoted to Eggplant Production
      • Production Season for Eggplant
      • Adoption of Hybrid Seed
      • Income
      • Cost and Return Analysis for 1,000 sq.m
      • Sources of Technology and Information
      • Production Problems Encountered by Casino Growers
      • Summary
      • Conclusions
      • Recommendations