AGAPITO, FELINA G. OCTOBER 2009. Collection and Characterization of
Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Araceli G. Ladilad,Ph.D.
The study was conducted in seven barangays of Bakun, Benguet from March 2009
to August 2009 to collect, identify and characterize the different endemic orchids growing
in these barangays; and to determine the common orchids found in every barangays.

Results showed that majority of the orchids and characterized collected were found
in barangay Poblacion, Bakun. This is due to its existing vegetation which provided a
favorable environmental condition for the abundant growth of different orchid species and
because mostly people in this barangay` collect and domesticate orchids. On the other
hand, barangay Gambang showed the least number of orchid species collected due to the
use of large areas for Agricultural purposes and forest fires that destroyed the habitat of
some orchid species.

The most common orchids collected in most barangays in Bakun was Dendrobium
species; while the rare ones such as Liparis parviflora andTrichoglottis braciata were
only found in barangay Bagu, Sinakbat, Gambang and Ampusungan.



Bibliography…………………………………………………………………… i

Abstract……... ………………………………………………………………… i

Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………… ii

INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………….….

REVIEW OF LITERATURE..............................................................................

The Orchid Plant………………………………………………………...

Distribution of Endemic Orchids……………………………………….

Habitat or Location……………………………………………………..

Cultivation of Endemic Orchids………………………………………..

General Characteristics of the Plants………………………………….

Manner of Growth……………………………………………………

Mode of Reproduction………………………………………………..

MATERIALS AND METHODS.........................................................................

Materials ………………………………………………………………....... 7

Methods …………………………………………………………………… 7


Location of Identified Orchids at Bakun, Benguet………………………. 10

Commercial and Ethnobotanical Uses of Identified Orchids……………..

Average Number of Aerial Roots and Length of Roots (cm) …………

Plant Height at Flowering………………………………………………..

Characterization of Orchids Collected…………………………………...





LITERATURE CITED…………………………………………………………



The orchids of the Philippines are among the most beautiful in the world. Many
horticultural attractive orchid species occur within the more than 7,000 islands that make
up the Philippine Archipelago (Cootes, 2001). Many endemic species of orchids are
found in the Philippines, plenty of which have been recognized by orchids throughout the
globe (Rimando, 2001).
According to current estimations, there are some 730 genera and 25,000 species in
existence. Extremely diversified, they are to be found in virtually all regions around the
world. They are most abundant in moist tropical regions, where they often cling to trees,
or rocks, but some grow in temperate or cool climates, especially in forested mountains
(Lecoufle, 1999).
Orchids are common names applied to perennial flowering herbs, vines, or shrublike
plants that belong to family Orchidaceae of the order Orchidales. It is known for their
often colorful, showy blossoms, and for their fragrances. According to Pridgeon et. al.
(1992), orchid’s area among the most passionately cultivated flowers worldwide and for
centuries, it has been a symbol for the exotic and mysterious aspect of the human
imagination and they are widely thought as being special. It has a reputation for glamour
and sometimes people even need to be reminded that orchids are in the end, only plants.
Our rainforests are being destroyed in an alarming rate. The slash and burn practices of
our subsistence farmers, destroy our endangered species or orchids. Thus, we will have
the opportunity to assist in the conservation of some of these species in hope that
someday, it may be possible to re-establish them in their natural habitat or environment.
Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009

Although some of these orchids species may be relatively common to plants (not all
orchids have spectacular flowers), many people are unaware of the native orchid
population in the Cordillera Administrative Region. The species lacking current
horticultural appeal or significance are often the most endangered because few people
care about them. Yet, who knows what these species may have to contribute in the future
(Ladilad, 2001).
This study was conducted at the different barangays of Bakun, Benguet from March to
August 2009 to collect and identify endemic orchids in all barangays of Bakun, Benguet;
characterized orchids collected; classify them by genera and species; and document the
collection in picture.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


The Orchid Plant
In the literature of ancient Greece during the era of Aristotle and Plato, the Greek
philosopher, Theopratus first called the plant “orchis” from which the word “orchids”
was derived (Condrado, 1984). The Greek word “orchids” refers to the paired
underground bulbs of Mediterranean orchids because of its similarity to the reproductive
male anatomy (Valmayor, 1984). She was first to record the resemblance of tubernacles
of certain Mediterranean species to a pair of testicles (Lecoufle, 1999).

In 1753, the name orchids was retained by Linneau’s in his book, Species
Plantarum,was the starting point of modern botanical nomenclature; when he proposed
the botanical epithet for all scientific names of plants. Finally, John Lindley used the
name for the orchid family in his book, the Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants in
1830. He deservedly recognized today as the father of orchids cultivation (Valmayor,

Distribution of Endemic orchids

The distribution of indigenous Philippine orchids is decidedly influenced by the
mountainous topography in certain areas of the country. Extensive mountain range run
through parts of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao and has been a very important factor in
the development and distribution of indigenous orchid flora (Cootes, 2001).
Habitat of Location
Orchids are found everywhere. They grow and thrive in the humid tropics of both the
north and southern hemispheres, especially in forested mountains (Cootes, 2001).
Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009

They perched on trunk and branches of trees (epiphytic orchid), they lodged on rocks
(lithophytes orchids), they also grow on the ground (terrestrial orchids), and they are also
found growing on decaying materials (saprophytic orchids).

Cultivation of Endemic Orchids

In the 18th century, when people in Europe first became aware of the treasures of
the tropical forests of Asia and America, most of the orchids grown in greenhouse were
introduced to the colonies. Some of the richest land owners sent out plant collectors and
among the many plants they brought back, there were often orchids. Unfortunately, a lack
of knowledge of the plants native habitats and the inability to simulate the growing
conditions from which they came from, led to most orchid plants surviving for only short
period. However, in the 1820’s, a revolutionary new method of heating greenhouses by
hot water circulating through large-bore cast iron pipes provided more easily controllable
and more suitable conditions for cultivating tropical orchids (Hunt, 1979).
From 1860 onwards, many authors, botanist, gardeners, horticulturists, and explorers
contributed to the progressive improvements which, in gradual stages ushered in the
modern era of orchid cultivation of which the following were particularly significant; the
discovery of appropriate compost; cultivation in hanging baskets (Bank)
ventilation of greenhouses (Ridley); observation of rest period (Bateman); more generous
lighting with suitable shading; invention of central heating (Atkinson); growing in three
of greenhouse (Linden and duBuysson). This innovation made it possible in the late 19th
century to grow epiphytic orchids without major problems (Lecoufle, 1999).

In the early 1970’s, several commercial nurseries were established to meet the
growing demand of the domestic market, the favorable orchid hobbyist and the demand
Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009

for cutflowers. Thus, nurseries meet the domestic requirements for both planting material
and cutflowers (Arditti, 1992). Nowadays, many tropical endemic orchids are raised in
temperate areas in indoors/inside buildings and in greenhouses.

General Characteristics of the Plant
Orchids have thick, leathery, or fleshy leaves, Number of leaves are from one to many,
basal or cauline, alternate, opposite or whorled, rarely absent, occasionally alternating
with flowering cycle, commonly entire in outline, very seldom delicately lobed or
sagittate (Encyclopedia International, 1996). Shape of leaves are grass like, (i.e. generally
linear); strap shape; penal or cigarette shaped; ovate, spoon like, hastate, plicate,
lanceolate, cordale (Hunt, 1979). Stems are usually rounded or laterally compressed,
auspicious, occasionally angular, commonly elongated, rarely reduced to practically
nothing, and often modified into pseodobulbs, rarely cornlike. Inflorescence from one to
many flowered spike, raceme or panicle, occasionally a pseododumbel. The flowers
occur in most all colors and combination of colors. Orchids are known in shades of pure
white, yellow: orange, pink, scarlet, pinkish-lavender, magenta, green, usually, a single
shade ranging from purple to dark brown, reddish brown, white and green with silver,
fascicled or scattered along rhizome or aerial stem (Encyclopedia International, 1996).

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009

Manner of Growth

Orchids are classified according to two general growth forms (habits):
monopodial and sympodial.

The monopodial (meaning one-footed) are orchids with one main stem. The stem
lengthens, adding new leaves to the top, e.g. vanilla, arachis, phalaenopsis, etc.
(Rimando, 2001). Flowers maybe borne on stalk that emerge from the base along the
main stem and may occur in clusters or be solitary (Encyclopedia International, 1996).

The sympodials, (meaning foot-together) are orchids with creeping ground stem
or rhizome, which sent out that eventually develops into a stem and leaves. This new
growth produces its own roots and leaves and at maturity, flowers are formed at its
terminals or at the side of the stem. After flowering, another shoot is formed at the base
of the preceding growth to repeat the cycle. Stem are sometimes thick and fleshing
forming a pseudobulb. Unlike true bulb which are made up of scale-like leaves, the
pseudobulb are jointed stems as a reservoir for food and water, e.g. dendrobium, cattlea,
etc. (Rimando, 2001)

Mode of Reproduction

There are different modes of propagating the various kinds of orchids; it may be
propagated sexually by seed (through embryo culture) or asexually (meristem culture).

Vegetative propagation.

Methods using vegetative parts of orchids such as stem, leaves, pseudobulbs, etc.
result as individuals similar to the parent plants. These methods include division
Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009

formation and separation of “keikis” and offshoots, top cutting, and tissue culture (micro
propagation) (Rimando, 2001
Sexual propagation. Propagation of orchids is usually accomplished through embryo
culture. The seed is so minute, devoid of stored food on account of the absence of an
endosperm for seed germination (Rimando, 2001).

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


The important materials that were used were camera with film, notebook, ball pen and
reference book, collecting tools e.g. shovel, bolo, black plastic bags.


All barangays in Bakun, Benguet were used as collecting sites for the endemic
orchids and were considered as the treatments of the study. Orchids collected were
identified and properly documented. The collection areas were as follows:
B 1

The data gathered were the following:
A. Plant Characteristics
1. Growth habit. This was identified as either having monopodial or sympodial growth
2. Plant height at flowering (cm). The height of the plant was measured from the base to
the tip of the flower at flowering stage.
Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009

3. Length of aerial roots (cm). All aerial roots produced by each individual plant were
counted and the longest roots were measured from the base of the roots to the tip.
4. Number and length of leaves (cm). The numbers of leaves per plant were counted and
measured using a foot rule.

5. Flower color. This was observed by identifying the color of their flower.

6. Shape of the leaves. This was identified by observing the shape of their leaves

7. Botanical classification. Identification of specific orchid collection was based
on genera and specific name.
B. Start a Gene bank of Orchids

Orchids were grown taking into consideration their light and temperature
requirements as well as providing them with suitable growing media and adequate water
and the proper methods of propagation.
C. Habitat
The endemic orchids on the site of collection were classified according to their
habitat, preference: terrestrial, if they were be found on the ground, lithophytes, if they
are be lodged on rocks; epiphytic, if they perched on trunks and branches of trees; and
saprophytic, if they were found growing on decaying materials.
D. Documentation
The endemic orchids on the site of collection were documented through picture.

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Figure 1.Overview of the seven Barangays of Bakun, Benguet
Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Location of Identified Orchids at Bakun, Benguet

Table 1 and figure 1 showed the location of identified orchids at Bakun,
Result obtain were signifantly different with regards to the numbers of orchids collected.
From the different barangays.It was found out that barangay poblacion, Bakun had the
highest number of orchids present with about 14 species among the 18 orchids collected.
This was followed by barangay Kayapa with about 12 species. On the other hand, baran-
gay Gambang had the lowest number of species collected with only 4 speceis.One reason
of this is because of the prevalence of agricultural land and deforestation.
From this result, it showed that orchids are found in all barangays of Bakun. They
mostly occur on high mountains, on forest or crevices of rocks. It was further observe
that majority occur in an area that provide the great variety of conditions and habitats
which orchid plant prefers to grow.
Observations also show that orchids found on forested areas are commonly epiphytes
which perched on trunks or branches of trees and few are found growing on rocks and on
the ground. According to Jones (1998) as cited by Fessel et al. (1999).Terrestrial orchids
do not occur elsewhere. Because of the high levels of endemism and their sporadic and
wide dispersal, many orchids’ populations suffer with both loss of habitat to agricultural
and logging.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Table 1. Location of identified orchids at Bakun, Benguet

SPECIES Ampusungan Bagu Dalipey Gambang Kayapa Poblacion
Agrostophyllum x x x x
inocephallum Ames
Ceratostylis x x x x

x x x

Calanthe x x x x

Dendrobium x x x

x x x

x x

x x x

x x x
x x x x
Quadrilobum Ames

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Table 1. Continued. . …


SPECIES Ampusungan Bagu Dalipey Gambang Kayapa Poblacion

Dendrobium x x x x x

x x x x x

Paphiopedilum x x

x x x
Chrysantha Ames

x x x x x

Lycaste virginalis
x x
Var. Alba

x x x
Rufescens var. flavida

x x x

= present
x = absent

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Commercial and Ethnobotanical Uses of Identified Orchids
Table 2 shows the commercial and ethnobotanical uses of the different
identified orchids. Results showed that most of these orchids have several economic uses
where as they can be used as ornamental plants. Orchids are grown primarily as
ornamentals by hobbyist and commercial establishments. They are grown for commercial
sale. As for medicine, orchids are used in some parts of the world (Arditti, 1992).
Example in Malaysia and India, orchids are used to treat asthma, tuberculosis, cramps,
mental disorders and kidney stones; in Mexico, Habenaria species is used to treat
infected wounds and in Asia, tubers and rhizomes of Habeneria and Spathoglottis species
are being eaten while in China, Cymbidium spp. have been used in coloring (Arditti,
The most common use of orchids is as ornamentals, but few orchid plants are
attractive enough for direct utilization in this manner, and most are grown for their
flowers. And most important-ornamental and commercial aspects of orchids have always
been their use as cutflowers. For many years, the flowers are mostly made into corsages
and bouquets. In addition to the obvious decorative value of the plants and flowers,
orchid materials were employed in art and decoration (William, 1990).

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Table 2. Commercial and ethnobotanical uses of identified orchids

SPECEIS Ornamental Food Medicine
Agrostophyllum inocephallum Ames
Ceratostylis incognita
Calanthe triplicata
Calanthe vestita
Dendrobium cobbianum
Dendrobium dearei
Dendrobium glumaceum
Dendrobium heterocarpum
Dendrobium sanderae
Dendrobium victoria- reginae
Dendrochillum quadrilobum Ames
Liparis parviflora
Liparis philippinensis
Lycaste virginalis var. Alba
Maxillaria rufescens var. flavida

Paphiopedilum argus
Spathoglottis chrysantha Ames
Trichoglottis brachiata

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Average Number and Length of Aerial roots

Table 3 shows the average number of aerial roots and their aerial growth and length.
Results obtained were significantly different with regards to the average number of aerial
roots and length. It was observed that Dendrobium glumaceum had the highest number of
aerial roots produced with an average of 14. Followed by Dendrobium sanderae and
Dendrchillum quadrilobum Ames having the same average number of roots of 10.
Among the 18 species collected and identified Liparis parviflora had the less number of
roots produced with an average of 5.
Results also show the average length of aerial roots. It was observed that Agrostophyllum
inocephallum Ames had the longest roots measuring 66 cm. Liparis philippinensis
follows with a length of 29 cm. Among these orchids collected, Calanthe vestita had the
shortest length of roots that measured 6 cm long.
The different aerial roots of an epiphytic orchid may arise from the base of pseudobulbs,
nodes of monopodial species and main stem.

Plant height at flowering
Table 4 shows the plant height of collected orchids at flowering. Based on the results it
was noted that Spathoglottis chrysantha Ames was the tallest with plant height at
flowering of 65 cm. It was followed by Dendrobium sanderae with 64 cm; while
Dendrobium dearei was the smallest with only 16 cm height.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Table 3. Average number and length of aerial roots


Agrostophyllum inocephallum Ames 9 66
Ceratostylis incognita 6 27
Calanthe triplicata 8 31
Calanthe vestita 8 6
Dendrobium cobbianum 8 21
Dendrobium dearei 7 24
Dendrobium glumaceum 4 13
Dendrobium heterocarpum 6 9
Dendrobium sanderae 10 26
Dendrobium victoria- reginae 7 15
Dendrochillum quadrilobum Ames 10 14
Liparis parviflora 5 15
Liparis philippinensis 4 29
Lycaste virginalis var. Alba 7 12
Maxillaria rufescens var. flavida 7 9
Paphiopedilum argus 6 28
Spathoglottis chrysantha Ames 5 12
Trichoglottis brachiata 6 30

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Table 4. Plant height at flowering
Agrostophyllum inocephallum Ames 24
Ceratostylis incognita 17
Calanthe triplicata
Calanthe vestita
Dendrobium cobbianum
Dendrobium dearei
Dendrobium glumaceum
Dendrobium heterocarpum 19
Dendrobium sanderae
Dendrobium victoria- reginae
Dendrochillum quadrilobum Ames
Liparis parviflora
Liparis philippinensis 20
Lycaste virginalis var. Alba 28
Maxillaria rufescens var. flavida 18
Paphiopedilum argus
Spathoglottis chrysantha Ames
Trichoglottis brachiata 46

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Characterization of Collected Orchids at Bakun, Benguet
The collected, identified and characterized endemic orchids at Bakun, Benguet are
presented in Figures 2-18.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 2. Agrostophyllum inocephallum Ames (No information)

Growth habit : Upright, sympodial
Stem : Tufted, flattened, up to 25 cm long by 2.5 cm
Leaves : Distichous, linear-oblong, 2 ranked, joined to
sheathing bases, up to 15 cm long by 2.5 cm wide
unequally lobed at the tip.

Inflorescence : Capitates, pluribracteate up to 3-5 cm in diameter,
terminal densely clustered.
Flower color : White
Dorsal sepal : Oblong to lanceolate, about 3.5 mm long by 2 mm
Petals : Linear lanceolate, up to 4 mm long by 1 mm

Habitat : It grows as an epiphyte.
Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 3. Ceratostylis incognita (no information)

Growth habit
: Sympodial

: Have semiterete dark green leaves
Flower color
: Lovely of about 3/8 inch appearing in periodic
flushes along the stem the widely open blooms are
pure crystalline snow white.
: Mostly grow in the forest.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 4. Calanthe Triplicata Ames (Christmas lily)

Growth Habit : Upright, sympodial
Pseudobulbs : Up to 15 cm by 5 cm, tapered with slightly
thickened ovoid
Leaves : Very variable, deeply folded, ovate-lanceolate, up to
50 cm long, 20 cm wide.
Inflorescence : Upright, 60 to90 cm long, bracts lanceolate, persistent
carry bloom up to 12 flowers crowded into a head like
Flower Color : white to rose purple.
Sepal and petals : oblong-ovate, outside slightly hairy, about 1.5 by 1.8

cm long by 0.8 to 1cm wid.
Lateral sepals : lanceolate, reflex towards the pedicel.
Labbelum : 3 lobed: lateral lobes ovate, larger than midlobed.
Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009

: it was an evergreen terrestrial in humid areas.

Figure 5. Calanthe vestita

Growth habit
: sympodial

: broadly lanceolate, acuminate, an prominently
ribbed underneath.
: 3 feet tall erect then nodding, carry a dozen or
more long lasting flowers.
Flower color
: white to 6.25 to 7.5 cm.
: with or without spur, 3-lobed, attached to the base
of the column or more or less to its whole length.
: grows as an epiphyte mostly on trees.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 6. Dendrochillum cobbiamum Riech (Golden Chain Orchid)

Growth habit
: Upright, sympodial
: Mature pseudobulbs large about 4-8 cm long
Leaves : Oblong-lanceolate, 6-18 cm long, 2.5-3.5 cm wide
with prominent midrib and 3 less conspicuous
veins on each side.
Inflorescence : Upright, flowering portion pendulous appear with
the new growth; normally longer than the foliage
about 40 cm. long, naked below, elongated,
Flower color : Extremely variable, some clones color orange

Habitat : Epiphytes, abounds in mossy rain forests,

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 7. Dendrobium dearei

Growth habit
: sympodial

: one too many from linear to almost round to terete,
: carries up to a dozen flowers.
: 60-100 cm long, fleshy or wiry.
Flower color
: 7-5 cm snowhite, long lasting with a green or
yellow of area at the base of the leaf lip.
Lateral sepals
: joined to the column foot to form mentum.four
pollinia are present in two closely apprised pairs.

: easy to grow, mostly in the mountains

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 8. Dendrobium heterocarpum

Growth Habit
: sympodial

: Deciduous, ligulate or oblong, lanceolate,
acute to obtuse 7.5 -12 cm long, 1.5- 2.5 cm broad, narrowly oblong, sub-acute.
: Produced at the leafless nodes along most of

length of the canes.
Flower Color
: 3 or 2 flowers which are a buff-yellow colour

highly fragrant.


: sub-equal, with lip yellow or white

: Growing epiphyte primarily in the forest

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 9. Dendrobium sanderae (bamboo orchids)

Growth habit
: sympodial
: small pointed only at the apex of the
growth. Have two rows measuring about 10 cm
long by 1.5 cm wide.
Flower color : white brightly colored about 4cm in diameter.
Petals and Sepals : are of equal size, colors are often white suffused
with pink or mauve, golden and subtle shades of
pink, cream and brown. The rounded lip carries a
color which contrast with the rest of the flower.
Habitat : Dangling down from the lower branches of trees
and shrubs.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 10. Dendrobium Victoria-reginae

Growth Habit
: sympodial


: Oblong or lanceolate, papery, acute to
Flower color : Short erect 1 to 3 flowered racemes with
paleaceous, oblong, acute bracts and color
variable. It be borne singly at the top of the
flowering stem or laterally at intervals along
its length.
Habitat : Mostly grow on mossy forest, it grows as an

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 11. Dendrobium glumaceum Lindl/Platyclinis glumacea
Benth/ (Rice Orchids)

Growth habit : Sympodial
Leaves : Leathery, arise singly from the pseudobulbs, lanceolate,
about 30 cm by 4 cm wide, thick, round and smooth.
Inflorescence : Are gracefully, appear with the new growth, thread
like, bearing a pendulous racemes, flowers about 2 cm in diameter.
Flower color : pure glittering white; sepals and petals; wide color
range in the labellum includes bright orange, bright yellow and brown. Lip- light-
Lateral sepals : linear-oblong, tapering to a sharp point, up to 8 mm
long by 2 mm wide
Habitat : it grows as an epiphyte, found in mossy forests.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 13. Lizards parviflora (Blume) Lindl. (No information)

Growth habit
: Upright, sympodial

: Elliptic, up to 28 cm long, 6 cm wide, widest near
acute apex, narrowed very gradually to base.
: Semi-pendulous, up to 50 cm long, bear over 130
flowers; numerous bracts at the base, 3-4 mm long.
Flower color
: Greenish-white with tip of all parts pink, or all
parts pink at base.
Dorsal sepal
: Linear, 5 mm long by 1.5 mm wide.
Petals : Linear, 5 mm long by 1 mm wide.
Lateral sepals : Linear, 5 mm long by 2 mm wide
Labellum : Oblong, 6 mm long by 5 mm wide, distinctly bent
in middle, cleft at apex, minute white hairs around
the edge.
Habitat : It grows as an epiphyte, found on trees in shady

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Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 14. Liparis philippinensis (N: No information)

Growth habitat
: Upright, sympodial

: Linear-oblong, acute, 20-30 cm long by 2 cm
wide, narrowed below.
: Upright, flattened, appears from top of the
Flower color
: Bright green, Column darker green, Orange-
yellow borne on elongated pedicels exceeding the
Dorsal sepal
: Linear, reflexes back, 10 mm long by 0.5 mm
wide, acute, strongly keeled near apex, margins
: Linear, 9 mm long, nearly acute, 1-veined,
margins rolled.
Lateral sepals
: Similar to dorsal sepal.

: Epiphyte, found in mossy forests grows on bark
of trees.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 15. Lycaste virginalis

Growth habit
: sympodial
: large. Comparatively thin and folded about 25cm
long and 4.5 cm wide.
Flower color
: pure white, appear singly on stems of varying
length with spotting and bicolor.
: often spotted with crimson.
: normally stands outwards parallel with the
: found mainly in the mountain.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 16. Maxillaria rufescence

Growth habit : sympodial
Leaves : broad leaves that developed from a horizontal

rhizome, the latter have very thin grass-like.
Flower color : dull yellow or yellow brown up to 3cm to4
Petals : yellow with an orange hue on the outer surface.
Labellum : presence of reddish blotches spots dense forest.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 17. Paphiopedillum Argus (Lady’s slipper orchids)

Growth habit : sympodial
Leaves : plain, green strap
Inflorescence : extremely long
Flower color : red-pouced, cleanly dark green stripe borne

singly on a strong 15-25cm stem.
Dorsal sepal : dominant feature and is usually flared or spotted.
Petals : maybe short, narrow or wide. They exceptionally
long, horizontal or dropping.
Lateral sepals : fused into a “synsepal” that is usually small.
Habitat : grow in quite moist environment

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


Figure 18. Trichoglottis braciata

Growth habit
: upright monopodial
: very leathery and stiff, helping the plant to tolerate

the full sun.
Flower color
: 5cm heavy textured of red purple, flowers are

produced along the stem.
: short axillary which developed simultaneousl
: slightly broader than the petals.
: Best grown in tropical conditions.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


The study was conducted in seven barangays of Bakun, Benguet from March
2009 to August 2009 to collect, identify and characterize the different endemic orchids
found growing in these barangays and to determine the common orchids found in every
Results showed that among the seven barangays, Poblacion had the most number of
orchids collected compared to other barangays. Among the 18 species identified; 14
species were found in barangay Poblacion one reason of this is because most of the
people in this barangay collect and domesticate orchids in their backyard while barangay
Gambang had the least number of orchids with only 4 species found. Most of these
orchids are epiphytes (they perched on trunks and branches of trees) and lithophytic (they
lodge on rocks) and terrestrial (grow on the ground). Most of them are used as
ornamentals. It can be purely for aesthetic purposes and or for commercial sale.


Based on the results of the study, orchids are widely distributed that they can be
found almost everywhere especially on high elevation mountain in slopes and forested
areas. They are noted for their exotic beautiful showy blossoms and for their
fragrance/scent. They are cultivated as greenhouse flowers and indoor cut flowers and
potted plants.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


For the collection, identification and characterization of endemic orchids in
Bakun, Benguet, the following are recommended:

1. Because of their noted beautiful and exotic showy blossoms Dendrobium
victoria-reginae, Dendrobium sanderae, Dendrobium heterocarpum and Paphiopedilum
Argus are recommended to be propagated for commercial cutflower production and
potted plants.

2. It is further recommended that the other orchid species such as Dendrobium
sanderae, Liparis parviflora and Trichoglottis brachiata which are found only in few
barangays to be given more attention in propagation efforts to prevent their extinction.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009


ARDITI, J. 1992. Fundamentals of Orchid: biology. Irvine, California: John Willey and
Sons, Inc. P. 26.

CONDRADO, R. 1984. Orchids Within Reach. Marikina: Jo Car Enterprises. P. 6.

COOTES, J. 2001. The Orchids of the Philippines. Times Edition. P. 4.

LARSON, R.R. 1996. Encyclopedia International. New York.AcademicPress, Inc. P.

FESSEL, H. and P. BLAZER. 1999. A Selection of Native Philippine Orchids. Times
Edition, Singapore. Pp. 87-92.

HUNT, F. 1979. The International Book of orchids. Marshall Cavander. Pp. 16, 26, 64.

LADILAD, A. 2001. Research Proposal: Germplasm collection of Orchedaceae and
Felicinae, BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet. P. 2.

LINDLEY, J. 1830. The Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants. New Jersey
Nedham, Massachussetts, USA, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Pp. 395-397.

LINNAEUS, 1753.The Species Plantarum. New York.Mc Graw-Hill Book Co.Inc.Pp. 7-

LECOUFLE, M. 1999. Orchids Care and Cultivation. San Francisco. H .Freeman and
Company. Pp. 12.

PRIGEON, A. 1992. What Orchid is that? London: Weldon Sydney. Pp. 6-7.

RIMANDO, T. 2001. Ornamental Horticulture. SEAMEO SEARCA and UPLB. Pp. 99,

VALMAYOR, H. 1984. Orchidiana Philippiniana. College of Agriculture.UPLB, Laguna
Pp. 3-8.

WILLIAM, B. 1990. Orchids for Everyone: A Practical Guide to the Home Cultivation of
Over 200 of the World’s Most Beautiful Varieties. London: Bamander Books Ltd. P. 87.

Col ection and Characterization of Ende-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet / Felina G. Agapito. 2009

Document Outline

  • Collection and Characterization ofEnde-mic Orchids in Bakun, Benguet
      • The Orchid Plant
      • Distribution of Endemic orchids
      • Habitat of Location
      • Cultivation of Endemic Orchids
      • General Characteristics of the Plant
      • Manner of Growth
      • Mode of Reproduction
      • Vegetative propagation.
      • Location of Identified Orchids at Bakun, Benguet
      • Commercial and Ethnobotanical Uses of Identified Orchids
      • Average Number and Length of Aerial roots
      • Plant height at flowering
      • Characterization of Collected Orchids at Bakun, Benguet
      • Summary
      • Conclusion
      • Recommendations