PANGANIBAN, MARCIANA B. APRIL 2009. Richness of Spider Species on
Strawberry Plantations at La Trinidad, Benguet. Benguet State University, La Trinidad,
Adviser: Bonie S. Ligat
This study was conducted at Balili, Swamp and Longlong, La Trinidad, Benguet
to identify the spiders found on strawberry plantations and to determine their distribution
and population.

There were five families of spiders that were found on the strawberry plantations
such as the family Araneidae, Lycosidae, Theridiidae, Tetragnathidae and Salticidae.

The family Tetragnathidae and family Salticidae were the least distributed that
were only found in one site.

The population of spiders under the families were 69 Araneidae, 36 Lycosidae,
35 Theridiidae and 1 in both family Teragnathidae and family Salticidae.


Abstract……………………………………………………………………….... i
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………..
INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………… 1
REVIEW OF LITERATURE…………………………………………………...
MATERIALS AND METHODS…………………………………………….....
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION………………………………………………..
LITERATURE CITED………………………………………………………….

The strawberry belongs to the genus Fragaria in the rose family. They are low-
growing perennial herb that may live for many years. Strawberry plants have short roots
and long, slender stems that grow along the surface of the soil. They are propagated by
cutting off and replanting the many long runners produced by the plant. It can grow best
in cool, moist climate and in any kind of soil.

In the Philippines, strawberries are mostly grown in the municipality of La
Trinidad, Benguet. It is a fruit known to attract tourists. The fruits may be eaten fresh and
can be canned, frozen or used in making jam, jelly and wine which is the main source of
income for farmers and some individuals.
The yield of strawberry is affected by the occurrence of pests, thus, the
occurrence of natural enemies is a great help in keeping the population of pests lower.

Spiders can be found almost everywhere. In houses, they spin their webs along
the ceiling, around the corners and in the houseplants where they can easily catch their
prey and some are just walking on the walls and floors. In the field, they eat a lot of
insects that destroy the crops.

Spiders, in its various kinds, are predators of orchard pests such as thrips, citrus
scale and citrus psylla. On tomatoes, spiders eat red spider mites, two larval stages of the
bollworm, as well as on aphids. Predation is not limited to the adult stage, but includes
the egg and larval or nymphal stages as well (Schoemen, 2006).
The web-building spiders rarely capture caterpillars. Members of tangle web spiders prey
on ground-dwelling insects like the ants or crickets and grass orb

Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009


moth. Whereas, the hunting spiders pry on grasshoppers, beetles and other arthropods
including other spiders, sow bugs and scorpions. They inject digestive juices into the
dead prey, reducing its tissue to a liquid that they can suck out as a meal (Wikipedia,

Studies on spider species on strawberry plantations has not yet been established.
Having knowledge on the species and families of spiders found in the site will give
information in order to maximize their use as predators in controlling the population of
pest attacking strawberry.

This study therefore, was conducted to identify the spiders found on strawberry
plantations and to determine their distribution and population.

This study was conducted at Longlong, Balili and Swamp area at the Municipality
of La Trinidad, Benguet from May to December 2008.
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009


Spiders belong to order Araneae, class Arachnida and are members of the phylum
arthropoda, the largest assemblage of animals with jointed legs and exoskeleton. They
are eight-legged and no wings and no compound eyes.

The spiders have only two body regions- the cephalothorax (anterior par)
containing the eyes, palp, mouthparts and legs and the abdomen (posterior part) which
bears the respiratory openings, digestive and reproductive system, anal tubercle and the
spinneret (Barrion et al., 1995).

According to the latest estimates, approximately thirty seven thousand three
hundred (7,300) species of spiders belonging to three thousand four hundred fifty
(3,450) genera and one hundred eight (108) families are known from all over the world. It
is believed that these figures represent only about one- fourth of total number of spider
species present in nature. Over one thousand species of spiders belonging to two hundred
thirty six genera and forty-four families are so far known from the Indian subcontinent.
The world Book in 1990 stated that some kinds of spiders are smaller than the head of a
pin, others are as large as a person’s hand.

Groups of Spiders

There are two groups of spiders according to their way of life.
Hunting Spiders. These spiders creep on their prey or lie and wait on it or they run after
the insect that land in their webs. Most kinds have large eyes and can see their prey from
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

a distance. This group includes the jumping spiders, water spiders, tarantulas, crab
spiders, and wolf spiders.
Jumping spiders leaps into space after its prey, and floats to the ground on a
dragline. They have short legs, but they can jump over forty times the length of their
bodies. Their body is covered with many thick colored hairs and they are the most
colorful of all spiders. Male jumping spiders have brightly colored hairs on their first pair
of legs.
Water spiders are the only spiders that live most of their life underwater. This
spider breathes underwater from air bubbles that it holds close to its body. Its underwater
nests are silk web shape like a bell. The spiders fill the web with air bubbles, which
gradually push all the water out of the bell. The animal can live for several months. They
are found only in Europe and parts of Asia.
Tarantulas are the world’s largest spiders. Many kinds of tarantulas dig burrows
as nests. The trap spider, one kind of tarantula, covers the entrance of its burrow with a
lid. Another, the California tarantula, builds a small tower of grass and twigs at the
entrance of its burrow. This spider then sits on the tower of grass and watches for the
insects moving in the nearby grass. Few tarantulas however, live on trees. Schoeman in
2006 reported that this kind of spiders prey on grasshoppers, beetles and other arthropods
including other spiders, sow bugs, and scorpions. They inject digestive juices into the
dead prey, reducing its tissues to a liquid that they can suck out as meal.
Crab spiders, on the other hand, have short, wide bodies and look like crabs. They
can walk backwards and side wards as easily as crabs do. Some brightly colored crab
spiders hide in flowers and captures bees and butterflies. Few kinds of spiders can
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

disguise themselves by changing the color of their bodies to match the color of the flower
blossom. In addition, these spiders ambush their prey in flowers, capture more bees,
butterflies, and some flies than other insects (Wikipedia, 2008).
Wolf spiders are very common and are excellent hunters. Many kinds have large,
hairy bodies and run swiftly in search for food. Others look and act like other types of
Web- spinning Spiders. Web spinning spiders like hunting spiders, live in caves, in grass
or shrubs, or in trees. They cannot catch their prey because of their poor vision. Instead,
they spin webs to trap insects. A web- spinning spider cannot be caught on its own web.
When walking across the web, it grasps the silk lines with a special hooked claw on each
foot. This Web spinning spiders includes tangle-web, funnel-web, sheet-web, and orb-
weaver spiders.

Tangle-web weavers spin the simplest type of web. It consists of a jumble of
threads attached to a support, such as the corner of a ceiling. The cellar spiders’ spins
tangle web in dark, empty parts buildings. A comb footed spiders spin a tangle webs,
tightly woven sheet of silk in the middle and the ogre-faced spiders spins a web that is
made p largely of hackled bands.

Funnel-web spiders live in tall trees or under rocks or logs. The bottom part of the
web is shaped like funnel and serves as the spiders hiding place. The top part of the web
forms a large sheet silk spread out over grass or soil. When an insect lands on the sheet,
the spider runs out the funnel and pounces on the victim

Sheet-web weavers weave flat sheets of silk between blades of grass or branches
of shrubs or trees. They spin a net crisscrossed thread above the sheet web. Often, an
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

insect will fly directly into the sheet web. The spider which hangs beneath the web,
quickly runs to the insect and pulls it through the webbing. The sheet web last long time
because the spider repairs any damage parts.

Orb-weavers build the most beautiful and complicated of all webs. They weave
their round webs in open areas, often between tree branches of flower stems. Threads of
dry silk extend from an orb webs center like the spokes of a wheel. Coiling lines of sticky
silk connects the spokes and serves as an insect trap. Some orb weavers lie and wait for
their prey in the center of the web, and hold on to the trap line and when an insect lands
in the web, the line vibrates. The spider then darts out and captures the insect.

The life of Spiders

Each species of spiders has a different life history. Many kinds of spiders live
only about a year. Large wolf spiders live several years. Some female tarantulas’ have
lived up to twenty years in captivity. Spiders become adults at different time of the year.
Some mature in the fall and then mate and die during the winter. Others live through the
winter, mate in the spring, and then die.

Courtship and Mating
Spiders perform a courtship ritual before mating. Male wolf spiders weave their
pedipalpi to attract female. In many web-spinning spiders, the courting male plucks the
threads of the web inn a special way so that the female will not mistake him for prey.
Before mating begins, the male spins a web onto which he drops semen, and fills a
reservoir at the tip of his pedipalp with a
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

sperm. During mating, he inserts the pedipalp in to a special pouch in the female, in
which the sperm are stored (World Book, 1997).

The number of eggs that lays at one time varies with the size of the animal. A
female of average size lays about one hundred eggs. Some of the largest spiders lay more
than two thousand eggs. The female of spider wraps the fertilized egg in layers of silk to
form a protective cocoon, which the spider hides or carries around until they hatch.


They hatch from the egg sac and remain there until warm weather arrives. One by
one, they leave the egg sac through tiny holes that they tear in its side. They immediately
begin spinning draglines. Many spiderlings then travel to other areas, usually by

Spiders as Predators

According to Davidson and Lyson (1987) as cited by Ligat in 2002, spiders are
probably the most important of all insect predator.

Spiders Natural Enemies

Many animals which are predacious on insect are predators of spiders as well, and
this includes themselves. Perhaps the most serious enemies are the wasps of the families
Psammocharidae and Sphecidae. Wasps of some species prey only on spiders belonging
to particular families or genera. Such wasps sting and paralyze the spider and then carry it
to their previously excavated burrow where they lay an egg.
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

Characteristics of the Different Family of Spiders
Salticidae. Jumping spiders: they are medium to small in size, stout-
bodied, and short-legged with a distinctive arrangement of the eyes. The body is rather
hairy and is often brightly colored or iridescent; some species are ant-like in appearance.
These spiders are hunters and purse their prey; they construct silken retreats under stones
and debris.
Lycosidae. Wolf spiders or ground spiders. They are spiders that chase
their prey, and some are relatively large. Most of them are dark brown in color. The
members of this group can be recognized by the characteristic arrangement of their eyes;
four small eyes in the first row, two very large eye on the second row, and two small or
medium eyes in the third row. The egg sac is carried about by the female, attached to her
spinnerets; when the young hatch, they are carried about on the back of the female for a
Theridiidae. Comb-footed spiders. The webs of these spiders are an
irregular network in which the spider usually hangs upside down. The cephalothorax is
usually small, the abdomen large and rounded and the legs are usually bent.
Araneidae. Orb-weavers. These are very large and widely distributed
groups and nearly all its members construct an orb web. There is great deal of variation in
size, color, and shape in this family.
Tetragnathidae. Four-jawed spiders. These spiders have very large and
protruding chelicerae, especially in the males. Most species are brownish in color and
rather long and slender, and the legs, especially the front pair, are very long.

Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009


The materials used in the study were microscope, lamp, record book, digital
camera, film canister, vials, carfules, 70% ethyl alcohol, nail polish, bond paper and
pointer. The reference materials were books, dictionaries, encyclopedia and internet.

Study Site

The study was conducted at La Trinidad, Benguet at three sampling sites namely:
Longlong, Balili and Swamp area.

Scheme of Collection

The study was conducted by scouting on the ground and on the strawberry plants
taking a width of 1 m following the transect method. Collection of spiders through
scouting was done by walking from the tip of the line going along the other tip following
the X-line and taking turn on its vicinity.
Spiders sitting on their orb webs were collected using a card and a plastic
container (film canister) with a wide opening by slowly bringing up the card behind the
spider web and at the same time bringing the open wide container towards the spider with
a quick push of the card. Collecting of spiders walking on flat surfaces was done by
placing the film canister over the spider and sliding the card underneath. An area planted
with strawberry, regardless of variety and topography, was considered as sampling site.
Sampling was done for eight months and collection of spider was done once a week and
any time of the day.
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

Classifying Spiders

A dissecting microscope was used to see the detailed parts of the spider since the
collected ones are small. The families and species of the spider were classified according
to their eye patterns (Fig. 1). Their color, body length and leg length were noted. Spider
identification was made using taxonomic keys (Barrion et al., 1995, and the internet).
Classification was noted up to the family level and species if possible .

Data Gathered
1. Identity of spiders. The family and species of spiders.
2. Population of spiders. The number of spider per families and species

Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009






Clubionidae Gnaphosidae







Figure 1. Eye patterns of spiders
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009


Spiders’ classification
There were five families of spiders collected on the strawberry plantations. These
were the family Araneidae, family Lycosidae, Thereidiidae family, Tetragnathidae family
and family Salticidae (fig. 2-10).

The less family of spiders found may be due to the fact that some spiders live
only in some parts or a particular place in the world and or they have the preference of
the environment where to live.
Family Araneidae
They construct an orb web and
hang down from the center.

Argiope Species. The ocular area is
black. Its abdomen is spotted with chalk
white in rectangular pattern and its colored

Figure 2. Argiope species
black on its posterior. It has a silver white
Araneidae family
cardiac mark (not clear on the figure). The
first pair of its legs is colored red and
black. Its body length measures 2mm.
Length of legs from first pair to (anterior)
to the last pair (posterior) were 2.5mm,
2.2mm, 2mm and 2.4mm.
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

Neoscona species (1). Its abdomen
on the anterior portion has a black marking
like a flower-shape (not clear on the figure)
and a black V-shape on the posterior
portion. The body measures 2.4mm. Its
legs from the first pair (anterior) to the last

Figure 3. Neoscona species (1)
pair (posterior) measures 2.6mm, 2.3mm,

Araneidae family
1.2mm and 2.3mm.
Neoscona species (2). The
cephalothorax and abdomen is black, except
that, in the abdomen it has a white band in
an inverted V-shape on the lateral sides on
the anterior portion. The body length
measures 1mm. Leg lengths from first pair
(anterior) to the last pair (posterior)

measures 1.2mm, 1.3mm, 1mm and 1.4mm.
Figure 4. Neoscona species (2)

Araneidae family

Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

species (3).
Cephalothorax gray to black. Abdomen
with a black longitudinal band not reaching
the posterior part with a two pairs of
horizontal band not reaching the lateral
sides. On the posterior part is an open

inverted umbrella-shape, black in color and

with a pair of white spots. Legs are whitish
in color. Its body length is 1.2mm. Leg
length from the first pair (anterior) to the
last pair (posterior) was 2.3mm, 1.3mm,
1.2mm and 2mm.

Figure 5. Neoscona species (3)

Araneidae family

Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009


Family Lycosidae

They walk so fast.
Pardosa species. The eyes were all
dark in color. There is a yellow band on the
cardiac area. Its body is covered with
brown hairs. Abdomen is dark brown in
color spotted with yellowish dots (not clear
on the figure). The sternum is yellowish
with black hairs. The body length measures

8.11mm. Its leg length from first pair
Figure 6. Pardosa species
(anterior) to the last pair (posterior)
Lycosidae family
measures 10mm, 9.12mm, 8mm and
Family Therididae

Their legs are long.
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

Steatoda species. Cephalothorax is
yellowish brown to gray. Abdomen is gray.
Its body length measures 4mm. Its legs
from first pair (anterior) to the last pair
(posterior) measures 4.7mm, 3.4mm,
3.3mm and 5mm.

Figure 7. Steatoda specie

Theridiidae family
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

Enoplognatha species. Cepahlothorax is
whitish with a mark of seems like letter M
which is gray in color. Abdomen is
yellowish with a longitudinal dark brown
to black band and has a two pairs of white
spots. Body length is 1.2mm. Its legs from
the first pair (anterior) to the last pair

(posterior) measures 2.4mm, 2mm, 1.2mm
Figure 8. Enoplognatha species
and 2.5mm.
Theridiidae family

Leucauge species. Abdomen
(ventral view) has a pair of C-shape band
which is silver white in color. The
abdomen (dorsal view) is spotted with
chalk white and has a brown to black
longitudinal band (not reaching the

spinnerets). Body length is 1.3mm. Its legs
Figure 19. Leucauge species
from first pair (anterior) to the last pair
Tetragnathidae family
(posterior) measures 1.4mm, 1.2mm,
1.3mm and 1.5mm.

Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

Family Salticidae
Simaetha species. The cephalothorax
and abdomen is dark brown in color with
white hairs (not clear on the figure). Legs
are short.

Figure 10. Simaetha species

Salticidae family

Distribution of spider species
Table 1 shows the distribution of spider species.
Neoscona species, having three distinct characteristics, hence designated as
Neoscona species (1), Neoscona species (2), and Neoscona species (3) was found to be
present in three sites. Both Neoscona species (2), and Neoscona species (3) were both
found in Balili and Swamp while Neoscona species (1), was present in the three sites.
Pardosa species and Enoplognatha species, belonging to different family, were both
found in Balili and Swamp. Other species of spider such as Steatoda species, Leucauge
species, and Argiope species were found solely in Balili while Simaetha species was
collected in Swamp.
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

It was noted that some spider species were present in all the sites while other were
only found in one or two sites. This may be due to the application of pesticides that may
have killed them or their preference of an environment in which to live in.
Table 1. Distribution of spider species on the strawberry plantations from (May
December 2008)

Araneidae family

Neoscona species (1)
Present Present Present
Neoscona species (2)
Present Present Absent
Neoscona species (3)
Present Present Absent
Argiope species
Present Absent Absent
Lycosidae family

Pardosa species
Present Present Absent
Theridiidae family

Enoplognatha species
Present Absent
Steotoda species
Tetragnathidae family

Leucauge species
Present Absent Absent
Salticidae family

Simaetha species
Absent Present Absent

Population of spider families per site
Table 2 shows the population of different spider families per site.
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009


Spiders, particularly the family Araneidae has the highest number of collection
having a total of 69 spiders (Table 2). This is followed by the family Lycosidae, family
Thereidiidae and the family Tetragnathidae and Salticidae family with a total population
of 36, 35, 1 and 1 spiders respectively.

The less population of the different spider families in the three sites may
be due to the use of pesticides which are toxic to them.

Table 2. Population of different spider families on the three strawberry plantations from
(May – December 2008)


Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009



The study was conducted on three strawberry plantations in Balili, Swamp and
Longlong, La Trinidad, Benguet from May to December 2008 to identify the spiders
found on strawberry plantations and to determine their distribution and population.

The spiders were collected on the strawberry plants and within the vicinity of the
strawberry plantation. This was done by scouting through transect method using vials and
plastic containers (film canister) to trap the spiders.

There were five families of spiders that were identified. The family Araneidae
with two species identified, Argiope species and Neoscona species which was further
classified into three according to their characteristics.
Second is the family Theridiidae with two species identified, Enoplognatha
species and Steatoda species. Family Lycosidae, family Tetragnathidae and family
Salticidae having only one species each followed respectively.

Results showed that the family Araneidae has the highest number of species
collected from the three sites having a total of 69. Family Lycosidae has a total number of
36 spiders collected from two sites while family Theridiidae has 35 spiders also found in
two sites. While family Tetragnathidae and family Salticidae has 1 spider each. 
Furthermore, there were seven identified species of spiders; the Neoscona species
(with three classification according to their characteristics) and Argiope species of the
family Araneidae, Pardosa species of family Lycosidae, Steotoda species and
Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

Enoplognatha species of the family Theridiidae, Leucauge species of the family
Tetragnathidae and the Simaetha species of the Salticidae family. Neoscona species has
the highest population and was found to be the most widely distributed family of spiders


The family Araneidae has the highest number of spiders collected thus, the most
widely distributed family of spider. In contrast, family Lycosidae and family
Tetragnathidae have the lowest number of spiders found. Their presence was found in
one site only, hence, they were the least distributed species found.
On the other hand, Neoscona species was the widely distributed species of

It is therefore recommended that collection and proper preservation of collected
spiders should be done to be placed in the museum for future references.

Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

BARRION, A. T. and J. A. LITSINGER.1995. Riceland Spiders of South and Southeast
Asia CAB International, UK and International Rice Research Institute, Los
Banos Laguna.

LIGAT, C. 2002. Diversity of Spiders Associated with Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) In
Selected Areas of Benguet. BS Thesis. BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet.
SCHIMMING, L. 2006. Draft: spider eye Arrangement. Retrieved February, 2009 from

SCHOEMEN, A. D. 2006. Spiders- The African Farmers Best friend. Retrieved May 15,
2008 from

WIKIPEDIA. 2008. Spiders. Retrieved May 15, from 2008 http://en. wikipedia. org/

WORLD BOOK. 1997. The Animal World. Chicago: World Book, Inc. P55

Richness of Spider Species on Strawberry Plantations
at La Trinidad, Benguet / Marciana B. Panganiban. 2009

Document Outline

  • Richness of Spider Species onStrawberry Plantations at La Trinidad, Benguet
      • Taxonomy
      • Groups of Spiders
      • The life of Spiders
      • Courtship and Mating
      • Characteristics of the Different Family of Spiders
      • Spiders� classification
      • Family Lycosidae
      • Family Therididae
      • Family Salticidae
      • Distribution of spider species
      • Population of spider families per site