PAKATIW, CHRISTINA L. APRIL 2010. Contribution of Rural Improvement
Club to the Socio-Economic Status of Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study
in Bakun, Benguet. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Jovita M. Sim, MSc.

This study was conducted to: determine the RIC’s programs and services offered,
determine the programs and contributions of RIC the socio-economic status of members,
find out the problems issues, needs and concerns encountered by the RIC and members
and identify suggestions and perceived solutions by the members. The study was
conducted in seven barangays of Bakun, Benguet namely: Bagu, Ampusungan, Sinacbat,
Poblacion, Dalipey, Gambang, and Kayapa where each of these barangay has RIC
organization. The study was conducted on December, 2009. The respondents of the
study were the RIC members. A total of 35 members of the RIC served as respondents of
the study. Data collection was done through survey.
All the respondents were female, majority were married and have attended formal
education. Majority of the respondents joined the organization to be a part or just to be a
member in an organization and other reasons include; avail of the loan and patronage
refund and because they are encouraged by friends.
The services offered by the organization is similar with the services offered by
cooperatives. These were credit services, consumer services, technical support/or

assistance. Like cooperative, credit service is the most availed among the services

The services, programs or projects availed by the members from RIC had
improved their social and economic status.

Problems encountered by the organization and members were; lack technical
assistance on livelihood, high interest rate of loan, non payment of loan, the loan were
not used for intended purpose, low participation of farmers on training activities and low
participation in project activities. The perceived solutions of the respondents to the
problems were; increase the amount of loan approved/released, the organization should
conduct more trainings, the organization to employ collector to solve problem on non
payments of loan, and remind always the borrower of its loan due payments.
The respondents were willing that the RIC will be converted into a cooperative to
avail of the financial and technical assistance from other NGO’s. The RIC can be
converted into a cooperative if the members are willing in order to acquire more support
in terms of technical or financial assistance. However, the officers should be strict in the
implementation of rules, regulations and policies to prevent bankruptcy. The RIC should
provide more trainings and technical support on livelihood programs and activities.
Regularly monitoring should be employed to check utilization of financial assistance and
avoid loan delinquency.



Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Importance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Objectives of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Scope and Delimitation of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rural Improvement Club Defined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Contribution of Women’s Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Problem Encountered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Socio-Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Socio-Economic Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Strategies to Improve Operation of
Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Locale and Time of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Respondents of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Data Gathering Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Profile of the Respondents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sources of Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Purpose of Joining the Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Services of RIC’s Offered and Availed

by Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Purpose of Members in Availing Credit

Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Reasons in Buying Goods from

the Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Socio-Economic Contribution of RIC to

the Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Activities/Programs of the Organization that

Contributed to the Social and Economic

Condition of the Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Improvement on the Social Status

of Respondents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Problems Encountered by the

Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Problems Encountered by the Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Perceived Solution to the Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Needs/Issues/Concerns of RIC Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Suggestions of the Respondents on the

Needs/Issues/Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conversion of RIC into a Cooperative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Perception of RIC Member Respondents

on Cooperatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A. Survey Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




The Municipality of Bakun is composed of seven barangays namely; Bagu,
Dalipey, Gambang, Poblacion, Ampusungan, Sinacbat and Kayapa. The Rural
Improvement Club (RIC) is organized by the women who want to put – up their
organization. It aims to improve socio-economic status of individual’s through free
training and technical assistance. RIC’s are voluntary organizations linked to one another
through a barangay, municipal, provincial, regional and national leadership and networks.
RIC’s serve as volunteer core groups to harness the potentials of rural women through its
various development-oriented community projects and activities. This organization
intended for women to augment income. RIC started in the late 1920’s. In almost every
barangay, there is an existing Rural Improvement Club, with a minimum of 25 members
per Club. The objectives of the organizations are: To promote mutual cooperation among
members of the Rural Improvement Club throughout the Philippines; to encourage
livelihood activities for the welfare of the family and the community; to promote unity,
peace, love and friendship among women in the community and that of the world; to
develop among members organizational skills and appreciation for cultural values and
heritage; to become useful citizens, ideal wives and mothers, functional socio-economic
partners in development and active community leader and to bring about effective
involvement and participation of rural women in home and community development
projects through participatory collective efforts for living.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Importance of the Study
Results can serve as basis in planning projects implementation of projects similar
with that of RIC’s. The result of the study will serve as a basis in decisions of organizing
the RIC into a Cooperative where in its services is to produce and market products. The
result will also serve as reference for student with the same interest.

Statement of the Problem

This study intended to answer the following questions:

1. What are the RIC’s programs and services offered?

2. What are the programs and contributions of RIC to the socio- economic status
of the members?
3. What are the problems issues, needs and concerns encountered by the RIC’s?

4. What are the suggestion and perceived solutions by the respondents?

Objectives of the Study
The study aimed to:
1. Determine the RIC’s programs and services offered.
2. Determine the programs and contributions of RIC the socio-economic status of
3. Find out the problems issues, needs and concerns encountered by the RIC and
4. Identify suggestions and perceived solutions by the members.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The study is focused on the documentation on the project implemented and its,
status services, programs and contributions to the barangay, municipality issues and
problems and perceived solutions.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010


Rural Improvement Club Defined

Rural Improvement Club (RIC) is a non-government, barangay-based, voluntary
group of women at least with 25 members with varied interest and capabilities who are
mobilized for socio-economic projects. It serves as a multiplier of home extension
teachings and the community. It is a functional group of women who serves as channel
for developing women leadership potentials towards home and community improvement.
RIC is an association of rural women primarily aimed at the upliftment of the farmer and
fisher folk families through farm resources management, leadership in the community,
women empowerment and entrepreneurship (Anonymous, 2001).
Assessment is the collection of data to make a judgment. It is a diagnostic process
that measures individuals, behavior’s motivator’s attitudes, or other selected qualities. It
is a systematic collection, review and use of information about educational programs
undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development. The purpose
of assessment is to understand how educational programs are working and to determine
whether they are contributing to growth and development (Anonymous, 2001).

In a speech of DA Secretary Lorenzo Luis, (2003) during the national
convention of the Pambansang Manalon- Mag- uuma - Magbabaul- Magsasakang
Pilipinas He mentioned that to achieve food and increase and fishers by transforming
them into globally competitive entrepreneurs . And their are two principal means by
which we can do this: First by checking teaching farmers and fishers how to benchmark
their seed to shelf skills against best technologies and systems in the world, and second
by organizing them into associations so they can optimize their skills and resources
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

through strengthened linkages with government, business sector and supply an output

In the speech of ATI OIC Director Alberto B. Maningding (2003) during the
national convention of the Pambansang Manalon- Mag –uuma -Magbabaul -
Magsasakang Pilipinas He mentioned that it is only through strong and organized
farmers organizations that the real sentiments and predicament of the small can be heard
and be addressed through the federation, the farmers formulation and fisher folk can have
a stronger representation in policy formulation and decision- making affecting their
survival strengthening farmer’s organizations for increased agricultural productivity,
rural incomes, employment and food security is our strong conviction that small farmers
and that we can only improve the living condition in the rural communities if farmers and
fisher folk are well organized working towards a common goal.

In the speech ATI DIRECTOR 111, Asterio Siliot (2003) during national
convention of the Pambansang Manalon- Mag-uuma- Magbabaul – Magsasakang
Pilipinas He mentioned that the challenge now confronting the leadership of Department
of Agriculture and the Agricultural Training Institute alongside the leadership of the
P4MP is uniting strengthening the small farmers and fisher folk organization nationwide
under mission and one vision, that is uplifting the lives of the rural poor.

Contribution of Women’s Organization

As cited by Dayao (2000) in 1979, FAO secretariat said that the organization of
women and the beneficiaries of rural development in purposeful grouping cooperative
and productive structure is important to participation of women in the decision making
process in local self-governing instruction.
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010


Monsell (1976) as cited by Dicksen (2004) wrote that women’s organizations are
established to promote the socio-economic as well as the spiritual well being of the
Filipino society. What makes the sprouting of these women’s organizations in the
country possible is the long honored tradition of the Filipino allowing women to
participate in matters relating to welfare of society.

According to Compass (2005), the purpose of women’s organization situation in
Tagudtud is to help development of the community people in barangay. It aims for unity
members to help in maintaining the health of the community, and to have livelihood
programs or projects. As to programs, health and sanitation is a primary concern; a clean
and green community is also their target. They give donations (in any form) which come
from the organization in case there are emergencies in the community. The organization
is lending money to people in the community with low interest. Raising of pigs under
rotational care of all the members is one of their livelihood projects.

Lawingan (2001) in her study about livelihood development activities of women
in barangay Saclit, Sadanga, Mountain Province, stated that in terms of participation in
the community, the average rural women considering all aspects of community life,
project high degree of participation in civic activities like in the nutrition program,
community beautification, cleanliness and club membership.
According to Purkayasha and Subramanian (2004), the Bangladesh Mahila Samiti
has emerged as a major women’s organization. It has worked for women’s attainment of
equal with men, as well as provision of educational and employment opportunities for
women. It has two educational institutions and some cottage industry program from poor
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Bangladesh Mahila Parishad is another activity women’s organization. It has
been relentless in organizing a movement for women’s right believing that women’s
rights are human rights. The primary membership is currently 132,899, which is an
indication of its success in creating awareness among women. In times of national crisis
or on issues related to women, the Bangladesh Mahila Parishad has taken a leading role
in collaborating with other women’s organizations to organize collectively for change.
The Mahila Parishad is also very local about violence against women and seeks to
eliminate all forms of discrimination against women perpetuated in the name of religion
and social norms. It was the first organization to demand reservations of seats of women
for elections to the national parliament and local unions (parishads). It has also presented
a draft of uniform family code, which would regulate the personal laws of every citizen in
Bangladesh, regardless of caste or creed. The organization believes that women’s
economic empowerment is essential for women’s advancement and has launched income
generating on need legal aid on family issues. Bangladesh provides shelter to such
women in the rehabilitation center for women, which provides non-formal education and
vocational training.

Problem Encountered

Aguilar (1484) as cited by Llarenas (2005), pointed out that women seek job not
for self-fulfillment or success but for the money which her family is in direct need of.
The study pointed out the limited participation of women in labor organization among the
reasons or cause of the limited participation of women in these organizations which are as
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

a) much of the woman time is occupied by the family responsibilities and
domestic tasks allowing the opportunity for participation;
b) female employment is usually personal and transient;
c) most of the women are unpaid family workers.
Fajardo and Abella (1993) as cited by Lagoyo (2004) stated that association have
filed mainly because their funds were used by their treasurers for personal interest
borrowed by the members of the board of directors sand never paid.

Socio Economic Development

Is a measured with indicators such as GDP, life expectancy, literacy and level of
employment. Changes in less-tangible factors are considered, such as personal dignity,
freedom of association, personal safety and freedom from fear of physical harm and
extend of participation in civil society (Rosco, 2007).

Socio Economic Contribution

Indicators are sustained employment in rural areas, creation of critical mass of
raw material supply, which will under pain a sustainable industry such as significant
contribution to the attainment of Ireland’s greenhouse gas emission target through the
creation of carbon sink (Cowley, 2007).

Strategies to Improve Operation of Organization

Coyupan (2003) stressed that education training are essential to the success of
business undertaking in organization. In fact, evidence in growing that if organization
are those in highly competitive world and sometime maintain in their democratic
characteristics, they must place increasing emphasis in the education of members and
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

training of its personnel. The natured and qualify of their attitudes, values and
Organization Development is the attempt to influence the members of an
organization to expand their candidness with each other about their views of the
organization and their experience in it, and to take greater responsibility for their own
actions as organization members. The assumption behind organization development is
that when people pursue both of these objectives simultaneously, they are likely to
discover new ways of working together that they experience as more effective for
achieving their own and their shared (organizational) goals (Anonymous 2009).
Socio Economics is the study of the relationship between economic activity and
social life. The field is often considered multidisciplinary, using theories and methods
from sociology economics, history, psychology, and many others. It has a separate field
of study in the late twentieth century. In many cases, however, socio economics focus on
the social impact of some sort of economic change. Such changes might include a
closing factory, market manipulation, the signing of international trade, treaties, new
natural gas regulation, etc. such social effects can be wide-ranging in size, anywhere from
local effects on a small community to changes to entire society.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010


Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted in seven barangays of Bakun, Benguet namely: Bagu,
Ampusungan, Sinacbat, Poblacion, Dalipey, Gambang, and Kayapa. Each of these
barangay has RIC organization. The study was conducted on December, 2009.

Respondents of the Study

Respondents of the study were the members of the RIC club in barangay.
Purposive sampling was employed where only active members who have availed of the
services of RIC’s served as respondents. There were five respondents from each
barangay totaling to 35 respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

Data were collected using a survey questionnaire. The researcher interviewed the
respondents with the aid of a questionnaire. There were five respondents from each

Data Analysis

The data and information gathered were interpreted according to the objectives of
the study. Frequency and descriptive analysis was used in analyzing data.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010


Profile of the Respondents

The profile of the respondents as to sex, civil status, age and educational
attainment were presented in Table 1.
Sex. All (100%) of the respondents were female. This only shows that the RIC
organization is intended for women especially for unemployed women in order to provide
them with livelihood activities.
Civil status. Majority (63%) were married and (37%) were single. All the officers
of the organization were married. The result implies that RIC is not only for married
women to augment the income of husband but single women can also be a member of the
organization. Furthermore, result shows that married women are more active as evident
in the status of officer in the organization.
Age. Out of 35 respondents 37% are within the age bracket of 20 to 30 years old,
37% are within the age bracket of 34 to 45 years old and 26% are within the age bracket
of 50 to 59 years old. The mean age is 37.1 years. This shows members of the
organization are matured women.
Educational attainment. All the respondents have attended formal education.
Fifteen (43%) of the respondents have gone to high school, 37% have gone to college and
20% finished elementary. This implies members were educated enough to understand
policies and regulations.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Table 1. Profile of the respondents

Civil status





Educational attainment


High School


Sources of Income
Majority (86%) of the respondents are into vegetable farming. This means that
the husband is into vegetable production and this is the major source of income. More
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

than half (57%) were employed in offices, 29% were employed as skilled laborers and
11% were into business like trading (Table 2).

Purpose of Joining the Organization

Table 3 shows the purpose of the respondents in joining the organization.
Majority (91%) of the respondents joined the organization to be a part or just to be a
member in an organization. This implies that the respondents want to be part of a group.
More than half (51%) mentioned that to avail of the loan and patronage refund and 26%
joined because they were encouraged by their friends and relatives..

Table 2. Sources of income
Vegetable Farming
Wages as skilled laborers
* Multiple responses

Table 3. Purpose of joining the organization
To take part in any organization

To avail loan and patronage refund

Encouragement by friends/relatives

*Multiple responses

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Services of RIC’s Offered and
Availed by Members
There were four services offered (Table 4) by the organization; these were credit
services where the member can loan a certain amount for livelihood activities, the
consumer services which provide loan to members in the form of consumable goods,
technical support/or assistance is also provided and trainings on livelihood. Credit
services was the most availed (69%) among the services offered, this was followed by
trainings on livelihood activities and consumer services. The least availed service is
technical support and assistance. This maybe be attributed to the fact that during the
training, the technology or technical aspect of the production was already included, thus,
minimal problems on technology is experienced.

Purpose of Members in Availing
Credit Services

Organizations are established to cater to the needs of its members/ recipients. It is
therefore evident in the result of study as shown in the previous discussion that the
respondents joined to avail of the services. Table 5 show that majority (88%) of the
respondents availed of the credit services as a start –up capital or additional capital for an
existing livelihood activity/business. There were 34% who availed of credit services for
house improvement, 9% mentioned the credit was used to purchase commodities needed
by the household and 6% mentioned for child education, and other needs. The result
implies that respondents only look at the tangible things that they availed from the
organization. They have not mentioned the implication of the training and technical
support services to their livelihood activities.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Table 4. Services offered and availed by the respondents
Credit services
Consumer services
Technical support/assistance
Trainings on livelihood
*Multiple responses

Table 5. Purpose of availing credit services
For business capital
House improvement
Used to purchase commodities
Child education and other needs
* Multiple responses

Reasons in Buying Goods
from the Organization

Aside from the credit services, one of the services offered by the organization that
is availed of is the provision of consumable/basic goods to members either in credit of
cash. Out of 35 respondents, 63% mentioned that they buy goods from the organization
because of patronage refund to have patronage refund. The other respondents (37%)
mentioned that they buy from the organization because they can take goods in credit.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Socio-Economic Contribution
of RIC to the Members

All the respondents mentioned that the services, programs or projects availed by
the members had improved their socio-economic status. Most (60%) of the respondent
mentioned that the socio-economic contribution of RIC was: increased business
capital/asset thereby increasing production output and thus, increasing their income
(51%) from business. Through the increased income the members were able to send their
children to school or a portion of the loan was used for child education (26%), other
members (14%) were able to purchase appliances and 9% had improved their house
(Table 7). Result implies that through the organization, the socio-economic condition of
the members had improved.

Table 6. Reasons in buying goods
To have patronage refund
Can buy on credit

Table 7. Socio-economic contribution of the organization to members
Increased business capital/assets
Increased income from business
Was able to send child to school
Was able to purchase appliances
Improved house
* Multiple responses
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Activities/Programs of the Organization that
Contributed to the Social and Economic
Condition of the Members

The members identified programs and activities of the organization that
contributed to their socio-economic status. Majority (89%) mentioned that the trainings
and seminar conducted by the organization especially those livelihood technology
seminars. These seminars/training had provided them livelihood (69%) and financial
assistance. Aside from livelihood, the members were also exposed to other areas through
the lakbay –aral activities of the organization (9%) and the members were also involved
in community cleaning program (6%). These activities also contributed to the social
status of the respondents (Table 8).

Improvement on the Social Status
of Respondents
One of objective of the RIC is to improve the social status of its members through
the activities implemented mentioned in Table 8. According to the respondents, these
activities had improved their social attitude/status. Twenty six (74%) of the respondents
mentioned that the activities had developed their self-confidence, this had increased or
motivated them to participate in the different activities of the organization and activities
in the community (Table 9). Result implies that the activities implemented by the
organization had improved their social status and attitudes.

Problems Encountered by the
Table 10 shows the problems encountered by the members. Problem encountered
by the members were low participation of farmers on training activities and low
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

participation in project activities. This may be attributed to the situation that all the
members were women and that they are busy in other activities especially in household
activities/chores. Low participation is one of the constraints in the growth/development
of organization and its activities. Another problem identified which may be considered a
major problems but only 6% of the respondents mentioned were no payment of loan and
loan was not used for intended purpose.

Table 8. Activities of the organization that contributed to the socio-economic condition of
Training and seminar
Provide livelihood
Cleaning program
*Multiple responses

Table 9. Improvement on the social status of the respondents
Develop self-confidence
Increased/improve participation
to activities of the organization

Increased participation to
community activities

*Multiple responses

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Table 10. Problems encountered by the organization
Low participation of members in

Low participation in project

Loan were not used for intended

No payment of loans

*Multiple responses

Problems Encountered by the Members
The major problem identified by majority (86%) of the respondents as problem
was the lack technical assistance on livelihood (Table 11). Training and seminar is not
enough there should be frequent monitoring in order to provide technical backstopping if
problems exist. Another problem identified was the high interest rate of loan (80%). Only
six percent of the respondents mentioned the no payment of loan and the loan were not
used for intended purpose.

Perceived Solution to the Problems

From the identified problems, Table 12 presents the perceived solutions of the
respondents to the problems. Majority (86%) suggested increase the amount of loan
approved/released, 80% suggested the organization to conduct more trainings, 6%
suggested to the organization to employ collector to solve problem on no payments of
loan, and another 6% suggested to remind always the borrower of its loan due payments.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Table 11. Problems encountered by the members
Lack technical assistance on livelihood

High interest rate on loan
Loans were not used for intended

No payments of loan
* Multiple responses

Table 12. Perceived solutions to the problems
Increase loan
Conduct more training on livelihood
Employ collector
Always remind borrowers
* Multiple responses

Needs/Issues/Concerns of RIC Members

Majority (89%) of the respondents mentioned that livelihood training is needed.
Livelihood trainings conducted is insufficient. These livelihood trainings should be
supported with technical assistance through frequent or regular monitoring of livelihood
activities. Another needs of the members is financial assistance (80%). Although,
financial assistance is already provided it is not enough. Financial assistance should be
increased especially for livelihood project that requires higher capital.
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Table 13. Needs/issues/concerns of RIC members
Livelihood trainings
Technical assistance
Financial assistance
* Multiple responses

Suggestions of the Respondents on the
The respondents gave some suggestions/perceived solutions to the
problems/issues. Six percent mentioned the active participation of members in sourcing
funds. The RIC should not always depend on the government since RIC is organized by
the government through the DA programs. The members and officers should try source-
out funds from non-government organizations (NGO) and Local Government Units
(LGUs). Provide trainings and seminars to officers to improve performance, and increase
participation of members through incentives.

Conversion of RIC into a Cooperative

Based on the result of the documentation on the programs/activities of the RIC
organization, it shows that the implementation strategies do not differ on the strategies of
a cooperative. The services offered such as financial assistance and consumer service are
similar. Majority (91%) of the respondents agreed that the RIC will be converted into a
cooperative to get more funds and they could get assistance from government banks or
any banks providing financial assistance to livelihood implemented by cooperatives.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Table 14. Suggestions of the respondents on the needs/issues/concerns
Active participation of members in

sourcing funds

Financial assistance from NGO’s

and LGUs

Trainings and seminars for the

organization officers

Increase more participation of

members through incentives

Table 15. Number of respondent who agreed that RIC to be converted into a cooperative

Agree that RIC will be converted into a


Do not agree that RIC will be converted

into a cooperative


However, there were three respondents who did not agree because of the
experiences on bankruptcy.

Perception of RIC Member Respondents
on Cooperatives

All the respondent perceived that a cooperative is an organization similar with
RIC, 91% perceived that it is a business organization, 9% perceived it is a source of funds,
and 9% perceived it provides assistance/trainings like the RIC. All (100%) respondents
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

agree that the perception of Cooperative is on organization similar with RIC. One
respondent perceived that a cooperative provide the need of members and not to

Table 16. Perception of RIC members on cooperatives

It is an organization similar with RIC

It is a business

It is a source of funds

It provides assistance/training

Provide needs of members and not to

* Multiple responses

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010



This study entitled “Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-
Economic Status of the Members; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet“ was conducted to;
determine the RIC’s programs and services offered, determine the programs and
contributions of RIC the socio-economic status of members, find out the problems issues,
needs and concerns encountered by the RIC and members and identify suggestions and
perceived solutions by the members.
The study was conducted in seven barangays of Bakun, Benguet namely: Bagu,
Ampusungan, Sinacbat, Poblacion, Dalipey, Gambang, and Kayapa where each of these
barangay has RIC organization. The study was conducted on December, 2009. The
respondents of the study were the RIC members. There were five respondents from each
barangay totaling to 35 respondents. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire.
All the respondents were female because the RIC organization is for women
especially for unemployed women in order to provide them with livelihood activities.
Majority were married. All the officers of the organization were married. Mean age of
respondents is 37.1 years. All the respondents have attended formal education. Majority
of the respondents are into vegetable farming.
Majority of the respondents joined the organization to be a part or just to be a
member in an organization. Other reasons include; the respondents want to be part of a
group, to avail of the loan and patronage refund and because they were encouraged by
their friends and relatives.
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

There were four services offered by the organization; these were credit services,
consumer services, technical support/or assistance. Credit service is the most availed
among the services offered, this was followed by trainings on livelihood activities and
consumer services. The least availed service is technical support and assistance.
Majority of the respondents availed the credit services as a start –up capital or additional
capital for an existing livelihood activity/business. Others availed of the credit services
for house improvement, to purchase commodities needed by the household and for child
One of the services offered by the organization that is availed is the provision of
consumable/basic goods to members either in credit of cash. The respondents buy goods
from the organization because of patronage refund and can take goods in credit.

All the respondents mentioned that the services, programs or projects availed by
the members had improved their socio-economic status. The socio-economic contribution
of RIC was increased business capital/asset thereby increasing production output and thus,
increasing their income from business. Through the increased income the members were
able to send their children to school or a portion of the loan was used for child education.

Majority of the respondents mentioned that the trainings and seminar conducted
by the organization especially those livelihood technology seminars had contributed to
the improvement of the socio-economic status of their household. These
seminars/training conducted had provided them livelihood and financial assistance.
These activities also contributed to the social status of the respondents. The activities had
developed their self-confidence, this had increased or motivated them to participate in the
different activities of the organization and activities in the community.
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

The major problem identified by majority of the respondents as problem was the
lack technical assistance on livelihood. Another major problem identified was the high
interest rate of loan, non payment of loan and the loan were not used for intended purpose.
The problems encountered by the officers were low participation of farmers on training
activities and low participation in project activities, non payment of loan and loan was
not used for intended purpose
The perceived solutions of the respondents to the problems were; increase the
amount of loan approved/released, the organization should conduct more trainings, the
organization to employ collector to solve problem on non payments of loan, and remind
always the borrower of its loan due payments.
On the needs and issues, majority of the respondents mentioned that livelihood
training is needed. Livelihood trainings conducted is insufficient. Another needs of the
members is financial assistance. Financial assistance should be increased especially for
livelihood project that requires higher capital. The respondents gave some
suggestions/perceived solutions to the problems/issues. The RIC should not always
depend on the government since RIC is organized by the government through the DA
programs. The members and officers should try source-out funds from non-government
organizations (NGO) and Local Government Units (LGUs). Provide trainings and
seminars to officers to improve performance, and increase participation of members
through incentives.
On the conversion of RIC into a cooperative, based on the result of the
documentation on the programs/activities of the RIC organization, it shows that the
implementation strategies do not differ on the strategies of a cooperative. The services
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

offered such as financial assistance and consumer service are similar. Majority of the
respondents agreed that the RIC will be converted into a cooperative to get more funds
and they could get assistance from government banks or any banks providing financial
assistance to livelihood implemented by cooperatives. However, there were three
respondents who did not agree because of the experiences on bankruptcy.
All the respondent perceived that a cooperative is an organization similar with
RIC. The respondents perceived that a cooperative is a business organization, it is a
source of funds, and it provides assistance/trainings like the RIC.


From the result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. All the members of the RIC organization were women. The RIC is not only
for married women but also for single and widowed women who are unemployed
2. The reason of joining the organization was to be part of the organization and to
avail of the loan and patronage refund.
3. The services offered by the organization is similar with the services offered by
cooperatives. These were credit services, consumer services, technical support/or
4. Like cooperative, credit service is the most availed among the services offered.

5. The services, programs or projects availed by the members from RIC had
improved their social and economic status.

6. Problems encountered by the organization and members were; lack technical
assistance on livelihood, high interest rate of loan, non payment of loan, the loan were
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

not used for intended purpose, low participation of farmers on training activities and low
participation in project activities.
7. The perceived solutions of the respondents to the problems were; increase the
amount of loan approved/released, the organization should conduct more trainings, the
organization to employ collector to solve problem on non payments of loan, and remind
always the borrower of its loan due payments.
8. The respondents are willing that the RIC will be converted into a cooperative
to avail of the financial and technical assistance from other NGO’s.


Based on the conclusion the following are recommended:

1. The RIC can be converted into a cooperative if the members are willing in
order to acquire more support in terms of technical or financial assistance. However, the
officers should be strict in the implementation of rules, regulations and policies to prevent
bankruptcy, as this is the fear of the members based on their observations.

2. The RIC should provide more trainings and technical support on livelihood
programs and activities.

3. Regularly monitoring should be employed to check utilization of financial
assistance and avoid loan delinquency.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010


ANONYMOUS, 2001. Rural Improvement Club. Retrieved September 21, 2009 from

ANONYMOUS, 2009. Retrieved on October 21, 2009 from http:// en.

ANONYMOUS, 2009. Retrieve on October 21, 2009 from http:// en. economics

COMPASS, J. 2005. Women Involvement in Development Project in Tagudtud, Bagulin
La Union. B.S. Thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. p. 1

COYUPAN, C, 2003. Improving the Assessment of the Economic Impact. Pp. 84:145-

DAYAO, C. 2000. Socio-Economic Contributions of Women Organization to
Development of Barangay Saddle and Poblacion of Kibungan, Benguet. B.S.
Thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. P.13

DICKSEN, M. 2004. Women’s Participation in Primary Cooperative in La Trinidad,
Benguet. B.S. Thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. P. 8

LAGOYO, I. 2004. Assessment of the Bakun Farmers Employees Consumers
Cooperative in Ampusungan, Bakun, Benguet. B.S. Thesis. Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet. P. 8

LAWINGAN, R. 2001. Livelihood Development Activities of Women in Barangay Saclit,
Sadanga, Mountain Province. B.S. Thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad,
Benguet. Pp. 1-4

LLARENAS, S. 2005. Extent of Contribution of the Women’s Club of Tagudtud Bagulin,
La Union to Community Development B. S. Thesis. Easter College, Guisad
Baguio City. P. 12

LUIS, L. 2003. Speech during the National Convention of the Pambansang Manalon-
Mag-uuma, Magbabaul-Magsasakang Pilipinas held on April 14-16, 2003 at
BSWM, Quezon City.

MANINGDING, A.B. 2003. Speech during the National Convention of the Pambansang
Manalon-Mag-uuma, Magbabaul-Magsasakang Pilipinas held on April 14-16,
2003 at BSWM, Quezon City.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

PURKAYASHA, B. and M. SUBRAMANIAN. 2004. The power of Women’s Informal
Networks. USA. Pp. 53-55

ROSKO, M. 2007. Branches of Economics. 4th edition. Retrieved on October 26, 2009
from. en, indi/outline of economics in German 1867. P. 112.

SILIOT, A. 2003. Speech during the National Convention of the Pambansang Manalon-
Mag-uuma, Magbabaul-Magsasakang Pilipinas held on April 14-16, 2003 at
BSWM, Quezon City.

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010


Survey Questionnaire
(For the members and Officers)

1. Respondents
Name: ______________________________ Gender: ________________
Age: __________________ Civil Status: _________________
Educational Attainment _____Elementary_____High school_____College_____
Number of years as RIC members: ____________________________________
Purpose in joining the organization (pls. Check)
_______ To avail loan and patronage refund
_______ To take part in any organization activity
_______ Encouragement by friends/relatives
_______ Others specify _______
Sources of Income (pls. Check)
________ Vegetable farming
________ Employment/ work
________ Wages as skilled laborers
________ Business
________ Others, specify _____________________________________

II. Services of RIC’s offered and availed by members
1.What are the organization services you availed from RIC?
________ Credit services
________ Consumers services
________ Technical support/assistance
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

________ Trainings on livelihood
________ Nutrition counseling
________ Others, specify______________________________________
2. What are your purpose in availing services? (Pls. Check)
________ For business Capital
________ House Improvement
________ Used to purchase basic commodities
________ To purchase lot
________ To pay school/tuition fees
________ Others specify______________________________________
3. What are your reasons of buying goods from the organization?
________ To have patronage refund
________ Can buy on credit
________ Others, specify ___________________________________
III. Contribution of RIC to the members
1. Are the services/projects/programs you availed of had improved your socio-economic

________ No

2. If yes, how did it improved your socio-economic condition?
_________ Increased business capital/assets
_________ Increased income for business

_________ Improved house
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010


_________ was able to send children to school

_________ Was able to purchased appliances
_________ Others, specify ___________________________________

3. . If not, why?
_________ Loan is not enough for capital
_________ Loan was not used for intended purpose
_________ No technical support
_________ Others, specify ________________________________
4. What activities/programs contribution most to your socio-economic status?
________ Training and seminar
________ Provide livelihood
________ Cleaning program
________ Lakbay-aral

________ Financial assistance provided
________ Others, specify _________________________________
5. How did it improve your socio-economic?

_________ Increased business capital or assets

_________ Increased income for business
_________ Improved house

_________ Was able to send children to school

_________ Was able to purchased appliances
_________ Others, specify ___________________________________

Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

6. What activities/program of the organization had improved your social status?
________ Training and seminar
________ Provide livelihood
________ Cleaning program
________ Lakbay-aral

________ Financial assistance provided
________ Others, specify _________________________________
7. How did it improve your social status?
_________ Develop self-confidence
_________ Increased/improve participation to activities of the organization
_________ Increased participation to community activities

_________ Others, specify ______________________________________
Economic Contribution
1. What is the economic assistance you gained from being a member of the organization?
(Please check)
_____ Financial
_____ Interest on share capital
_____ Others, specify _____________________________________________________
2. Which of the following has motivated you to join the organization? (Please check)
_____ Income
_____ Investment
_____ All of the Above
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

3. What are the indicators of progress through the help of organization in your present
_____ Home Improvement
_____ Purchase Agricultural land
_____ Purchase Appliance
______ Able to send children to college
_____ Others, specify _____________________________________________________
4. What are the problems encountered by the RIC in the implementation of programs?
_____ Poor participation of the members
_____ Family problems
_____ Distance of home to workplace
_____ Lack of time
_____ Lack of funds/ financial constraints
_____ Indifference of members/ not interested
_____ Others, specify ____________________________________________________
5. What are the projects/ programs being implemented concerning the socio-economic
development of the following aspects; social aspects and economic aspects?
A. Social Aspect
_____ Community Organizing
_____ Cleaning and greening of Bakun
______ Sports development among women
_____ Provide recreational activity
_____ Others, specify ____________________________________________________
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

B. Economic Aspect
_____ Food production
_____ Food processing
_____ Conduct seminars
______ Others, specify ____________________________________________________
Problems/issues/needs and concerns encountered by members
1. What are the problems encountered by the organization and members?

________ Low participation of members in meetings

________ Low participation in projects activities

________ Overdue accounts
_______ Insufficient financial assistance for the business

_______ High interest rate on loans

_______ Lack technical assistance on livelihood programs

_______ Loans were not used for intended purposes

_______ No payments of loans

_______ Others, specify _________________________________________
2. What are your perceived solutions to the problems?

_______ Conduct more training on livelihood

_______ Increase loan

_______ employ collector

_______ Always remind borrowers on due date of loans

_______ Others, specify _________________________________________
3. What are needs/issues and concerns of RIC and members?

_______ Technical assistance

_______ Increase financial assistance
Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010


_______ Provide livelihood trainings

_______ Others, specify _________________________________________

4. What are your suggestions to solve problems, improve organization services and other
c. ___________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________

5. If the RIC will be converted into a cooperative are you willing?
( ) Yes

( ) No
6. What is your perception of a cooperative?
_____ it is an organization similar with RIC
_____ it is a business
_____ it is a source of funds
_____ it provides assistance /training
_____ others, specify _______________________________________________



Contribution of Rural Improvement Club to the Socio-Economic Status of
Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Study in Bakun, Benguet
/ Christina L. Pakatiw. 2010

Document Outline

  • Contribution of Rural ImprovementClub to the Socio-Economic Status of Members: A Case Study in Bakun; A Case Studyin Bakun, Benguet