DE LEON, JOHN DAVE V. APRIL 2011. Irrigation Practices of Farmers in Barangay
Central Kapangan, Benguet. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser. Hilario C. Perez, MSc.


The study was conducted to determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents,
their irrigation practices, water source and problems encountered by the farmers in Central
Kapangan, Benguet.

The needed data and information were gathered with the use of structured survey
questionnaire supplemented with personal interview. The data gathered were analyzed using
frequency and percentage.

Most of the farmers were male, middle aged; mostly married; had formal education and
owned their land by tax declaration and titled. Their average number of farming is 17 years with
an average cultivated land area of 680 square meters and were planted with bell pepper, beans,
cucumber and crucifers.

Most of the farmers irrigated their crops using water hosed from rivers/creeks and

Findings showed that most of the problems encountered by the farmers in their irrigation
practices were; costs of irrigation materials, maintenance, and distance of water source to the
farm and topography where farmers land were higher than the water source.


Bibliography……………………………………………………………….……... i
Abstract………….……………………………………………………………….. i
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………... iii

INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………. 1

Rationale of the Study…………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………….. 1
Objective of the Study…………………………………………………… 2
Importance of the Study…………………………………………………. 2

Scope and Limitation…………………………………………………….. 3
REVIEW LITERATURE……………………………………………………….. 4
METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………….... 6
Locale and Time of the Study…………………………………………… 6
Respondents of the Study………………………………………………..
Data to be Gathered………………………………………….................. 6

Data Collection………………………………………………………….. 6
Data Analysis…………………………………………...…..……………. 6


of the Respondents……………………………………………………….. 8

Land Tenure and Farm…………………………………………………… 10

Major Crops Planted……………………………………………………… 11

Irrigation Practices…………………………………………………….…. 11

Source of Water…………………………………………………….……. 12

by the Farmers…………………………………………………..………... 12


Summary…………………………………………………………………. 15

Conclusion……………………………………………………………….. 15

Recommendation………………………………………………………… 16
LITERATURE CITED…………………………………………………..………. 17
Survey Questionnaire…………………………………………….. 18
Letter to Respondents…………………………………...…........... 21



Irrigation systems are generally managed to allocate and distribute the available water to
maximize number of potential users efficiently and equitably. On irrigation systems level,
operation is generally focused on how to distribute water from the source to the farm. To achieve
this, in addition to proper engineering designs and construction, sufficient operation,
management and maintenance have to be employed (Khayad and Onalan, 2004).
Barangay Central is one of the Barangay of Kapangan, Benguet where there is abundance
of water because of rivers and streams found in that area. Farmers sustain their crops from water
coming from the different water sources. Sometimes water shortage is experienced in this area
because of increasing production of vegetables, upland rice and legumes. Climate conditions also
affects water supply because of droughts during dry season. This problem prompted the farmers
to use some of the irrigation methods and water storage that can help maintain farm productivity
during limited water supply caused by drought. Farmers also encounter problems in their
irrigation practices such as costly irrigation equipment and scarce water sources.

Statement of the Problem
The study on the irrigation practices of farmers in Barangay Central Kapangan, Benguet,
was undertaken specifically to answer the following questions.
1. What is the socio demographic profile of the respondents;
2. What are the irrigation practices of farmers in Barangay Central Kapangan, Benguet;
3. What are the problems in irrigation practices encountered by the farmers in Central
Kapangan, Benguet;

Objective of the Study
1. To determine the socio demographic profile of the respondents.
2. To determine the irrigation practices of farmers in Barangay Central Kapangan,
3. To determine the problems in irrigation practices encountered by the farmers in
Central Kapangan, Benguet.

Importance of the Study
The study is concerned with the irrigation practices of farmers in Barangay Central
Kapangan, Benguet. The study would give insight and information about the irrigation practices
of farmers in Barangay Central, Kapangan. The study will be useful to farmers in their irrigation
practices and will also serve as a basis in formulating extension programs for proper irrigation
practices. The study may give insight and information about the problems on irrigation practices
in that area for development agencies that may be able to find solutions to the irrigation needs.

Scope and Limitation
The study focused on the irrigational practices of farmers in Barangay Central Kapangan,
Benguet. The socio demographic profile of the respondents, their water source and the problems
encountered by the farmers on their irrigation practices were included in the study.


Intensive water system is needed to deliver water to all consumers. Distribution is often
the major investments of municipal water works (Franzine and Linsely, 1979).
Schewab et al. (1993) said that irrigation provides all the greatest opportunities for
increasing crop production as well as improving germination, controlling air temperature and
applying chemicals with the irrigation water.
Orcullo (1997) stated that the use of irrigation technique as an aid in growing crops is a
practice older than recorded history yet benefits from its promises had grow older. Developing
human dependence in irrigation can he tracked back to the earliest reference, the Egyptian, the
Asians and the Native American who practice irrigation in early times.
Urdon (1995) as cited by Orcullo (1997), stated that of the worlds fresh water supplies,
about 51% to 70% used for agricultural sector. Around 20% are used in industrial and some 8%
are used for human sanitary needs. The irrigation sectors accounts for a large consumption in
agricultural and supplies to farmers to meet the crops water requirement that is otherwise
supplied by rain and other means.
Hammer (1997) stated that the objectives of municipal water system are to provide safe
and potable water, sufficient pressure and for fire protection and industrial water for
manufacturing. Hammer added that the resource of municipal water are deep wells, shallow
waters, rivers, lake and reservoirs, about two thirds of water for public supply comes from
surface reservoirs.
Wicham and Valera (1979) concluded that poor water management is caused by
negligence and uncooperativeness of farmers. These therefore necessities farmers to be educated
for them to assume responsibilities.

One of the major efforts of development is to increase agricultural productivity. Programs
had been designed to improve varieties of specific crops and make technology available for
farmers. One critical factor in the efforts to increase farm productivity is irrigation (Bumidang
and Tayao, 2001).
Orcullo (1997) presented that irrigation projects have proven their worth’s as means of
paving the way towards achieving national and rural projects. The rule that irrigation can play in
the development of mankind has been fully recognized and the continuing challenge is the proper
management of scarce water resources to produce more food for every increasing of population
in the world specially among developing countries.
One of the major causes of poor irrigation system management is the non-synchronized
start of farming activities of farmers. This creates difficulty in water delivery especially during
land soaking, because irrigation water has been delivered to different places at the same time.
This thus not only delays farming activities within the system but also results to water loss and
consequently less area irrigated. Prioritizing areas to be irrigated during times of critical water
supply will also be difficult (Manuel, 2004)
The Rice Information Cooperative Efforts (1967) claimed that the present method of
distributing the water irrigation is to let flow from higher to lower fields. This is the conventional
way in the most of the Far East and Asian countries.


Location and Time of the Study
This study was conducted in the municipality of Barangay Central Kapangan, Benguet
(Figure 1) . It is 35 kilometers away from La Trinidad, this Barangay is one of the places in the
province with high temperature and most likely drought occurs. The study was conducted in
February 25, 2011.

Respondents of the Study
Thirty respondents were chosen randomly from Barangay Central. These respondents are
farmers with at least 100 square meters land area planted with vegetable crops.

Data Gathered
The data gathered are irrigation practices, water source and problems encountered by the
farmers in their irrigation practices.

Data Instrument and Data Collection
A house to house visit to individually interview the respondents was used in gathering the
necessary information for the study. Questions were written in English but translated in Ilocano
and kankana-ey for the respondents during the data gathering to get reliable answer.

Data Analysis
The data and information obtained were analyzed, consolidated and interpreted with the
use of descriptive statistics such as means and percentage.

Figure 1. Map of Kapangan, Benguet showing the locale of the study


Socio-Demographic Profiles
Table 1 shows that the average age of the respondents is 49 years old. The youngest is 22
and the oldest is 70 years old. Sixty three percents of the respondents were male and the rest are
female. Majority (80%) of the respondents are married and the rest are single. All of the
respondents had gone to school and three had acquired a college degree. The average number of
years in farming is 17, the least is 5 years and 40 years is the longest farming experience.

Table. 1 Socio demographic profile


20-30 2
31-41 8 27
42-52 7 23
53-63 8 27
64-70 5 17
TOTAL 30 100
Average age: 49 years

Table 1. Continued…..

Male 19 63
Female 11 37

Total 30 100



High school

TOTAL 30 100


1to 10 7 23
11 to 20 14 47
21 to 30 8 7
31 to 40 1 3
Average years in farming: 17 years

Land Tenure and Farm Size

Table 2 shows that 87% of the respondents owned their land by tax declaration or titled,
and only 13% are tenants.
In terms of cultivated land area majority or 67% of the respondents cultivated an area of
500 square meters and below. The rest of the respondents cultivated 600 to 3000 square meters
of the farm land. The average planted area is 680 square meters.

Table 2. land tenure and farm size

Owned 26
Share tenant 4 13
Total 30

500 and below 20 67
600 to 1000 3 10
1100 to 2000 3 10
2100 to 3000 4 13
Average cultivated land area: 680 square meters

Major Crops Grown by the Respondents

Table 3 shows that most of the crops planted by the farmers in Central Kapangan,
Benguet is bell pepper (57%) followed by bush beans (30%), chayote also with cucumber and
crucifers (5%) each.

Irrigation Practices
Table 4 shows that all of the respondents individually hosed water from the water source
such as rivers and springs; 67% uses water cans; 13% uses irrigational canal; 7% uses sprinkler
and only 3% use the pump system to water the crops. This corroborates Orcullo(1997) stated that
the use of irrigation technique as an aid in growing crops is a practice older than recorded history
yet benefits from its promises had grow older. Developing human dependence in irrigation can
he tracked back to the earliest reference, the Egyptian, the Asians and the Native American who
practice irrigation in early times.
Rivers/creeks and springs are located either above or below the crop areas.
The irrigation practice depends on the distance of vegetable farm from the water source.
If the farm is located above the water the water source, water hose, sprinklers and water pumps
are used to bring up the water. It is easy to water the crops when the water source is above the
farm hence, irrigation canals and water hosed can be used. In Barangay Central most water
source is above the farm so water hose is often used.

Table 3. Major crops grown by the respondents

Bell pepper 17 57
Sitting beans 9 30
Chayote 5 17
Cucumber 5 17
Other vegetables 5 17 
*Multiple responses

Table 4. Irrigation practices

Individually hosed
From the water source


By water can 20 67
By irrigational canal 4 13
By pump system 1 3
*Multiple responses

Water Source
Table 5 shows that all of the respondent’s source irrigation water is from rivers/creeks and
about 50% of the respondent’s water source is from natural spring water.
This corroborates the statement of Urdon (1995) as cited by Orcullo (1997), of the
worlds fresh water supplies, about 51% to 70% used for agricultural sector. Around 20% are
used in industrial and some 8% are used for human sanitary needs. The irrigation sectors
accounts for a large consumption in agricultural and supplies to farmers to meet the crops water
requirement that is otherwise supplied by rain and other means.

Table 5. Water source
Rivers/creeks 30 100
Springs 15 50
*Multiple responses

Problems in Irrigation Practices
Table 6 shows that all of the respondents encounter problems on material such as water
hose which are very expensive. Maintenance is a problem due to water hose frequent monitoring
and the distance of water source to the farm where in it affects greatly materials used and
maintenance. Aside from these, 37% had problems in the cost of labor and 13% in topography
were farmers land is higher than the water source.
This corroborates the statement of Manuel (2004) presented that one of the major cause
of poor irrigation system management is the non-synchronized start of farming activities of

farmers. This creates difficulty in water delivery especially during land soaking, because
irrigation water has been delivered to different places at the same time. This thus not only delays
farming activities within the system but also results to water loss and consequently less area
irrigated. Prioritizing areas to be irrigated during times of critical water supply will also be

Table 6. Problems in irrigation practices


Material cost 30 100
Maintenance 30 100
Distance of water source to 30 100
the farm
Labor 11 37
Topography 4 13
*Multiple responses

The study on the irrigation practices of farmers in Central Kapangan, Benguet was
conducted to determine the irrigational practices, water source and problems encountered by the
farmer’s irrigation.
The average age of farmers is 49; mostly married; all of the respondents had gone to
school. Most of the farmers owned their land by tax declaration or titled. The average land

cultivated area is 680 square meters and is planted with bell pepper, bush beans, cucumber and
Most of the farmers used water hosed to irrigate their crops; most of the respondent’s
water source is from rivers/creeks and springs.
Most of the problems encountered by the farmers in their irrigation practices are; cost of
materials, maintenance, distance of water source to the farm and topography.

Based on the findings the following conclusion are made
1. Water hose is the main equipment used in irrigating crops in Central Kapangan,
Benguet, sourced from rivers/creeks and springs
2. The problems encountered by the farmers in their irrigation methods are related to
cost due to materials, maintenance, distance of water source to the farm and topography.

Based on the conclusion the following recommendations are made
1. The farmers in Central Kapangan, Benguet need trainings and seminars on proper
irrigation practices and management for further development and better practice to maximize the
use of water
2. Farmers maybe organized into a cooperative or association so that they can work
together and solve their irrigation problems and seek assistance by government and private
agencies to improve their irrigation practices.


BUMIDANG, W. P. AND M. W. TAYAO. 2001 Evaluation on the suitability of the design
criteria the head works and main system of the existing communal irrigation systems in
Lagawe and Lamut, Ifugao.BS Thesis. BSU. LaTrinidad, Benguet. Pp. 9-10.

FRANZINE, J. B. AND R. K. LINSELY. 1979. Study on Water Distribution System. Series on
Water Management Engineering. Internal Student, Tokyo. p. 454.

HAMMER, M. J. 1997. Study on Water Distribution System, Water and Waste Water
Technology University of Nebraska, New York. Pp. 169-171.

KHAYAD, B. C. AND M. B. ONALAN. 2004. AE11? 40 Hand outs on Irrigation. BSU.
LaTrinidad, Benguet. P. 30.

MANUEL, T. P. 2004. National Irrigation Association Project Completion Report.

ORCULLO JR, N. A. 1997. Irrigation Systems Hand Book 4th Edition. Pasig City, Philippines,
Busy Books Distribution. P .9.


SAGMAYAO, J. D. 1996. The Dynamics of Water Distribution among the Farmers of Sagada,
Mountain Province. P. 30.

SCHEWAB, G. O. Edminster T. W. and K. K. Barnes. 1993. Soil and Water Conservation
Engineering, 4th Edition. New York, Weley and Sons Corporation. P. 22.

WICKHAM, T. H. AND A. VALERA. 1979. Study on Practices and Accountability for Better
Water Management. Irrigation Systems in South East Asia. P. 74.



IA. Background information
Name (optional) ________
Address: ________
Age: ________
Civil status
Married: ________
Single: ________
Highest Educational Attainment


High school:________
Others (pls. specify): ________
C. No. of years in farming
1 to 10:________
11 to 20:________

21 to 30:________
31 to 40:________

II. Farm (check please)

1. Land tenure
Owned status: ________ Share
tenant: ________
2. Cultivated land area

500 and below : ________
600 to 1000: ________
1100 to 2000: ________
2100 to 3000: ________
III. Types of crop you grow
Bell pepper: ________ Sitting
beans: ________
Chayote: ________
Cucumber: ________
Crucifers: ________
1V. What are your irrigation practices
Individually hosed

from the water source: ________

By water can: ________

By irrigational canal: ________

By pump system: ________

By sprinkling: ________

V. Water source

River/creek: ________
Spring: ________
From rain: ________

well: ________
Drainage: ________

Reservoir: ________
V1. Problems in irrigation practices
Material cost: ________
Maintenance: ________
Distance of water source to
the farm: ________

Labor: ________
Topography: ________

Water pollution: ________


Appendix B. communication letter

Republic of the Philippines
Benguet State University

La Trinidad, Benguet

February 25, 2011

Mr. Jessie Panos
Barangay Captain
Central, Kapangan

The researcher is conducting a research entitled “Irrigation Practices of farmers in

Barangay Central Kapangan, Benguet”.
In this regard, may I ask permission from your good office to allow me to conduct
interviews with selected respondents in your area. Rest assured all information you will provide
shall be treated at most confidentially.
Thank you very much for your support and cooperation to this activity. More power and
May the almighty god bless you more.

Respectfully yours,


Document Outline

  • Irrigation Practices of Farmers in BarangayCentral Kapangan, Benguet