BALICAO, JAY ANN B. APRIL 2011. Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, AbraAs a Tourist Destination.
Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Luke E. Cuanguey, MSc

This study was conducted last October- December 2010 in Barangay Abualan, San Juan, Abra. It
was conducted to have a profile of tourists visiting the cave and determine their reasons for such visits, identify
the available resources or assets in the area that could add to or develop the potential of Guano cave as a tourist
destination, identify the problems encountered by the respondents during their visit to the cave and to identify
the plans/support of the local government to promote Guano cave as a tourist destination.

There were 40 respondents coming from Barangay Abualan and around San Juan,Abra who were
selected purposively. Secondary data were gathered from the Department of Tourism Municipal and Provincial
Planning Office and Barangay records. Survey questionnaires were also used to obtain data on the potential of
Guano cave in San Juan, Abra as a tourist destination.

The surroundings of the cave should be kept clean at all times to preserve its cultural and natural
wonders, the local government unit should train tour guides for better service, the barangay hall should operate
as a local tourist office while there is no available office in the area and horseback riding may be used as an
alternative for the lack of vehicles, the government officials should improve the roads and pathways going to
the cave, the locality of San Juan should coordinate to attract tourists.


A tourist destination (Cohen and Pino, 2010) is a place of interest where tourists
visit, typically for its inherent or exhibited cultural value, historical significance, natural
or built beauty, or amusement opportunities. A tourist destination according to Baylon
(1999) is a city, town or other area the economy of which is dependent to a significant
extent on the revenues accruing from tourism.It may contain one or more tourist
attractions or visitor attractions and possibly some "tourist traps".
For an indigenous culture that has stayed largely separated from the surrounding,
tourism can present both advantages and problems. On the positive side are the unique
cultural practices and arts that attract the curiosity of tourists and provide opportunities
for tourism and economic development. On the negative side is the issue of how to
control tourism so that those same cultural amenities are not destroyed and the people do
not feel violated. Other destinations include historical sites, modern urban districts, theme
parks and country clubs, coastal or island ecosystems, and inland natural areas. Only a
handful of people take part in these holiday trips each year as opposed to the thousands of
people who go on package holidays.
A cave or cavern is a natural underground space large enough for a human to
enter. Some peoplesuggest that the term cave should only apply to cavities that have
some part that does not receive daylight; however, in popular usage, the term includes
smaller spaces like sea caves, rock shelters, and grottos. Speleology is the science of
exploration and study of all aspects of caves and the environment which surrounds the
caves (Clacton, 2008).
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

The Guano cave is one of the centers of attraction of all residents of San Juan, the
the people of Abra, and also the local tourists especially during dry season. It is located at
the center portion of Module I-DENDRO, covered by Ipil-ipil plantation in Barangay
Abualan, San Juan, Abra.
The entrance of this cave is quite narrow at almost five meters approximately, but
when you reach the inner port, the so-called mini-park of the cave, you can feel the air-
conditioned and nature fresh temperature inside and is wide enough to ensure every
tourist in their convenience in visiting the Guano cave.
Inside it, you can notice the corners of different beauty, shapes, colors of the
stones shining and twinkling, and you can also see the nests of the birds “Nido Birds”.
Although, the cave’s center part has light coming from outside which shines in
through the small hole in the above portion of the cave, it has no exit except the entrance
and no one can enter the cave without any flashlights or lamps.
Because of these unique features of the cave, its potential as a tourist destination
is high. Thus, this study has investigated the potential or characteristics and features of
the cave and its surrounding as a tourist destination.

Importance of the Study
The study is about the potential of Guano cave in San Juan, Abra as a tourist
destination. As of today, many people are looking forward to adventures leading them to
seek tourist destinations.Apart from its exceptional scenic beauty, Abra has much more to
offer to its visitors. The unique cultural, historical and architectural heritages are worth
discovering on tours. It is therefore the aim of the researcher to look into the potentials of
the Guano cave in San Juan, Abra as a tourist destination. Results of this study could be
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

used by the municipality to boost its tourism industry. Furthermore, the findings of the
study could be used as a reference for further studies.

Statement of the Problem
The researcher aimed to study the potential of Guano cave in San Juan, Abra as a
tourist destination, specifically it sought to answer the following:
1. Who are the tourists visiting Guano cave and what are their reasons for such
2. What are the available resources or assets in the area that could add to or
develop the potential of Guano cave as a tourist destination?
3. What are the plans/support of the local government to promote Guano cave as
a tourist destination?
4. What are the problems encountered by the respondents during their visit to the

Objectives of the Study

The following are the objectives of the study.
1. To have a profile of tourists visiting the cave and determine their reasons for
such visits.
2. To identify the available resources or assets in the area that could add to or
develop the potential of Guano cave as a tourist destination.
3. To identify the plans/support of the local government to promote Guano cave
as a tourist destination.
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

4. To identify the problems encountered by the respondents during their visit to
the cave.

Scope and Delimitation
The scope was confined in identifying the potential of Guano cave in San Juan,
Abra as a tourist destination. It specifically identified the destination category by
geographical features of Guano cave, the type of cave it is and distinguished the possible
qualities it has to be considered a tourist destination. The study was limited to 40
residents coming from Barangay Abualan and around San Juan, Abra.

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination


Tourist Destination Defined
What is a tourist destination? Is it a hotel, city, country or region, Bierman (2003)
defines a destination as “a country, state, region, city or town which is marketed or
markets itself as a place for tourists to visit.”
Destinations are naturally formed or can be constructed. Most are managed for
example, National Parks are left in their natural state but have to be managed to provide
access, parking facilities, walks, accommodation.
Just as tourism products have a life cycle beginning with exploration and ending
with their withdrawal so too does a tourist destination.

Tourism Defined
Tourism according to the United Nations (1999) can be defined as the science, art,
and business of attracting and transporting visitors, accommodating them and graciously
catering to their needs and wants.
To understand tourism as a global activity, it is useful to understand the essential
features of tourism. From the diversity of definitions of tourism the common elements are
that (Hall 1999):
• Tourism is the temporary, short-term travel of non-residents, along transit routes
to and from a destination.
• It may have a wide variety of impacts on the destination, the transit route and
the source point of the tourists.
• It may influence the character of the tourist.
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

• It is primarily for leisure or recreation, although business is also important.
What these four characteristics highlight is that tourism is a dynamic activity
which is ever changing and that a range of problems may result from the interaction of
tourism with the environment.
The problems associated with tourism have been parodied by Lodge (2006). His
concerns focus on the sheer number of tourists now traveling around the world, adverse
impacts on the natural, cultural and social environments and whether or not the perceived
economic benefits are real. As a result, alternative tourism was made of which includes
man-made attractions.
The five main sectors of tourism industry are:
• The attraction sector- natural and cultural attractions, gardens, heritage sites
• The accommodation sector-guest houses, apartments, campsites
• The transport sector- bus, car rentals
• The travel organizer sector- tour guides, travel agents
• The destination organization sector- national, regional and local tourist offices

SWOT Analysis Method in Identifying Potentials
SWOT analysis an acronym for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats is
often used when specifying objective/s for business ventures or projects and identifying
the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving this
Strengths and weaknesses focus your business to look internally at what your
business can do. Many businesses are at looking inward but fail to look outside their
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

company. Threats and opportunities are external; focusing on the conditions of the real
world. This is where SWOT analysis is helpful. It challenges you to see beyond your
company walls to determine what opportunities are open for your company and how to
capitalize on your strengths.
While most of your analysis would be subjective, the SWOT can provide multiple
benefits to your small business. These benefits can include:
• Insight into where your business can focus to grow.
• Understand the industry structure by using a SWOT in your business plan.
• Focus your advertising and marketing on areas that give you a competitive
advantage in the marketplace.
• The foresight to see looming threats and react proactively.

Cave Defined
A cave is a large hole. It may be underground, in the side of a hill or mountain, or
under a cliff. A cavern is a large cave. Caves are natural shelters. Animals often live in
caves. A person who lives in a cave is called a cave dweller. During prehistoric times,
cave dwellers painted pictures on the cave walls (Burcham, 1997).
Harder (1996) defined a cave as an underground hollow or passage that is formed
when water runs through an area with enough force to dissolve or wear away rock. The
drops form rock sculptures that look like icicles called stalactites and stalagmites.
Stalactites hang from the ceiling and stalagmites form from the ground up. To remember
the difference, stalactites have a 'c' in the word for 'ceiling' and stalagmites have a 'g' for
'ground.' If they come together in the center, they become columns.

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

History of GuanoCave

Long ago, there was a couple who lived in barangay Abualan. They grew old and
didn’t have any child so they set heir attention to their farmland, fishing and hunting. One
early morning the old woman saw a shadow pass by and told this to her husband. They
were both so curious about it that the old man decided to follow it if ever it shows up
again. He waited the next morning and was shocked on what he saw. He saw a golden
deer. It ran and he followed it going to the forest. He stopped when he saw the deer enter
the center of two giant rocks. He was surprised to see that between the rocks was a small
hole. He went home and told his wife about it. Both got more curious about it so they
went and explored the inside part of it. They discovered that it was a cave with glittering
rocks. They next day they went again but before they could enter, they again saw the
golden deer however it disappeared. They went farther inside and bats came flying
towards them. They were so scared they ran and told their neighbours about it. They
didn’t believe them at first but when they saw the cave, they tarted to love it. After
sometime, they cleaned the cave, remove all the dirt of the bats. They threw it to their
farmlands and saw that their crops improved so they were able to harvest more. The
residents of barangay Abualan had a meeting concerning the cave. They suggested names
for it. One is guano for bats in their dialect. A lot of them voted for this name and the old
folks then decided to call the cave Guano. So until now, the cave is called Guano cave

Compared to other caves Guano cave is more unique in terms of its natural
setting. The cave has so much to offer. It is near a river, a pastureland and is a bit nearer
to the locality of barangay Abualan so you can go fishing, swimming, gather fruits from
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

trees, woods for bonfires and can have free service from the barangay officials who serve
as tour guides. Inside the cave you can see rock formations that give you the peace of
mind you were looking for. It is a cool and relaxing place. The cleanliness of the cave
and its surroundings is maintained. Visitors can do much when they are in the site. You
can gather food around the cave and even make your own camp if you want to stay
overnight. Although other caves may have a pond inside the cave, in Guano cave, it has
none so you will not get wet or damped as you explore it.

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Description of the Cave

The Guano cave is approximately seven kilometers away from the town proper of
San Juan, Abra. Around two kilometers away from Barangay Abualan is a river and
forest that you need to pass by to reach the cave. It is a very nice place to visit because of
its attractive view and good atmosphere inside. It has a very small entrance where only
one individual could enter but would accommodate many inside to explore the cave. It is
just like a house having divisions with different shapes of rocks which can be used as
chairs and tables. The cave is walled with stalagmites especially on the upper side with
different colors and wonderful shapes.

Locale and Time of the Study
The study was conducted in San Juan, Abra particularly in Barangay Abualan. It
is located on the northeastern part of North Poblacion at around 27.31 km distance from
Bangued, the capital of Abra. The study was conducted from October to December 2010.
San Juan

Figure 1. Map showing the locale of the study
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Respondents of the Study
The study had 40 respondents (local and domestic tourist) from October to
December 2010. The respondents were selected purposively.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study made use of secondary data from the Department of Tourism Municipal
and Provincial Planning Office and Barangay records. It also made use of survey
questionnaire to obtain data on the potential of Guano cave in San Juan, Abra as a tourist

Prior to the gathering of data, permission was asked from the Barangay Captain
through means of a letter duly signed by the researcher and adviser.

Transect walk within the area where the cave is located was done to conduct an
inventory or the resources and facilities available that adds to the potential of the cave as
a tourist destination. The researcher supervised the respondents in the question so issues
were clarified.

Data Gathered

The data gathered included: inventory of facilities and resources for tourist,
profile of tourist going to the cave and policies, plans or support of the government in the
potentials of the cave as a tourist destination.

Data Analysis

The data was tabulated and analyzed using descriptive analysis and other
appropriate statistical tools.

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination


The study was conducted in San Juan. The area is situated on the northern part of
Abra and is about 27.31 kilometers away from Bangued, its capital. The locality of
barangay Abualan is located on the northeastern part of San Juan. It is approximately 7
kilometers away from the town proper. You have to pass by the forest and a river before
reaching the Guano cave. Although the entrance of the cave is small, most of the
respondents said that the cave is a natural wonder. The respondents said that the inside
part of the cave is very unique. You can see the rocks glitter. There are also formations
that would make you ask yourself if these were really rocks or diamonds. They also
added that most of the rock formations are like work of art illustrated by mother nature.
Flashlights or lamps are necessary upon entering the cave. You may also use torches if
you want. When inside the cave, you can use the rock formations as chairs and tables for
eating your snacks.

Place of Origin of the Respondents

Among the 40 respondents, 14 (35%) were from North Poblacion, 7 (17. 5%)
were from South Poblacion, 5 (12.5%) were from Barangay Badas, 3 (7.5%) were from
Barangay Abualan, 3 (7.5%) were from Barangay Nangobongan, 2 (5%) were from
Barangay Baug, 2 (5%) were from Barangay Tagaytay, 1 (2.5%) was from Barangay
Culliong, 1 (2.5%) was from Barangay Guimba, 1 (2.5%) was from Barangay Colabaoan,
and 1 (2.5%) was from Barangay Supiil,. This shows that all the respondents were local.
Nobody came from other localities (Table 1).

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Table 1. Place of origin of the respondents



North Poblacion


South Poblacion
























Demographic Profile of the Respondents
Age range. The oldest among the respondents is aged 63 and the youngest is aged
15. 1 (2.5%) is from the age group 0-20, 17 (42.5%) were from age 21-40, 21 (52.5%) are
41- 60 years old, and 1 (2.5%) is from 61- 80 years old. This shows that most of the
respondents were old (Table 2).
Gender. Twenty four (60%) out of 40 respondents were females. Only 16 (40%)
were males. This shows that more females are curious to see the Guano cave.
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Table 2. Demographic profile of the respondents



















Civil Status









Civil status. Six (15%) of the respondents are single, 32 (80%) are married, and 2
(5) are widows. This shows that more married people visited the cave.

Availability of Resources or Assets

The availability of resources or assets was rated by the respondents (Table 3). The
sectors rated were the attraction, accommodation, transportation, travel organizer, and
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Table 3. Availability of resources or assets





F % F %


39 97.5 1 2.5 0 0 2.98
4 10 34 85 2 5 2.05
1 2.5 22 55 17 42.5
Travel Organizer
28 70 10 25 2 5 2.65
Destination Organizer 4 10 12 30 24 60 1.5
3- Always
2- Seldom
1- Never

destination organizer. The sectors available were rated as follows: 3- always, 2- seldom,
and 1- never.
An example of attraction sector is cultural attraction. In here, the culture of a
certain place is showcased. Long ago, the residents of Abualan believe that a golden deer
lives in the cave so they are preserving its cultural customs and belief that one day it will
again show itself to the people. Accommodation is available in Abualan and near the
cave. Visitors may put up their camping gears near the cave and they may stay overnight
as long as a barangay official is with them. Cars may be used to reach Abualan but
transportation to the cave is not available, some uses horses to reach the cave. The
barangay officials serve as the travel organizer or tour guides. There is no available
destination organizer or local tourist office in the area so the barangay hall is used as
tourist office for visitors providing necessary information to visitors.
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Among the sectors mentioned, for the rating always, attraction has the highest
rating as 39 (97.5%) out of 40 respondents. The cave was described by the respondents as
one of the most eye-catching places in San Juan. The structures of the rocks were like
shells placed on walls and ceiling of the cave. They also added that the cave has its own
natural and cultural attractions for the rock formations were not man-made. Second was
the travel organizer with 28 (70%) of the total respondents. Third were the
accommodation and destination organizer with 4 (10%) each. Lastly is the transportation
with 1 (2.5%).
For the rating seldom, accommodation was rated by 34 (85%) of the respondents.
They mentioned that tourists can make their camps within the vicinity of the cave. Some
can even stay overnight as long as a tour guide is with them. Transportation was rated by
22 (55%) of the respondents. Destination organizer was third with 12 (30%) of the
respondents. 10 (25%) of the respondents rated travel organizer as the fourth available
rarely. Attraction was rated by 1 (2.5%) of the respondents.
For the rating never, 24 (60%) of the respondents rated destination organizer as
the one that is not always available. There are no available tourist offices near the cave as
told by the respondents. Although the local government unit can act as a tourist office, it
is still far from the barangay where the cave is located. Transportation, for 17 (42.5%)
respondents was the second least available. Accommodation and travel organizer got 2
(5%) rating each. No respondent rated attraction as never available.

Reasons for Visiting the Cave

Thirty (75%) of the respondents stated that their main reason for visiting the
Guano cave is to explore it and have a glimpse of the natural rock formations inside
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

(Table 4). Five (12.5%) respondents added that they visited the cave for it is a portion of
the Alay Lakad held in their municipality. Another reason according to 3 (7.5%)
respondents was to take pictures and videos, for educational trip and experience. Two
(5%) respondents mentioned the reason they visited is that a tree planting activity was
held near the cave.

Most Appealing Part of the Cave
Twenty six (65%) of the respondents cited that the most appealing part of the cave
was the rock formations (Table 5) for these were all natural and that some looks like seats
or chairs accompanied by tables. In addition, 7 (17.5%) were attracted to the center part
wherein there is a small opening on the ceiling of the cave where light passes through
which added to the glitter of the rocks. Four (10%) said that the entrance of the cave
fascinated them for it could only accommodate one person at a time. Three (7.5%) were
even captivated by the whole cave.

Table 4. Reasons for visiting the cave





AlayLakad Portion


Take Pictures and Videos


Tree Planting






Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Table 5. Most appealing part of the cave


Rock Formations






Whole Cave






Figure 2 shows the locality of barangay Abualan. It is approximately 7 kilometers
away from the town proper. It is located on the northeastern part of San Juan. It is
recently the second most populated barangay in San Juan.
You have to pass by the forest (Figure 3) and a river (Figure 4) before reaching
the cave. Passing through the forest parts would take you 3 hours and 30 minutes to one
hour passing through the river by foot and two hours using a horse. The river is dry
during summer and high during rainy season.

Figure 2. Map showing barangay Abualan
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Figure 3. Forest pathway going to the cave

Figure 4. River pathway going to the cave

The entrance of the cave can be seen in Figure 5. Although the entrance of the
cave is quite small, most of the respondents said that the cave has the potential to be a
tourist destination or attraction. The entrance of the cave can only accommodate one
person at a time. The ambiance upon entering is cool and fresh. You can feel the cool
breeze on your skin even though you’re still to enter the cave. Flashlights, lamps or
torches are needed before entering because it is dark until you reach the center part of the
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Figure 5. Entrance of the cave

The inside part of the cave are shown in Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9. The respondents
said that the inside part of the cave is exceedingly unique. It is one of a kind they said.
You can see the rocks sparkle. Figure 6 shows a child playing stones on the rock
formation that appears like it’s floating on air. If you look closer at the rock formation,
you will see it shimmer. It’s like having diamonds on it. A thin rock about a foot in size
holds it in place.

Figure 6. Inside the cave

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Figure 7. Shell like rock formations inside the cave

There are also formations that appear to be shells pasted on the ceiling of the
cave. Water is dripping from these shell like rock formations. Looking at them would
give your mind a twist. It’s like you’re underwater looking at coral reefs and shells
without getting wet.
The inside of the cave have rooms just like a house. They also added that most of
the rock formations are like work of art illustrated by mother nature. An example would
be Figure 8; the rock formation has a whole in its center. By using one’s imagination, the
rock formation would look like an elf’s ear. Other rock formation portraits faces. Others
also look like chairs, tables and chandeliers. It’s perfect for having snacks and rest during
visits. One of the rock formations even look like a naked woman. Bats are flying inside
the cave as shown in Figure 9. These bats inside are harmless. The cave’s name is even
gotten from these bats. Their feces are also used as fertilizer by the residents of barangay
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Figure 8. Glittering structures in the cave

Figure 9. Bats flying in the cave

Plans/Support of the Local Government in the Potential of the Cave

Abra, a province in the Cordillera Administrative Region is known as the killing
field of the north, but, with the development of Guano cave according to Mayor Marco
M. Bautista of San Juan would make Abra popular for its natural beauty. The local
government such as the barangay officials offered their services by means of
accompanying tourists during their visit to the cave. In additional, mayor Bautista said
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

that he will be having the following as his projects for tourists who will travel going to
the cave- a hanging bridge across the river and a swimming pool. He said that these will
be done so that if the water in river is high, tourists can cross the bridge and when it dries
up during summer time, they can use the swimming pool for refreshment. He also
included in his plans a two week seminar-training of the barangay officials of Abualan
and interested individuals for basic first aid lecture and training and must qualities of a
tour guide. Besides this, he also mentioned that sign boards will be placed on the forest
pathway and near the site to give information necessary on their journey so that if they
don’t have a tour guide, they won’t be lost; another signboard will be placed on the
tunnel going to Abra and advertising thru television and radio. He also added that he will
be coordinating with the Department of Tourism (DOT) so that a local tourist office will
be built in Abualan. Furthermore, the local government stated that the residents of
Abualan and from its neighboring barangays may have their own stalls for tourists to buy
their home-made products and others may use their horses as a business for tourists to use
on their journey to the cave. In this way, the local government is helping its people and
its people helping the government. When this happens, he exclaimed, the economy of
Abra will rise and would also help our national government in developing tourism in our

Problems Encountered by the Tourists

Destination organizer can be a national or local office managing visitors. They
give necessary information to their queries. The respondents cited that one of the
problems they encountered during their visit to the cave is that there is no destination
organizer near the area or in barangay Abualan, wherein they cannot ask for more
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

information about the cave. Transportation is carriage from one place to another that may
need equipments or vehicles such as cars. Another problem encountered was the lack of
transportation going to the cave. They said that it is a very beautiful place but cannot be
reached by vehicles so if you want to visit the cave you must walk 4 hours and pass by
the river and forest to get to the cave, but if you have a horse you can reach it for 2 hours.

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination



This study was conducted last October- December 2010 in Barangay Abualan,
San Juan, Abra. It was conducted to have a profile of tourists visiting the cave and
determine their reasons for such visits, identify the available resources or assets in the
area that could add to or develop the potential of Guano cave as a tourist destination,
identify the problems encountered by the respondents during their visit to the cave and to
identify the plans/support of the local government to promote Guano cave as a tourist

There were 40 respondents coming from Barangay Abualan and around San
Juan,Abra who were selected purposively. Secondary data were gathered from the
Department of Tourism Municipal and Provincial Planning Office and Barangay records.
Survey questionnaires were also used to obtain data on the potential of Guano cave in
San Juan, Abra as a tourist destination.

The Guano cave is one of the centers of attraction of all residents of San Juan and
also the local tourists especially during dry season.The entrance of this cave is quite
narrow but when you reach the inner port, you can feel the air-conditioned and nature
fresh temperature inside and is wide enough to ensure every tourist in their convenience
in visiting the Guano cave.

Flashlights, lamps or torches are needed during the tour inside the cave. The local
government unit of San Juan is willing to give support to the full development of Guano

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The tourists who visited the cave were from the neighboring barangays of
2. The cave has its own cultural attractions and natural rock formations that add
to its potential as a tourist destination.
3. The main problems encountered by visitors were the lack of destination
organizer and vehicles that can reach the cave.
4. The local officials such as barangay officials of barangay Abualan and local
government unit serve as tour guides for travelers during visitation on the cave.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were drawn:
1. The surroundings of the cave should be kept clean at all times to preserve its
cultural and natural wonders.
2. The local government unit should train tour guides for better service.
3. The barangay hall should operate as a local tourist office while there is no
available office in the area and horseback riding may be used as an alternative for the
lack of vehicles.
4. The government officials should improve the roads and pathways going to the
5.The locality of San Juan should advertise the cave, as well as coordinate with
nearby municipalities to visit the cave, therefore the municipalities would appreciate the
cave thus could advertise the cave later.
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination


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March 1, 2011

UNITED NATIONS. 1999. Tour Around. Retrieved August 6, 2010 from

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination



Letter to the Respondents

Dear Respondents,

A study entitled “Potential of Guano cave in San Juan, Abra as a Tourist
Destination” is being undertaken by the researcher in partial fulfillment of the degree
Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness.

In this regard, may I request a portion of your time to answer the attached
questionnaire. Please provide your honest answer and opinions as the information are
very much needed in identifying the potential of Guano cave. Rest assured that the
information gathered from you will be treated with outmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Truly yours,

Student Researcher


Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination


Survey Questionnaire

I. Personal Profile
Name (optional):


y/o Civil Status:


II. Reasons for visiting

III. What part of the cave appeals you most?

IV. Availability of resources or assets.
Instructions: Specified below are sectors of tourism industry. Please check the
level to which you encounter the availability of these sectors. Give your remarks on
each item.
3 Always - available all the time
2 Seldom - rarely available
1 Never - not at all available


(ex. cultural attractions)

(ex. campsites)
3. Transportation (ex. bus)

4. Travel Organizer

(ex. tourist guide)
5. Destination Organizer

(ex. local tourist offices)
Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, Abra As a Tourist Destination

Document Outline

  • Potential of Guano Cave in San Juan, AbraAs a Tourist Destination