DIWAS, RUTH JANE C. APRIL 2011. Development and Evaluation of Promotional
Brochure for Tourism Program in Bakun Benguet. Benguet State University, La Trinidad

Adviser: Christine Grace B. Sidchogan, BSc.


The study was conducted to develop and evaluate brochure as promotional material
for tourism in Bakun, Benguet. Specifically, the study aimed to determine the socio-
demographic profile of the respondents; develop promotional material for tourism program
of Bakun Benguet; determine the ratings of the respondents towards the developed brochure
in terms of content, layout, pictures and typography; determine the comprehensibility of the
developed brochure based on readability; and determine the suggestions of the respondents to
improve the promotional material.

There were 50 respondents and were purposively selected from students of Benguet
State University and local people of Bakun, Benguet. The study was conducted on December
2010 to February 2011.

The developed promotional material was a three-fold type brochure. The spots were
presented in the inside page with description of each and supplemented by photos. The back
page contained the general information and the contact for the tourism program in Bakun

Results showed that the overall rating of the brochure is good with a mean of 4.13.
The content of the brochure could be read and understood by the respondents.

Most common suggestions that were gathered to improve the brochure include:
improve more the design of the brochure, make the size of the photos bigger, omit redundant
pictures, include lodging area photographs and production of the developed brochure should
be done continuously and must be updated in case there are changes in fare, accommodation
rate, and the tourists spots.

The study recommends evaluating the promotional material before producing it, other
municipalities and companies may also use brochure as a material in promoting places,
products and the Local Government Unit of Bakun may consider setting a meeting or time to
update the information in the material as needed.


Bibliography ……………………………………………………………….........
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………….

INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………...
Rationale ……………………………………………………………...
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………..
Objectives of the Study ……………………………………………….
Importance of the Study ………………………………………………
Scope and Limitation of the Study ……………………………………
REVIEW OF LITERATURE ………………………………………………..
Tourists’ Destinations in Bakun ………………………………………
Promotional Material Defined ………………………………………..
Print Media ……………………………………………………………
Characteristics of a Brochure …………………………………………
Comprehensibility of
Communication Materials ……………………………………………

METHODOLOGY …………………………………………………………..
Time and Locale of the Study ………………………………………...
Respondents of the Study ……………………………………………..
Data Collection ……………………………………………………….
Data Gathered …………………………………………………...........

Data Analysis …………………………………………………………
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ……………………………………………
Socio-demographic Profile
of the Respondents …………………………………………………....
Description of the Brochure …………………………………………..
Development of the Brochure ………………………………………...
Respondents’ Rating towards
the Brochure …………………………………………………………..
Overall Rating of the Brochure ……………………………………….
Comprehensibility of the Brochure
based on Readability ………………………………………………….
Respondents’ Suggestions to
Improve the Brochure ………………………………………..............
Summary ……………………………………………………………...
Conclusions …………………………………………………………...
Recommendations …………………………………………………….
LITERATURE CITED ………………………………………………………
A. Guide Questionnaire ……………………………………………..
B. Survey Questionnaire ……………………………………………
C. Summary of the Over all
Rating of the Brochure …………………………………………..



Tourism, in many ways, has very important role for many countries, primarily
because of the economic development that it usually brings.
According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO) as cited by Dacawe 2009,
ecotourism is one of the fastest growing segments with more than $425 billion worldwide
tourism industry.
In 2002, according to World Tourism Council estimates, international tourist
arrivals increased to 703 million at the same time as international tourism receipts
reached $ US 474 billion. International tourist arrivals have witnessed an interrupted
growth during the second half of the twentieth century, although the growth rate is
Tourism holds the promise of increased employment and income opportunities,
particularly for Filipinos living in coastal and rural areas of the country (Alampay, 2005).
With this, the Benguet Province Tourism Master Plan (BPTMP, 2006) stated that
one of the strategies to market and promote tourist destinations in the province is through
development, documentation and research. Visitors can stay longer in the unique and
idyllic tourists’ spots if promoted properly.

There are notable tourist spots already in Benguet. Among them are the verdant
sceneries of rolling hills and terraces of vegetables and rice in Atok and Buguias. Mount
Pulag, which offers view of northern Luzon at the top being the second highest peak of
the Philippines, is also on the list (BPTMP, 2006).
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Particularly in Bakun, there are natural attractions that it boasts to tourists. These
are the (1) Mt. Kabunian, (2) Mt. Tenglawan, (3) Mt.Lobo, (4) Mangta creek and
Waterfalls and (5) Bagew swimming pool.
Bakun is also known as the home of the Kan-kana-ey God because they have the
popular mountain named as Mt. Kabubian.
The Mt. Tenglawan offers panoramic view of the neighboring municipalities of
Bakun like Buguias, Mankayan and Kibungan including portions of Ilocos region.
The Mt. Lobo is one of the highest peaks in Bakun that it also offers a view of the
numerous Rice terraces of Bakun.
The Mangta creek and Waterfalls is believed to the dwelling place of eel
“bengekan” of Bakun.
Moreover, the Bagew Swimming pool remains a perfect picture of incredible
view at a distance and ideal for picnic, swimming and fishing.
These five tourist spots were promoted in some ways in the area. According to
LGU-Bakun in a recent interview with them, one of their strategies in promoting Mt.
Kabunian was the organized Kabunian framed pictures displayed during the Adivay
2006. Another is organizing the pictures in a calendar and eventually sold to the local
people and tourists.
However, according to Bakun Tourism planning Officer Arthur Toleto, these
promotional materials were distributed years ago, and unfortunately, were not sustained
up to now because the reproduction cost is expensive.
He further added that due to this problem, the important information about the
tourists’ destinations was not disseminated properly as wanted.
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Seeing the role of communication in this dilemma is considerable. Disseminating
information, publishing, broadcasting and distributions of materials has a greater
influence on tourism (Page and Dowling, 2002).
And since development of promotional materials has the ability to draw attention
to things, promote, develop, and communicate message to people, it is then undeniable
that it can help in enhancing the tourism program in the area, hence this study.

Statement of the Problem
Knowing that tourism is essential to communities, conservation and promotion is
needed. Tourists’ destinations in Bakun, Benguet are not much known because of
minimal promotion. The study answered the following questions:
1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents?
2. What are the respondents’ ratings towards the brochure in terms of:
a. Content
b. Layout
c. Graphics
d. Typography
3. How comprehensible is the promotional material based on readability?
4. What are the suggestions and recommendations of the respondents to
improve the brochure?

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Objectives of the Study
In general, the study aimed to develop and produce brochure as promotional
material for tourism in Bakun, Benguet. Specifically, it aimed to:
1. Determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents;
2. Develop the brochure for the tourism program in Bakun, Benguet;
3. Determine the ratings of the respondents towards the brochure in
terms of:
a. Content
b. Layout
c. Graphics
d. Typography
4. Determine the comprehensibility of the developed brochure based on
5. Determine the suggestions and recommendations of the respondents to
improve the promotional material.

Importance of the Study

The main purpose of this study was to come up with a brochure as promotional
material regarding the tourist destinations in Bakun, Benguet.
This brochure may serve as information campaign material to the Local and
Foreign tourist, Local Government Units (LGU) of Bakun and the Benguet Province
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Specifically, for the part of the tourists, the promotional material may provide
them a space to know and appreciate the tourists’ destinations in the area. Eventually, it is
hoped that they might visit or revisit these tourists’ destinations.
For the local people of Bakun, this promotional material may let them understand
and appreciate the tourism program of the municipality. In return, they are hoped to
actively participate in the activities under it.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study covered only the natural attraction tourist destinations found in Bakun
Benguet, which will include the five tourists’ destinations. Man-made attractions found in
the place will not be included in this study.

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Tourists’ Destinations in Bakun
In the field of tourism, Bakun is abundant with rice terraces, cascading waterfalls
and well hidden mummies according to Bakun Tourism Planning Officer Arthur Toleto.

Moreover, according to Toleto in a recent interview with him there is a legend
about Mt. Kabunian. It is the home of pagan gods and is one among the sights that casts
hundreds of faces with different expressions formed by the rocks, seen from the distance.
According to the legend, the area is resting place for travelers. It is a story passed
from one generation to another, it narrates of a dishonest man by the name Doligen, who
attempted robbery. After cheating, he was impaled upon the rock. The rock formation
depicts a man squatting with water coming out from his genital organ.
In addition, Toleto also give descriptions to the following spots:
Mt. Tenglawan, the rocky mountain that provides a challenge to the hardly
mountain climber. The top offers panoramic view of its neighboring municipalities like
Buguias, Mankayan, and Kibungan including portions of the Ilocos Region.
One rockier mountain is Mt. Lobo which is challenging for the trekkers to visit.
Mangta Creek and waterfalls is a pride of Sinacbat BakunBenguet.they believed it
as a dwelling place of the eel.
Bagew Swimming pool is a natural formed swimming pool along the Bagew
river. It is perfect for viewing at a distance and ideal for picnic, swimming and fishing.

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Promotional Material Defined

Promotion has many meanings over the years. The original connotation in Latin
was to “move forward.” More recently, the meaning has narrowed so that it refers to
communication undertaken to persuade others to accept ideas, concepts, or things.
Promotional strategy is a controlled integrated program of communication methods and
materials designed to present an organization and its products to prospective customers;
to communicate need satisfying attributes of products to facilitate sales and thus
contribute to long run profit performance. The tools of promotion include: advertising –
any paid form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified
sponsor, usually using the mass media; personal selling – the process of assisting and
persuading a prospect to buy a good or service or to act on an idea through use of person-
to-person communication; reseller support – incentives given wholesalers and retailers;
publicity – any form of non paid commercial significant news or editorial comment about
ideas, products, or institutions; sales promotion – those marketing activities, other than
personal selling, advertising, publicity, that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer
effectiveness, such as displays, shows and exhibitions, demonstration, and various no
recurrent selling efforts not in the ordinary routine.

Promotion, then, is the communication function of marketing. It is multifaceted
and complex.
Except for routine day-to-day communications, most communications with the
public are considered promotional material (Anonymous, 2010).

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Print Media

Publication is required in print media. Publications may be classified according to
their being time bound and time-less. Time bound publications are those which contain
information that are useful when new. The timeless publications may remain useful
overtime their content needs to be updated from time to time (Cadiz, 1991).

Characteristics of a Brochure

Brochure is commonly used tool for public relation: companies and organizations
produce brochure to introduce, show or sell products, or to educate, promote or persuade
people to do something (Schurenberg, 2001).

Likewise, a brochure (Austin and Doust, 2007) must show and tell its story in a
clear and interesting way, and contains all the information necessary for the reader to
make a decision.

Moreover, according to Siebert and Ballard (1992) as cited by Foronda (2010)
and to Cadiz (1991), the brochure design should contain the following elements:

Unity. It should be unified throughout. Use the same design elements, typefaces
and styles. Also the same grid on each page, but vary the lay out.

Image. Have an inviting image or headline on the cover to draw the readers
Eye movement. Have the information and the image arranged so it is easily
understood. People read from top to bottom of the page.
Size. It should be sized to best suit it’s purpose. It should easily fit into an
envelope for mailing or into a file if the client wants the recipient to keep it.
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Balance. Have a careful and functional arrangement of its part so the reader can
move through. It is an orderly fashion and understands what’s being read.
Color. When considering the choice of colors pay a special attention to its
readability. Some colors may prove inappropriate or readable. It is also the ultimate
tool for symbolic communication.

Comprehensibility of Communication Materials
The term reading comprehension does not merely mean understanding the text.
Ekwall (1989) as cited by Laruan (2008) clarifies that it involves a more complex process
requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information. He further
mentions that reading comprehension is not yet static; same written words convey
different messages to different readers. In fact, reading demands more syntactic
sophistication than listening does. This is because unlike spoken communication where
the speaker can clarify his ideas. Writers have to choose carefully the words that can best
convey their message or ideas. This requires that the reader must have good
comprehension skills for him to decide the right message. Good comprehension skills are
also imperative because to the complex nature of reading itself.
In addition, Imperial (2010), stated that there are many different purposes of
reading; one reads a text to learn material, sometimes for pure pleasure, and sometimes to
follow a set of directions. For students much of their reading will be to learn assigned
material. They got information from everything they read and yet they do not read
everything for the same reason or in the same way or at the same rate. Each purpose or
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

reason fro reading requires a different reading approach. Two things that influence how
fast and how well they read are the characteristics of the text.

Belen (2003) as cited by Imperial (2010) noted that there are three levels of
comprehension or sophistication of thinking and are presented in the following hierarchy
from the least to the most sophisticated level of reading.

First is literal which refers to what is actually stated. It includes the facts and
details; this is where rate learning and memorization is done. There is a surface
understanding only. Tests in this category are objective dealing with true/false, multiple
choices and fill-in-the-blank questions. Common questions used to illicit this type of
thinking are who, what, when, and where questions.

Second is interpretative, it tells what is implied or meant rather than what is
actually stated. Drawing inferences and tapping into prior knowledge/experience are
included her. Moreover, it is the level wherein there is attaching new learning to old
information making logical leaps and educated guesses. Reading between the lines to
determine what is meant by what is stated. Tests in this category are subjective and the
types of questions asked are open-ended, thought-provoking questions like why, what if
and how.

Third is applied, this is taking what was said (literal) and then what was meant by
what was said (interpretative) and then extend (apply) the concepts or ideas beyond the
situation. In this level analysis and synthesis of information and applying it to other
information are involved.

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted in the municipality of Bakun, Benguet (Figure 1).

Bakun is one of the 13 municipalities of Benguet province of the Philippines in
the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Luzon.
The municipality of Bakun is considered as the land of external springs because
of its fresh springs and waterfalls coming from the thickly forested mountains. It is
bounded on the East by the town of Buguias, on the Northeast of Mankayan and on the
west by the Province of Ilocos Sur and Kibungan on the South.

A municipality with 30, 883.3521 hectares, it is the fourth biggest town in
Benguet. As gathered from the population census, Bakun has a population of 14, 897 by
2007 that depends on rice, camote and vegetables for livelihood.

Bakun consists of masses of mountain rocks that like stairway to the sky,
characterized by craggy mountain ranges, hills, cliffs and cascading waterfalls.

Currently, the Local Government Unit is strengthening its tourism program, with
the natural attractions highlighted in it.

Respondents of the Study
For the production phase, the key informants were two Local Government Unit
staff of Bakun who supplied the needed information for the material, elders and officials
of Bakun who provided additional data.
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Figure 1. Map of Benguet showing the locale of the study

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

For the evaluation phase of the promotional material, the respondents were 50
students of Benguet State University.
Respondents were chosen through purposive sampling. The 30 respondents must
not be residing in Bakun while the 20 must be from Bakun.

Data Collection Method

For the production phase, interview schedule with the Local Government Units of
Bakun was used to get information to be included in the material.

For the evaluation phase, survey questionnaires were floated to the respondents to
gather the needed data.

A camera was used to capture footages of tourism programs and interviews with
the key informants.

Review of Secondary documents like the List of tourism spots and history
documents of Bakun and direct observation were also done and used in gathering data.

Data Gathered

For the production phase, the data that were gathered were the content of the
promotional material to be developed and evaluated.

For the evaluation phase, the data that were gathered were the ratings of the
respondents in terms of the following: content, lay-out, typography, pictures and
color used in the promotional material and the Comprehensibility of the information
contained in the developed brochure based on readability.

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Data Analysis
The data were analyzed and tabulated using frequency counts, percentage and
Readability was measured using the gunning fog index. The information in the
brochure were submitted to
Fog index formula:
1. Take a sample of the articles. Count the words in several complete sentences
until you have about 100 words. Divide the numbers of words by the number of sentences
to get the average sentence length.
2. Count the words with three or more syllables. Don’t count those that are
capitalized or combinations of short, easy words (like bookkeeper or garbageman) or that
are made three syllables by adding –ed or –es (like expanded or confesses). This gives
you the percentage of difficult words from your sample.
3. Add the average sentences length and the number of words then multiply by
No. of words (100) = Ave. sentences + no. of difficult words x 0.4 = F1.
No. of sentences

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Out of 50 respondents, thirty (60%) of the respondents were from different places
while twenty respondents (40%) were from Bakun.

The number of respondents from other places is more than the local people of
Bakun because the material primarily aims to promote the tourist spots to prospect

Table 1 shows the respondents’ socio-demographic profile in terms of sex, age,
and civil status.

Sixty four percent or 32 of the respondents belonged to age bracket of 18-19,
while 24% belonged to age bracket of 16-17. The youngest respondent was 16 years old
while the oldest was 21 years old.

Twenty seven (64%) of the respondents were female and most of them were
single (92%).

Description of the Developed Brochure

The print medium that was produced was a three-fold brochure. The size of the
brochure was nine inches in width by 12 inches in height (Figures 2 and 3).

Revision of the developed brochure was done based on the suggestions of the
Local Government Unit of Bakun and of the respondents.

Topics contained in the brochure were on the History of Bakun, the
tourist attractions and a brief description of each, the office responsible for tourism in
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Table1. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents







Civil status



Bakun and the information about the transportations, lodging and some other facts about
the tourist attractions.

A photo of a mountain was chosen as the background of the front cover because it
represents the three highest peaks of Bakun. The photographs shown on the inside page
of the brochure were pictures of the tourist spots listed by the LGU Tourism Office.

The front cover used different font styles, sizes and colors. The font style of the
heading was Ardarling with 55 font size and the subheading was Corbel with 28 font size.

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

The inside page also used two kinds of font sizes and styles, these are Gill sans
MT with 12 font size, Ardestine with 24 font size, and Ardarling with font size of 30.
The brochure was printed on a special paper.

Development of the Brochure

Three phases were considered in the production of the brochure, these are as
follows: planning, designing and production (Figure 4).
Before designing the promotional material, the researcher first consulted Mr.
Arthur Toleto, the Tourism Officer of Bakun. He supplied the researcher with the
information regarding the tourism program such as the package tour rates, the
transportations going to the place and where the tourists can stay in the area. The
information are based on the consolidated Tourism Office’s research and consultation
with concerned stakeholders of the development program.
After that, the researcher also interviewed selected key informants such as the
elders who shared the story about Mt. Kabunian. Although there is an existing account
about Mt. Kabunian in the Tourism Office’s archive, the researcher used it as a working
paper and validated it with the elders.

For the choice of brochure, Mr. Toleto and other concerned officials of LGU-
Bakun recommended it. They cited that it is less expensive in reproduction and can be
brought anywhere by the readers
This supports the statement of Tierney (2000) as cited by Amdengan (2010), that
brochure was the most frequently used source of information during trip planning. Nearly
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

PHASE 1:  

   Lay‐outing of 

tion of design 
and lay‐out of 
the design in 

responsible for 
the brochure 
the computer 
the tourism 
based on 
and printing of 

program in 
elements of 
the brochure. 
Bakun, Benguet. 
visual design. 

Figure 4. Procedures in developing the brochure

60% of respondents who got a brochure agreed that it was very helpful in planning their
current trip.
This is similar to the statement of Schunberg (2001), that brochure also is
commonly used tool for public relation. Companies and organizations produce
brochure to introduce, show or sell products, or to educate, promote and persuade people
to do something.

In designing the brochure, the researcher considered the elements recommended
by Celeste Cadiz, an educational communication specialist. After which, series of
brainstorming were done with the Tourism Office to decide on the design and evaluate
the prototype.
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Before making the brochure, there are elements of visual designs considered and
are based on visual design by Cadiz (1991): content, layout, pictures, typography and
Moreover, the intended audience was also considered. According to Summer
(2000), audience analysis help visual designers when they plan their objectives, the
content and presentation of their message and its form.
Given those considerations, Mr. Arthur Toleto together with the researcher,
conceptualized the design of the brochure.
Content. In conceptualizing the design, the content of the brochure includes the
history of Bakun, Benguet, and the tourist attractions found in it and a description of
each, the package tour rates and the contact information for tourism program in Bakun,
Benguet. It also contained the map of Bakun, Benguet.
Lay out. The inside page was organized in a way that title of each tourist spots
were presented with a picture and accompanying text. Other information like the package
tour rates and transportations were arranged in series of tables.
From the front page different photographs of the tourist spots were showed.
The back page shows the map of Bakun and the responsible office for tourism
program in Bakun.
Pictures. The pictures were clustered into two: the peaks of Bakun and the
Cascading falls. The front page also used the three peaks as background. The map shows
the different barangays of Bakun and the location of the natural attractions.

Color. The green color was the overall theme of the brochure to compliment
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Evaluation of the Prototype
Presentation of the prototype (Figures 5 and 6) was done in three meetings with
the Tourism Officers and other concerned Officials of Bakun for the group critique.

On the first meeting, Mr. Paul Dalmones, the Vice mayor of Bakun together with
the other officials, checked the information on the brochure as to its significance: the
name of the tourist spots, transportations and lodging for the tourists and facts about the
tourists spots.

Their suggestions include: putting a map of Bakun on the material to show the
directions in going to the municipality.

For the second meeting with the officials, arrangement of the content was
critiqued. The five spots were decided to be placed in the inside page together with the
package tour rates, transportations and lodging for the readers to easily understand the
purpose of the material and for them to easily enumerate the tourist spots.

A single picture was also chosen by the Tourism Officer as a background on the
front page because it shows or represents the highest mountains in Bakun.

For the third meeting, Mr. Toleto, gave the go signal for the material to be

Ratings of the Respondents on the Brochure

Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the rating of the respondents on the developed brochure
as promotional material for tourist destinations in Bakun, Benguet. The evaluated areas
are the content, layout, graphics and typography.
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Content. Table 2 shows that the rating of the respondents on the criteria of the

content is good. This implies that the respondents were satisfied on the content of the

In terms of clear purpose, it shows that the respondents know the purpose of the
brochure, which is to promote the tourist spots.

Based on the statement of Wilson (2007) as cited by Pinkihan (2008), content of a
printed material should have clear message and purpose.

In terms of clearness and conciseness, one of the respondents said that the content
is clear and good because whether the reader is a local or international tourist, the
purpose can be understood already.
When it comes to the organization, the overall rating shows that the respondents
were satisfied to the organization of the information. One reason could be all the
information and facts about the tourist spots are organized in the inside page.

One of the respondents suggested adding information about the history of the
tourist spots for them to have more knowledge on it.

Some local people of Bakun said that they were encouraged to visit the place after
reading the brochure. This supports Hyde (2010), words in the brochure should have a
technique of “I’m-talking-to-you” to trigger the reader to ask for more and it will increase
their response.
Table 2. Respondents’ ratings of the developed brochure’s content
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Clear purpose
Clear and concise

Organized 4.2
Significant 4.28

Layout. Table 3 shows that the rating of the respondents on the layout of the
brochure is good.

In this criteria, the respondents commented that the font color should not
compliment the background, rather it should contrast.

In terms of the criterion space, the respondents stated that the brochure uses just
enough space between the text and pictures and in between columns.
This relates to the statement of Cadiz (1991) that two general types of spacing
may be employed to a material but only one is recommended for greater legibility.
In addition, this is similar to Summers (2000), using blank space around
paragraphs and columns also improves legibility.
For the criterion contrast, according to some of the respondents, they want to have
a more creative color and contrast such as the headline color and the text in the front page
will contradict the background for more emphasis.
This support the statement of Trishchold (1967) as cited by Amdengan (2010),
that color and contrast must be considered in designs because it is one of the important
elements of visual design.

Table 3. Respondents’ rating of the developed brochure’s layout
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Space 4
Contrast 4.22

Design 4.16
Creativity 4.12

In the design of layout, according to one respondent, the design of the brochure
was very common, thus he suggested other kinds of layout.
However, other respondents stated that they liked the design of the brochure
because it was simple but organized.
This supports the statement of Benson (2002) as cited by Pinkihan (2008), a well
designed application will make it easy for the user to understand the information being
presented and show them clearly how they can interact with that information.
In the criterion of creativity, respondents commented that the layout of the
brochure was pleasant to look at although the format was already common.
Graphics. Results for this category are presented in Table 4. It shows that the
respondents rated this criterion as good.
In terms of appearance and appropriateness rating, it shows that the respondents
were satisfied with the needed information through the pictures portrayed in the
developed brochure.
However, some of the respondents suggested a clearer and appropriate map that
can be really used as a guide. They added that a single picture on the front page fold will

Table 4. Respondents’ rating of the developed brochure’s graphics
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Appearance 4.24
Appropriateness 4.24

Size 4.06
Number 4.02

be better.

This relates to the statement of Siebert and Ballard (1992) that a brochure design
should have an inviting image to draw the readers inside.
For the size of the pictures presented in the brochure, respondents stated here that
the size of the pictures was good but some are small. They suggested making the pictures
a little bigger.
For the numbers of the picture, one of the respondents said that the pictures
presented were very informative about the tourist spots but he suggested omitting some
redundant pictures.
This supports the statement, pictures and graphics are used to attract the attention
of the reader or the audience, it should go well with the text but not too much that it can
distract the audience (Anonymous, n.d).
Typography. In this category, respondents rated the font style, font size, font color
as good while average in the criterion heading as presented in Table 5.
In the criterion of font style, respondents stated that the font style was good and
uniform because it uses three different kinds of font style.

Table 5. Respondents’ evaluation of the developed brochure’s typography
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Font style
Font size
Font color
Heading 3.96

In terms of font size, some respondents said that the text can be easily read maybe
because it uses a sans serif font style Gill sans, with 12 font size.
This relates to Montagnes (1991), statement that there are two useful type
families, one with serifs, and one sans serif. Both of these two faces can be effective and
economical, thus Gill sans font style used in the brochure is one kind of sans serif font
The rating of the respondents towards the font color of the brochure reflects that
the font color quite compliments the background color.
In the criterion of headings, according to some respondents the headings are
good because it uses kinds of font style and it was synchronized to the background.

Over all Rating of the Brochure
Table 6 presents the overall rating of the brochure on its criteria. It was
interpreted using mean and descriptive rating.

Range of 1 to 1.99 is equivalent to poor, range of 2 to 2.99 is equivalent to fair,
range of 3 to 3.99 is equivalent to average, range of 4 to 4.99 is equivalent to good and
range of 5 to 5.99 is equivalent to excellent.
Table 6. Over all rating of the developed brochure

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Content 4.27
Typography 4.05
Color 4.03
TOTAL 4.12

The result of the overall rating of the brochure was good with a total of 4.12.
Content has the highest rate (4.27) while the color has the least rate (4.03).
Based on the results, improvement is needed under the criteria of lay-out which is
the font style, font size, font color and heading to meet the audience satisfaction.

Comprehensibility of the Developed Brochure
based on Readability

The Gunning Fog Index was used to measure the comprehensibility of the
brochure. The Gunning fog expresses the number of years of formal education for a
person to understand the message.

Based on the result, it was found out that ten years of formal education is needed
to understand the content of the brochure. In the Philippine education system, this is
equivalent to finishing secondary level.
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


This shows that the content of the brochure could be read and understood by those
who finished high school.

Since the respondents of this study were students of Benguet State University
college, the gunning fog index result implies that the respondents easily grasped the
content of the brochure even without somebody explaining it, or without the
accompaniment of other communication materials.
This supports the statement of Pinkihan (2008) that it must be well noted that
readability and legibility of the brochure helps a lot in any communication materials.
Legible and readable text can easily be deciphered.

Same with Montagnes (1991), stated that three considerations must be met if the
text is really easy to read: the readers eye must be able to move smoothly among the
individuals lines of the type; the readers eye must be able to move smoothly from line to
line down the page; and the reader must be able to recognize individual letters and words
This also supports the statement of one respondent that the words used in the
brochure were short and it uses simple words that is why it is easy to read and
understand. This is the same to the statement of Montagnes (1991) that sentences
might be even stronger if simple words were used.

Respondents’ Suggestions to Improve
the Brochure

In terms of content, the respondents suggested to add information about the
history of the tourists spots to add more information about it.
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

In terms of lay out, the respondents suggested improving more the design and the
placement of photographs that if possible, some unnecessary or redundant pictures should
be omitted.
In terms of the pictures used, the respondents suggested a clearer and detailed
map of Bakun that can be really used on tour. The respondents who suggested this
explained that the map should contain where the tourist spots are located in the
Moreover, respondents suggested bigger size of the pictures to be seen clearly,
and they suggested pictures of the lodging areas.

In addition, they suggested that production of the developed brochure should be
done continuously and to be updated in case there are changes in fare, accommodation
rates, and the tourists spots.

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 



The study aimed to develop and produce brochure as promotional material for
tourist destinations in Bakun, Benguet. Specific objectives of this study are to: determine
the socio-demographic profile of the respondents; determine the ratings of the
respondents towards the promotional material in terms of content, layout, pictures and
graphics, and typography; determine the comprehensibility of the developed brochure;
and determine the suggestions and recommendations of the respondents to improve
further the promotional material.

There were 50 respondents of the study for the evaluation of the developed
brochure. Respondents were local people and students from Benguet State University.
The study was conducted in Bakun, Benguet. Data were analyzed and tabulated using
frequency counts and percentage.

The developed brochure was three folds. Front page shows some photos of the
tourist spots and a text. The back page contained the Office responsible for tourism
program in Bakun while the inside page contained the name of the tourist spots,
description of each and an associated photos.

Results showed that rating of the developed brochure is good in terms of its
content, pictures or graphics, typography and lay out. The developed brochure could be
understood by those who had accomplished their secondary level of education.
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Suggestions that were gathered to improve the developed brochure were
enlargement and omitting some of the pictures, and developing more the design of the


Based on the results, the following conclusions were derived:

1. Brochure is an effective promotional material for a tourism program;

2. Simpler words and shorter sentences used in a visual material are more
understandable to the readers,

3. And there is a need to update the promotional material in case of
changes especially on the content.

1. Other municipalities or areas may also use brochure as a material in promoting
their tourism programs;
2. The LGU –Bakun may consider setting a meeting or time to update the
information in the material as needed.

3. Improvement of the promotional material should be done before producing it.

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


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AUSTIN, T. and R. DOUST. 2007. New Media Design. Designing for New Media.
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BENGUET TOURISM MASTER PLAN (BPTMP). 2006. Natural Attractions
Found in Bakun, Benguet.

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DACAWE, N. 2009. Packaging tourist destinations in Buguias, Benguet: a social

marketing strategy. MS thesis. Open University. Benguet State University, La

FORONDA, R. 2010. Development and evaluation of La Trinidad Organic Practitioner

(LATop) brochure. BS thesis. Benguet State University, La Trinidad Benguet.

HYDE. J. 2010. 12 tips on writing a brochure that will support your online

marketing efforts, and increase your sales. Retrieved February 8, 2011, from .marketing.html 

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IMPERIAL. G. B. 2010. Reading Comprehension Level of Sophomore students at
Baguio City National High School- Roxas Annex in English and Math. MS
thesis. Open University, Banguet Sate University, La Trinidad Benguet. Pp. 31-

LARUAN. M. S. 2008. Reading Comprehension Level of freshmen and sophomores of
Baguio Patriotic High School. MS thesis. Open University, Benguet State
University, La Trinidad Benguet. Pp. 6 -7.

MONTAGNES, I. 1991. Editing and Publication. A Training Manual. International
Rice Research Institute (IIRI). Manila Philippines. Pp.271-282.

PAGE, S. J. and R.K. DOWLING. 2002. Themes in tourism. Ecotourism. Pearson

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PINKIHAN, N. K. 2008. Evaluation of laboratory manuals produced by teachers in
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SCHURENBERG, E. 2001. How to design a brochure. CBI interactive, Inc. Retrieved

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SIEBERT, L. and L. BALLARD, 1992. Making a good lay out. Elements of design.
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SUMMERS, K. 2000. Element of Effective Visual Design. Retrieved February 22, 2011

TOLETO, A. 2010. Bakun Tourism Planning Officer. (Personal Interview).

WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION (WTO). 2002. World Tourism in 2002: Better
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http://www.hospitalitynet. org/news/4014546.html

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Guide Questionnaire

Benguet State University
College of Agriculture
Department of Development Communication
La Trinidad Benguet

Personal Profile
A. Name (optional) _________________________________________
B. Age ______________________

D. Sex __________________
C. Status ______________________

History of tourism in Bakun.
Description of each tourist’s destinations. Why is it so called:

A. Mt. Kabunian?

B. Mt. Tenglawan?

C. Mt. Lobo?

D. Mangta Water Falls and creek?

C. Bagew swimming pool?
IV. What are the general characteristics of the tourist’s destinations?
V. What are the unique features of each destination?
VI. Where are these tourists’ spots located in the Municipality?
VII. How many hours does it take to reach the destinations?

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 


Survey Questionnaire

Benguet State University
College of Agriculture
Department of Development Communication
La Trinidad Benguet

Personal profile
A. Name (optional) _______________________________________
B. Age _____________________
C. Sex ______________________
C. Status ____________________

Evaluation of the promotional material.
Direction: please check your answers based on the scale given below.
Scale: 5 = excellent, 4 = good, 3 = average, 2 = fair, 1 = poor.
1 2 3 4 5

Clear purpose

Clear and Concise














Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 




Font style

Font size

Font Color


Other comments:
Comprehensibility of the promotional material.

Informations on the material are easily read even

without assistance?
The promotional material is easily understood.

The font size is large enough to be read clearly.

The texts are easily read and legible.

The material used simple words

The spacing of letters, words and sentences are


What are your suggestions to improve the promotional material?
Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Pictures and Graphics used:



Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Benguet State University
College of Agriculture
La Trinidad Benguet



0 1 3 20 26
Clear and Concise
0 0 9 22 19
0 3 2 23 22
0 3 7 12 28
Space 0
Contrast 0
Design 0
Creativity 0

0 1 6 23 20
0 1 7 23 19
Design 0
Size 0
Number 0
0 5 6 20 19
0 3 8 21 18
0 3 6 24 17
Heading 0

Development and Evaluation of Promotional Brochure for Tourism

Program in Bakun Benguet/ Ruth Jane C. Diwas 2011 

Document Outline

  • Development and Evaluation of PromotionalBrochure for Tourism Program in Bakun Benguet