Benguet State University RESEARCH JOURNAL ISSN 0117-5297 ...

Benguet State University
ISSN 0117-5297 No. 65

July-December 2010
IN BENGUET, CORDILLERA ADMINISTRATIVE REGION (CAR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22

V.L. Macanes, M.M. Marquez, H. C. Perez, J. A.Wakat,

C. P. Deponio, C. D. Abellera, V. Y. Amado
IN SHILAN, LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET, PHILIPPINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-32

A.M.C. van Miltenburg
TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN BAGUIO CITY AND BENGUET PROVINCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33-47

B. T. Gayao, D. T. Meldoz, E. B. Alupias and J. S. Sagpa-ey
IN BAGUIO CITY AND BENGUET PROVINCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-74
B. T. Gayao, D. T. Meldoz, E. B. Alupias and J. S. Sagpa-ey
La Trinidad 2601 Benguet

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BSU Research Journal
Benguet State Univeristy
La Trinidad, Benguet 2601, Philippines
Telefax:( +6374) 422-5547
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Benguet State University
This multidisciplinary scientific journal publishes selected
papers but not limited to those presented during the
annual Benguet State University Agency In-House Review
(Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources, Social and
Education Sectors).

Editorial Board

Wilma L. Marquez
Lay-out Artist/ Circulation Assistant
May Flor P. Magciano
Percival B. Alipit, PhD, Agriculture and Horticulture
Ruth S. Batani, MSc, Social Science and Sociology
Jovita M. Sim, MSc, Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Janet S. Luis, PhD, Agriculture and Plant Pathology
Julia A. Solimen, PhD, Extension Education and Social Science
Julia A. Solimen, PhD
Rogelio D. Colting, PhD
Ben D. Ladilad, PhD
Arnold M. Inumpa, PhD
Benguet Provincial Director
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
La Trinidad, Benguet
Edigio F. Costales Jr.
Regional Technical Director
Ecosystem Research and Development services (ERDS)
Loakan, Baguio City
Wim Spaan, PhD
Wageningan University

Benguet State University Research Journal (BRJ) July-December 2010, 65: 1-22
Copyright 2006, Benguet State University
Valentino L. Macanes2, Mario M. Marquez3, Hilario C. Perez3, Jimmy A. Wakat3,
Christopher P. Deponio3, Cunegunda D. Abellera3, Von Y. Amado4
2Program Coordinator, Associate Professor at the Department of Agroforestry, College
of Agriculture, and Director of the Institute of Highland Farming Systems and
Agroforestry, 3Study Leaders and Faculty members of the College of Agriculture,
4Research Assistant, BS Agriculture
Benguet State University

A baseline information analysis for Agroforestry farming systems was done in the
13 municipalities of Benguet Province. A total of 41 barangays from the different
municipalities were surveyed and 95 actual Agroforestry practitioners were interviewed.

There are four Agroforestry systems being practiced in all three Agroforestry
Ecological Zones (AFEZ) in Benguet Province. These are: Agrisilvicultural (combination
of annual crops particularly squash, gabi, sweet potato, rice, or corn plus forest trees
specifically Benguet Pine or Alnus), Agrisilvipastoral (combination of rice, corn, gabi
or sweet potato including fruit trees and coffee plus domestic animals typically native
pigs, native chickens, and cattle integrated under Benguet Pine or Alnus), Silvipastoral
(combination of domestic animals particularly cattle under Benguet Pine or Alnus), and;
Agrisilviculture plus Sericulture, (combination of gabi, sweetpotato, or rice planted in
open areas with coffee planted under Benguet Pine or Alnus plus mulberry cultivated
in the open areas for Sericulture). Among these Agroforestry systems, Agrisilviculture
was the most practiced. These Agroforestry systems are situated in areas having greater
than 100% slope (which is deemed very strong to very steep slope), have sandy loam
soil, experience the Type 1 climate, with temperature range of 18-28.950C and mainly
rainfed. Coffee, sweet potato, gabi, cassava, corn, and chayote are the common crops
cultivated while cattle, native pigs, and native chickens are the domestic animals found
in most of these Agroforestry systems. On the other hand, Alnus (Alnus spp.), and native
Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala L) are the dominant Nitrogen fixing trees integrated
while Benguet Pine (Pinus kesiya Royle ex Grodon) is the most prominent forest tree
cover. Meanwhile, the identified Non-Timber Forest Species (NTFS) are different
bamboo species and “rono” (Miscanthus sinensis) which are sold as pole or trellis,
respectively. These are also used for fuel wood and fencing. The respondents perceived
Agroforestry as a wide tract of land with large trees growing, unaware that they are
practicing Agroforestry. For forest conservation measures, the respondents plant trees
and strictly follow forest protection ordinances like not practicing the old “kaingin”
Keywords: Agroforestry farming systems, Agroforestry, Baseline Information,
AgroforestryEcological Zones, Agrisilviculture, Agrisilvipastoral, Silvipastoral and

Benguet State University Research Journal (BRJ) July-December 2010, 65: 23-32
Copyright 2006, Benguet State University
A.M.C. van Miltenburg
Graduate student in Netherlands who conducted her thesis prequesite
in La Trinidad, Benguet

Soil erosion at chayote fields is grown in generally steep slopes of Shilan,
La Trinidad, Benguet. Soil erosion is severe because of little soil cover and few soil
conservation techniques. To measure soil erosion within chayote fields in Barangay
Shilan, the Morgan, Morgan and Finney (MMF) model and the Assessment of Current
Erosion Damage (ACED) was used. The erosion risk according to the MMF prediction is
in the range of 5.7 kg/m2 to 12.7 kg/m2 per average year. The ACED method measured
a soil loss of 13.5 kg/m2 and 96.3 kg/m2 in case of a gully. Both methods show severe
erosion and are comparable in case of the erosion features rills and channels. However,
only the MMF method takes into account sheet erosion. The ACED method includes a
longer period than one average year. This makes the ACED more suitable to measure
gully formation.

Interviewed chayote farmers in the area revealed their perception about erosion.
Some did not notice erosion in their fields while others have slight knowledge about erosion
processes. However, they noted that high rainfall and steep slopes are contributors of
erosion. A difference of land management was observed, like the undergrowth of grasses.
Grass left underneath the chayote plants results in less risk on erosion. Unfortunately,
most farmers remove grasses because of the expected competition for moisture and
nutrients with chayote. Only few farmers understood that grasses are necessary to reduce
the risk on erosion. None of the farmers attended land conservation trainings.

Because of the little knowledge about erosion processes, an erosion tool was
developed in this research. This can help to investigate the erosion process. The data
gathered from the erosion field tool will be used in a database and the results can
increase the knowledge about erosion processes. The database will be used by farmers,
extension workers, students and teachers of the University. By using the database, the
links between for instance, vegetation cover, rainfall, and steepness can be related with
soil loss. Understanding the influence of different factors on erosion risk is important
and can be recorded by use of a simple database.
Keywords: soil erosion, chayote fields, erosion field tool, ACED erosion model,
MMF erosion model, steep slopes

Benguet State University Research Journal (BRJ) July-December 2010, 65: 33-47
Copyright 2006, Benguet State University
Betty T. Gayao1, Dalen T. Meldoz1,
Erlinda B. Alupias2 and Jaila S. Sagpa-ey3
1Science Research Specialist, Northern Philippines Root Crops Research and Training
Center (NPRCRTC); 2Associate Professor, University Business Affairs (UBA); and
3Research Assistant
Benguet State University

The study documented gender participation, women’s textile-related activities
contribution to household income, and women’s views of the textile industry in Baguio
City and Benguet Province. Rapid market and municipal surveys were conducted,
followed-up with informal in-depth interviews and case histories of some key players
such as the thread and yarn suppliers, the weavers, knitters and manufacturers of textilebased
products, the wholesalers and retailers of finished products, and farmers engaged
in sericulture.

Women are the prime movers of the textile industry representing 97% of the
textile players in Baguio City and Benguet Province. Women function as proprietorsmanagers
of weaving, wholesaling and retailing enterprises, and as weaver-designers of
woven fabrics and made-up products in addition to their responsibilities in household and
food management, child care and education. Participation of women in textile industryrelated
activities contributes PhP750-70,000 per month to their household income which
makes the women feel empowered, i.e. less dependent on husband’s income, stronger
influence in household decisions and recognition of their talents.

The textile industry is a potential investment opportunity and employment for
women and men, regardless of education, age and time involvement, and is presently
more in the informal sector. It has an important role in the tourist economy of the city
and province attracting worker migrants mostly from Mountain Province and Ifugao.
Keywords: textile industry, gender participation, weaving, women of business,

Benguet State University Research Journal (BRJ) July-December 2010, 65: 48-74
Copyright 2006, Benguet State University
Betty T. Gayao1, Dalen T. Meldoz1,
Erlinda B. Alupias2 and Jaila S. Sagpa-ey3
1Science Research Specialist, Northern Philippines Root Crops Research and Training
Center (NPRCRTC); 2Associate Professor, University Business Affairs (UBA); and
3Research Assistant
Benguet State University

This study was done to assess the status and describe the textile industry in Baguio City and
Benguet Province, and to identify research and development areas towards improving the industry in
the light of bringing back the grandeur of the Cordillera region. Data was generated through: rapid
market walks, library research, field visits, and informal interviews of the selected industry players.
The textile industry in Benguet includes the components of sericulture, yarn trading, thread and textile
factory trimmings, weaving, processing or manufacturing of made-up textile products, wholesaling
and retailing of finished products, and the processing of maguey or sisal fibers.

The sericulture industry is still in its infancy of development with 9.73 hectares of mulberry
farms as of 2008 which is expected to increase to 26ha by 2010. Silkworm rearing resulted to a
production of 657 kilograms of silk cocoons (2009) and 56kg of raw silk fibers in 2008, produced by
members of the Kapangan Environmental Livelihood and Multipurpose Cooperative (KELMC).

Growth in the tourism industry spurred the establishment, and currently influencing the status
of the textile industry in Baguio and Benguet. It made possible for the expansion of trade in imported
thread and raw materials among 31 entrepreneurs and manufacturers of textile goods providing job
opportunities. There were 108 individuals and associations included in the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) listing of registered firms but as many as 515 individuals are formally and informally
engaged in manufacturing, which includes the weaving, knitting, crocheting and the creation of madeup
textile goods or novelty items. Those engaged in wholesaling and retailing of manufactured textile
products includes 253 establishments. Their contribution to employment and the economy could easily
reach more than PhP133 million per year.

Maguey or sisal fiber processing became an obsolete home industry among the old folks in
Bokod and Kabayan with the introduction of cheaper polypropylene ropes.

Lack of support on marketing and technology, slow turn-over of capital, and the unstable and
increasing cost of threads, yarns or textile fibers are some issues the textile industry in Baguio and Benguet is
Keywords: textile, textile industry, weaving, knitting, maguey and sisal fiber processing, sericulture,
and textile producers


(Abridged/improved from the editorial policies of the Benguet State University)
1. All manuscripts must be the result of research activities (technical or social) that are relevant to the development
thrust of the University and should not have been published elsewhere.
2. Acceptance of manuscript is on the basis of the review and approval by a corps of technical editors and selected
3. Original photos should be submitted in PNG or JPEG format with corresponding captions.
4. The manuscript should not exceed 40 pages, typed double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman on one side of
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5. The manuscript should be organized in the following order: (a) Title; (b) Authors/s; (c) Authors/s position;
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Recommendations; (i) Acknowledgment, optional; and (j) Literature Cited ; and written all centered.
6. The title should be a precise and concise description of the contents of the manuscripts without abbreviations and
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8. The abstract must be 200 words or less, summarizing the main points of the articles.
9. The introduction should contain scope and statement of the problem, brief survey of previous work and objectives
and importance of the study.
10. Citations in the text follows the name and year system, e. g.
Single Author:

(Adeyemo, 2010), Yeo (2009) or Boquiren (n.d.)
Two Authors:

Pladio and Villasenor (2004), (Pladio and Villasenor, 2004)
More than Two Authors:

Folbre et al. (2011) or (Folbre et al., 2011).
11. Materials and methods should describe very concisely but comprehensively the materials used, techniques, and
lay-out of the research.
12. Scientific names and other foreign expressions such as in situ, et al., i.e., and other similar expressions are italicized.
Technical terms, abbreviations and acronyms must be defined.
13. In abbreviating or using acronyms, the System International-Units (SI) of the metric system should be followed.
Such abbreviations or acronyms should be written first in full before the truncated terms in parenthesis, e.g. thin-
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14. The results should be presented logically and in objective way and conclusions stated as valid facts.
15. The discussion of results should lead to interpreting significance and /or possible similarity or discrepancy from
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16. A statement on conflict of interest should be declared by authors before the Acknowledgment section. Where
appropriate, Conflict of Interest statements may be in instances such as:” There are no known conflicts interests
associated with the publication” or “There has been no significant financial support for the work that could have
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of financial and technical support.
17. Literature cited in the text should be indicated as follows: Consolacion (2000) or (Consolacion, 2000); for two
authors, Colting and Maddul (1999) or (Colting and Maddul, 1999); for more than two authors, Bucu et al. (1999)
or (Bucu et al., 1999).
18. Electronic sources must be cited as follows: author (s), year, title, date of retrieval and the complete Uniform
Resource Locator (URL) of the site.
19. Listing of literature cited is by author(s) in alphabetical order. The list contains: author (s), year, title of literature,
publisher, address of publisher, volume and issue numbers and inclusive pages (printed as 1(2):1-9). Names of
authors are typed in upper case: for single author, surname (separated by a comma) first before the initials of the
given and middle names; for multiple authors, surname then initials of senior author followed by initials then
surnames of succeeding authors. Authors are separated by commas.
Single author:
Mondejar, L.A. 1998. Understanding Student Judgments of Teaching Performance: A Conjoint Approach.
Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of the Philippines. Diliman. Quezon City.
Durano, M. 2008. From profit to provisioning: A gender equitable public policy. Development Alternatives
with Women for a New Era. QC: Miriam College.
Eriksen, T. 2001. Small Places, Large Issues. An introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. 2nd ed.
London: Pluto Press.
Two authors:

Hallauer, A. R. and F. O. Miranda. 1980. Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding. Iowa State University
Press. Ames, Iowa. Pp. 49-52.
Carrasco, C. and M. Serrano. 2011. Lights and Shadows of Household Satellite Accounts: The Case of
Catalonia, Spain. Feminist Economics 17 (2): 68-85. IAFFE: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
Crisologo, L. C. and L. Berlage. 2006. Bargaining in rural households: a study of decision on labor market
participation in the Cordillera. The Philippine Review of Economics. 48 (2): 249- 537.
More than two authors:
Linsley, R., J. Franzini, D. Freyburg and G. Tchobanoglous. 1992. Water Resources Engineering. 4th ed.
McGraw-Hill, Inc. New Jersey, USA.Pp. 510-532.
Aguilar, N. O., B. L. Cardenas and M. A. O. Cajano. 2000. Spore and Seed bearing Plants of Mount Pulag,
Benguet, Philippines. Museum of Natural History. UPLB, College, Laguna, Philippines.
Braunstein, E. B., I. P. Van Staveren and D. Tavani. 2011. Embeding care and unpaid work in Macroeconomic
Modelling. A structural Approach. Feminist Economics. 17, 4-31.
20. If necessary, protocols for manuscript preparation can be requested from the Editorial Board.
21. Please see the latest issue of the Journal for concrete details as to format.

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BSU Research Journal
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