VENTURA, ARLYN J. April 2013. The Growth Performance of Pekin Ducks
Given Chopped Watercress and Water Spinach. Benguet State University, La Trinidad,

Adviser: Marlene B. Atinyao, Ph. D.


The study was conducted to determine the effect of watercress and water spinach
plus commercial feeds for growing Pekin ducks. This was conducted at Karao, Bokod,
Benguet from December 2012 to February 2013 for a period of 50 days.
Forty eight one-month-old Pekin ducks were distributed into three treatments
following the Completely Randomized Design. Each treatment was replicated four times
with four birds per replicate. The different treatments were watercress plus 50%
commercial feeds, water spinach plus 50% commercial feeds and 50g watercress, 50g
water spinach and 50g commercial feeds. The initial weight of birds used in the study was
0.76 kg with a feed conversion ratio of 10.22%.
Statistical analysis showed no significant differences among treatments in the initial
weight at 30 days of age, final weight at 80 days of age, gain in weight and feed conversion
ratio. However, significant differences among treatments were observed in the total and
daily feed intake of birds. The average total and daily feed intake of birds given water
spinach with 50% commercial feeds were (8.35kg) and 0.16kg respectively. Than those
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

birds given 50g commercial feeds plus 50g watercress plus 50g water spinach with a total
and daily feed intake of 6.95kg and 0.13 kg and the birds given 50% commercial feeds plus
watercress has a total of 5.47kg and 0.10kg, respectively.
Likewise, return on cash expenses from the birds given 50% commercial feeds and
watercress had the highest value of 16.82% followed by 50g commercial fees plus 50g
watercress plus 50g water spinach (13.34%) and the lowest value (10.09%) was obtained
from the birds given 50% commercial feeds and water spinach.

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Duck raising is inexpensive, requires non elaborate housing facilities, little
attention, and less space for rearing compared to chickens. Moreover, ducks are shown to
be relatively hardy, resistant to common avian diseases, and subsist on a variety of feeds.
The available feedstuffs that can be fed to ducks are the watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
and water spinach (Ipomea aquatica).
Dean (2007) stated that “Nasturtium” means literally “twisting nose” and was the
Roman name for peppery watercress. Officinale means it was approved in ancient Rome
to be sold as food or medicine in special stores. The Greek name for it, Nerokarthamon,
broadly translated, means “able to make Nero’s mind”. It was thought in ancient Greece
Watercress could cure insanity.
Shipards (2007) stated that watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a hardy perennial,
creeping, hallow, fleshy, square stems to 30-50cm with many side stems of lush-green,
oblong-ovate leaves. They are found growing in open running watercourses or near cool
shallow springs, spring holes, spring fed stream margins, and brooks. Watercress contains
significant amount of iron, calcium and folic acid, as well as vitamin A and C.
The common available feedstuffs for ducks that are found in Bokod are the
watercress and water spinach. Since watercress and water spinach are rich in vitamins and
minerals this can be fed to ducks to improve the growth performance of ducks and to act
as an antiviral, antibiotic, and body detoxifier.
This study will give information to students, farmers and those who are engaged in
poultry production on the benefits of feeding watercress and water spinach. It would also
help the ducks raiser lessen their expenses and increase their income, as well. And
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

the study also serves as a guide in the proper use of watercress and water spinach for the
ration of ducks. And to know the nutritional content of this feedstuff that was needed by
the ducks.

Generally, this study aimed to determine the growth performance of ducks given chopped
watercress and water spinach. Specifically, this study was conducted to:
1. determine the gain in weight, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio of ducks given
watercress and water spinach; and,
2. determine the return on cash expenses and profitability of raising ducks.
The study was conducted at Karao, Bokod, Benguet on December 2012 to February 2013
for a period of 50 days.

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Shipards (2007) stated that Pliny who lived from 23-7AD listed over 40
medicinal uses for watercress, and include the belief that the smell of watercress would
drive away snakes and neutralize scorpion venom! A Persian tradition was to feed it to
their children to increase strength and stature. African tribes believed watercress could
cause temporary sterility, but note, they also regarded it as an aphrodisiac! Watercress was
renown in herbal history as a spring-cleaning herb for purifying the blood and toning the
whole system. Many of the great herbalists wrote of the revitalizing powers of watercress.
Early Romans revered the health benefits of watercress, while the Greeks believed it was
valuable brain food and strengthened the nervous system. Persian king Xerxes fed
watercress to his soldiers, to keep up strength and stamina.
Monash medical centre’s leading research nutritionist, Shipards (2007) reported
that watercress was one of a number of foods, including green tea and soy products, which
could interrupt one of the key pathways of developing lung, breast and bowel cancer.
Watercress is a powerful cleanser of the body, especially the bloodstream. It has properties
that help dissolve fatigue-causing fibrin, coagulated in the blood vessels. Watercress
contains more sulphur than any other vegetables, except horseradish. Sulphur rich foods
play an important part in protein absorption, blood purifying, cell building and healthy hair
and skin.
Deane (2007) stated that man is not the only consumer of watercress. It is eaten
by ducks, muskrats, and deer, who know a good thing when they find it. Watercress
contains significant amounts of iron, calcium and folic acid, as well as vitamin A and C.
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

The Greeks thought it was good for the brain in thinking. Many benefits have been
attributed to eating watercress, such as that it is a mild stimulant, a source of photo-
chemical, a diuretic, an expectorant, a digestive aid and anti-cancerous. Research in Iran
has shown it to have antioxidant potential as well as able to lower cholesterol and
triglycerides. Research in United States suggests that it has a role in preventing or treating
Deane (2007) stated that nutritionally, watercress has 19 calories per 100g and is
93.3% water. However it has 2.2g protein; 0.3g fat; 3g carbohydrate; 0.7g fibre; 1.2g ash;
151mg calcium; 54mg phosphorous; 1.7mg iron; 0mg magnesium; 52mg sodium; 282mg
potassium; 2940mg A; 0.08mg thiamine (B1); 0.16mg riboflavin (B2); 0.9mg niacin; and
79mg C.
Water spinach is a good source of carotene, which in turn, can be converted to
Vitamin A by the body. Water spinach is beneficial most especially to people suffering
from hypertension. When ingested roughage it helps eliminate fatty deposits in the
alimentary canal that would otherwise lodge in the blood vessels. So, for those who are
hypertensive, you can get the most out of the health benefits of water spinach, for less and
even no price at all. Green leafy vegetables have been recognized as rich source of micro
nutrients (minerals and vitamins) and antioxidant (Kala and Prakash, 2004). The high ash
content of Ipomea aquatica leaves (10.83±0.80%) is an indication that the leaves contain
nutritionally important. The value recorded in this study is low compared to 14.44 % (on
dry weight basis mineral elements) in Ipomea aquatica leaves grown in Vietnam (Ogle et
al., 2001) and 17.8% found in leaves of Ipomea aquatica sp. Grown in Swaziland (Ogle
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

and Grivetti, 1985). In contrast, the value is higher than that of Ipomea batatas leaves
(1.8g/100g dry weight) as reported by Asibey-Berko and Tayie (1999).
The proximate composition of water spinach as well as mineral elements was
determined. The leaves were found on dry weight basis to have high moisture
(72.83±0.29%), ash (10.83±0.80%), crude lipid (11.00±0.50%), crude fiber (17.67±0.3%)
and available carbohydrate (54.20±0.68%), but low in crude protein content (6.30±0.27%).
The leaves also have energy value (300.94±5.31 kcal/100g) that is within the range
reported in some Nigerian leafy vegetables. The mineral element content was high with
remarkable concentration of Potassium (5,458.33±954.70mg/100g) and Iron (210.30±2.47
mg/100g). Also the leaves content moderate concentration of Sodium
(301.64±12.69mg/100g) and Phosphorous (109.29±0.55mg/100g), with low Copper
(0.36±0.01mg/100g), Manganese (2.14±0.22 mg/100g) and Zinc (2.47±0.27 mg/100g)
contents. It was showed that the plant leaves is good source of potassium, manganese and
iron for all categories of people, while Magnesium is adequate enough for adult female
and children. From the result, Ipomea aquatica Forsk leaves could be used for nutritional
purposes; due to the amount and diversity of nutrients it contains (Umar et al., 2007).
Ducks enjoy all kinds of plants unless they are very hard because ducks do not have teeth.
We can feed ducks with lettuce, apple, watermelon, melon, tomato, and fruits (Inak, 2010).

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

The materials used were 48 one-month-old Pekin ducks, feedstuff such as watercress, water
spinach, and commercial feeds. The other materials included were 6000 pieces sticks for
pens, grass, straw, wooden post, waterer, feeder, disinfectant, weighing scale, cleaning
materials, record book and ballpen.

Pre-experimental design. Before the purchase of the stocks, the newly built pens at the open
field measuring 6m x 3m each pen was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to reduce the
incidence of diseases. The roofing was covered with grasses and the sides of the pen are
covered with sticks to conserve the heat inside.

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Figure 1. The Experimental House
Experimental design. After the arrival of the stocks, the experimental ducks were weighed
individually to obtain their initial weight, distributed at random fallowing the completely
randomized design into 3 treatments with 4 replicate each. Each replicate were composed
of four birds. The birds were tagged individually at their leg to trace the individual gain in
weight of the experimental birds.
The treatments were the following;
TI= 50% CF + watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
T2=50% CF + water spinach
T3=50g CF + 50g watercress + 50g water spinach
Preparation of the ration. Fresh watercress and water spinach were gathered, thoroughly
washed, chopped into 1.5 cm sized weighed and given directly to the ducks. The 50g broiler
ration commercial feeds was given 7:30 in the morning.

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Figure 2. The experimental Birds

Care and management. All experimental ducks were fed adlibitum and subjected to the
same care and management except for the fixed amount of 50g grower commercial feeds
given to them. Drinking water was made available at all times. The final weight was
recorded on the 50th day or at the end of the study.

Data Gathered
1. Initial weight (kg). It was taken by weighing the experimental birds at the start of the
2. Final weight (kg).It was taken by weighing the experimental birds at the end of the study.
3. Number of experimental days. The 50 days of feeding trial.
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

4. Amount of feed offered, dry matter basis (kg). It was taken by weighing the total feed
offered to the experimental birds from the start and at the end of the study.
5. Cost of Inputs (Php). It was determined by recording all the expenses incurred in the
6. Mortality. It was taken by the total number of dead ducks during the time of the study.
7. Number of birds at the end of the study. It was determined by the number of birds at the
end of the study.

Data Computed
1. Amount of dry matter in feed (DM). It was determined by the amount of dry matter in
the feedstuff was computed as:
% DM= Dry weight of feed sample after drying x 100
Fresh weight of the feed samples before drying
2. Feed intake dry matter basis (kg)

a. Total feed intake (kg). It was determined by subtracting
the total feed offered from the amount of feed left over.
b. Daily feed intake (kg). It was determined by dividing the total feed intake by the number
of experimental days.

3. Gain in weight (kg).

a. Total gain in weight (kg). It was determined by subtracting
the final weight from the initial weight of the ducks.

b. Average daily gain in weight (kg). It was determined by
dividing the total gain in weight to the number of experimental days.

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

4. Feed intake dry matter basis (kg).

a. Total feed intake (kg). It was determined by subtracting
the total feed offered from the amount of feed left over.
b. Daily feed intake (kg). It was determined by dividing the total feed intake by the number
of experimental days.
5. Feed conversion ratio. It was determined by dividing the total feed intake to the total
gain in weight.
6. Feed cost per kg gain. It was determined by multiplying the FCR to the feed cost per
kilogram of feeds.
8. Return on Cash Expenses (%). It was determined using the formula;
RCE = Total sales – Total cost production x 100
Total cost of production
Data Analysis
All data were subjected to the Analysis of Variance appropriate for Completely
Randomized Design of an experiment. Treatment means were compared using the
Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT).

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Body weight

The initial and final weight of the Pekin ducks per treatment was presented in Table
1. The initial weights of the birds were recorded on the 1st day or at the 30 days old. Slight
differences were observed in the initial weight of the experimental birds as shown in the
table but the gap was very minimal to be a basis of significant difference among the
treatments. The statistical analysis shows that there were no significant differences
observed in the initial and final weight of the experimental birds. This simply means that
the initial weights of all experimental birds in the different treatments were more or less
the same.
Final weight of the birds was recorded during the 50th day of feeding trial or 80 days old.
Statistical analysis also shows that there were no significant differences in the final weight
of all experimental birds in the different treatment. This means that incorporation of
watercress and water spinach substitute in the diet of growing Pekin ducks does not
increase nor decrease the final weight of the birds.

Table 1. Initial weight of the ducks at 30 days and final weight at 80 days of age

T1=50 % CF + watercress 0.764 1.47

T2=50 % CF + water spinach 0.764 1.44

T3=50g CF +50g watercress +
50g water spinach 0.746 1.44
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance (DMRT)

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Gain in Weight

The total gain in weight of experimental birds in different treatments was presented
in Table 2. There are numerical differences among the treatment means however statistical
analysis revealed no significant differences. The total gain in weight of birds given
commercial feeds plus water spinach as feed obtained higher gain in weight of 0.710kg
respectively. Birds given 50g commercial feeds, 50g watercress and 50g water spinach has
a total mean of 0.698 kg and the birds given water spinach has a total mean of 0.672kg.
Results showed that giving of water spinach meal in ducks ration resulted to higher average
of total gain in weight of birds.

This simply means that those ducks given watercress, water spinach and
commercial feeds are good source of vitamins, proteins, minerals, which are essential for
the growth and development of the animal body.

Total Feed Consumption

The total and daily feed consumption of experimental birds was presented in Table
3. Statistical analysis showed highly significant difference among the treatments. Ducks
fed with commercial feeds and water spinach has a total and daily feed intake of

Table 2. Total gain in weight of ducks from 30 days to 80 days of age

(kg) (kg)

T1=50% CF + watercress 0.710
T2= 50 % CF + water spinach 0.672
T3= 50g CF +50g watercress + 50g water spinach 0.698
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance (DMRT)
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

8.356kg and 0.167kg, respectively. The daily fed intake of birds given commercial feeds,
watercress and water spinach has a total and daily feed intake of 6.953kg and 0.139 kg.
While the birds given commercial feeds and watercress has a total mean of 5.477kg and

Table 3. Total and daily feed consumption of the ducks (kg) as feed

T1=50 % CF + watercress 5.447

T2=50 % CF + water spinach 8.356 0.167

T3=50g CF + 50g watercress +
50g water spinach 6.953 0.139
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance (DMRT)
The crude protein content of water spinach was 30.66 % with a dry weight of 30g;
watercress has 32.68% with a dry weight sample of 30g while the watercress plus the water
spinach was 32.47 % with 30g dry sample. This was obtained from the Department of
Science and Technology Cordillera Administrative Region Km.6, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Feed Conversion Ratio
Table 4 presents the average feed conversion ratio and feed cost to produce a kilogram in
weight of birds at 30 days of age to 80 days of age per treatment of ducks The result showed
that the water spinach meal may be included as high in the duck ration without detrimental
effect on the feed conversion ratio.
In terms of feed conversion ratio and feed cost per kg gain in weight, experimental birds
fed with 50% commercial feeds and water spinach obtained the
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

highest cost of 13.255 and Php477.196 this is due to the cost of water spinach meal. Birds
given 50g commercial feeds, 50g watercress and 50g water spinach had a feed conversion
ratio and feed cost per kg weight of Php9.972 and Php395.008 and watercress had a feed
conversion ratio of Php7.425 with a feed cost per kg gain of Php267.316, respectively.

Table 4. Feed Conversion Ratio

T1= 50 % CF + watercress 7.425 267.316

T2= 50 % CF + water spinach 13.255 477.196

T3= 50g CF +50g watercress + 9.972 359.008
50g water spinach
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance (DMRT)
Return on Cash Expenses
The Return on Cash Expenses was presented in Table 5. Although this was not subjected
to statistical analysis, the result revealed that the highest Return on Investment was realized
from experimental birds fed with watercress and commercial feeds with a total mean of
16.78%. The birds fed with 50g commercial feeds, 50g watercress and 50g water spinach
meal has a total mean of 13.34% return on investment. The lowest return on investment
was obtained from experimental birds fed with 50% commercial feeds and 50g water
spinach 10.09% this is due to the cost of water spinach meal.

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

Table 5. Return on Cash Expenses (%)
T1=50 % CF + watercress 4,110 4,800 690 16.82

T2=50 % CF+ water spinach 4,360 4,800 440 10.09

T3=50 g CF +50g watercress 4,235 4,800 565 13.34
+50g water spinach

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet


The study was conducted to determine the growth performance of Pekin ducks
given chopped watercress and water spinach, and to determine the watercress and water
spinach meal could be profitable feed supplement to growing ducks.
Forty eight 1month old Pekin ducks was distributed into three treatments following the
Completely Randomized Design. Each treatment was replicated four times with 4 birds per
replicate. The treatment used were 50% commercial feeds and watercress, 50% commercial
feeds and water spinach and 50g commercial feeds plus50g watercress and 50g water
spinach meal.

Statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences between
treatments in initial, final, gain in weight, and Feed Conversion Ratio. However, there is
significant difference in the feed intake of the birds. Birds given water spinach per gram of
commercial feeds had the highest feed intake of 8.356kg followed by birds given
watercress, water spinach with a gram of commercial feeds with a total of feed intake of
6.953kg, and those birds given watercress with a gram of commercial feeds with a total
feed intake of 5.477kg.

The average initial and final weight at 80 days of age was 0.76kg and 1.45kg
respectively. The total gain in weight of birds given commercial feeds and watercress,
commercial feed and water spinach, and commercial feeds, watercress and water spinach
meal were 0.69kg respectively. The average Feed Conversion Ratio was 7.425, 13.255 and
9.972 with a total grand mean of 10.22. For Return on Cash Expenses, the birds fed with
Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

watercress and50% commercial feed had a higher Return on Cash Expenses of 16.82%
followed by birds fed with watercress plus water spinach and commercial
feeds with Return on Cash Expenses of 13.34%. The lowest Return on Cash Expenses was
realized from birds fed with and water spinach commercial feeds with Return on Cash
Expenses of 10.09%.


From the result of the study, watercress and water spinach can be given adlibitum
in addition to commercial feeds ration without any adverse effect on the performance of


Based on the study it is recommended that chopped watercress and water spinach
can be used as feed for ducks to improve the growth performance of birds.

Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet

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Assessment on Farmers’ Acceptability of Organic Farming in Tuba, Benguet