GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013. Indigenous Management and
Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San Emilio, Ilocos Sur. Benguet
State University, La Trinidad Benguet.

Adviser: Erlinda B. Alupias, Ph. D.


This study documented the indigenous management and utilization practices on
natural resources in Kalumsing, San Emilio, Ilocos Sur relative to the socio demographic
profile of the respondents, the management and utilization practices and undertaken by the
community residents along with forest and water resources, the intervention from the
Barangay Local Government Units, and the different problems encountered by the
community residents in the management and utilization of natural resources. It was
conducted at Kalumsing, San Emilio, Ilocos Sur. It involved 40 respondents who were
residents in the community for at least 40 years. It was conducted in January 2013.
As to the findings of the study, the respondents claimed that manga-ew (gathering
dried firewood) and putrido (pastureland) as highly practiced in the management and
utilization of forest resources. Moreover, the respondents looked at men pasapas as
moderately practice in the management of forest resources. Other forest management
practices in a descending order are; mendapilat, men pang-ngati and men kub-ong (pit).
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Result implies that there is abundance of forest resources in the community since the people
had good management practices and they seldom do hunting.
With regards to water management practices, the respondents strongly believed that
menmula or planting trees along riverbanks, springs and other water sources and doing
menlama (a traditional way of catching fish) were the best practices in the management
and utilization of water resources. The prohibition of the Barangay LGU in burning and
illegal occupancy of the forest and issuing permit in cutting trees greatly helped in the
management and utilization of natural resources. The respondents stated that Barangay
LGU allows community residents to have free access on wild flora and fauna but not for
commercial purposes.
The respondents followed the banning of explosives, electrical, samal or tuba and
other deleterious methods resulting to the death of small fish is a good intervention in the
management and utilization of water resources
As to the sanctioned by the community residents and the elders, the respondents
believed that masapit (reprimand) masakab (whipping) and maili-bot (marching around
the community) were good punishment that helps in the management of natural resources.
The practices also helped the Barangay LGU in maintaining peace and order in disciplining
the community residents
The most serious problems they encountered in the management and utilization
were the presence of natural calamities that destroyed the natural resources and the
indigenous utilization practices were replaced by the used of modern equipments such as
rifles and chainsaws. The respondents believed that there has been an adequate
dissemination of sanctions and policies regarding the management and utilization of natural
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

resources. This is strongly supported by the fact that the respondents did not have problems
with illegal loggers in the community.
As to the recommendations, the community residents should continuously practice
and extend the good practices and discontinue unsafe or unfriendly practices in the
management and utilization of natural resources; community residents, parents and elders
should teach and expose their children or the younger generations on the good practices in
the management and utilization of natural resources, good practices on the management of
natural resources undertaken by the community residents may be introduce and share to
other communities for replication, the Barangay LGU should continue to work hand in
hand with its constituents in the formulation of laws and implementing the policies and
intervention programs that will integrate environmental management and preservation on
natural resources.

Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013


This section presents the profile of the respondents as to their personal information.
It also reflects the practices of the community residents on the management and utilization
of their forest and water resources, and the intervention from the Local Government Units.
Moreover, the problems encountered by the residents on the management and utilization
of forest and water resources are also included.

Profile of the Respondents

The profile of the respondents as to gender age, civil status, ethnic identity,
educational attainment, main source of income and number of years in the community is
shown in Table 1.
Age. The ages of the respondents ranged from 40 to 80 years old. The greatest number of
respondents falls under the age group of 51 to 55 (27.50%) followed by age group of 40 to
45 (22.50%) and 71 to 75 (12.50%) years of age. At least there were respondents at the
ages of 76 to 80 (8%) who shared their rich experiences. Data implies that the respondents
were at the age to have sufficient experiences on the management and utilization of natural
resources in the community.
Civil Status. Among the 40 respondents, 70% were married, only five were single and
seven widowed. This shows that most of the respondents have their families of their own.
Gender. With regards to gender, majority of the respondents were males (77.50%) and
22.50% were females. It implies that the respondents in the community are dominated by
males in terms of representation for every household.
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Table 1.Profile of the respondents

a. Age








b. Civil Status



c. Gender



Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Table 1. Continued…


d. Educational attainment

No schooling

Elementary undergraduate

Elementary graduate

High school undergraduate

High school graduate

College undergraduate

College graduate
e. Household main source of income


Sari-sari store

Remittances from abroad



Government employee



Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Table 1. Continued…

f. Number of years living in the


Educational Attainment. Almost all (98.50%) of the respondents had formal education with
only one (2.50) who claimed to had never gone to school. Most of respondents had
elementary education (37.50%), followed by those who had high school education (35%);
at least some had college or tertiary education (25%). According to the respondents, they
were not able to finish high school because they lacked perseverance in hiking at a far
distance going to school since there were few schools during their time.
Main Source of Income. Most (67.5%) of the respondents claimed that their main source
of income is through farming. At least 10% claimed to be unemployed as they were
depending on family support because due to old age. Only few were government
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

employees (7.50%), pensioners (5%), dependent on remittances from abroad (5%) and self-
employed carpenter and sari-sari store owner (2.50%).
Length of residency in the community. Most of the respondents had been in the community
for 51-55 years. Few of them have been in the community for 71-75 years followed by 75
to 80 years. Data shows that the number of years living in the community is the same as
their age and almost all of them had been there since birth.

Indigenous Practices on the Management and
Utilization of Forest and Water Resources
Forest resources. Um-a or other known as kaingin (Figure 5) is a traditional agricultural
farming system in the locality. This is usually done before the onset of rainy season (March
to May) and/or after harvesting rice from the rice paddies (November or December).
Production of food in the um-a is usually done to augment their rice production from the
rice paddies (lowland) in order to have enough supply of staple food for the year. It is a
practice that follows a certain process. According to the respondents, they choose a land
with lesser trees, which is easier to clear and to avoid cutting more trees. The um-a is
usually close or within the vicinity of the communal forest or private woodlots. During
the clearing (gaikan) of the uma, they gather the trees and plants that have value and can
be useful to them. Then the grasses are cut off (kep-asan) and left behind to let them dry
for 2 to 3 weeks. Before burning the dried leaves and grasses, a fire line is established
(gasidan) ranging from 4 meters to 10 m in order to control fire from spreading out to the
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Figure 5. An old um-a planted with g-melina trees to let the soil regain its fertility

Burning the um-a is usually done during night time for it is more convenient due to the
cooler temperature and less wind to spread the fire. This shows that the farmers practice
controlled burning within the forest area. The um-a is prepared and as soon as it rains,
planting starts.
Red rice (langpadan) a traditional variety of rice that is known for its aroma and good
quality in making tapey is usually planted in um-a. String beans, cassava, sweet potato are
intercropped together with pigeon pea and bananas. After five or more years, fast growing
trees like paper tree or “gmelina” are usually planted in the um-a in order for the soil to
regain its fertility. The um-a will now become a woodlot where the owner has the right to
harvest the matured trees hence, it is their obligation to take care of it.
Inside the um-a, is a Lapog or bangkag which is intended for sowing seedlings (bunubon)
of rice or tobacco.
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Figure 6. A lapog planted with mongo (balatong) after the seedlings were transplanted

If the selected area is rolling or slope, they make a terrace to level it (mages-ad), so that the
seedlings will have even growth. Branches of the nearby trees which hamper the growth of
the bunubon/seedlings are trimmed. After transplanting rice or tobacco, crops like pigeon
pea (kardis), mongo (balatong), sweet potato (kamote) and drought resistant crops are also
planted in the lapog.
Ammu-yo (Bayanihan) system is still a common practice among the people of Kalumsing.
The people in the community help each other especially when an individual who needs
more labor in the um-a such as clearing, planting and harvesting crops, fruit and tree
planting. After which, the labor service is returned back to every individual who
participated by working in their farms too. This practice had been a great help to the
community residents because even they don’t have cash to pay for labor, still the job can
be done with the help of their neighbors. Aside from the ammu-yo system, the Gamal
wherein, a group of men or women will work in one’s field then after the job is done they
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

will butcher an animal like goat or dog in which the meat (oraga) is divided among
themselves. These practices help the residents develop the spirit of cooperation,
camaraderie, and concern for one another as well as for their environment. The good thing
in practice is the community people are the ones working in their own farm area, which
shows that they have common concerns in the management of their resources.
Men-pasapas is a practice of selective harvesting of live trees and/or branches during dry
season (November to May), then dried and stored for lumber, fuel use in cooking food and
the larger ones (agom) are used for curing tobacco. In gathering fuel wood, they usually
select the fast growing species of trees that can re-grow after cutting like aludig, ipil-ipil,
damalkis and kawkawat-te. Individuals who own woodlots or um-a get their agom and
firewood from there. Most often, lumber or fuel woods are gathered from the overcrowded
part (baet-ba-etan) of the forest to thin the population of the trees and give favor for other
trees to grow.
Manga-ew (gathering firewood) is a common practice of the people in the community
which they use for cooking their food. Unlike the men pasapas only the dried trees or tree
branches are being gathered. This practice is not harmful to forest resources for it is a
selective way of gathering or harvesting wood. It helps to prolong the life of the trees and
a good practice in the management and utilization of forest resources.
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Figure 7. Children gathering some firewood (manga-ew) in the forest

Putrido (pastureland) is an indigenous practice of the community people wherein the cattle
or draft animals are released to the forest for almost 7 months (June to January). During
summer, the animals are brought down to the farm to work and the others are confined in
the corral (kodal) because there are no more grasses in the forest. Until the next rainy
season the cattle are again freed to the forest because the grasses and leaves of trees have
already regenerated. This practice is usually done by group of individuals wherein they
share the cost of perimeter fence to prevent the cattle to go astray and maintaining the area.
On the other hand, the animals help in soil fertility and they act as medium for plant
diversity when they eat the seeds of trees or plants then the seeds will germinate from their
dropping to another location. This implies that the people have their own way of
maintaining the forest naturally.
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Men-kub-ong is an indigenous practice in hunting wild pig (alingo) (Sus celebensis) with
the use of a pit (kub-ong) which is dug at 5 feet high x 5 feet wide in the forest. The kub-
ong enclosed by a fence and covered with wood slats and leaves. Sweet potatoes or gabi
are planted around the pit to attract the alingo to enter the perimeter. As the alingo starts
to eat, there are ropes or cords place under the soil that was interlinked or intertwined at
the entrance cover, when the animal will bump at the ropes, the entrance gate will be closed.
The alingo will start to jump out finding exit (the kub-ong is located at the exit) and there
it will be trapped. The kub-ong was designed only for matured and bigger wild pigs. The
catch will either be domesticated or for human consumption. This shows that the
indigenous way of catching wild pigs very conservative because it only catches a few,
unlike the use of the rifles, fire arms or poison which is not environmental friendly.
Men-dapilat is a practice of catching wild animals such as monitor lizards (banyas), quail
and wild chicken using silo or cord as shown in Figure 8. The trap will be set and it will be
checked (masangat) every after a day. The catch is for human consumption only and it is
by chance, seasonal so it is limited.

Figure 8. A dapi-lat use to catch wild animals such as monitor lizard and wild chicken

Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Men-pang-ngati is a practice in catching live birds. A live bird will (maipa-a-yat) or acts
as bait inside a trap or tangkal as shown in Figure 9, attracting the same species of bird to
get inside the trap. Young and smaller birds will be set free or domesticated. This shows
that the people practice a selective and conservative manner of catching birds.

Figure 10. A tangkal (cage) used to catch birds (pang-ngati) alive

Water resources. Tree planting (men-mula) is a practice done near riverbanks, springs and
other water resources. The respondents believed that planting trees will conserve and
preserved their water resources, which they need in their everyday living. They usually
plant different species of bamboo, let-teng, kakawate, and acacia trees except gmelina,
because it absorbs too much water. This shows that the indigenous people know how to
sustain their water resources.
Men-lama is an indigenous practice in fishing with the use of stones piled in the river to
create a habitat for the different species of fish as shown in Figure 10. This practice is
usually done before summer starts and harvesting the fishes on the month of April when
the water level is low.
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Figure11. A pile of stones (lama) that serves as habitat for different species of fish

In harvesting, the small or younger fish will be left behind for them to grow and reproduce
for the next years. This implies that the fishes in the river are sustained.
As shown in Table 2, the above described indigenous practices on the management and
utilization of the forest and water resources are either highly practiced, moderately
practiced or not being practiced at all.
Under the management and utilization of forest resources, majority of the respondents
claimed that they highly practiced manga-ew (gathering dried firewood) and a little more
than half of them (52.5%) were moderately practicing men pasapas.
Findings of the study relates to the claim of Oliver and Heany (1996) that the indigenous
populations know their natural environment intimately. They appreciate its great diversity
and extract their livelihood and materials from it.
Almost 90% of the respondents were no longer practicing men-um-a or swidden farming.
According to the respondents several area of the forest was already used for um-a in the
past decades and it is time for the forest to take a rest or recuperate for the next generations
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

of people in the community. This implies that the people are concerned about the future of
the next generation.
Findings of the study relate to the claim of Sajise and Rambo (1985) that shifting
cultivation is governed by usufruct rights, and each cultivator has exclusive ownership
rights to the crops produced. Such lands are cultivated for several years until the soil
becomes depleted of nutrients. Then the land put to fallow for several years so the soil will
regain its fertility. During the fallow period, the cultivator either clears another portion of
the forest or returns to a piece of land that has been kept to fallow for several years.

Table 2. Management and utilization practices of natural resources



% NP

Forest Resources







Water Resources


90.00 3


*Note: Multiple responses (HP-Highly Practiced; MP- Moderately Practiced; NP- Not Practiced)

Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Almost all of the respondents claimed that they practiced putrido which lessens their work
and effort in the farm for they can already focus on their crop production and other farm
activities. Result implies that the forest is still very important to the people of the area.
Findings of the study relate to the claim of Leonen (1998) that indigenous resource
management practices are seen as conservation-oriented. A key argument for recognizing
indigenous peoples’ land rights is that there is a link between land conservation and
indigenous peoples, as “they would be better ecological managers”.
More than 70% of the respondents claimed that they moderately practiced dapi-lat and
majority of the respondents stated that they no longer practiced men kub-ong and men
pangngati. According to the key informants these indigenous practices in catching wildlife
were only done for leisure time. This implies that there is abundance of wildlife in the area
since the people seldom do hunting.
Findings of the study contradict the claim of Mallari (2001) that the destruction of most of
the original forest in the last century has made many people predict that the Philippines
could soon suffer from mass extinction of species.

In water management and utilization practices, 90% of the respondents claimed that
men-mula or planting trees near riverbanks, springs and other water resource is highly
practiced. According to some respondents, planting trees is not just a responsibility but it
is a commitment to your family and to the community. Findings of the study agrees on the
claim of NWRB (2003) that deforestation and lack of effective management of forest and
freshwater ecosystems have led to the further deterioration of watersheds, limiting aquifer
recharge and increases water runoff and soil erosion.
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Figure 12. Payegpeg falls

Figure 13. Trees like acacia and let-teng planted by the community residents at the

upper part of the payegpeg falls
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Almost 60% of the respondents claimed that catching fish (man-lama) is highly practiced
since it is a ready source of fish for their own consumption.
As cited by Manonchon (2009), natural resources are abundant because indigenous people
possessed traditional knowledge and practice that sustain and protect them. Traditional
management of water resources was then the responsibility of every member in the
community. Communal water springs were maintained and managed by the villagers that
draw water therein. Usually, the people who live nearby the water spring manage and
maintain the spring.

Figure 14. The man is preparing the area to start a lama (fish habitat)

Intervention from Barangay Local Government Unit
Table 3 shows the intervention from the Barangay Local Government Unit in the
management and utilization of natural resources. The interventions were categorized as
highly implemented, moderately implemented and not implemented at all. Majority of the
respondents claimed that the Barangay LGU prohibits forest fires and illegal occupancy in
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

the forest. Ninety percent (90%) of the respondents stated that Barangay LGU allows
community residents to have free access on wild flora and fauna but not for commercial
purposes. Moreover, eighty percent (80%) of the respondents claimed that the Barangay
LGU issues clearance in cutting trees.

Table 3. Intervention from Local Government Unit

HI % MI % NI %

Barangay LGU prohibits burning and
illegal occupancy of the forest.
35 87.50 5 12.50 - -

Barangay LGU issues permit in cutting
32 80.00 8 17.50 - -

Barangay LGU allows community
residents to have free access on wild flora
and fauna but not for commercial 38 95.00 2 5.00 - -

All public and private institutions
together with every household must have
a dumping pit to avoid dumping on
springs and rivers.
13 32.50 26 65.00 1 2.50

Barangay LGU prohibits the use of
explosives, electrical, samal or tuba and
other deleterious methods resulting to the
death of small fish.
38 95.00 2 5.00 - -

Barangay LGU prohibits the tying of
farm animals on rivers and springs.
24 60.00 16 40.00 - -

Barangay issues permit allowing the
residents to create fishpond on rivers for 40 100.00 - - - -
them to take good care.

*Note: Multiple responses (HI-Highly Implemented; MI- Moderately Implemented; NI- Not Implemented)
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Findings of the study relates to the claim of Rondinelli and Cheema (1983) that economic,
administrative and even political authority in managing natural resources inevitably
involves a two-tiered system of governance - national and local. The degree of national-
local relations depends on coherence between national and local development goals and
distribution of powers and functions.
All of the respondents stated that Barangay issues permit allowing the residents to create
fishpond on rivers for them to take care. Ninety five (95%) of the respondents believed that
Municipal and Barangay policy on the prohibition for the use of explosives, electrical,
samal and other deleterious methods resulting to the death of small fish is highly
implemented. Furthermore, 60% of the respondents believed that the prohibition of tying
farm animals in the rivers and springs was highly implemented as well. Result implies that
the Barangay LGU is being serious in the implementation of the Municipal and Barangay
policies and ordinances relative to the management and utilization of natural resources.
Findings of the study relates to the claim of SANREM (2001) that in the pursuit of reforms
for local environmental management, there are three important things to consider -
relevance, enforceability, and sustainability.

Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Figure 15. Community residents construct pond at the river where owners are oblige to

take good care of it

Along with the intervening policies, sanctions and punishment practices set by the
community residents and elders are:
Mai-sapit (amicable settlement) is a common practice where elders or old folks in the
community are being summoned to act as a judge if an individual has committed a crime
or violated laws and ordinances. The elders are called lupon headed by the panglakayen.
The verdict will be executed depending on the level of crime committed. Violations of
policies on natural resources like creating forest fires and doing the samal are considered
high level crimes which have penalties such as the multa (heavy fines) like a pig or a
carabao being butchered for the whole community residents. The lupon will also decide if
an individual will be maisakab, mailibot or both.
Maisakab is another kind of indigenous practice to sanction individuals who violated laws
and were proven guilty are whipped at their butt using bamboo stick by the Barangay
officials and elders and depending on the agreed number of whip. Violations like cutting
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

live trees (men-pasapas) on woodlots and um-a without permission from the owner is
covered by this practice.
Mailibot is a kind of sanction for violators if proven guilty will be put to shame by roaming
around the community from house to house beating the drum (tambor) telling his/her
name, his/ her violation or crime and that the people would not follow his/her example.
Violations like using of electrical materials and samal or the use of poison in fishing and
causing forest fires are example of high crimes that may be subjected to this kind of
Table 4 shows the sanctions and punishments set by the community elders and residents of
the community in relation to the Barangay interventions in the management and utilization
of natural resources. All of the respondents stated that the practices are highly practiced.
According to the respondents these sanctions had help the Barangay LGU in maintaining
peace and order in the community and in disciplining the community residents. Result
implies that community residents had a high respect regarding the traditional way of
settling issues.

Table.4 Sanctions /punishment practices



NP %

Ma i-sapit
100.00 -

100.00 -
100.00 -
*Note: Multiple responses (HP-Highly Practiced; MP-Moderately Practiced, NP-Not Practiced)
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Problems Encountered by the Community
Residents in the Management and
Utilization of Natural Resources

As shown in Table 5 the problems encountered by the community residents were
categorized as very much serious, moderately serious and not serious at all. According to
more than half of the respondents, the most serious problem they encountered in the
conservation was the presence of natural calamities that destroy natural resources. On the
other hand 25% of the respondents stated that some of the indigenous utilization practices
are not being done nowadays due to the use of modern equipments such as rifles and
chainsaws was the most serious problem. However, more than 75% of the respondents
rated the lack of policies and ordinances that may limit the people of the Barangay and the
nearby communities in the hunting of local flora and fauna, closely followed by reduced
wildlife due to forest exploitation by the nearby communities at 75%.
Vast majority of respondents felt that there has been an adequate dissemination of sanctions
and policies regarding the management and utilization of natural resources. This is strongly
supported by the fact that 85% of respondents did not have problems with illegal loggers
in the community. Other problems in a descending order are; reduced population of wildlife
due to presence of swiden farms in the forest and shortage of water supply resulting from
irresponsible cutting of trees.

Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

Table 5. Problems encountered by the community residents
VMS % MS % NS %

Presence of illegal loggers in the
- - 7 17.50 34 85.00

Presence of abandoned swidden/kaingin
- - 13 32.50 27 67.50

Shortage of water supply resulting from
irresponsible cutting of trees
- - 14 35.00 26 65.00

Reduced population of wildlife due to
presence of swidden farms in the forest
- - 15 37.50 25 62.50

Reduced wild flora and fauna resulting
from the exploitation of the forest by the
nearby communities
2 5.00 30 75.00 8 20.00

Lack of policies and ordinances that may
limit the people of the barangay and the
nearby communities on hunting wild
flora and fauna
3 7.50 31 77.50 6 15.00

implementation of sanctions and policies
on the destruction and violation regarding
natural resources.
- - 8 20.00 32 80.00

Natural calamities such as typhoon affect
and destroy natural resources
23 52.50 17 42.50 - -

Some of the good indigenous practices
are not being done nowadays due to the
use of modern technologies such as rifles
and chainsaws.
10 25.00 22 55.00 8 20.00

*Note: Multiple responses (VMU-Very Much Serious; MS- Moderately Serious; NS- Not Serious)

Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013


This study documented the indigenous management and utilization practices of natural
resources in Kalumsing San Emilio Ilocos Sur relative to the socio demographic profile of
the respondents, the management and utilization practices and undertaken by the
community residents along with forest and water resources, the intervention from the
Barangay Local Government Units, and the different problems encountered by the
community residents in the management and utilization of natural resources. It was
conducted at Kalumsing, San Emilio, Ilocos Sur. It involved 40 respondents who were
residents in the community for at least 40 years. It was conducted in January 2013.
As to the findings of the study, majority of the respondents looked at manga-ew (gathering
dried firewood) and putrido as highly practiced in the management and utilization of forest
resources. Moreover, half of the respondents believed that men pasapas as a moderately
practiced in the management of forest resources. Other forest management practices in a
descending order are; men-dapi-lat, men-pang-ngati and men kub-ong (pit). Result implies
that there is abundance of forest resources in the area is high because of the good
management and utilization practices.
With regards to water resources, the respondents strongly believed that men-mula or
planting trees along river banks, springs and other water sources and doing men-lama
(creating fish habitat) was the best practices in the management and utilization of water
Majority of the respondents claimed that the prohibition of the Barangay LGU in forest
fires and illegal occupancy of the forest and issuing clearance in cutting trees help in the
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

management and utilization of natural resources. Almost all of the respondents stated that
Barangay LGU allows community residents to have free access on wild flora and fauna but
not for commercial purposes.
The respondents followed the banning of Barangay LGU for the use of explosives,
electrical, samal or tuba and other deleterious methods resulting to the death of small fish
is a good intervention in the management and utilization of water resources. Other water
resources management in a descending order; Barangay LGU issues permit allowing the
residents to create fishpond on rivers; and barangay ordinance that every household must
have a dumping pit to avoid dumping on springs and rivers. Result implies that the
Barangay LGU is being serious in the implementation of the Municipal and Barangay
policies and ordinances relative to the management and utilization of natural resources.
Findings of the study relates to the claim of Rondinelli and Cheema (1983) that Economic,
administrative and even political authority in managing natural resources inevitably
involves a two-tiered system of governance - national and local. The degree of national-
local relations depends on coherence between national and local development goals and
distribution of powers and functions.
As to the sanctioned by the community residents and the elders the respondents believed
that these sanctions helped in the management of natural resources. According to the
respondents these practices had help the Barangay LGU in maintaining peace and order in
the community and disciplining the community residents. Result implies that community
residents had a high respect regarding the traditional way of settling issues.
The community residents encountered several problems relative to the management and
utilization of natural resources. According to more than half of the respondents, the most
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

serious problem was the presence of natural calamities that destroy natural resources
followed by the indigenous utilization practices were replaced by the use of modern
equipments such as rifles and chainsaws. The moderately serious problems are; lack of
policies and ordinances that may limit the people of the Barangay and the nearby
communities in the hunting local flora and fauna and reduced wildlife resulting from the
exploitation of the forest by the nearby communities. The not serious problems are;
respondents did not have problems with illegal loggers in the community, inadequate
dissemination of sanctions and policies regarding the management and utilization of natural
resources, shortage of water supply resulting from irresponsible cutting of trees, reduced
population of wildlife due to presence of abandoned swidden farms in the forest.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
The community residents are dominated by males. Almost all of the
respondents had been there since birth and had rich experiences on the management and
utilization of natural resources in the community;
The people of Barangay Kalumsing have their own indigenous practices in
the management and utilization of forest and water resources;
Barangay Local Government Unit had been strict and serious on the
implementation of Municipal and Barangay policies and ordinances. The community
undertook traditional sanctions or punishment on the violations and crimes committed. The
community had its original laws in settling issues before the Barangay ordinances and
policies were established; and,
Indigenous Management and Utilization Practices on Natural Resources in Kalumsing, San
Emilio, Ilocos Sur | GUINATANG, GLESTON L. APRIL, 2013

The community residents encountered problems in the management and
utilization of forest and water resources like natural calamities such as typhoon affects and
destroy natural resources and the indigenous utilization practices were replaced by the use
of modern equipments such as rifles and chainsaws.


Based on the findings of the study, the recommendations are the following:
1. Community residents should continuously practice and extend the good
practices and discontinue unsafe or unfriendly practices on the management and
utilization of natural resources;
2. Community residents, parents and elders should teach and expose their children
or the younger generations on the good practices in the management and
utilization of natural resources;
3. Good practices on the management of natural resources undertaken by the
community residents’ may be introduced and shared with other communities
for replication; and
4. The Barangay LGU should continue to work hand in hand with its constituents
in the formulation of laws and implementing the policies and intervention
programs that will integrate environmental management and preservation of
natural resources.

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