NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009. Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program
Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region I in Tayug, Pangasinan. Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Cunegunda D. Abellera, MSc


This study was conducted to determine the GMA-HVCC program implemented by the
Department of Agriculture Region I in Tayug, Pangasinan; the method used in the
implementation of the GMA-HVCC programs; the socio-economic benefits derived from the
livelihood programs implemented; and the problems encountered by the respondent-beneficiaries
during the implementation of the programs.

The data were collected by means of a survey questionnaire distributed to the
respondents. The percentage was the statistical method used in the analysis and interpretation of
the data.

The respondents were the beneficiaries of the livelihood projects implemented by the
Department of Agriculture, who were mostly middle aged, males, married and had formal
The different livelihood projects were on crop production like rice, corn, vegetable, and
fruit. The several strategies used by the Department of Agriculture in the implementation of the
GMA-HVCC programs were conducted of training and seminars, assistance to farmers
associations, farm and home visits, technology demonstration, and mass media.

The livelihood projects provided additional income, increased production, and develop
self-reliance to the respondent-beneficiaries
The respondent’s encountered problems during the implementation of the programs were
lack of capital, lack of market outlet, poor monitoring by extension worker and lack of
information dissemination.

Bibliography………………………………………………………………………. i
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………….. i
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………… iii

INTRODUCTION ...…………………………………………………………….. 1
Rationale ………………………………………………………………..... 1
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………….... 2
Objectives of the Study …………………………………………………... 2
Importance of the Study …………………………………………………. 3
Scope and Limitation ……………………………………………………. 3
REVIEW OF LITERATURE …………………………………………………… 4
Strategy of Implementing the Program ………………………………….. 4
Benefits Derived ………………………………………………………… 6
Problems Encountered …………………………………………………... 7
METHODOLOGY ……………………………………………………………… 8

Locale and Time of the Study …………………………………………… 8

Respondents of the Study ………………………………………………... 8

Data Gathered ……………………………………………………………. 9

Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………. 11
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ………………………………………………… 12

GMA-HVCC Programs
Implemented by the DA …………………………………………………. 12
Methods Used in the Implementation of the
GMA-HVCC Program ………………………………………………....... 12

Benefits Derived from the Livelihood Projects
Implemented …………………………………………………………….. 14
Problems Encountered During the Implementation
of the Projects ………………………………………………………….... 16

Summary ……………………………………………………………….... 18

Conclusions …………………………………………………………….... 19

Recommendations ……………………………………………………….. 19
LITERATURE CITED ………………………………………………………….. 20
APPENDIX ……………………………………………………………………… 22
A Communication Letter ……………………………..…………………. 22
B Survey Questionnaire ……………………………………..................... 23


The Ginintuang Masaganang Ani-High Value Commercial Crops program
(GMA-HVCC) is a priority program of the Department of Agriculture created to address
the priority concerns of the government of food security and poverty alleviation. The
source of this program is the national Department of Agriculture; is giving different
vegetable seeds for free. Rice and corn seeds were sold with 50% discount.
The current activities of the Program are in support of the following goals such as
the development of 2 million hectares of new agribusiness lands and generation of 2
million jobs; reduction of cost of wage goods through productivity enhancement; more
efficient logistics and improved retailing linkages. Agriculture defends in the hands of the
municipal mayor elected. If mayor supportive to agricultural programs the mission and
vision of agricultural extension workers will not proper in their goals (Anonymous,
Tayug became the inspiration of a local film producer who gave the notion,
“Tayug: Ang Bayaning Api” and gained international recognition on Jan. 10, 1931. The
film was based on a band of “colorum” rebels who attacked and burned the town`s
constabulary barracks and burned all the documents of its municipal building. Tayug
located at the center part of 6th district of Pangasinan; it has 21 barangays, of this 21
barangays, 17 were into farming as their means of livelihood while the 4 other barangays
including barangay poblacion, followed urban gardening as introduced by the Municipal
Agriculture Office.

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

Statement of the Problem
The primary concern of the study the GMA-HVCC program implemented by the
Department of Agriculture-Region I in Tayug, Pangasinan. The research was focused on
the following questions:
1. What are the GMA-HVCC programs implemented by the Department of
2. What are the methods used by the Department of Agriculture in the
implementation of the GMA-HVCC programs?
3. What are the socio-economic benefits derived from these livelihood programs?
4. What are the problems encountered by the respondents during the
implementation of the GMA-HVCC?

Objectives of the Study

The study attempted to:
1. Determine the GMA-HVCC programs implemented by the Department of
2. Identify the methods used by the Department of Agriculture in the
implementation of the GMA-HVCC programs;
3. Identify the socio-economic benefits derived from these livelihood programs;
4. Determine the problems encountered by the respondent during the
implementation of the GMA-HVCC programs.

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

Importance of the Study

The results of the study will provide information needed in effective planning and
implementation of development programs in the barangay level.

With this, municipal government officials are given important guidelines in their
decision making process as well as strategies in implementing agricultural production
oriented projects to the farm families using government resources.

Scope and Limitations

This research work was limited to study the strategies of programs in the
implementation of the GMA-HVCC program of the Department of Agriculture in Tayug,
Pangasinan. The context of the study included the socio-economic profile of the
respondents, the project and methodologies being implemented by the Department of
Agriculture, benefits derived from the projects, and the problems encountered during
implementation of the project.
Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

Strategy of Implementing the Program

The implementation of the programs or service can only be effective if the
extensionists do their part and the Personnel Officers make themselves available to give
assistance to them should they need further advice on the matter. On the other hand, the
employees should also do their part, think of their role and know the targets they should
achieve for a certain period of time. With the cooperation of everyone there is no doubt
that the system will work out effectively (Mabanag, 2003).

According to Salgado (1997) as cited by Balaan (1997), said that the ultimate aim
and measurement of real development is the enhancement of the capacities of the poorest,
their health, education, skills, and their abilities to control their own lives and
opportunities to earn a fair reward for their labors. These would be a pursuit of a
development agenda and strategy that are sustainable. It must be a development strategy
that genuinely serves the needs of the Filipino people. Certain principles must be
observed to achieve these desirable goals and these are community participation,
ecological, sustainability and social equity.

Abella (2001) mentioned that the rural development programs will be planned and
organized, designed to assist in the development of rural areas in attempt to promote
better living conditions and always designed for beneficiary group that the program
benefit allocation and ownership in some programs are contained by the influences of
policy government. As stressed by Val mayor et al (1991), government agencies working
for rural development areas where their socio-economic development and assist rural
families in all aspects of their food production business.
Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009


Rural development suggests change or movement from a previous situation
although each society has its own concepts of the term development in variably entails
poor. One of the major factors that can decisively influence sustained rural development
can empower people. The institutionalization of appropriate know-how can help them
manage their resources and significantly improve their productivity further, blending
traditional, and modern technologies affects bright prospects for improving people
welfare and increasing employment and livelihood opportunities in the rural areas
(Baluscang, 1997).

Development programs are universally recognized important for the general
welfare. They contribute to the improvement and conservation of human effort for proper
utilization of resources. As cited by Cayacay (1998) development programs are mentor
achieving socio-economic enlistment in the society. Hence, these must be latten
ostensibly for the people to have genuine choice that is human development. Human
development is the process of expanding the capabilities of the people to enable them to
live a full life as human beings (Tubana, 2000).

According to Baluscang (1997) as cited by Wallang (2001) stated that the rural
development strategies change in or movement from team, development invariably
entails the social and economic growth of the must deprived sector of the society, the
rural poor. One major factor that can decisively influence sustained rural development
project and programs that are relevant to the community. These programs can empower
people. The institutionalization of appropriate know-how can help them manage their
resources and significantly improve their productivity.
Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

The program mission is to contribute toward the mechanization of agriculture
through generation of suitable mechanized technologies. The comprehensive program
take into account the key issues exposed on the poverty alleviation and social equity,
food security, rational used for resources, global competitiveness, sustainable
development, and allocation of indigenous resources (Capareda et al, 2001).

Asian Development Bank (1996) pointed out that the project results are dependent
on the quality of institutions responsible for the operation as well as the implementing
process. These organizations have been able to continue operating effectively after
external aids stopped.

Benefits Derived

The UPLB Rural Development Study Team (1991) reported that development is
designed to stimulate community independence and responsibility resulting in more local
leadership, initiative and autonomy. The program is aimed at fostering a desire among the
people to make the changes themselves rather than imposing on them the change to be
made with a common objective of improving farming and better living.

As cited by Wanol (2002) agriculture sector was considered the foundation of
rural enemy, thus. Programs/projects were designed to increase agricultural productivity;
and educational rural development. Thus, it is essentially designed to promote livelihood
self reliance for rural population.

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

Problems Encountered

Farmers are sometimes suspicious of the government agencies and representatives
that come in and stay in the barrio. They may be welcomed or rejected depending on the
farmers past experience. Barrio citizens tend to have little faith and respect to the
government to meet their basic needs. Further, many government programs and projects
that are geared toward agricultural and rural development failed (Balaan, 1997).

Navarra (1999) found out that the common problems encountered by some
extension workers are; difficulty to convince farmers to change their old belief and
practice on farming, illiteracy among most the local leaders insufficient funds for projects
and in available transportation facilities any time they are needed.
Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009


Locale and Time of the Study

The research was conducted in the municipality of Tayug, Pangasinan, one of the
44 municipalities of Pangasinan; it is located at the eastern part of Pangasinan 75
kilometers away from Baguio City. It is reached by public utility vehicle from Baguio
City traveling from 2 to 3 hours. Development programs are recognized important for the
several welfare of the people in the municipality of Tayug, Pangasinan. According, they
contribute to the improvement and conservation for proper utilization of their resources.

The study was conducted in May 2009.

Respondents of the Study
Forty beneficiaries of the GMA-HVCC program in Tayug, Pangasinan were
considered as respondents for this study.
Almost (75%) of the beneficiaries of the DA projects were males as shown in
Table 1.
Most of the respondents (30%) were under the 31 to 40 years old of age bracket;
(25%) were 20 to 30 years old; (20%) were 41 to 50 years old; (15%) were 51 to 60 years
old; and (10%) were 61 to 70 years old. This indicates that majority of the beneficiaries
of the GMA-HVCC programs implemented by the Department of Agriculture belonged
to the middle age.
Among the 40 respondents, (60%) were married; (25%) were single; (10%) were
separated; and (5%) were widow/er. The respondents, having a family to feed and to
provide need for the married respondents engaged themselves in the development interest
where practices could improve the economic conditions of the family.
Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

All of the respondents had formal schooling with (42.5%) were high school
graduates, while (32.5%) were elementary graduates, and only (5%) were college
undergraduate and finished vocational course. They were all literate and had the basic
skill on reading, writing and arithmetic which can aid them in their involvement in
various livelihood projects.

Research Instrument

A structure survey questionnaire was used to collect the needed data and
information. A written permission is secured from the adviser. This was given to the chief
of Department of Agriculture in Tayug, Pangasinan for approval before the
questionnaires were distributed to the respondents.

Data Gathered

In order to answer the specific objectives of the study, the following information
were gathered: the GMA-HVCC programs implemented by the Department of
Agriculture; the methodologies employed in the implementation of such programs; the
socio-economic benefits derived from the GMA-HVCC programs; and the problems
encountered by the respondents during the implementation of the programs.

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009


Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009


Data Analysis
The data gathered from the respondents was consolidated and tabulated. Items
from the data were classified according to the objectives of the study. In addition, the
result and information were discussed and interpreted using the percentage statistical tool
of analysis.
Table 1. Profile of the respondents


Civil Status

Educational Attainment

High School

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009


GMA-HVCC Programs Implemented
by the Department of Agriculture

Table 2 shows the agricultural projects implemented by the Department of
Agriculture under the program Ginintuang Masaganang Ani- High Value Commercial
Crops (GMA-HVCC) as confirmed by the respondents. Majority of the respondents
(50%) were beneficiaries of the rice production program, 45% the corn production
program, while others are into vegetable and fruit production with 25% and 22.5%
respectively. The finding implies that the respondents had their own personal desire to
enhance their economic status.
Methods Used in the Implementation
of the GMA-HVCC Program

Table 3 presents the methodologies used in the implementation of the projects.
The projects were implemented through the conduct of trainings and seminars as claimed
by 85% of the respondents. Other methods were; farmers association (50%), farm and
home visits (42.5%), technology demonstrations (25%) and mass media with 2.5%.
findings show that the DA employed a variety of ways in the implementation of the

Table 2. GMA-HVCC programs implemented by the department of agriculture attended
by the respondents


*Multiple response
Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

programs. The respondents learned new technologies from the implemented projects
which they eventually adopted. It also reveals that through the establishment of the
demonstration farms, the farmers actually saw the aged results of the technology.
It was noted that the marketing and marketing linkage are another important
activity under this program. Farmers were not only encouraged to produce quality and
competitive agricultural products but also linked to possible market outlets.

Other support services provided were agri-infrastructures and farm machineries.
These are availed by the farmers through loans. Infrastructures are small farm reservoir,
spring development and others. For farm machineries, the most common are power
sprayer, power tiller and water pump.

The varied strategies used provided a venue to heighten the awareness of the
beneficiaries on issues that concern them in addition to providing the basic skill for
handling the projects. As stated by Viciani, et. al., (2000), human development is
considered as one of the most critical factors, if not the critical, of economic growth and
poverty alleviation. Further, human development entails massive investment in education,
health and other social services.
Lubin (2001) also found that having home visitation, inviting parents to attend
program and observing school activities, holding frequent meeting, establishing
wholesome public relation are more effective means of carrying out community
improvement activities.

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

Likewise, Pawil (2000) claimed that home visit dialogues and follow-up are the
most effective methods of solving problems in the implementation and supply needs
which are then possible solutions for the lack of finance and material resources.

Benefits Derived from the Livelihood
Projects Implemented

Table 4 shows the economic and social benefits derived from the livelihood
projects implemented by the Department of Agriculture. Majority of the respondents
(68%) claimed that the livelihood projects provided self-employment wherein the
respondents are now using the new technology introduced to them. While 53% said that
they improved their income and increased their production through the programs.

For the social benefits, most of the respondents (75%) were able to gain additional
knowledge, developed self-help and promoted good attitudes of farmers (40%) and
develop self-reliance (35%). These indicated effective in reducing rural poverty. The
projects were instrumental in providing them option and challenge to improve their way
of life.

Table 3. Methods used in the implementation of the GMA-HVCC programs
Conduct of trainings and seminars
Assistance to farmers associations
Farm and home visits
Technology demonstration
Mass media
*Multiple response

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

As cited by Wanol (2002), the agricultural sector was considered the foundation
of rural economy, thus, programs/projects were designed to increase agricultural
productivity, generate employment opportunities and improve basic facilities and
services. The sector is therefore essentially designed to promote livelihood and self-
reliance for the rural population.

The UPLB Rural Development Study Team (1991) reported that development is
designed to stimulate community independence and responsibility resulting in more local
leadership, initiative and autonomy. The program aimed at fostering a desire among the
people to make the changes themselves rather than imposing on them the change to be
made with a common objective of improving farming and better living.

Table 4. Benefits derived from the livelihood projects implemented

Provided self-help
Provided additional income


Additional knowledge
Develop self-help
Promoted good attitudes of farmers
Develop self-reliance
*Multiple response

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

Problems Encountered During the Implementation of the Projects

Table 5 shows the problems encountered by the respondents during the
implementation of the livelihood projects. Majority of the respondents (75%) said they
lack capital, while 63% claimed the lack of market outlets. Other problems included the
poor monitoring by the extension worker (35%), lack of information dissemination
(30%), lack of financial assistance (28%) lack of agri-infrastructures and farm
machineries (15%), low level of literacy (13%).
As ever, financial resources are in short supply and will have to be increased. The
implementation of any developmental effort should always consider this important
resource and provide measures to address it.

The problem on poor monitoring may be due to limited manpower as well as
technical resources.

As Barrios (2007) emphasized, although development assistance requires a certain
density of a bundle to exhibit an effect in a community, expansion of the coverage from
the current rate will be needed. Without expansive coverage of a comprehensive package
of interventions similar to those provided through official development assistance,
manifestations of rural development may be delayed further. Substantial funding that will
enable both intensity of intervention and wider coverage will be more efficient that a
project implemented in phases spread over time covering different communities. This
effort will require efficient coordination and synchronized implementation of various
development assistance intended for the rural sector.

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

Table 5. Problems encountered by the respondents during the implementation of the

GMA-HVCC Program
Lack of capital
Lack of market outlet
Poor monitoring by extension worker
Lack of information dissemination
Lack of financial assistance
Lack of Agri-infrastructure and farm
Low level of literacy
*Multiple response

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009



The study focused on the evaluation of the implementation of the GMA programs:
GMA-HVCC by the Department of Agriculture Region I in Tayug, Pangasinan. It was
conducted to identify the GMA-HVCC program implemented and the methodologies
employed by the Department of Agriculture, the socio-economic benefits derived from
the livelihood projects, and the problems affecting the implementation of the livelihood

Half of the respondents were engaged in rice production which was the main
source of income for the families.

The respondents considered trainings and seminars as the mostly used
methodologies in implementing the GMA-HVCC program. However, other
methodologies such as method demonstration, farm and home visits, farmers association
and mass media were not discounted.

Most of the respondents claimed that the economic benefits derived from the
livelihood projects were self-employment, increased family income and increased
production. For the social benefits, the development programs developed self-help and
self-reliance, promoted good attitudes of farmers, and gave additional knowledge.

The most common problems encountered by the respondents in the
implementation of the livelihood projects were lack of capital and market outlet.

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made:
1. Rice and corn production were the most programs implemented attended by the
respondents followed by vegetable and fruit production.
2. The methods employed by the Department of Agriculture in the
implementation of the GMA-HVCC programs. The conduct of community organizing
training and seminar, farm and home visits, technology demonstration and mass media.
3. In the implementation of the livelihood projects, coordination and cooperation
among the farmers and consequently with the implementing agency, and local officials
would aid in sustaining and establishing development projects.
4. Lack of capital and market outlet was the most common and serious problems
encountered by the respondents in the implementation of the livelihood projects.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were
1. Credit cooperative should be organized within the area for financial assistance.
2. The farmer-leader and extension agents should work as partners to showcase
available farming technologies.
3. A scheme may be devised to monitor the course of the projects, if there is
limited manpower from the implementing agency to conducts monitoring activities. This
may, in way, increase self-reliance among the beneficiaries.

Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009


ABELLA, R. D. 2001. Rural Development Programs. A Handbook in Public
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TUBANA, C. S. 2000. An assessment of the agricultural development program of
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VALMAYOR, R. J. 1991. The Philippines Fruit Industry. University of the Philippines,
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VICIANI, F. 2000. Agriculture and Rural Development. FAO Corporate Document
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WALLANG, C. M. 2001. An Assessment of the plan international livelihood program in
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Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC Program Implemented by the Department of Agriculture Region
I in Tayug, Pangasinan. NERA, PHILIP B. OCTOBER 2009

Communication Letter

Benguet State University
College of Agriculture
La Trinidad, Benguet

Dear Respondents:
I am Philip B. Nera, a fourth-year student of Benguet State University, who is
presently conducting a study entitled “EVALUATION OF THE GMA-HVCC
REGION I IN TAYUG, PANGASINAN”. This is a major course requirement for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.

The question given to you will be used to fulfill as academic requirement and
contribute to research.

In addition, the success of the study relies in you and how honestly you answer
the questions. Your valued cooperation and assistance are highly appreciated and your
answers will be kept confidentially.

Thank you very much and god bless!

Respectfully yours,

Appendix B
Survey Questionnaire
I. Personal Information
Name of Respondents: (Optional)



Civil Status

Educational Attainment:

II. What are the GMA-HVCC programs implemented by the DA-Region I in your
barangay? (Pls.check).

Vegetable production

Fruit production

Rice production

Corn production

Others (pls. specify)

III. Implementation Strategies

a. How are the programs disseminated? (Pls. check)

farm and home visits

conduct of training and seminars

mass media

method demonstration

farmer association

others (pls. specify)

IV. Benefits derived from this livelihood projects? (Pls. check)

a. Economic

improve/increase income of the family

provide self employment

increase production

others (pls. specify)

b. Social benefits

develop self-help

develop self-reliance

additional knowledge

promote good attitudes of farmers

others (pls.specify


V. Problems encountered by the respondents during the implementation of the GMA-
HVCC programs? (Pls. check)

lack of capital to start the project

lack of information dissemination

too expensive and laborious

lack of agri-infrastractures and farm machineries

lack of market outlet

lack of financial assistance

low level of literacy/education

inapplicability to farmers need

poor monitoring of extensions

others (pls. specify)

Document Outline

  • Evaluation of the GMA-HVCC ProgramImplemented by the Department of Agriculture Region I in Tayug, Pangasinan