BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013.Growth and Flowering of Different
Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of Different Kinds of Slow Release
Fertilizers. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Arceli G. Ladilad,Ph.D


This study was conducted at the Ornamental Horticulture Research Project
Area of Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet from September 2012 to March
2013 to evaluate the growth and flowering performance of different species of Calla Lily
in different kinds of slow release fertilizer, determine the effect of different kinds of slow
release fertilizers with regards tocutflower yield and quality; and to determine the
economics of using the different kinds of slow release in different species of calla lily

Result showed, that application of 6g of Multicote per 15 cm black plastic bag
was the best slow release fertilizer combination to the different calla lily species, the yellow
calla species and the white calla specie.It promoted earlier flowering, vegetative growth
that resulted to taller plants and long stem cutflowers. It is recommended as a slow-release
fertilizer for different species of calla lily species for production.

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013


Initial Plant Height (cm)
Effect of calla lily species. Highly significant differences were obtained on the
initial height of the two species of Calla lily plants measured at transplanting (Table 1.)
Tallest plants were recorded from the Zanthedeschiaaethiopica(white) with a mean of

On the other hand, the shortest plants observed from theZanthesdiaelliottiana
(yellow) with only 22cm, or approximately 8 cm shorter than the tallest plants of
These results may be due to not uniformed sizes of the corms planted were in the
different growing characteristics of the different species.
Effect of slow release fertilizers.Table 1 show that there were no significant
differences on the initial height of calla plants 1 month transplanting. As affected by the
different slow release fertilizers applied. Means ranges from 25 cm. to 25.67 cm.
Interaction effect. Table 1 show that there were no significant differences on the
interaction effects of calla lily species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This
may due to the slow release fertilizers are not yet significant to the growth of different

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Initial Number of Leaves 1 Month after Transplanting
Effect of calla lily species.Table 2 shows that there were no significant differences
on the initial number of leaves of calla plants observed at transplanting. This may due to
the inherent growth characteristics of the plants.
Effect of slow release fertilizer. Table 2 shows that there were no significant
differences on the initial number of leaves of calla lily as affected by the different slow
release fertilizers applied. This may due to the fact that the effect of the slow release
fertilizer absorbed by the plants was not yet significant at their growth stage.
Table 1. Initial plant height



Calla Lily Species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow Release Fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Effect of slow release fertilizer. Table 2 shows that there were no significant
differences on the initial number of leaves of calla lily as affected by the different slow
release fertilizers applied. This may due to the fact that the effect of the slow release
fertilizer absorbed by the plants was not yet significant at their growth stage.
Interaction effect. Likewise, Table 2 shows that there were no significant
differences on the interaction effect. This may due to the inherent characteristics of the
plants and the slow release fertilizers absorbed by the plants was not yet significant.

Table 2. Initial number of leaves 1 month at transplanting



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Final Number of Leaves at Flowering
Effect of calla lily species. Highly significant differences were noted on the final
number of leaves of the two species of calla lily plants at flowering (Table 3). Tallest plants
were recorded from the Zanthedeschiaaethiopica(white) species having a mean of 6.22
leaves counted at flowering.
On the other hand, the least leaf count per plant were observed from the
Zanthesdiaelliottiana (yellow) species with a mean of 4.67 leaves or approximately 1.56
leaves count lease than the leaf count of Zanthedeschiaaethiopica(white) species.
Effect of slow release Fertilizer.Table3 shows that there were no significant
differences on the final number of leaves of calla plants counted at harvesting. This may
be due to the inherent characteristics of the plant. Leaf count ranges from 2.33 to 2.5.

Table 3. Final number of leaves at flowering (cm)



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT
Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Interaction effect. Likewise, table 3 shows that there were no significant differences
on the interaction effect. This may be due to the inherent characteristics of the plant.
Final Height at Flowering

Effect of calla lily species. Highly significant differences were obtained on the final
height of calla lily species at flowering (Table3). Tallest plants were recorded from the
Zanthedeschiaaethiopica (white) species with the mean of 53.03 cm. On the other hand,
the shortest plant where observed from the Zanthesdiaelliottiana (yellow) species with a
mean of 45.58 cm or approximately 7.46 cm shorter than the tallest plants of
Zanthedeschiaaethiopica (white) species .

Effect of slow release fertilizer. Highly significant differences were shown on the
final height of callas as affected by the different kinds of slow release fertilizer. Application
of Multicote produced the tallest plants with a mean of 49.10 cm. Osmocote (14-14-14)
produces the shortest with a mean of 47.78 cm. These results may due to the different rates
of the NPKin the fertilizer applied.
Interaction effect. Table 4 shows no significant differences on the interaction effect
on different species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This may be due to the
inherent characteristics of the plants that can be all combined to the different slow release
Number of Days from Transplanting to Flower Bud Formation (1cm bud size)
Effect of calla lily species. Highly significant differences were seen on the number
of days from planting to flower bud formation as affected by the different species of Calla
lily. Zanthedeschiaaethiopica (white) flowered after a mean of 135.56 days and
Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Zanthesdiaelliottiana (yellow) flowered after a mean of 94.00 days. These findings
explained that yellow calla was earlier to form its flower buds than the white calla based
on their results.
This may be due to the different characteristics of the different species on their
reproductive stage.
Effect of slow release fertilizer. Table 5 shows that there were no significant
differences on the number of days from transplanting to flower bud formation as affectedby
the application of the different slow release fertilizers. This may be due to the flowering
characteristics of the varieties.

Table 4. Final height at flowering (cm)



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Interaction effect. Table 5 shows no significant differences on the interaction effect
on different species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This may be due to the
inherent characteristics of the plant.

Days from Flower Bud Formation to 50% Anthesis
Effect of calla lily species. Highly significant differences were noted on the days
from flower bud formation to 50% anthesis on the two species of calla lily plants. Table 6
reveals that Zanthesdiaelliottiana (yellow) species flower bud formation to 50% anthesis,
significantly earlier with a mean of 5.00 days from tight bud stage. This followed by the
cutflower ofZanthedeschiaaethiopica (white) species with a mean of11.89 days.

Effect of slow release fertilizer.Table 6 shows that there were no significant
differences on the number of days from flower bud formation to 50% anthesis in the calla
species grown. This may due to the different characteristics of the two species of calla lily
Interaction effect. Table 6 shows no significant differences on the interaction effect
on different species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This may be due to the
inherent characteristics of the plant.

Stem Length at Harvest
Effect of calla species. Highly significant differences were noted on the stem length
ofcutflowers at harvest of thee two species of calla lily measured upon harvest.

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Table 5. Number of days from transplanting to flower bud formation



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Longest stem length was recorded from the white calla lily with the mean of 47.17cm;
while the shortest cutflower stem were measured from the Zanthesdiaelliottiana (yellow)
with a mean ofMeans with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by
36.01 cm, or approximately 11.16 cm shorter than the longest cutflower stems measured
in Zanthedeschiaaethiopica (white).
Effect of slow release fertilizer. Highly significant differences were obtained on the
different kinds of slow release fertilizers on the stem length at harvest shown in Table 7.
Plants applied of multicoteMulticote (17-17-17) produced cutflowers with the longest
stems of 46.50cm. Those applied of Osmocote (18-6-12) has longest cutflower stems
having a mean of 42.250 cm while those applied to osmocote (14-14-14) had a mean of
36.02. However those applied with multicote (17-17-17) and Osmocote (18-6-12) had the
Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

cutflower stems (Table 7) are the best because this may be due to the NPK content of the
two fertilizers.
Interaction effect. Table 7 shows no significant differences on the interaction effect
on different species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This may be due to the
inherent characteristics of the plant.

Flower Bud Length at Harvest

Effect of calla lily species. Highly significant differences were noted on the flower
bud length at harvest of the two species of calla lily measured upon harvesting (Table 8).
Longest flower buds were recorded from the Zanthedeschiaaethiopica (white) species with
the mean of 12.28 cm. while smallest flower buds obtained from the Zanthesdiaelliottiana
(yellow) species with a mean of 8.189 cm, or approximately 4.089 cm shorter than the
tallest plant between the two calla species.

Effect of slow release fertilizer. The effect of different slow release fertilizers
applied on the flower bud length were highly significant (Table8).Plants applied with
Multicote (17-17-17)has the highest mean of 10.95 cm. Plants applied with Osmocote (18-
6-12) has longer flower buds with a mean of 9.88 cm compared to those applied with
Osmocote (14-14-14) with a mean of 9.87 cm
Interaction effect. Highly significant differences on the interaction effect on
different species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This may be due to the
significantly effect to the different species to the effect on the slow release fertilizer

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Table 6. Days from flower bud formation to 50% anthesis



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Effect of calla lily species.Highly significant on the vaselife of the two species of
calla lily (table9). Longest vaselife were recorded from the white calla lily with the mean
of 9.222 cm. On the other hand, the shortest vaselife were recorded from the yellow calla
lily with the mean of
5.667 cm or approximately 3.555 cm. This may due to the flowering characteristics of the
two varieties.

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Table 7.Stem length at harvest



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Effect of slow release fertilizer. Table 9 shows that there were no significant
differences on vaselife of the cutflower harvested. This may be due to the natural cutflower
characteristics at harvest.
Interaction effect. Table 8 shows no significant differences on the interaction effect
on different species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This may be due to the
inherent characteristics of the plant at harvest.

Number of flower produced per plant.
Effect of different species.Highly significant differences on the number of flower
of the two species of calla lily shown in Table 10. As observed during the research, the
white calla lily species continuously produce flowers after it attains the reproductive stage
Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

while yellow calla lily it will die after it reaches its reproductive stage. This may due to the
different characteristics of the two species.
Effect of slow release fertilizer. Table 10 shows that there were no significant
differences on the number of flower produced per plant. This may be due to the nature
plant characteristics of the different species at reproductive stage.
Interaction effect. Table 10 shows no significant differences on the interaction
effect on different species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This may be due to
the inherent genetic characteristics of the plant.

Table 8.Flower bud length at harvest.



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Table 9.Vaselife



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica

Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Interaction effect. Table 10 shows no significant differences on the interaction
effect on different species and different slow release fertilizers applied. This may be due to
the inherent genetic characteristics of the plant.

Initial soil Analysis
The initial soil analysis before transplanting showed that the soil had 6.0 pH which
is slightly acidic. The soil contains high amount of nitrogen, low amount of phosphorous
and it had a sufficient amount of Potassium.

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Table 10.Number of flowers produced per plant



Calla lily species

Zanthedeschia aethiopica


Zanthesdia elliottiana

Slow release fertilizer

Osmocote (14-14-14)


Osmocote (18-6-12)


Multicote (17-17-17)


Means with a common letter are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Table11. Initial soil analysis



N (%)
P (ppm)

K (ppm)





Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Documents of the Study in Pictures
Figure 1 shows the different species of calla lily one month after transplanting
applied with different slow release fertilizers, Figure 2 shows the flowering stage of
Zanthedeschia aethiopicaas affected by different slow release fertilizers, and Figure 3
shows the flowering stage of Zanthesdia elliottianaas affected by different slow release
Figure 1.Different species of calla lily one month after transplanting applied with different
slow release fertilizers

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

Figure 2. Flowering stage of Zanthedeschiaaethiopicaas affected by different slow release

Figure 3. Flowering stage ofZanthesdiaelliottianaas affected by different slow release

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013


This study was conducted at the ornamental Horticulture Research Project Area of
the Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet from September 2012 to March 2013
to evaluate the growth and flowering performance of different species to the effect of the
slow release fertilizer and to determine the best slow release fertilizer for calla lily
Results revealed that there is higher significant differences on the initial height,
final height and final number of leaves at flowering, number of days from transplanting to
flower bud formation to 50% anthesis, stem length and flower bud at harvest, vaselife and
lastly to the number of flower produced as affected by the different species of calla lily.
Application of multicote promoted vegetative growth and producing the tallest plants.
The initial soil analysis before transplanting showed that the soil had 6.0 pH
which is slightly acidic. The soil contains high amount of nitrogen, low amount of
phosphorous and it had a sufficient amount of Potassium.

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013

It is therefore concluded that the application of slow release fertilizer Multicote to
any of the different Calla Lily species is highly significantly improve the vegetative growth
producing taller plants with longer stems compared to other slow release formulations

Based on the findings of the study, application of 6g multicote in the 15 cm PEP
bags is the best for any of the different calla lily species; it is recommended as a slow-
release fertilizer for different species of calla lily cut flower to produce taller plants with
longer stems.

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013


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WELSH, T.E. and S. BALDWIN. 1986. Calla Lilies. A New Zealand Perspective
Departmnetof Hort. Sci. Masey University, Parlmerston North, New

Growth and Flowering of Different Species of Calla Lily (Zanthedeschia sp.) as Affected of
Different Kinds of Slow Release Fertilizers | BADONGEN, ELME L. APRIL.2013