DELLIAS, ROLAND JR, C. APRIL 2008. Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with
Varying Rates of Baking Yeast. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Silvestre L. Kudan, Ph.D.
This study was conducted to determine the response of broccoli applied with varying
rates of baking yeast in terms of growth and yield, determine the solution concentration of
baking yeast for broccoli and to determine the profitability of broccoli following the treatments.

Results showed that the farmer’s practice of applying chicken manure as based fertilizer
and side dressing with 14-14-14 and 46-0-0 slightly out yielded from the plants applied with 7.5
grams baking yeast in two liters of water, both of which did not differ from the plants applied
with 11.25 and 3.75 grams of baking yeast dissolved in two liters of water but significantly
differed from the plants not applied with baking yeast. Except the yield, the rest of the data
gathered did not show any significant differences. However, the yield obtained was very low
compared to normal due to clubroot infection.
In the economic analysis, plants applied with 7.5 grams baking yeast in two liters of
water obtained the highest return on investment of 89.92% followed by the farmer’s practice
with 81.64% ROI. Far below are the plants applied with 11.25 grams baking yeast, no
application of baking yeast and the plants applied with 3.75 grams of baking yeast in two liters of
water with ROI of 44.90%, 30.79% and 21.56%, respectively.

Bibliograph………………………………………………………………..... i
Abstract…………………………………………………………………….. i
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………... ii
INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………. 1

Description of Broccoli……………………………………………... 3

Importance of Broccoli……………………………………………...

Soil and Climatic Requirement of Broccoli……………………….... 4

Cultural Requirement of Broccoli…………………………………...

Effect of Organic Fertilizer to the Soil……………………………....

Effect of Organic Fertilizer to Plant…………………………………


Uses of Baking Yeast………………………………………………..

Foliar Spray………………………………………………………….
METHODS…………………………………………………………………. 13

Days from Transplanting to Curd Appearance…………………….. 18

Days from Transplanting to First Curd Harvesting………………... 18

Final Plant Height …...…………………………………………..... 19

Curd Diameter (cm)………………………………………………...

Weight of the Individual Curd ….………………………................

Total Yield …...…………………………………………………….

Weight of Marketable Curd …...………………………………….. 22

Weight of Non- marketable Curd …..……………………………... 22

Days from Transplanting to Last Curd Harvest…………………...... 23

Diameter of Stem…………………………………………………….

Curd to Plant Ratio………………………………………………..... 24

Cost and Return Analysis…………………………………………... 25
LITERATURE CITED……………………………………………………..
APPENDICES……………………………………………………………... 32




Farmers growing vegetables in the Cordillera had been using composed chicken
dung at the start of the vegetable industry but in 1970’s the use of fresh chicken dung
became common in all vegetable growing areas. This might have resulted to the several
problems at present. It was mentioned by researchers from Hamburg, Germany,
Washington, The Netherlands and in Selangor, Malaysia that pathogenic bacteria, viruses
and parasites can be present in chicken manure, some of which can be transmitted to
other farm animals and humans (CHIMATRA, 2006).
The use of fresh chicken manure when applied basally, for covering seeds of
direct seeded crops or side- dressed as practiced by some farmers will cause seed rotting
and maggot infestation. In fact, several farmers are asking the Anchor person of the BSU
on the Air program of the University what to spray to their crops being damaged by

With all the problems mentioned above, efforts should be done to revive the sick
soil due to very low or the absence of organic matter to feed the beneficial organisms.
The study is then proposed to follow up the study of Debso (2007) who reported that the
application of 2.0 kg Plantmate to 1 x 5m plot of broccoli can be an alternative to the
farmer’s practice of applying chicken dung and complete fertilizer.

If the cost of in puts can be lowered using the newly introduced organic fertilizer
in combination with baking yeast, it will benefit the farmer with higher profit to buy his
family needs, the consumers with more supply of food, the traders with commodity for
business which will propel development in the community. Results of the study will

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


provide information for extension workers to help farmers in the field and researchers for
more studies to improve production, which will accrue to science for future generations.
This study was conducted at Balili Experiment Station of Benguet State
University, La Trinidad, Benguet from October 2007 to February 2008 to determine the
response of broccoli applied with baking yeast in terms of growth and yield; determine
the solution concentration of baking yeast for broccoli and to determine the profitability
of broccoli following the treatments.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008



Description of the broccoli

Broccoli is closely related to cauliflower since both grown for the clusters of
unopened flower buds and tender flower stalks. The Italian word brocco means sprout,
bud, or shoot, from Latin brachium meaning an arm or branch. Broccoli has two different
distinct forms. One is “sprouting broccoli”, with makes a somewhat branching cluster of
green flower buds atop a thick, green flower stalk, and smaller clusters that arise like
“sprouts” from the stems. This form called “calabrese” in Britain is the most commonly
grown form in the United States. The height ranges from two to three feet that bears
dense cluster of flower buds at the end end axis and branches. The other type of broccoli
makes a dense, white “curd” like that of cauliflower and is called “heading broccoli” or
“cauliflower broccoli”. This latter form is usually grouped with cauliflower, leaving the
term “broccoli” restricted to sprouting varieties.
Broccoli is a plant of the Cabbage family, Brassicaceae (formerly Cruciferae). It
is classified as the Italica Cultivar Group of the species Brassica oleracea. Broccoli
possesses abundant fleshy green flower heads arranged in tree-like fashion on branches
sprouting from thick, edible stalk. The large mass of flower heads is surrounded by
leaves. Broccoli most closely resembles cauliflower, which is actually just a different
cultivar group of the same species, but broccoli is green rather than white.
In the United States, the term refers exclusively to the form with a single large
head. This form is called “Calabrese” in the United Kingdom, where sprouting (non-
heading) types and those with underdeveloped flower buds are also sold as broccoli.

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of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Importance of Broccoli

Broccoli is important food for mankind. In term of nutrient content, broccoli is
one of the best of the vegetable kingdom with its rich in vitamin A and D because of its
hearty carotene content. Through a bit on the bitter side, broccoli leaves are completely
edible and also contain generous amount of vitamin A. Transversely the nutrition scale,
broccoli contains in addition to vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, iron, magnesium, potassium and
zinc. There is nutrition in those stems, such as extra calcium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin and
niacin (Bautista and Mabesa, 1977).

Soil and Climatic Requirement of Broccoli

The soil requirement of broccoli must be fertile, well-drained and high organic
matter. Lime should be applied if needed. It is important to keep pH levels at optimum
because above or below could increase the propensity of the plant to disease and insects
(Utzinger, 2000).

Fertility is similar in all the Cole crops, but broccoli requires more boron for
normal growth. Boron shortage causes water-soaked areas, internal browning and
breakdown of the central tissues of the stem and of the branches of the bud cluster of
broccoli (Bantoc, 1969).

Broccoli thrives best in a cool moist climate and it is usually grown in the
Philippines through out the year at the higher elevation such as in Benguet and Mountain
Province. On the other hand, broccoli can be grown successfully in the lowlands during
cool moths. The greatest yield of high quality heads is obtained at relatively cool
temperatures. The optimum monthly average temperature is about 15.5 degrees to 18

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degrees Celsius while the maximum temperature should not surpass about 24 degrees
Celsius (Bantoc, 1969).

Cultural Requirements of Broccoli

Planting seeds. The depth of sowing should be three to four times the diameter of
the seed (Edmund, J.B. 1975). In transplanting, Buayan (1999) observed broccoli
seedlings to be transplanted 21 to 30 days from sowing. The researcher also found that
seedlings of broccoli could be transplanted if two to three leaves are developed or has a
height of twenty six centimeter under La Trinidad, Benguet condition. In addition,
Bautista and Mabesa (1977) reported that transplanting should be done in the afternoon
or during cloudy weather. The plant should be lifted from the seedflats with as much soil
intact with the root system as possible. The roots are inserted in holes at appropriate
spacing, trampled and watered.

Plant spacing. Broccoli seedlings should be set about 30 to 45 cm rows 90 cm
apart. When the double row system is followed seedlings could be spaced thirty
centimeters in the row with forty centimeters between rows (Bantoc, 1969)

Irrigation. Broccoli is fast growing succulent plant that requires even soil
moisture. Uneven soil moistures will create adverse effects on the broccoli growth.
Irrigation is necessary if natural rainfall does not suffice; 1 to 1 ½ inches of water a week
is generally an irrigation requirement (Utzinger, 2000).

Harvesting. The central head should be harvested first when it is still tight and
compact, with no opened flowers. It takes from 60- 100 days from planting to first
harvest depending on climate and cultivar. As much as 5 inches of the flower stalks

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


should be cut along with the buds. Do not allow the stems to become tough and woody.
After the central head is removed, side shoots will develop. Although smaller, these
should be harvested at 2 to 4 days interval. The entire harvest period may run from 40 to
80 days, depending on the season, crop condition and locality (Utzinger, 2000).

Postharvest. Field crates or baskets are used to pack the broccoli in the field. the
crates are then taken to the packing shelter and bunched and iced. The plant needs to be
trimmed and graded. The stems are usually cut from six to eight inches in length and the
leaves are removed the heads are bunched together tightly with twist tie or rubber bond.
Broccoli degrades rather quickly and needs to be precooled at 32 degrees fareignheight
by vacuum cooling, hydro cooling or ice. Refrigerated is needed during transport for long
distance (Utzinger 2000).

Effect of Organic fertilizer to the Soil

The importance of manure application as a source of essential elements to soil
organisms and crops is that manures from various domestic animals increase the
aggregation of soil particles and reduces the bulk density (Edmund, 1975). In relation to
these animal manures are especially valuable in vegetable gardening for in addition to
plant food already present in the soil, the solvent effect of the organic acid that are
formed during the decomposition of manure and also by the action of certain bacteria
benefits the soil (Lloyd, 1935). Moreover, Andrews W.B. (1947) said that the abundance
of organic matter decomposition, the ease of plowing soil water holding capacity that
reduces soil erosion via faster percolation. Additionally, Kinoshita (1972) stated that the
applications of organic fertilizer in sufficient amounts improve soil structure, soil tilt and

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aids in the desirable processes in the soil. This does not only increase the quantity of the
nutrient elements for plant growth and development but also increases the bulk density,
and porosity of the soil that may cause greater aeration favoring different kinds of
bacteria for nutrient liberation. Black color from organic matter causes heat absorption,
aiding the soil to warm up for the production of available amount of water for uptake
(Ware, 1937).
Furthermore, Knott (1976) wrote that rapid decomposition of fresh organic matter
contributes most effectively to physical condition of the soil; plenty of moisture, nitrogen,
and a warm temperature speed up the rate of decomposition.

Likewise Bunch (2000) stated that soil conversation refers to technique used to
reduce water run-off and erosion on hillsides, where as recuperation refers to those that
increase medium to long term soil fertility. The addition of major quantities of organic
matter to the soil has proven to be the most important and easiest way for small farmers
to maintain or enhance the natural productivity of their soils, even those soils so depleted
they have been abandoned. This practice of reviving deteriorated soil through heavy
organic matter application is now called “soil recuperation”. Although many sources of
organic matter may be used, including animal manure, coffee pulp, sugarcane pulp and
compost, the least expensive and widely used in Central America is green manure or
cover crops.

Effect of Organic Fertilizer to Plant

According to Abadilla (1982), crops applied with organic matter have a greater
resistance to pest and diseases. The author mentioned that humic acids and growth

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substances are absorbs into plant tissue through the roots and that they favor the
formation protein by influencing the synthesis of enzymes that will increase the vigor of
insect resistance of the plant. Furthermore, soils high in organic matter allow little or no
soil borne diseases because of the oxygen- ethylene cycle in the soil. Besides, the sap of
the plant fertilized with organic matter is more bactericidal than the plant not fertilized
with organic matter. Not only does humus confer immunity to plant pests and diseases, it
also earlier and was harvested earlier in the application of chicken manure and 14-14-
14.In Cucumber, Cid (2000) found out that farmers practice (handful of chicken manure
and 19 grams of 14-14-14/ hole) and 3 tons/ha chicken manure + 61.2 kg of 14-14-14/ha
considerably enhanced maturation, increased number of node, flower number, fruit length
and weight’s of non-marketable and marketable fruits.


The plantmate organic fertilizer product is the result of an accelerated
decomposition of biodegradable materials, both of plants and animal origin, through an
advance biofermentation process involving more than twenty (20) naturally- occurring
beneficial microorganisms to enhance its efficacy as a functional compound.

Plantmate consist of chemical properties such as the total of nitrogen 2.44%
(4.14% on dry basis), total phosphorus 3.47% (6.34% on dry basis), total potassium
3.61% (6.13% on dry basis), total calcium 4.46% (7.5% on dry basis), total magnesium
0.19% (0.13% on dry basis). It is also chelated micronutrient and amino acid that is
adequate and well balanced. Growth promotants and functional compounds are adequate.

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of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Physical appearance of plantmate is loose, friable and very stable organic matter
with high humus content, dark brown to black in color. It is also phytoxicity, which
means it does not have any burning effects on plants, safe and no pathogen. The pH is
7.5, which is lightly basic. (Anon. no date)

Uses of Baking Yeast

Yeast is widely distributed in nature and is disseminated by insect carriers and by
wind and air currents. A few obligate or facultative parasites among the yeast can cause
disease in people, other animals, and plants. They are rich sources of enzymes such as
lactase, invertase and catalase, which have commercial importance (Pelczar et al., 1977).

Moreover, Mindell (1985) reported that yeast is known as nature’s wonder food,
and it does a lot to deserve its reputation. It is an excellent source of protein and a
superior source of the natural B complex vitamins. Yeast is one of the richest sources of
organic iron and minerals, trace minerals, and amino acids. The author mentioned that
there are various sources of yeasts, such as:

1. Liquid yeast from Switzerland and Germany, fed to herbs, honey malt and
oranges or grapefruit.

2. Brewer’s yeast (from hops, a by-product of beer) sometimes called nutritional

3. Torula yeast grown on wood pulp and is used in the manufacture of paper or
from blackstrap molasses.

4. Whey, a by- product of milk and cheese (best tasting and most potent)

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Mindell (1985) mentioned that yeast has all the major B vitamins (except B12),
which can be especially bred into it. It contains sixteen amino acids, fourteen or more
minerals and seventeen vitamins (except A, E and C). It can be considered a whole food.
Yeast can be stirred into liquid, juice or water and taken between meals. Some people
who feel fatigued take a tablespoon or more in liquid and feed a return of energy within a
minute, and the good effect lasts for several hours. Yeast can also used as a reducing
food. This is stirred into liquid and drank just before a meal. It takes the edge of a large
appetite and saves one a lot in calories.

In a recent study by Cuaton et al. (1997), the use of baking yeast solutions applied
as foliar spray to some vegetables like pechay, peppe, red Creole bulb onion, radish,
carrot and peunut demonstrated favorable response to baking yeast solutions at 6, 9 and
12% concentration. Aquino (1998) determined the stage of growth in carrot that will
respond to yeast application. The author found that 15 to 30 days after emergence is more
responsive to yeast application than any other stage. The heaviest marketable yield with
significantly heavier big roots was obtained when the baking yeast was applied 30 days
after emergence.

One of the materials already available in the market and convenient to use as
growth enhancer is the baker yeast. Some literature disclosed that yeast has the ability to
synthesize vitamins, amino acids and proteins and could be used to trigger growth
(Robbins, 1964). Yeast that is found in the market belongs to the family
Saccharomycetaceae. One teaspoon of baker yeast approximately 10 grams contains
more than ten billion of cells (Pelczar, 1977). According to Neff, (1964), yeast assay

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


contains 45 to 55% protein, 0.5%, 2.5%fat, 35% to 45% carbohydrates, 5 to 7% ash
(minerals and 4% to 6% moisture.

Weier et al. (1982) reported that the growth substances in yeast extract are known
to be thiamine, nicothinic acid and pyridoxine all part of vitamin B complex. The
effectiveness of yeast in promoting root formation and growth showing characteristic
actions similar to the effect of plant hormones was mentioned by Robbins (1964). Plant
hormones are different from vitamins for vitamins are usually not considered hormones
(Ting, 1982).

In the initial study of Gino (1992) at Mindanao State University, General Santos
City, it was disclosed that from the varied concentrations of 3, 6 and 9%, the yeast
solution with 9% concentration had produced the highest number of flowers and fruits
and the heaviest weight of tomato.

Foliar Spray

Foliar spray provides more rapid utilization and permits the correction of
observed deficiencies in less time. When problems of solid fixation exist, foliar
application constitutes the most effective means of fertilizer placement. Foliar spray in
which urea is used enhances more rapid absorption than soil application (Tisadale, 1996)

According to Donahue (1979), nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sulfur,
iron, boron, copper, and molybdenum have been successfully used to supply nutrients for
plant growth by applying them as foliar sprays to the plant. On the other hand, Knott and
Deanon (1967) stated that foliar application of microelements has been found effective
with plants because of very small quantity of chemicals to be absorbed sufficiently.

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of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Fertilizer chemical applied as foliar spray generally are much more quickly absorbed and
utilized by the leaves than when applied to the soil. To be most effective, spray
application should be supplemented with soil application (McVickar, 1970).

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008



The materials used in the study were the seed of broccoli, chicken dung, seedling
tray, media for seedlings (rice hull+ compost+ garden soil), weighing scale, measuring
tape, baking yeast, insecticides, fungicides and farm tools and equipment.


Experimental design and treatments. The experiment was laid out in a
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five treatments replicated three times.
The treatments were as follows:
Treatment code

Rate of application (1m x 5m plot) in kg.


3.75 grams of baking yeast per 2 liters of water


7.5 grams of baking yeast per 2 liters of water


11.25 grams of baking yeast per 2 liters of water

T4 (farmers practice) ½ can chicken dung + 357.14 g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea

no application of baking yeast

Sowing the seeds. The seeds of broccoli cv. Marathon were sown in seedling
trays. The soil media used to fill the seedling tray was 1:1:1 mixture of garden soil+
compost+ rice hull. The soil media was sterilized to kill the weed seeds, insect and the
numerous soil pathogens, such as those that cause damping off. The seedling trays were

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


filled with sterilized soil media then one seed was sown per hole of the seedling tray.
Regular irrigation was done.
Land preparation. An area of 75 sq. m was divided into three blocks with each
consisting of 5 plots measuring 1 x 5 meters. The plots were dug and holes were
constructed at a distance of 30 cm in rows and 30cm between rows, which will make 15
holes each row or 30 holes each treatment. The organic fertilizer was applied in the holes
by dividing the amount by the number of holes (30) then mixed with the soil as base
Transplanting. Three weeks old seedling was transplanted by pushing the outside
bottom of the seedling tray for the seedling to come out from the tray then it was
transplanted at the middle of the hole where the organic fertilizer was mixed.
Irrigation. Irrigation was done after transplanting and this was done every after
three days. Sufficient water was applied during the critical period such as the head
initiation, and head formation up to two weeks before harvest.
Hilling- up. Three weeks after transplanting the seedlings, side dress fertilizer was
applied uniformly on each plot followed by hilling- up to cover the side dress fertilizer,
cover growing weeds and to fix the plot. The farmer’s practice follows the rate of
fertilizer specified in the treatment.
Baking yeast application. The different concentrations of baking yeast solution
based on the treatments were applied 14 days after transplanting the seedlings and it was
repeated after 7 days.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Data gathered. The data gathered tabulated, computed and means subjected to
variance analysis and means separation test by the Duncan’s Multiple Range Test
(DMRT) were the following:
1. Number of days from transplanting to curd appearance. This was recorded from
transplanting to the day curds that was visible from the shoot apex of the plants.
2. Number of days from transplanting to first curd harvesting. This was the
number of days from transplanting to the day first curds attain harvestable stage (flower
buds were still tightly closed and curds fully expanded).
3. Final plant height (cm). Ten sample plants per plot were measured from the soil
surface to the tip of curd surfaces during harvest.
4. Curd diameter (cm). This was measured from edge to edge crossing the center
of the curds during harvest from ten sample curds.
5. Average weight of the individual curd (g). This was taken by dividing the total
yield per plot by the number of curds harvested per plot.
6. Total yield (kg). This was the total weight of marketable and non marketable
curds per plot.
7. Weight of marketable curd per plot (kg). This was the total weight of
marketable curds with out defects that was sold in the market.
8. Weight of non- marketable curds per plot (kg). This was the total weight of
non-marketable curds with defects such as small curds, malformed curds and diseased

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


9. Days from transplanting to last curd harvest. This was the number of days from
transplanting to the day last curd was harvested to determine whether the maturity was
spread or compact.
10. Diameter of stem (cm). Ten sample plants per plot were measured where the
stems enlarged with the used of venier caliper.
11. Curd to plant ratio. This was obtained by dividing the total weight of
harvested curds per plot by the total weight of plant debris per plot. Plant debris was the
stem with leaves before and after the curd has been harvested including the leaves
removed from the stem (4-5 cm) just below the curd. Total weight of all these per plot
was used to divide the total weight of curds per plot.
12. Cost and return analysis. All inputs that were used in this study with their
values were recorded and the return on investment was computed using the formula:
ROI (%) = Gross sales per plot- total expenses per plot/ total expenses per plot

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Figure 1. Overview of the area showing the appearance of the plants and the clubroot

infection and showing the appearance of the curds from the different


Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008



Days from Transplanting to Curd Appearance

Table 1 shows that there were no significant differences among the treatments in
terms of days from transplanting to curd appearance. However, the farmer’s practice of
applying chicken dung as base dress and side dressing the plants with 14-14-14 and urea
has shorter period to curd appearance.

Table 1. Number of days from transplanting to curd appearance
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT

Days from Transplanting to First Curd Harvesting

Table 2 shows that the number of days from transplanting to first curd harvesting
had no significant differences among the plants applied with varying rates of baking yeast
and the plants not applied with baking yeast and the farmer’s practice.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Table 2. Number of days from transplanting to first curd harvesting
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT

Plant Height

Table 3 shows the final plant height. No significant differences among the
treatment means. This result implies that the application of baking yeast, farmer’s
practice and no application of fertilizer can promote similar plant height. This result
might have been affected by the severe infection of clubroot.

Curd Diameter

As shown in Table 4, the diameter of curd produced from the different treatments
differs slightly. This means that the application of varying rates of baking yeast and the
farmer’s practice of base dressing chicken dung and side dressing 14-14-14 have similar
curd diameter with those plants not applied with fertilizer. This may also imply that the
experiment area has sufficient nutrient elements for the crop.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Table 3. Final Plant Height (cm)
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Table 4. Curd diameter (cm)
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Weight of Individual Curd

Table 5 shows the average weight of the individual curd which did not differ
statistically. Broccoli ‘Marathon’ normally produce 250 to 350 grams curd but the
average weight in this study ranged from 113.50 to 144.33 grams which is lower than the

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


normal weight , thus the plants without application of baking yeast and fertilizer has
similar curd weight. As mentioned earlier, clubroot infection has affected the weight of

Table 5. Average weight of individual curd (g)
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Total Yield

As presented in Table 6, farmer’s practice of applying chicken dung as base dress
fertilizer and side dressing with 14-14-14 and the application 7.5g of baking yeast in 2
liters of water produced the heaviest yield per plot, which significantly differed from the
yield of plants not applied with baking yeast. Among the plants applied with baking yeast
at varying rates did not show significant differences in their total yield per plot. However,
11.25g and 3.75g of baking yeast have similar total yield with the plants not applied with
baking yeast.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
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There were no trends observed in the yield which may be due to the severe
infection of clubroot. The yield shown on the table is not an expected yield from 5.0
meter plot.

Table 6. Total Yield (kg)
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Weight of Marketable Curd

The weight of marketable curds per plot follow the same trend of the total yield
where the farmer’s practice and 7.5g of baking yeast dissolved in 2 liters of water
produced similar weight of marketable curds (Table 7). The application of 7.5g of baking
yeast did not differ from 11.25 and 3.75g of baking yeast which yielded similarly with
the plants not applied with fertilizer.

As mentioned earlier the yield obtained was very low due to the severe clubroot

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Weight of Non-marketable Curd

Table 8 shows the weight of non- marketable curd per plot. The weight of non-
marketable curds was recorded from very small plants which were infected with clubroot.

Table 7. Weight of marketable curd per plot (kg)
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Table 8. Weight of non- marketable curd per plot (kg)
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Days from transplanting to last curd

Table 9 shows the similar number of days from transplanting to last curd harvest.
This result means that plants from the different treatments took 11 to 13 days from the
first curd harvest for all the curds to be harvested. In other words, curds from the different
treatments matured at the same time.

Table 9. Days from transplanting to last curd harvest
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Diameter of Stem

Table 10 shows that there were no significant differences among the treatment
means in terms of diameter of stem. However, some of the plants were infected by
clubroot so this might not be the real measurement of the diameter of stem.

Curd to Plant Ratio

Table 11 shows that there were no significant differences among the treatment
means in terms of curd to plant ratio. In this study, the application of 7.5g of baking yeast

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


in 2 liters of water resulted to heavier weight of curd from each plant than the rest of the
treatment studied. However, this might not be the real ratio due to the infection of
clubroot. It might be that the plants applied with 11.25 grams baking yeast in two liters of
water happen to have infected plants thus the lowest ratio of 0.25:1, meaning only 25%
was the weight of stems and leaves. In other words, only 250 grams is edible from a kilo
of the broccoli from the treatment while the 7.5 grams baking yeast per 2 liters of water
has almost half of the weight was curd weight.

Table 10. Diameter of stem (cm)
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)
*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Table 11. Curd to plant ratio
3.75 grams per 2 liters of water

7.5 grams per 2 liters of water

11.25 grams per 2 liters of water

½ can chicken dung + 357.14g 14-14-14 and 22.22g urea
No baking yeast application (control)

*Means with common letter are not significantly different at 5% level of
significance using DMRT.

Cost and Return Analysis

The significantly heavier weights of marketable yield per plot from the farmer’s
practice and the 7.5 grams baking yeast per two liters of water resulted to their higher
return on investment (Table 12). Even if the farmer’s practice slightly out yielded the
plants applied with 7.5 grams baking yeast, the economic analysis show’s that the plants
applied with 7.5 grams baking yeast per two liters of water obtained the highest ROI of
89.92% while the farmer’s practice had 81.64%. in descending order, these two were
followed by the application of 11.25 grams baking yeast, no application of baking yeast
and the application of 3.75 grams baking yeast per two liters of water.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Table 12. Cost and return analysis per treatment of 15m2 plot
ITEM T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Marketable yield (kg) 5.90
9.36 7.00 10.95 6.25
236.00 374.40 280.00 438.00 250.00
1. Labor:

Wedding 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75
Digging 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67
Sterilizing the media 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50
Sowing the seeds 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Making holes 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
Fertilizer application 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Transplanting the seedlings 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17
Hilling- up 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.25 21.25
Watering the plants 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00

2. Seeds

28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50
3. Baking Yeast
3.00 6.00 9.00 - -
4. Gasoline
19.20 19.20 19.20 19.20 19.20
5. Fertilizer
35.60 35.60 35.60 85.60 35.60
6. Transportation
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
D. Total Expenses (PhP) 194.14 197.14 200.14 241.14 191.14
E. Net Income (PhP) 41.86 177.26 89.86 196.86 58.86
F. ROI (%)
21.56 89.92 44.90 81.64 30.79

Note: The prevailing price at harvest was at P40.00/ kilo without curd size classification.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008



This study was conducted to determine the response of broccoli applied with
varying rates of baking yeast in terms of growth and yield, determine the solution
concentration of baking yeast for broccoli and to determine the profitability of broccoli
following the treatments.

Results showed that the farmer’s practice of applying chicken manure as base
fertilizer and side dressing with 14-14-14 and 46-0-0 slightly out yielded from the plants
applied with 7.5 grams baking yeast in two liters of water, both of which did not differ
from the plants applied with 11.25 and 3.75 grams of baking yeast dissolved in two liters
of water but significantly differed from the plants not applied with baking yeast. Except
the yield, the rest of the data gathered did not show any significant differences. However,
the yield obtained was very low compared to normal due to clubroot infection.
In the economic analysis, plants applied with 7.5 grams baking yeast in two liters
of water obtained the highest return on investment of 89.92% followed by the farmer’s
practice with 81.64% ROI. Far below are the plants applied with 11.25 grams baking
yeast, no application of baking yeast and the plants applied with 3.75 grams of baking
yeast in two liters of water with ROI of 44.90%, 30.79% and 21.56%, respectively.


Based on the results presented and discussed, the farmer’s practice and the
application of 7.5 grams baking yeast in two liters of water to broccoli obtained similar

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


yield, but the application of 7.5 grams baking yeast dissolved in two liters of water
provided higher return on investment compared to the other treatments studied.


Therefore, it is recommended that 7.5 grams of baking yeast per 2 liters of water
plus chicken dung be applied in broccoli plants as alternative for the farmer’s practice of
applying chicken dung, 14-14-14, and urea to obtained similar yield with higher ROI. If
the other kinds of yeast are available in the market, further studies are recommended in
other areas and crops.

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008



ABADILLA, D.C 1982. Organic Farming. AFA Publications, Inc. Quezon City

Pp. 81- 100

AQUINO, F. U. 1998. Growth and yield performance of carrot applied with baking yeast
at developmental stages. Unpublish BS Thesis. Benguet State University, La
Trinidad,Benguet. P. 20.

ANDREWS, W.B. 1947. The Response of Crops and Soil Fertilizer and Manure. New
York. Macmillan Book. Co. P. 185

ANON. no date. Plantmate Organic Fertilizer. Bagong Sikat, Science City of Munoz,
Nueva Ecija. ELR Family Trading Co., Inc: Organiculture Innovators. 2 pp

BANTOC, G.B.Jr. 1969. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli. In: Vegetable Training Manual.

UPLB College of Agriculture, Laguna. P. 170

BAUTISTA, O.K. and R.C. MABESA. 1997. Vegetable Production, University of the

Philippine, Los Banos, Laguna. 129-560 pp

BUAYAN, D.S. 1999. Production cost of growing seedling of celery, lettuce, pepper, and
broccoli using seed box and seedbed. BS Thesis. BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet.

BUNCH, R. 2000. Nutrient banks or nutrient access? LEISA Newsletter, 16 (3): 7.

CID, G.S. 2000. Growth and yield response of cucumber to different organic fertilizer BS
Thesis. BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet.

CHIMATRA. 2006. Chicken Manure Treatment and Application. Baraplas Kreatif
Enterprise, Selangor, Malaysia. 12 pp.

R.M. ESTOCONING, and M.S. DEPALUBOS. 1997. Response of different crops
to foliar spray of baking yeast solution. A paper presented during the 13th
Scientific Conference of the Federation of Crop Science Societies of the
Philippines held in May 25-29 at Hotel. Supreme, Baguio City. 20 pp.

DONAHUE, R. L. 1979. Our Soil and Their Management: Increasing Production
Through Solid and Water Conservasion. Illinois: The Interstate Printers and
Publishers Inc. 47-48 pp

EDMUND, J.B. 1975. Fundamental Horticulture. McGraw Hill, New York. P.143
GINO, E. 1992. The flowering and fruiting of tomato on varying concentrations of yeast-

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


solutions. Unpublished BS Thesis. Mindanao State University, General Santos
City. p 35.
KINOSHITA, K. 1972. Vegetable Production in the Sub- Tropics and Tropics. Tokyo,
Japan. Overseas Technical Cooperation, Agency. P. 215.

KNOTT, J.B. and J. DEANON. 1967. Vegetable Production. University of the
Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. Pp. 277- 283.

KNOTT, J.E. 1976. Hanbook of Vegetable Growers. London Wiley and Sons iInc. P.28

LLOYD, J.W. 1935. Productive Vegetable Growing. Chicago. Mc Graw- Hill

Book Co. pp. 25-26.

MINDELL, E. L. 1985. The Vitamin Bible. London: Arlington Book Publishers, Ltd.

pp. 54-55.

MCVICKAR, M. H. 1970. Using Commercial Fertilizer. Danville, Illinois: the Interstate

Printers and Publishers, Inc. p. 207.

NEFF, T. 1964. Encyclopedia Britanica. New York Encyclopedia Britanica Inc. 25 pp

PELCZAR, MJ., R.D. ROGER and E.C. S. CHAN. 1977. Microbiology. 4th ed. Quezon

City: G.M.S. publishing Co. pp. 312- 329.

RICHARD, W.D. 1995. The World book Encyclopedia London: World book .2: 65.

Of the Philippines, Inc. p. 26.

ROBBINS, W. 1964. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Science. New York: John Wiley

sons Inc, p. 30.

SABAS, L.E. 1992. Handbook on Zero- waste Technology. Recycling Movement of the

Philippines, Inc. 26 pp.

TING, E.P. 1982 Plant Physiology. New York: Addesson Wesley Pub. Co. p 86

TISDALE, S.M. 1996. Soil Fertility and Fertilizer 2nd ed. London: McMillan Publishing

Co., Inc. 69-71 pp

UTZINGER, J.D. 2000. Growing Broccoli and Cauliflower in the home Garden.

Ohio State University Extension. 2021 Coffey Rd, Columbus, Ohio. 32 pp.

WARE, G. 1937. Southern Vegetable Crops. New York. Macmillan Publishing Book

Co. Pp. 65- 66.

WEIRE, E.T., R.C. STOCKING, M.G. BARBOUR Aand T.L. ROST. 1982. Botany: An
Introduction to Plant Biology. 6th ed. New York: John Wiley, and Sons, Inc. p 38

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008



Appendix Table 1. Number of days from transplanting to curd appearance
T1 65 68 68 201 67.00
T2 65 68 67 200 66.67
T3 66 68 68 203 67.67
T4 63 64 68 195 65.00
T5 66 69 69 204 68.00
TOTAL 325 337 340 1003 334.34

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 27.73 13.87

Treatment 4 16.40 4.10 4.32*
3.84 7.01
Error 8 7.60 0.95
TOTAL 14 51.73

*= Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 1.46%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 2. Number of days from transplanting to first curd harvesting
T1 85 83 86 254 84.67
T2 85 86 83 254 84.67
T3 85 83 86 254 84.67
T4 85 83 83 251 83.67
T5 85 86 86 257 85.67
TOTAL 425 421 424 1270 423.35

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 1.73

Treatment 4 6.00 1.50 0.70ns
3.84 7.01
Error 8 15.60 1.95
TOTAL 14 23.33

Ns= not Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 1.46%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 3. Final plant height (cm)
T1 32.70 28.90 30.90 92.50 30.83
T2 31.60 32.10 33.20 96.90 32.30
T3 32.50 30.10 29.60 92.20 30.73
T4 35.70 29.90 30.40 96.00 32.00
T5 36.20 30.70 28.40 95.30 31.77
TOTAL 168.70 151.70 152.50 472.90 157.63

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 36.80 13.87

Treatment 4 5.97 4.10 0.41ns
3.84 7.01
Error 8 29.36 0.95
TOTAL 14 72.13

Ns= not Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 6.08%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 4. Curd diameter (cm)
T1 18.30 15.10 14.60 48.00 16.00
T2 17.40 15.80 18.10 51.30 17.10
T3 19.40 15.70 14.10 49.20 16.40
T4 22.60 16.90 17.70 57.20 19.07
T5 22.50 14.50 13.40 50.40 16.80
TOTAL 100.20 78.00 77.90 256.10 85.37

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 66.01 33.01

Treatment 4 16.96 4.24 1.21ns
3.84 7.01
Error 8 28.00 3.50
TOTAL 14 110.97

Ns= not Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 10.96%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 5. Average weight of the individual curd (g)
T1 109.75 107.50 126.92 344.17 114.72
T2 168.04 128.57 120.83 417.44 139.15
T3 122.92 138.89 145.45 407.26 135.75
T4 172.41 137.50 123.08 432.99 144.33
T5 117.31 118.18 105.00 340.49 113.50
TOTAL 690.43 630.64 621.28 1942.35 647.45

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 562.95 13.87

Treatment 4 2479.64 4.10 1.90ns
3.84 7.01
Error 8 2608.84 0.95
TOTAL 14 5651.43

Ns= not Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 13.95%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 6. Total yield (kg)
T1 2.20 2.15 1.65 6.00 2.00
T2 4.71 1.80 2.90 9.41 3.29
T3 2.95 2.50 1.60 7.05 2.35
T4 5.00 2.75 3.20 10.95 3.65
T5 3.05 1.30 1.05 5.40 1.80
TOTAL 17.91 10.50 10.40 41.56 13.09

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 7.40 3.70

Treatment 4 7.36 1.84 4.54*
3.84 7.01
Error 8 3.24 0.41
TOTAL 14 18.00

*= Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 24.60%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 7. Weight of marketable curd per plot (kg)
T1 2.20 2.15 1.55 5.90 1.97
T2 4.66 1.80 2.90 9.36 3.12
T3 2.90 2.50 1.60 7.00 2.33
T4 5.00 2.75 3.20 10.95 3.65
T5 3.00 1.30 1.05 5.35 1.78
TOTAL 17.76 10.50 10.30 38.56 12.85

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 7.21 3.60

Treatment 4 7.52 1.88 4.74*
3.84 7.01
Error 8 3.17 0.40
TOTAL 14 17.90

*= Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 24.50%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 8. Weight of non- marketable curd per plot (kg)
T1 - - 0.05 0.05 0.02
T2 0.05 - - 0.05 0.02
T3 0.05 - - 0.05 0.02
T4 - - - 0.00 0.00
T5 0.05 - - 0.05 0.02
TOTAL 0.15 0.00 0.0 5 0.20 0.08

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 0.00 0.00

Treatment 4 0.00 0.00 0.31ns
3.84 7.01
Error 8 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 14 0.00

Ns= not Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 174.55%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 9. Days from transplanting to last curd harvest
T1 99 96 96 291 97
T2 99 96 96 291 97
T3 99 96 96 291 97
T4 99 96 96 291 97
T5 99 96 96 291 97
TOTAL 495 480 480 1455 485

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 26.13 13.07

Treatment 4 0.27 0.07 1.00ns
3.84 7.01
Error 8 0.53 0.07
TOTAL 14 26.93

Ns= not Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 0.27%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 10. Diameter of stem (cm)
T1 2.97 3.46 3.28 9.71 3.24
T2 3.31 3.33 3.10 9.74 3.25
T3 3.25 3.30 2.98 9.53 3.18
T4 4.10 3.34 3.36 10.80 3.60
T5 3.43 2.72 2.62 8.77 2.92
TOTAL 17.06 16.15 15.34 48.55 16.19

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 0.39 0.19

Treatment 4 0.70 0.18 1.06ns
3.84 7.01
Error 8 1.32 0.17
TOTAL 14 2.41

Ns= not Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 12.55%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008


Appendix Table 11. Curd to plant ratio
T1 0.28 0.29 0.27 0.84 0.28
T2 0.80 0.23 0.36 1.39 0.46
T3 0.30 0.22 0.23 0.75 0.25
T4 0.35 0.33 0.33 1.01 0.34
T5 0.36 0.26 0.23 0.85 0.28
TOTAL 2.09 1.33 1.42 4.84 1.61

Source of Degrees of Sum of Means of Computed

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F F

0.05 0.01
Replication 2 0.07 0.03

Treatment 4 0.09 0.02 1.40ns
3.84 7.01
Error 8 0.12 0.02
TOTAL 14 0.28

Ns= not Significant

Coefficient of Variance= 38.43%

Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied with Varying Rates
of Baking Yeast / Rolland C. Dellias Jr. 2008

Document Outline

  • Yield Performance of Broccoli Applied withVarying Rates of Baking Yeast
      • Description of the broccoli
      • Importance of Broccoli
      • Soil and Climatic Requirement of Broccoli
      • Cultural Requirements of Broccoli
      • Effect of Organic fertilizer to the Soil
      • Effect of Organic Fertilizer to Plant
      • Plantmate
      • Uses of Baking Yeast
      • Foliar Spray
      • Days from Transplanting to Curd Appearance
      • Days from Transplanting to First Curd Harvesting
      • Plant Height
      • Curd Diameter
      • Weight of Individual Curd
      • Total Yield
      • Weight of Marketable Curd
      • Weight of Non-marketable Curd
      • Days from transplanting to last curd
      • Diameter of Stem
      • Curd to Plant Ratio
      • Cost and Return Analysis
      • Summary
      • Conclusion
      • Recommendation