LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013. Effect of Different Misting Frequency
on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of Three Species of Medinilla. Benguet
State University, La Trinidad Benguet.
Adviser: Araceli G. Ladilad, PhD.


This study was conducted at BSU Ornamental Horticulture Area, Department of
Horticulture, College of Agriculture; from November to December 2012 to determine the
effect of different misting frequencies on the rooting of shoot tip cuttings of different
species of Medinilla; and to determine the rooting characteristics of shoot tip cuttings of
the different species of medinilla.
Results revealed that there were highly significant differences observed on the
number of days from sticking to root initials as affected by the three Medinilla species
evaluated. Shorter days from sticking to rooting were noted from the shoot tip cuttings of
Medinilla aphelandra and Medinilla multiflora. Significant differences were likewise,
obtained on the number of roots one and two months after sticking in the rooting media.
There were no significant differences obtained on the percentage rooting and length of
roots produced two months after in the growing media.
Shoot tip cuttings that were misted three times a day significantly produced longer
roots. However, there were no significant differences noted on the number of roots after
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

one month from sticking of shoot tip cuttings and on the percentage rooted of cuttings.
However, highly significant differences were noted on the number of days to root initials,
number of roots, the shoot length, and length of roots one and two months after sticking in
the growing media.
There were no significant interaction effects observed between the three different
Medinilla species and different misting frequencies in all of the parameters gathered.
Misting of the shoot tip cuttings three and four times a day is recommended for the
production of more and longer roots in shoot tip cuttings of medinilla. Shoot tip cuttings
of Medinilla aphelandra and Medinilla multiflora are good propagules for faster and
uniform rooting.

Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Number of Days to Root Initials

Effect of species. Table 1 shows highly significant differences on the number of
days to root initiation of medinilla cuttings as affected by the different medinilla species
grown. Results show that cuttings of Medinilla aphelandra and Medinilla multiflora were
the earliest to initiate roots with means of 21.75 and 21.58 days, respectively from sticking,
as compared to the shoot tip cuttings of Medinilla scortechinii which initiated roots after
32.08 days, or approximately 11 days later.

Effect of misting frequency. Highly significant differences were also noted on the
number of days to root initiation as affected by frequency of misting of medinilla shoot tip
cuttings. Results show that cuttings misted three and four times a day initiated roots earlier
after 23.00 and 23.67 days, compared to the control or the untreated medinilla cuttings
which produced root initials of 0.5 cm only after 28.33 days from sticking.

Root formation in cuttings is not only affected by hormones but also by other
factors like environment, rooting medium, chemical treatments as well as the plant itself
as a factor Cuttings can absorb small amounts of water through its cut end but the amount
of water absorbed is not enough to replace the amount normally lost through the process
of transpiration which has to be slowed down by keeping the relative humidity high in the
vicinity of the cuttings and keeping the temperature relatively lower. Misting or sprinkling
water can increase relative humidity (Adriance and Brinson, 1955).

Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Table 1. Number of days to root initials
Medinilla Species

Misting Frequency

Control (no misting)
Two times a day
Three times a day
Four times a day
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT
Interaction effects. There were no significant interaction effects observed between
the different misting frequencies and the three medinilla species on the number of days
from sticking to the production of 0.5 cm root initials.
Number of Roots One Month After Sticking of Shoot tip Cuttings

Effect of species. Results show that medinilla shoot tip cuttings produced
significantly different number of roots as affected by the species grown. 30 days after
sticking in the floral foam. Medinilla scortechinii cuttings produced the lowest average
number of roots with a mean of only 4.33 roots per cutting. A mean of 5.58 roots was
obtained from the Medinilla multiflora, while shoot tip cutting of Medinilla aphelandra
had the highest average number of roots produced with a mean of 6.50 roots per cutting.
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Table 2. Number of roots one month after sticking of shoot tip cutting
Medinilla species

Misting Frequency

Control (no misting )
Two times a day
Three times a day
Four times a day
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

Effect of misting frequency. There were no significant differences obtained on the
average number of roots one month after sticking of shoot tip cuttings in the rooting media
as affected by the number of mistings done per day.

Interaction effect. There were no significant interaction effects observed between
the different misting frequency and the medinilla species grown on the number of roots
produced per cutting one month after sticking.
Number of Roots Two Months After Sticking of Shoot tip Cuttings

Effect of species. Statistical analysis showed that shoot tip cuttings of Medinilla
multiflora and Medinilla scortechinii with similar mean of 9.75 roots per cutting, produced
the highest number of roots two months after sticking of the shoot tip cuttings rooted in
floral foam.
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

This results conform to the earlier report of Halfacre and Barden (1979) that
different varieties of given species have been found to have different number of roots, after
sticking them in the rooting media.

Effect of misting frequency. Highly significant differences were obtained on the
number of roots per cutting after two months from sticking in floral foam. Higher average
number of roots was obtained on shoot tip cuttings misted three times a day with a mean
of 10.22 roots, followed by those misted two times a day with a mean of 8.89 roots per
cutting. The untreated or control plants produced the lowest average number of roots with
a mean of only 7.00 roots per cutting.
Interaction effect. There were no significant interaction effects observed between
the different misting frequency and medinilla species on the number of roots produced per
cutting two months after sticking in the floral foam.
Length of Roots One Month After Sticking of Shoot Tip Cuttings

Effect of species. Table 4 shows that highly significant differences prevailed on the
average root length after one month from sticking of shoot tip cuttings. Cuttings of
Medinilla scortechinii produced the shortest roots with a mean of only 0.31 cm; while
cuttings of Medinilla aphelandra and Medinilla multiflora produced the longest roots with
a mean of 0.93 cm and 0.96 cm; respectively.

Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Table 3. Number of roots two months after sticking of shoot tip cutting
Medinilla species

Misting Frequency

Two times a day
Three times a day
Four times a day
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT

This finding as explained by Nye and Tinker (1977) that their differences are in the
rooting patterns of different plant species. Every species has its inherent genetic make-up
that made the response in rooting different, or almost similar in some cases. Effects of
misting frequency. Statistical analysis showed that shoot tip cuttings misted three and four
times a day had significantly produced longer roots with a mean of 0.88 cm and 0.86 cm,
respectively, followed by shoot tip cuttings misted twice a day with a mean of 0.67 cm.
The untreated or control cuttings produced the shortest roots after one month from sticking
with a mean of only 0.52 cm.

Interaction effect. There were no significant interaction effects observed between
the different misting frequency and the medinilla species on the average root length
produced per cutting one month after sticking of shoot tip cuttings in floral foam.
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Table 4. Length of roots one month after sticking of shoot tip cutting

( cm )
Medinilla species

Misting Frequency

Two times a day
Three times a day
Four times a day
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT
Length of Roots Two Months After Sticking of Shoot tip Cutting

Effect of species. There were no significant differences obtained on the average
root length two months after sticking as affected by the (3) three species of medinilla
cuttings used as shown in table 5. Length of roots ranged from 6.75 to 6.83 cm.

Effect of misting frequency. Highly Significant differences were noted on the effect
of misting frequency on the average root length produced by medinilla cuttings two months
after sticking as shown in Table 5. Misting of shoot tip cuttings three and four times a day
promoted the production of longer roots with means of 8.11 cm and 7.39 cm; respectively.
The untreated or control cuttings again produced the shortest roots with a mean of 5.11 cm.
after 60 days from sticking of cuttings.

Interaction effect. There were no significant interaction effects observed on the
different misting frequencies and the three medinilla species on the length of roots two
months from sticking.
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Table 5. Length of roots two months after sticking of shoot tip cutting
( cm )
Medinilla species

Misting Frequency

Two times a day
Three times a day
Four times a day
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT
Shoot Length One Month After Sticking of Shoot Tip Cutting

Effect of species. There were no significant differences obtained on the average
shoot length one month after sticking of medinilla cuttings in floral foam as affected by
three species used (Table 6).

Effect of misting frequency. Highly significant differences prevailed on the average
shoot length as affected by misting one month after sticking of shoot tip cutting. Earlier
shoots were significantly noted in shoot tip cuttings that were misted three times a day with
a mean of 11.44 cm but was statistically comparable with shoots produced by the untreated
or control cuttings which had a mean of 10.11 cm long one month after sticking.

Interaction effect. There were no significant interaction effects between the

different misting frequency and the three (3) species of medinilla species on the average

shoot length.

Table 6. Shoot length one month after sticking of shoot tip cutting.
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

( cm )
Medinilla species

Misting Frequency

Two times a day
Three times a day
Four times a day
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT
Shoot Length Two Months After Sticking of Shoot Tip Cutting

Effect of species. Significantly longer shoots were measured in plants of species
Medinilla aphelandra and Medinilla multiflora which had shoot length measuring 14.08
and 14.75 cm two months after sticking, and produced the longest shoots. On the other
hand, shoot tip cuttings of Medinilla scortechinii produced the shortest shoots with a mean
of only 12.92 cm (Table 7).

Effect of misting frequency. Likewise, highly significant differences prevailed on
the average shoot length two months after sticking of cuttings as affected by misting
frequency. Earlier shoots were significantly noted in shoot tips cuttings that were misted
three times a day with a mean of 14.61 cm, but was statistically comparable with the
untreated or control cuttings which had a mean of 13.10 cm
Table 7. Shoot length two months after sticking of shoot tip cutting.
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

( cm )
Medinilla Species

Misting Frequency

Control (no misting)
Two times a day
Three times a day
Four times a day
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT
Interaction effect. There were no significant interaction effects between the different
misting frequency and the medinilla species on the average shoot length two months after
sticking the cuttings.
Percentage of Rooted Cuttings

Effect of species. There were no significant differences obtained on the percentage
of rooted cuttings after sticking shown in table 8. All species had 100% rooted cuttings two
months after sticking in floral foam.

Effect of misting frequency. There were no significant differences obtained on the
percentage of rooted cuttings after sticking in the rooting media as affected by the number
of misting done per day. Rooting percentage was 100% in all frequencies of misting done
in the study.
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

According to (Adams and Bamford, 1984) spraying the plants with fine droplets of
water to increase humidity and reduce temperature, with a consequent slowing of
transpiration rate the cool condition favoring the survival of the aerial parts of the cutting
which encourage the division of cells in the cambium area of the root initial.

Interaction effect. There were no significant interaction effects observed between
the different misting frequency and the medinilla species grown on the percentage of rooted
cuttings after sticking in floral foam.
Table 8.Percentage of rooted cuttings
Medinilla species

Misting Frequency

Two times a day
Three times a day
Four times a day
Means with common letters are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Figure 1. Overview of the study one month from sticking of medinilla shoots tip cuttings

Figure 2. Rooting characteristics of Medinilla aphelandra one month from sticking. From
left (T0) control, (T1) twice a day, (T2) three times a day, (T3) four times a day
Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013


Figure 3. Rooting characteristics of Medinilla aphelandr
SPE a two
CIE mont
S 2
hs from sticking. From
left (T0) control, (T1) twice a day, (T2) three times a day, (T3) four times a day

Figure 4. Rooting characteristics of Medinilla multiflora one month from sticking. From
left (T0) control, (T1) twice a day, (T2) three times a day, (T3) four times a day

Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Figure 5. Rooting characteristics of Medinilla multiflora two months from sticking. From
left (T0) control, (T1) twice a day, (T2) three times a day, (T3) four times a day
Figure 6. Rooting characteristics of Medinilla scortechinii one month from sticking. From
left (T0) control, (T1) twice a day, (T2) three times a day, (T3) four times a day

Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

Figure 7. Rooting characteristics of Medinilla scortechinii two months from sticking. From
left (T0) control, (T1) twice a day, (T2) three times a day, (T3) four times a day

Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013


Shoot tip cuttings of three different species of medinilla were applied with different
misting frequencies such as twice a day, thrice a day; and four times a day to determine the
effect of misting frequency on the rooting of shoot tip cutting of three different species of
medinilla; and to determine the response of three species of medinilla treated with different
misting frequencies.

Results revealed that there were highly significant effects of species on the first
appearance of roots. Also, Medinilla aphelandra and Medinilla multiflora significantly
produced the highest number and longer roots two months after sticking in the floral foam.
There were no significant differences obtained on the percentage rooting of shoot tip
cuttings and on the length of roots produced two months after sticking as affected by
different medinilla species.

Shoot tip cutting that were misted with three times a day had longer roots. There
were no significant differences noted on the number of roots one month after sticking of
shoot tip cuttings and on the percentage rooted cuttings. However highly significant
differences were noted on the number of days to root initials and on the number and length
of roots, and shoot length one and two months after sticking in the rooting media.

Statistically there were no significant differences on all of the results on the
combined effects of the different medinilla species and the different misting frequencies
on the rooting of medinilla shoot tip cuttings.

Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013


Based from the results of the study, shoot tip cuttings of different species of
medinilla can be misted three and four times a day frequency for earlier production of roots
and to reduce rapid transpiration in the cuttings. Moreover cuttings of different species of
medinilla can be used as propagules to increase the number of plants in the nursery.

Three times a day and four time a day misting of medinilla shoot tip cuttings is
recommended for the production of more and longer roots, and longer shoots in shoot tip
cuttings of medinilla. Medinilla aphelandra and Medinilla multiflora are good propagules
for faster and uniform rooting.

Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013

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Effect of Different Misting Frequency on the Rooting Characteristics of Shoot tip Cutting of
Three Species of Medinilla | LONGATI, RACHELYN B. APRIL 2013