PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013. Assessment of Cooperative
Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building Cooperatives in Tuba,
Benguet. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

Adviser: Jovita M. Sim, MSc.


This study was conducted to identify the level of importance of the
programs/strategies provided by Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), identify the
level of effectiveness of the programs/strategies provided by Cooperative Development
Authority (CDA). The study was conducted in cooperatives of Tuba, Benguet on December
to January 2013.
A total of 117 respondents composed of officers, staff and members of the
cooperative served as source of data for the research. Most of the respondents were
relatively old, married, females and farmers.
Respondents perceived the programs/strategies of Cooperative Development
Authority (CDA) as very important on the following criteria: develop and implement an
appropriate information, education, communication (IEC) and accreditation of
federations/unions in the implementation of supervision, monitoring and evaluation
functions, and establishment of a cooperative financial system. The respondents also
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

considered promoting cooperativism as the vehicle for social transformation for people and
massive expansion of cooperative membership as very important programs/strategies.
communication (IEC) materials were perceived by respondents as very effective
programs/strategies of Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), because this
program/strategy will enhance the knowledge of the respondents. Other
programs/strategies agreed by the respondents as very effective were; promotion
enhancement of businesses of cooperatives in identified priority economic sectors,
encourage the creation of cooperative office at various local government unit (LGU),
promoting cooperativism as the vehicle for social transformation for people and massive
expansion of cooperative membership.

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013


Today, in an era when many people feel powerless to change their lives,
cooperatives represent a strong, vibrant, and viable economic alternative. Cooperatives are
formed to meet peoples’ mutual needs .Cooperatives are based on the powerful idea that
together, a group of people can achieve goals that none of them could achieve alone.
The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) in its statement on the cooperative
identity, in 1995, defines a cooperative as “an autonomous association of persons united
voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations
through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.” It is a business
voluntarily owned and controlled by its member patrons and operated for them and by them
on a non-profit or cost basis (UWCC, 2002). It is a business enterprise that aims at complete
identity of the component factors of ownership control and use of service, three distinct
features that differentiate cooperatives from other businesses (Laidlaw, 1974).
For over 160 years now, cooperatives have been an effective way for people to
exert control over their economic livelihoods. They provide a unique tool for achieving
one or more economic goals in an increasingly competitive global economy. As
governments around the world cut services and withdraw from regulating markets,
Cooperatives are being considered useful mechanisms to manage risk for members in
agricultural or other similar cooperatives, help salary/wage earners save for the future
through a soft-felt monthly contribution that is deducted from source, own what might be
difficult for individuals to own by their efforts, strengthen the communities in which they
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

operate through job provision and payment of taxes. Cooperatives generally provide an
economic boost to the community as well.
Many cooperatives today are not operational or not active because, they are either
being bankrupt or not managed properly. Another reason is that, the programs and
strategies of Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) is not being implemented and
provided properly. Monitoring and providing support to the programs and strategies to
cooperatives are important especially to organizational, education and other programs and
strategies are important consideration to promote and build cooperative.
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) is a proactive and responsive lead
government agency for the promotion of sustained growth and full development of
Philippine cooperatives for them to become broad-based instruments of social justice,
equity and balanced national progress, or its main function is to develop and monitor
Cooperative is an organization that is very helpful to the economy because it meets
the mutual needs of its members and even the people within its area.

Statement of the Problem
What is the level of importance of the programs/strategies provided
by Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) in Tuba, Benguet?
What is the level ofeffectiveness of the programs/strategies provided
by CooperativeDevelopment Authority (CDA) in Tuba, Benguet?

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

Objectives of the Study
The study aimed to:
To identify the level of importance of the
programs/strategies provided by Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
in Tuba, Benguet; and
To identify the level of effectiveness of the
programs/strategies provided by Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
in Tuba, Benguet.

Importance of the Study
The result of the study could serve as basis or guide to cooperatives its officers and
members in their planning especially in seeking assistance from CDA. The study would
also serve as reference to students who are doing a research on the same topic. Finally, the
study would provide baseline information and would serve as guide to the people involved
in cooperative movement.

Scope and Limitation of the Study
The research focused to study and determines the role, importance and
effectiveness of programs and strategies of Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
whether they are being properly implemented and provided for the cooperatives within the
area of Tuba, Benguet to develop themselves.

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013


Importance of Cooperative
Cooperatives are community-based, rooted in democracy, flexible, and have
participatory involvement, which makes them well suited for economic development
(Gertler, 2001). The process of developing and sustaining a cooperative involves the
processes of developing and promoting community spirit, identity and social organization
as cooperatives play an increasingly important role worldwide in poverty reduction,
facilitating job creation, economic growth and social development (Gibson,2005).
Cooperatives are viewed as important tools for improving the living and working
conditions of both women and men. Since the users of the services they provide owned
them, cooperatives make decisions that balance the need for profitability with the welfare
of their members and the community, which they serve. As cooperatives foster economies
of scope and scale, they increase the bargaining power of their members providing them,
among others benefits, higher income and social protection. Hence, cooperatives accord
members opportunity, protection and empowerment, essential elements in uplifting them
from degradation and poverty (Somavia, 2002).As governments around the world cut
services and withdraw from regulating markets, cooperatives are being considered useful
mechanisms to manage risk for members and keep markets efficient (Henehan, 1997)

Role of Cooperative
In a number of ways, cooperatives play important role in global and national
economic and social development. With regard to economic and social development,
cooperatives promote the fullest participation of all people and facilitate a more equitable
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

distribution of the benefits of globalization. They contribute to sustainable human
development and have an important role to play in combating social exclusion.
Thus, the promotion of cooperatives should be considered as one of the pillars of
national and international economic and social development (Levin, 2002). In addition to
the direct benefits they provide to members, cooperatives strengthen the communities in
which they operate. According to Somavia (2002), cooperatives are specifically seen as
significant tools for the creation of decent jobs and for the mobilization of resources for
income generation. Many cooperatives provide jobs and pay local taxes because they
operate in specific geographical regions. According to Wikipedia (2006), and Levin
(2002), it is estimated that cooperatives employ more than100 million men and women

Functions of Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
The following are the functions of Cooperative Development Authority (CDA):
They formulate, adopt and implement integrated and comprehensive plans and programs
on cooperative development consistent with the national policy on cooperatives and the
overall socio-economic development plans of the government; Develop and conduct
management and training programs upon request of cooperatives that will provide
members with the entrepreneurial capabilities; managerial expertise and technical skills
required for the efficient operation of their cooperatives; inculcate in them the true spirit of
cooperativism and provide; when necessary, technical and professional assistance to ensure
the viability and growth of cooperatives with special concern for agrarian reform;fishery
and economically depressed sectors; Support the voluntary organization and consensual
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

development of activities that promote cooperative movements and provide assistance
towards upgrading managerial and technical expertise upon request of the cooperatives
concerned; Coordinate the efforts of the local government units and private sectors in the
promotion, organization and development of cooperatives; Register all cooperatives, their
federations and unions, including their divisions, consolidations, dissolutions or
liquidation. It shall also register the transfer of all of substantially all of their assets and
liabilities and such other matters as may be required by the authority; It requires all
cooperatives, their federations and unions to submit their annual financial statements, duly
audited by certified public accountants, and general information sheets; And order the
cancellation after due notice and hearing of the cooperatives certificate of registration for
non-compliance with administrative requirements and in case of voluntary dissolution;
They also assist cooperatives in arranging for financial and other forms of assistance under
such terms and conditions as are calculated to strengthen their viability and autonomy;
CDA establish extension offices as may be necessary and financially viable to implement
this act; Impose and collect reasonable fees and charges in connection with registration of
cooperatives; Administer all grants and donations coursed through the government for
cooperative development, without prejudice to the right of cooperatives to directly receive
and administer such grants and donations upon agreement with the grantors and donor;
Formulate and adopt continuing policy initiatives consultations with the cooperative sector
through public hearing; Adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its internal
operations; Submit an annual report to the President and Congress on the state of the
cooperative movement; And exercise such other functions as may be necessary to
implement the provisions of cooperative laws and, in the performance thereof, the authority
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

may summarily punish for direct contempt any person guilty of misconduct in the presence
of the authority which seriously interrupts any hearing or inquiry with a fine of not more
than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) or imprisonment of not more than ten (10) days,or both.
Acts consisting indirect contempt as defined under Rule 71 of the rules of court shall be
punished in accordance with the said rule.

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013


Locale and Time of Study
The study was conducted in Tuba, Benguet. The study was conducted from
December to January 2013.

Respondents of the Study
The study involved the cooperatives and its active officers doing their functions in
the cooperative. The respondents are selected from the list of the cooperatives.

Data Gathering Procedure
A questionnaire was used to gather data, complimented with an interview.

Data Gathered
The data gathered were the perceptions of cooperative on the level of importance
and effectiveness of the programs/strategies of Cooperative Development Authority
(CDA) in Tuba, Benguet.

Data Analysis
The data gathered were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using frequency analysis
and descriptive analysis.

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013


Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents
Table 1 presents the socio-demographic profile of the respondents. The profile
include the age of the respondents, civil status, gender, educational attainment, year of
membership in the cooperative and source of income.
Age. Some of the respondents (27%) belonged to the age bracket 31-40 years old
and (25%) belonged to 18-30 age brackets. Both age brackets 41-50 and 51-60 is
represented by (20.5%) and with age bracket above 60 is (7%). The result implies that
majority of the respondents belonged to middle age and that very few senior citizens are
member of the cooperative.
Civil status. Majority of the respondents (79%) are married, and 21% are single.
The result implies that married respondents are more interested in joining the cooperative.
Gender. Majority of the respondents (61%) are female and the (39%) are male. This
may indicate that female is more interested and active in joining the cooperative because
of the benefits.
Educational attainment. The table shows that many (40%) of the respondents
graduated vocational course and high school graduate (36%). Few (14%) are college
graduate and very few (10%) are elementary graduate. The result indicates that many of
the respondents are aware of the advantages of the cooperatives because they are educated.

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents

Above 60
Civil status


Educational attainment

Elementary graduate
High school graduate
College graduate
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

Years of membership. Majority (70%) of the respondents were members for 1-10
year. Few (23%) respondents are under the age bracket 11-20 years of membership and
very few (7%) belonged to 21-30 years of membership. The result implies that majority of
the respondent are new members.
Source of income. Forty percent (40%) of the respondents are farmers, 24% are
engaged in business, 14% are working under private agency and 13% are drivers. Few (9%)
of the respondents are government employees. The result shows that most of the
respondents are farmers and have the interest of joining cooperative because of the
agricultural loan that support their needs in the farm.

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

Table 2. Years of membership and source of income of respondents
Years of membership

Source of income

Government employee
Private employee
Engaged in business
Driving (service, etc.)

Perception of the Respondents on the Importance
of CDA Programs/Strategies
Table 3 shows the perception of respondents on the importance of the
programs/strategies of Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). Majority (51%) of the
respondents stated that strengthening the advocacy for cooperatives is important, followed
by strengthening of federations, unions and partner institutions (48%); accreditation of
federations/unions in the implementation of supervision, monitoring and evaluation
functions (46%); strengthening of linkage with international partners (46%); develop and
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

implement an appropriate information, education, and communication (IEC) (44%);
promotion of merger and consolidation of cooperatives by (44%); strengthening of CDA
supervision, monitoring, and evaluation functions (42%); and development and
implementation of a social marketing program/collaborative communication advocacy
program among stakeholders as mentioned (41%).

Few (24 to 36%) of the respondents perceived that develop and implement
appropriate information, education and communication (IEC); accreditation of
federations/unions in the implementation of supervision, monitoring and evaluation
functions; development and implementation of a social marketing program/collaborative
communication advocacy program among stakeholders; strengthening of CDA
supervision, monitoring and evaluation functions; strengthening of advocacy for
cooperatives; and strengthening of federations, unions, and partner institutions; promotion
of merger and consolidation of cooperatives; and strengthening of linkage with
international partners are very important. The result implies that the programs/strategies of
Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) are very important as perceived by some
respondents because it helps in bringing out the potentials and capabilities of cooperatives.
Few of the respondents perceived the programs/strategies of CDA as moderately
important and very few also perceived that program and strategies of CDA are not
Table 3 also shows that majority (55%) of the respondent said that the
program/strategies of CDA, encourage access of cooperative to global market, building
and promotion of international cooperation (54%); conduct periodic monitoring of the
status of research development and other extension services (51%); promote the
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

development of competitive products and new markets (48%); formulate and recommend
agenda and standards for research and development and other extension services (47%);
establishment of a cooperative market and integrated marketing and information system
(46%); building and promotion of cooperatives information, communication technology
(ICT) (45%); forging mechanisms for linkage, partnership and collaboration (45%);
promotion/enhancement of businesses of cooperatives in identified priority economic
sectors (42%); encourage the creation of cooperative office at various Local government
unit (LGU) (42%); and establishment of a cooperative financial system (39%) is perceived
to be important to the cooperative.
The result implies that the programs/strategies of CDA are important in
building/promotion of cooperatives especially in ensuring the cooperatives to be globally
and locally competitive.
Some of the respondents mentioned that the programs/strategies of CDA are very
important. In descending order of percentage the programs/strategies of CDA that are
perceived to be very important are, establishment of a cooperative financial system (42%);
promotion/enhancement of businesses of cooperatives in identified priority economic
sectors (38%); encourage the creation of cooperative office at various local government
unit (LGU) (38%); building and promotion of cooperatives information, communication
technology (ICT) (34%); forging mechanisms for linkage, partnership and collaboration
(34%); establishment of a cooperative market and integrated marketing and information
system (32%); promote the development of competitive products and new markets (32%);
conduct periodic monitoring of the status of research development and other extension
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

services (28%); building and promotion of international cooperation (22%); and encourage
access of cooperatives to global markets (21%).
Few respondents (16%) perceived that the programs/strategies of CDA is moderately
important while very few of the respondents with an average percentage of (5%) agreed
that the programs/strategies are not important. The result implies that the
programs/strategies of CDA are very important.
Other program/strategies such as promoting cooperativism as the vehicle for social
transformation for people is perceived to be very important (44%) of the respondents and
massive expansion of cooperative membership is perceived to be important (38%). Few
(13%) of the respondents said that the programs/strategies are moderately important while
very few (3%) said that it is not important.

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013


The study was conducted to determine the level of importance and effectiveness of
the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) as perceived by the respondents and
officers of the cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet. Survey questionnaire were personally given
to individual respondents.
There were 117 respondents of the study. Most of them were between the ages of
31-40 years old, married, females, literate, farming as there source of income and were
members or officers of the cooperative.
On the level of importance of the programs/strategies of Cooperative Development
Authority (CDA), the respondents perceived it as very important on the following criteria;
develop and implement an appropriate information, education, communication (IEC) and
accreditation of federations/unions in the implementation of supervision, monitoring and
evaluation functions, and establishment of a cooperative financial system. The respondents
also considered promoting cooperativism as the vehicle for social transformation for people
and massive expansion of cooperative membership as very important program/strategies
of CDA.
On the level of effectiveness of the programs/strategies of Cooperative
Development Authority (CDA), Develop and implement an appropriate information,
education, communication (IEC) is also perceived by respondents as very effective
programs/strategies of CDA, because this program/strategy will enhance the knowledge of
the respondents. Other programs/strategies agreed by the respondents as very effective
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

Promotion/enhancement of businesses of cooperatives in identified priority economic
sectors, encourage the creation of cooperative office at various local government unit
(LGU), promoting cooperativism as the vehicle for transformation for people and massive
expansion of cooperative membership.

Based from result and findings of the study, the following conclusions are:
1. The programs/strategies of Cooperative Development Authority are very
important and effective since most of the respondents believed that this is a life sustaining
2. Develop and implement appropriate Information, Education, Communication
(IEC) is very important and effective as perceived by the respondents; and,
3. Promoting cooperativism as the vehicle for social transformation for people;
and massive expansion of cooperative membership were considered as very important and
effective by the respondents.


From the findings and conclusion, the researcher offers the following
1. The Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) needs to sustain the
development and implementation of an appropriate Information, Education and
Communication (IEC) that involves the development, intensification and expansion of new
businesses of primary cooperatives through the following: Capability building that
Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013

involves training/seminars related to cooperative business operations; Cooperative
business financing that involves financing of cooperative projects/businesses; and Market
linkage that involves the promotion of cooperative products and services and development
of marketing network system;
2. Proposed sources of funds for each economic activity may be internally
generated through savings mobilization on the part of cooperatives, thus implementing a
safe and sound financial cooperative sector that provides efficient, accessible and
competitive financial and related services; and,
3. There is a need to strengthen the cooperative as an organization to make it viable
vehicle for a higher enterprise level of cooperative operation to provide a stronger

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013


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HENEHAN, B. (1997).Cooperating for Sustainability. USA.Cornell University.

Assessment of Cooperative Development Authority Program/Strategies in Promoting/Building
Cooperatives in Tuba, Benguet | PACPACO, PERRY LOYD A. APRIL 2013