TAWANG, PETRA D. March 2006. Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide
Posters at Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet.
Adviser: Sheryl I. Fernando.BSc
This study was conducted in Barangay Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet to
determine the perceptions and attitudes of farmers on pesticide posters; to determine the
respondents satisfaction on information on posters; to determine the reasons for reading
pesticides posters; to enumerate problems encountered b farmers on the pesticide posters
and to determine the differences in perception and attitude of male and female farmers on
A questionnaires where used to gather the needed information from the 40
respondents. The respondents were chosen using accidental sampling and data gathered
was tabulated using descriptive tools such as frequency counts, percentage and sampling.
The findings in the study indicates that respondents agreed on the information
presented on pesticide posters in regard posters as one sources of information for a
specific use of pesticide. Most respondents read pesticide for additional information.
They are also attracted to the layout of posters in terms color, size, letterings, and
graphics in presenting posters.
Some respondents complained that posters’ size is small that is why information

is limited some font sizes are small, which makes it difficult to read and some posters
cannot be easily read because of the color of text and font style is not readable.

In terms of sex, both male (56.25%) and female (60%) respondents were mostly
interested to read posters to they wanted to know about the information that is in it. It can
also be noted that female respondents will most likely read a poster because of the posters
attractive color, size of text and graphics.
It is therefore recommended that the company distributors should make their
poster bigger to accommodate information for pesticide used. They should also continue
to develop about pesticide based on the needs of the farmers and follow the tips on
making posters.



Bibliography….……………………………………………………………….. i
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………….
Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………..
Rationale of the Study …………………………………………………….
Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………
Objectives of the Study …………………………………………………...
Importance of the Study ………………………………………………….
Scope and Limitation of the Study ……………………………………….

Role of Visuals …………………………………………………………..
Advantages and Disadvantages …………………………………………..
Tips of Poster Design and Production ……………………………………
Locale and Time of the Study …………………………………………...
Respondents of the Study ……………………………………………….
Data Collection …………………………………………………………
Data Gathered …………………………………………………………..
Data Analysis …………………………………………………………...

Socio-demographic of the Profile of the Respondents …………………
Awareness of respondents on Pesticide Posters ………………………..
Respondents’ Attitude on Information in Posters ………………………
Understanding Pesticide Posters ………………………………………..
Respondents ‘Other Information Sources ……………………………...
Respondents Satisfaction on the Information Presented ……………….
Respondents Reason for Reading Pesticide Posters …………………...
Problems Encountered by the Respondents

in Reading Pesticide Posters ………………………………………..


Summary ………………………………………………………………
Recommendations ……………………………………………………..
LITERATURE CITED ………………………………………………………
APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………….




Today, we live in a modernized world full of information. Modern technologies
are invented and adapted in our country like the televisions, computers, radio and mobile
phones. There are also other media like posters, illustrations, newspapers, brochures,
leaflets, magazines and others. These are used to disseminate information. We use them
in our homes, schools, agencies, and other any public and private places.

However, these modern technologies and presentation media are not yet found in
some rural places due to some factors such as economic crisis, lack of farm- to market –
roads, lack of communication systems, and lack of education. These would be the barriers
to the dissemination of information and poor communication. In fact, there are lots of
rural people who are not aware of issues or other information and some are ignorant
about these technology. With this, it is important to spread or disseminate information in
the rural places for better learning and awareness.

Poster is one of the mediums in presenting and disseminating information. This is
presented in a single sheet of paper or cardboard displayed in public places (Webster,
1990).This can be found indoors or in outdoor places. Its aim is to attract attention,
convey messages, most of the time announcements, or create awareness about an
innovation, product, event or idea to advertise and also the content would be about health,
agriculture, sanitation, education and other topics related to the development of
A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


In Agriculture, pesticides play a big role in crop protection and control of vector
transmitted diseases. Today, its use is recognized throughout the world as an effective,
simple, quick method of pest control (Matthew, 1979). These are used by farmers not to
only increase crop yields but also to stop losses.

In Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet, farmers are informed about pest control for
their crops though posters of a specific brand. There are many pesticide producing
companies who travel and market their pesticide by posting their posters in different
areas in Madaymen. With this, it is important to know how farmers perceive the
information presented in the posters and their attitudes when they see these posters

Statement of the Problem

The main reason of this study was to find out farmers’ perceptions and attitudes

towards pesticide posters at Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet.

Specifically, the following issue was considered in the study:
1. What are farmers’ perceptions of pesticide posters?
2. What are farmers’ attitudes on pesticide posters?
3. What is the farmers’ satisfaction about information presented on posters?
4. What are farmers’ reasons for reading posters?
5. What are the common problems encountered by farmers on pesticide
6. What are the differences in the attitudes and perceptions of male and female
farmers on pesticide posters?

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Objectives of the Study

The study concentrated mainly on the farmers’ perceptions and attitudes on
pesticide posters at Madaymen Kibungan, Benguet.

Specifically it will seek to:

1. To determine the farmers’ perceptions on pesticide posters;

2. To determine the farmers’ attitudes on pesticide posters;

3. To determine the farmers’ satisfaction on information presented on posters;

4. To determine the farmers’ reasons for reading pesticides posters;

5. To enumerate problems encountered by farmers’ on the pesticide posters;

6. To determine the differences in attitudes and perceptions of male and

female farmers on posters.
Importance of the Study

The study will contribute and help the farm management technicians,
agriculturist, extension workers, teachers, students, and government agencies in rural
development areas on how to disseminate information on pesticide using posters.

Extentionists and development communicators will be able to design posters for
information dissemination especially in Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study limits its research on the perception and attitudes of farmers at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet on pesticide posters from June2005 until March 2006.
The study focused on the effectiveness of posters used by pesticide manufacturing
A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


companies in disseminating information about specific pesticide brands. The study will
not deal on the ingredients of certain pesticides and its effect to the crops of the farmer.

The researcher assumed that the farmers know what a poster is. This study
focused on farmers’ perceptions’ and attitudes on posters in Madaymen, Kibungan,

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006



People are visual minded. They have longer retention of information on visual
materials. Visual provide effective interest to learners and used to support communication

According to (Weaver, 1949), people see things make more lasting impression.
On the other hand, things, that people hear are forgotten in a relatively short time and is
difficult to recall accurate what is heard.

Furthermore, research findings indicate that man retain generally 10% of what
they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, and 50% of what they see and

Role of Visuals

Visuals provide reference for ideas because they are iconic, they have
resemblance they represent. Visuals also motivate leaning by attracting holding their
attention and generating emotional responses; ca simplify information that is difficult to
understand. Finally, visual provide redundant channel. That is, when in accompanying
spoken written verbal information they represent information in different modality,
giving some learners to comprehend visually what they miss verbally (Heinich,,

According to Jay (2000) as cited by Dy (2003) visuals have its own advantages.
The disadvantages are: they arrest high degree of interest, motion and action; they add
more impact or offer a reality of experience which stimulates self-activity; they develop
A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


continuity of thoughts or portray things that are impossible to convey verbally; they save
time; they worth a thousand words; and they remain in the memory long after they left it

Tips on Poster Design and Production
According to Allison (1990) as cited by Pioquinto (1998) the tips on designing
posters are: always start with a sound plan; make sure text and illustration are visible and
legible from a distance with 5 meters and 16 feet; make illustration and words support
each other; make illustration easy to interpret or perceive; use familiar words not abstract;
and use color effectively and strong contrast.
In addition Reed and Nuguid (1983) as cited by Dy (1998) the following
characteristic of the poster are: it should be visual or depicting a simple message; it
should contain small amount of information; color design should be attractive; and
materials should be durable because posters are usually exposed outdoors.
According to Reed and Nuguid (1983) as cited by Dy (1998) the principles in
designing posters are the following; balance, preparation, emphasis, rhythm, contrast and
Balance. It refers to the equilibrium in the design. Balance may be formal or
informal. Formal balance is a symmetrical, two sides are equal. Informal balance is
asymmetrical. The design tends to lean on one side of the sheet.
Preparation. The size of your visuals and test should also follow the principle of
Emphasis. See to it that your message a striking note. You may use color, sizeor
motion to attain this.
A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Rhythm. This is sometimes called dynamic. It evokes movement speed, examples
can evoke slanting letters.
Contrast. It catches attention and makes the page interesting. Contrasting dark
line easily catch the viewers attention.
Harmony. Be sure that the elements of the design do not clash against each other
.Rather, they should blend to support the central message.
Rule of Thirds. Make sure design is more effective by placing your focal point not
at the geometric center, but one third of the distance up in down or either edge of the
paper. Do not place the center of interest too close to the people.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Poster

Like other communication media, posters have its own advantages and
disadvantages Pioquinto (1998).The advantages of posters are: it can command attention;
it can be read or viewed repeatedly while it stands on its place; it can be replaced easily
when it is time to be posted; can reinforce other media used for informal campaign; and
relatively cheap.

The disadvantages are: it may be concealed or drowned by competing posters in
some area or place; it cannot contain details of information; and poster planning, design
and production needs special skills.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006



Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted at Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet. The area was chosen
because it is one of the largest barangay that produces high quality crops due to its
comparatively cool climate and farmers are using pesticide to control pest. (See figure 1
and 2).

The study was conducted from June 2005 to March 2006.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the farmers of Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet.
The study was chosen through accidental sampling. Wherein whoever happens to be in
their residence, at the time the researcher distributed questionnaires, were considered as
respondents. Only one farmer in one household was given a questionnaire. The
respondents of the study were the farmers of Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet.

Data Collection

A questionnaire was used as the primary tool for obtaining data. A total of 50
questionnaires were floated in Barangay Madaymen last December 24 to 25, 2005 and
was collected between December 28, 2005 to January 23, 2006.

The researcher was not able to collect all of the questionnaires at one time
because some of the respondents were in their gardens, some did not answer the
questionnaires right away and some were difficult to get in touch with. Only 40
A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


questionnaires was retrieved and considered part of the study, since some of the
questionnaires got lost and was not returned by the respondents.

Data Gathered

The data gathered in this study were the farmers’ perceptions and attitudes of on
pesticide posters in terms of information presented in poster, farmer’s satisfaction on the
information presented on posters, farmer’s reason for reading posters, problems
encountered by farmer’s on reading posters and to determine the differences on
perception and attitudes of male and female on reading posters.

Data Analysis

The data and information gathered was tabulated and analyzed using descriptive
statistic tools such as frequency count and percentage.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Map of Kibungan showing the location of the study

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Map of Benguet showing the location of the study

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006



Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents.
Table 1 shows the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, which includes
sex, age, educational attainment and years of farming.
As to the sex, it shows that 55% of the respondents are females and 45% are
males. Most of the respondents belonged to the age bracket of 41 years old and above,
while and only 12.5% belonged to the age bracket of 20.
The educational attainment result shows that 25% of the respondents finished
high school, 17% reached elementary level, while only 7.5% studied up to the
elementary. In this finding, it shows that the respondents attended some formal schooling
and they know how to read.

Most (45%) of the respondents have been farming for 16 years and above as
compared to 10% who have been farming for less than a year.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents


A Sex
Female 22 55
Male 18 45

TOTAL 40 100

B. Age bracket
20 5 12.5
21-30 11 27.5
31-40 9 22.5
41 and above 15 37.5

TOTAL 40 100

C.Educational Attainment
Elementary level 7 18.5
Elementary graduate 3 7.5
High school level 4 10
High school graduate 5 25
College level 5 12.5
College graduate 6 15
Vocational course 5 12.5



D. Years of farming
Less than one year 4 10
2-5 10 25
6-10 8 20
16 and above 18 45

40 100

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Awareness of the Respondents
on the Pesticide Posters

According to 90% of the respondents, they were not aware and read pesticides
posters and 10% were not aware and did not read pesticide posters (Figure 3). Those who
specified that they do not read posters recognized the pesticide posters as merely ads by
pesticide manufacturing companies. This is one reason why they ignored and did not read
the pesticide posters in their area.
10% Not aware
90 % Aware

Figure 3. Awareness of Respondents on Pesticide Posters

Respondents’ Attitude on
Information in Posters.

Out of the 90% respondents who read posters (Table 2), 61% agree with the
information presented on pesticide posters. According to them, it is useful because it one
of their sources of information for a specific use of a pesticide and it informs them about
new brands of pesticides. The poster also informs the respondents about the right dosage
of pesticide use for their farms.

Thirty -nine percent said they disagree because it does not contain information
they want to know like how effective is the pesticide in controlling pests in vegetables.
A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


It can also be noted that based on sex, more (85%) females agreed on the
information presented in posters, while only 31.25% of the total male respondents agreed.

It implies that females are easily swayed by ads.

Table 2.Respondents’ attitude on information in posters

(F ) ( %) ( F_) ( %) (F) (%)
AGREE 5 69 11 31.15 16 100

DISAGREE 17 85 3 15 20 100
22 61 14 39 36 100

Understanding Pesticides Posters

Among the 36 respondents (Table 3), 52.7 % said that they do not re-read posters.
They reasoned out that they prefer to ask other farmers about additional information for
using pesticides. According to the respondents, most pesticide posters have limited
information. With this, it does not give them interest to re- read.

Thirty-six percent of the respondents re-read information on posters because they
were afraid of the misuse of pesticides. Sometimes they just want to clarify if they were
using the right pesticide in treating plant diseases and pests in their garden.

The remaining 11.1 % of the respondents did not answer whether or not they re-
read posters which they did not understand.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Table 3. Understanding pesticide posters


(F) (%) (F) (%) (F) (%) (F) (%)
FEMALE 1 40 11 55 1 5 20 100
MALE 6 31.25 8 50 3 8.75 16 100
TOTAL 13 36 19 52.2 4 11.1 36 100

Respondents’ Other Information Sources

Table 4 result shows that 62.5% of the respondents consult company
representatives. This is because company representatives are always going around the
community promoting their pesticide products and they also share their knowledge on
farming. Forty –five percent consult with other farmers, 42.5 % consult the agriculturist
in their area, 15% ask agriculture students and 5% read further about certain pesticides.

Result shows that there are more (45%) female farmers who consult with
company representatives who go around communities as compared to male farmers with
only 25% who approach these company representatives. Thirty-eight percent of the male
farmers are more comfortable to consult with other farmers, while there were only eight
or 20% of female respondents who do so.

Studies also show that females are more expressive in terms of verbal
communication as compared to some males who inhibit themselves from talking with
other people (Bush,1997).

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Table 4. Respondents other sources of information
(F) (%) (F) (%) (F) (%)

18 45 7 25 25 62.5
Other farmers
8 20 10 38 18 45
10 25 7 25 17 42.5
Agriculture students 2 5
4 14.2 6 15

Respondents’ Satisfaction on the
Information Presented on Pesticide Posters.

Table 5 shows that out the 36 respondents, 80.5% said that they are not satisfied
with the information presented in pesticide posters because oftentimes even when they
follow what is written on the poster, it is not effective in eradicating pests in their
gardens. In addition, posters lack information or details about a specific brand of
pesticide and its uses.
Only 19.4% of the respondents said that they are satisfied because they are
informed about pesticides that their fellow farmers are using. With regards to sex, 87.5%
of the total male respondents and 75% of the total female population were not satisfied
with the information they read in posters.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Table 5.Respondents’satisfaction on the information presented on pesticide posters

F % F %
(F) (%)

FEMALE 5 25 15 75 20 100

MALE 2 12.5 14 87.5
16 100

TOTAL 7 19.4 29 80.5
36 100

Respondents’ Reasons for
Reading Pesticide Posters

Table 6 shows that 58 % of 36 respondents, who read posters, indicated that they
read posters to be informed about the content; 53% read the posters because of the
attractive colors; 39% were drawn to read the poster because of the big letterings; and
17.4% read the pesticide posters because it was recommended by others farmers.

This indicates that farmers read posters for additional information. They are also
attracted to the layout of the posters in terms of color, size, letterings, and graphics used
in presenting information on posters.

In terms of sex, both male (56.25%) and female (60%) respondents were mostly
interested to read posters because they wanted to know about the information that is in it.

It can also be noted that female respondents will most likely read a poster because
of the poster’s attractive color, size of text, and graphics.

According to Bouma (1990) as cited by Bush (2006), majority of females’ brains
are left hemisphere dependent, while most males’ are right hemisphere dependent. In
contrast, the right hemisphere sees the big picture or gestalt of situations. It allows us to
see the forest, while the left hemisphere is responsible for the trees. Another example is
A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


that if you are at a party, the left hemisphere will recognize red, silk fabric; the right
hemisphere will see a party dress (Amen, 2006).

Studies on the left hemisphere of the brain explain why females recognize details
as indicated by the results of the study.

Table 6. Respondents’ reasons for reading pesticide poster

(F) (%) (F) (%)
(F) (%)
12 60 9 56.25 21 58
13 65 6 37.5
19 53
Big letterings
7 35 5 31.25 14 39
Size of poster is small 7 35 5 31.25 12 33
Attractive color/

8 40 2 12.5 10 28
Recommended by

Farm technician
4 40 5 1.25 9 25
Recommended by

other farmers
1 5
6 37.5 7 19
Multiple responses

Problems Encountered by the Respondents
in Reading Pesticide Posters.

Table 7 shows the problems that respondents encountered when reading posters.
Eighty- three percent of the respondents were not satisfied with information presented in
the posters. According to them, the posters that they read in the past lacked information;
28% of the respondents said that the poster’s size is small that is why information
presented was limited; 22.2% complained that some posters had some font sizes that were
A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


small, which made it difficult for them to read; and 11.1% said that posters cannot be
read easily because of the light color of the text and font style used is not readable.

Table 7. Problems encountered by the respondents in reading pesticide posters
(F) (%) (F) (%) (F) (%)
Not have enough

25 63 5 33.3 30 83
Size of poster is

3 8.1
7 47
10 28
Small letterings
6 16.2 2 13.3 8 22.2
Not easily read
3 8.1 1 7
7 11.1
Multiple responses

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


This study was conducted in Barangay Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet to
determine the perception and attitudes of the respondents on pesticides posters, to
determine the reasons for reading the posters; to determine the respondents satisfaction
on information in posters; to enumerate problems encountered by the respondents in
reading pesticide posters and to determine the differences in attitudes and perceptions of
male and female farmers on posters.
Questionnaires were used to gather the needed information from the 40
respondents. The respondents were chosen using purposive sampling and data gathered
was tabulated using descriptive tools such as frequency count, percentage and ranking.
Seventy-five percent of the respondents agreed on the information presented on pesticide
posters as one source of information for the specific use of pesticide.
However, some respondents complained that they are not satisfied with the
information presented; some complained that the posters size is small that is why
information is limited, where in some font sizes are too small and color text and font style
is not compatible which makes it difficult to read. With this, respondents prefer to consult
company representatives about other information written on posters. Most (52.5%)
respondents read pesticide posters for additional information. They are also attracted to
the layout of posters in terms of color, size, letterings and graphics.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


Based on the findings of the study the following conclusions were derived:
1. The respondents have been farming for one or more years and most of them
attended some formal schooling that enabled them to read the posters.

Majority (90%) of the respondents read pesticide posters.
2. A pesticide poster is one of the sources of information regarding pesticide
3. Pesticide posters are useful to the respondents because it is one source of
information for the specific use of pesticides, new brand of pesticides and the

right dosage of pesticides.
4. Most respondents read pesticide posters because they were interested to know

about pesticides usage. Most of the female respondents read pesticide posters

because of the attractive color, pictures and big letterings, while most of the

male farmers read posters for additional information.

1. Chemical companies should make their posters bigger to accommodate more
information about the pesticide.
2. Continue to develop posters about pesticides based on the needs of the farmers.
. 3. Making posters should follow the tips of poster design and production.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


According to Allison (1990) as cited by Pioquinto (1998) there are, guides in
making a poster:
a. Make the poster’s text and illustration visible and legible from a distance
of 5 meters and 16 feet.
b. Make illustration easy to understand and easy to perceive.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006



AMEN.D. “Left vs Right, Male vs Female.” http://www.healingtides.he/two minds in one

brain. htm. Accessed March 2, 2006.

BUSH.T. “Gender Differences in Cognitive Functioning” hhtp: ausport. Gov. au/ fulltext/
bush1.htm March 2,

CADIS, M.H.1991. Education for Development: Basic Concepts Theories and Know-

how. College of Agriculture Publication, UPLB. Pp. 23-25.

M.Y. 1998. Design and Production of Development Communication Materials.

Benguet State University.Pp. 7-10.

HEINICH.R;MOLENDA.M.and RUSSEL.J.Instructional Mediaand Technologies for

Learning. EnglewoodCliffs,NewJersey.Pp. 71-73.

PIOQUINTO.J.L.1998.Instrctional Materials in Development. Benguet


WEAVER, G.G.1949 Visual Aids: Their Construction and Use. New York, Van


Inc., Springfield, Massachusettes, USA. Pp. 460.

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006



Direction: Please put check on your corresponding answer on the blank provided,
otherwise, supply the information needed.

Name: __________________________ Sex: M: _____ F: _____

______20 years old
______21 to 30 years old

______31to 40 years old

______41 years old and above

Educational attainment:
______elementary: grade: ____________________
______elementary graduate
______ high school: year level: _________________
______ high school graduate
______ college: level: ____________ course: _________________
______ college graduate: course ________________
______ vocational course: ___________________

Years of vegetable farming:
______less than one year
______2 to 5 years
______6 to 10 year
______16 years and above

Do you use pesticide?
______ Yes
______ No

II. Vegetable Farmers Perceptions and Attitudes

1. Are you aware of pesticide poster in Madaymen?

2. Did you read the pesticide poster?
______ Yes (Proceed to #3)
______ No (Proceed to #4)

3. Do you agree with what is written in pesticide posters?
______Yes, Why ___________________________________________________
______No, Why ___________________________________________________

A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006


4. Do you re- read pesticide posters you did not understand?
______yes, why____________________________________________________

.______no, why not? ________________________________________________


5. Whom do you consult about information presented in the poster?
______company representatives
______ agriculturist: who: ____________________________________
______other farmers
______ agriculture students
______others (pls. specify):___________________________________________


6. Are you satisfied with the information presented in pesticide poster?
______yes, why ____________________________________________________

______no, why not? _________________________________________________

7. What made you read the pesticide poster?
______attractive color
______size of the poster is large
______big letterings
______recommended by other farmers
______recommended by farm technician
______ informed about pesticide usage
______others (pls. specify) ___________________________________________



8. What are the problems you encountered in reading pesticide poster?
______not easily read
______small letterings
______not have enough information
______size of poster is small
______others (pls. specify) ___________________________________________



A Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at
Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet / Petra D. Tawang. 2006

Document Outline

  • Perceptions and Attitudes on Pesticide Posters at Madaymen, Kibungan, Benguet
      • Rationale
      • Statement of the Problem
      • Objectives of the Study
      • Importance of the Study
      • Scope and Limitation of the Study
      • Role of Visuals
      • Tips on Poster Design and Production
      • Advantages and Disadvantages of Poster
      • Locale and Time of the Study
      • Respondents of the Study
      • Data Collection
      • Data Gathered
      • Data Analysis
      • Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents
      • Awareness of the Respondentson the Pesticide Posters
      • Respondents� Attitude onInformation in Posters.
      • Understanding Pesticides Posters
      • Respondents� Other Information Sources
      • Respondents� Satisfaction on theInformation Presented on Pesticide Posters.
      • Respondents� Reasons forReading Pesticide Posters
      • Problems Encountered by the Respondentsin Reading Pesticide Posters.
      • Summary
      • Conclusions
      • Recommendations