BOLONA, LORILYN M. APRIL 2008. Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used
by Fiber Industry Development Authority in their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan,
Benguet. Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet

Adviser: Filmore Y. Awas, BSc


The study characterized who are the FIDA technicians and beneficiaries of the sericulture
program in Kapangan, Benguet; determined the beneficiaries’ perceptions on the IEC materials
used by FIDA in implementing their programs according to content, lay-out, graphics and color
and the trainings and seminars in terms of resource speakers and venue; and determined the
problems encountered by both beneficiaries and implementing technicians in implementing the
communication strategies.

There were 35 respondents from members of the Kapangan Environmental and
Livelihood Multi-purpose Coop, 20 non-members and a staff of FIDA.

Findings show that there was only one FIDA technician who was assigned in the
province of Benguet. Qualified members of the program should have at least 0.25 hectare
mulberry plantation that is well maintained and managed.

As to the perceptions of the coop members and non-members to the training manual, both
respondents said that content clarity is presented in a clear manner, lay-out is appropriate and
simple, color of the letters are readable, and graphics used are appropriate.

On the perceptions on the brochure, both respondents said that content is easily
understood and presented in a clear way, lay-out shows preparedness and is well-constructed,
colors of the letters are readable and contrast with the background and graphics used are
appropriate and easily understood.

As to the perceptions on the trainings and seminars, coop members agreed that resource
speakers explains their topics well and clearly, answers questions convincingly, were
accommodating, and approachable. They also affirmed that they were comfortable to all the
places where the training and seminars were conducted and appropriate to the topics discussed
were appropriate.

Problems encountered by the coop members on the trainings and seminars were the
accessibility of their houses to the training area and having limited jeepneys and buses during
training and seminars causing them not to attend anymore. Concerning to the IEC materials,
some do not have copies because they were absent during the distribution of the materials and
some did not able to buy the material.

Interview with the assigned FIDA technician in the municipality revealed that they do not
have any problem in implementing the program because there was no problem on the
participation and cooperation of the members.

Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Objectives of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Importance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Scope and Limitations of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Communication Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Benefits Derived from Development

Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Problems Encountered by Both

Beneficiaries and the Implementing Agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Locale and Time of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Respondents of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Data Gathered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Characteristics of FIDA Technicians and Beneficiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Perceptions of Coop Members and

Non-members on the Training

Manuals used by FIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Perceptions of Coop Members and

Non- members on the Brochure

used by FIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Perceptions of Kapangan Environmental

and Livelihood Multi-purpose Coop

Members on the Trainings

and Seminars used by FIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Problems Encountered by Coop Members

on the Trainings and Seminars being

Conducted by FIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Problems Encountered by Coop Members

on the IEC Materials Distributed by Fiber

Industry Development Authority (FIDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Problems Encountered by the FIDA technician

In the Communication Strategies Applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Appendix A. Evaluation form of training manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Appendix B. Evaluation form of brochure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Appendix C. Evaluation form of training and seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Appendix D. Problems encountered by the

beneficiaries to the communication
strategies applied by FIDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Appendix E. Questionnaires for the implementers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40




Nowadays, different ways in disseminating relevant information are being applied
by different institutions, either be in radio, television, posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures,
trainings, seminars and others. These are commonly known as communication strategies.

Communication strategies incorporate the variety of available communication
techniques for the specific purpose of integrating custody and treatment practices toward
the overall goal of effective offender management and change.

Moreover, the government is now concerned in the implementation of the projects
and programs that caters to the improvement of the quality of life of rural people.
According to government agencies, technologies are very much involved in the effective
implementation in the agricultural and rural development programs (Pawil, 2001) as cited
by Amadeo (2004). Government funding bodies and powerful commercial interest
recognize this as technology brings agenda and initiatives to bear an individual
institution. Technologies are now used to handle information and aid communication.
These are being used as communication device like radio, television, cell phones and
others. They are also considered as channel to disseminate useful technologies to the
community particularly to farmers and initiate changes for development.

In the Cordillera, Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) is mandated to
promote the accelerated growth in development of the fiber industry in all aspects
including research, production, processing, marketing and trade regulation. It is tasked to
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

provide a continuous leadership and support for the integrated development of the fiber

This sustains the growth and demand for fibers and fiberbassed products both in
domestic and international markets. It is also to improve farm productivity that can result
to a higher income.

Kapangan is one among the established model sericulture communities to
demonstrate the viability and profitability of the industry. FIDA reported that class C
cocoons in the municipality are equivalent to class A in the lowlands.

However, Dr. Arnold Inumpa of Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI),
said that there are a lot of farmers in Kapangan who responded to the sericulture program
they conducted but they decreased in number these days due to lack of communication
materials and the people are not that much aware of the sericulture program.

With this situation, there is a need to study and to further evaluate the proper
dissemination of strategy applied in the sericulture program in Kapangan. Moreover,
determining the communication strategies used by FIDA could be of help to specify what
strategies are useful and effective to the agency and to the end users including the
problems encountered in dealing with these communication strategies.

Statement of the Problem
The study aimed to answer the following questions:
1. Who are the FIDA technicians and beneficiaries of Kapangan Environmental

and Livelihood Multi-Purpose Coop?
2. What are the beneficiaries’ perceptions on the strategies applied by Fiber
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Industry Development Authority (FIDA) in their program.
3. What are the non- beneficiaries’ perception on the EIC materials as part of the
communication strategies used by FIDA in implementing their program in
terms of content, lay-out, color and graphics?
4. What are the problems encountered by both beneficiaries and implementing
technicians in applying these communication strategies?

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study was to evaluate the communication strategies
used by FIDA in their Agro-based program in Kapangan.

Specifically, it aimed to:
1. characterize the FIDA technicians and beneficiaries of Kapangan
Environmental and Livelihood Multi-Purpose Coop program in Kapangan;

2. determine the beneficiaries’ perceptions on the strategies used by FIDA in
implementing their program;
3. determine the non-beneficiaries’ perceptions on the IEC materials used by
FIDA in implementing their program in terms of its content, lay-out, color and
graphics and;
4. find out the problems encountered by both beneficiaries and implementing
technicians in using the identified communication strategies.

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Importance of the Study
Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) is tasked to provide a continuous
leadership and support for the integrated development of the fiber industry.
The result of the study would give an insight to the staff of FIDA into the
implementing strategies used in influencing farmers to avail of the sericulture program of
the municipality. It will also find out ways in determining the problems on the strategies
used that would serve as a guide for an effective and efficient implementing.
It maybe important to FIDA to know the result of the evaluation for them to
improve their IEC materials and other used strategies like trainings and seminars to
persuade other non-sericulture members embrace the said program including other
agencies/institutions with the same scope of program. The result of the study could also
be used as a basis to other students who want to venture more on the same scope of study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the sericulture members and non-members of Kapangan,
Benguet. It is the place where most of the farmers responded to the dissemination that
was conducted by the agriculture technicians of the Fiber Industry Development
Authority (FIDA).

The study limited its scope in getting who are the FIDA technicians involved and
beneficiaries of the Kapangan Environmental and Livelihood Multi-Purpose Coop,
determine the non- beneficiaries’ perceptions on the IEC materials used by FIDA in
implementing their program according to content, lay-out, color and graphics, determine
the beneficiaries’ perceptions on the strategies used by FIDA in implementing their
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

program, and the problems encountered by both beneficiaries and implementing
technicians in using the identified communication strategies.

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA)

Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) is mandated to promote the
accelerated growth in development of the fiber industry in all aspects including research,
production, processing, marketing and trade regulation. It is tasked to provide a
continuous leadership and support for the integrated development of the fiber industry.

This sustains the growth and demand for fibers and fiberbassed products both in
domestic and international markets. It is also to improve farm productivity that can result
to a higher income.

FIDA conducts research studies on abaca and other fiber crops on crop
improvement, cultural management and crop protection at FIDA experiment stations and
farmer-cooperators' field; provides farmers with packages of proven production
technologies; and propagates disease tolerant High Yielding Varieties (HYVs) through
tissue culture method for distribution to farmers. Studies the expansion and development
of new uses of Philippine fibers and works on the improvement of existing fiber
extraction and processing technology.

Objectives of FIDA are to promote the integrated development of the fiber
industry in all its aspects from research, production, processing, marketing and trade
regulation; sustain the growth and demand for fibers and fiber-based products both in the
domestic and international markets; enforce fiber standards and regulatory measures in
order to maintain good quality fiber traded in both local and foreign markets; improve
farm productivity, thereby, increasing farmers' income; and encourage increased
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

domestic processing for employment and higher value added considerations, and
increased foreign exchange revenues.

Communication Strategies

Braid (1983) emphasized on the factors to consider in implementing
communication strategies in Mansagana’s experiment.
1. It is important to raise the confidence level of the farmer, particularly in his
dealing with external agencies.
2. It is important to have effective coordination between sources agencies and
among agencies at the local level (cooperatives, local farmer’s organization,
3. It is important to have an adequate information and education program to
provide regular contact between the farmer-borrowers and the lending
4. More resources should be allocated for strengthening the training programs
for extension workers.
5. There is a need for an information system that would provide more effective
and control and measurement of performance.
6. The need of common perception (co-orientation concerning problems and
needs) among farmers and implementers.
7. It is important to involve farmers in preparation of strategies.
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

8. A mass media strategy could be rendered and more effective if evaluate
research is built on it. This would show audience reaction to the new message,
format and scheduling.

Evaluating Communication Strategies

Information is essential to the researchers or practitioners responsible for the
communication activities, to the partners involved, and to the community groups
involved, to help them along the way in completing their project, and to recognize, at the
end of the activities, the results that have been achieved as well as the lessons that can be
learned for the future (IRDC).
An evaluation should also be done using criteria of self-reliance and other social-
indicators. The evaluation would perhaps reveal that the program benefited external
sources of farm inputs more than it did in the local community.

Benefits Derived from Development Programs

Programs are designed to enhance people’s mind and improve their status in life
(Delphi, 2008).
Moreover, according to Contado (1969) as stated by Amadeo (2004), programs
implemented by different organizations participation found to have increased the
beneficiaries in terms of their exposure to different sources of information; created
awareness of new information and practices; and instilled confidence in the new practices
and in himself.
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

In the study of Gawon (2000), agricultural programs like the Central Agricultural
Program (CAP) found to have contributed to the increase of income, provide
employment, access to main road, access to marketing center and provide capitals to

Problems Encountered by Both
Beneficiaries and the Implementing Agencies

According to Chulacupata (1976), as stated by Ramos (2007), that the main
problems in the implementation of agricultural programs are the inactive participation
among farmers are due to the widespread ignorance and social isolation. They are
generally socio-politically underdeveloped. These happen when the programs do not
determine the interest, needs, the situations of the people who never participated in
choosing the best method to reach them. Thus, introducing such program is difficult task
to become adaptable of a given idea is totally different just from saying it.
Carpenter (1983) further emphasized that multimedia pre-plan offers a more
effective and efficient approach. It can be a guide to a coordinated interdisciplinary, time
consuming and long range, involving many people and organizations.

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted in the municipality of Kapangan which avails the
sericulture program. In the duration of the study, there were 35 active members of the
Kapangan Environmental and Livelihood Multi-Purpose Coop who were engaged in the
program and they were coming from barangays Taba-ao, Cuba, Pongayan, Labueg, and
Pudong. It is about 29 kilometers away from the capital town of La Trinidad.
Kapangan is bounded on the north by Kibungan, on the south by Tublay, on the
southwest by Sablan, on the east by Atok, and on the west by the province of La Union
(Figure 1).
The study was conducted from December 2007-January 2008.

Respondents of the Study
Respondents were the active members of Kapangan Environmental and
Livelihood Multi-Purpose Coop of selected barangays of Kapangan, Benguet and the
non-beneficiaries of Kapangan Environmental and Livelihood Multi-Purpose Coop were
chosen through purposive sampling.
The barangays that were selected are Taba-ao, Pudong, Cuba, Pongayan, and
Labueg. They were selected since they were the barangays engaged with the sericulture
program. The selection of the non- members was from any barangays who were not
engaged in sericulture. Meanwhile, the selection of the staff was based on her
accessibility and her function in the program.
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


Figure 1. Map of Benguet showing the location of the study
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Data Collection

An interview schedule was used in gathering the needed information. The
questions were translated into Kankana-ey during the interview.

Data Gathered
The data gathered were the characteristics of FIDA technician involved in the
program and the beneficiaries of Kapangan Environmental and Livelihood Multi-Purpose
Coop. Also collected were the perceptions of the coop and non-coop members on the IEC
materials used by FIDA according to content; lay-out, color and graphics; perceptions on
the strategies used by FIDA in their program; the problems encountered by both
beneficiaries and implementing agencies in applying these communication strategies.

Data Analysis
The data gathered from the selected respondents were consolidated and tabulated.
Results were discussed and interpreted using descriptive analysis through frequency and

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


Characteristics of FIDA Technicians and Beneficiaries

Fiber Industry Development Authority technician. At the time duration of study,
there was only one Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) technician who was
assigned in the Province of Benguet who is Mrs. Fe Donato. At the same time, she was
the Fiber Development Officer of the province. She said that they don’t lack personnel
because they were having a counter parting with the Local Government Unit (LGU). She
also added that if you are the one who is assigned to the whole province, you should be
very willing to deal with farmers and know how to communicate and adjust with the
framers as a whole.

Beneficiaries of the program. There were 35 Kapangan and Environmental and
Livelihood Multi-purpose Coop active members of the sericulture program in Kapangan,
Benguet. They were all the respondents of the study. There was no such age limit in
joining the program. However, Mrs. Donato clarified that qualified members should have
at least 0.25 hectare mulberry plantation that is well maintained and managed. She also
mentioned that members should have interest and willingness to join trainings and
seminars on sericulture.
Figure 2 shows the percentage of active members engaged in the sericulture
program in each barangay in Kapangan, Benguet. Majority (37.14%) of the respondents
came from Brgy. Cuba followed by Brgy. Labueg with 28.57%; Brgy. Pongayan with
14.28%; Brgy. Pudong and Taba-ao with 8.5%; and Brgy Datakan with 2.85; %;
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


ge of the membership in the sericulture

program in in the dif erent engaged barangays










Figure 2. Membership in the sericulture program in the different engaged barangays
in Kapangan

Description of the Training Manual

The training manual produced by FIDA was 8” x 11” in size excluding the cover
and the paper used was a coupon bond. It has a black and white texts, photographs and
illustrations and it uses Times New Roman font style in its headings and body text. Font
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

sizes that were used were 12 for the body text, 16 for the sub headings and 18 for
headings or titles. Topics in the manual are rearing, nursery/ mulberry establishment
( planting of mulberry cuttings ), harvesting, feeding and bed cleaning, spinning and
mounting of cocoons, sanitation diseases and their control in rearing, cocoon shell
percentage determination , packaging or delivery of cocoons, marketing and establishing
a rearing houses.

The photographs and illustrations that were present were on the silkworm rearing,
nursery bed preparation, selection, cutting and planting of mulberries, planting and
maintenance. It also includes the proper weeding, application of fertilizers, and fungicide
and establishing a model rearing houses.

Perceptions of Coop Members and Non-members
on the Training Manuals used by FIDA

Table 1 shows the perceptions of training manual by the coop members and non-
members according to its content.

Content. Result shows that all of the respondents, both coop members and non-
members, said that the training manual motivates the silkworm producers. Great majority
(91.43%) of the coop members also said that it can be used as reference because it is
complete. As to its content clarity, all of the non-members said that the manual was
presented in a clear manner. Others also commend the manual for having a complete
information regarding sericulture starting from rearing silkworms to marketing.

The result adheres to the standards discussed by Cadiz (1991) as reiterated by
Angligen (2006) that a manual should be a comprehensive publication providing details
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

about a whole range of practices. The more complete the manual is, the more the end
users will be satisfied.

Table 1. Perceptions of coop members and non-members on the training manual
according to content



(N=35) (%) (N=20) (%)

It motivates the

The manual can be
used as reference
because it’s

The texts are easy
to read

The manual can be
easily understood
even without

The manual used
simple words

The manual is
presented in a clear

Table 2 shows the perceptions of training manual by the coop members and non-
members according to lay-out.
Lay-out. Based on layout, all of the respondents said that the lay-out of the
manual was simple and appropriate. Great majority of the coop members (91.43%) and
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

non-members (75%) said that it was well-constructed and showed preparedness.
However, most of them mentioned that some texts should be enlarged for the sake of
those who have poor eyesight. This could be attributed to the fact that most of the
respondents belonged to age bracket of 30-50.
Shamir (1997) further explained that one problem with font size is that a font may
look good at a large size and terrible at a smaller size, or vice versa. This is due to
complications in scaling and rasterizing at lower resolutions.

Table 2. Perceptions of coop members and non-members on the training manual
according to lay-out



(N=35) (%) (N=20) (%)

The lay-out used is

The lay-out is
appropriate for the

The manual is
appropriate in

The manual is

and showed


Table 3 shows the perceptions of training manual by the coop members and non-
members according to color.
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Color. All of the members and great majority of non-members (90%) agreed that
the color of the letters were appropriate, hence, readable. However, all of them also
mentioned that the color of the graphics used in the manual was not eye catching because
it does not have any shade or color at all. This could be attributed to the fact that the
manual was printed in black and white.
Nahm (2004) emphasized that font color may be an even more important
determinant of readability than font size. In addition to preferring 12 to 14 point font,
older adults preferred dark typeface with a medium or bold weight against a white

Table 3. Perceptions of coop members and non-members on the training manual
according to color



(N=35) (%) (N=20) (%)

The colors of the
letters are readable

The color of the
letter blends with

the background
Colors of the

graphics are eye

Table 4 shows the perceptions of training manual by the coop members and non-
members according to its graphics.
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Graphics. All of the respondents said that the manual used appropriate graphics.
However, in terms of its clarity and artistic, both respondents gave a low rating. While
great majority (71.4%) of the coop members said that the messages of the graphics used
could easily be understood, only 30 % of non-coop members agreed to it. According to
the non-members, although graphics were appropriate to the topics being discussed, still
some graphics could not be easily be understood. According to members, some of the
labels and graphics are erased and some illustrations are small in size that affects its
understandability. Some of the non-members also said that if they could have attended
some of the trainings of the said program, they might have understood some of the
graphics without labels presented in the manual.
Rock (2006) further emphasized that in order to attract more attention, one
should use photographs/graphics properly instead of illustrations or other artwork.
Photographs/graphics attract the eye first, are more believable, and better remembered.
But when used, illustrations and other line art should be rendered in an easy-to-
understand style with an appropriate size, telling a story or label with your pictorial
elements. This statement could justify the reason why the respondents did not properly
understand the graphics and illustrations used since some of the graphics used were not
Furthermore, Poiquinto (1992), as stressed by Amadeo (2004), pointed out the
importance of appropriateness and clarity of the graphics and illustrations being used in
the manual. According to him, learning capability of farmers was the main reason given
by technicians in the production of their materials. These communication materials
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

delivered by the technician during farmer classes could reach more farmer audience in a
given situation if appropriate visuals and graphics are utilized.

Table 4. Perceptions of coop members and non-members on the training manual
according to graphics



(N=35) (%) (N=20) (%)


35 100 20 100

The message of
25 71.4 6 30.00
the graphics are

The graphics
7 20.00 9 45.00
used is artistic
and stimulates

Description of the Brochure

The brochure was 9” x 8” in size and it uses special kind of paper. Font styles
used were Times New Roman and Verdana. Font size was 12 for body text and 18 for
headings. Topics were on silk, reeling, uses of silk, major market and areas of production.
Photographs that were present were silkworms, silk yarns colored and natural, cocoons
and silk gowns.

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Perceptions of Coop Members and
Non-members on the FIDA Brochure

Table 5 shows the perceptions of coop members and non-members on the
brochure being used by FIDA in implementing their program as to its content.
Content. All of the respondents, both coop members and non-members, said that
the brochure could be easily understood and was presented in a clear way. Great majority
(85.71%) of the members also said that the texts were easy to read.

Table 5. Perceptions of coop members and non-members on FIDA Brochure according
to content



(N=35) (%) (N=20) (%)

The brochure is
presented in a clear

The texts are easy
to read

The brochure can

be easily
understood even
without assistance

Lay-out. All of the respondents mentioned that the lay-out of the brochure was
appropriate, simple, and shows preparedness and was well constructed. This implies that
the brochure was able to follow the standards of preparing a brochure.
In the standards given by Bear (2008), a brochure must be informative,
educational, or persuasive device and must present information in a clear, organized
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

manner. It should give enough information that the reader won't be left wondering
"what's this really about" but should also be a "quick read" so that the reader doesn't
become bored before reaching the end.
Color. All of the respondents, both coop and non-coop members said that colors
of the letters were readable and contrast with the background was emphasized.
Project Center (2007) further explained that learning in using color correctly and
accurately is paramount in the print and design industry. This contributes to readability of
text and other elements used in any material.
Graphics. Still, all of the respondents said that the brochure used appropriate
graphics; messages of the graphics were easily understood; and used graphics stimulate
These results support the findings of Sidchogan (2006) that information
incorporated with appropriate illustrations and photographs create better comprehension
and understanding on a certain topic.

Perceptions of Coop Members on the
Trainings and Seminars Conducted by FIDA

Resource speakers and the venue were the areas that were evaluated by the
respondents on the trainings conducted by FIDA.
All of the respondents said that the resource speakers were
expert in their topics. According to the respondents, the speakers were able to explain
their topics well and clearly. They also mentioned that the speakers answered their
questions convincingly, were very accommodating, and approachable. This finding
supports the observation of Rao (2002) that most speakers who are invited in seminars
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

and trainings are usually experts in their own fields, or topics thus, could satisfy queries
their audience could give.
Also, according to the respondents, the resource speakers really see to it that they
are applying what they are learning because they have a farm visitation sometimes.
Venue. All of the respondents affirmed that they were comfortable in all the
places where their trainings and seminars and trainings were being conducted because it
was appropriate for the topics being discussed. They mentioned that they had their
trainings and seminars in Wangal, La Trinidad and Lomon, Kapangan where materials
were complete for proper discussion.

Problems Encountered by the Coop Members on
the Trainings and Seminars being Conducted by FIDA

The study used an open ended question in getting the communication problems
encountered by both the implementers and beneficiaries of the FIDA program.
Table 6 presents the problems encountered by the respondents during trainings
and seminars. These were due to the accessibility of their houses to the training area
where majority (71.14%) said that limited jeepneys and buses during trainings and
seminars causing the respondents not to attend anymore. Majority (62.85 5) also said that
there was lack of commitment due to some other works they have to do in their farm and
houses. This could be due to the fact that most of the members are mothers and according
to them, as mothers, they often prioritize their children and other household chores than
attending seminars and trainings being offered to them.
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


The only minor problem they include was having too long time during a certain
seminar. This was during their training on September 2007 where they took it for more
than a month.

Table 6. Problems encountered by beneficiaries on the trainings and seminars conducted
by FDA


(N=35) (%)
Accessibility of their houses to
27 77.14
the training area

Limited jeepneys and buses
25 71.42
during trainings and seminars

Home chores and other work in
22 62.85
the farm

Problems Encountered by the Coop Members
on the IEC Materials Distributed by FIDA

Beneficiaries encountered problems like IEC materials were often provided after
trainings and seminars. Great majority (91.4 %) said that these materials were being
distributed after trainings and seminars. Other materials were also for sale that others
could not afford to buy. Only few materials can be bought in cheaper prices. According
to some of the members, they were not able to have some of it because they said that they
already know what is in the manual.

Ramsey (1995), as reiterated by Colingan (2006), said that in any form of
communication materials, there would always be constraints or what he termed as
barriers to effective communication. These could be language, knowledge level, age,
culture, status, among others.
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


Other problem was that, some were not able to have some copies because they
were not able to attend the trainings or seminars where they did the distribution of the
materials. Majority (71.05%) also mentioned that they can’t understand well the content
of the manual because there were terms that should be defined in the materials but were
not explained properly. There were also some parts of the materials, especially the
training manual, that font styles are small. These problems were further emphasized in
their evaluation of the different materials.

In addition, according to some members, there were “no read, no write” among
them that is why they let their children explain the content of the IEC materials. This
could result to misunderstanding the concepts and principles in the materials because
there is a big tendency that their young children cannot relate also the information she/he

Table 7. Problems encountered by beneficiaries on the IEC materials


IEC materials were
32 91.42
distributed after trainings
and seminars

There were terms that
27 71.05
should be defined.

Some members were no
12 34.28
read and no write

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Problems Encountered by the FIDA Technician
in the Communication Strategies Used

In an interview with the assigned officer of the municipality of Kapangan, she
said that there was no problem on the participation and cooperation of the members to the
program. There was no problem also on the personnel to work because there were lots of
trainers who are coming from the main office of FIDA.
However, according to Donato, (personal interview) funding was their main
problem since they were just sourcing out grants from different offices like Department
of Science and Technology (DOST) and Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
because the members can not afford to put up their own rearing houses which are
necessary in venturing into sericulture industry. In this case, she considered this as a
problem affecting the communication strategies they are applying with their
beneficiaries. An example would be the reproduction of other materials and the budget
used for conducting seminars and trainings. All the budget for these relies on the grants
from the said offices and even outside organizations.
This finding corroborates the finding of Ramos (2007) that the major problems
encountered by implementers were lack of funds to finance certain program.
On the contrary, implementers said that although it affects, still, financial support
should be the reason in not continuing the program because different approaches and
strategies could still be applied to meet the objectives of the program.

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008



This study characterized who were the FIDA technicians and beneficiaries of the
sericulture program in Kapangan; determined the perceptions of members and non-
members on the IEC materials used by FIDA in implementing their programs according
to content, lay-out, color and graphics; determined the perceptions of coop members on
the trainings and seminars conducted in terms of its to its resource speakers and venue;
and determined the problems encountered by both beneficiaries and implementing
technicians in applying the communication strategies.

The study was conducted in the five barangay of Kapangan: Taba-ao, Cuba,
Pongayan, Labueg and Pudong where the members are located. There were 35 of them
were interviewed to gather the needed information. Meanwhile, there were 20 non-
sericulture members who were also interviewed and a staff of Fiber Industry
Development Authority (FIDA).

There was only one Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) technician
who was assigned in the Province of Benguet. According to Mrs. Fe Donato, Fiber
Development Officer of Benguet, this does not mean that they lack personnel. She said
that they are having a counter parting with the Local Government Unit (LGU).
On the other hand, in the sericulture members, there was no such age limit in joining
the program. Mrs. Donato said that the members should at least have 0.25 hectare
mulberry plantation that is well maintained and managed. She also mentioned that
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

members should have interest and willingness to join training and seminars on
Meanwhile, according to content of the training manual, coop members and non-
members agreed that it was easy to understand, complete and it motivated the non
silkworm producers. According to lay-out, it was simple and used appropriate lay-out
for the manual. On the contrary, majority of the respondents said that it was not well
constructed and it does not showed preparedness. Font sizes should also be enlarged for
the sake of those who have poor eye sight.
Respondents, both coop members and non-members, also said that there was
contrast in color; however, all of them said that graphics were not eye catching because it
does not have any color. With regards to graphics, all said that it used appropriate
graphics but some are difficult to understand because it was erased and illustrations were
small in size and were not clear enough.
On the other hand, as to the perceptions of the respondents on the content of the
brochure, they said that it was easy to understand and was presented in a clear manner.
With regards to lay-out, it was simple, balanced in size, showed preparedness, and was
well constructed. According to color, they said that there was contrast in color and
graphics, eye catching because of its color and it used appropriate graphics, artistic and
stimulated interest.
Furthermore, coop members said that resource speakers during the trainings and
seminars being conducted by FIDA were expert in their fields, very accommodating,
approachable, and answers questions convincingly. As to the venue, they felt comfortable
and agreed that it was just appropriate venue for the topics that were being discussed.
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

One problem causing them not to attend sometimes was due to the accessibility of
their houses to the training area, limited jeepneys and buses during trainings and seminars
and lack of commitment of some members due to some other works they have to do in
their farm and houses.
Beneficiaries responded that they encountered problems like: IEC materials were
often provided after trainings and seminars; at times, some of these materials were not
being distributed to them at all; and other materials were also for sale that others could
not afford to buy, however, some of the materials can be bought in cheaper prices.

Other problem is that, some were not able to have some copies because they
didn’t attend the said trainings and seminars. Some also mentioned that they can’t
understand well because there were terms that should be defined in the materials but were
not explained properly. There were also some parts of the materials, especially the
training manual, that font styles were small, as perceived by older respondents. These
problems were further emphasized in their evaluation of the different materials.

Based on the findings, the following conclusions are given:
1. There is only one Fiber Industry Development Authority (FIDA) technician
that is assigned to the entire Province. Anyone can join the sericulture program
as long as they have 0.25 hectare to plant mulberry and willing to attend
trainings and seminars.
2. Non-sericulture members understood the training manual and also the
brochure. There are some terms that should be defined and graphics used are
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

not that eye catching and can’t stimulate interest because it doesn’t have any
color. The training manual is complete but the brochure cannot be used as
reference because it lacks some information about sericulture.
3. Coop members also understood the training manual and brochure but the same
with the non-members’ perceptions, there were terms that should be defined.
The two IEC materials used appropriate graphics and stimulate interest, but the
graphics on the training manual does not have any color and label.
4. During trainings and seminar, problem on accessibility in the training area and
transportation was one problem resulting them not to attend the said activities.
5. Financial support was the main problem of the program but is not a hinder in
continuing the program since different approaches and strategies could still
being applied to meet the objectives of the program.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations were
1. Fiber Industry should have definition of terms in their IEC materials for the
members and non-members to understand well the content of the materials.
2. There is a need to improve the graphics, photos and illustrations and put labels
as represented by majority of the respondents.
3. Since FIDA doesn’t have much problem on the communication strategies in
implementing their program in Kapangan because of the full cooperation of
the sericulture members, they should continue to build relationship with
Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

agencies or the LGU to help them source out funds to support the program and
the members.
4. A study on the language preference of the respondents could also be conducted
to determine their preferred language in any material for better understanding
on every content of the materials.
5. In preparing printed materials, paper quality, color, pictures, illustrations,
graphics and labels on any other visual elements should be considered to
create a better understanding among the end users of the materials.

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


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RAMOS, C.R.B. 2007. An Evaluation of the Farmer Scientist Bureau (FSB) as

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Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008


Appendicx A. Evaluation form of the Training Manual

Category Yes No
It motivates the

silkworm producers

The manual can be used

as reference because it’s


The texts are easy to


The manual can be

easily understood even
without assistance

The manual used simple


The manual is presented

in a clear way

Lay -out
Yes No Why
The lay-out used is


The lay-out is

appropriate for the

The manual is

appropriate in sized

The manual is well-
Yes No Why
constructed and showed


The colors of the letters
are readable

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

The color of the letter

blends with the
Graphics Yes No

Colors of the graphics
are eye catching
Uses appropriate


The message of the

graphics are easily

The graphics used is

artistic and stimulates

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Appendix B. Evaluation form of the brochure

Category Yes No
The texts are easy to


The manual can be

easily understood even
without assistance

The manual is presented

in a clear way

Lay -out
Yes No Why
The lay-out used is


The lay-out is

appropriate for the

The manual is

appropriate in sized

The manual is well-
Yes No Why
constructed and showed


The colors of the letters
are readable

The color of the letter

blends with the
Graphics Yes No

Colors of the graphics
are eye catching
Uses appropriate


Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

The message of the

graphics are easily

The graphics used is

artistic and stimulates

Appendix C. Evaluation form of trainings and seminars

Category Yes


Answers questions

Approachable and

Has a modulated

Speaks clearly.

Shows mastery in

his/her topic.

Provides hand-

outs during

It has enough

Conducive for


Appropriate for

the topic.

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Appendix D. Problems encountered by the beneficiaries with regards to the
communication strategies applied by FIDA.

• IEC materials (posters, leaflets, training manual)


• Training and seminars



Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Appendix E. Questionnaires for Implementers

Number of years in being
involved in the program___________


I. Problems encountered by the program

1. What problems/issues have you encountered while participating in the
sericulture program? (please check)

_______ poor cooperation of the participants
_______ funds delayed by the local government office
_______ negative feedback from the participants
_______ lack of personnel
_______ lack of transportation
_______ lack of skills necessary to do a given job
_______ lack of time/interest of the participants
_______ others (please specify)______________

Evaluation of Communication Strategies Used by Fiber Industry Development Authority in
their Agro –based Industry Program in Kapangan, Benguet / Lorilyn M. Bolona 2008

Document Outline

  • Evaluation of Communication Strategies Usedby Fiber Industry Development Authority in their Agro �based Industry Program in Kapangan,Benguet.