SUNG-AG, SALIMAR A. APRIL 2008. Evaluation of Dengue Fever Plug by
Housewives in Pico and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet. Benguet State University, La
Trinidad, Benguet.
Adviser: Anna Liza B. Wakat, BSc

The study was conducted to determine the profile of the plug, characterize the
respondents’ of the study, determine the listenership profile of the respondents’,
determine the respondents’ evaluation towards the plug and to determine the suggestions
of the respondents’ for the improvement of the plug.

An interview schedule was done to gather information in Barangay Pico and
Balili. The study was conducted from December 2007 to January 2008.

According to Mr. Nolan Sabling (Health Education in Promotion Officer III), the
dengue fever plug was aired in DZWT and DZWR (99.9 Magic Country FM). And the
Dengue fever plug was produced in DZWT. The narrator in the plug was one of the
announcers of the station. The plug was aired twice a day: at 6 o’clock in the morning
between the news hour and at 9 o’clock in the morning before the Action Line program.
The plug used straight narration in discussing the topic; and it is 1 minute and 20
seconds long. The plug was in Filipino and used a male voice.
Majority of the respondents belonged to the age bracket of 28-37 and all of them
were female and more than half of the respondents reached college. In terms of their

occupation, most of them are housekeeper (35%) followed by government employees and
farmers. And all of the respondents were listening to DZWT.

Results of the study show that majority of the respondents claimed that the plug of
dengue is relevant, understandable, the content is realistic and the plug is interesting. And
most of the respondents liked the language they used on the plug which is Filipino.
Moreover, the length of the plug was just enough to discuss the topic. However, 45% of
the respondents stated that the music was not appropriate to the plug because according to
them the music was not related to the topic and it was more appropriate if the music was

The respondents suggested for the improvement of the plug that; the radio station
should air the plug more frequently because they just air the plug two times a day and
there was a tendency that other listeners did not hear it. The producer of the plug should
use sound effects to make the plug more attractive, use appropriate music for the plug
because according to them the music they used is not related to the topic. Also the
improvement of the voice over of the narrator because according to them the narrator has
the same pitch of voice from the beginning up to the end of the plug.

It is recommended by the researcher that the Dengue fever plug should continue
in airing to keep the listeners always informed, suggestions of the respondents for the
improvement of the plug should be carried out and lastly since many listeners listened to
DZWT the concerned agency should provide more developmental plug about dengue
with different information on dengue.




Bibliography…………………………………………………………………. i
Abstract............................................................................................................. i
Table of Contents... …………………………………………………………. iii

Rationale................................................................................................ 1

Statement of the Problem....................................................................... 2

Objectives of the Study.......................................................................... 2

Importance of the Study......................................................................... 2
Scope and Limitations of the Study....................................................... 3

Profile of the Listeners..................................................................…... 4

Developmental Plugs........................................................................... 5

Three DevCom Sources of Information.............................................. 6
Reasons in Listening to Radio.............................................................. 6
Suggestions............................ ………………………………………..
Housewives........................................................................................... 7

Locale and Time of the Study……………………………………

Respondents of the Study…………………………………………

Data Collection……………………………………………………

Data Gathered…………………………………………………….. 11

Data Analysis …………………………………………………….. 11

Profile of the Dengue Fever Plug...................................................... 12

Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents................................ 13

Listenership Profile of the Respondents............................................ 15

Evaluation of the Dengue Fever Plug................................................ 17

Suggestions for the Improvement of the Plug................................... 18

Summary............................................................................................ 19

Conclusions....................................................................................... 20

Recommendations.............................................................................. 21
LITERATURE CITED.…………………………………………………..... 22

Appendix A. Letter to the Respondents.................................................. 24

Appendix B. Interview Schedule........................................................... 25




Radio has been the most useful source of information. This is because it can reach
the people easily and quickly. Radio also has advantages comparing to other forms of
media since it has the capability to reach both urban and rural areas. There are several
formats that they used to transmit news and information, one of them is the
developmental plug.

Developmental radio plugs are brief and repetitive broadcast in different forms
used to impart information or to educate target listeners (Coldevin, 1987 as cited by
Tabangcura 2007). They could be in the form of drama, jingle and narration that is 30
seconds to one minute long. Contents of developmental plugs could either be about
health, agriculture, sanitation on other topics or issues that contribute to development of a

DZWT- Under Mountain Province Broadcasting Company is a private sector
station that aired developmental plugs. Among them is the plug on dengue fever.

Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease characterized by severe pain behind
the eyes and in the joints and bones. Dengue is a primarily disease of the tropics and the
viruses that cause it are maintained in a cycle that involve humans and domestic day
biting mosquito that prefers to feed on humans (Bower, 1999).

Through developmental plugs people become aware on the information they hear.
In a way plugs promote development that makes the life of people better. Barangay Balili

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


and Barangay Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet are among the most populated barangays in the

With this, dengue awareness campaigns were done in the Barangay as part of the
awareness campaign done in the municipality. The different means of Dengue campaigns
were through leaflets, posters and through plugs aired on radio.

Statement of the Problem

The study intended to answer the following questions:
. 1. What is the profile of the plug?
2. What are the socio-demographic profiles of the respondents?
3. What is the listenership profile of the respondents?
4. What are the respondent evaluations to the plug?
5. What are the suggestions of the respondents’ for the improvement of the plug?

Objectives of the Study
To answer the research questions, the objectives will be:
1. Determine the profile of the plug;
2. Characterize the respondents’ of the study;
3. Determine the listenership profile of the respondents’;
4. Determine the respondents’ evaluations towards the plug;
5. Determine the suggestions of the respondents for the improvement of the

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


Importance of the Study
The results of the study could be helpful for the plug producers for more
improvement of the plug. It could also be helpful to keep the people updated about
development information.
Furthermore, the result of this study was serving as a reference and basis for the
future researchers.

Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study was conducted at Pico and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet from
December 2007 to January 2008.

The study was focused on the plug of dengue fever aired at DZWT.

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


Profile of the Listeners
Panares (1998) as cited by Anno (2003) reported that at least 4 out of 5 Filipinos
(84%), aged and above, listeners to radio for about 3 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. This
possible explanation for this could be the shift from radio to television at night in the
urban areas and the fast that many folks go to bed earlier the urban dwellers.
According to Langngag (1997) as cited by Pocdo (2003), respondents in Tabuk,
Kalinga were 21 to 61 years old, either male or female, married or single, from different
religious group and were all literate. This is indicative of the universality of the radio as a
In Besao, Mountain Province, 54% of the farmers were listening to daily program
and 46% listen once in a while. Eighty percent (80%) of the respondents listen to DZWT,
ten percent (10%) to DZBS, eight percent (8%) to DZWX and two percent (2%) to
DZEQ. In addition, farmers in Besao do not listen to only one particular radio station
Banggalit (1984) as cited by Buyagan (2003).
In the study of Dawiguey (2004), she found out that majority (74%) of the
respondents in Bontoc, Mountain Province belonged to the aged bracket of 46-55.
Among the 50 respondents, 64% of them were female. All the respondents had formal
education with 68% reaching college level and 10% reached elementary level. Regarding
their occupation, 70% of the respondents were unemployed (this includes the housewives
and the students). Those who were employed were laborers and government employees
and the self-employed.

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Developmental Plugs
Developmental plugs are brief and repetitive broadcast in different forms used to
impart information or to educate target listeners (Coldevin, 1987 as cited by Tabangcura,
2007). Radio plugs could be in the form of drama wherein the message is conveyed
through the dialogue of two characters. Usually, one character is presented as having a
problem. The other character offers him/her a solution. Later, the problematic character
will be convinced and become satisfied with solution offered to him. Narration is the
simplest easiest, and least costly to prepare. Because the message of the plug are just
narrated by the announcer in a straightforward manner. Other forms of plugs are the
jingle wherein the message is presented in a song or through musical form (Tabing and
Osalla 2001).
However, CBS (1979) as cited by Antero (2003) described a plug to be from 15
seconds to one minute, hence excluding a two-minute plug.
The Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP) code states that all stations
must contribute to national development and must promote the educational, cultural and
social economic upliftment of the people. One way of supporting development is for the
radio station to broadcast at least one minute or 30 seconds of development message and
or public service announcement every clock hour. In the absence of developmental plugs
from the government agencies, the station should produce its own 30-seconds
development communication plugs for airing in the station (KBP Radio Code).

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Three DevCom Source of Information
According to Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP) code there are
three sources of developmental plugs which are part of a communication campaign. They
are the government information agency, KBP, and the station. The government
information agency is a source when it endorses the campaign of government agencies to
the KBP through broadcast orders in return for tax credits. KBP is another source of
whenever the launch a campaign for national development. Lastly, the station itself
wherein it can initiate and produced devcom plugs and public service announcement
(KBP Radio Code).

Reasons in Listening Radio
Paulino (2003) stated that majority of the respondents in Palina, Kibungan,
Benguet (40%) listen to radio because it provides current prices of vegetables. This is
important for them since most of them are vegetable growers. Other reason for listening
are gives farm information, increase knowledge, informs on current issues and provides
entertainment and relaxation.
According to Jamias (1975) as cited by Palubos (2004), the ability of radio to
contribute to national development may also be attributed partly to the fact the people
prefer to it to other mass media because it fulfills certain psychological needs and further
because radio listening is easier to do that reading or viewing movies or television.

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

A suggestion is the idea or proposal to put forward for consideration (Encarta
Dictionary 2007).
Pocdo (2003) stated in her study that the respondents suggested that the topic aired
should not be repeated, another should elaborate more of the technical terms. Moreover,
it was also stated in the study of Dinggo (2005) that the respondents suggested that the
DZWX commentators should avoid too many expressions and jokes; discuss the topic
properly before moving to the next topic, not to serious in delivering their comments,
avoid unnecessary mannerisms and lastly they should make commercials shorter.

Housewives are terms referring to a married woman with or without children.
Stay-at-home mom is also used, particularly if the person views their central role as
caring for children. An additional role of housewives is to take charge with the different
household chores like cooking, and cleaning the house (

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


Locale and Time of the Study

The study was conducted at Barangay Pico and Barangay Balili, La Trinidad,
Benguet (Figure 1 and 2). La Trinidad is the capital town of Benguet Province and it is 5
kilometers from Baguio City with an area of 8,273 hectares (Municipal and Planning
Development Office 2000).
The areas were chosen because Pico and Balili are the most populated among 16
barangays in La Trinidad.

The study was conducted from December 2007 to January 2008.

Respondents of the Study

Sixty respondents were purposively chosen for every household. Forty from
Barangay Pico and twenty respondents from Barangay Balili. The respondents were
chosen based on the following criteria: a housewife and must be 18 years old and above,
and listening to DZWT.

Data Collection

An interview schedule was used to gather information from the respondents. The
questions were translated to Ilocano to facilitate understanding between the researcher
and the respondents.

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


Figure 1. Map of Benguet showing the location of the study.


Figure 2. Map of La Trinidad showing the location of the study.

Data Gathered

The data gathered were the profile of the plug, socio-demographic profiles of the
respondents, listenership profile of the respondents, the respondents’ evaluations towards
the plug and suggestions of the respondents for the improvement of the plug.

Data Analysis

The data gathered were tabulated, consolidated and analyzed using the frequency
counts, percentage and ranking.


Profile of the Dengue Fever Plug
The dengue fever plug is a message from the Department of Health-Cordillera
Administrative Region (DOH – CAR) for the people to keep them aware for the safety
practices in order to avoid dengue. The script of the plug follows:


Mag-ingat! Nakamamatay ang Dengue, Beware! Dengue may cause death. There
mag-apat na S laban sa Dengue. Ang Unang are four S against Dengue. The first S,
S, Search and destroy. Itaob ang mga bote, Search and destroy. Cover those empty
lata at iba pang maaaring pag-ipunan ng tubig bottles, cans and other things that may be
at pangitlogan ng lamok. Linisin ang mga used as water storage and places where
alulod, palitan ang tubig sa mga flower vase mosquito can lay their eggs. Clean the roof
minsan sa isang lingo. Tiyakin na walang gutters, change the water of the flower vase
naiipon na tubig sa ilalim ng paminggalan at at least once a week and make sure that is not
refrigerator. Takpan ang mga drum o iba pang stored under the cupboard and refrigerator.
imbakan ng tubig.
Cover drums and other water storage.

Pangalawang S, Self-protection measures. Second S, Self-protection measures, wear
Magsuot ng mahabang pantalon at may long pants and long sleeve polo or shirts. We
mahabang manggas na polo o di kaya ay can also use mosquito repellant during
kamiseta. Maari ding gumamit ng mosquito daytime.
repellant sa araw.

Third S, against Dengue, Seek early
Pangatlong S, kontra sa Dengue, Seek consultation. If the person is suffering from
early consultation. Kung may lagnat na nang fever within two days and has skin rushes, go
dalawang araw at may rushes sa balat to the nearest health center or hospital.
pumunta at komunsulta agad sa pinakamalapit
na health center o di kaya ay sa ospital.
The forth S, against Dengue, Say no to

indiscriminate fogging. Fogging is only
Pang-apat na S, kontra sa Dengue,Say no advisable if there is a Dengue outbreak. And
to indiscriminate fogging. Mag-fogging always remember; never give aspirin to the
lamang kung may Dengue outbreak. patient. Destroy wrigglers! Stop Dengue.
Alalahanin din na hindi bibigyan ang pasyente “Do it now”. A public advisory from the
ng aspirin. Puksain ang kiti-kiti,sugpuin ang Department of Health-Cordillera
Dengue. “Do it na”. isang paalala ng Administrative Region (DOH-CAR).
Department of Health-Cordillera
Administrative Region (DOH-CAR).

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

According to Mr. Nolan Sabling (Health Education in Promotion Officer III), the
dengue fever plug was aired in DZWT and DZWR (99.9 Magic Country FM).
The Dengue fever plug was produced in DZWT. The narrator in the plug was one
of the announcers of the station. The plug was aired only twice a day at 6 o’clock in the
morning between the news hour and the second airing was at 9 o’clock in the morning
before the Action Line program.
The plug used straight narration in discussing the topic; and it is 1 minute and 20
seconds long. The plug was in Filipino and used a male voice.
Music was used at the beginning and at the end of the narration. The music was
“Katawan” by Hagibis.
The plug did not use any sound effects.

Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Forty (40) residents of Barangay Pico and 20 in Balili, La Trinidad Benguet who
listened to DZWT were purposively chosen as the respondents of this study.

Table 1 shows the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex,
age, civil status, educational attainment and occupation. Among the 60 respondents,
41.67% belonged to age bracket of 28-37. The oldest respondent was 61 while the
youngest was 19. Majority of them were married (66.67%). The rest were either
separated or widowed.

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

For educational attainment 51.67% of the respondents reached college level while
only 3.33% of them reached elementary level. Result shows that many of the respondents
had been to formal education.
In terms of occupation, 35% are housekeeper or those stay at home moms who
take care of their children and their house. There were 18.33% who were government
employees. Two of them worked as utility personnel, five were teachers, two were nurses
and two were street sweepers. The other eleven respondents were farmers (18.33%) who
planted vegetables and strawberries in their field. It also shows that 10% were
businesswomen who owned sari-sari store and the others were engaged to direct selling.
The findings show that most of the respondents had their formal education and all
of them are old enough to understand the topic.

Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of the respondents

18 – 27
28 – 37
38 – 47
48 – 57
58 – 67
Civil Status

Married 40
Separated 16
Widow 4

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Table 1. (continued)

Educational Attainment

Elementary 2
High School

College 31
Vocational 15

Housekeeper 21
Government Employee
Student 10

Listenership Profile of the Respondents

Radio ownership. Table 2 shows that majority of the respondents (88.33%) had
their own radio and there were seven respondents who did not have a radio. But these
seven respondents still find ways to acquire information from radio. Some of the
respondents listened with their boardmate who have radio because their radio was loud
and they had no choice but to listen. The others went to their neighbor to listen while
chatting with each other. Another listened with her relatives.

Types of radio owned. Among the 60 respondents 88.33% had their own radio.
More than half of the respondents owned electricity operated radio (76.67%) and only
23.33% had battery operated radios.

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


This finding not like the results of Paulino (2004) in Palina, Kibungan, Benguet
where 55% of the respondents owned battery operated radio and 35% electricity operated

Frequency of listening. Among the respondents, 70% are listened to radio
everyday and 1.67% of them listened to radio once a week.

Average length of radio listening. Thirty percent (30%) of the respondents
listened to radio everyday with minimum of two hours. And 5% of them listened to radio
for 4 hours. Findings show that the respondents do not have much time to listen to radio
because they were busy with their work.

Table 2. Listenership profile of the respondents
Radio ownership

With radio sets
Without radio sets
Types of radio owned

Battery operated
Electricity operated
Frequency of listening

Everyday 42
Twice a week
Thrice a week
Once a week
Average length of radio listening

1 hour
2 hours
3 hours
4 hours
More than 4 hours

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Evaluation of the Dengue Fever Plug

Table 3 shows the evaluation of the plug. All of the respondents claimed that the
topic is relevant, understandable, content is realistic and the plug is interesting. Among
the 60 respondents 51.67% stated that the voice over of the plug is not appropriate,
because the pitch of the narrator is always the same from the beginning up to the end of
the narration.
As for the language used on the plug, (Filipino) majority of the respondents liked
it. However, 55% of the respondents stated that the music is not appropriate to the plug
because according to them the music is not related to the topic and they would have
preferred an instrumental music. Furthermore, out of the 60 respondents 86.67% agreed
that the length of the plug is just enough to discuss the topic.

The finding implies that the dengue fever plug needs more improvement in terms
of the voice over and the music used.

Table 3. Evaluation of the dengue fever plug.

(N-60) (%) (N-60) (%)
1. Is the subject matter relevant?
2. Was information understandable?
3. Was the content realistic?
4. Was the plug interesting?
5. Was the voice over used appropriate?
6. Did the plug use familiar language?
7. Was the music appropriate?
8. Did the music have positive impact to the plug?
9. Is the length appropriate?

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Suggestions for the Improvement of the Plug

Table 4 shows the respondents suggestions for the improvement of the plug. The
radio station should air the plug more frequently because it was aired two times a day
only and there was a tendency that other listeners did not hear it. The producer of the plug
should use sound effects to make the plug more attractive because in the plug, there were
no sound effects. Another suggestion was to use appropriate music for the plug because
according to them the music they used is not related to the topic. Also the improvement
of the voice over of the narrator because according to them the narrator has the same
pitch of voice from the beginning up to the end of the plug.

Other suggestions to the plug were: concerned agencies should provide more plug
of Dengue, more plugs aired with different information on Dengue like what is dengue
disease all about or what are the sign and symptoms of dengue. Another suggestion is to
make other forms of plug like jingle and drama.

Table 4. Suggestions for the improvement of the plug
The dengue fever plug should be aired frequently
The produced plug should use sound effects
Use appropriate music for the plug
Improvement of voice over of the narrator
Other Suggestions

The concerned agencies should provide more plug
More developmental plug aired with different
7 7.36
information on dengue
Make other forms of plug
* Multiple responses

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


The study was conducted to answer the following objectives; to determine the
profile of the plug; characterize the respondents of the study; determine the listenership
profile of the respondents; determine the respondents’ evaluations towards the plug, and
to determine the suggestions of the respondents for the improvement of the plug.
An interview schedule was used to gather the needed data from 60 respondents
who listened to DZWT. The study was conducted at Barangay Pico and Balili La
Trinidad, Benguet from December 2007 to January 2008. Data were gathered and
analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentage and ranking.

The dengue fever plug was aired in DZWT and DZWR (99.9 Magic Country
FM). It was produced in DZWT. The narrator in the plug was one of the announcers of
the station. Furthermore, the plug was aired twice a day at 6 o’clock in the morning
between the news hour and the second airing was at 9 o’clock in the morning before the
Action Line program.
The plug used straight narration in discussing the topic and it is 1 minute and 20
seconds long. The plug was in Filipino and used a male voice.
Majority of the respondents belonged to the age bracket of 28-37 and all of them
were female and more than half of the respondents reached college. In terms of their
occupation, many were housekeepers (35%) followed by government employees and

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Most of the respondents had their owned radio (88.33%) and 76.67% of them
owned electricity operated radio. Majority of the respondents (70%) listened to radio
once a week. Among the respondents, 30% listened to radio everyday with minimum of
two hours and only 5% of them listened to radio for 4 hours.

All of the respondents claimed that the topic is relevant, understandable, content
is realistic and the plug is interesting. Among the 60 respondents 51.67% stated that the
voice over of the plug was not appropriate, because the pitch of the narrator is always the
same from the beginning up to the end of the narration. For the language used on the
plug, (Filipino) majority of the respondents liked it. For the music used, 55% of the
respondents stated that the music was not appropriate to the plug because according to
them the music is not related to the topic and an instrumental music would be more
appropriate. Furthermore, out of the 60 respondents 86.67% agree that the length of the
plug is just enough to discuss the topic.

The respondents suggested that the radio station should air the plug more
frequently because the plug was aired only two times a day and there was a tendency that
other listeners did not hear it. The producer of the plug should use sound effects to make
the plug more attractive and use appropriate music for the plug because according to
them the music they used is not related to the topic. Also the voice of the narrator should
be improved or changed because according to them the narrator has the same pitch of
voice from the beginning up to the end of the plug.

Other suggestions to the plug were: concerned agencies should provide more
plugs of Dengue more plugs with different information on Dengue like signs and
symptoms of dengue. And lastly make other forms of plug like jingle and drama.

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. Majority of the respondents were old enough to understand the topic.
2. Majority of the respondents owned radio sets and listened to DZWT.
3. Six out of the nine questions the respondents evaluated the Dengue fever plug
4. The Dengue fever plug of the DOH can be improved by carrying out the
suggestions of the respondents.

From the findings and conclusions drawn, the following are being recommended;
1. The Dengue fever plug should continue airing to keep the listeners always
2. The suggestions of the respondents for the improvement of the plug should be
carried out.
3. Since many listeners listened to DZWT, the concerned agency should provide
more developmental plug about dengue, with different information on dengue.

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


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Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

PAULINO, N. L. 2003. AM and FM Station Listenership in Barangay Palina,
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TABANGCURA, G. M. 2007. Production and Evaluation of Development Radio Plugs

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Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


Appendix A. Letter to the Respondents

Benguet State University
Department of Extension Education and Development Communication
La Trinidad, Benguet

Dear Respondents,

I am a forth year student of taking up BS Development Communication majoring
in Community Broadcasting under the College Agriculture. As part of the requirement of
this degree, I am currently conducting my undergraduate thesis titled, ‘EVALUATION

In line with this, may I ask for your support and cooperation in sharing your ideas
that will be used in my study. Rest assured that all your answers would be used for the
purposed of this study.

Thank you very much and God bless!!!.....


Respectfully yours,


Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Appendix B. Interview Schedule

I. Socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents

Name (optional): ______________________________________ Sex: __________

Age: ________

Civil Status: _______ Single _______ Married _______ Separated _______ Widow

Educational Attainment:
_________ Elementary _________ College
_________ High school _________ Vocational

Occupation: _______ Farmer ________ Housekeeper
_______ Government Employee ________ Student
_______ Others (pls.specify) ____________

II. Listenership profile of the respondents

1. Do you have any radio?

_______ yes ______ no

If no, where do you go to listen?

________ to your neighbor
________ to your friends
________ to your relatives
________ others (pls. specify)________

2. Kinds of radio owned

_________ battery owned

_________ electricity operated

_________ others (pls. specify)

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

3. Frequency of listening

_________ everyday

_________ twice a week

_________ thrice a week

_________ once a week

_________ others (pls. specify)

4. Length of radio listening

________1 hour
_________ 2 hours
_________ 3 hours
_________ 4 hours
_________ more than 4 hours

II. Reasons in listening to radio

_________ to be informed
_________ to be entertained
_________ has a clear signal
_________ others (pls. specify) _______

III. Evaluation of the dengue fever plug

1. Is the subject matter relevant?

2. Was information understandable?

3. Was the content realistic?

4. Was the plug interesting?

5. Was the voice appropriate?

6. Did the plug use familiar language?

7. Was the music appropriate?

8. Did the music have negative impact to the plug?

9. Is the length of the plug appropriate?

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008


IV. Suggestions for the improvement of the plug

1. What do you suggest about the improvement of the plug?

2. Any other comments to the plug?

Thank you very much!!!!

Evaluation o f Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico
and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet / Salimar A.Sung-Ag. 2008

Document Outline

  • Evaluation of Dengue Fever Plug by Housewives in Pico and Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet