MAURICIO, SHEENA M. APRIL 2010. Interpersonal Communication Problems
Encountered by the Student Assistants in Benguet State University SY 2010-2011. Benguet
State University, La Trinidad Benguet.

Adviser: Chamberlane Altatis, BSc


The study was conducted to determine the interpersonal communication problems of
student assistants in Benguet State University. The study aimed to: determine the socio-
demographic profile of the respondents; to determine the communication tasks done by Student
Assistants (SA) while working; to determine the communication problems of the SAs and to
determine the suggestions for the improvement of communication problems of SAs.

The study used interview schedule to gather the information from the SA and supervisors.
In the communication work assigned to the SAs, the task of messenger tops the ranking
and answering phone calls is the least mentioned by the SA respondents.
The task of messenger ranked first as the communication tasked assigned to the SAs
followed by assisting students, entertaining visitors and answering phone calls.
Difficulty in speaking in English was the most identified problem by the SAs while the
evaluators identified dealing with the faculty members where the SAs were assigned was there
communication problem.

Four of the SA respondents said they don’t have any communication problems
encountered during their duties and half of the evaluators said that they don’t see any
communication problems with their SAs.
Exposure to oral communication was suggested by the SAs while their supervisors,
46.15% said that SAs should undergo interpersonal communication activities.



Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Abstract………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Objectives of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Importance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Scope and Limitation of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Common Known Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Communication Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Skills Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Assistants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Locale and Time of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Respondents of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Data Gathered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Socio- demographic Profile

of the SAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Communication Tasks Assigned

to the SAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Communication Problems

Encountered by SAs during

their Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Suggestion for the Improvement

of Communication Problems of

SAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



A. Interview Schedule Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Communication plays a vital role in every living being. It is already a part of our
day to day living that cannot be changed. Unconsciously, in a single span of a day, we
may not notice that those simple interacting with others to share commonness,
exchanging of ideas, joining group talks, talking to oneself and even a simple gesture
from a stranger already defines communication.
Communication is essential in every aspect of living. In schools alone,
communication is the only medium for interactions between students to others. In other
places like work, communication also takes a major role and like other fields,
interpersonal communication is commonly used.
In Benguet State University where a total population of 7000 students comes from
different provinces of Benguet and other neighboring provinces, records from the Office
of Student Affairs (OSA) showed that a sum of 94 students from different colleges were
employed as to the second semester of school year 2010-2011. In BSU, they are called
student assistants or SA.

From an interview to Sir Ramon Fianga-an (2011), Chief of Placement and
Alumni Unit mentioned that SAs are generally to assist students especially that most of
them are employed in the library. In other areas such as offices, they are responsible in
cleanliness and organizing bulk of task and are mostly in the task of messengers of
communication. Others also include the task of accepting concerns of clients and
maintenance as a whole.
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010  


Seeing the duties and responsibilities of SAs, interpersonal communication takes
a major role in their nature of work. Like any other works offered, it is crucial for a SA to
have a sensibility in each task given. In lined with their field, it is important to see how
interpersonal communication takes place since most of their tasks focused on interacting
to people within their area.
Engleberg and Wynn (2008) mentioned that interpersonal communication occurs
when a limited number of people, usually two, interact by using verbal and non- verbal
messages to generate for the purpose of sharing information, achieving a goal, or
maintaining a relationship.
Since the tasks of SAs were focused on interaction, the researcher looked into
their interpersonal communication specifically their oral communication and their
problems encountered.

Statement of the Problem
The study determined the interpersonal communication problems of student assistants
in Benguet State University. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the respondents?
2. What are the communication tasks done by SAs while working?
3. What are the communication problems of the SAs?
4. What are the suggestions for the improvement of communication problems of
the SAs?

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Objectives of the Study

The study endeavored to:
1. Determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents.
2. Identify the communication tasks done by SAs while working.
3. Determine the areas of communication problems of the SAs.
4. Suggestions to the SAs for the improvement of their communication problems.

Importance of the Study
The results of the study can be used by the OSA on assessing their SAs. Thus, it
can be a basis in considering their SAs to undergo interpersonal communication activity

Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study includes the SAs of Benguet State University during the time of the
study. The study was limited in identifying the areas of communication among SAs that
needs improvement.

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010


Communication is a process of creating or sharing meaning in informal
conversation, group interaction or public speaking. The process includes participants,
content, messages, channels, presence or absence of noise and feedback (Gamble and
Gamble, 2005).
As people communicate, they are changed in some way by the interaction, which
in turn influences what follows. In other words, communication has an effect and can be
viewed as an exchange of influences. This means that communication always has some
effect on you and on the person or people with whom you are interesting.
An effect can be emotional, physical, cognitive, or any combination of the three
(Verdeber and Verdeber, 2002).
It is a process whenever someone observes or experiences behavior and attributes
meaning to that behavior. It doesn’t matter whether the observed or experienced behavior
is intentional or accidental, conscious or unconscious. As long as what someone does or
says (his or her symbolic behavior) is interpreted as a message- as long as the behavior of
one person affects or influences the behavior of another- communication is occurring.
Communication is our link to the rest of humanity (Gamble and Gamble, 2003).

Common Known Communication
Intra-personal communication. This implies individual reflection, contemplation
and meditation. One example of this is transcendental meditation. According to the
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

experts this type of communication encompasses communicating with the divine and
with spirits in the form of prayers and rites and rituals.
Interpersonal communication. This is direct, face-to-face communication that
occurs between two persons. It is essentially a dialogue or a conversation between two or
more people. It is personal, direct, as well as intimate and permits maximum
interaction through words and gestures. Interpersonal communications maybe:
Focused Interactions. This primarily results from an actual encounter between
two persons. This implies that the two persons involved are completely aware of the
communication happening between them.
Unfocused interactions. This occurs when one simply observes or listens to
persons with whom one is not conversing. This usually occurs at stations and bus stops,
as well as on the street, at restaurants, etc.
Non verbal communication. This includes aspects such as body language,
gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, etc., which also become a part of the
communicating process; as well as the written and typed modes of communications
(Anonymous, n.d).

Communication Skills
Communication skills is the ability or the skill to transfer one’s thoughts, ideas
and information from the sender to the receiver with the latter being understood the same
effectively and efficiently is known as communication skills. It is one of the greatest
skills of the soft skills and its importance is growing rapidly due to the rising
complexities as a result of technological inventions (Rao, 2007).
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

It is an ability to use means of communication effectively, with regard for the
needs of those involved. It should be emphasized that when one is talking (Dimbleby and
Burton, 2007).
Communication skills help shape our personal, social, work, and professional
relationships. Thus, it affects each facet of our lives especially the ability to create and
interpret symbolic messages or behavior (Gamble and Gamble, 2002).

Communication Skills Identified
From the website of University of Sydney (2004), communication skills are
classified in the following:
Oral communication. The ability to explain and present your ideas in clear
English, to diverse audiences. This includes the ability to tailor your delivery to a given
audience, using appropriate styles and approaches, and an understanding of the
importance of non- verbal cues in oral communication. Oral communication requires
the background kills of presenting, audience awareness, critical listening and body
Written communication. The ability to write effectively in a range of contexts and
for a variety of different audiences and purposes, with a command of the English
language. This includes the ability to tailor your writing to a given audience, using
appropriate styles and approaches. It also encompasses electronic communication such as
SMS, email, discussion boards, chat rooms and instant messaging. Written
communication requires background skills such as academic writing, revision and
editing, critical reading and presentation of data.
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Non-verbal communication. The ability to enhance the expression of ideas and
concepts without the use of coherent labels, through the use of body language, gestures,
facial expression and tone of voice, and also the use of pictures, icons and symbols.
Non- verbal communication requires background skills such as audience
awareness, personal presentation and body language.

Skills Training
Skill training assumes that lack of speaking skills causes us to be apprehensive.
This method focuses on teaching people such skills as how to start conversations,
organize ideas, and respond effectively to others (Phillips, 1991).

Student Assistant
Administrators of schools, colleges, and universities all over the country
employ students (Cayaya, 1996). In Benguet State University, students can apply as
student assistant where they are employed to different areas such as the school library,
research, administration, etc. In BSU, those who wish to work as a student assistant
should only have a 15 units of subject and having a four- hour each day of school days.

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010


Locale and Time of the Study
Benguet State University (BSU) offers affordable undergraduate and graduate
education in agriculture, education, forestry and others. It also offers short courses in
selected fields such as Agroforestry, Entrepreneurial, and Automotive Technology. It is
the only institution in the Philippines that offers curricular program in semi-temperate
agriculture in view of its climatic condition.
It is located in La Trinidad, Benguet (Figure 1) and it is five kilometers away
from Baguio City. BSU began as a farm school in June 15, 1916 and gradually developed
into a regional state university in 1986. At present, the school has eight colleges which
are the College of Nursing, College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Arts and
Sciences, College of Home Economics and Technology, College of Agriculture, College
of Teacher Education, College of Forestry, and College of Engineering and Applied
BSU offers Student Assistants to help students lessen some expenses in school.
Application is available in the Office of Student Affairs (OSA).
Since most of the respondents applied once as an SA, the study was intentionally
conducted from January- February 2011. This was to give justification to the SAs in the
familiarity of their works.

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010




Figure1. Map of Benguet State University

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Respondents of the Study
There were two sets of respondents chosen which were the SAs and their
supervisors. Given the list from the OSA, the SAs were chosen using arbitrary method.
Holding the list of SAs, the researcher counted by threes to pin point the chosen
respondents and since some SAs were resigned and not reporting, the name next to the
pinned name was chosen.
In the office where the SAs were employed, one faculty member was assigned as
the supervisor to validate the statement of their SAs, wherein there were 30 SAs and
30 supervisors with a total of 60 respondents. Furthermore, there was one key informant
of the study who is from the OSA who handles the SAs as a whole.

Data Collection
An interview schedule was used as a tool in gathering the needed information for
the study. The researcher first had a one-on- one interview with the respondents and then
to their supervisors. The questions were translated in Ilokano and Tagalog for the
respondents to have a clearer understanding in the said questionnaires.

Data Gathered
The data gathered included the socio-demographic profile of the respondents,
identified communication tasks done by SAs while working, determined areas of
communication skills the SAs had encountered problems and suggestions for the
improvement of communication skill problems of the SAs.

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Data Analysis
The data gathered were tabulated and analyzed through descriptive analysis,
frequency counts, percentages and ranking.

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010


Socio- demographic Profile of the SAs
Table 1 shows the socio- demographic profile of the respondents.
Among the 30 respondents, majority (70%) were female while 30% of the
respondents were male. This shows that most of the SAs of BSU are females. This is the
same with the findings of Busitan (2009) in her study that majority of the working
students who are service crews at McDonald’s stores in Baguio and Benguet are female.
Result shows that majority (66.67%) of the respondents belonged to age bracket
18-20 years old, 30% of them belonged to age bracket 21-23 while the oldest was 24
years old.

The finding shows that majority (50%) were fourth years while 23.33% were
students were third years. Majority (63.33%) were irregular students while 36.67% were
regular students.

Majority (73.33%) applied once as a student assistant, 20% of them applied twice
while 6.67% applied more than thrice. This shows that majority of the SAs were not
familiar with their tasks.

Communication Tasks Assigned
to the SAs
The communication tasks assigned to the SAs were presented in Table 2. These
tasks were identified by the respondents and supervisors. The task of a messenger was the
most communication task done by the SAs and answering phone calls is the least done.

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Table 1. Socio- demographic of the SAs


Age Range





1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year




SA Experience

One sem
Two sems
More than

three sems

*Multiple responses

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Table 2. Communication works assigned to the SAs


Assisting Students

Entertaining Visitors

Answering Phone Calls

*Multiple responses

Messenger. The SAs identified the task of messenger as their most
communication work during their duties. The respondents said that they deliver letters or
documents to offices as they were assigned to do. The offices where documents are
mostly delivered are in the Administration Office including office of the president, vice-
president, etc; in the Office of the Students Affairs; and from one college to other
colleges (e.g. College of Agriculture to College of Forestry).
One of the supervisors said, “We put in charge the SAs in the task of messenger.
The reason why they are here is to assist us wherein they have to deliver the letter/s or
document/s in the concerned offices and we instruct them what to do, most especially
when it is urgent. We also tell them what to do in case the person is not in his office.”
Assisting students. The task of assisting students was identified as their next
communication work. Since most of the students are assigned in the library, reading room
and deans offices, they were to assist students especially in borrowing books/ theses.
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

A supervisor from the University Library mentioned that, “Aside from fixing and
repairing books, including cataloging, one of the roles of the SAs is to assist students in
locating books for the users and loaning of books.”
Entertaining visitors. Entertaining visitors was the next communication work
identified. Like offices, visitors were also seen in the field, museum and marketing in
which the SAs have to entertain them.
As mentioned by a supervisor, “when you say visitors from other places like those
from field trips, let’s say from Bicol State University, it is our job to entertain them like
telling them the background of the school and others but if we mentioned foreign students
or to those who are taking up their Master Degrees, our SAs can already handle them and
they can consult us if it is beyond their concern.”
Answering phone calls. SAs assigned to offices where telephones are installed,
accept concerns over the phone if the faculty members are not available or out.
A supervisor from the college of CTE said, “When we are expecting calls and
have a class or meeting at the time, ibagakun ti ibaga da kaspangarigan, ay Jenny nu ada
ti tumawag ket awanak (for instance, Jenny if someone will call and I am not around) you
take down notes on what are they going to say, but basically, I know they already know
what to do in cases like that since the semester is almost over and they had accepted lot of
calls already.”

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Communication Problems Encountered
by SAs during their Duties

Table 3 shows the communication problems mentioned by the SAs during their
duties. From the encountered problems identified by the SAs, it was categorized based on
their oral communication problems. At the same time, evaluators were also asked to
identify the communication problems of their SA.
The communication problems identified by the SAs were also identified by their
supervisors which were dealing with faculties in the workplace and to other offices.
Difficulties in speaking English and the task of messenger were identified by the
SAs while supervisors identified SAs not giving updates.
Majority (56.67%) of the SAs said that they have difficulties in speaking in
English. Below were some statements from the SAs and supervisors.
One of the SAs said, “Speaking in English is my problem, because some visitors
come here in the library to do research… We have to improve our English speaking.”
Another SA said, “On how I talk and on the language I’m using because usually
the visitors and students are asking information to us and some of these visitors are
foreigners and some of them are parents and some of them usually don’t understand
English or Tagalog. It’s an advantage to know more language to cope up immediately on
the situation.”
While her supervisor said that “awan met ketdi ti makitak nga problema idiay
panagsao na ta nu agsao kami ket nu agdamag isuna ti Ilokano ket sungbatak met ti
parehas nga sao” (I don’t see any speaking problems with her because when we talk and
she speaks in Ilokano, I answer her in the same language).

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Table 3. Communication problems encountered by the SAs during their duties




Difficulty in speaking


Dealing with faculty


Dealing other faculty

members in different



Going to places of


Doesn’t give


*Multiple Responses
Sixteen of the respondents or 53.33% of the SAs said that dealing with faculty
members is their next communication problem. This includes having problems with tasks
not accurately done and talking to their supervisor as well.
One of the respondents said “nu inbaga dan diay aramidek ket nu haan ko
naawatan ket alanganen ak nga damagen en manen, kabutbuteng da met nga i-approach
gamin, haha (when I was told to do my task and I haven’t fully understand the
instruction, I am hesitant to ask again, I am afraid to approach them).
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Another respondent said, “Nu kasatnu kuma nga makisao ngay kenyada nga usto
karkaro idiay bisita ken kenda Ma’am met lang nga nu mamingsan gamin ket maut- utal
ak nu kasang-sanguk isuda” (on how to speak to them properly especially to visitors and
also to my boss because sometimes, I can’t talk to them straightly.)
From the supervisor, one of them said, “She must learn to give feedbacks if she
did not understand the instructions, since she doesn’t asked for further clarification, I
assumed she understood the instruction.
On the contrary, one of the supervisors said, “okay lang met ta nu haan na (SA)
maawatan ket idamag na met tanu maklaru-an” (there is no problem because she asks for
Next seen problem by the SAs were on dealing with faculty members of other
offices. Most or 43.33% of the SAs concern is on how to express themselves when asked
to inquire something or when shuffled to other offices.
One of the respondents said, “sabali ladta id ada ak idiay dati ngav naka- assign
ak ta medyo hanak comfortable ditoy ngem awan gamin metten ti ipa aramid da idiay
office nga ayan ko dati isunga adaak ditoy” (It’s still different to be assigned in the office
where I am first assigned but since I don’t have any more tasks to do there I am here).
One of the supervisors said that especially when SAs were asked to inquire
something to other offices- they were seen standing outside for a period of time before
entering to ask, he added, “ngem idi sinumrek metten ket bigla nga kadamag nu ada ni
Dean, ni han man lang nag good morning sir” (but when she entered, she didn’t even
gave the proper greetings before asking).
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Lastly, in the task of the messenger 33.33% of the SAs said that they did not
know what to say to people around the place of delivery.
One of the respondents said that she was sent to deliver the letter sometimes and
she didn’t deliver well the message her boss gave her.
One supervisor from the CA said that one time, their SA did not wait for the
papers to be signed by concerned offices, she just left the documents and did not come
back to tell them what happened to the errand she was given.

Four of the respondents said that they do not have any communication problems
encountered during their duties.

However, the supervisor of one of those four mentioned, “I didn’t see any
communication problems she encountered, only to her articulation especially that English
is her major and she grew up in Mt. Province.

Suggestion for the Improvement of
Communication Problems of SAs

Table 4 presents the suggestions for the improvement of interpersonal
communication of the SAs as well as the suggestions of the supervisors.
Majority (53.33%) said that they want to be more exposed to oral
communications to improve their speaking skills. Meanwhile, 43.33% said that they want
to have training in interpersonal communications skills for the improvement of their
On the part of the supervisors, 46.15% said that SAs should undergo interpersonal
communication activities. Two evaluators suggested that OSA should conduct pre-
training on Interpersonal Press Relation (IPR) and office protocols. One evaluator
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

suggested that OSA should select the best SAs so that the hours paid to them are
compensated with their output.
Meanwhile, 19.23% of the supervisors said that they should give feedbacks, like
when they have not got the instruction right they should approach them because they
cannot read the mind of their SAs.

Table 4. Suggestions for the improvement of communication problems of the SAs



Mentioned by SA

Exposure to oral

communication activities

Training in interpersonal


Identified by Supervisors

Training in interpersonal

communication activities

Should give feedbacks
5 19.23

OSA should select best
1 7.89

*Multiple Responses

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010


The study focused on the interpersonal communication problems of student
assistants in BSU. It was specifically to determine the socio- demographic profile of the
respondents; identify the communication work used by the SAs; determine the
communication skill problems by the SAs and to list down the suggestions for
improvement of communication skills of the SAs.
All data were gathered through interview schedule and were analyzed through
frequency counts and percentages.
There were 60 respondents for the study, 30 SAs and 30 evaluators. The SA
respondents were chosen using arbitrary method. Majority (70%) were female while 30%
were male. Majority (66.67%) of the respondents belonged to age bracket 18-20 years
old. Most were irregular students and were fourth years. Most of the respondents applied
as an SA once.
In the communication work assigned to the SAs, the task of messenger tops the
ranking and answering phone calls is the least mentioned by the SA respondents.
Difficulty in speaking in English was the most identified problem by the SAs
while the evaluators identified dealing with the faculty members where the SAs were
assigned was there communication problem. Four said that they do not have any
communication problems encountered during their duties and half of the evaluators said
that they don’t see any communication problems with their SAs. There might be a
problem but not communication related but more on work related problem.
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

In the suggestions for improvement of the SAs communication problems,
majority (53.33%) said that they want to be more exposed to oral communication to
improve their speaking skills. Meanwhile, 43.33% said that they want to have training in
interpersonal communications skills for the improvement of their tasks. On the part of the
supervisors, 46.15% said that SAs should undergo interpersonal communication activities
while 19.23% said that they should give feedbacks, like when they have not got the
instruction right they should approach them because they cannot read the mind of their
Two evaluators suggested that OSA should conduct pre- training on Interpersonal
Press Relation (IPR) and office protocols. One evaluator suggested that OSA should
select the best SA so that the hours paid to them are compensated with their output.

1. Majority of the respondents were females, belonged to age bracket 18-20.
2. Majority of the SAs communication work was in task of messenger, assisting
students and entertaining visitors.
3. Speaking in English and verbal communication were the main problems
encountered by the SAs during their duties.
4. For the improvement of communication skills, SAs should undergo
communication skill training specifically oral communication.

1. Communication skill building should be included during SA orientation.
Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

2. OSA should conduct activities like training, seminars and workshops that will
enhance the communication skills of the SAs.
3. Evaluators should try to help the SAs in overcoming their shyness.
4. Respondents should practice to improve their communication skills.

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010


ANONYMOUS, n. d. Tyes of Communication Skills. Retrieved December 26,
2010 from - Cached
BUSITAN, H.C. 2009. Perceptions and Attitudes of Service Crews on Bulletin Boards
in the Different Mcdonald’s Store in Baguio and Benguet. BS Thesis. Benguet
State University, La Trinidad, Benguet. P 14
CAYAYA, G. R and D. S. GARIN. 1996. Effects of School and Job
Responsibilities on Working Students’ Development. BSU RESEARCH
JOURNAL. 22: 25-41
FINGA-AN, R. 2011. Status of Student Assistant in Benguet State University.
(personal interview)
GAMBLE, T. K and M. GAMBLE. 2005. Communication Works, 8th Ed. New York:
McGraw Hill. Pp 7-13
GAMBLE, T. K and M. GAMBLE. 2003. Communication Works, 7th Ed. New York:
McGraw Hill. Pp 6-7
PHILIPS. 1991. As cited from the book Communication Mosaics. An Introduction to the
Field ofCommunication.Australia: Thomson, Wadsworth.
UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY. 2004. Communication Skills. Retrieved January 14,
2011 from
VERDEBER, R. F and VERDEBER, K. S. 2002. Communicate!. Australia:
Wadsworth, Thompson Learning. Pp 337

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Interview Schedule Questionnaire

Benguet State University
College of Agriculture
Department of Development Communication
Bachelor of Science in Development Communication

SY 2010- 2011

INTERVIEW SCHEDULE FOR BSU Office of the Student Affairs (OSA)

1. Are there any communication qualifications of a student upon applying as
an SA? If yes, specify.
2. Based on the feedbacks your office is getting every end of the semester,
can you give your general statement regarding the communication
problems observed from the student assistants?
3. Are there any training conducted regarding communication?
___There is ____There is none
If any, please specify:

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010


Benguet State University
College of Agriculture
Department of Development Communication
Bachelor of Science in Development Communication

SY 2010- 2011

Instruction: Please answer the following blanks provided and check your answer in
the choices given.


Age: ___________ Year/Course: ________ Regular/Irregular Student_________

How many times have you applied as an SA? _________


1. What are the communication works that you are doing in the office you are
assigned. (Specify also other you do in lined with your work)

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

2. From the day you entered as a Student Assistant, have you noticed some
communication problems you encountered within the office/ establishment you are
assigned, if yes check your answers below you think you have encountered. (You can
add in the space provided)

____ I am shy to talk to my employer since I haven’t known him/her for a while.
____When doing the task assigned, I simply nod as a response of yes.
____Sometime, I made an incorrect task because I haven’t got the message right from
my employer.
In the task of messenger:
• ___Sometimes I am having a problem to whom should I give the letter for
instance since the person is out.
• ___I don’t know what to say to those people who are present in the office
where I should deliver the letter.

3. Are there any specific activities or skills related to communication you would like
to learn?

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Benguet State University
College of Agriculture
Department of Development Communication
Bachelor of Science in Development Communication

SY 2010- 2011

Name of the Evaluator: ____________________________________________________
Name of the SA: _________________________________________________________
Office where SA is assigned: ________________________________________________

1. From the day your Student Assistant have entered your office, have you noticed some
communication related problems you encountered with him/ her?
Please check the problems I enumerated below, you can add in the space provided
____ He/she is shy to talk to the employer since he/ she haven’t known you for a while.
____When you assigned the task, he/she simply nod as a response of yes.
____Sometime, he/she made an incorrect task because he/she haven’t got the message
right from the employer.

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

2. SAs are also in the task of a messenger, are there any feedbacks relating
communication problems given by the offices.
___There is ___There is none
If yes, please specify:

3. Suggestions for the improvement of SA’s communication problems (optional):

Interpersonal Communication Problems Encountered by the Student Assistants in
Benguet State University SY 2010-2011 / Sheena M. Mauricio 2010

Document Outline

  • Interpersonal Communication ProblemsEncountered by the Student Assistants in Benguet State University SY 2010-2011