Employment Skills Implications for Instructional Enhancement and Student Development

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Leonila R. Sito


The 21st century puts premium on employable skills - a combination of the technical or hard skills and the interpersonal or soft skills. This descriptive normative study aimed to ascertain how graduating college students of Benguet State University perceived their preparedness for employment. Data were subjected to Factor Analysis, Analysis of Variance t-test and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient test. The respondents reported that they were capable enough in the identified employment skills. Female respondents are significantly more capable of teamwork, responsibility, writing, communication, problem- solving and self-management than their male counterparts. Respondents in the non-technical programs were significantly more capable along competencies in IT, communication, visualization, teamwork, reading and math than those from technical programs. Self-reported capacity for employment did not differ whether the respondents were officers or members of recognized student organizations. Positive and highly significant relationships were found among the contributory factors such as self-system, instructors’ guided activities and developmental activities, with employment skills. The results have implications for improving instruction and enhancing student development programs.

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