Emotional Intelligence in the Philippine Public Sector: Integrating Filipino Constructs and Implications for HR Practice
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The study aimed to propose a localized model of emotional intelligence (EI) in the Philippine public sector workplace. Using a quantitative cross-sectional design, an online survey was conducted consisting of the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) and a listing of Filipino values and traits sourced from literature. Respondents (N = 274) were from National Government Agencies (NGAs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), and Constitutional Commissions in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). An exploratory factor analysis yielded three factors, Madamdaming Loob (MLb; Emotional Identity), Madamdaming Pamamaraan (MPr; Emotional Facilitation), and Madamdaming Pakikiangkop (MPa; Emotional Adaptability), with a multiple regression analysis on the underlying constructs indicating each significantly predicting at least one WLEIS factor. MLb and MPr resemble the internal-external mechanisms purported in the Kapwa Theory with MPa serving as an intermediary. The proposed model is recommended for the development of a local EI measure and for adoption in government agencies seeking the customization of their HR systems in compliance with PRIME-HRM maturity level indicators.
Article Details
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