Issues and Challenges Faced by Pre-Service Teacher-Participants of the SEA Teacher Project of SEAMEO
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This paper assessed the difficulties that pre-service educators experienced while undertaking the SEA Teacher Project. It employed a combined approach incorporating qualitative interviews to explore specific issues and quantitative data from performance evaluations to identify areas of concern. This study targeted 6th-8th batches (2017-2019) through snowball sampling technique from which a purposive sample of 30 participants was obtained. Key findings revealed a range of challenges, including language barriers, cultural differences, and financial difficulties. These challenges were related to issues like; sex, age, family background, and religious beliefs. For instance, male participants expressed concerns about the application process and academic records, while female participants struggled with acclimatization. Participants from average-income families faced financial challenges, while those from wealthier backgrounds encountered difficulties adapting to the local environment. The study recommends the following: streamlining of the application process, adequate funding, improvement of the Pre-service Teacher Preparation Program, including a feedback and monitoring system as well as the continuity program.
Article Details
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